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J Sci Food Agric 1998, 77, 289È311

Starch Production and Industrial Use

Roger P Ellis,1* M Patricia Cochrane,2 M Finlay B Dale,1 Carol M Duþus,2
Andrew Lynn,3 Ian M Morrison,1 R Derek M Prentice,2 J Stuart Swanston1
and Sarah A Tiller1
1 Scottish Crop Research Institute, Invergowrie, Dundee, DD2 5DA, UK
2 Scottish Agricultural College, West Mains Road, Edinburgh, EH9 3JG, UK
3 Scottish Agricultural College, Auchincruive, Ayr, KA6 5HW, UK
(Received 19 July 1996 ; revised version received 30 June 1997 ; accepted 22 October 1997)

Abstract : This review of starch is concerned with its industrial uses, origins and
structure. The current demand for starch is met by a restricted range of crops,
the most important of which are potatoes, maize, wheat and tapioca. Improve-
ments in the properties of starches for industrial uses can be achieved through
chemical and physical modiÐcation of extracted starch and through the manipu-
lation of starch biosynthesis in the plant itself. We examine starch structure and
composition in relation to its use and exploitation by industry. The current
understanding of physiological and biochemical mechanisms inÑuencing starch
formation in higher plants is described. This information is set in the context of
the need to know the physical/chemical speciÐcation for each individual starch
and to understand the genetic control of these characteristics in order to identify
target genes for manipulation. ( 1998 SCI.

J Sci Food Agric 77, 289È311 (1998)

Key words : starch ; industrial uses ; structure ; composition ; biosynthesis ; physi-

cal properties ; genetic manipulation ; environment e†ects

INTRODUCTION as granules in the chloroplasts of green leaves and in the

amyloplasts of storage organs such as seeds and tubers.
Industrial, non-food, uses of starch are emphasised in There is rapid, diurnal turnover of starch in chloro-
one of the deÐnitions of starch in the Shorter Oxford plasts but, in contrast, amyloplast starch is deposited
Dictionary, “a constituent of Ñour used as a paste with over a period of days or even weeks, stored and then
water to sti†en cloth, Ðnish textiles and size paperÏ. The re-mobilised during the germination of seeds and the
aim of this review is to assess recent research in the sprouting of tubers. This review concerns only storage
biology, chemistry and industrial utilisation of starch starch.
and to extend and complement earlier reviews such as The world-wide market for industrial starches is
those of Morrison (1988, 1989, 1993, 1995), Lelievre and expanding (Batchelor et al 1996) and current demand is
Liu (1994), Albertsson and Karlsson (1995), Jane (1995), met by a restricted range of crops, the most important
Morell et al (1995), Nelson and Pan (1995) and Smith et of which are potatoes, maize, wheat and tapioca. There
al (1995). are considerable di†erences in the properties of the
The two principal components of starch are polymers starches from these species. These di†erences depend
of glucose : amylose, an essentially linear molecule, and not only on di†erences in the relative proportions of
amylopectin, a highly branched molecule. Starch occurs amylose and amylopectin and the characteristics of
these molecules, but also on the di†erences in the non-
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. starch components of starch granules such as lipids,
Contract/grant sponsor : The Scottish Office Agriculture, proteins and phosphate groups. For example, waxy
Environment and Fisheries Department. maize starch is largely composed of amylopectin and
( 1998 SCI. J Sci Food Agric 0022È5142/98/$17.50. Printed in Great Britain
290 R P Ellis et al

TABLE 1 of genetic transformation. It is one objective of this

Industrial uses of starch review to indicate how starch structure relates to func-
tion in industrial use and hence to target the genetic
Industry Use of starch/modiÐed starch manipulations needed to produce new plant starches.
Adhesive Adhesive production
Agrochemical Mulches, pesticide delivery, seed
Cosmetics Face and talcum powders
Detergent Surfactants, builders, co-builders, Within the EU, the industrial starch market amounts to
bleaching agents and bleaching 2É4 ] 106 tonnes. The UK industrial use accounts for
activators. 2É2 ] 105 tonnes, which is 25% of the total starch used
Food Viscosity modiÐer, glazing agent in the UK. A recent report (Batchelor et al 1996) listed
Medical Plasma extender/replacers, transplant 10 diverse industrial markets and each with several dis-
organ preservation, absorbent sanitary tinct uses for starch.
The fact that native starches are diverse, and modiÐ-
Oil drilling Viscosity modiÐer
cations to starch are numerous (Tables 2 and 3), allows
Paper and board Binding, sizing, coating
Pharmaceuticals Diluent, binder, drug delivery di†erent starches to be used for di†erent applications.
Plastics Biodegradable Ðller Novel processing techniques and the current demand
PuriÐcation Flocculant for biodegradable and renewable resources means that
Textile Sizing, Ðnishing and printing, Ðre starch can command more versatile markets (Table 1).
resistance Additionally, once hydrolysed, starch is a feedstock
chemical for conversion into numerous Ðne chemicals.

