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The legend tells that a group of seven samurai fought the
tyranny in old Japan after a hard battle, where today locates the
city of Kyoto. These samurai suffered a great defeat, they were
the last knowledgeable of the code of achievement given to them
by past generations. After the battle, even wounded, seven men
remained, who followed the old code of honor.
They were forced to flee to the inland of Japan, very
wounded, because they wouldn’t survive a lengthy journey. As
they reached a mountain the men decided to camp, where would
probably became their grave.
The younger of the samurai was stubborn and wouldn’t
accept for his brothers to die that way, a samurai must die by
sword and not exhaustion. By nightfall, this samurai left in search
of help for the remaining.
Days went by and the commander, which was the most
wounded of them, feared for the life of the young soldier.
As the sun set and the moon started to light on the
"****** DEMO -*******"
landscape, all hope seemed lost, and then the samurai returned
with a group of peasants to help them.
Even the strongest warrior will need help one day.
The peasants carried the samurai in their rigs, traveled for
an entire day until they reached a small village, an unusual place,
with traditional houses of the old feudal Japan, everything seemed
normal, except for the huge apple tree located in the village
The peasants were simple, kind people, but they
were so used to their lives around the apple tree that they
barely knew what was happening on the rest of Japan.
As the days went by, the peasants treated the
soldiers, one by one, with huge dedication and in a few
weeks all of them were recovered and ready for a new battle.
The commander decided to stay a little longer in the
village, so as to understand the local traditions and discover
a way to repay these people.
Little by little, he realized that all the livelihood of
the village came from the apple tree. Him and one of his
soldiers told that in the rest of Japan some cultivate the land
through agriculture and others by livestock.
But his ideas seemed absurd to the dwellers of the
village. They believed that everything they would ever need,
God would bring them. In time, he realized that all survived
in just what the apple tree supplied, gathered the apples that
fell during the day and baked pies, sweets - everything came
from the tree.

"****** DEMO -*******"

The samurai felt indignant with these people way of
living, because they spent their days lying, singing, playing,
they didn’t strain one bit, or fight for what life offered them,
their lives were based on the hope that more fruits would fall
from the tree.
It was an easy life, based only on survival.
As months passed, the whisper that the commander was alive
started and this spark was enough for the clans to unite once
more. The last survivors gathered to try one last attack to the
imperial forces.
It was time the samurai left.
The peasants gave them supplies for a few days, wished them a
good trip and the samurai left.
As they walked a bit, the commander, respected by his wisdom,
ordered all to stop. For a distance he watched the landscape in
which he himself had got used. Certain nights he questioned if he
should keep fighting for his life, or if he should spend his
remaining days by the apple tree’s shadow, carefree, in a darkness
that doesn’t know victory or defeat, never needing to grasp his
sword for fighting, he could live pacifically. As he remembered
that, the samurai wielded his sword, put it over his head, grasped
it end with all his strength and ordered his generals:
- Go! And tear down that apple tree!
The more experienced generals, without questioning, took their
swords out and returned to the village, while desperate screaming
could be heard from the villagers, their younger soldiers tried to
persuade the commander.
"****** DEMO -*******"
- Don’t do this, people were good to us, treated our injuries
and we’re alive today thanks to their kindness.

The commander looked to the soldier, who could see through the
eyes that stared at him, the soul of the samurai.

- Warrior, because these people were so good to us, I cannot
leave and let them as they are. Take away this comfort is the
best I can do for them.
These people will suffer at the beginning, with the pain of loss.
When we lose something dear to us, that seem irreplaceable, we
often think our lives are over; the weak give up the fight and
indulge in pain and despair of losing something known and to be
ahead of the unknown.
The villagers don’t have ambitions, they don’t fight for
what they want and they are at the mercy of what life generously
gives them. They won’t know what to do if winter comers and is
as strict as to the point that the tree does not bear any fruit.
Everyone will perish, because they don’t know anything else to
do in life except to wait the fruit to fall from heavens. They don’t
know the glory and satisfaction of conquering something with
their own hands.
And that is my thanking gift to them, even though many
won’t understand now, but learning never comes with smiles. You
hardly learn something when everything goes right, and when
difficulties come, you think it’s the end of the world and there is
no salvation.
"****** DEMO -*******"
These people learned this today, cried around the tree,
and then they will leave, because they need to evolve and stop
depending on luck.
They will know so much more can be offered, if they
work hard for it and don’t just wait for things for fall from
- We leave now, we have our own battle to endure.
The samurai left, and fought for months and months, until they
were defeated by the imperial forces, but their code of honor
would never be forgotten, because the younger of the warriors
were spared due to his noble lineage.
This samurai took an oath to this father, in
which he would never give up on his beliefs, and facing any
difficulties he would never let himself down or cry longing
his past.
The world no longer needed the samurai, and the
youngster decided to leave; he always wanted to return to the
village to know how people were.
As he reached the mountain he realized nothing
remained there, he didn’t know if people had left or starved.
He decided to go down the riverbank, where he
spent the night. The next day there were women and children
on the other banks, besides people with nets on the rivers.
He soon recognized some faces, there were the
peasants, who had come down the mountain to found a new
village near the river, for the soil was good for grow.
"****** DEMO -*******"
They had evolved a lot, everyone had their
obligations and people had never been so pleased before.
They had learned to fight if you want something.
This was the legacy the commander left. This
village later became the capital of Japan. All because it was
entrusted in them the ‘Code of Achievement’.
It was a place where they followed their codes of
honor, and mainly the code of achievement, which taught
them that when you want something you must fight for it.
Only hard work bears fruits, they never fall from the sky.
When we have things we didn’t earn or deserve we
hardly appreciate and then we start not to live, but only exist;
we are only defeated when we give up on living.
The limitations of what you can accomplish will
only be known on your deathbed, and even at the end you’ll
regret only the dropouts and not the failures.
To fail is to learn the wrong way to do something.
Quitting while being able to act, is the same as committing
Because while you are alive there are no limitations or
lamentations, only opportunities.

The lesson left is pretty clear – as we lose something, a

new goal must be sought, without fear of the unknown, only
by trying we will know the results; only by asking we will
"****** DEMO -*******"
know the answers.
This is the legacy that I want to leave you, when we think
that everything may be over, in fact, we're just having a new
chance to start over without making the same mistakes.
The Code of Achievement involves everything we need to
have an honorable life as had the warriors in the past, we are
in search of the forgotten Honor; modern times gradually
took almost all the difficulties that life once had, that's not
bad, but also left us a little soft. If life has no difficulty, no
challenge, there will be no evolution.

J.F Rozza

The Alpha Factor resides inside each of us, some are
capable of awaken it in their youth, while others pass
through life being pushed around by less capable people and
by the simple fear of what might happen if they follow their
instincts, they eventually shut this feeling of leadership, of
duty, and little by little the Alpha Factor will lose its
"****** DEMO -*******"
strength, until it gives up on trying to wake you up. As years
went by it fought ferociously for you to listen to it for you to
fight and wake up, so that you awaken your entire potential
and acquire the place that is rightfully yours, the leaders
place, the Kings place.
Many that will read this book will love it, others will hate it,
it’s the law of life - you cannot please everyone. However, a
wise man once said: “A man who never changes his opinion,
instead of showing his opinion’s quality, shows the little
quality of his mind”. Change and evolve is a part of every
men’s life, since the beginning of time, the ones who adapt
to change and evolution are the strongest, are the Alpha.
A man without trust in himself has a guaranteed place in the
Friendzone. This is a knowledge for all life, not only a single
conquest, and picking up women; when you date it’ll be like
this, when you get engaged it’ll be like this, when you get
married it’ll be like this.
For those who will really try, who will change their attitudes
towards life and towards women - better women -, must be
the man who work harder who catch them, even if it’s
necessary to turn into a scumbag to get there. Yes
gentlemen, women, in their essence, prefer the scumbags,
then they write books, quotations, songs saying that all men
are the same, worthless, in spite of the fact that is the
scumbag that they look for. Women always want what they
can’t have and can’t control, always.
The Mr. Right is the man who deserve the best women,

"****** DEMO -*******"

however he’ll never get her, because that’s not what women
want, they don’t want a so-so life, without adrenaline,
routine, boredom, they want adventure, heart beating,
suffering, emotion. So, it’s up to all men, Mr. Rights, to run
to the biggest talent we have: the ability to adapt to all
Those who walk the wise and hard way to awaken the Alpha
Factor, I say awaken and not take, because all men are born
with the leadership aptitude, the conquest, the battle pre-
disposition. The fight will be fought against ourselves,
against comfort, against the alienation submitted to us ever
since we are born.
We are looking for the forgotten honor, we live in a world
where the superficial overlaps someone’s qualities. Bit by
bit, we’re conditioned to a life where “having” is more
important than “being”. Your professional conquests are not
your biggest achievements as a man; your biggest
achievement as a man is what you become, but your divine
duty is, and will always be the ability you must have to unite
and take care of your family, your foundation for everything.
We must not let success, nor fame, nor money take
away from us our essence, our real worth, for at the end of
life it doesn’t matter the contents of your wallet, what
remains is the kind of man you were. I am not telling you to
let go of all your material goods, of course not, I am saying
that it doesn’t really matter at the “end of life”; you have an
entire life to live, so don’t use this thought as an excuse not
to work or to let laziness dominate you.
"****** DEMO -*******"
BALANCE is the key. Professional and personal
life must be a total success. At birth we’re all the same, some
will have it easier due to the place where they come from,
rich parents, etc., others will have the struggle of a better life
stuck upon them since birth, in this second case you came to
the world with a single purpose: BE STRONG!
Everything you want is within your reach, after
reading this book there will be no excuses left, you will
achieve the peak of all your ability, show your real worth
and don’t come up with excuses so as to not be successful in
life. Stop whining, you little baby, if you want something,
FIGHT for it.
Leave the leftovers and excuses for the weak or the
ones who are not willing to evolve.
We will all have a long life ahead, we must fight for
what we want, not be content with little, we can have
everything we want if the correct attitude is taken and, when
achieving our goal, remembering out roots and our worth.
We are men, and until my last breath I will be fighting to do and
be the best that I can! Allow me, gentlemen, to aid you in the
awakening of the Alpha Factor that resides inside each of you.
The ones that search knowledge to have control over their lives
and emotions.
A path of balance and priorities, and when life demands:
sacrifices. We’ll sacrifice what’s necessary and what doesn’t
make us worth of an Alpha Male. Sacrifice that party with friends
to study, sacrifice that love you know won’t work. Sacrifice
"****** DEMO -*******"
friendships that try and lead you to the wrong way, be it drugs or
Understand that there are people who are like anchors and
will try to sink you with them,
or put you in place you won’t be able to move forward.
You must be strong to break this connection.
All this in search of a prosper and honored life. Like the warriors
of yore we honor the day that is known as bushido, which in free
translation means “warrior’s path”. Is there a better word to
describe a man that passes through life chasing dreams, goals and
strengthening himself? We are all WARRIORS, faith, honor and
strength is what must accompany us throughout the long journey
of life. Have self-perfection as a priority, and in consequence
become able to achieve what we want the most in life.
The best women will be ours, the best jobs will be ours, it’s time
you realize that that childhood life, the one without
responsibilities, is over, and the Alpha Factor is ready to be
awakened. It will help you to guide this new way in your life.
This book is a manual of social engineering, that helps all of those
that are manipulated by the media since a young age, or the ones
with a weak interior force, to become worthy leaders. The book
teaches to be an ALPHA, which means grabbing control of your
life and being the better version of yourself, for teaches not only
how to behave and run your life, as well as a way to educate your
Rather than making women (sex) your focus, you learn just to see

"****** DEMO -*******"

woman as a result of the honorable life you lead. It will be just
another one of the good things you've done in life.
Of course, women are not trophies, but shouldn’t be your goal in
life either; a worthy woman will be your reward for persisting in
life. I cannot express the gratitude I feel for the ones that provided
the success of this idea, this belief that we should not be
controlled, leaving reason to rule emotion. Reason prevails,
emotions are left out.
Always balance emotions, because a life without them would not
be fun. But at this point, everyone should have already understood
that the idea is balance, not too much emotion nor reason, just
This is a lesson for life; when flirting with that chick - it will be
here to support you, when you're dating, we’ve already prepared
the basic knowledge for you. When engaged and married, we are
here to help you. When you need to confront your boss and ask
for a raise, too.
While owning this book and this conviction, you will never be
alone, because we will be here to support you at every step of
your existence.
In life there are the controlled and the controllers, the dominated
and the dominants, the followers and the followed. The leaders
and the ones that are led. Following someone is not at all wrong,
but do not allow yourself to become submissive to anyone, you
are an Alpha Male!
No need to hide behind anonymity, my accomplishments are real,
my achievements are my pride, my losses are signs that I've never
"****** DEMO -*******"
stopped and have always been a FIGHTER.
I am not a man who talks only, I act! Anyone can pronounce
overcoming quotations and shout them to the winds.
But only a MAKER is able to talk about REAL actions.
The fallacy begins when children pronounce beautiful words of
OVERCOMING, when, in fact, hasn’t overcome ANYTHING.
Or words of achievements when he has produced NOTHING.
What do you want to be? A talker or a winner?
Start winning today! What you say should match what you do!
Real victory is do more and talk less.
It is extremely gratifying to be writing again for you along this
journey that reaches its third year, we learned a lot from each
other. Gradually we are becoming equals, the same philosophy
followers, with the same codes of conduct. Have you noticed the
change that the books brought to your life?
Try to remember who you were when you read my first words, try
to balance and measure how beneficial it was to learn to be a real
man; not that moron who thinks only of women and soccer, but
that warrior who received the conquest of the code of our
It will be a shame to us if you do not fight and explore your full
potential. Live up to the knowledge you receive, and explore the
unknown, go out in search of adventure, abandon laziness,
shyness, get out of your damn comfort zone, do not let yourself be
used as a friend in exchange for favors, you should be the light

"****** DEMO -*******"

and not moth, who is drawn and eventually burns to death.
Start today. Now. In search to achieve everything you want.
Everything has an answer. Learn what should be your question.
- I want a new car. Then work to achieve.
- I want a good job. Then study to achieve.
- I want a decent woman. Then be a decent man.
Evolve and grow. It means only getting better than you already
As men we have our whims, our innermost desires; in this book
you will have the help you need to have your woman crazy for
you, to win over the woman you want.
Life is a balance; if you think only of work, you will be unhappy.
If you think only of women, you will be miserable. Live life to the
full balance of duties, obligations and desires, you were born to be
happy and nothing else.
Happy reading young samurai, honorable warriors.
I leave a sincere thank you. Thank you for allowing my words to
get into your life, thank you for letting yourself evolve.
You readers are my pride.

he beggining is always the hardest part of any
project, whichever it is; in this case, start a book. Many
writers begin their writing by preparing the reader for what
will come in the course of their reading, a preview of what
your book will be, in the case of fiction books that attempt is
"****** DEMO -*******"
to arouse the reader's curiosity with a huge drama or plot. I'll
opt for something simpler; I’ll start by writing based on two
simple words from our vocabulary, powerful words, which
open many doors for all who use it wisely.

THANK YOU to all members, the ones who believed and
trusted in this project. Thanks to you this book might leave
the head of its creators, take physical form, and can
contribute to the development and strengthening of all men
who read it. To you who made it possible and made this
simple book a huge success, for many people have been
helped and influenced by it. Our only job was to transmit
ideas to paper, the success is because of you, who holds this
book. In some cases, lives were saved because of the words
written, and that's not marketing, we received reports of
people who were totally "screwed" in life and that, through
our ideology, were able to overcome their trauma and
overcome their problems. Thus, I tell you, THANK YOU.
CONGRATULATIONS to you who have the willingness
to change, who have a mind open to new ideas, who bought
this book to improve your conduct as a man, or to give it to a
friend who was going through a turbulent phase. Or who
sought help to overcome a feeling that lacked. For what is
discussed in the book is something that parents should talk to
their children and friends to each other, something that really
should go on TV these days. However, the truth does not

"****** DEMO -*******"

give a lot of audience.
Parents are too busy to sit down and educate their children,
and friends do not always have the courage to say what you
need to hear. Nowadays, to help others often sounds like an
overwhelming task without any return. I think differently. I
think when we help others, we help ourselves. It is often
teaching you learn.
Gentlemen, who walk the wise and arduous path to awake
the Alpha Male. I talk about “waking up” and not “making”,
because all men are born with the ability of leadership,
achievement, with the predisposition of the battle. The fight
will be fought against ourselves, against complacency,
against the alienation that is imposed on all of us since we
are born. We are in search of the forgotten honor; we live in
a world where the material overlaps to a person's qualities.
Little by little, we have been conditioned to a life where
"having" is more important than "being". Professional
achievements are and always will be the greatest
accomplishment of a man, but the divine duty is and always
will be the ability that you must have to unite and take care
of your family, your foundation to everything else.
We cannot let success, fame, money take away from us our
essence, our real worth, for at the end of life it doesn’t matter
the contents of your wallet, what remains is the kind of man
you were. I am not telling you to let go of all your material
goods, of course not, I am saying that it doesn’t really matter
at the “end of life”; you have an entire life to live, so don’t
use this thought as an excuse not to work or to let laziness
"****** DEMO -*******"
dominate you.
BALANCE is the key. Professional and personal life must be
a total success. At birth we’re all the same, some will have it
easier due to the place where they come from, rich parents,
etc., others will have the struggle of a better life stuck upon
them since birth, in this second case you came to the world
with a single purpose: BE STRONG! Everything you want
is at your reach, after reading this book, there will not be
more excuses, you will be able to perform your full capacity,
show your real value, and not make excuses for not having
success in life. Stop whining you, you big baby, if you want
something FIGHT for it. Leave the leftovers and excuses for
the weak or the ones who are not willing to evolve.
We will all have a long life ahead, we must fight for
what we want, not be content with little, we can have
everything we want if the correct attitude is taken and, when
achieving our goal, remembering out roots and our worth.
We are men, and until my last breath I will be fighting to do and
be the best that I can!
Allow me, gentlemen, to aid you in the awakening of the Alpha
Factor that resides inside each of you. The ones that search
knowledge to have control over their lives and emotions.
A path of balance and priorities, and when life demands:
sacrifices. We’ll sacrifice what’s necessary and what doesn’t
make us worth of an Alpha Male. Sacrifice that party with friends
to study, sacrifice that love you know won’t work.
Sacrifice friendships that try and lead you to the wrong way, be it
"****** DEMO -*******"
drugs or comfort. Understand that there are people who are like
anchors and will try to sink you with them, or put you in place
you won’t be able to move forward. You must break this
All this in search of a prosper and honored life. Like the warriors
of yore we honor the day that is known as bushido, which in free
translation means “warrior’s path”. Is there a better word to
describe a man that passes through life chasing dreams, goals and
strengthening himself? We are all WARRIORS, faith, honor and
strength is what must accompany us throughout the long journey
of life.
Have self-perfection as a priority, and in consequence become
able to achieve what we want the most in life. The best women
will be ours, the best jobs will be ours, it’s time you realize that
that childhood life, the one without responsibilities, is over, and
the Alpha Factor is ready to be awakened. And the WOLVES
CLAN will help you to guide this new way in your life.
And this path started when you sought the help of other men, and
will also be your duty to spread our philosophy, and help other
men who are diverted from the right path.
Everything that begins and works deserves to have continuity, and
this is the continuity of your learning through the book WOLVES
Our book does not teach only to pick up women, is more of a
social engineering manual, which helps all of those who are
manipulated by the media ever since a small age, or have a weak
inner strength to turn into valuable leaders.
"****** DEMO -*******"
The book teaches to be an ALPHA, which is to take control of
your life and be the best version of yourself, it teaches not only
how to behave and direct your life, but also teaches how to
properly educate your mind.
Rather than having women (sex) be your focus, you learn just to
see woman as a result of the honorable life you lead. It will be just
another one of the good things you've done in life. Of course,
women are not trophies, but shouldn’t be your goal in life either; a
worthy woman will be your reward for persisting so hard in life.


Becoming an Alpha Male is not about picking up women,
for a real man does not waste his life only to chase women.
You must conquer them, but I hope I can help you become
something greater, both in your achievements, as in what
you strive, whether at work, at school, as in taking care of
your family.
Life is not only about getting women, is not about sleeping
with a different one every weekend. It is good to take this
step, but you have to be prepared for the future, all your
experiences should turn you into a better man, confident.

"****** DEMO -*******"

Eventually, sooner or later we will all get involved, more
than we should with a woman, but if we are prepared, we
can make it work, and we will not become a puppet who
makes all her wishes.
Being a confident man, able to have a relationship in which
you are not an asshole a "stooge", and this will cause your
wife, to love and admire you, she will not want to be
unfaithful, because the greatest man she already has at home.
There are other readers who want to know how to have a
mature and healthy relationship. Do not worry, I'll talk about
it too, and everyone will have their answers, how to deal
with that platonic love, that is only looking for fun, that must
overcome a relationship and need to start over, but forgot
how to start over.
We live in a world where things come with expiration date.
And this serves to relationships also, very, very few
relationships will move forward and last, and many people
get lost when the end comes, but that's just a part of life. You
must accept and overcome the situation.
I do not make that statement, because I am unloved. I do it
because I suffered or something, I've been through many
things yes, and in the end they all passed. But this is a
general view of society of the 21st century. In fact, there is a
generation of children, created only by mothers, children of
divorce, and so they end up creating an aversion to
relationships. You cannot hear anyone else say that dreams
of getting married, I'm not generalizing or saying that you

"****** DEMO -*******"

should not do that, but that's what's happening.
Those who supply a platonic love for his co-worker, friend,
are stationed in limbo, better known as Friendzone. They
spend days listening to her talk about the other guy, this
probably is one of the Alpha Factor reader, someone who is
not involved so easy.
Just stay there listening? And where is the courage to open
your mouth and impose, to talk about what you really want?
React, man! You were not born to be listening to the
problems of others, focus on your life, and give up on liking
someone who only sees you as a friend.
Now, you may ask, who I think I am to talk about it.
I believe to be able to write about it because I've always been
a scumbag, I related myself with many women, I am proud
to say that always with the best, except during Carnival,
when I was younger. Today, I fear carnival, I want the best
women, and I will not go to that kind of party.
Like I said, life is not only about women. In business I have
always been my boss, all because I never contented myself
with little, and I always had the confidence to go after what I
wanted, and you should also be able to conquer all that
Life changes all the time and to a certain stage of my life, I
changed my scumbag side. I was engaged and would marry.
Two years of engagement when my fiancée, as a result of
dishonest people and a bit of immaturity on my part, my

"****** DEMO -*******"

company went bankrupt. I saw my world crashing down, and
without explanation, from day to night, I saw all end up, the
woman who I thought loved me and friends deserted me.
When a ship is sinking, rats and women first, right? I had no
where support me, I felt lost, and that's why this book is here
for you no matter what you are looking for.
Today, I see it as a lesson, because it cost me a lot to know
who to trust and who was truthful. I went to hell and back,
dealt with it and over it, if I was able to overcome
something, you are too. It was not easy, but the important
thing is that this is life, these things happen to everyone.
When I thought about writing this book, I wasn’t going to
talk about relationships, but, as I wrote it, read news in a
week, two young people were killed because they were
rejected. This is so selfish, childish, there are no words for it,
and cowardice I think would be the best word.
You have to learn to be strong, no matter what happens, this
is your life, and it goes fast, so build a solid foundation in
your life called confidence, and also a lot of dedication,
determination to never give up. Never give up; the rest will
come with time.
The concept of Alpha Male is too complex to explain only
with this book, so this concept will be completed in the next
edition. But I’ll put some points that I believe are essential.
I'll talk a little of my professional life, only to show that if I
was able to get everything I ever wanted, and not once, but
twice, so are you. It runs off a little of the book's concept,
"****** DEMO -*******"
but can serve as inspiration for some looking to have more
confidence in their projects and their work.

