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Geometry in Complex Numbers

Tianfang Zhang

December 11, 2015

1 Introduction
Geometry is one of the few topics in Olympiad mathematics where a brute-force solution always
exists. However, recognizing when such a solution is appropriate and being able to carry it out
in reasonable time during a real contest requires training. Analytic geometry can be done in
many ways, the most common choices of coordinate system being Cartesian, barycentric and
complex. It turns out that for most Olympiad problems, complex numbers provide the most
convenient computations as angles and directions can be directly incorporated in multiplication
and conjugation. Many ideas from synthetic geometry are thus automatically baked into the
algebra. Mostly, the reason for choosing to "bash" a geometry problem is to avoid hard and
non-intuitive synthetic solutions, but in many cases complex numbers can yield both neat and
elementary solutions. Below are some advantages and disadvantages of the method:

Advantages Disadvantages
• The unit circle. Many problem construc- • Intersections of lines. Apart from chords
tions are built upon a primary circle (e g of the unit circle, intersecting lines in
the circumcircle of a triangle) which can general is quite messy (it is no coinci-
be set as the unit circle. dence that a formula for the intersection
of two lines is not included here).
• Midpoints. The arithmetic mean of two
points is their midpoint. • Multiple circles. Translating cyclic
• Special triangle centers. For a triangle on conditions in general into algebra will
the unit circle, the expressions for many quickly lead to heavy expressions, often
common triangle centers are very short. too unwieldy to be of use. Instead, it
is better trying to use synthetic observa-
• Angles and rotations. tions to simplify the calculations.
• Parallelity and perpendicularity. As it
• Distances. Using the initial points as
happens, these conditions can be written
variables, it is only possible to find ex-
entirely in terms of the points involved
plicit expressions of squares of absolute
and their conjugates.
values. Thus, in order to interpret dis-
• Similar triangles. The properties of mul- tance conditions, all lengths must be
tiplication make the condition particu- squared first, which can be quite painful
larly pretty. depending on the condition given.

Although reading solutions is a good way to learn the technique, it is still highly recom-
mended to work on the problems yourself before reading the solutions. The problems are
divided into three categories: warm-up, straightforward and advanced. The warm-up problems
both have very short solutions. The straightforward problems are, as suggested by the name,
straightforward and only involve standard procedures, although some can be relatively lengthy.
The advanced problems are harder to approach directly and all require making some synthetic
observations first and some careful planning before plunging into calculations, which for that
matter are not necessarily long. In the following theorems and solutions, the coordinate of a
point will be denoted by its lowercase letter unless otherwise specified.

2 Fundamentals
2.1 Arithmetics
• Complex numbers can be represented as vectors in the complex plane. A complex number
can either be defined by its real and imaginary components or by its magnitude and

• Addition between two complex numbers is equivalent to adding their real and imaginary
components separately. This works in the same way as ordinary vector addition. In
particular, the vector AB is given by b − a.

• Multiplication between two complex numbers is equivalent to multiplying their magnitudes

and adding their arguments (for division, dividing and subtracting). This is the main
advantage of working in complex numbers as angles are practically impossible to represent
in usable form in Cartesian coordinates.

• The conjugate of a complex number is its reflection in the real axis; z ∈ C is real if and
only if z = z. If w, z ∈ C, conjugation is simply done by w + z = w + z and w · z = w · z.
Moreover, |z|2 = z · z, and in particular z = for all z on the unit circle.

2.2 Basic Tools

a−b c−d
• AB k CD if and only if = .
a−b c−d
a−b c−d
• AB ⊥ CD if and only if =− .
a−b c−d
a−b a0 − b0
• In directed angles modulo 180◦ , ]ABC = ]A0 B 0 C 0 if and only if ∈ R.
c−b c0 − b0

a−b a0 − b0
• 4ABC ∼ 4A0 B 0 C 0 in the same orientation if and only if = 0 ; for opposite
c−b c − b0
a−b a0 − b0
orientation, = 0 .
c−b c − b0
• For 4ABC on the unit circle, its orthocenter H, nine-point center N and its centroid G
a+b+c a+b+c
are given by h = a + b + c, n = and g = .
2 3

Since taking the square root of a complex number is not a completely well-defined operation,
problems involving midpoints of arcs can be handled using the following fact:

• If 4ABC belongs to the unit circle, there exist a, b, c such that A, B, C are given by a2 ,
b2 , c2 and the midpoints of arcs BC, CA, AB not containing A, B, C by −bc, −ca, −ab,
respectively. Furthermore, the incenter I of 4ABC is given by i = −ab − bc − ca and the
A-excenter Ia by ia = ab − bc + ca (with cyclic permutations).

2.3 Shortcuts
• If A, B are on the unit circle, = −ab.
• z belongs to the chord AB of the unit circle if and only if z = . The tangent at
a point C can be regarded as the chord CC.

• The orthogonal projection Z 0 of an arbitrary point Z onto the chord AB of the unit circle
a + b + z − abz
is given by z 0 = .
• The intersection Z of two chords AB and CD of the unit circle is given by
ab(c + d) − cd(a + b)
z= .
ab − cd
• In particular, the intersection Z of the tangents to the unit circle at A and B is given by
z= .

3 Problems
3.1 Warm-Up Problems
1. For 4ABC, let H be its orthocenter, M the midpoint of BC and N the reflection of A
in the circumcenter of 4ABC. Prove that M is the midpoint of HN .