contains little amylose or lipid. Potato starch granules Industrial uses in which the granular nature of starch is
are much larger than those of cereal endosperms, signiÐcant
contain negligible lipid and have a relatively high phos-
phate content. The physical dimensions of starch granules (see the
Starches for use in industry (Table 1) are extracted section entitled Starch in the Crop Plant, and Table 4),
from the raw plant material and yield a wide range of their biodegradability and the amount and nature of
products. While improvements in the properties of their non-carbohydrate components all a†ect industrial
starches for industrial use can be achieved through uses. Attributes such as “textureÏ and the ability to act as
chemical and physical modiÐcation, improvements may a lubricant are also signiÐcant. Granular starches have
also be achieved by the manipulation of starch biosyn- been used as Ðllers in petrochemical-based materials to
thesis in the plant itself by breeding or through the use produce “biodegradable plasticsÏ (Albertsson et al 1994).

Properties of native starch granulesa

Granule properties Potato Maize W axy maize W heat T apioca

Diameter (lm)
Range 5È100 3È26 3È26 1È40 4È35
Mean 30 15 15 10 20
Lipid (%w/w) 0É05 0É60 0É15 0É80 0É10
Protein (%w/w) 0É06 0É35 0É25 0É40 0É10
Phosphorus (%w/w) 0É08 0É02 0É01 0É06 0É01
Amylopectin (%) 21 28 0 28 17
Degree of polymerisation
Amylose 3000 800 È 800 3000
Amylopectin ] 106 2 2 2 2 2
Pasting temp (¡C) 60È65 75È80 65È70 80È85 65È70
Peak viscosity 3000 600 800 300 1000
Swelling power at 95¡C 1153 24 64 21 71
Paste viscosity Very high Medium Medium-high Medium-low High
Paste and Ðlm clarity Very clear Opaque Fairly clear Cloudy Quite clear
Retrogradation rate Medium-low High Very low High Low

a Based on a table by Swinkels (1992).

Starch for industry 291

ModiÐed starches and their usesa

ModiÐed starch T reatment Advantage over Examples of Examples of

(example) native starch food use industrial use

Pregelatinised Heat/moisture Cold-water soluble Pie Ðllings, “instant Oil drilling, mining
productsÏ, coatings
Acid-thinned Acid Low hot paste Gums, jellies Textiles, laundry
viscosity, high gel starch
Oxidised Hypochlorite Increased clarity, Gravy, sauce Paper, textiles,
reduced set-back thickeners, jellies spray starch,
Hydroxyalkyl ethers Propylene oxide Increased clarity Salad dressings, pie Paper and textile
increased stability Ðllings sizes
EsteriÐed Acetic anhydride Reduced set-back, “InstantÏ foods, Textiles, paper,
increased clarity, frozen foods packaging, Ðlm
forms Ðlms/Ðbres
Monophosphates Phosphoric acid Increased stability Frozen foods, infant Paper, textiles,
to freeze/thaw formulae metal reÐning
Cross-linked, eg Phosphorus Increased stability Wide range of Paper, metal
di-starch phosphate, oxychloride to heat, pH, thaw canned and frozen sequestrants
di-starch adipate adipic anhydride and freeze-thaw foods
Cationic starches Tertiary or Increased solubility Paper, mining.
quaternary amines and dispersability
in cold water, and
increased binding to
negatively charged

a Based on Galliard (1987).