Perhaps the most important lesson, and it should become
the rule in every action that you take and, from now on, will
dictate the course of our lives. Everyone should have seen
the symbol of yin-yang. This symbol below:

"****** DEMO -*******"

The yin-yang are two concepts of Taoism, which expose the
duality of everything in the universe.
It describes the basic, opposite and additional two forces,
which are all things. Yin is the female principle, the earth,
passivity, darkness, and absorption. Yang is the male
principle, the sky, the light, activity, and penetration.
According to this idea, every being, object
or thought has a complement which depends for its existence
and that, in turn, exists within you. Thus, it appears that
there is nothing in the pure state, nor in the absolute
passivity, but in continuous transformation.
Furthermore, any view can be seen as opposite when viewed
from another viewpoint. In this sense, the categorization
would be for convenience only. These two forces, yin and
yang would be the next phase of the Tao, generating
principle of all things, from where they come from.
Yin and Yang are two opposing energies. Yin means
darkness, and is represented by the black side, and yang is
the clarity. The light, which is a light energy, is presented in
a very intense way, is the yang, and the very dim light, is the
yin. According to the Chinese, the world is composed of
opposing forces, and finding the balance between them is
The Chinese philosophy is composed mainly of energy:
negative and positive. The two spheres inside the symbol
means the idea that all the time one of the forces reaches its
extreme, manifests itself within an opposite feeling.
"****** DEMO -*******"
Well, I will not talk about energy, or anything, but in my
interpretation, it can also be used to represent the balance
that must exist between all things. That is, the balance is
good and evil that exists within every man. Notice that
neither symbol is bigger than the other, they are equal. No
more than another. And that's one of the secrets to success in
almost everything in your life.
You must have balance in everything you do, there is an
angel and a demon inside each one of us, you should not let
any of them win, none of them should be superior to the
You can not follow to the root all of our leads, everything
we write, some ideas will not fit in your life, you must
choose which path you will follow, in some situations you
should adapt what you have learned, so that knowledge
doesn’t interfere rather than helping. You must shape it
according to the situation in which you find yourself.
This applies to almost everything in your life; do not be too
nice, not too bad, not too loving, and not too cold. And all
the rest, the use of balance in everyday life is infinite.
Your professional life should not be more important than
your personal life, you cannot forget your family, your
friends, you must keep the balance between your projects; of
course, in some cases, you will have to give up something in
order to concentrate on something else. This case is an
exception, you should not live your whole life in the
extreme, there is time for everything, do not rush. Spending

"****** DEMO -*******"

time away from the family because you need to work, away
from friends because need to study - all this is the exception,
it is not absolute and will not be forever. Now, living all of
your life away from family and being obsessed by
something, by a professional achievement, this is wrong.
Losing a child's school commitment is not so bad, but never
going, never having time for those who really mean
something to you, that will make you a complete asshole.
I bet many people have had experiences in which their
girlfriends ended the relationship because they thought you
were too affectionate, too mellow, too loving, the good guy.
In other cases, ended because you were cold, didn’t show
emotions, didn’t cherish her.
Admittedly, the asshole takes advantage over the good guy,
but only as a matter of who controls the situations and the
The good guy will always be dominated, because he cannot
express himself, and does everything to please, while the
scumbag imposes himself and doesn’t let anyone dominate
him and every woman insists on trying to fix an asshole,
claiming that "with me will be different". This is great, but it
will reach a point where you'll have to balance this, no
For example: if you are about to marry, those games are no
longer needed as often, no need to have so much attention to
control, you must change the asshole for a fair man. Taking
care of your family, respect your wife, those basic principles

"****** DEMO -*******"

of marriage.
Take care of your routine and the love that united you.
Working in your professional and personal life, Alpha Male,
since your love life is already resolved.
(We hope)
All excesses are to be avoided; everything that is too much
makes you sick and not good for you.
Even when you can make a girl fall in love with you, there is
no need to be a cold and calculating bastard, you can leave
your good side slightly loose in a balanced measure; not
loving too much, nor romantic. Romanticism nowadays
survives in smalls gestures, how to prepare a dinner, a small
pleasure can now be considered romanticism. Now, roses
and more roses, serenade - that's bullshit.
And no Alpha Male should make a fool of themselves, if you
are not an Alpha Male, but want to become one, start to pay
more attention to the details, the things you’re doing wrong
in your life, and repair them. Old habits are hard to change,
but not impossible.
Nothing comes from inertia, laziness, nothing comes for
free, you should take the power! You should always strive
for everything you want. I do not mean violence. Today, a
strong mind conquers all.
Your mind is almost like a muscle, and should be exercised
and perfected day by day. How to exercise it? Read a lot,
learn other languages, knowledge is never enough.

"****** DEMO -*******"

Everyone has heard the saying that "the best women are at
the top of the tree" is it not?
Not familiar with it? Then google it!
I, at least have heard it, is a famous saying, and just today I
wondered about a theory that the woman is moved by
waiting, right? Now the woman is on top, and above us,
makes it better than us, then? She sees herself on a pedestal,
and this justifies her superiority? This justifies manipulative
games with men? And we, men, we must climb the tree,
even if we fall from a height that can kill us, to fight against
adversity, to have the best women. Is that so? They try to
impose a woman as the goal of life? I say that this is totally
wrong and I will not follow this path.
The moment the woman is on top of the tree, you will make
it your life goal to climb the steps that take you there, and
what will you have as a reward, a woman? And if you do not
like that women? You do not need a trophy. A
woman who just waits should never be your reward.
So I say, no! The only thing that should be on top, that
should be the priority of your life is the right path, your self-
love, your professional life, you will be successful in
business, at work, you will be a healthy man, live long, be a
man respected by all, honored.
The woman who is there at the top of the tree must not be
too happy seeing all the other easy girls at the bottom of the
So find a woman who understands all the qualities in you,
"****** DEMO -*******"
the difference you have to the rest, and come down the damn
tree to walk the path with you! A woman who comes to meet
you, because only then will you know that she will support
you at every stage of your life, good or bad. Those who are
just waiting are not good to tread the honored path that you
will take. For as you came, others may appear, and they will
replace you, rather than support it.

"Women are not trophies! She is either your companion

and is by your side for everything or she is not right for

you! Marry and have children is the peek of a men life,

be wise and choose a mate to be to you side all the time,

rather than a trophy to display to others.”

It is the heart that says who is right, the situations and
attitudes show. Now tell me, you are so weak that will let it
control your life? You will be fearful and for fear of being
alone, will not end this relationship?
The heart is responsible men’s biggest headaches.
Hearing the heart sometimes is necessary, but he is not
always right. Reason is better, she will avoid trouble and
pain, the heart does not see and do not see why not either,
because most cases the information there is screaming for
you, but you are blind and one sees, and when someone
gives advice, listen and start to realize, do not wrestle and do
not argue, only analyze. Start your way to mastering any
"****** DEMO -*******"
There lays the path to balance in relationships, the effort to
stay together must be mutual, if not, it is because something
is not complete. And you will realize that you chose it
wrong, and should be wise to take a decision. You must also
have balance in the work environment, you must be fair, but
not a doormat, should not be afraid to express your opinion
and ideas, since it has grounds and is not only a fantasy to
which you cling.
So, in short, everything you read, everything you will read,
must be tested and adjusted to fit in your life and be
beneficial, and not bring the opposite result of what you
want. For every action there is a reaction, when you start
using our philosophy you will notice the changes, the
reactions of everyone and everything, and should consider
whether it is the result you wanted, if it is, great, if not, look
for what is wrong and fix it.
"Trust me and I will teach you how to handle your weapons.
Believe in God and he will give you hope. Believe and trust
in yourself and you will win any battle."


"****** DEMO -*******"

W hat makes a simple sentence a conviction, a goal to be

The words you say with your lips. A quick gesture, fractions
of a second and you formulate a sentence:
"I'll be a winner."
But the strength of this phrase is not from the sound of your
mouth, but the steps you will take after saying that. On
second thought, you do not need to say anything, just do.
Those who speak much, do nothing.
How deep is your conscience? She is quiet, with the way you
gave your life?
If I ask you to list it: what it takes to be a winner?
Many quickly answer with a sentence that is engraved in
their minds, some have heard out there, or open Google and
copy a phrase of willpower.
Answer the question, turn off the computer and sleep, wake
up tomorrow and you will go back to do the same old things.
So I must ask:
What will you do now?
There is no Google or sentence, or anything that can turn a
beautiful phrase in an action, the action must come only
from you.
"****** DEMO -*******"
You must start the chain of events that result in what we
seek. Victory.
Now, you ask me what you must do to be winners. You do
not know, but it's not for not knowing that you will not win
in life.
You must speak the phrase that will open doors for your
You must find your guide, a person you admire, it may be
your boss, your father. And tell them the following sentence:
"Teach me how to be a winner."
There, you took the first step. Now turn what you say in
what you do.


These two factors united bring out the coveted success.
But which one is more IMPORTANT?
I defend that effort and hard work are the tools to achieve the
dreams and ambitions that you have.
Luck alone is not enough to do anything. Do you consider

"****** DEMO -*******"

yourself a lucky person? You should know that luck is
equally distributed among us all - what separates the winners
from losers is the ability to manage this element in your life.
Obviously, we would know the result if it were proposed a
challenge between luck and work. Imagine that you are
entering a contest and you receive ten thousand dollars and
you have to choose to work or to have sheer luck. You
choose to work: and you invest that money in a new
At the beginning it is suffered and laborious as any other
activity, but you do not give up: you work overtime every
day, with effort, on weekends you sacrifice studying and
perfects to be the best professional in your area.
On the other hand, another competitor finds it very tiring and
decides to risk everything by luck. Grabs the ten thousand
dollars, goes to a casino and bets at a roulette: if he wins he
receives a lot of money; but if he loses he is left with
nothing. Roulette is very risky: he prefers to distribute the
money by playing the lottery and other things. Only after
trying his luck in various forms he realizes he should have
chosen the hard work and not the easy way. But then it is too
late: he opted for the easy way and failed.
To win the lottery, you have ONE chance in fifty million. If
you play heads and tails, the chance to get five in a row face
is one in two million moves. To play the lottery, is the same
as playing heads and tails and hit 25 times in a row the
chosen side of the coin.

"****** DEMO -*******"

If you and a friend compete heads and tails, best of ten
throws, it will be virtually impossible to decide the winner,
because luck is distributed equally to all.
Many may call "luck", but in reality, these are adversities.
Being born in a place without basic education, for example.
Education is extremely important and you should seek to
have a higher level of education, but even more important is
what you do with the education that you receive.
I'm not proud to talk about this, because I quit my studies
when I was 16 to get down to business, I was only to
complete them when I became a millionaire. Perhaps I had
not gone through all that if I had more knowledge, but what I
learned so far was enough to conquer the world.
At least the world for which I long. I would like to be a
billionaire; to have a yacht, to own a multinational company
with branches in all countries: why I cannot have it? Because
I'm unlucky? Nope.
Because there are limits to where you can go alone.
Without opportunities I would never have conquer it: not
mean to have no luck in life, it just means that I must be
smart enough to understand this and invest my time into
something real, something I can build.
Let us think about life without opportunities; or a guy there
in the middle of the Amazon. He has no opportunities
because there they have minimal structure - but he has
willpower. In his community people do not study because
they have no transport to schools: then there lays a chance.
"****** DEMO -*******"
Opportunity? Yes. Even in the middle of the Amazon there
is credit to small entrepreneurs, there is the bank of the
Amazon that helps and encourages young entrepreneurs. So
our friend gets a credit and purchase a van to provide private
transportation, it is something that the community needs - so
he works hard, increases his fleet and will have everything to
be successful.
But why doesn’t everyone thinks like me? It seems easy for
me to talk?
Of course, if there is an obstacle, go around it. Do not stand
still, MOVE! Where many find it difficult there are always
hidden opportunities.
The truth, however, is that most of the poor, wretched, have
no heart, nor the inclination to go after something: are
hostages of the family purse, get a little bit and this makes
them stop in time and just start to exist.
They start having more children to increase income (free)
provided by the kidnappers (Government), but I still like to
think that there are more people willing to fight for a better
future, and leave their likely success at the mercy of pathetic
phrases like "it is what God wants" or "what's mine is
If you believe in God, who do you think He will help:
someone who only knows how to beg for something to fall
from the sky or the one who wakes up early and sleeps late,
struggling to succeed in life?
Whoever kisses the hand of things, really deserves to be in
"****** DEMO -*******"
the situation they are in.
Some people are born great, some achieve greatness. The
truth is: wins the one who believes in themselves and never,
never, never gives up.


This is an important factor that, after learning to control it,
my life became much easier. I've always been the explosive
type, stressed, short tempered. This has greatly affected my
professional life, and much more my personal life.
Sometimes we must learn to be flexible on certain things,
and never have explosive reactions, whatever the subject has
been stressing.
In my early years as an entrepreneur, I collected some
enemies simply by not receiving very good reviews of futile
people. Always talk about you, and almost never speak well
of you.
When you meet that group of friends over the weekend, they
will never say "you saw how JF is smart, he started from
scratch and is now with the latest car." As it was for Silvio
Santos, if you want to succeed in life, you should not care
about the praise or the criticism, you must be neutral.

"****** DEMO -*******"

The issue in these groups is always failure, they like to enjoy
the trying and fail. When I was at the height, these groups
created various kinds of paranoia, "JF is full of money, good
thing is that he is not doing."
This kind of comment always infuriated me much, and I
always had to go and talk about it to them, as if I should care
about what others think. So, you end up creating enemies
who are eager to trip you on the earliest opportunity.
I remember a time in my office when I received a group of
other real estate, they had come to claim some property that
was sold, we were just selling, were not responsible for the
construction. And I got very badly at this group, screamed a
bit and then I had my first quarrel.
You must live in order to avoid conflicts, smart people act
like that.
Then, when my company was in the past, these same
entrepreneurs were at their peak, their strength to form
opinions was great, and they spread lies around, and the fate
of my company was sealed. When a hundred people speak
the same lie, it becomes the truth. Today, I try to act as cool
as possible, with the greatest patience possible. That day a
broker of my company was doing hidden sales not to have to
split the commission, the other staff were mad and wanting
to be aggressive with him. I calmed them down and went to
settle into the world patiently.
I explained the situation in a polite way, showed the paths
that he would follow, avoided a conflict that would be bad
"****** DEMO -*******"
for the company, and still got that we might receive our part
of the committee. But most importantly, I learned that
patience makes us see the future of the decisions we make,
we can predict what will happen after the decisions we
You will now analyze all more cautiously, you should never
make decisions on impulse, have patience and take the time
to analyze situations. All the biggest mistakes of my life
were decided in seconds. All the big moves of my life were
decided with great patience and caution. Sometimes we rush
to achieve what we desire, and this ends up being more
harmful than pleasurable. We want a car, an apartment, and
so we put our foot in it. Today, I am able to build buildings,
but put a target build around a hundred houses before
starting to take a giant gap before building.
If I was the Jader of before: I was so fearless, struck in any
business, with the face and courage, and had to lose
everything to learn patience.
If it was before, I would have gotten the same building if I
only had the money to the foundation, I was very confident
in my ability to make money that would compromise what I
had and what I had yet to win. Today, I am as ambitious as
before, but I'm not stupid. Only to begin to construct
buildings when I have enough money to make two entire
buildings without relying on another dime, and that the cash
outflow does not hinder the construction of houses.
And being patient affects many other areas of your life, but

"****** DEMO -*******"

do not confuse patience with snail's pace. If you expect a lot
to make decisions, you are not being cautious, you're afraid
of change and risk.
So be patient, but do not stay still! Just analyze calmly, all
decisions will be taken from today, no one will die, and no
one will fail to close a deal with you if you ask for a night to
think about it.
And the more desperate you are, the easier you put your foot
in it. Think again, when we go hungry to shop at the
supermarket we buy 10 times more than we need, because
our hungriness affects our decisions. Analyze everything
before making a big decision, it will help many times over
your business, work and relationships.
Even when we want to get in a good relationship, we are
daring and can put our foot in it. Countless times.
Sometimes we get ahead of ourselves and ask women we
don’t love to date us, only by lack of patience to get to know
the right woman, just taking an unnecessary risk. The movie
"The Heartbreak Kid" is the perfect example of what I mean.
In relationships, be sure to know very well the person before
making a big decision.
Indeed, many have experienced this kind of trap. You get it
once, twice, already think is the right woman and starts
dating. Soon after, you notice the stupid move you did and
get a big headache to get rid of that person.
You lose nothing when you think over about a subject, it is
your right, and no one can force you otherwise.
"****** DEMO -*******"
But you can use this knowledge as a weapon. In my book
“Young Investors”, I talk about not giving time for the client
to think too much. And the logic is exactly that. If you let the
customer think over the weekend it is almost certain that he
gives up the business.

The first thing to win women over is to look presentable.
You must notice that any woman will talk to you if you are
well dressed and smell nice.
When you dress well and take good care of your appearance
you are slowly becoming more confident. A good haircut,
the right clothes, a little investment is needed - you are
investing in yourself.
Look into your closet, what do you have? What are your
weapons for battle? A lot is not necessary, depending on
your style, a shoe, a pair of jeans and a shirt, a good
perfume, having a neat hair, groomed beard, these are basics,
you cannot be lazy in taking care of yourself.
Exercise mind power, this will help you more than you
think. Have you ever done the math of how many women
you talk over a week?
Conquest is not a game of numbers, do not think that you
will succeed in the first two women who you attempt a
"****** DEMO -*******"
conversation, and you cannot let yourself down by this.
Say you have a low positive percentage, only 10% in your
approaches. You go out Friday and Saturday and speak with
ten women each weekend. At the end of the month you will
have spoken to forty women. If you got positive responses
from 10%, you will have approached four women, one per
You have to adopt a positive thought, a ‘no’ sometimes
teaches you more than a ‘yes’.
Ah! Of course, for you to hear a ‘yes’ or ‘no’, you have to
leave home! Step out of your comfort zone, get out there, go
have fun, you have the whole week to take care of your
work, of your life. Over the weekend, you deserve a rest, and
why not, with a beautiful woman?
You already know what your "Arsenal” is, you need to get
along with women, and it is basically the same, but
confidence is not born overnight, you need to battle to
conquer it.
Trust does not do anything alone. It helps a little if you’re
standing there, repeating to yourself: “I AM CONFIDENT,
AM CONFIDENT”. You must have attitude! Trust is a way
to act, it is the fuel to make you move.
We will go through this step by step, in the course of our
daily routine as a man, increase our confidence and our self-
esteem by doing this, we strengthen the way for the action
take care.

"****** DEMO -*******"

TRUST + Attitude = RESULTS
In some cases, due to bullies in childhood, the fatty, toothy,
big eared ones are always bothered at school, that’s kid stuff,
but it is in the subconscious of men, and we lose some of our
confidence over time.
So if you are overweight, or have a problem with height, if
you do not think you’re cute enough and therefore cannot
have everything you want, we will work on your confidence
from now on.
Many people prefer to complain than to act. Many emails I
get from people saying, "Master, I want to get women, but
I'm ugly, I have a fat ass". Classic lack of confidence
scenario. Use this as an excuse to do nothing about it, yes, it
is easier to be fat, it is easier being dumb, it's easy to be ugly.
Difficult it is to get up at six in the morning, go work out,
work all day, and at night go to college. Take care of your
appearance is really much more difficult than the other
option; the other option is for the lazy ones who spend their
lives watching others live, while he is just existing.
Enough of this thought!
If you work out, you will not be fat; if you study you will not
be stupid; if you're ugly, then straighten, get well
maintained, no more excuses to lead a self-pity life. Get it?
So let's take care of that confidence and the rest will come
much easier than you think.
No matter what others think or have thought of you. You are

"****** DEMO -*******"

now a young man, an Alpha and the rule is: FEEL GOOD!
When we feel good, we have an overconfidence, positive
thinking that everything is possible and having a high self-
esteem, and when get a ‘no’ from a woman we just think:
"fuck you", and have the conviction that the one who is
missing out is her, not you, right?
Now, when we are weak-minded in thinking the lousy
things, something as trite as a simple NO from a woman,
looks like the end of the world for us. And it is this kind of
self-destructive thinking that we want to avoid. From now
on, you are committed to work on your confidence, and you
will not give up and won’t be satisfied for climbing a single
step, or managed to win something and now you want to
relax; you should strive and feel as THE MAN forever,
never wear the mask as a poor thing, no one will feel sorry
for us, as being the weak, we become strong!
In spirit and presence. For us, now, anything is possible, we
will achieve all that we desire, and only depends on us and
our effort.
No one can help you in this, I'll show the way, the rest will
be the commitment of each one.
The biggest reason for the lack of confidence in yourself is
your appearance, something that you think is not good
We will work all factors, so that, once completed, you
become confident.