2. (Balkan 1984) Let ABCD be a cyclic quadrilateral, and let Ha , Hb , Hc , Hd be the ortho-
centers of 4BCD, 4CDA, 4DAB, 4ABC, respectively. Prove that the quadrilaterals
Ha Hb Hc Hd and ABCD are congruent.

3.2 Straightforward Problems

3. (Inscribed Angle Theorem) Let A, B, X, Y be points on a circle such that X and Y are
on the same arc AB. Prove that ∠AXB = ∠AY B.

4. (Symmedian Line) The tangents to the circumcircle of 4ABC at B and C intersect at

N . If M is the midpoint of BC, prove that ∠BAN = ∠CAM .

5. (Simson Line) Points A, B, C, D lie on a circle. Denote by P , Q, R the orthogonal

projections of D on BC, CA, AB, respectively. Prove that P , Q, R are collinear.

6. (Napoleon’s Triangle) Equilateral triangles with centroids A1 , B1 , C1 are constructed on

the sides BC, CA, AB on the exterior of the triangle ABC. Prove that 4A1 B1 C1 is

7. The incircle with center I touches the sides BC, CA, AB of 4ABC at R, S, T , respec-
tively. Let M and N denote the midpoints of AR and BC. Prove that M , I, N are

8. (Baltic Way 2012/11) Let ABC be a triangle with ∠A = 60◦ . The point T lies inside the
triangle in such a way that ∠AT B = ∠BT C = ∠CT A = 120◦ . Let M be the midpoint of
BC. Prove that T A + T B + T C = 2AM .

9. (Sweden 2012/6) A circle is inscribed in a trapezoid ABCD, with AB k CD, and touches
the sides AB, BC, CD, DA at Q, R, S, P , respectively. Prove that AC and BD intersect
on QS.

3.3 Advanced Problems

10. (IMO 2014/4) Points P and Q lie on side BC of acute-angled triangle ABC so that
∠P AB = ∠BCA and ∠CAQ = ∠ABC. Points M and N lie on lines AP and AQ,
respectively, such that P is the midpoint of AM , and Q the midpoint of AN . Prove that
lines BM and CN intersect on the circumcircle of triangle ABC.

11. (IMO 2003/4) Let ABCD be a cyclic quadrilateral. Let P , Q, R be the feet of the
perpendiculars from D to the lines BC, CA, AB, respectively. Show that P Q = QR if
and only if the bisectors of ∠ABC and ∠ADC are concurrent with AC.

12. (IMOSL 2013/G2) Let ω be the circumcircle of a triangle ABC. Denote by M and N the
midpoints of the sides AB and AC, respectively, and denote by T the midpoint of the arc
BC of ω not containing A. The circumcircles of the triangles AM T and AN T intersect
the perpendicular bisectors of AC and AB at points X and Y , respectively; assume that
X and Y lie inside the triangle ABC. The lines M N and XY intersect at K. Prove that
KA = KT .

13. (IMO 2010/2) Let I be the incenter of triangle ABC and let Γ be its circumcircle. Let
the line AI intersect Γ again at D. Let E be a point on the arc BDC and F a point on
the side BC such that ∠BAF = ∠CAE < 21 ∠BAC. Finally, let G be the midpoint of the
segment IF . Prove that the lines DG and EI intersect on Γ.

14. (IMOSL 2011/G4) Let ABC be an acute triangle with circumcircle Ω. Let B0 be the
midpoint of AC and let C0 be the midpoint of AB. Let D be the foot of the altitude from
A and let G be the centroid of the triangle ABC. Let ω be a circle through B0 and C0
that is tangent to the circle Ω at a point X 6= A. Prove that the points D, G and X are

15. (IMO 2013/3) Let the excircle of triangle ABC opposite the vertex A be tangent to the
side BC at the point A1 . Define the points B1 on CA and C1 on AB analogously, using
the excircles opposite B and C, respectively. Suppose that the circumcentre of triangle
A1 B1 C1 lies on the circumcircle of triangle ABC. Prove that triangle ABC is right-angled.

16. (Iran 2014 TST 3/6) The incircle with incenter I of a non-isosceles triangle ABC touches
the side BC at D. Let X be a point on arc BC of (ABC) not containing A, such that
if E and F are the orthogonal projections of X on BI and CI and M is the midpoint of
EF , we have M B = M C. Prove that ∠BAD = ∠CAX.

4 Solutions
Problem 1. For 4ABC, let H be its orthocenter, M the midpoint of BC and N the reflection
of A in the circumcenter of 4ABC. Prove that M is the midpoint of HN .
Solution. Letting (ABC) be the unit circle in the complex plane, we have h = a+b+c, m =
h+n a+b+c−a b+c
and n = −a, so = = = m, as desired.
2 2 2
Comment. Although a synthetic proof is not hard to find, complex numbers can provide an
immediate solution.

Problem 2 (Balkan 1984). Let ABCD be a cyclic quadrilateral, and let Ha , Hb , Hc , Hd be the
orthocenters of 4BCD, 4CDA, 4DAB, 4ABC, respectively. Prove that the quadrilaterals
Ha Hb Hc Hd and ABCD are congruent.

Solution. Set (ABCD) as the unit circle in the complex plane. As ha = b + c + d, hb = c + d + a,

hc = d + a + b, hd = a + b + c, we have hb − ha = a − b with cyclic permutations, implying that
the vectors Ha Hb , Hb Hc , Hc Hd , Hd Ha and AB, BC, CD, DA are antiparallel and of the same
magnitude, respectively. Hence the two quadrilaterals are congruent.
Comment. Involving four orthocenters, this problem can be messy to approach synthetically.
How do you even prove that two quadrilaterals are congruent? Complex numbers, however,
trivializes the problem beautifully.