A major problem is that starches are naturally hydro- D50% (w/w) of the “plasticÏ can be granular starch
philic, whereas plastics are generally hydrophobic (Imam et al 1995). Although the diameter of the A-type
(Albertsson and Karlsson 1995). The interaction starch granules of wheat is greater than the thick-
between the components in these composites is there- ness of some plastic Ðlms, the lenticular shape of the
fore limited. Nevertheless, starch-containing plastic granules would allow them to orientate in the plane
Ðlms and bottles have been produced (Doane 1989 ; of the Ðlm. However, since wheat starch granules are
Griffin 1994). When such plastics are exposed to micro- often associated with signiÐcant amounts of protein and
organisms, the starch is broken down leaving the plastic this can result in Maillard-type reactions, which cause
in a weakened state (Vallini et al 1994). In addition to discoloration, wheat starch has not been used in the
the loss of mechanical properties, there is an increase in production of biodegradable plastic Ðlms (Griffin 1989).
the permeability of the material, together with an Alternative sources of small-granule starch, such as
increase in the surface/volume ratio. These changes, amaranth, could be used but these are still relatively
resulting from the biodegradation of starch granules, expensive. A method for the production of small-
facilitate further abiotic degradation processes particle starch from maize or other abundant starches
(Albertsson and Karlsson 1995). Whether the term “bio- has been developed (Jane et al 1992). In addition to
degradable plasticsÏ is appropriate for such composites incorporation into plastic Ðlms, the dimensions of small
is a matter of debate. starch granules make them suitable as a paper coating
The particle size of the starch (see the section entitled (Wilhelm 1993). The smooth sensation they give when
Granule size and morphology) determines which rubbed on the skin has also found application in cos-
starches can be incorporated into composites. Particle metic products such as face and “talcumÏ powders
size is more critical in the production of thin Ðlms (Mazza et al 1992). They are particularly used as
(Lim et al 1992) than in the production of moulded absorbents and in situations where allergic reactions are
objects (Albertsson and Karlsson 1995) where up to produced by talc (magnesium silicate) powders.
The composition of starches from various sourcesa

Species V ariety/ Nitrogen (% w/w Protein Integral lipidb,c Amylose (%) Granule Granule
designation phosphorus) (%) (mg lipid per 100 g dry wt) shape diameter (lm)
(mg per 100 g starch) T otal Apparent

Barley Wild type LPL 587È1126M

A granules 0É23N 22É1N 10È25N
B granules 0É43N 19É0N 5N
Waxy LPL 158È460M
A granules 0É06N 3É6N 10È25N
B granules 0É15N 1É8N 1È5N
High amylose LPL 864È1360M
A granules 22É6L Disc-shapedB 15È32B
B granules 18É2L Lenticular 2È3
Steptoe Nitrogen 0É07H 0É40H 24É1H
Golf 28É0I
Glacier Nitrogen 0É08H 0É46H LPL 720, FFA 46M 27É7H, 30É0I
HA Nitrogen 0É11H 0É63H LPL 1137È1216M 34É8H, 37É4È47É9M
HA ] n 39É0I
HA ] N 40É0I
Compana LPL 888, FFA 36M 28É3M
wx Nitrogen 0É11H 0É63H LPL 457, FFA 28M 3É0H, 9É0I, 4É5M
wx ] n Nitrogen 0É16H 0É91H LPL 460, FFA 33M 1É9H, 5É3M
Maize Wild type Phosphorus 32K 0É73K LPL 162È344, FFA 297È529M 27É5G 21É4G Polyhedric 5È20B
0É2È0É4P 25É1K 20É9K
Waxy LPL 3È19, FFA 5È46M 7É0E, 0É4G 1É0E, 0G
High amylose LPL 262È602, FFA 375È671M
Dent 28É0E 28É0E Polygonal 5È18B
Amylomaize V 41É0E 47É0E Irregular 6È15B
Amylomaize-7 32P 66É5G 58É8G
Oh43 mutantsF
wild type 24F
wx 0F
ae 35F
Millet Cat-tail millet LPL 351È656, FFA 283È545M Polyhedric,
sphericalI 3È15B
Oat ChinensisA Nitrogen 0É05A LPL 977È1081, FFA 268È462M 19É4A 16É7A PolygonalB 2È15B
polyhedral to 6È10A

R P Ellis et al
Potato Phosphorus 72K 0É14K 16G 25É9G 26É0G Smooth 15È75 long axis
0É05È0É2P 21É0K 21É0K ElipsoidalB 12È60 short axisB
Rice Wild type FFA 222È367M 21É9G 15É2G Irregular 3È8
19É5G 13É6G PolygonalB
Starch for industry
Waxy FFA 15È60M
Rye Phosphorus 23È26K 0É20È0É47K 1É0K 20É3È25É8K 16É9È22É7K LenticularI 22È36
A granules Phosphorus 24 mgK 0É15 0É9 25É1K 22É0K
B granules Phosphorus 38 mgK 0É44 1É4 22É7K 17É5K
Triticale Phosphorus 45 mgK 0É23K 21É9K 18É3K Disc shapedB
A granules 22È36B
B granules 5B
Wheat Bread wheat Phosphorus 62 mgK 0É64K LPL 845M SphericalB
Durum wheat LPL 968M
426G 27É2G 20É4G
A granules 0É1È0É6P 929 (LPL 845)M 25
B granules \ 15D
Cappelle Desprez
A granules 30É4G 26É0G
B granules 28É4G 22É7G
Aotea 31É2G 25É7G
A granules 29É5G 22É9G
B granules
Saikai 173 1170C 27É6C
Kanto 107 1070C 26É0C
Bai Huo 1050C 28É4C
Wx-1 290C 1É6C
Wx-2 150C 2É0C
Wx-3 120C 1É2C