"****** DEMO -*******"

Friends, this is for the rest of your life, is not a phase, it is
not until you win a kitten and accommodate, the effort will
be forever and the rewards will come, you can be sure of

Some things you cannot change, you will have to accept
and work other parts that can be improved. Your height for
example, eye color, these things cannot be changed, you
cannot perform miracles, but other things can be improved
and we will do so. If you do not like your teeth, go to a
dentist. If you do not like your hair, change it. If you give the
excuse of not having money for it, I know, I had a great idea
now, something you never thought of before. WORK! And
do not give me more like excuses.
Any chubby, skinny or whatever, can have the body they
want or at least improve themselves, so they are proud and
self-loving. There are genetic cases that won’t bring the
return that you want, but it's not because of this that you will
relax; you will strive just the same. Have the effort, the
determination. Start now, it encourages us a lot.
To feel good about it takes effort. Racing, gym, exercise, all
in addition are good for your health, improves our body, and
are an important step to help increase our confidence.
Overcoming laziness at work out every day is difficult, I
"****** DEMO -*******"
particularly suffer to go every day, but I like it.
The important thing is to transform the gym to become a part
of your routine, a habit; like the fact to get up and go to
work, or get up and brush your teeth, it is habit, an
obligation, is not optional and you do not question doing
these things. I read an article at a Brazilian magazine called
“Super Interessante”, that says that the brain takes about
seven months to turn an activity into a habit. So mastering
the first seven months is essential.
When you start working out, the first month is great, you are
determined, motivated, but then your unconscious begins to
sabotage you, you start the "negotiations" with yourself. A
classic example is when you start to bargain with yourself, "I
won’t go to the gym today, I’ll work out on Saturday
"I will work out today, but make up for tomorrow." You
must not listen to it, and should go and meet this challenge.
You do not need to go there and try to lift the maximum
weight, just move your fat ass! When you break your
determination, there is no return, so avoid giving up so early,
win those first few months, it will do you good, you will be
left with your body set, which is one of the factors that
brings women a lot of attention, any outfit looks good on
someone with a fit body. So, we will meet the challenge of
working out every day. No use thinking that you look good
already and you don’t need. Friends, age will one day get
you all, and prevention is always the best solution.

"****** DEMO -*******"

Come on! Only one hour a day you should have some time
to work out, so stop the negotiations, and stop trying to beat
the system and go, run and burn that beer belly! Speaking of
beer, lower the alcohol, otherwise, no use working out, start
to drink only on weekends; there are other things to think
about during the week. Also, take care of your nutrition, eat
salad and control yourself.
An interesting factor that helps a lot to lose weight and
improve your appearance is water. I’ve always been told to
drink at least two liters a day and I never gave it much
attention, but when I started taking a lot of water along with
me, I could see, over time, that my body improved only by
the fact of my drinking water.
Beautiful body is not something new, and that is the
evolution itself, a woman has the desire to feel protected by
her man. I bet everyone has seen beautiful women who
marry thugs, drug dealers and that sort of thing, and you
stand there wondering, how can a beautiful woman be with a
guy like that? The answer is the illusion of maximum
protection. The power of the man has inspired the maximum
protection to her, the respect that everyone has for her, the
feeling that nothing can affect her or hurt her. Women are
attracted to power, even if it is a power that involves danger.
Many cases where the Alpha man starts dating a very
beautiful woman, who all joke (with a bit of truth behind it)
that she is too much for him, and he starts to feel bad about
it. I've seen that happen. To avoid this, just so that you are
not accommodated, and strive to make yourself feel worthy.
"****** DEMO -*******"
Say, Alpha, which woman will not feel attracted to a man
with a well-worked body, a strong man? Before you get
involved with a woman and her gentle conversation, you
need to get her attention. If you are working your body
automatically by feeling well, simply complete the arsenal
and go to battle.

Something extremely important: who ever heard someone
say that such a person is like a shrimp, removing the head
the rest you can enjoy? Frankly, poor thing a guy like that.
Or that other famous saying, "this person is like a truck,
good to work, but not to go out"?
Although we are still willing to learn and evolve; as we
evolve, we evolve our body and mind. Balance always.
For this to happen, you must study, spend time reading,
being involved with the news, with what is happening in the
world; it does not help you attract the good looking girl if
you open your mouth to talk total bullshit.
Read at least one book a month, at least learn English, which
today is essential, study, there is no career that do not have
to upgrade, because if you are outdated a more prepared
person will occupy the place that is yours.
Knowing what happens in the world is a must, watch the
newspaper, and try to be involved in the events.
This is not only for the time that you are talking to a woman,

"****** DEMO -*******"

it is for all times, if you are articulate everyone will realize
this, women, your boss may realize that you are smarter than
another employee and can give a promotion.
As woman goes, you must let her speak more than you do,
but you do not take her home if you do not wrap her in
interesting subjects. The words, friends, are your allies and a
powerful weapon, but if you do not know how to master
them, they turn against you.
If the mind is a sharp factor, friends, you get everything.
You will persuade from the most beautiful woman to the
hardest boss, the stingiest customer, everything is at your
I like to say that it's not because you have a strong mind that
you should humiliate people with less mental enlightenment.
Politeness and respect are also principles we follow in our
Education and respect attract a lot more than you think. You
go to a restaurant with a beautiful woman, for example, then
the waiter (who is there doing nothing more than his job),
bring your order wrong, and you, just because you can,
humiliate him.
There is no need for it, treat everyone with respect. The
woman will admire you and everyone will admire your
character, not to mention that is what a man should do,
without me having to say, is not it? Also do not abuse the
weak. And businessmen: please let the poor intern alone, lol!
With our books, you learned about the mindset of the Alpha,
"****** DEMO -*******"
and I need not say much about it now, but I had to mention
this extremely important factor, if not the most.

Important in the life of any man. I have a worksheet for
almost everything, my life revolves around goals, and when
I reach is extremely pleasurable. I am methodical, goal trait
for all, I like to always control the situation and be on top of
everything that happens in my business. I imagine the
following about goals, often say that what counts is to live
today. Well, then tell me Lord of today, today you are
hungry, and tomorrow? Never again will feel hungry? It is
obvious that tomorrow matters, yes!
"Unless it is just a line you are passing on a girl". Example:
- 'Oh! Cut it out, don’t worry about tomorrow (I will not call
anyway) it only matters today, let's enjoy without thinking
about rules, or label we feel or our relationship...'
Oops, I'm already saying too much, it should be spoken in
the right section, not here.
When you get into a car you know the destination you want
to go. When you schedule a trip, you know exactly where

"****** DEMO -*******"

you're going. Then, what about your life? Who is the driver?
God? He in all His magnitude and designs for the universe,
surely, He has a goal to make you rich or become successful.
So, take control, know where you're going, this talk that only
the present matters is pure nonsense. I do not accept and do
not believe it, we all have control of our lives, and we draw
our goals for the future, never seen anyone win something
just by waiting. What we want, we conquer! Create goals for
your day to day, your week, your month.
And pursue them as if your whole life was based on this,
your power of persistence must prevail. I want to get rich, I
want to stay fit, I want to talk to that girl, in ninety days I
want to go traveling, this year I want to go to college!
No matter what your goal is, secure it in your mind and go
after to make it happen. You do not have to stop living while
pursuing your dreams, but you cannot leave the course of
your life walk like a car without a driver on the road of life.
You will be your guide, and the target depends on you.
When you set goals in your life, you live happier, you can
plan trips and other things. Put your goals on paper.
Whatever they are.
Goal 1 - Buy a car.
Goal 2 – Get a healthy body
Goal 3 - Lose shyness
Goal 4 - Get a job
Now, we need a way to get to it all. What it takes to win?
"****** DEMO -*******"
To buy a car, it is necessary?
( ) Win the lottery
( ) Receive the inheritance of an uncle
(X) Work and save?
That was easy, was not it? Now, to save money, what is
needed? Separate your money or salary as follows.
Monthly money:
Leisure 20% | 15% Snacks | 15% Clothing (or shopping by
impulse) | 50% MY CAR
It’s difficult to control the urge to buy something you see.
When you go out do not take the money with you, choose
carefully, go back to the house, reflect how necessary it is,
and only then go back to the store and purchase it.
So you end up with the impulsivity factor in your life. After
all, if you do not have, you will not spend.
For a beautiful body?
( ) Find a magic lamp and ask the genius.
( ) Spend money on surgery.
(X) Get up early and go running.
It doesn’t help you to kill yourself working out and after it
you go and eat eighteen burgers at McDonald’s. Close your
mouth; it is scientifically proven that only by eating less you
lose weight.
The calculation is simple, spend more calories than you
"****** DEMO -*******"
consume, and you will lose weight! An hour biking, burning
700 calories to lose 1 kg of fat, you need to spend 7,500
calories. So, do the math, nobody here said it would be easy.
To stop being shy:
( ) Order an Avatar with celebrity body to carry your brain
and build confidence
( ) Talk any shit that goes through my head to others
(X) Acquire the confidence to act
It’s very simple, as I said before: win the trust so that you
have it when it’s time to open your mouth, with it you lose
the shame of approaching women, learn to control the
conversation, and thus, increase your social circle. It
increases the number of people you know, increases the
chances of any of them wanting something with you.
Arrange a job:
( ) Having a good resume and knowledge.
( ) Know how to behave in front of others, and treat
everyone with respect.
( ) Persist, condition your mind not to give up.
(X) All of the above.
Your determination will dictate the success of all of the
above. But you must always be looking for something better,
do not settle.
It will tell you the best NO I received up until today. My first
job registered brought me all the knowledge and ambition to
"****** DEMO -*******"
be a great entrepreneur, only happened because I got ten
times NO’s before getting to it, from office boy, to a packer
in a supermarket (it was always the same thing), before
Military service, no one wanted to give me a job, I was about
to give up when, finally, I received the YES that I wanted so
Not making less of an office boy, or packer or an attendant
at McDonald’s, but this should not be considered an
achievement, it is supposed to be a part-time job, you cannot
settle for such a career, right? So persist, continue, struggle
for a while and will soon have a satisfying result.

Women don’t like boys! Women like men! So mature (it
doesn’t have to be something forced) it will come with time,
but you have to be mature both in your attitudes and actions.
Avoid profanity, rage outbursts. Try to take things lightly, be
tolerant and understanding. Women are not punctual; they
will be late when getting ready and you should be tolerant
for those little things.

"****** DEMO -*******"

As I chose a young audience to write, often I realize the
immaturity of some, those outbursts of swearing when they
hear something they don’t like; it just shows what a jerk you
are. Facing a more mature and sharp mind it will only
demonstrate the weakness of your own being.
Do not be arrogant too. There is no need to tell your salary to
anyone, no need to validate yourself against the poor souls to
pick up women. Be honest, though, and always humorous.
I’ve never imagined myself speaking or teaching on the
efficiency and beauty of being a humble person. I've always
been a proud person, before the financial disaster that I
suffered, but I ended up coming out victorious, I evolved a
lot as a human being, I could take advantage of all the bad
things that happened to me, everything turned out as
learning, and I learned to be a humble which person brings
more benefits than being an arrogant one.
I never saw myself as arrogant, but I'm not the type of
person who is 100% smiles for everyone, I still think that
this style is right, but it never hurts to be a little nice to
So don’t try to appear to be what you’re not, you don’t need
it, and if you try to attract people to your coexistence based
on what you have, they will come, but for what you can
provide, not for who you are; then you will be surrounded by
leeches, and you cannot complain if one of them eventually
bite you and try to take a piece for themselves.
You attracted selfish people and can’t complain later, so be
"****** DEMO -*******"
as unobtrusive as possible, the less people who know of your
business and assets the better, and the happier and successful
you will be.

As everyone knows, pretty and beautiful are something
that will always be appreciated, no woman refuses a man
who has a charm, even if it is small. The one who is always
tidy is also more likely to have a better job than others. So
we need to be always well dressed, not only to others but to
The issue now is trust, and feeling good in the first place. If
you're already feeling good, confident and have already
begun to take care of yourself, but you still need to dress up
and you don’t have a lot of money to have a diverse
wardrobe, then opt for more neutral clothes, so you don’t
draw a lot of attention to the fact that you always use the
same clothes, avoid prints and striking colors. Now tell me,
gentlemen, what more can we want? We are fit on our body,
our mind well crafted, working and knowing what to expect
from tomorrow, besides being well-educated and articulate,

"****** DEMO -*******"

how can any woman not want us? The chances are small.
Perfume is the complement to our visual, the finishing touch
to our trust, you can have at least one, it is your trademark,
but it must be present always. Your hair must always be well
cut, your beard shaved and neat, women like men with
beards, but not one who was lost a year in the woods without
a razor – it has to be well made. Also, take good care of your
nails and especially your teeth. A beautiful smile gets the
attention of any woman.
To the extent that you are committed to always work on
these topics, you will always be confident. Change your
thinking, enough feeling insecure and shy. The rule now is:
If I want, I can! What you want is at your fingertips - take it!
Proof of it is something that happened to me on a Friday,
and I could prove the truth of what I wrote in the chapter
"Arsenal" of the book #Men’s Club. I talk about the
importance of always being well dressed, not for others, but
for ourselves. You see, you do not need to look like a slut,
no, you don’t need anything fancy - just the basics. And if,
by any chance, we are rejected, we have our minds evolved
to the point where a little rejection is something trite, that
does not deserve any kind of suffering or distress.
"****** DEMO -*******"
For some reason, on the eve of my weekend, my car’s
battery died and I needed a ride from my father to buy a new
one. It was a hot day and I left home wearing shorts, flip
flops and a shirt, I think that I didn’t even tidy up my hair.
Upon arriving at the store, the woman who worked at the
cash register was very pretty, exactly the type of woman that
I like: blonde, blue eyes, big boobs, beautiful body and short.
And to my surprise, (course that was no surprise) she did not
notice me at all, she glanced at me but did not see me, you
know what I mean?
Then I thought to myself: oh yeah, motherfucker, you will
see... I'll have you and won’t call the next day.
I paid for the battery and went away, but I already had plans
to go back there. As a good soul who loves this planet I went
back there to take the old battery to them to recycle or
whatever they do with old batteries. So I used the whole
arsenal, in my case, I work wearing a suit on a daily basis, so
I went like that anyway, with a suit, shoes, all the things that
makes me confident and comfortable. When entering the
store, the woman and her colleague immediately noticed me,
and I could already get some looks on me. So I headed over
to her and asked for a budget on a car audio, she then told
me she could not give budgets because she worked at the
cash register. Then I said:
- Ah! Good, it cuts the chitchat, because I did not want any
car sound, I just want your number and to take you out to

"****** DEMO -*******"

I spoke with confidence, and I'm not shy, because I have
always worked with sales and had to convince totally
unknown people to do or buy what I wanted.
The other employees were looking at me, but when I'm
hitting on women I don’t pay attention to anything else,
because the moment that you care about the shame, you will
be disarmed. Always be confident, and remember this
phrase: "A lion do not care what a sheep think". Then she
awkwardly wrote her number behind the store business card
and gave it to me.
I had taken the first step. Soon I will tell you about the night,
but I want you to analyze what I did.
I caused them to notice me! This happens a lot with those
who have a badass car, who's always neat, who is always in
the best clubs, it’s not because of those things that you will
get woman, a car will not start a conversation with a woman.
This makes you to be noticed, people stop what they are
doing and you SEE YOU.

It’s not worth you to take a woman’s attention and have no
effect, not having the courage to expose what you want.
I did it, and after dating her, I could show her that I was
more than just an expensive suit in a confident body, that I
was different and that I was an Alpha man. I went out with
her on Friday and Saturday, she left my apartment only on
Sunday. Now, you tell me, without courage, could I have
won? No! I would have spent a weekend working or doing
"****** DEMO -*******"
something else, but thanks to my confidence I had an
amazing weekend.
But as I wasn’t looking for a relationship I had to gradually
slip it during the weekend and make my intentions clear,
there was a possibility that she would never go out with me
again because she might think I used her, but the lesson here
is not character, but to show what you can achieve if you
fight for what you want. Many of you, if you see this
woman, would say that she is a woman to marry, but why
would you say this?
By the looks, just for that, because it is easily noticeable, but
if the content does not match the appearance, she will only
be used as she was on that occasion.
So the mind factor is as important as everything else.
I also did a survey of some women I went out lately, they
answered all that I wanted to know, without me having to
ask any questions. One day, you will also be able to get
answers without asking anything, just analyzing body
language and signs. I was wondering what are the first things
they notice about a man, just to confirm what I wrote. Listen
through the women's own words.
1st: Cash, who would say, huh, big news. Money attracts
women, but it is not enough. Why the need to have a big
car? Because it draws attention, and you are NOTED, but
not only because of the car, sometimes it depends on the
woman. I've heard talks that the car is the extent of the man's
penis, and it is still true. However, I see that the less
"****** DEMO -*******"
confident a man is, the more he needs to "show".
Obviously, having a big car is a great victory for man, but
you should get this for you and not for others. You do not
have to be rich, but not having money to pay the restaurant
bill is shameful, anyone with a normal job can do this.
2nd: Body and Appearance aren’t new too, but they have a
factor that I did not know. Women observe man's hands, if
the nails are well cut it shows that he is a clean man and
takes care of himself. They really look after their teeth,
obvious that they will not put their mouths in any set of
unkempt teeth, and if a man does not take care of their
smiles, which is practically a business card, what image goes
to a woman about the other parts of your body? This also
applies to hair and beard.
3rd: Intelligence is an aphrodisiac, but not everyone has
something to stand out, do not despair yourself because of
that, just have ready subjects. Have interesting topics to talk,
engage woman in a world where she feels comfortable,
desired. When a woman feels this way you have a 99%
chance to get everything you want.
Not sure how to do it? Easy: watch her hands… If she
touches you constantly, forces a smile, smoothes her hair,
that sort of thing. There are few women who go to bed with
a man only once; they do not change partners as fast as men
exchange their partners.
4th: Humor. Woman like man who makes them laugh. You
don’t need to be the circus clown, make it natural and try to
"****** DEMO -*******"
let everything flow.
5th: Mystery is not new to us. I could see on the dates I had,
the less I talked about me it always surfaces the phrase:
"wow, you're mysterious, full of secrets”. Curiosity is a
weapon that you should use.
Be careful not to be confident in the extreme that causes
them to confuse confidence with arrogance. This happened
to me often and I had to think fast on a way to overcome the
The woman spoke to me and I thought I was the last man on
earth, the most beautiful in the world, so I told her the
following sentence:
"I don’t know, I just know the type of man that I am, I am
the last, not the most beautiful man. I am what I am, and
what I am is enough to win everything that I want."
At the same time I finished the sentence, her underwear was
already on the floor.
No matter what your style is, it matters that your attitude is
You should think that it was difficult to overcome shyness
and go after women. It is not, but I think this way, by doing
nothing you win nothing, so sometimes it takes a kamikaze
player to get things. If you don’t move, you’ll have nothing.
So if you want something, take it!

"****** DEMO -*******"
This is a fact, which I always used when I needed an extra
dose of liveliness. Do you know why? Because when you
travel, you know different places, different people and most
of the time, no one gives a damn about you. I say this based
on a trip, the first holiday I even paid for it. I was 17 at the
time, went to Balneário Camboriú. I had no car or wallet,
and did not go with a lot of money. I was skinny and hairy,
but still managed to get some women on this trip.
But the question is, sitting on a bench, watching the
movement of cars, almost a parade of what was the most
beautiful car I’ve ever seen, I realized that women were
hypnotized by it and often, when people walked, I noticed
women watching, stopped the car, went down and talked to
the person driving it and soon they got the women. That's
when I realized I also needed an ally to draw attention, and
promised myself, right then and there, that in another year I
would drive on the beach.
It was a personal goal, which contributed to my professional
growth, a small perception triggered a whole need to earn
money, which soon became a major project I did, and the
next year, I had done it.
My biggest problem was that on trips my friends did not
have the same ambition that I had, no money to accompany
me on trips, many of whom I paid just to go with me. Today,

"****** DEMO -*******"

I have the mentality to go traveling alone, if necessary.
I have been to Europe, the Caribbean, I love to travel, and I
think everyone should do a great trip at least once in life.
And if you go to Ibiza, invite me!
Traveling is very good to pick up women. On this trip to BC,
I met a girl from Curitiba, it was the summer of passion, but
I, living in RS, saw that it could not happen, but it was very
cool, while it lasted. She was in love with me for months, I
did not get involved with such intensity because I knew there
was no future. Soon I got myself a girlfriend and I think she
hates me to this day because I made her suffer. It was
complicated; she even broke up with her boyfriend. I was no
I will talk about this in the next book.


Every group of friends or colleagues has that friend who is
totally "clueless". He is the one who wants to please and
make others like him, forces many situations and ultimately
becomes a joke.
The plan backfires and he ends up exposing himself to
ridicule when he should just try to be himself. You do not
need everyone to like you. You don’t need to make everyone
laugh. When you try this, they end up laughing at you.
This same clueless friend, cannot see what he does, it is
"****** DEMO -*******"
increasingly excluded from activities with friends, because
no one supports him. And he, rather than being indifferent to
it, doesn’t try to change and keeps doing what turns people
Try to become too intimate, too touching when talk, making
stupid jokes, talking too loud. God how I hate people who
talk loudly.
Increasingly he will find that he needs to please everyone not
to be left out, and increasingly will be excluded until he falls
into total depression.
There are also other situations when a certain person likes
another and is exposed to situations where he becomes
ridiculous, just to please or make the other person feel good.
You are not the fool of anyone, you should be indifferent, if
people start avoiding you, be smart, not open for anyone. Do
not tell your whole life to someone who just smiled at you.
Do not be that guy who everyone pities.
"Poor him, doesn’t have any friends."
How many clueless suckers I met, even I could have been a
clueless sucker, the boring type.
I was lucky to realize that early, you shouldn’t change to
please others, people who like you as you are will remain in
your life. Who doesn’t, will not. It's not so complicated to
Don’t make a fool of yourself just to be in the small group of
"cool guys". The most popular people are not cool, they
"****** DEMO -*******"
attract others because they all “think” they are the coolest
ones, they think they are this and that, when in fact they are
empty inside.
When I was younger I liked a girl in High School. Instead of
talking to her I always slapped (jokingly) the first person that
appeared in front of me, only to show off and be the
"badass". And worse thing is that it worked, but it was very
wrong. Up until the time that I broke my best friend’s arm in
a fight (I must have been about 12 at the time), I felt really
bad and never bullied anyone again.
You, by reading my books, must have realized that I don’t
learn by listening, right? I only learn by taking it to the head.
Now tell me, why would you still do the wrong things if I'm
telling you what works and what doesn’t work in life?
I started by talking about patience and now I don’t even
know what I'm writing, so I will try to fix the issue of
Decisions taken with patience can save you from a deep
abyss or a deep disappointment.
Decisions taken with as a whim are the most stupid thing
you can do. Calm down, everything can and should be
analyzed; you do not need to learn by making a mistake.
Learn by listening (and reading).