Problem 3 (Inscribed Angle Theorem). Let A, B, X, Y be points on a circle such that X and
Y are on the same arc AB. Prove that ∠AXB = ∠AY B.

Solution. Let their common circle be the unit circle in the complex plane. The statement is
equivalent to ,
b−x b−y (b − x)(a − y)
R= = ∈ R.
a−x a−y (b − y)(a − x)

But since 1  1 
1 1
− −
b x a y (b − x)(a − y)
R=    = = R,
1 1 1 1 (b − y)(a − x)
− −
b y a x

we have R ∈ R, as required.
Comment. Proving that an expression is real is almost always done by proving that it is equal
to its conjugate. With A, B, X, Y on the unit circle, taking their reciprocals finishes the proof
immediately. Make sure that you see why the expression for R in the form above is invariant
under conjugation.

Problem 4 (Symmedian Line). The tangents to the circumcircle of 4ABC at B and C intersect
at N . If M is the midpoint of BC, prove that ∠BAN = ∠CAM .
2bc b+c
Solution. Let (ABC) be the unit circle in the complex plane. We have n = and m = .
b+c 2
The problem statement is equivalent to
c−a n−a (c − a)(b − a) 2(c − a)(b − a)(b + c)
R= = b + c   2bc  = ∈ R.
m−a b−a −a −a (b + c − 2a)(2bc − ab − ac)
2 b−c

Conjugation gives
1 1
 1 1
 1 1

2 − − + 2(c − a)(b − a)(b + c)
R =  1 c 1 2 b 2 1
b a
= ,
+ − − − (b + c − 2a)(2bc − ab − ac)
b c a bc ab ac

so that R ∈ R.
Comment. Basically the same procedure as above. Keep in mind to clear nested fractions before

Problem 5 (Simson Line). Points A, B, C, D lie on a circle. Denote by P , Q, R the orthogonal

projections of D on BC, CA, AB, respectively. Prove that P , Q, R are collinear.

Solution. Set (ABC) as the unit circle in the complex plane. We have

bc ac ab
b+c+d− a+c+d− a+b+d−
p= d , q= d , r= d ,
2 2 2
1 1
 1 1
bc ac

b−a− + (c − d)(a − b) − − (c − d)(a − b)
d d c d a b
p−q = = , p−q = 2 =
2 2d 2abc

1 1
 1 1
ab ac

b−c− + (d − a)(b − c) − − (d − a)(b − c)
d d d a b c
r−q = = , r−q = 2 = .
2 2d 2abc

p−q abc r−q
= = ,
p−q d r−q
implying that P , Q, R are collinear.
Comment. Nothing strange here. We immediately write down the expressions for p, q and r
and make the relevant subtractions. A good rule of thumb is to always look for factorizations as
they generally simplify manipulations. Generally, recognizing factorizations is key to finishing
longer computations.

Problem 6 (Napoleon’s Triangle). Equilateral triangles with centroids A1 , B1 , C1 are con-

structed on the sides BC, CA, AB on the exterior of the triangle ABC. Prove that 4A1 B1 C1
is equilateral.
√ √ √
Solution. Note that AB1 =√ 33 AC, CA1 =√ 3
CB, BC1 = 3
3 BA and ∠CAB1 = ∠BCA1 =
π 3 iπ/6 1 i 3
∠ABC1 = . Letting ζ = 3 e = 2 + 6 , we can write

b1 − a = ζ(c − a), c1 − b = ζ(a − b), a1 − c = ζ(b − c),

so that
b1 − c1 = ζ(b + c − 2a) + a − b, a1 − c1 = ζ(2b − a − c) + c − b.

We shall prove that b1 −c1 = eiπ/3 (a1 −c1 ), whence cyclically permuting the variables will imply
that 4A1 B1 C1 is equilateral. We have
√ ! √ √
1 i 3 1 i 3 i 3
b1 − c1 = + (b + c − 2a) + a − b = (c − b) + (b + c) − a,
2 6 2 6 3

√ √ ! √ √
iπ/3 i 3 1 i 3 1 i 3 i 3
e (a1 − c1 ) = (2b − a − c) + + (c − b) = (c − b) + (b + c) − a.
3 2 2 2 6 3

Thus b1 − c1 = eiπ/3 (a1 − c1 ), which finishes the proof.

Comment. A somewhat different technique is used here, as we actually make use of some
a + bi-representations. The argument of cyclic permutation to extrapolate one’s calculations is
standard (and legitimate) – you don’t need to do it all over again.