a Source : A, Hoover and Vasanthan (1992) ; B, Jane et al (1994) ; C, Yasui et al (1996) ; D, Shi and Seib (1989) ; E, Bradbury and Bello (1993) ; F, Inouchi et al (1991) ; G, Morrison
and Laignelet (1983) ; H, Lorenz (1995) ; I, Salomonsson and Sundberg (1994) ; J, Blanshard (1987) ; K, Radosta et al (1991) ; L, Stark and Yin (1986) ; M, Morrison (1988) ; N,
MacGregor and Morgan (1984).
b In barley and wheat the integral, or true, starch lipids are composed entirely of LPLs, while in oats, rice and maize, FFAs make up 30È60% of the integral lipids of the granule.
c Abbreviations : LPL, Lysophospholipids ; FFA, free fatty acids ; HA, high amylose, wx - waxy, n - naked ; N - covered.

294 R P Ellis et al

Industrial applications in which the granular nature of geneity, texture and fragility.
starch is not of primary signiÐcance When undamaged granules are held in aqueous sus-
pension at 40È50¡C short-chain, low-molecular-weight
Many industrial processes and applications use starch linear polyglucans are leached from the granules
after some or all of the granule structure has been (Prentice 1991). As leaching temperatures are increased,
destroyed. When this has occurred, the properties of, higher-molecular-weight and more branched material is
and the relationships between, the components are of leached from the granules. Some starches, eg oat
increased importance. Starch amylose-complexing lipids starches, are unusual in that both amylose and amylo-
a†ect starch gelatinisation and swelling (Morrison pectin co-leach throughout the swelling and leaching
1995). Di†erences in the amount and type of lipid (see processes. Starch granules that have been mechanically
the section entitled Starch lipids) may be one reason damaged during isolation or processing show a di†erent
why two starches with similar amylose : amylopectin pattern of leaching, with a predominance of amylopec-
ratios can di†er in physical properties such as viscosity. tin leached into cold water. As the extraction tem-
Gelatinisation is “. . . the collapse (disruption) of perature of the water is raised, increasing amounts of
molecular order within the starch granule manifested in linear amylose-like components are released. The tem-
irreversible changes in properties such as granular perature required for the release of linear material is
swelling, native crystallite melting, loss of birefringence lower for damaged starch granules than for undamaged
and starch solubilisationÏ (Atwell et al 1988). “ExcessÏ granules (Lynn and Stark 1995).
water is essential for complete gelatinisation to occur. Starch solutions are viscous. The ability of starch to
The energy required for the disruption of the molecular change the viscosity of other solutions and pastes is
order di†ers between granules and so gelatinisation well-known and is exploited in the food industry. This
occurs over a range of temperatures. Starch granules property is also used in the oil exploration industry
may have a reduced gelatinisation temperature as a where starch is used to adjust the viscosity of drilling
consequence of prior removal of some molecular order muds (Munck et al 1988). Starches from di†erent
by, for example, mechanical damage (kinetic and, poss- sources di†er in their viscosity and pasting properties
ibly, thermal energy input). On an industrial scale the (Table 2).
energy input necessary for starch gelatinisation is con- Obtaining a consistent viscosity of starch solutions is
siderable, and is a signiÐcant part of the processing a major aim in industrial processes that involve starch
costs. This energy requirement may be increased if the pastes or “solutionsÏ being handled by mechanical
starch granule crystallites are allowed to anneal before systems, eg paper, corrugating, textile and food
gelatinisation (Hoover and Vasanthan 1994). industries. In the corrugating paper industry, main-
The gelatinisation temperature is a qualitative index tenance of a satisfactory viscosity is essential to allow
of crystalline structure. A quantitative measure of crys- the desired levels of paper penetration, dewatering and
tallite order can be determined by di†erential scanning “slingingÏ (the splashing and throwing of starch adhe-
calorimetry (DSC), which measures the gelatinisation sive ; the degree of slinging a†ects the accuracy of the
enthalpy (*H) of the sample (Morrison 1995). The placement of the starch adhesive) (McPherson 1991).
thermal analysis of starch gelatinisation has recently Most native starches do not maintain a stable viscosity
been reviewed (Lelievre and Liu 1994). Individual gran- when their pastes are subjected to high shear rates and
ules will gelatinise over a 1 or 2¡C range but there is heated for an extended period but chemically modiÐed
considerable variation between granules and so a starch starches perform appropriately under these conditions.
gelatinisation temperature range should always be
quoted. The gelatinisation temperature range is a char-
acteristic of the genotype of the plant in which the Industrial applications of chemically modiÐed starch
starch is synthesised (Table 5) and is a†ected by the
environmental conditions, especially the temperature It is possible to modify starches chemically in order to
during granule development (see the section entitled change their properties (Table 3) and greatly extend the
E†ect of environment). range of starch applications (Table 1). The non-food
Gelatinisation is required for particular processes, eg industries using starch expanded when the properties of
textile sizing and industrial starch hydrolysis, as it starch were improved through chemical modiÐcation.
a†ects the rheology and viscosity properties of the Cationic starches are usually produced by reacting
system and makes the starch more accessible to enzymic starch with tertiary or quaternary ammonium com-
action. As the granules swell and components are pounds. The chemical modiÐcation changes the proper-
leached into solution, the properties of the system ties of the original starch in a number of ways.
change and there is a transition from a suspension of Solubility and dispersability in cold water are improved
granules to a paste. The source of starch, and any treat- and, in paper making, the starches have a stronger affin-
ment to it, can change pasting behaviour. Thus pastes ity for the Ðbres (Formento et al 1994). The processing
from di†erent starches vary in clarity (Table 2), homo- makes modiÐed starches more expensive than native
Starch for industry
Swelling factors, gelatinisation temperatures and gelatinisation enthalpies of starches from various sources