"****** DEMO -*******"
Well, if you, after all I said, still tip the wrong way, my
friend, tell me where you live and I will tell you what will
happen. Seriously, it doesn’t help you become all you want,
and ruin your life, hanging to the side of drugs, say NO, it
does not pay off, and fuck who offered. Already offered
you? Go ahead and do the dishes for your mother that you
will earn more.
NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING good comes from this
world of drugs! You don’t need to numb yourself, you don’t
need it to live, be a man, respect the authorities and what is
forbidden. Unfortunately, not everyone had the opportunity
to read this book, so if you got involved with drugs, be
strong and get out as soon as possible. There are still some
supporters who are enraged when reading a text like this and
claim that they know lawyers and doctors who use cocaine
and other types of drugs and still prospered.
Of course, 1% of such cases, and what good example they
are giving. The reality and the majority is something else.
Nowadays, there are many addictions, so many paths to the
dark side of the force, and the person who follows this path,
the person who is addicted, just generally moving towards
self-destruction. His own and the people who care about her.
Drug addiction, alcohol, gambling, there are several kinds.
There is the classic case when the person thinks is strong,
"****** DEMO -*******"
that thinks he can try without becoming addictive; but my
friend, you are already weak only to think that you are
I do not understand how people can, these days, with so
much information out there, to get into the world of drugs.
Damn, this business is prohibited, it has not been banned
because people do not want you to enjoy this "wonder", and
want to keep this "sweet nectar of the gods" just for them. Of
sweet and wonderful it has nothing, it does not provide. It is
forbidden because it was spending a lot of time, experience
and work to find out that these things are bad, it only leads
the human being to an end, and the junkie will dig the grave
of himself. So tell me what these fools think when they to
decide "try it"?
Weak-minded, no? An Alpha Male says no to that garbage. I
know of no case in which a junkie prospered in life, where
everything worked in his life and he was happy forever. And
don’t defend this drug view, keep it to yourself and don’t
influence anyone to fall into it as some do.
Prosperity in the drug world only exists to the head of the
organization, who are not addicted, who only sells it to the
addicts. It does not exist, any user who isn’t contributing to
crime in Brazil. I sometimes see a drug user complaining of
politics in Brazil, impunity, and are moved when people are
executed in black market trafficking, but who do they think
they are to complain, they themselves commit crimes, they
who pay the dealer’s restaurant bill, the bullet that is in his
gun. He may have pulled the trigger, but it is the user who
"****** DEMO -*******"
uploaded the gun. Drug addicts are just as guilty of the
deaths that trafficking generates, as the performers
themselves, and then think they can have the moral authority
to complain about something?
Short text about drugs, because no one likes to hear about it.
What I want to talk is about responsibilities, that's it, be
responsible for your life, and do everything for you to live as
much as you can.
The CLAN OF WOLVES not only comes to pick up
women. Understand and advise the man not to destroy is
also our duty.
But that's not the issue that will deepen me now, and
although I want to talk about it much, I'm away from the
main subject.
Speaking of addiction, in some cases it is difficult to deal
with the disruption because, in some situations, you can
become addicted to a person.
And is not the love you feel that makes you chase. It is
addiction, dependence of having the other in your life.
That love, that novel, no longer exists, you want to believe
that it exists, but what is left is a psychological dependence
on owning the other person and having control over another.
There is that illusion, that the love you want is on the edge
between dream and reality, and I dare call it “fantasy”. The
relationship by which you longed became something toxic,
destructive, it prevents you from moving forward.

"****** DEMO -*******"

You must end this cycle and start living. Even if it
momentarily it destroys you from within. In the long run,
this will prove to be a wise and correct decision to be made.
You must know that closing cycles is wise for men; our life
is divided into phases.
Since your birth, you walk towards knowledge and self-
improvement as a human being. Nowadays, a childhood
usually lasts until a child is about ten years old; there is
much information and people have access to subjects that
parents would only talk to their children much later. After
that, you go into adolescence; this is a phase that will last for
about ten years old to twenty years old. I will separate it for
decades, so it becomes easier to understand what I mean.
It is the stage where you start to realize that childhood games
should be set aside, and you start the way of the Alpha Male,
you start going to parties, flirting, but you should not take
everything too seriously, including relationships (I know that
many don’t want to read this, because they are in love at the
moment and believe the woman to be the love of their lives).
Friend, you will soon realize that it is not true, you will get
into college, and in these five years of it many women will
appear in your life. You will then start working and jump
into your new journey to become a real man.
You’ll become a man that has commitments, bills to pay at
the beginning of the month, someone with responsibilities.
And the main responsibility you should have is to let things
happen at the right time and avoid mistakes that most people
"****** DEMO -*******"
Some of these errors is teenage pregnancy. The man who is
sexually active, who wants to experience the sensations,
must be responsible. Know the result of your actions, or do
you want to get another child in this world without a father?
I heard a saying once (I don’t know who the author was):
"any boy can lie and make a child, but it takes a man to stand
up and be a father."
Do you want, at the beginning of your life, to exchange your
trips, your college, and your adventures, to have to pay 30%
of your gains to child support?
How much is the minimum wage in Brazil? Do not expect to
get into a job and make lots of money immediately. Now,
lower that earning thirty percent, and what is left is enough
for you to make your dreams come true? Traveling, partying,
buying clothes, paying for college? I don’t think so.
And no marriage where two people began to live together
because the woman got pregnant, works. It is not love that
brought them together, but an obligation. And this kind of
obligation will soon be replaced by the thought that if the
man paid child support/alimony it would all be alright, and
so they end up splitting up.
Two children cannot take care of one, that is a fact.
I, as I have always struggled for everything I wanted, used to
look at older people, in they fifty-something years, and think
(not judging, because no one really knows what the other
person went through), but I thought how that person worked
all his life and is still riding the bus, paying rent, how a
"****** DEMO -*******"
seventy year-old man is still working? He should be
enjoying his retirement, no?
The answer to that, in some cases, are the unplanned
Having a child is the peak of a man’s life, it must be
formidable. I have none, because I think I'm not ready to
have a child. I would adopt one if I felt that I could take care
of someone else.
This, gentlemen, is maturity, to think of the consequence of
your actions. I have almost thirty years-old and I have no
children. I have always been careful. So if you want to have
a great future, want to be able to fulfill all your dreams -
achieving them begins in childhood, when you awake your
conscious mind, when you begin to separate right from
wrong. And by knowing what is right and wrong, following
the wrong way is a great stupidity.
If you want to be an Alpha Male start early, instead of
wasting all of your time chasing that girl, use this time to
seek the fulfillment of your dreams.
The personal and love life, find someone, love is important,
but more important than that is your professional life, we
live in a capitalist world, everyone wants to have a new car,
a house, comfort, and it will not come for free, only if you
were born in a golden cradle, but it is not the case for most.
Focus on your self-improvement as a human being, as a
man, seek knowledge, become a professional in your chosen
area, the rest will come in time, no need to rush things.
"****** DEMO -*******"
And you can get close to any achievement of your goals you
must start early, taking care of you and your health.
I even dare say that men should not pay as much attention to
the love life before the age of thirty. I myself am always
involved, but I do not let it mess up the rest of my life. You
should date whenever you can. But you should not make
many plans for the future, you must live in the present, and
when it's all over, do not think that is the end of the world, it
is too early for this kind of concern.
Do not take too seriously the love problems, it hurts, I know
it hurts, but it's just life, the course of destiny, the ironies that
happens to us; something that you think is perfect, that you
always wanted, mysteriously have an end. You must stand
up against any obstacle and overcome it, even if the obstacle
itself is your heart.
The heart will miss more than hit, if you only to hear it
you’ll be an addict, listen reason, it will avoid unnecessary
pain and will always show the right way to go. Remember,
you are an Alpha Male, you have a strong personality, you
do not submit to anything that you would not build a solid
foundation in your life, be confident that the rest will be
attracted to you.
In your teens you had few responsibilities imposed. They are
to respect and be kind to your parents and study. Wait till
you get a boss, you will feel so nostalgic of your study time,
make the most of this phase and college classes, that's where
you make true friends who will always be on your side, at a

"****** DEMO -*******"

certain stage of our lives it is increasingly difficult to make
real friendships.
You have a very important responsibility in your teens, to be
followed without discussion and without negotiations.
Understand, right? That's it, now take the kiddies you want,
be good to your parents, play hard, enjoy a lot, some
concerns may be put off, others must already be heard.
In college, you should do your best not to put the hard
earned money of your parents in the trash. Another thing, if
your father has financial condition and he always dreams of
you to become a doctor, but you do not want to, you want to
be something totally different, do nothing to please your
parents. Speak the truth; you will be unhappy to let others
decide what your profession, what will you do for living,
listen to your parents in all aspects, but in the case of what
you are doing, talk to them, and they will support your
Talk like a man who knows what he wants, not a spoiled
child that always need guidance.
In your job, your responsibility is to improve and fulfill what
is expected of you, who do what you love, and do it well,
make it PERFECT! If you need to, you cannot fail, if you are
not happy, look for something else, but you have to be able
to provide for your own needs.
If you are a parent, your responsibilities do not fit in a book.

"****** DEMO -*******"

Try to be an example of an authority, try to be a hero instead
of a villain, take good care of the part of you which you have
given life, probably more who will love this world.
Be a man, be a father! So be very responsible when it comes
to becoming one.
It's a cruel world out there, take good care of your child,
otherwise you cannot complain if he becomes cruel to the
world, and of course to you.
Generally, young people enter the world of drugs in an
attempt to meet something they lack, to call attention,
whatever. So, you, the parent, cannot buy love, or offer
rewards for good behavior, you should be a mirror in which
your child can look and imitate everything you do.
Often, your child will be happier with the attention you give
to them, than any gift you can give, I know what I say, I had
no father in my teens, I know the lack it does, I forgave my
father only when he was 28, and then I started to live with
him again.
I forgave him because I could not go through life with a
grudge that he had left home to live with another woman and
eventually one day he would die, and I would never have
known my father.
Parents can make mistakes, as long as they regret it, they can
be forgiven. It is never too late to do what is right.
There are some parents who are not worth it, and in such
cases keep in mind that one day you will be a father and then

"****** DEMO -*******"

be the best you can.
I became the man I am because, in contrast, I had the best
mother I could have. I had the best grandmother I could
have. But, by not having a father, I'll be a great dad one day.


This case it is no sentence to be shared in your Facebook

account with the intention of causing another distress with a
person you were involved.
Detached, in this case means rather about the love
detachment, but its significance is much greater than that.
One is not to get control or despair of longing felt at the time
that there is a separation between two people who were
involved. This complex sentence tends to make people blind,
aimless, many do not know how to handle it, and many lose
their direction, believe that destiny plays with us, you were
already predestined to be together forever. Detach
philosophical beliefs about love, over and there is no
sympathy or voodoo to change it, there is only one solution.
But do not mistake my words, I do not want you to detach
the world and go around selling your goods and giving what
you worked so hard to the needy. Each birth has the same
"****** DEMO -*******"
chance of survival, you have what it takes to grow and be
successful. You are alive!
We preach doctrine Alpha knows that a person does not
become successful simply without an effort to make that
happen. In this world you are only poor if you want to and
whoever is not it is their mission on earth to go about doing
charity there.
Each one is the provider of their own needs. You are not
responsible for the achievements of others, focus on growing
first and then help, some people should learn not to rely on
help, because it may never come.
Change the thought that brings the compelling need to have
that person in your life (and this does not just apply to
relationships, this applies to everything in your life), or that
mental prison that everything is a charm and any better or
change is to risk unnecessarily.
Sometimes, to make an even bigger project, we need to give
up on a few things that we have at the moment: it is called
Like all investments, there is a risk. You should always
weigh the pros and cons, and not get carried away by
emotion, when you have all the signs you should not do, you
do not. But if the conditions are favorable to you, and the
attempt is unquestionable, you should always try.
We must not forget that if there is a risk, you should have a
plan for when things go wrong, I did not have a plan, I did
not even one day considered going bankrupt.
"****** DEMO -*******"
And to be blind because of the success, I fell off the
unreachable pedestal I was, I thought I was untouchable and
"Success is a perverse teacher. It seduces smart people and
makes them think that they will never fall." – Bill Gates
Never have too much trust in the serenity of the moment, no
storm announces its arrival, it comes without warning,
launches its fury and carries away the unprepared, those who
were ultra assured that their foundations were strong enough
and would never fall. Fate likes to play with these people.
Always be prepared for the worst and the best, always have a
plan B in all your projects. After all, they said that even God
could not sink the Titanic.
Anyone can fail, failure is not the same as defeat, you fail
when you try and it does not work, you are defeated when
you give up on trying.
These financial disasters, such as the one that got me in
2010; I was not mentally prepared to be poor and that
brought me many complications.
At the time I had car that cost 100 thousand dollars, a
motorcycle that cost 50,000, a nice apartment and a cottage.
All I ever wanted, I conquered. Life was smiling at me, but
not for the reasons I thought, but at what lay ahead.
Then came the crisis and soon I had to sell my car and got
one for a lower value, 15,000. But my pride was so great,
that I simply did not fit into this car. It was outrageous and

"****** DEMO -*******"

shameful I have fallen so many steps at once.
When I had no choice and had to go around with it, I hid. I
didn’t want anyone to see me. I didn’t want people to see
that I beaten. I was a complete asshole who could not
understand that there are financial crisis in a career. There
are ups and downs in life, I should be ashamed if I had done
something wrong, got someone killed or stolen, I just lost
money. That sounds so normal when I speak today.
But that time I was a totally different person, and write to
you helped me evolve as well.
Today, looking at the balance sheets of my company from
2001 to 2014, there were three years of negative results from
ten years of positive results, but I did not have the mentality
to deal with the crisis and thought it was the end of the
I made every wrong thing, lacked a certain aid, words,
someone to advise me, I always wanted to solve everything,
even if I shut myself to the advice of others. Obviously, I did
it wrong: I sold my property quickly for half the worth of it,
simply of despair out paying all the bills that the company
The bad business of my life occurred between the years of
2010 and 2012. Looking at a business chart between the 14
years that I have now, I had two years in negative and a year
in recovery, but it was so negative that I was at a complete

"****** DEMO -*******"

And I did not know how to handle it. In 2012, when I was
lifting myself financially, I purchased a car a little better
than the one I had; then came the opportunity for investment
and I had to get rid of the car.
What purchase? My lesson needed to be learned: then I took
the same car I could not see myself in. I laid myself that
lesson because I needed to get rid of the ego that I had in the
past, I did not want to be that JF, I wanted to be the current
one, who learned from the mistakes and would never commit
them again.
Acquire certain humility and, above all, learn to see
problems only as a curve down on your career graph.
And I really was someone else, evolved, I left the pride
aside, I realized that what people think of me is their trouble.
Nobody was there to hold my hand, I left this alone and only
I can criticize me. I can only speak well or ill of me because
only I know my history, what others say is what they think,
and hypocrisy is that people love distort things just to see
others unhappy. For this poison I got the necessary antidote.
I understood that detach to invest in something bigger, you
have to provide something better in the future, surely, the
right thing to do and that is no reason for you to hide there.
In many cases, there are people who are ashamed of the
goods that they have at the time (or don’t have) and to meet

"****** DEMO -*******"

with friends on weekends need to go down of a bus three
stops before their destination because they are ashamed to be
seen riding the bus. I've seen it happen.
Detach yourself of this, this is too ridiculous. If you cannot
afford at the moment but is investing in your future (I hope
you are, because at least you should be studying or seeking
some great accomplishment for your life) do not give
importance to it.
When you let go of the ego, vanity, so to speak, you are a
better man. As I said, you should be proud because women
nowadays prefer this, you should be careful with yourself,
should not let that take full control of your life to the point of
making you be ashamed of what you are right now.
If the curve of your chart is down, it's time to do something
to change this situation and become successful. This is the
lesson on small financial losses, do not be ashamed ever,
only be ashamed of yourself the day you give up fighting.
Now, back to whimper factor: the woman left, is so attached
to the idea that you were the right couple who cannot see
that it was ONLY YOU saw that way.
You had a life before she appear. She remained in her life
two summers: great for you! Will be wonderful memories!
In the graph of your love life, you had two years on the rise,
the thing normalized, then later have new experiences with
different women, each with a secret, with a new flavor that
will fascinate you for a brief moment to that sweet nectar of
the gods not come down more with a bottle of rum.
"****** DEMO -*******"
Face, thinking here, I get to pity the man who meets a
woman at 18, lives alone with her until the end of days. Of
course, the belief in common sense, this is the utopia that
everyone wants: the famous soul mates, a summer dream of
every girl wearing a white dress on the night she debuts at 15
years and longs just ahead finds the prince charming and
lives a love story.
But really, it's the same thing you taste a grape ice cream,
and spend the rest of your life eating the same thing. Where
is the diversity? Lol.
I do not think that there is still such a dream, to marry the
same woman you know from childhood, one who was his
first wife. Woman is so good, it's kind of complicated to
prove only one, most men cheat for this reason, to first taste
all the flavors you want, and stay with the one you like best.
This is the secret to a lasting marriage or dating.
Let's say that the fairy tale is concluded, we will make a
brief interview with the prince charming, to see if there is
still some charm.
Five years living this magical relationship, resigned to what
you have already won in life, with that belly of a weekend
drinker, living in the bar because is fed up of having the
same woman every day.
Totally sick woman, go and hires a sex worker (prosti...
damn censorship) to have something different from what is
used. No matter: as much as the woman is hot.
And that's such a prince charming that she always dreamed,
"****** DEMO -*******"
not at all satisfied at this stage already lives to care for
children, and abandoned her own ambitions.
So all this fantasy, all this circus riding upon tales of princes
and princesses worked well at the beginning of the last
century, when people were together so long purely for the
decency of time, which did not tolerate divorce and the like.
For it was always the home of the "raw" at the end of the
day. The only thing that has changed is that women are now
much more excitedly at that time, and exchange her
husbands as if to exchange a used underwear, which are no
longer able to hold the parts in place.
The husband no longer have a steady hand to hold the
"demand" and the woman immediately replaces it.
When the husband is blindly attached, it goes into fear, in
denial and there are many cases where husbands end up
leaving for violence. I do not advocate these macho men
hitting on women, but generally there are reasons behind it.
The woman leaving husbands for another man, or the
woman cheats. Any man will want to defend their honor in a
time like this. How about this just to get out of the routine:
people respect each other, it would avoid a lot of it.
If you do not want to be together more, if you split because it
makes you much more. Do not cling to the idea that you
need that person in your life. It is not fair to hold you so and
it is not fair to hold the other person that way. They are free
to be happy, because together you are no longer a team but
opponents living under the same roof. A more cowardly than
"****** DEMO -*******"
the other, not daring to expose you no longer want to be in
that relationship, and end up running away from reality and
having an affair with someone else whatsoever.
Take along to this sea of ​turmoil the children, the dog, 12
cats and even the parrot will be suffering because of the
Letting go is to try to anticipate the future suffering due to a
big decision you need to take in the present, but is afraid to
be alone to face this storm to come.
The storm is the size you turn it into, your monsters are your
The monster in the closet that troubled childhood will
always be there within your wardrobe until the moment you
stop believing in it, ceases to believe it can harm you. This is
like being in a bad relationship and not have the courage to
let go of security and prevent yourself to know another
person who will make you happier.
What's the meaning in life? What's the purpose in life?
Romantics and dreamers will say it is to find your soul mate.
The poet would find the most perfect poetry; the painter is
leaving its mark on the world and is often appreciated only
after his death.
For me to write these books, what's the point of that?
I write because it makes me happy, the poet writes because it
makes him happy, the painter is happy to register on a screen
soon passed by this world.
"****** DEMO -*******"
To be happy is your only mission on earth. And if you are
not happy in the job that you are, detach yourself and look
for something better, if you are not happy with some factor
in your life, change.
You do not need super powers, nor kill a black hen at a
crossroads, or sacrifice a virgin on the full moon (virgin's
easier to find than a unicorn).
You just need to take a DECISION.
If the relationship does not make you happy, do not go and
seek solace in the arms of another woman, but do not let
your anchor be fixed in this other person to have a safe
haven to return simply because it is familiar.
Release this anchor, let the breeze hit and walk a while
adrift, without planning and without anticipating suffering.
Detached from the idea of ​eternal love, every woman who
was in your arms will be eternal in your memories, so I'm
always this confirmed bachelor, because women are so
wonderful, that it is impossible you want to know only one
and settle in this port safe and not dare to sail into the
Try these wonders, they are out there waiting for you!