Problem 7. The incircle with center I touches the sides BC, CA, AB of 4ABC at R, S,
T , respectively. Let M and N denote the midpoints of AR and BC. Prove that M , I, N are

Solution. Set the incircle as the unit circle in the complex plane, so that

2st 2rt 2rs

i = 0, a= , b= , c= .
s+t r+t r+s

We then have
1 1 2

b+c rt rs r(rs + rt + 2st) + + s + t + 2r
m= = + = , m= r 1
1 =
2 r+t r+s (r + s)(r + t) + + (r + s)(r + t)
r s r t

1 1 2
a+r st r rs + rt + 2st + + s + t + 2r
n= = + = , n= rs  rt st = .
2 s+t 2 2(s + t) 1 1 2r(s + t)
2 +
s t
m r(rs + rt + 2st) (r + s)(r + t) r(rs + rt + 2st)
= =
m (r + s)(r + t) s + t + 2r s + t + 2r
n rs + rt + 2st 2r(s + t) r(rs + rt + 2st)
= = ,
n 2(s + t) s + t + 2r s + t + 2r
m n
implying that = so that M , I, N are collinear.
m n
Comment. Sometimes, setting the incircle instead of the circumcircle as the unit circle is more
convenient. The contact points R, S, T then become the "variables", and A, B, C are given by
the intersections of the tangents, which have fairly clean expressions. Conveniently I becomes
the origin with this setup, and the problem amounts to prove that vectors m and n are parallel.

Problem 8 (Baltic Way 2012/11). Let ABC be a triangle with ∠A = 60◦ . The point T lies
inside the triangle in such a way that ∠AT B = ∠BT C = ∠CT A = 120◦ . Let M be the midpoint
of BC. Prove that T A + T B + T C = 2AM .

Solution. Let AM = x, BM = y, CM = z. Since ∠T AB = 60◦ − ∠T AC = ∠T CA, ∠T BA =
60◦ − ∠T AB = ∠T AC, we have 4T BA ∼ 4T AC so that x2 = yz. Setting T as the origin
in the complex plane, we have WLOG a = x, b = ζy, c = ζ 2 z, where ζ = e2iπ/3 (with the
ζy + ζ 2 z
properties ζ = ζ 2 , ζ 2 = ζ and ζ + ζ 2 = −1). Now m = , so that

ζy + ζ 2 z − 2x ζ 2 y + ζz − 2x
m−a= , m−a= ,
2 2
which gives

(ζy + ζ 2 z − 2x)(ζ 2 y + ζz − 2x)

|m − a|2 = (m − a)(m − a) =
2 2 2 2
y + z + 4x + (ζ + ζ )(yz − 2xz − 2xy)
2 2 2
y + z + 4x + 2xz + 2xy − yz
= .

Using x2 = yz ⇐⇒ −3x2 + 3yz = 0, this becomes

x2 + y 2 + z 2 + 2xy + 2yz + 2zx (x + y + z)2

|m − a|2 = = ,
4 4
(T A + T B + T C)2
so that = AM 2 ⇐⇒ T A + T B + T C = 2AM , which was to be proved.
Comment. The technique is non-standard yet intuitive. With the point T such that the lines
AT , BT , CT are obtained by 120◦ rotation of each other, it is natural to select T as the origin
and use the distances and ζ as initial variables. In principle, finding explicit absolute values to
express distances is almost always a dead end – it is much easier to express squares of distances.
The addition by −3x2 + 3yz = 0 in the end is not far-fetched at all if you do the calculations
first without invoking the ∠A = 60◦ condition and then realize that there is some "correction"
needed, namely x2 = yz, which is easily proved.

Problem 9 (Sweden 2012/6). A circle is inscribed in a trapezoid ABCD, with AB k CD, and
touches the sides AB, BC, CD, DA at Q, R, S, P , respectively. Prove that AC and BD
intersect on QS.

Solution. Choose the incircle to ABCD as the unit circle in the complex plane, and WLOG let
q = 1, s = −1. We then have

2p 2r −2r −2p
a= , b= , c= , d= .
p+1 r+1 r−1 p−1

From here, it is easy to see that interchanging P and R will interchange the pairs (A, C) and
(B, D). If X = AC ∩ QS, it suffices to prove that the expression for x is symmetric in p and r.
As QS is the real axis, x ∈ R, so

x−a x−c ac − ac
= ⇐⇒ x2 − cx − ax + ac = x2 − ax − cx + ac ⇐⇒ x= .
x−a x−c (a − a) − (c − c)

2 2
We have a = and c = . We compute
p+1 r−1

2p 2 4p 2 −2r −4r
ac = = , ac = =
p+1r−1 (p + 1)(r − 1) p+1r−1 (p + 1)(r − 1)

2p 2 2(p − 1) −2r 2 −2(r + 1)
a−a= − = , c−c= − = .
p+1 p+1 p+1 r−1 r−1 r−1
4p + 4r
(p + 1)(r − 1) 2(r + p)
x= 2(p − 1) 2(r + 1)
= ,
+ (p + 1)(r + 1) + (p − 1)(r − 1)
p+1 r−1
which is symmetric in p and r, as desired.
Comment. Generally, it is easier not to set one of the initial points on the unit circle equal to 1
as homogeneous expressions are faster to work with and easier to spot errors in. However, as Q
and S are antipodal on the incircle and we seek the intersection with QS, it is in this case more
convenient to have QS as the real axis. Note that proving an expression is symmetric in some
variables is a common way to finish a complex bash; this is because the intersection of lines in
general is not particularly pretty. Here, it is much easier to prove that AC ∩ QS = BD ∩ QS
than AC ∩ BD ∈ QS.

Problem 10 (IMO 2014/4). Points P and Q lie on side BC of acute-angled triangle ABC
so that ∠P AB = ∠BCA and ∠CAQ = ∠ABC. Points M and N lie on lines AP and AQ,
respectively, such that P is the midpoint of AM , and Q the midpoint of AN . Prove that lines
BM and CN intersect on the circumcircle of triangle ABC.