"****** DEMO -*******"
The title lesson says a lot about what is written in this text,
but if it were easy to develop your talents I would not be
writing and everyone would be successful.
Today I went to Mass with my grandmother, although I am
agnostic and as a child I never liked to attend Mass, today I
realized that the reason I do not like it is because I never
really listened and understood what is actually passed on,
and taking the paranormal factor, the bible in my view, is a
complete human behavior manual. It has been used as a
control in times that the Catholic Church ran the world and
was the only power, always unquestionable, and the one who
question it ended up turning burning at the stake.
With technology and modernity, which is here to stay,
people turned away from God. But I will not talk about
beliefs or theology, do not think I defend or criticize one
side. Each person has their beliefs and we should respect
Upon hearing the sermon today, I had an urge to take the
priest's microphone and start lecturing what I understood.
The sermon, or the tale he told was something like this:
"There was a farm and the boss was leaving, and so he gave
some coins to its managers. The first administrator was
entrusted five coins. This administrator used the five
currencies and managed to get a five coins profit. When the
boss returned, the administrator gave the boss the five coins,
and five it was produced. The boss thanked him and said he
"****** DEMO -*******"
was a good employee, that he had entrusted his goods and
they had been multiplied. ‘You are welcome in my house
and will share my prosperity’.
For the second administrator the boss entrusted two
currencies. This administrator put the coins in the bank, and
the interest earned him two more coins. When the boss
returned, the administrator gave the boss the two currencies,
and the two that earned interest in the bank. (Someone tell
me which bank is the one that generates 100% return?)
The boss thanked him and said: ‘Good employee, I entrusted
to you my goods and you have been able to multiply. You
are welcome in my house and will share my prosperity’.
For the third administrator, a coin was entrusted. This
employee decided to hide the currency, dug a hole in the
ground and buried. When the boss returned, the official said
that as the boss did not work the land, it was not his right to
have one currency. The boss said: ‘Bad employee, I
entrusted to you my heritage and you were dishonest. I take
it back from you what you have and what you don’t have,
and you will be put in the dark alone’.
Then, the priest made an interpretation, the good will go to
heaven, evil goes to the dark, and I was crazy to grab the
microphone, but the church was full and I was embarrassed.
So let's take a look at my interpretation. We can analyze in a
way that would consider the money as a gift that comes in
our genes, either by divine choice or just by pure
"****** DEMO -*******"
Each receives a gift, be it the gift of painting, the gift of
writing, composing, playing soccer, some may get more
talent than others. The question is what you do with the gift
you receive, if you only have the talent it will not get you
anywhere, but if you know how to develop and improve
them surely it will take you far.
If you think that you haven’t received any talent, the greatest
talent you have is to be alive. Do not be like the third trustee,
who in an act of jealousy, which has generated anger
decided to try to improve life usurping what was not his. We
see this happening constantly, people wanting to make
money easily at the expense of others.
If born in a wealthy family, our chances will be higher to be
successful, simply because we will have more opportunities,
but only opportunities that money can buy. Money cannot
buy talent.
If you have a talent, but no money, just hone your skills and
show it to the world. You will not get success if you don’t
stand out, so make good use of the gift you have, even if the
only gift is to be alive.
A clear example of this is a scene that happened last week.
As usual, every Friday I'm in my work, and I picked up the
list of stuff I need to buy for next week, with my foreman.
He always spoke and I wrote down, but this time he was in a
hurry and he had written down the list. And I did not
understand his handwriting, then he said he did not study
and therefore could not write right, he said he was not a

"****** DEMO -*******"

smart person so to speak, and that he was always poorly in
school and so had to become a mason.
But I told him he had the best talent possible. The talent of
not being afraid to work. So I asked him, how much he made
working as a bricklayer?
He works from 8am to 11pm. I work until 6pm, respecting
the legislation in force and after other reforms made out.
He replied – ‘I make 8 thousand per month’.
I replied that he earned much more than most Brazilians, his
gains are the goal of many, some spend years trying to have
the same income he has with a physical job, he earns even
more than some professionals who need to study for years
and years to get a so-so income. Society sees a doctor for
example, even if the same is not good, such as one observed
as a bricklayer does not receive the necessary recognition.
But it also depends on each person.
The point is that if you are good at it, if you take what you
are capable of doing, and terse to the point of perfection, you
will be able to get financial success and quickly. I do not
hire other team in my work, even if I have to wait for them
to complete some other work before starting my own,
because I know who I am entrusting my heritage.
He is a person who apparently had no talent, but it worked
so much that the universe had no choice but to give in and
become a "simple" mason in a person above average and

"****** DEMO -*******"

No matter what your profession, talent and gift you have.
The only prominent factor is how much you struggle in life,
and how far you will go depends only on you.
After all, the pyramids of Egypt were built by slaves and not
by the pharaohs, even if these are mentioned in the books of
history as "The pharaohs were the builders of the great
Just as in some companies, and some partnerships, the
person who has the talent does not receive the necessary
recognition, and when they leave the company, the company
sinks and becomes a simple company.
Who has the talent it is the ones who should be in front of
any business. Because without it any idea that has more
potential turns into mediocrity when performed by a person
without proper qualification to be in the lead.
Never blindly follow one leader, because sometimes not
even he knows where he's going. Create your own rules and
pursue them. Be the master of your own destiny.



"****** DEMO -*******"

Who could argue with such hypocrisy: "I never loved."
The fact is that as armored as we can be, we never will be
stronger than the shock we carry in the brain when we find
"the woman", the one that in all its tenderness will be able to
break that barrier and tear down this wall.
People confuse our shield with fear, do not do it for fear of
loving and suffering, is just our way of being, not distributed
to any affection or have collected loves.
We are not the hallucinated romantic type, and not the dating
Facebook who changes the relationship status as seasons go
We realize how ridiculous it is and do not love easily.
But yes, we love, and when we love our love is real, is not a
movie or a beautiful story that necessarily needs a happy
ending, it is naked and raw feeling. All that is love, real,
fights, arguments, sex, fondling, rainy afternoons lying in
bed, hell and heaven united in one wife, all that makes love
be real.
And we love it, not only the woman in your utopian
perfection, but all the imperfections that we see in movies
and novels.
But when you say STAY she says GO.
Really understand how this playful universe, love it costs to
get over. It does not give us a chance to bargain, trying to
make them stay. I say YES, they say NO.

"****** DEMO -*******"

And when she goes, she ends up taking a few things, but the
baggage that remains is immense. And what will she do with
what was?
Will not talk to the man who loved her and now need
answers, needs to understand why?
- Not my problem. She says.
From paradise to hell, the woman who does not want to be in
the relationship tends to be extremely cruel. She just put in a
box all care and feeling she had for you and addresses:
Not that she did not love you, she loved you, but remember:
your love is real, sometimes you nurture that feeling by
someone who is unable to feel the same, that says “love you”
as if it is “thank you”.
We know the protocol that must be followed, but how can
we forget that smile, that damn smile that could brighten
even the darkest day.
The smile of love when it is directed to another man destroys
us completely.
Even though:
You do not have to forget anything, you did your best, you
must learn to live with what was. But you do not necessarily
need to forget because depending on the level of
involvement you will not forget easily. Later on I will tell
you to forget, but in case it is to forget the dating itself, not
"****** DEMO -*******"
the memories, the memories you will not forget no matter
what you do, just learn to live with them.
Do not stop in time, living the memory of the past but not to
act as if it had not made a difference in your life. If she had
stayed by your side, maybe everything would be different
and easier, but it was not.
The worst day of our lives, is not the day we lost a love, but
the day we found out that the "love of our life" found the
love of her life.
- 'Forget it'. Some words hurt more than a sword.
As much as we know how to proceed, pain is inevitable.
Suffering is optional? Not so much, but necessary. Only
after losing all will be really free.
The reality is cruel, but we must ask ourselves.
What to do with our "freedom"?
We loved and lost. But in the end, it was worth loving, even
if for a brief moment.
Love is the love that is given, the kisses and the longing of
the person when they become absent.
There are futuristic plans or past memories. Just make it


"****** DEMO -*******"
There comes a point of no return in a relationship, when
promises of change are so constant every day. It becomes a
habit of the couple these quarrels, that feeling of "tolerate"
another day, another fight.
They forgot that no one is bound to be stuck with another
person who they don’t like anymore. In the tired eyes,
everything around you is more attractive. When they go out
together, they look around for other women, it has become
so natural that they do it in the company of the girl: she
simply does not care anymore about the relationship, but
neither of them has the courage to see.
He let the relationship cool, is so accommodating that he
forgot to date. To get married, are not just words, it all starts
with a fidelity promise but it is not only necessary it to keep
two people together: all those things that need gears to run,
they need constant maintenance.
You know what happens to something that is left to time
without care?
Soon he spoils, gets old, tedious, creates marks of time. And
then comes the terrible time that no one likes to spend:
REPLACEMENT than comes old for something new,
something exciting and exotic, not as exotic or exciting, but
"****** DEMO -*******"
just different.
The condition for a relationship to last, is not only to put
food on the table, take their children to school: it is the
companionship, and treat your teammate, do that together,
form a home and not a house of people who decided to just
give up and live together. Doing so is not a couple.
A couple of traffickers can generate more sparks during a
kiss than a wedding can generate in years. It all depends on a
divine factor, so hard to find out there, something that many
no longer have; others look at younger versions of
themselves; that piece of you that has been lost over the
years. THE WILL.
Once, when I was kind of emotional, long ago, I remember
reading a sentence in which I believed, but, over time,
evolved and realized that this was just romantic bullshit:
But here it is: "Will power does not change men. Time does
not change man. Love does".
I partly believe it, for in our youth we enjoy love in its purest
form, more desirable, because they are our first experiences.
Later, I realized that the time and love are not able to change
the mind of man, only our will can do it.
The will power changes all conditions.
Changes that paunchy husband who only knows how to get
from work and lie on the couch waiting for dinner to
someone willing to help women in the duties of the house.
Previously, after dinner, he slept there, did not seek comfort
"****** DEMO -*******"
in his wife's arms or at bedtime. But WILL turns lazy
husband on a dedicated companion.
The will power changes all conditions.
Changes that wife who cannot take even the weight of her
own ass on a determined woman.
One that is both occupied with the affairs of the house (if she
is a housewife, but that means that is not the woman who
should take care of the house alone. Okay, feminists?) Who
did not realize that the scale turned into a nightmare.
Do you think your husband should be devoted of rice and
beans and idolize her just because she makes meals and
takes care of the house. The will changes this sloppy wife for
a marathon, for a woman devoted to leave everything up to
be able to still get after years of marriage, to have those
naughty looks to her husband.
I look at sloppy couples, accommodated and wonder:
- You lost your mind?
- Or you just got lost over the years?
Where due attention, the partnership, the husband waiting
with dinner ready and bathed the children, because his wife
needed some time to herself and went to the salon?
Where's the due attention of the woman to shave more than
once a week, buy a provocative nightgown and show the
husband that fire that still unite them?
Any calls may decrease, but just need someone to put more

"****** DEMO -*******"

wood on the fire, so the fire never goes out.
No more indulgence! They decided to become a couple, but
not a team. Or are they a team and forgot they are also
If you want to be together, where's the WILL to do things
If you are in a relationship to make it work, or give up at
once and find someone else who can make your life has a
purpose, the nostalgia of the first meeting was repeated in all
the meetings, from the coffee moment to the moment of
making love.
Feel your partner, your needs, do not look only to their wills.
Learn to play double and the rewards will be immense.
Being together just by being is not valid, is not smart, is not
even acceptable.

There comes a point in everyone's life that, as time goes
on, we will seek something more, more than bars and clubs
can offer. For some who have lived this part of life, of
conquest, known to get up on a Sunday morning next to the
one you love, it is something really extraordinary.
If you're in a relationship, or if you managed to evolve its
outputs, or that casual sex turned out to be something more
"****** DEMO -*******"
serious, and you went to the level of "committed", some tips
will be key for you to achieve and maintain a healthy
The first tip to relationships, you know that if you’re only
looking for beauty, you're in trouble.
Beauty only has that to offer, do not say that all beautiful
women are empty but for a relationship you should really
examine the inside of that person. See my example, I was
with the most beautiful woman of all, but when I found
myself ill and depressed, I needed her hand to comfort me,
she was not there.
"Stop looking for the most beautiful and perfect woman, find
a woman of worth who is at your side during your
nightmares, that's the only beauty that you need!"
It is obvious that everything in your life needs to be
balanced, beauty is important but content as well. There are
many beautiful women and also worthy, but to reach them
you need to strive.
Many friends of mine who were starting dating, and I've
dated a while asked me what I was doing, about what I was
talking about, but this sort of thing has to evolve on its own,
there is no formula for it.
When I met my ex-girlfriend, I would never say that I would
be her groom, it was hard to talk to her, we had similar
tastes, do not even know why we were together so long, just
a passion kept us together in the beginning. But then over
time, you will create a story together with that person, things
"****** DEMO -*******"
go better, it is like a river, in calmer waters you need to
paddle out of a place and over time you should only go with
the flow, so it is in relationships.
Some things are basic; respect your wife, man! She is your
wife. Treat her well, love her, because once you lose, it's no
use going crazy and trying to be what you are not, to have
her back. Loving a woman does not mean becoming her
slave. Do not let the relationship fall into the routine, do not
be lazy, do not let go of your friends, do not let her let go of
her friends, you will have a world only of you, but you do
not have to give up the rest.
Never turn away from your family because of any woman,
your family is your past, your present and your future, and I
can say this because I went through this situation when I was
on top, I lived surrounded by false friends, self-interested,
and when I saw myself going wrong I just had my family on
my side. And it was my family who brought me strength to
start over. A woman who makes you fight with your mother,
your father, surely has no morals or principles. What makes
you think you have a future with someone like that? If she
pushed you away from your family who can guarantee that
she would not leave and take your child away?
Do not be a jerk. Be a man you respect, the last word has to
be yours!
These days, it seems that we know how to begin and how to
end relationships, everything comes with an expiration date,
time eventually takes it all away. I repeat, this is my point of

"****** DEMO -*******"

view about it, you have to be prepared for anything, maybe
you are the minority who really has a love for life. So stay
tuned to signals, make your love for her to be just right, save
a little self-love, you will always need it.
During the relationship, you should not get neurotic and
think that everything will come to an end, and it is better not
to get involved. There are the good side and the bad side of
dating, the good thing is you will have an emotional
stability, will be able to devote more of your time to your
business, you have someone on your side to support you, no
need to go out every weekend. But you should not fall into
the comfort zone, you should continue working out, you
should continue taking care of yourself, you must remain
confident, you don’t need to spoil it too, do not need to fill it
with gifts and statements every day.
What good will do for a woman, if she knows everything
about you, what to expect from you if she fully decipher
every new emotion she has? Just looking for someone else.
You're a regular guy, a gift only on important dates, not
many plans for the future, prefer living in the present, is
imposed on their decisions and their tastes, but do not be
stubborn to the point of wanting to do only what YOU want.
Having to go out to a lunch of her family, hear the father tell
the same things every time you go there, it sucks, but it is
your duty. Try to socialize.
You are giving the present, is not to make vows of love,
promises of eternal love, but one day decides to buy a gift,

"****** DEMO -*******"

some roses, takes her to dinner, she never expected that this
impact will cause her loves to you the most, because she's
not used to that side of you. You do this a few times, so she
appreciates it the most.
Some precautions you should take to maintain a healthy
relationship, how to control jealousy, command respect, be it
by exchanging messages with each other through a social
network, friend, this only leads to one place. You need to
take care not to let your woman get tired of doing the same
things forever. Make trips, tours, do not be locked in the
house all weekend, even if it is to go for a drive. Try to make
things with her friends, even if they are unmarried, take her
along, take her friends.
Always remember, win is the easiest part of the relationship,
maintaining it is a challenge to overcome. Do not fall into
routine, no way, buy a bike and go riding with her,
entertaining programs with friends, sit, drink and watch a
game of football, why not do it with your wife?
You'll never end up with your best friend, so make your wife
be your best friend, everything you do with your friends, you
can include her, but everything you do with her, would be
strange to propose to his friends, lol. I talked about balance
right? Do not feel obliged to take it along always, sometimes
you need some time off, then go out only with your friends.
Be a friend of your wife, be her listener, her confidant, her
partner, her lover.
The moment you chose for one, you abdicated women out
"****** DEMO -*******"
there not to betray, this world can be yours at any time, you
know that. You know how to win, know how to pick up
women, then you are in a relationship, make it work.
Repentance destroys it from within.
But as I said before, always be prepared with your armor,
notice the signs, and do not be fooled. If your wife does not
kiss you anymore, if she is constantly seeking excuses to
avoid sex… It’s over. Make a woman love you again it's
impossible, it is chemically impossible, it's like the person's
brain was already programmed to reject that sense, the
antibodies are up to date, there is no turning back. Once
something is broken, it can’t go back to how it was.
According to science, the chemical reaction that causes love
lasts an average of six years. After that, the brain makes
sense of monogamy; it could happen to you too. I believe
that if we see the other person every day, it does not work.
This comes from my own creation. I was taught by my
mother who, during the week, had to devote to study and
work. And on weekends spend at leisure, dating. It’s ok to
have a lunch, one dinner during the week, this will not hurt
anyone, remember: keep balance in everything.
I really do not know how to work a relationship in which
people see each other every day. You lose your
individuality, forget your life alone, your friends, just live in
this world as a couple. Both are dependent on each other,
then they will not know if you still love each other or is just
used to the person. This is not healthy. A trip alone?
Impossible. You are not married to have a commitment of
"****** DEMO -*******"
this kind yet, you have a future to build.
At the time when I heard my mother speak about this I didn’t
believe her, but in the end, she was right. I was able to build
a great company, because my life was balanced, and the
same thing I've learned, I will pass on to my children.
I do not know if it works to live with a girlfriend, because I
have not gone through that yet that. But if each one has their
privacy, an hour to be alone with their thoughts, I don’t see
why not give it a try.
One thing you should know about relationships is that there
is not a formula for a lasting relationship, things can work
out or not, you cannot give up finding out more about your
beloved, to understand without losing your personality.
Listen well, talk about things that make them happy and give
attention to the issues too.
But very carefully, because women began to domesticate
men in the last century. I never heard of men taking care of
household chores, cooking or looking after children. And
this is not sexism, is tradition, it is customary since men are
men. If there was a war today, men would not be at home
taking care of children while women went to war to protect
the country. No, don’t think so. So, be careful to be
dedicated at home, help is good, but be in charge of
everything is already a domination signal. Also beware of
the media and relationships.
Social pages often tune something that is not, do you want to
live in a world that is not yours, and you can end up a puppet
"****** DEMO -*******"
in it? Also beware the relations of other couples and friends.
You make dinner for couples: say… five couples, ten
people, join the men on one side, women on the other.
Men will talk about football, about weapons, about women,
about when I was single, one fucked more than the other,
you know it is so. Now, women on the other hand, are
completely different. You can bet you are bond to get
something nasty when you get home. They are talking to
each, and as they are very competitive, whether they mean it
or not, if you have the same intention or not, one of them
comes up with something like this:
- Oh, my husband and I are going abroad on a trip!
The other there will answer:
- Ah! How nice! You deserve it.
On the same day, when you get home, you're done. It begins
to the husband.
- Oh! Why don’t you take me on a trip? We haven’t been to
the beach in three years.
- Our friends are going abroad and don’t take anywhere
You can bet she heard it back there, and there she begins:
“let’s travel, let’s travel”, every single day.
Or… well, you go to the house of a couple of friends, the
woman just got a new refrigerator from her husband. Those
two doors, stainless steel, turbocharged, trip computer,

"****** DEMO -*******"

airbag, ice cubes out the door, you got everything in that
refrigerator… then your wife says.
- Ah! What a beautiful fridge!
And then you know, when I got home she already says:
- We have to change our refrigerator.
And so it goes, six more months talking about the
refrigerator, then you exchange the refrigerator, and then you
have a few days of break until something new arises.
This is a competition, to live a world that is not theirs. And
you'll never get it out of woman.
Women are never satisfied, and is highly illogical and
Take the test, if she's asking you for pants, do not buy the
pants and the pants cost three hundred dollars, give the
actual three hundred. After a while she returns home, she
bought a dress or a shoe, not pants. They never know what
they want.
Women friendship is unreliable, as they speak a lot, they
have a circle of an average five friends, if you fucked one
and you were the MAN, she'll tell the others for sure. In one
year, you get them all. Because of the competition between
them. Women do not respect this sense, men respects a
former friend, but women do not.
For talking too much, women speaks very well of her
husband, awakens the friend’s desire, and then comes the
affair. That goes for you too, the couple's intimacy is not for
"****** DEMO -*******"
the public.
Just to analyze the difference between men and women
friendship, try to get twelve women for a round of play.
Think two are friends, one calls the other to invite to a
volleyball game.
The first thing she asks to receive the invitation.
- Who is going? Because if this girls is, I am not!
Now, men do not care for that, they are more the barbecue
and beer blast.
Friendship between men is much more real. Of course there
are those who do not respect their own mothers - those
assholes are good to be cut out of your circle of friends.
Be careful when getting involved with jealous women. No
one changes their nature, their essence, it can hide for a
while, but sooner or later it comes up, and you cannot be the
asshole that leaves those feelings to control you. If
something has no future, get out immediately.
I remember a girlfriend that I had, totally unbalanced. I
cannot name her, but I should. For starters, I met her on a
beach in Santa Catarina during the holidays. I was there with
a friend of hers and everything went well, I met her, spent
some time with her and that fetish to pick up friends of an ex
came with full force. At first, I should’ve known, she was
drunk after a party in my city and called me at 7 am, asking
for a ride to the bus station (because she lived in a nearby
town). At the time, I did not think things like, "My God, how
"****** DEMO -*******"
did she get my number?" or anything like that, I just thought:
"Yay, morning sex!"
It is obvious that her friend must have spoken well of me and
she wanted more than just a ride, she could have called
anyone, or get a taxi, it was so obvious, I'd be a jerk if I
didn’t take the opportunity. When I picked her up I had
already checked the bus schedules, there was one coming out
at exactly 9am, and another at 3pm. Well, she did not know
that, so I said they only had a bus at 3pm. I picked her up at
the party, explained to her the fact that there were no buses
at that time, and as a kind soul that I am, I offered my flat for
her to rest, and even a hot bath. Oh, how good I am.
We arrived at my apartment and she took a shower, laid for a
few minutes on the couch. And then the big bad wolf came,
got closer, as nonchalantly, offering a breakfast. We talked,
we had lunch together and I told her to get the bus the next
day, she accepted immediately. Then, noticing the signs that
were obvious at this time she agreed to go to the nest of the
wolf, knowing the intentions and, to me, it would be great, I
would not need to invent any excuse to send her away the
next day.
Sex was wonderful, all afternoon, all night, she was a
woman with a wonderful body, silicone, green eyes, looked
like a princess really. I suffered on that day a strange effect, I
never got involved, never did anything very romantic with
another woman, it was all on purpose, but as she was leaving
the next day it was something different for me, and I was
enjoying it.
"****** DEMO -*******"
In the first weekend she came to see me, and I was free
during the week, which was more than necessary because I
worked a lot that time. It was a time of my life where sleep
was a luxury. I went a few weekends to her house, 100km
away, it was a Friday, and on Saturday afternoon (already
arranged with my brother) he would call me telling the
deadline for some work and I needed to get back
immediately, It was the perfect scheme for sex,
companionship and freedom.
Until her visits (which were only at the weekends) began to
happen during the week. At first, I did not mind. Until it
became constant, and as she only studied and was bored at
home, called me at 3pm for me to go there that she was in
the mood… at first, I thought it was fun to get out of a
meeting in the afternoon, have a quickie and go back, but
over time it was totally unpleasant. This woman was trying
to end my professional life, camped in my house and I could
not get rid of her, I became a babysitter, had to bring her
lunch and dinner because she didn’t do anything.
Until I decided that enough is enough. I was talking to her
and the story is always the same: crying, promises that
things will change, “I love you”. We’ve been together three
months and you already love me? I doubt it.
Until I convinced her to leave.
She didn’t. She went to a hotel and at 4am she was knocking
on my door. At this time, I did want any more sex, I was so
angry. But that night, we had the same sex… sue me, I am a