Solution. Set (ABC) as the unit circle in the complex plane. We shall prove that BM ∩(ABC) =
CN ∩(ABC). As points M and N are interchanged when interchanging B and C, it is sufficient
to prove that the expression for X = BM ∩ (ABC) is symmetric in b and c. From the angle
conditions, 4P BA ∼ 4ABC in opposite orientation, whence
1 1
p−b a−b − c(a − b)2
a b
=⇒ p= 1 1 (a − b) + b =
a(c − b)
+ b.

c b

m+a 2c(a − b)2

Furthermore, p = so that m = 2p − a = + 2b − a. With X ∈ (ABC), we have
2 a(c − b)

m−b x−b 1m−b

= = −bx =⇒ x=− .
c−b x−b bm−b

We compute

2c(a − b)2 2c(a − b)2 − a(a − b)(c − b) (a − b)(ab + ac − 2bc)

m−b= +b−a= = ,
a(c − b) a(c − b) a(c − b)

and 1 1 1 1 2
− + − (b − a)(b + c − 2a)
a b  ab ac bc
m−b= 1 1 1
 = .
− ab(b − c)
a c b

Thus, we have

1m−b 1 (a − b)(ab + ac − 2bc) ab(b − c) ab + ac − 2bc

x=− =− =− ,
bm−b b a(c − b) (b − a)(b + c − 2a) b + c − 2a

which is symmetric in b and c, as desired.

Comment. It is hard to emphasize enough how important it is to work synthetically on a problem
first before deciding to bash it. Actually, once aware of the similarity (and the trick to prove
that x is symmetric in b and c), the rest almost follows automatically. The final solution is
surprisingly short and clean.

Problem 11 (IMO 2003/4). Let ABCD be a cyclic quadrilateral. Let P , Q, R be the feet of
the perpendiculars from D to the lines BC, CA, AB, respectively. Show that P Q = QR if and
only if the bisectors of ∠ABC and ∠ADC are concurrent with AC.

Solution. Set (ABC) as the unit circle in the complex plane. By the angle bisector theorem, the
bisectors of ∠ABC and ∠ADC intersecting on AC is equivalent to = ⇐⇒ AB 2 CD2 =
1 1 (a − b)2
BC 2 AD2 ⇐⇒ |a−b|2 |c−d|2
= |b−c|2 |d−a|2 .
Noting that |a−b|2 = (a−b) − =−
a b ab
with cyclic permutations, this is in turn equivalent to

(a − b)2 (c − d)2 (b − c)2 (d − a)2

= ⇐⇒ (a − b)2 (c − d)2 = (b − c)2 (d − a)2 .
ab cd bc da
To incorporate the other condition P Q = QR, we compute

bc ac ab
b+c+d− a+c+d− a+b+d−
p= d , q= d , r= d ,
2 2 2
so that 1 1
 1 1
bc ac

b−a− + − − (c − d)(a − b)
d d , c d a b
p−q = p−q = 2 = .
2 2abc
(c − d)2 (a − b)2
|p − q|2 = (p − q)(p − q) = .
Similarly, we have
1 1
 1 1
ab ac

b−c− + (d − a)(b − c) − − (d − a)(b − c)
d d d a b c
r−q = = , r−q = 2 = ,
2 2d 2abc

so that
(d − a)2 (b − c)2
|r − q|2 = .
With P Q2 = QR2 , this gives

(c − d)2 (a − b)2 (d − a)2 (b − c)2

= ⇐⇒ (a − b)2 (c − d)2 = (b − c)2 (d − a)2 .
4abcd 4abcd
Hence, P Q = QR if and only if the angle bisectors of ∠ABC and ∠ADC are concurrent with
AC, which was to be proved.

Comment. As illustrated above, proving if-and-only-if statements in complex numbers can be
done by showing that both sides are equivalent to the same algebraic equality. After writing
down the condition for P Q = QR, one can see that it involves the side vectors of ABCD,
(a − b)2
justifying our use of the angle bisector theorem. It is worth remembering that |a−b|2 = −
for A, B on the unit circle.

Problem 12 (IMOSL 2013/G2). Let ω be the circumcircle of a triangle ABC. Denote by M

and N the midpoints of the sides AB and AC, respectively, and denote by T the midpoint of
the arc BC of ω not containing A. The circumcircles of the triangles AM T and AN T intersect
the perpendicular bisectors of AC and AB at points X and Y , respectively; assume that X and
Y lie inside the triangle ABC. The lines M N and XY intersect at K. Prove that KA = KT .

Solution. Let O1 , O2 denote the circumcenters of (AN T ), (AM T ), respectively, and let ` be
the perpendicular bisector of AT . Since AT is a chord in (AN T ), (AM T ) and ω, we have
O1 , O2 , O ∈ `. The problem statement KA = KT is equivalent to K ∈ `, and we shall prove
this by showing that X = X 0 , Y = Y 0 , where X 0 and Y 0 are the reflections of M and N in `,
Set ω as the unit circle in the complex plane. Then there exist a, b, c such that A, B, C are
given by a2 , b2 , c2 and the midpoints of BC, CA, AB not containing A, B, C by −bc, −ca, −ab,
respectively. Note that AT X 0 M and AT Y 0 N become isosceles trapezoids so that X 0 ∈ (AM T ),
Y 0 ∈ (AN T ). Using the fact that 4M AT ∼ 4X 0 T A in opposite orientation, we can write
 1 1 
x0 − t m − a2 a2 − t 2 + b2 1 c(a2 + b2 )
= =⇒ x0 = − (m−a2 )+t = −a2 bc  a − 2 −bc = − .
a2 − t t − a2 a2 − t 2 a 2b