"****** DEMO -*******"

man, sometimes I think with my head down there.
And after sex, how to get rid of her? It was one of the
longest nights of my life.
She left, but came back a few days later. This time took her
to a motel. And she left. There were constant calls,
messages, testimonials, care for my family to convince them
that I was wrong. It was a month of persecution. Until one
day she was back in my city, asked to have one last
conversation. She came with her car and picked me up at
work and we were already heading towards the motel when I
said it was better not to go, she tried to crash the car. There
you have it my friend: there are unbalanced women, and
what looks so good in the beginning can have a tragic end. I
threatened to tell her parents, and she left, she was 22 years
old at the time and I was 24. Finishing the architecture
university, and was totally upset.
At the end of the relationship, after threatening me to death,
she put in my head that I was gay. It never crossed her mind
that she was doing the wrong things, typical spoiled girl.
A few weeks later, I'm in a party and she comes in front of
me. It bothered at the time to see, because any jealous man
(even of you no longer want the girl) need to control. But,
guess whom she calls at 4am wanting casual sex?
I'm out! I have learned the lesson, because I was
accompanied that time.
Lesson learned: be careful who you take indoors. Before
getting involved it takes a lot to know the person.
"****** DEMO -*******"
Another thing you have to be very careful is with arguing;
realize the time that things are going down a path of no
return. You discuss once a month, for example, but do not
give much emphasis on it, find out what is wrong, talk about
it and give it an end.
Another experience I had in this regard, it was with a
girlfriend who was very beautiful, a woman to marry. (And
so it seems that I only get beautiful girls, but often they are).
It was a family woman, a law student here in my city. I met
her in a curious way; just before she graduated they had a
show in town. It was me and a friend, I was happy, because
he was driving. I went to the bar and she was working as an
attendant, usually university makes a nozzle at parties and
When I got to the bar, I saw that beautiful brunette and I did
not even think about approaches or anything. I asked for
something to drink and I stayed there. Before the show they
had a DJ and a music room, I began to pull the moves and
she gave me talk, she was already caught, because when a
woman begins to listen you already have 90% chance of
getting her, it depends only on your persuasion skills.
I was there all night and she didn’t meet anyone else, we
talked about many things, I asked for her phone number. The
only downside is that at the beginning, for her to talk to me,
I had to buy something, so I bought a beer, drank it, asked
for another one, and at one point I asked for beer, playing
outside, and asked another, she thought it was a sweet

"****** DEMO -*******"

gesture and did not sell me anymore. Well, not yet. We
talked until my friend came, said that the show was over and
we could go, I did not see any show. With her phone in
Ah! Remember: as it once worked, I tried a few times to the
bartenders and always worked.
So we had dinner and it was nice, wonderful, we engaged,
but not rolled like sex at all, because she was a family girl
with principles, was not just that. So my bad side appeared. I
thought, if she has principles, so I just have to get to know
her family to get her, right? Okay, the next weekend I was
there, in the midst of her people, with a smile on my face, it
was not sympathy, was to know that it was all for a greater
purpose. Met all the family, spent the end of week at her
house, sleeping in the guest room, of course. They were in a
far city, so I traveled some 300km just to get sex, all right, I
bet you have done this.
When we were coming back, I noticed a certain smile on
her, a light saying that the way was clear. We arrived at my
apartment and it happened, and it was great, a curious fact
that happened during sex: she wept with emotion, you know,
it was not her first time, but she had only done it with an ex-
boyfriend and she felt bad, By being so manipulative, but the
sex was good, then made up a lot. That night, an idea began
to sprout in my mind, that I would never find such a woman,
as honest as her, and that perhaps it would be time for me to
commit myself and my little friend with only a woman. She
was, was pretty sure it was her, beautiful, sweet, with
"****** DEMO -*******"
The early dating was beautiful, like every beginning is, not
so many issues, all love alone, a few months it was steady,
then she graduated and went to work. And I knew the stress.
I'm not sure how it started, but I never really prolong an
argument against what is wrong, repair and that's it, I have
no reason to continue discussing.
So began the discussions, which was rare, became constant,
it was always the same, we fought, did not seem the same
woman. She screamed, and usually for petty things, silly
jealousy, began to inspect my cell constantly.
It was usual: my Friday I would spend with her, argue, fight,
spend Saturday alone, and on Sunday she would seek
reconciliation. This happened one, two, three, several times,
gentlemen, she was very beautiful even!
But then I saw that it would not work out and, on a Friday
happened again, and on Sunday, I ended it. During a
courtship, the time you spend happy, is less than the time
you spend frustrated, sad, angry. Over. Keep forces and cut
it in the bud.
A few months after we finished, she was transferred to a city
far away from mine, and after three years, she added me to a
social network.
And told me I was the Prince Charming of her life, no one
ever treated her like I treated and demonstrated to love her as
I have shown, it was very childish at the time, and it did not
work out, but she liked me until this day.
"****** DEMO -*******"
I was engaged when it happened so I paid no attention at all.
Note, however bad you are, you should treat your wife well
so she will never forget you. Of course, after she found out I
got some of her friends, perhaps the Prince concept has gone
from her mind, but for some time, that's what she thought of
me, I can be a dog, but always I give reasons for women to
fall in love with me. You also have to be that way.
So in short, you must treat well the woman who is on your
side, even if for one night, a month, a year, a lifetime. But
never lose your authority and personality. You never know
what can happen, and eventually find the "destination
treasure lifelong" just never know where and when.


This is the most difficult phase in the life of man, is a pain
that does not compare to anything else, only those who lived
it, like me, and only those who have experienced it, knows
how it goes. I will say what everyone knows, the best
medicine is time. It sucks, because we do not control the
flow of time, we would like it to pass faster, but it doesn’t.
Some people can handle as if nothing happened. Is there
even that?

"****** DEMO -*******"

Pain is inevitable, you at first will not accept, will suffer,
will think you lost your soul mate, you loved that way that
only she had the voice, conversations. It is terrible even, but
you may have lost your soul mate, but you still have your
soul, you still have a life to meet new people and new
You will need all your strength, and your friends to deal with
it. If you delete the world you will only cause the void to
become larger. Also do not act like a child, do not go bad-
mouthing, do not go around wishing the evil of another
person, you were together a long time, it was good while it
lasted, but it ended and you will overcome.
You have this thing back, because when is finished, is
finished, if someone wants a second chance, should have
taken the first, and no one gives up what makes them happy.
It was finished because something was wrong, not because
you know how is the past next to a person that you should
fear the future, great things will come to you, the world will
break your heart ten different ways, so often in life, you
must be strong and go through all of them as a man, not a
frightened child.
If you are going through this phase, I know how it is, we
think, what motivated you to be rejected?
The stage where I was left, was soon after the bankruptcy of
my company, I was at rock bottom, depressed, thinking that
life was over, but still had someone by my side, giving me
strength, poor fool I was to think that. When she broke up

"****** DEMO -*******"

with me, she said she was ending so I could react, so I could
lift me, while there was time. It was only an excuse to jump
off the boat that was sinking. She was put in God's hands
and time.
Who loves and cares don’t put in the hands of time, for time
devours everything, time takes it all away, and how my life
was very troubled, so I thought, my life is troubled, then
support me and not dismisses me.
Now tell me, I was at rock bottom, did I really need someone
to sink me even further? Picked the wrong woman, she was
not on my side when I needed her. When all is joy, life is
easy, but when your wallet gets lighter, prepare yourself to
meet the real nature of people around you. A person is good,
until she is not.
Of course I was the one responsible for everything that
happened, do not put the blame on anyone, it happened
because of me and only me. My innocence to trust people,
my irresponsibility. I was responsible for the loss of my
fortune, my wife, but I overcame and conquered again what
was worth winning. Luckily, in my rock bottom I found oil.
There are few who can stand, I do not have a formula for
wealth, it is my gift to make money. She even made a last
favor to end it with me, nudged my ego, unfortunately, pride,
sometimes, is the fuel you need, I got up in three months.
You should think, what I may have done to achieve this so
fast, I'm investor stock exchange, entrepreneur who knows
how to seize opportunities. I sold what little remained, along

"****** DEMO -*******"

with an invention, I could capitalize on me and re-invest
during this process. I had the support of a cousin who is now
like a brother, and to him I am grateful for my recovery,
believe me and in my capacity when no one else believed. I
also had the support of my brother. The family is always by
my side.
A millionaire fall for financial stability, reborn as a confident
person, I forgave myself, and also won the emotional
stability, love my own, I found the best women, and in the
end left learning.
One thing I learned also, however great your problems are,
do not hide them, face them head on, and try to preserve the
people around you, stress, everything. Do not be a coward
with life's adversities, storms only last for a while, but even
the bad times will be forgotten. Repeat to yourself, in three
years, this pain I feel now will actually be anything?
When the boat starts to sink, rats and women flee first, then
stabilizes the boat, the storm passes, and you can see that in
your life only remaining things that have a strong base,
which have value and true friendship, your family,
something that is undeterred by anything. Storms take away
what was not strong in your life sometimes take something
that can never be replaced. It's up to you to live so that it
never happens again, and then you realize what should be
valued in your life.
Sometimes I wonder what things are destined to happen.
Bear with me, if I had not gone through all I went through,

"****** DEMO -*******"

you would not be reading this book right now, because I
would not have written about it, I would not feel the need to
share these things, and now I can be helping you, so if you
are going through a phase like this, if you are suffering, I
suffered so now I can help you.
It’s very sad, I read some news in recent times, men are
killing to end a relationship.
Do not be weak, it hurts and it sucks, but life is more than
that, you should be able to stand up and overcome all
adversities. Some things you should avoid as much not to be
known as idiot. Do not be looking at the social networks for
example, do not look for it, do not connect, leave her alone,
nothing will bring her back. And you'll be fine with that,
over time, you will forget.
I even nowadays, sometimes I want to go check on her, what
she’s doing, but before opening Facebook or something, I
repeat to myself:
"Why will you do this to yourself? Torture?"
Eventually, find a better woman to you, and you're done. It
cannot be that hard.
And it's not.
We are back to the shelf of use, the dealers, we will get
involved again, and again and often, strengthen us with
difficulties, and learn about life.
In the text below I was helped by my friend Edu Quadros.
If you've been dumped by your wife and unfortunately still
"****** DEMO -*******"
continued enjoying it, certainly you need important tips to
not make the serious mistake of chasing her, to call her
drunk, let alone go to her house in the dead of night.
There are very important points to get out of this situation,
we must, first of all, do not let this feeling hinder our
professional and personal life. We must keep our heads held
high. You have to "split in two", the "you out of your job"
and the "you at work."
Why that?
Simply because your boss will not mind if you could not
sleep at night thinking about your ex-wife and the morning
has no head to think about work and go in search of the
company's goals. It does not matter if at dinner time you did
not dined because you were not hungry and sad thinking
about your ex-wife. So you need to split into two, your
problems will have to be input out of your job, when you hit
the point in your work will have to be a person focused one
hundred percent on your job and goals.
The problems are left after hours.
It is difficult and will be difficult, unfortunately the only
remedy for this is time, this is the man who will cure all the
evils that a woman can cause to a man.
Start by cleaning all that could bring back memories of her,
or that may, in a sense, take you to her. Especially her
number in your cell, preferably clear your head too, social
networks, search delete it from your group of friends or
followers, because, as you control to not keep looking and
"****** DEMO -*******"
wondering what she's doing, when you come home drunk at
5am it will be impossible to control the mind and, especially,
the heart of wanting to leave a message, one Twitter,
something. You cannot let you leave, but you must avoid
doing the same routines you did to her, the good thing is to
avoid going to the same places. You have to go to different
places, bars and clubs. Anyway, somewhere that has women
and you can find them to casual sex. The biggest mistake
most men have after they end a relationship is to want to be
isolated from friends, help out in some ways is normal and
sympathetic, but unfortunately you cannot do that, because
you are torturing your mind and your heart.
You cannot lose self-esteem; you have to keep it always high
at the highest level. The most important step after the end of
a relationship is to have sex with a different woman after
two, four, five years doing it with the same one (unless you
were unfaithful). You need to renew your energy. When you
finish a long relationship the first feeling is that you'll never
fuck anyone in your life again. But women are like the heads
of Hydra, cutting one two born in their place, simple as that.
Care to get some friend of your ex, it's tempting, but may
transpire weakness, which is trying to take revenge.
Certainly, if you can get her friend or her best friend will be
a great achievement, certainly your ex will know. So be
careful in situations like this.
Generally, you will have support of your true friends, give
value to it. It may be few, but who are on your side you'll
notice that they are true friends to the end in good time or
"****** DEMO -*******"
bad - they are on your side, this situation serves learning for
many things, not everything is as bad as you might think.
The hardest day is the day you're in the same room as her. It
will be so difficult that you will need to "tie your heart" and
master the emotion and you have to be emotionally prepared
for it.
As much as she can, to some extent, take the brightness of
your smile you need to smile and not show what's going on
inside. Perhaps for good education a 'Hi, how are you?"
without dwell too much, nothing more than that. Of course,
not to show anything she can realize that you are suffering,
or who suffered, it must be mature, think of all the bad that it
caused you and use it as a medicine for the pain that will be
Remember, you are a man and you have to act like it.
The best answer to a relationship end is silence, do not go
back, do not call, do not wonder how she is, no longer wish
to know about her day at work, do not mind, do not show her
anything, save those emotions in the trunk of your heart
under lock and key. Try to be happy and good about your
Enjoy the new phase: single, the world did not end! Skirt
with no obligation to return home, make new adventures,
travel, the world has much to be tapped, you can never stop
wanting to enjoy the finer things in life simply because your
relationship did not work out with that person. Enjoy your
day, obviously build a family, have your children is the
"****** DEMO -*******"
culmination in the life of a man, but you need to give it time,
things happen naturally, in this life nothing is forced, but,
conquered, and your future love can be even closer than you
think. All this bad phase will pass, do not rush, let it happen
Learn something: in life, the only thing that does not follow
rules, and that usually does not let you have choices is your
heart. Often it is wrong, you're wrong, right?
Your heart also has the right to make mistakes, but just like
you it will hit and is up to you not shake this situation and be
strong enough to move on, we need to show why you were
born man, you have to be mature. You should certainly have
asked that question that everyone does to himself: "why does
this only happen to me?" or "why is this happening to me?".
My friend, you are not the one who is going through this,
everyone has gone through as well! Cheer up, open the
window of your room and let the sun in, bringing with it all
the positivity that you need to face and your day.
Think and reflect. If everything in your life was a bed of
roses, if you had any woman you wanted, if you bought any
car at your will, do you think that would a grace in your life?
Obviously in the early years it would be all good, a lot of
enjoyment, but in a few years it would not be fun anymore.
Life is not easy. Not everything that has value is priceless. In
fact, the best things in life are still free!
Sometimes, you need to suffer so, just as it takes love, kisses
and sex. Your material possessions will not serve anything
"****** DEMO -*******"
after this life, live to earn your stuff with your own sweat,
live to be happy and nothing else.
Live and enjoy every moment, whether good or bad. Learn
from the mistakes, and enjoy the good times.

Relationship is a gamble and not a certainty, understand it,
a bet where you win or lose. A bet between the two sides. If
you lose that bet, raise up and look for the best. The
relationship in which both sides are completed is the most
pleasurable thing in life, when you're working, and is also
the most painful, when only one side remains involved.
The key today is security, companionship. If you end a
relationship on your own it is because something was not
right and if something was not good and had to be ended is
because there was no way anyone changes.
If you were forced to end the relationship, or she broke up
with you, I know how you are feeling ill and miserable now,
just say one thing, two months from now, you will be healed.
This is a fact. Just don’t be locked at home.
I'm not saying it's wrong to suffer to the end of something. If
there was involvement is obvious that it will be difficult, but
If the situation is that: time to move on. The past is behind.
"****** DEMO -*******"
There are seven billion people in the world, it is not possible
that only one can please you.
Breakups are always hard for both sides and although
usually the feminine side start a new relationship earlier than
the male side, the famous friends, the duty of vultures, that
does not mean that they also did not feel anything. That's
where the "remember" or the famous "relapse", in a sense,
healthy while you enjoy, when they appear, but they are
EXTREMELY damaging when you have to WAIT.
Abandon party venues, trying to avoid meeting with the ex,
this is all "cover the sun with a sieve". The best way to
forget is having fun, regardless of whether with games,
parties, meetings with friends or whatever.
Loneliness sometimes helps to put ideas in order. Now,
depriving yourself of things that once brought joy because
POSSIBLY you will find someone or hear some friend of
hers comment or ask something, it's silly.
There were mutual friends, obviously there will be
comments. The important thing is to listen and filter what
The future holds what is best. Wait with dignity and in the
meantime, go out and enjoy your life.
There are many ways to be an Alpha Male, there is no magic
formula. But one thing is certain: "all are sure of who they
are.'' Looking at this, I summarized the lessons I posted on
the blog, here I will be gathering and supplementing them
"****** DEMO -*******"

If the relationship is over, believe me, there is no word that

will make her come back, chasing is useless.

Women prefer attitude rather than a whining loser. Suffer
like real men, not boys.
If the woman walked away, the best thing to do is let her go,
stand firm and indifferent (even to collapse inwardly when
she realizes that you did not care for her), she will come
crawling back, or not. You will never know the outcome. So
do what is right, pray for the best, be prepared for the worst,
and face whatever comes.
When the woman ends the relationship, they usually ask for
a break, and you act like a nice guy giving her this time.
Staying home, not going out, no longer living, and waiting
for someone who might never come back. Do not do that!!!
Live! That's when you have to live!
You have to show her that you live very well alone, this
habit of clinging to grief and torture does not lead you
That classic end of dating, when no friend supports you and
you just need speak of it...

"****** DEMO -*******"

As you read below, try to imagine a pathetic voice crying.
- “But, man, we were happy, she was my soul mate, the most
beautiful woman in the world, I could only be happy with
her and no one else, because her smile was beautiful and bla
bla bla”.
This is the famous weeping end of the relationship. Now you
have the other side: that you accepted as a stage of life and
understand that there are millions of women with a broken
heart, needing someone to take up her suffering.
Which side do you think is happier? The heartbroken?
Go out and cure some other broken hearts. Let go of that
sorrow that leads nowhere.
We must put an end to this dilemma, before thinking about
talking to her again, ask yourself why you’d torture yourself
like that. There are three billion women in the world.
I know – you like her smile, her voice, her company, it
appears that no other can replace her. But life goes on, you
mature, you’ll live many other experiences.
Nowadays, the "forever" love only happens in the movies,
and no one is a unique and irreplaceable being.
If it ended it is because at some point it was not working,
and if it did not work before, why would it now?
Especially if she has other… then you’ve entered the
friendzone. Remember: you do not live in the fifties, when
husbands went to war and returned five years later to find
the wives even more passionate, faithful, waiting for them.
"****** DEMO -*******"
Today, if you walk away for ten minutes you still have to
keep an open eye.
Put a stop to it. To deal with jealousy and possessiveness
you have to put in your head that for every man you see her
with, she will see you with ten different women, and then
work on it. It seems childish, but you will be distracted and
soon won’t even remember this anymore.
Alpha males dominate the emotions and are not dominated
by it, you should always analyze things coolly and not be
slaughtered. To the outside world you have to transpire as if
"fuck it!".
So, lesson number 1: if she broke up with you - let her go!
Accept the end, and overcome it, it is the best way forward.
Once something breaks, there will always be something that
will make you remember that things did not work out
between you.

How far is it good to nail an ex-girlfriend?
You cannot fear the future so it is easier to want to escape to
the past because it is familiar, but normally it's a huge
When you have relapses and ends up with your ex… once,
twice, several times, you end up blocking yourself to
progress, to overcome, getting in that vicious cycle that will

"****** DEMO -*******"

not get you anywhere. If you still like her and is determined
to forget her, getting into a relapse is a terrible mistake and
will keep you in the same place for a long time.
Sometimes you do not accept that it's over. Say, you go to a
party and she is having fun with friends, you feel that urge to
go and talk to her, just by going you make a fool of yourself
in front of everyone and say you’re still in love with her, and
then she says back a "me too", she says it because she
doesn’t want to hurt you and doesn’t want a big scandal, but
the reality is that you’re only taking a "consolation prize".
Do you really want that for you? Depend on the mercy of
someone who does not want you anymore?
She will never get back with you while she knows that she
still has you under control, that security in knowing you will
be there, available if she cannot find anyone else.
Stop running back. If it is very difficult at first don’t go to
the same places, where you know she will go, also be careful
with her friends and their false questions, wondering how
you are, what you’ve been doing, that's all falsehood, no one
gives a damn. Instead of wasting time lamenting, do
constructive things with your time or look for other women.
Now, if you are not emotionally involved, nailing an ex-
girlfriend can be very good, but only if there is no sentiment
involved, do not blame yourself for using another person or
anything like that, just enjoy it.
What would be the best answer to the end of a relationship?
I think it's silence. Nothing can be more cruel and merciless
"****** DEMO -*******"
to your ex than the question of what is happening to you.
As a line in the film ‘The Godfather’: "Never let anyone
outside the family know what you’re thinking".
Analyzing well, there are two situations at the end of a
relationship: the first is that you continue to like the girl, and
the second is that you don’t care anymore.
For you who continued to like the girl, the first step to take is
to stop thinking about what you should do to get her back,
and think only of the things you should not do to push it
Messages, phone calls, gifts, pampering, poems, songs,
serenades, flowers, all this could work a hundred years ago,
but not today. Today, no one bothers to fix something that is
broken, it is easier to replace it.
Just think of your ex going out one night to be courted by a
crowd of men who only want her for a purpose… At first she
will find everything wonderful, she is the pop star, the queen
of the universe.
Over time, she will realize that no one wants anything
serious, because no one wants anything that serious today,
she cannot have a second date. Men will only talk to her at
parties, because nobody wants to get to know her better than
that, she will get home, get up early after the holidays and
feel that huge void that no party can fill.
And if you ran after her all this time, she will not look at you
as if you were the "man of her life," she made a mistake in

"****** DEMO -*******"

leaving you and will compare you with others.
If you kept silent, not sought her more, deleted her from
your social networks, didn’t send her any messages, finally
disappeared from the Earth, she will be panicky, thinking
she made a mistake and will not find anyone else like you.
There are two sides of every coin, she may have found
someone else, but in these cases, I think that is better to have
her gone from your life at once because she wasn’t someone
to take you seriously. If she replaced you so easily it's
because she has no value and will continue life passed from
hand to hand until no one wants anything to do with her.
And if you're an Alpha Male then someone will find you, so
do not fear loneliness and hold on.