We now check that X 0 lies on the perpendicular bisector of AC or, equivalently, X 0 N ⊥ AC.
a2 + c2
As n = , we have

c(a2 + b2 ) a2 + c2 a2 c + b2 c + a2 b + bc2 (a2 + bc)(b + c)

x0 − n = − − =− =−
2b 2 2b 2b
and 1 1
 1 1

+ + (a2 + bc)(b + c)
a2 bc b c
x0 − n = − 2 =− .
2a2 bc2
x0 − n (a2 + bc)(b + c) 2a2 bc2 2 2 a2 − c2
= = a c = − ,
x0 − n 2b (a2 + bc)(b + c) a2 − c2
implying that X 0 lies on the perpendicular bisector of Ac. By switching variables, one easily
obtains that Y 0 lies on the perpendicular bisector of AB. Since X 0 ∈ (AM T ) and Y 0 ∈ (AN T ),
we must have X = X 0 , Y = Y 0 . Hence, K = M N ∩ XY ∈ ` so that KA = KT , which was to
be proved.
Comment. Seeing that M and N should be the reflections of M and N in ` is easy. The hard
part about this problem is actually how to set up the bash. It turns out that working backwards
and introducing phantom points is a good idea in complex numbers, too. By working a little,
we have actually reduced the problem to another one occurring in recent competitions, namely
Baltic Way 2014/12.

Problem 13 (IMO 2010/2). Let I be the incenter of triangle ABC and let Γ be its circumcircle.
Let the line AI intersect Γ again at D. Let E be a point on the arc BDC and F a point on the
side BC such that ∠BAF = ∠CAE < 12 ∠BAC. Finally, let G be the midpoint of the segment
IF . Prove that the lines DG and EI intersect on Γ.

Solution. Set Γ as the unit circle in the complex plane. Then there exist a, b, c such that A,
B, C are given by a2 , b2 , c2 and the midpoints of arcs BC, CA, AB not containing A, B, C by
f +i f − ab − bc − ca
−bc, −ca, −ab, respectively. As i = −ab − bc − ca, we can write g = = . If
2 2
X = DG ∩ Γ (X 6= D), we have

g−d x−d 1g−d

= = −xd =⇒ x=− .
g−d x−d dg−d

f − ab − bc − ca f − ab + bc − ca b2 + c2 − f
Furthermore, g − d = + bc = ; since f = , conjugation
2 2 b2 c2
b2 + c2 − f 1 1 1
− + − ab2 + ac2 + abc − b2 c − bc2 − af
g−d= b2 c2 ab bc ca = .
2 2ab2 c2
abc(f − ab + bc − ca)
x= .
ab2 + ac2 + abc − b2 c − bc2 − af
Define Y = EI ∩Γ (Y 6= E). We shall prove the problem statement by showing that X = Y .
We get that

1e−i 1 e + ab + bc + ca −abc(e + ab + bc + ca)

y=− =− 1 = .
ee−i e + 1 + 1 + 1 abc + e(a + b + c)
e ab bc ca

Let F 0 = AF ∩ Γ (F 6= A). As BC k EF 0 , we have

b2 − c2 e − f0 b2 c 2
= =⇒ e= ,
b2 − c2 e − f0 f0

and as
1 f − a2 b2 c2 (a2 − f )
f0 = − 2
= 2 2 ,
a f − a2 a b + a2 c2 − b2 c2 − a2 f
we have
a2 b2 + a2 c2 − b2 c− a2 f
e= .
a2 − f

a2 b2 + a2 c2 − b2 c2 − a2 f
−abc + ab + bc + ca
a2 − f
a2 b2 + a2 c2 − b2 c2 − a2 f
abc + (a + b + c)
a2 − f
−abc a2 b2 + a2 c2 − b2 c2 + a2 (ab + bc + ca) − f (a2 + ab + bc + ca)

abc(a2 − f ) + (a2 b2 + a2 c2 − b2 c2 − a2 f )(a + b + c)
abc(a + b)(a + c)(ab + ac − bc − f )
(a + b)(a + c)(ab2 + ac2 + abc − b2 c − bc2 − af )
−abc(f − ab + bc − ca)
= 2
ab + ac2 + abc − b2 c − bc2 − af
= x,

as desired, implying that DG ∩ EI ∈ Γ.

Comment. Introducing F 0 is probably the easiest way of linking E with F , as the angle condition
is equivalent to arcs BF 0 and CE being equal. Expressing x in terms of f and y in terms of
e are straightforward computations, and once it’s done, it only remains to connect e and f via
f 0 . For an IMO #2, the procedures are fairly standard, although one has to be careful when
selecting initial variables.

Problem 14 (IMOSL 2011/G4). Let ABC be an acute triangle with circumcircle Ω. Let B0
be the midpoint of AC and let C0 be the midpoint of AB. Let D be the foot of the altitude from
A and let G be the centroid of the triangle ABC. Let ω be a circle through B0 and C0 that is
tangent to the circle Ω at a point X 6= A. Prove that the points D, G and X are collinear.