Who never heard that expression before? There is another
way to get over an ex-girlfriend. And it is simple talking
about it, if you try to avoid at all costs to talk about it
"****** DEMO -*******"
remember it: your brain immediately associate this with the
feeling of pain, suffering, and every time someone talks
about her you will suffer.
So you should talk about it, choose a trusted friend and talk
until you’re done, talk a lot, about everything, so you will
turn it into just one subject, it is not a monster that needs to
be feared, it's just a girl you had in your life for a while and
now is nothing more just talk. As I've been there too, I can
say that avoiding the issue will not solve anything.
We must give the time to time. The only real problem is that
we don’t control the flow of time.
Turn her into an ordinary person to you, not a person who
causes you pain and suffering, talk about it, talk about
dating, forget the bad things, look at the good things that
remained and be strengthened to face the new relationships
you will have.
Avoid finding her and speaking to her when the pain is still
too strong for you, but after you find the strength you should
try to talk about it, and overcome.
Be careful when you talk about your ex with some friend of
hers, not bad talk or speak well of her, be indifferent, not
angry or with hate, it just shows that you still have feelings
for her.
I get lots of messages from people who lost the woman of
their lives. That does not exist.
Life is made of moments, you might have missed the woman

"****** DEMO -*******"

who was at your side at this point in your life, but she was
not the woman of your life, how can you say that? My
grandparents can say this, because they are together up until
this day. My grandfather can look at his wife and say: this is
the woman of my life.
You can only say that she was the woman of your life after
noting that she was with you throughout your life. So, you
see, life is made of moments.
Moments of joy and pleasure, but also moments of pain and
anguish. What fun would we have if we knew everything
that would happen to us when things don’t go as we plan
them we suffer, it is inevitable, but it is necessary to analyze
coolly, and make the learning of it. What happened, why did
she leave? Learn from your mistakes and don’t repeat them.
If today you are suffering because of someone, tomorrow
you will find someone else, it is not known when or where,
and you will suffer because of it too, and just because of that
you cannot give up.
The first thing when we finish a relationship is that it seems
that we will never have another woman, is not it? But this is
totally wrong. You will have to work harder now that you
need to find someone else to take care over yourself.
Do not be lazy to take care of yourself… Attend a gym, keep
the hair always in order and shave. All of this will attract
more women.
When you finish a relationship, the first thing you want is to
end up in the clubs, but this is wrong, you will end up
"****** DEMO -*******"
spending unnecessary time and money, you can use that
money to invest in yourself, buy new clothes, do not go to a
thousand parties to get women.
In your classroom environment and work you always have
someone to get your attention, social networks make it much
easier nowadays.
By taking care of yourself, you begin to have more
confidence, and confidence is the key to success in anything
in life.
There is a fact, when two people end the relationship, one of
them suffers, and the other is at parties, in brief
While one is suffering at home, the other is partying and so
go on… days, weeks, months.
Then the person who was suffering, just beating themselves
down because of the breakup cycle, lived the pain and did
not run from it, turned everything to learning and is now free
to pursue life.
On the other hand, the person who jumped through all the
pain, is now sick from clubs and cannot be involved, and the
worst: realizing that the other has already surpassed panics
and tries to come back, but it's too late. It's her turn to
experience the suffering that the other has passed.
So do not skip the stage of learning, do not run away from
the pain, learn and overcome.
Be careful when getting involved with people so close, like
"****** DEMO -*******"
classmates, or work colleagues. These are good for a
relationship of one night only, the benefit cost is too high,
you will have to live with it daily.
With this lesson, you should learn how to turn your fears,
your disappointments in something small, that never again
will cause you pain.
Remember, always, that a real man does not waste his life
only running after women.

Here's a subject you know is boring. One of the truths of
life: man is even jealous of what you no longer want. And if
you still have feelings for your former girl it is even more
difficult to endure.
Who will be this new asshole with your ex? This is also true,
except for you, of course, all other men are inferior. Of
course, this thinking is wrong. Sometimes we get very angry,
some even get into a fight with the new boyfriend of their
exes, but analyze it well, he's just doing his role, the last girl
you got also has an ex, and if you solved everything with a
fight hospitals would be crowded, wouldn’t they?
The best thing to do, again, is to ignore, accept and move on.

"****** DEMO -*******"

Under no circumstances become friends with them, that
would be a very big torture for you. And if she has reached
the point of having another guy, then your hopes are gone,
over, no turning back; and after it go on and engage with
others, you have no foundation to continue enjoying a girl
like that.
Shut all emotions. That's what you should do. You go out
and meet them, you see the girl that used to be yours with
another, of course it hurts, you feel bad, all your neurons are
consumed with anger, sorrow makes your head spin. All this
can happen, and what will you do? Fight? Scream? You
should do NOTHING.
You will have to look in another direction, and go on with
your life, forget it and let it go. Move forward, otherwise is
like chasing the wind. If you insist, the only person who will
get hurt is you. The terrible truth is that at the end of the
night you will be alone with your frustrations, and they will
be together, and worst of all, closer and maybe even feeling
sorry for you. Imagine the scene, you go there and talk to the
guy she’s with, fight him, and then get home feeling
miserable, cry, get a bit angry, punch the wall? And what
about them? She will take care of his wounds, of course.
What do you think is more constructive to you? Doing this
big scene while they are loving each other and you’re at
home crying? Or you should be holding on and spending
some time with another woman who will definitely cure it?
Think about it, every heartbreak is a chance to meet a young
woman and perhaps be even happier. Because nothing you
"****** DEMO -*******"
say will separate them, the only one to suffer from this crisis
of jealousy and possession will be you.
So forget this “new” guy, unfortunately, we did not make his
head explode only with the strength of our thinking, and we
will not harm us because of a girl who does not want us
anymore. A real man does not come into silly fights, does
not make a fool of himself in front of anyone.
Find a better woman for you! Not because she did not want
you anymore.
I've seen much of that happening, men who go crazy and do
not accept the end, pursue the former girlfriend, fight with
her new boyfriends, and in the end, who is the only one who
loses and suffers from all this?
You, dear friend!
And what I’ve realized is that over time those people who
did not accept the end, to resolve on with life, overcome
these problems and found new loves, and the past one were
There are many women out there, waiting for a nice guy like
you to find them, and you have the opportunity to meet a
young girl, to have new discoveries, to live again all that the
relationship can offer without making the same mistakes,
why would you fear it?
Go straight ahead. Always. Do not get depressed, do not let
sadness dominate you. The guy who is with her is not better
than you, or anything. He just came at the right time.

"****** DEMO -*******"

After all, who lost out was her, because a men willing to
have a relationship are increasingly rare, perhaps she will be
used, and you may use other women, but in the end, you will
find someone else. Always, that's for sure.


Gentlemen, after the previous lessons, the time has come

when we must analyze what we live on, so that we can put
into practice the previous lessons.
It's time to confront the girl who dumped you. That's right!
You should now be able to look at her, as if she were just an
ordinary person. She is someone else who did not cause you
pain, it is just any girl.
Calm down, you do not need to go to her house to confront
her, just do an analysis, look into the memories and that void
was finally completed as it should. Put it all together and do
an analysis to see which direction you should take.
Now, try to remember the bad things too, you always suffer
from this, because you only see the good side of the
relationship, then you start seeing things that did not please
you, the ugly part of dating and you will soon realize that
finishing it allowed you to go after something you like in all

"****** DEMO -*******"

And at this point, you've probably noticed that women are
like the heads of Hydra, of Greek mythology. Cut one head
and two other are born in its place.
Basically, it's the same thing, you end up with someone and
then several women will appear. No woman will knock on
your door wanting sex. Do not be overwhelmed by their
comfort zone, the things come to those who seek and fight
for it.
The clock hand only goes in one direction for the future.
You should also do this! Yesterday has passed, what was
good yesterday may not be today.
There will always be other opportunities and cling to the
memory of what was, of what existed, will not take you
anywhere. Do you realize that the feeling today, at most, is a
longing to have someone to share certain achievements,
stroll, but not just because you made a mistake and had a
relationship that did not last? This may not happen.
To you who prefer to be in a relationship to being single, say
now, why this need for someone? You do not always have to
have company at every stage of your life, and learning to
live and moving alone is necessary. In major storms that you
will face you'll be alone. So enough of addiction, a true
Alpha Male knows that change of direction of your life will
depend only on himself, then you do not need that nerve-
racking pressure to date right now. Soon it appears, you
should not rush things, and should continue treading your
"****** DEMO -*******"
way just by yourself.
For those who know how to live alone, you should not fear
anything, and you have already shown strength and your life
will be glorious simply because you do not need to rely on
anyone's help.
Of course you should not become a hermit and move to the
mountains, you should pursue relationships and take chances
whenever they present themselves.
After all, we are descendants of apes, and so there is in us
the need to live in society and relate to others. But for dating
you should make it an option, not a necessity. You may not
reverse this value in your life, when it becomes addictive
and not pleasurable.
Balance in everything you do, this you should keep in your
mind always.
Not too nice, not too boor. Not too loving, and not too cold.
There is a point where all these things are in harmony, and
this is called balance. Always consider about the damage
excess can cause in a relationship. If you are too cold, it will
not work, if you are too loving, it will not work too. If you
try to control both, and the other person can see this, you
should be discreet and make her think you are not in control.
Also, you must be aware that you are not always right, and
admit the error yourself is an honorable quality in a man. I
have spoken once, and I repeat, a real man does not waste
his life only to chase women.

"****** DEMO -*******"

You must rescue the honor of the true man, whenever you
feel lonely, seek the company of your friends, family, and
know that the #MensClub will always be there when you
need it. We are descendants of a generation of "warriors",
we will never be submissive and we will always respect and
be kind towards all. The real man does not expect anything
from anyone; he should always pursue the path of
"Bushido", of his own self.
Today, unfortunately, we see a new generation of flatterers,
a weak generation, in which a "slut" causes him to exile,
move away from friends, family, from the correct way.
Formerly, a man's desire was only three> knowledge,
children and to die fighting, for honor was the goal of life.
Today, these sycophants are crying, thinking “I should buy
big car to pick up women, and then just fill this void”.
Women are great, but none should be your goal in life.
Form a pair is the nature of all living beings, its instinct and
law for continuation of the species, always make sure that
you choose your right pair. Coldly analyze and know how to
do ir right, and put aside emotion. A companion you find, for
sure, should not be one of those alienated by TV. As I wrote
"Stop looking for the most beautiful and perfect woman, find
a woman of worth, who is at your side during your
nightmares, that's the only beauty you need!" And you will
find someone, you do not need to worry about it so early.
Live today and become an honorable man, as the warriors of
the past.
"****** DEMO -*******"
It is our duty to spread our philosophy and rescue the
comrades who are in this world of shadows, this world
known by many names, but at the moment we will call it


Classic end of relationship, boring and highly destructive.
It is more common than it seems, but it is also part of the
concept that no one likes to be dismissed or dumped. What
to do with that foot that is stuck in your ass that connects to
your family, bothering everybody, thinking the wrong
person is you?
First of all, do not create false expectations. Find another
woman to "unload" all of your "love", if you know what I
Did not understand it? I try to be more subtle… find another
person to fuck every time you feel like it.
When you have a relapse, you contribute to the other person
to nourish your foolish hope to stay with you, and it can
demonize your life in ways you cannot imagine. You can
call your prospective suitors, may fill the void, but seriously,
"****** DEMO -*******"
you do not want this to be in your shoes, there is nothing
more dangerous than a wounded woman.
Outside she knows your secrets, your intimacy; you can quit
talking about personal things that cause embarrassment. So,
my friend, when you realize you're getting involved with a
woman like that, then it's time to get out, and do not reveal
anything you do not want to one day be discovered.
The only way to get rid of one of these is by fatigue, she
calls 99 times a day, and you do not answer one time, she
sends dozens of messages, you do not reply, delete her from
all the social networks… she will eventually get tired. But
here's something important when she ceases this persecution,
you will miss her, and there’s no relief!
That's the crucial moment, then you can think about going
back, but you should not, should not answer any messages,
do not nudge the monster, never mind!
When you are being chased thus avoid going out in places
that you know you will find her, if you've read the first book,
remember what I said about a stalker I had? So, based on
what happened in my mistakes, I say to you what you should
do now at this stage.
Avoid going out together, while being chased, try to stay
more at home, and rest assured that if she did not find you at
the party, sooner or later she will knock on your door.
Good it is to make a few trips on weekends until the monster
is defeated once and for all. The good thing is that they, after
detached, disappear for good, find another to cash out their
"****** DEMO -*******"
frustrations, and end up clinging again.
You might even want to warn the other, don’t you? But fuck


No one is safe of one day going through something like

that. If it happens, my friend, is the end of the relationship.
No regrets. The answer is as simple as the question.
DON’T FORGIVE! Sorry for the cheaters, but I will explain
the vision I have about cheating.
Male cheating:
Everyone knows that male fidelity is rare, very difficult to
find, no matter how hot or beautiful the woman is, the
common man, sooner or later, will end up giving up and will
give another one a chance.
We at the Alpha Factor, we condemn the betrayal, do not do
it, try to control the desire for more attractive women if you
entered into a commitment, given your word. But we did not

"****** DEMO -*******"

turn back to the brothers who need guidance, even if they
make mistakes.
Unfortunately, this is an increasingly common reality.
However, the male betrayal comes down to simple
satisfaction of desire, subsequent to this, will soon come to
guilt and repentance, there are cases in which man becomes
a better person to his partner after the cheating.
You do not need involvement, or feelings, the common man
needs only an ass and a pair of breasts to cheat, which may
even have already been affected by gravity, lol. Often they
cheat with women not as beautiful as their own, all the
attraction and desire. The male body is betrayal, male loyalty
is emotional. The man will not engage, it will only satisfy a
craving and soon after this, he will regret it.
To find a faithful man, but even if someone believes to be
true, does not help them to love the woman or idolize her, he
must make a commitment to himself to remain faithful, no
matter what. Indoctrinate your mind to be strong and not fall
into temptation. Only then may be true, do not cling to the
thought: "I love you, never cheat on me", the feeling factor is
the only factor that you compromise your loyalty, you're
wrong, because feelings change, and desire could be a factor
to make you change your mind.
So when you make a commitment, start with RESPECT,
forget the rest, forget if you "love your wife" and start to
think of "I respect my wife," and keep your posture as an
Alpha Male that meets this commitments, and is not reckless

"****** DEMO -*******"

with other people when taking a light commitment seriously,
we men have our word, and when we hoodwink it we lose
all our morals with ourselves and with others.
Female cheating:
Unlike men who just need a desire to cheat, the woman is
not like that. The betrayal of the woman is premeditated, it is
elaborate and usually women need to get involved to betray.
And thus, it is much easier to be avoided. An easy way to
avoid this if you are married, do not leave it aside, do not let
her have too much time alone, working all day is no excuse,
you’re not only married to have someone at bedtime, you’re
married to care and allow someone to take care of you, so do
your part! Become the man she does not find easily out
And if she cheated on you, and you find out, she says she
regrets it, and so you'll forgive her? DO NOT! She did not
act on impulse! She had much time to think about it, she was
involved with someone to the point of being comfortable and
betray the man she had on her side.
And a woman who cheats once, cheats twice and will
continue on cheating, while there is weak men who prefers
to forgive rather than take their place as Alpha and go in
search of a better woman.
There is the case that the woman betrays her husband and
then starts dating her lover, really, he thinks this cannot
happen to him one day? Open your eyes stupid! Something
that gets wrong is unlikely to work.
"****** DEMO -*******"
There are many decent women out there in the midst of all
this madness that has become the day-to-day. It's up to you
also to "target" and "objective" the best women, you can turn
yourself into an Alpha Male respected and admired by all.

I practically "saved" a marriage when I was a part of the
Men’s Club Blog.
I said what the reader needed to hear, for no one close to him
spoke the truth.
Most women think that we, in receiving this type of
question, would encourage the man to end the relationship,
and turn into a stud wasting his whole life chasing woman
day after day. THIS IS WRONG!
We advise the man to behave like a man! Not be submissive,
not to be controlling of his feelings, and when you are
wrong, see what's wrong.
Reader's email:
“Hello guys, good morning
"****** DEMO -*******"
I'm going to tell you, I have received my copy of the book,
and I've done the reading, I enjoyed, it is a book of easy
language, interesting subjects, in short, you are to be
congratulated, I will make the second and the third reading if
you need to be able to firmly secure the ideas and lines of
Through it, I realized that, even unintentionally, I was
already much as you mention in the book, I learned over
time, analyzing the results of everything I did, the
repercussions, broken face, the bumps, and so we will
playing, trying not to lose them, and what I was doing wrong
will try to correct.
But I am writing this, not just to talk about my case, my
peculiarities, than I think, but, to give a tip for you, for the
second edition of the book, regardless of anything, buy until
because I enjoyed the first edition, and I enjoyed the topics
of the second edition, but to ask you if you already have
experience with this, as we are Alpha Males, we can do to
manage a marriage that, for us men, it is no longer the same,
is now worn out over the years.
That relationship three years ago was what you wanted, with
the person you wanted, but now has lost its luster, the point
where you start looking to the side, and realize that begins to
feel more attracted to other girls rather than your wife. Then
you will answer, men are above all and behave as one, but
what about when it comes to family issue at stake?
When parents and her brothers treat you well, do everything

"****** DEMO -*******"

to please you, develop plans with you, you note, realize
clearly that they deprive themselves of certain things to
make their wills, so it's not as simple not that you will give
up that woman, it is easy to do, it only takes five minutes of
irritation with her, you already have enough strength to solve
this, the problem is the family ties, the famous account.
Does the relationship has been low even by water, or is it the
fault I ever had, but I never stopped explicit, the fact of
being a womanizer myself, after all, male characteristic
even, right?
If you can help me, give ideas, I'm chatting with friends,
listening to suggestions, just did not take any action yet
because I'm afraid to throw away a year of marriage and a
woman who loves me, who declares day and night for me,
weeping for me, waiting all day to see me, calls me all the
time, and the main reason: who has principles, which does
not betrays me, that does not leave home if we do not go out
together, who gave up all friends to stand by me, not that I
asked, even wanted her to keep the freedom to go out with
her friends sometimes even to her I take some of your focus,
not even deprived me of anything I liked to do, my friends,
my tastes because of it, anyway, I think that's what made her
delight me so much, I have strong beliefs, I have my tastes,
and never held or forbid her anything, really, I just holding
her, letting her loose!
Just do not want to throw it all away, not really sure. Thank
you guys.”

"****** DEMO -*******"

Reply J.F Rozza:
“Friend, you are going through what I call the 'power of the
syndrome of life and death of the relationship'. It is simply a
result stage of male monogamy. It is the realization of that
saying: 'The grass is always greener on the other side'.
It may be more desirable to have other women, but you have
a woman who, for what you described, is a woman to build a
future with and fulfill your dreams along, and you have a
certain friendly relationship with her family.
Then, as she declares herself every day, you are 100% sure
that she loves you and that will not end things with you. This
created in her mind the idea that it is you who have the
power to end the marriage or to continue, you are the boss in
the relationship, that's good.
But try to think the opposite side, it is only because of this
feeling that you are "thinking over" your relationship as if it
were her who was thinking of finishing it, you would be
verging on despair, suffering, thinking about not having
other women, but that would mean never finding another
woman like her.
If you have a healthy relationship, and are simply sick of the
woman, try to change something in yourself, in your routine,
it is not because you saw a super hot woman on the street,
you'll just get there, put on the conversation, take her home
and fuck her. It is possible, but is not always easy.
Most people who go out every night are empty inside and
seek to fill that void with something, and background would
"****** DEMO -*******"
like to have what you have. Waking up next to the one you
love on a Sunday morning is really something extraordinary.
We never encourage anyone on the Club to flee from
relationships or feelings, but to control them and yourself, so
do not affect other important parts of your life. Do not deal
with it as the most deals, when it breaks, gets it replaced, try
to fix it, look inside yourself, you still have feelings for her?
If so, is enough to continue, if you don’t and are only used to
it, so it is best to put an end to it.
Be a man and put an end to it is not what you want for your
life. Otherwise, continue a relationship weathered is cruel
both for you and for the other person, it will soon begin to
treat her badly, no longer cares so much about her, and that
will start generating discomfort in the relationship. Only
very carefully, there is that "legend or certainty" that the man
only gives value when you lose, you have to be absolutely
sure not to want her anymore.
You must be sure you want to give up on that person and
leave it to another, as this will happen, but be careful though,
the sense of ownership is also a shitty thing how most men
end, and when the ex gets someone, they despair wanting to
return to them, chase the girls, humble themselves, and
generally there is no return. Rest assured that will not change
the person who sleeps with you every night by another
companion not so friendly, REPENTANCE! He will sleep
with you every night, pestering your head, taking your sleep
until you cannot concentrate on anything else. Be absolutely
certain before taking any action.
"****** DEMO -*******"
However, if you decide to finish, you should not be
irresponsible with it, you were man to ask her to date you,
ask for engagement, and her father took her down the aisle
and gave the person he loves the most to you, so you should
go and talk to him and explain what is happening, we are
Alpha Male, and deal with the consequences of our actions.
Think, evaluate, you are not so young, have to think where it
goes from now, what good you spend two months generally
going from party to party, and then regret it, your life is not
only that; it is consequence of the man you are. I have
helped to see what friends and acquaintances would not say
for fear of hurting you, but I tell the truth nobody wants to
see, and always will.”

Living together is a very important step
in any relationship, however, living together may be
favorable to the relationship or it can be extremely harmful
and could end up separating the ones involved. In this role, I
"****** DEMO -*******"
will try to explain why you should think hard before taking
any action that might change your relationship, whatever the
Men was not born to be settled down, some take that
lifestyle but slowly are awakening to the world that is
outside. To live alone with your girlfriend, you will have a
companion to divide responsibilities and will be almost like
a marriage, but it can also put into question one fragile
Settling down.
When the two move in together, just settle for the factor to
actually get married, hardly anyone who lives together plans
not to marry, and the children may come up before the
wedding happens, but only the act of entering the church, the
party, the money can now be converted into a new room, a
large TV, so people settle and come to be seen as "joined".
Most couples are like that nowadays, not that it's wrong, but
if you think or dream of a traditional wedding, it may be that
this does not happen.
At the same time, it is necessary to try to live together before
marriage to see if the two can achieve the harmony
necessary to share the spaces and enter a time in the
intimacy of each other.
Let go of habits,
Living together has no room for the individual quirks, you
should always think of her companion, when making any

"****** DEMO -*******"

decision, either buying a sofa or a curtain switch, you cannot
make these decisions alone.
The woman eventually becomes the maid of the house, the
loving way in which the woman takes care of her man,
eventually turning it into mother and housekeeper. Simply
because the maternal instinct of the women, and the seated
instinct of man are responsible for turning a marriage into an
The woman came to occupy the mother's place, and has
imposed her household duties such as laundry, washing
dishes, housework and care for her husband.
At first she loves and seeks to do these chores due to their
family caring instinct. But with the increase in
responsibilities, and the increase of their own family, these
little treats become dull, and the woman ends up getting
overloaded and therefore stressed.
She no longer sees one more fairy tale with which one day
she dreamed, she begins to see her husband as a lie that is
not able to assist in the duties.
This usually happens as men are sloppy, but there are
dedicated men, who share activities.
A woman takes care of the house, and ends up giving up her
dreams and personal projects, so big that sacrifice, which
soon ends up with the woman even giving up her own work
to be only taking care of the house.
For men, living together means sex at any time. This can

"****** DEMO -*******"

have its peak at the beginning of dating, but will weaken
over time, the man tends to see the relationship of
monotonous way, always the same things, the same woman,
and everything is just the same as always. You must comply
with the woman before living together. Because you just
cannot send her away, just like that.
One must have reached a level of very high emotional
maturity to make such a decision. But also living together, it
means never being alone, that loneliness you felt, is now
filled by a person who expects you with dinner ready with a
nice lap for you to rest your head on after a stressful day at
As much as the day is stressful, you know you have a person
who deciphers you only with the first look, you know what
you want as you home, you hit a line with time of
coexistence and the pros and cons always exist but your
commitment to make it work can overcome any counter you
may have.