Solution. By homothety, it is easy to see that (AB0 C0 ) is tangent to Ω at A. We have by the

radical axis theorem that the tangents to Ω at A and X and B0 C0 are concurrent; call this
radical center T . Let S = AA ∩ BC, so that T is the midpoint of AS (as T = AA ∩ B0 C0 ). We

2a − s b+c−s a2 (b + c) − 2abc
s= 2
= =⇒ 2abc − bcs = a2 (b + c) − a2 s =⇒ s= ,
a bc a2 − bc

so that
a+s a2 (b + c) − 2abc + a3 − abc a2 (a + b + c) − 3abc
t= = =
2 2(a2 − bc) 2(a2 − bc)
1 1 1 3

+ + − ab + bc + ca − 3a2
a2 a  b c  abc
t= 1 1 = .
2 2− 2a(bc − a2 )
a bc
Furthermore, as T lies on the tangent to Ω at X, we have

2x − t 2 t
t= ⇐⇒ x2 + x + = 0.
x2 t t
Since A and X are the points satisfying the above equation, Vieta’s formula gives

t 3a2 bc − a3 (a + b + c) 3abc − a2 (a + b + c)
ax = = =⇒ x= .
t ab + bc + ca − 3a2 ab + bc + ca − 3a2

1 bc
It remains to prove that D, G, X are collinear. Since d = a+b+c− and g =
2 a
3(a + b + c) − − 2(a + b + c) a(a + b + c) − 3bc
d−g = a =
6 6a
1 1 1
+ + − ab + bc + ca − 3a2
a a b c bc
d−g = 6 = ,
so that 
d−g a(a + b + c) − 3bc 6abc bc a(a + b + c) − 3bc
= 2
= .
d−g 6a ab + bc + ca − 3a ab + bc + ca − 3a2
On the other hand, we have

3abc − a2 (a + b + c) a + b + c 9abc − (a + b + c)(ab + bc + ca)

x−g = − =
ab + bc + ca − 3a2 3 3(ab + bc + ca − 3a2 )

1 1 1
 1 1 1

− + + + + 9abc − (a + b + c)(ab + bc + ca)
abc a b c ab bc ca
x−g = 1 1 1 3 =  ,
3 + + − 3bc a(a + b + c) − 3bc
ab bc ca a2

so that 
x−g bc a(a + b + c) − 3bc
= .
x−g ab + bc + ca − 3a2
d−g x−g
Hence = , implying that D, G, X are collinear, which was to be proved.
d−g x−g
Comment. Again, it requires some synthetic work to find the radical center T , from where we
can get X by Vieta. The Vieta trick is standard when dealing with non-unique intersections
such as circle–circle, circle–line and circle–tangents intersections; one will run into problems if
trying to solve quadratic equations conventionally as it is generally not allowed to directly take
the square-root of a complex number. Furthermore, even if both solutions are known, there is
often no easy way of determining which one is which. In this case, since we know that a is one
of the solutions, we can easily find the other solution x. Proving that D, G, X are collinear is
then straightforward.

Problem 15 (IMO 2013/3). Let the excircle of triangle ABC opposite the vertex A be tangent
to the side BC at the point A1 . Define the points B1 on CA and C1 on AB analogously, using
the excircles opposite B and C, respectively. Suppose that the circumcentre of triangle A1 B1 C1
lies on the circumcircle of triangle ABC. Prove that triangle ABC is right-angled.

Solution. Denote by S the circumcenter of 4A1 B1 C1 and let Ia , Ib , Ic be the excenters opposite
to A, B, C, respectively. We choose WLOG AB ≤ AC and S to lie on arc AC not containing B.
AB + AC − BC
It is known that SC1 = SB1 , C1 B = B1 C = and ∠SBC1 = ∠SBA = ∠SCA =
∠SCB1 , so 4SC1 B ∼ = 4SB 1 C (checking the conditions for SSA-congruence is easy). Hence
SB = SC and S is the midpoint of arc BC containing A.
Let (ABC) be the unit circle in the complex plane; let the points A, B, C and the midpoints
of arcs BC, CA, AB not containing A, B, C be given by a2 , b2 , c2 , −bc, −ca, −ab, respectively.

In particular, it is known that s = bc. We have that ia = ab − bc + ca and ia = , so

bc ca
b2 + c2 + ia − b2 c2 ia b2 + c2 + a(b + c) − (b + c) c2 + a2 + b(c + a) − (c + a)
a1 = = a , b1 = b ,
2 2 2
where the latter follows by cyclic permutation. Thus, we have

b2 + c2 + ab + ac − 2bc − (b + c) a(b − c)2 + (b + c)(a2 − bc)
a1 − s = a = ,
2 2a
1 1 2
1  1 1
 1 1

− + + − a(b − c)2 − (b + c)(a2 − bc)
a b c b c a2 bc
a1 − s = 2 =
2ab2 c2

c2 + a2 − bc + ab − (c + a) (b − c)(a2 − bc) − a(b2 − c2 )
b1 − s = b = ,
1 2  2b
 1 1 1 1

− − − 2 − 2 (b − c)(a2 − bc) + a(b2 − c2 )
b c a2 bc a b c
b1 − s = 2 =
2a2 bc2

Setting SA1 = SB1 ⇐⇒ 4a2 b2 c2 |a1 − s|2 = 4a2 b2 c2 |b1 − s|2 , we have, writing both sides as
differences of squares,

a2 (b − c)4 − (b + c)2 (a2 − bc)2 = (b − c)2 (a2 − bc)2 − a2 (b2 − c2 )2

a2 (b − c)4 + (b2 − c2 )2 = (a2 − bc)2 (b − c)2 + (b + c)2
(b − c)2 + (b + c)2 a2 (b − c)2 − (a2 − bc)2 = 0

2(b2 + c2 )(ab − ac + a2 − bc)(ab − ac − a2 + bc) = 0

(b2 + c2 )(a + b)(a − c)(a + c)(b − a) = 0
(b2 + c2 )(a2 − b2 )(a2 − c2 ) = 0.