Now, I'll be a little girl and say the most typical and cliché
"****** DEMO -*******"
sentence, famous in lines: "if you’re not going to make me
fly, don’t take my feet off the ground." That’s so gay.
Learn to fly alone and then think about taking someone
along for the ride.
Simply because it is not worth holding on to something that
does not make us happy, might even make us happy at the
time but are not able to bring out all that extraordinary
happiness, that indescribable feeling when simply waiting
for the other person looks like an endless battle against
anxiety rushing out to hug her.
Also, remember that a relationship is not a 'single player'
game: a relationship is a team where there is another,
independent, of their will, and she, at some point, decided to
hand over everything she had to you, all the attention, all the
individuality: she decided to share with you her torments,
joys, whatever makes her happy, whatever makes her a
If you're with her only to be either out of boredom or hobby,
it's not fair to her.
The noblest thing to do is to leave her free so that one day
she may find happiness with another person who can give
her what you didn’t give her.
Similarly, it is not fair to you: you may even be in love with
someone else, and is not free to enjoy this feeling, this desire
because, by not thinking about the consequences, decided to
accept a relationship in which you were not involved
"****** DEMO -*******"
Only after an immediate pleasure.
We must respect ourselves and not enter into a relationship if
we want something more from them.
Avoid relationships as a "hobby", be serious, hold up only
with that person to awaken in you the desire to "fly
That’s why you waited so long.


I see around me in a group of friends in the social pages,

even within my own family, needy people who just want to

get a girlfriend. They are lonely and seeking someone who
brings light to the dark room where they hid their hearts.
Life is so boring, they need a fuel, a renewal for the spirit.
Even a close friend told these days that he just needs to find
a girl to settle down and get fixed in life. I stopped and
analyzed, the first thing I asked him was:
- You need someone else to give meaning to your life? To
put you on track?
"****** DEMO -*******"
So you do not need a girlfriend, you need a parent or
guardian. It is obligation of his girlfriend to take care of you
and feed you. If your life is not in order, you should not start
dating. The dating will not last, because you already expect a
lot from your girlfriend, obligations that are not hers.
The weight of dating is too big for her without even starting,
and it must "take care of you."
Dating is pleasure, amusement, at one point "care for each
other" but that his girlfriend should be his teacher to teach
you the right and the wrong. She does not want a child, she
wants a companion, a man, not a frightened boy hiding of
his own problems, hiding his own fears and hopes.
Reflecting on this, I decided to write this text with some
topics you should consider when it comes to starting a
You want to date, but what you have to offer?
You want to date with that beautiful woman, spotted with
sculptural body, shaped, independent and with a good job.
Or that classmate, who everyone drools on, is the pop star of
the college or group of friends.
But, because of what should she be yours?
Version 01: You look for yourself:
No job, no education. Spends his days on Facebook, it is
paunchy and hump, and you still want someone to date a
gremlin like you?

"****** DEMO -*******"

You'll never look at a similar gremlin to you, not even! You
want the woman on top. But you're not on top, too?
Have you ever stopped to wonder why someone should date
How would I date? While she is in the gym, you're home in
bed, watching the afternoon session. She will study and you
will play one game. The king of procrastination. Studies the
day before the lesson, never prepares for anything.
Ah! But you're the bad boy of the college, right? Everyone
looks up to you. Let me tell you something, do not chase the
nerds, because it is very likely that in the future if you
continue taking the life of sloppy way, you will work for the
I was not the nerd or the bad boy of the school. I was in the
neutral zone, no one bothered me, I did not fight, I always
did well on tests. Okay, I was a nerd.
But these days, I found an old bad boy, who was always
looked upon, who just wanted to fight, everyone feared what
the future had for the bad boy?
Was looking after the cars in front of a club, I learned after a
while that he had died from a crack overdose. So being the
“badass'' says nothing. The college is the fastest stage of
your life. It will pass in a flash, but it will define who you
Want to be the “badass'' and the bully? Or do you want a
secure career in the future? Or fight?

"****** DEMO -*******"

Think again early on what you want for you.
Returning to the relationships. His girlfriend does not need
so much protection to want to date an ogre of the mountains.
Anyone is able to take care of his wife, to the protection she
needs. Some women are so independent that it is them who
will protect you. (Or will they?)
My friend, I quoted at the beginning of the text, you’re 29
years old, a child on the way and only now decided to study.
Your life before that, it was eight hours in a dead-end job, go
out almost every night and drink, over the weekend go out to
clubs and take a picture with friends in the range of 18 years,
all drunk.
Only he does not see how ridiculous he was being, wasting
your time. You're late to compete with other Alphas,
everyone wants the best women, is not it time you're wasting
on clubs with people ten years younger, who may find that
you are an "uncle". It was time for you to be running out of
time, struggling more than anyone.
You do not have a car yet, but has your own apartment who
won from the parents, that's something. His life today are
eight hours in a dead-end job, and four hours of study in
college to get a job to have a future. It is already improving,
but still not enough. And analyzing this, we can say that a
woman it’s not necessary to settle down in life, it just needs
to find his determination and his dedication.
No woman is going to send you to study or work, she did not
want to take care of a baby. She wants someone in the same
"****** DEMO -*******"
condition, in order to live a good and lasting relationship!
His target, the woman he's in love, a doctor, already formed
and a clinic. Own house, car. Set for life practically.
You must be dreaming of Prince Charming, but are you this
Is it time for him to date? Does he have a chance with a
woman like that?
Only if a woman has a lot of patience and is willing to
finance the dating on their own. If you date him, she'll have
to be the maid of his house because he barely has time to
clean the house himself, but wants to date. It will have to be
the bank for dinners, travel, and clubs. Outside I doubt she'll
show it to friends. A doctor dating a Mr. Nobody.
So what dating awaits her? What fairy tale is she going to
live? Finance a boyfriend, or wait until he has the same
In this case, the dating will turn into movies and dinners at
the apartment, nothing too expensive, can take a drive on
weekends, make cheap programs. That's enough for a doctor
who earns well?
Soon she will want to do trips that he cannot do, will want to
go to dinners and parties that he cannot go without the
sponsorship of her, so the dating will not last.
So, for him, he can only hope to be able to face a dating the
way it should be. And not add a person to his daily
confusion. Has no place for anyone right now, your focus
"****** DEMO -*******"
should be another.
For her, you had to finish alone because adopt someone to
have to take care and to bear the financial costs will soon
wear out too. That's why there are so many interesting
women around, single and just trying to live a great love.
When they say they lack man in the market, they mean
missing men with the same conditions as them, someone at
the same level.
But this great love may take until the person being prepared
or have something to offer to the relationship last.

Version 02:
In this case, you are the successful man, and is dating a
younger woman, she only studies.
You already know that will have to pay everything for her,
don’t you?
Do you really want that for you?
Ah! An important factor that I forgot to comment, she is
super, ultra hot.
Well, that's where we differ from women, because if she is
hot, the game changes, still think with the head down and we
took to create it, no matter what the cost, no matter whether
the credit card bursts, bank account, if she's hot, the man
does not reason and delivery to the penny to make her

"****** DEMO -*******"

Men are like that, after all.
But you think that’s right? If we give everything to her,
when we can no longer give, she will replace us. So we
should think before taking any decision. You can let yourself
go a little, but not entirely. You cannot break the bank, just
because of a woman.
If you want a relationship, one seriously, must do the same
as a successful woman. Wait for someone with the same
conditions as you. Otherwise, you can play out years of
work, only to meet the whims of someone who only sees you
as the stewardship of this.
The good life today, and certainly will not be by your side
when you have to go to the bank 180 times. Once finish the
sponsorship, she will resort to another.
You must know well who you’re involved before anything.
Not to judge someone who is not interested in your money.
But try to have some notion of things, but will go bankrupt
soon and she will look for another provider.


"****** DEMO -*******"
That famous kick in the butt. No one wants to get one, it
comes without warning, but when it comes, it does so
violently and this simple fact of life, the end of a
relationship, just picking up unprepared and unsuspecting
people, are in a weak mind to deal with this and many suffer
too much.
It's just a fact of life; you will pass it several times until you
find your perfect match. This is not a terminal disease that
will end your life, is not the end of the world.
You have to overcome it and stop whining.
But all this you know, so let’s see: how to get over it. We
must go through the mourning stage, the denial, the religious
part, the part of the voodoo, those things, like tying your
love and so on.
We must start with the first step, and following step by step
how you forget that person. And you should not miss the
past and go after it, showing that it is weak and relapse.
In time I will talk about all those advices.
time of your life when you have a partner, you enjoy this
moment and make it the best.
"****** DEMO -*******"
I just cannot believe that even after reading my books, you
still suffer so much at the end of a relationship. Volume I
and Volume II talk about it and it is not a page only, are
whole chapters, an entire chapter on how to overcome an ex-
girlfriend, but okay, I will take into consideration that each
person is different from each other, and what it seems easy
and logical for me may not seem to you.
Let's start by admitting that and waking up to the reality of
what you read, but you would not believe what I read, you
want me to be wrong, and that the woman can return to love
you one day. Look I say that there are few things impossible
to achieve with hard work, and to make a woman love you
again fits the impossible things of life. She had you, she
knows all your faults and qualities. You will not change
them from night to day, to become more attractive. The best
thing to do is to accept that it ended once and for all, the
sooner the better for you.
This phase unfortunately catches us off guard, which did not
receive prior notice of thirty days, we have not received a
statement to prepare in advance an impossible decision to
read Tarot cards or lines on the destination.
Simply, on a typical day like everyone else in our lives, the
things we love come to an inevitable end. As the Americans
would say: "just like that".
Occasionally we suffer and, as every man our suffering is
silent, unlike the women that mark a symposium with all her
friends to cry and complain, with spreadsheets and graphics,

"****** DEMO -*******"

high points and low points in dating, pros and cons, and so
on. The male suffering is for you, is to stay the night alone,
locked in your room, checking the Facebook page of the ex,
to know what she's doing, if you already have one, and is to
see a new friendship. Rare cases men open themselves to tell
other people and talk and whine. All this because one day
more than normal, you got out of bed to do every day things,
made your morning ritual, went to work and just like that,
you get a statement like "we need to talk." Just when you
thought your relationship was at its height, everything comes
to an end.
The first stage after the end is DISCLAIMER: It is to close
our eyes to reality, it is to embrace some hope that only
exists in your head. You find it just a phase, you ask for
advice, people say it's just a bad patch, but say this is only a
consolation because no one wants to tell you the truth. The
truth is, you're screwed. And will suffer as you allow
yourself to suffer. Do not cling to the idea that the person
who then left will be given of the terrible mistake she made
and will return. She will not say:
"I had a wonderful man and I had to break up with him and
fuck 28 idiots to discover that only he fills my emotional
This can never happen. Who went out and closed the door
never returns to the other person on their own, they decided
that you no longer makes them happy. You can sleep in the
doorway waiting for someone to close the door to you or you
can learn how to get the best out of the relationships you
"****** DEMO -*******"
You want a woman like that? I think not. There are women
who are worth going back but you have to see if it is a real
attempt or a jump into the abyss. Sometimes women just
want you to change everything. So first of all, know exactly
in which place you are.
Note: do only a personal note, for women who are watching,
I am not generalizing, this text is for the male audience, you
are welcome, after all I love women.
The end of the relationship, however, comes without
warning. You who had your head so distracted because of
the emotion and did not notice when everything was coming
to an end, at times, this perception can change everything.
And it is very easy to read in your wife's own behavior: if
she did not demand more, speak with you during the day it
does not matter to her if she finds excuses every time you
demand her in bed if you alloy and she no longer returns
your calls... This is the universe showing the signs, trying to
prepare you for the future that will arrive soon, like a storm
that comes without warning, devastating, cruel, powerful and
destroying everything in its path. The woman, when she
wants - is worse than a hurricane.
If the foundation of your mind is not steady and strong, the
storm will pass and will take you along.
If the woman does not want you anymore, not a word, not a
letter thousand words will change what's already been
decided. You must accept and overcome, but not close
"****** DEMO -*******"
completely for a new experience: should open the way for
close relationships, should not give up just because
something did not work out.
I will not repeat the nonsense that some people say to
themselves, those phrases of comfort in difficult times "what
will be, will be" or "what's mine is saved."
My dear, there is nothing saved for you. Do you know the
only thing that awaits you at the end of it all? The end. Death
is the only thing reserved for all. All that we attract and
conquer depends solely on us.
Learn to enjoy life and not worry too much with disruptions;
and do not give much attention to those who do not want you
anymore. Think about past relationships, happiness that one
day you ever felt with any woman.
If you are alone again this is not the end: it is the beginning
of a new adventure, so to speak; it is the chance to meet new
people, meet new women, be happy again, and this time, try
not to repeat past mistakes.
If a woman you consider wonderful left, this is not the end,
this is the chance you have to seek other wonderful women,
new experiences. Look to the future without knowing what
might happen. It's out somewhere and perhaps reawaken that
almost magical feeling when you meet a beautiful woman
when she talks to you for the first time, the first kiss, the first
sex: it is able to revive this many times experience you still
Life is short, almost all writers repeat it. Gracing
"****** DEMO -*******"
increasingly a phrase so simple, in my view the ultimate
choice is:
Life is short, enjoy every second being happy.
"When another face appears in your dreams, you know that
You know that woman is no longer your kryptonite. Take
only the lessons and move on. The past is a door closed to
you, you can waste the rest of your life trying to open it, or
you can open your eyes and look to the future, and the new
opportunities that will arise. Never discouraged, after all,
live without knowing what the future holds is not that bad
but live knowing the future what you want and fight to
conquer it and, no doubt, rather it is to be wise. Be wise and
not a fool who just wait for opportunities.
Create them, recreate and never be discouraged.
Also remember to live a shadow of an old flame is like-cuff
to a memory. Do not use past suffering to create a link with
that which is not yours.
You do not have links with the past. Remember certain
moments thousand times distort and mask, making them
look better than they were. You can feel connected to it but
you are living an illusion.
You need to free your mind and your heart only then will be
truly happy. Living this life and not shadows of the past.
Life can have the taste you want, or can be painful if you
allow the pain and sadness to come into your life.
"****** DEMO -*******"


Albert Camus once said: "blessed are the flexible hearts,
they never go away or are destroyed".
Everyone knows that "heart" is a metaphor to explain
something that happens in our brain, which are the feelings.
A flexible heart is basically a heart that can hurt slightly, to
bow to the point of leaving, but soon return to normal.
It will never leave.
But then comes the cons of never suffering for love, never
breaking, also will never experience the pain of a breakup.
You will have the opportunity to heal, to learn from
mistakes. If there is no breaking, there is no learning.
As we get older, it is increasingly difficult to fall in love, I
speak of those unhealthy passions of adolescence, those
many phrases "forever" become children's thoughts.
Love used to come into our lives as a hurricane, it was like
shooting stars, a brief flash of splendor, a glimpse of
eternity, and in a flash disappeared.
And ended up dragging all our attention, our affection, and
each time the passion of the hurricane passed, something
was taken, can be our hope, or our confidence to believe in
"****** DEMO -*******"
eternal love, and gradually, with so many disappointments
our hearts becomes spiteful, cantankerous, unbelieving and
then end up being shielded, it is very difficult to find a
woman who can awaken in us new feelings.
This is the birth of the apex of the miscreants, within a
broken heart comes a new cad. We never want to be a cad
before, things are just happening until we have a disbelief in
relationships and, we now not take them so seriously and it
just ends up labeling us, independent men like jerks.
One day, as we dream of our princess, but all we gained was
a whore (I will not censor) soulless and heartless who
deceived us and caused a big disappointment. Why would
we want to go through that again?
We want to take our lives if we do not take the dating so
seriously is because it is missing decent woman to relate,
and frankly, half of women who complain of jerks are the
same women who would never get anyone, and without the
jerks what would be left to them?
So women, the next jerk you meet, do not kid yourself and
do not waste time trying to change him. Just enjoy the tide
and enjoy what he can offer.
Just because we do not take her seriously the relationships
are discriminated against in society, it's time to change that.
We live for ourselves; we seek comfort in the arms of
several different women, trying to find that one that one day
we lost. We know thousands of women until that woman of
worth is found.
"****** DEMO -*******"
And what is the secret to a boor that can make the most of
your life to find the woman you will marry? Perhaps not
marry, but I'm sure that we all, sooner or later, we will look
for a mother to our children.
You search for many women and will only find one. You
find her, but she knows of your reputation as a scoundrel.
And she will not want anything to do with you. And now,
what's left to do?
The image, once lost, it is impossible to be restored, so now
will the golden advice for you to enjoy your life to the
fullest, and when behind a relationship, make sure that will
not be affected by your jerkiness of yesterday.
BE DISCREET. Do not spread from the rooftops what you
These experiences are yours and nobody else's. Unless you
become a writer and begin to advise the younger audience,
and ultimately share some experiences, SOME, not all.
As the summers pass, we acquire wrinkles of age, new
knowledge, and it all has its purposes, everything is for the
construction of our "being".
So a flexible heart, who never suffered for love, will never
learn to heal.
If you are in doubt between yield, between trying and
suffering, you never know if you do not take chances.
No relationship lasts forever, but the memories are eternal,
create good ones for you.
"****** DEMO -*******"
The boor, over time, ultimately acquire the flexible heart,
you will never suffer for any woman. You can get "upset" by
losing that colorful friend, but you will soon overcome.

When talking to a woman, try to listen more than talk, let
them talk. Does not take advantage too, but it is.
Women are driven by mystery, enchantment ends when she
finds out about your life, the less she knows of your life, the
more she will be involved.
When you present her with flowers, for example. And this is
where most guys make mistakes, most give a giant bouquet,
never more will please with less than that, will always have
to be bigger, and next time you will need a truck, anything
less will be no good. Not when she wants, but when you
To wrap your head around a woman, in the world there are
nearly ten women to every man, not necessarily sexually
active, but it is a statistic.
Nowadays it is not necessary to duel to the death, but most
men have to say, before himself and society, parties, gifts,
"****** DEMO -*******"
cars, a lot of unnecessary things, sometimes spend what you
do not have, in most cases, the woman after sucking it, go
out with someone she barely spoke at the party.
Not only is the man who does crazy things to win the
female. There is an Australian bird called the Architect Bird,
seen it in the Discovery Channel documentary. To get a
girlfriend, the bird builds a house, colorful and elaborate.
Unlike traditional nests that are to store eggs in a high tree,
the construction of the core is made on the ground, stacking
the branches forming two walls with a gap in between. "This
space houses the female, who observes the male offer fruits,
flowers and colored objects outside", like jewelry or
anything of much value. If you see this bird, you will see
that it looks like many assholes sycophants we know.
The female is a tree, looking for assholes to build the houses.
So she chooses one. You must see the scene, clean, and will
look for accessories, like jewelry, little flowers, bottle cap.
Do you believe it descends, it looks house by house and
chooses. Then you enter the house, and the animal almost
kills himself.
At that moment, the others leave the house, because they
could not make thirty days building, and just the other year
to get a mate.
Not in nature the males can sense who is in control, because,
after all, who have a roof to live in this situation?
It is unclear why, but scientists suspect that when the female
sees these objects distributed evenly, pays more attention to
"****** DEMO -*******"
fruits and flowers offered by the male.
As well as to perfect the construction, the bird needs a good
dance and serenade. If the female enters the nest and do not
like the show, she visits the construction of another male and
hopes for it to be a good match.
A complete asshole.
Women should be running behind us, given the supply and
demand, as there are few men for many women. For we see
how weak we are there so many women and often let us
shoot down because of one. Because that is how they exert
control over us, with emotion, because physically could
never compete.
How many men kill themselves just because one relates and
this because the feeling of loss is much stronger. As men
court other women, we know that at the time they are
dropped, the moment you leave, you will have other up,
giving lines to women, and they are adapted to hold.
Connect, it does not answer, it is because you are testing. In
this case, a way to break this game is when you find a
women and do not say anything right away, but when you
have the opportunity to speak say something like:
“I called that day and you did not answer”.
Then, she would say:
“Ah! I was busy”, or some other excuse.
So you say:
“Funny, when I met you, I thought, at least you were a polite
"****** DEMO -*******"
There the little game of it is gone, you poked. It will come
out breaking to meet next time.
And all women are born with it. They use a lot of tricks,
blackmail to get things like the punishment of sex, for
How women punish men? With the lack of sex.
And that is when you should learn to deal with sex strike.
This is a challenge to master your libido, makes it stronger,
you're looking for and she will deny sex is with the famous
headache. The normal guy, infuriates and revolts, and let her
take control of the game. But the Alpha Male understands
the game and turns to the side and sleeps, and makes a fool
even of affection, but not demand for sex for a few days, he
does the same.
A few days will pass, and then she will turn to look for you,
because women also have will, and then it's our turn. We
will deny, allege unwillingness, stress, any excuse you can
think of.
As a man you are always ready for sex, to deny you'll look
like you're sexually satisfied, implying that you have
another. So, you have to be strong to endure. Never more she
will make that joke because she will feel the same way we
feel before.
A, a weak mind becomes the puppet of her, will be the
dominated, the male provider. In a relationship, there is the

"****** DEMO -*******"

dominated and the dominant, you have to master, but do not
let her see that. And merge your mood, always.
You should generate doubt in the woman, never sure. If she
is sure that you love her, she'll step on you, so it generates
doubts and never sure. If she doubts that you love her, then
you will be valued.

"****** DEMO -*******"

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