Since none of the factors (a2 − b2 ), (a2 − c2 ) are zero, as that would imply A = B or A = C,
respectively, we must have b2 + c2 = 0. Hence, the vertices B and C are antipodal on (ABC)
so that ∠BAC = 90◦ . This concludes the proof.
Comment. Even IMO #3’s can be broken down the hard way. Needless to say, the synthetic
observation that S is the midpoint of arc BC immediately made a finish by complex numbers
accessible. The idea of proving that a2 + b2 = 0 by factoring an expression equal to zero is
not that far-fetched, having in mind that the sought statement should follow directly from
SA1 = SB1 . There are also alternative ways that do not invoke the fact that S is the midpoint
of arc BC, which use representations in elementary symmetric polynomials to be able to deal
with the large amount of clutter produced.

Problem 16 (Iran 2014 TST 3/6). The incircle with incenter I of a non-isosceles triangle
ABC touches the side BC at D. Let X be a point on arc BC of (ABC) not containing A, such
that if E and F are the orthogonal projections of X on BI and CI and M is the midpoint of
EF , we have M B = M C. Prove that ∠BAD = ∠CAX.

Solution. Let O denote the circumcenter of 4ABC and let R, S, T denote the midpoints of
arcs BC, CA, AB not containing A, B, C, respectively. Setting (ABC) as the unit circle in the
complex plane, there exist a, b, c such that A, B, C, R, S, T are given by a2 , b2 , c2 , −bc, −ca,
−ab, respectively. Let G = AD ∩ (ABC) (G 6= A) and let Y be the point such that Y ∈ (ABC),
Y G k BC, where ∠BAD = ∠CAY . It is easy to see that there is a unique point on arc BC
not containing A satisfying the properties of X since E and F , and thus M , move horizontally
as Y does (where BC is the horizontal axis). We shall prove that the choice of X = Y satisfies
the sought properties.
Projecting X onto BS (that is, BI) and CT (that is, CI), we have

−ab2 c abc2
b2 − ac + x − c2 − ab + x −
e= x , f= c .
2 2
abc(b + c)
e+f 2x + + b2 + c2 − a(b + c)
m= = x
2 4
2 1 ab2 c2
1 1
 1 1 1
1 1

abc b

a b
2 + (b + c)x + a(b2 + c2 ) − bc(b + c)
m= = x .
4 4ab2 c2
m r
Furthermore, M B = M C implies that M ∈ OR, whence = = b2 c2 . We have then
m r

ab2 c2 a2 bc(b + c)
2 + (b + c)x + a(b2 + c2 ) − bc(b + c) = 2ax + + a(b2 + c2 ) − a2 (b + c),
x x
(2a − b − c)x + abc(ab + ac − 2bc) = (b + c)(a2 − bc). (1)
b2 + c 2 − d
Next, we compute the expression for y. D ∈ BC implies d = , and ID ⊥ BC
b2 c 2
d−i b2 − c2 1 d−i
=− 2 2
= 2 2 =⇒ d = 2 2 + i,
d−i b −c b c b c
so that
b2 + c2 − d d−i
2 2
= 2 2 + i,
b c b c
which gives
1 1 1

b2 + c2 + i − b2 c2 i b2 + c2 − ab − bc − ca + b2 c2 + +
ab bc ca
d= =
2 2
ab2 + ac2 − a2 b − a2 c + b2 c + bc2
= .
Using the fact that GA k DA and G ∈ (ABC), we have

g − a2 d − a2 1 d − a2
−ga2 = = =⇒ g=− .
g − a2 d − a2 a2 d − a2

Due to the subtraction by a2 , we can now factorize

ab2 + ac2 − a2 b − a2 c + b2 c + bc2 − 2a3 (a + b)(a + c)(b + c − 2a)

d − a2 = =
2a 2a
and 1 1
 1 1
 1 1 2

+ + + − (a + b)(a + c)(ab + ac − 2bc)
a b a c b c a
d − a2 = 2 = .
2a2 b2 c2
We have then

1 d − a2 1 (a + b)(a + c)(b + c − 2a) 2a2 b2 c2 b2 c2 (2a − b − c)

g=− = − = .
a2 d − a2 a2 2a (a + b)(a + c)(ab + ac − 2bc) a(ab + ac − 2bc)

As Y G k BC, we have yg = b2 c2 so that

b2 c2 a(ab + ac − 2bc) a(ab + ac − 2bc)

y= = b2 c2 2 2 = .
g b c (2a − b − c) 2a − b − c

Substituting y = x in Equation 1, we have

a(ab + ac − 2bc) 2a − b − c
(2a − b − c) + abc(ab + ac − 2bc)
2a − b − c a(ab + ac − 2bc)
= a2 (b + c) − 2abc + 2abc − bc(b + c) = (b + c)(a2 − bc),

as desired. Hence, due to uniqueness, X = Y so that ∠BAD = ∠CAX, which was to be proved.
Comment. The nature of the problem is similar to that of Problem 13. Due to the uniqueness
argument, it suffices to prove the converse direction of the statement. We set up a necessary
condition for a point satisfying the properties of X, and at last we connected d and y by standard
computations, after which controlling that x = y satisfies the equation was easy.


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