Starch V ariety/designation Procedure used to determine Gelatinisation temperatureb (¡C) Gelatinisation Swelling factor
gelatinisation parameters enthalpy (70¡C)
T T T (*H, J g~1)
o p f
Barley Not speciÐed DSCc (Starch : Water 1 : 2) 57È65E 8É3È13É3E
DSC (Starch : Water 1 : 1) 59 64 74F 13É3F
Steptoe Polarising Microscope/KoÑer Hot Stage 56 63 65D 6É98D
Glacier Polarising Microscope/KoÑer Hot Stage 56 61 65D 5É48D, 8É4A
Glacier (HA) Polarising Microscope/KoÑer Hot Stage 59 65 69D 4É09D
wx Polarising Microscope/KoÑer Hot Stage 58 65 68D 9É23D
wx ] n Polarising Microscope/KoÑer Hot Stage 58 64 67D 10É85D
Maize Oh43 mutantsG 5É38B
wildtype DSC (Starch : Water 1 : 2) 61 66 72G 3É6G
wx DSC (Starch : Water 1 : 2) 62 69 81G 4É6G
ae DSC (Starch : Water 1 : 2) 65 83 94G
Millet Foxtail DSC (Starch : Water 1 : 2) 62È75E 5É2È13É5E
Proso DSC (Starch : Water 1 : 2) 66È80E 6É4È11É4E
Oat ChinensisA DSC (Starch : Water 1 : 3) 61 66 73C 10É4C 12É14C
Commercial DSC (Starch : Water 1 : 1) 54 59 70F 10É5F
Commercial DSC (Starch : Water 1 : 2) 51 58 75K
Potato Not speciÐed DSC (Starch : Water 1 : 2) 54 62 75I 15É8I 18É40B
Rice Not speciÐed DSC (Starch : Water 1 : 2) 61È78E 7É5È15É6E
Commercial DSC (Starch : Water 3 : 4) 60 80 91H 14É5H
Rye Not speciÐed DSC (Starch : Water 1 : 2) 76È78E 7É5È15É6E 7É69B
Triticale Not speciÐed 6É92B
Wheat Not speciÐed DSC (Starch : Water 1 : 1) 53 61 82F 2É9L, 13É7F 10É00B
Not speciÐed DSC (Starch : Water 1 : 2) 59È64E 7É4È14É1E
Not speciÐed DSC (Starch : Water 1 : 2) 45 57 82 pk 12É4I
Waxy Not statedJ 59È61 64È66 68È73J 12É5È12É6J

a Source : A, Morrison et al (1986) ; B, Radosta et al (1991) ; C, Hoover and Vasanthan (1992) ; D, Lorenz (1995) ; E, Fujita et al (1992) ; F, Shamekh et al
(1994) ; G, Inouchi et al (1991) ; H, Seow and Teo (1993) ; I, Svensson and Eliasson (1995) ; J, Yasui et al (1996) ; K, Mua and Jackson (1995).
b Gelatinisation temperatures : T , onset ; T , peak ; T , Ðnal.
o p f
c DSC, di†erential scanning calorimetry.

296 R P Ellis et al

starches. However, in paper production, this cost Biodegradable plastic production is still in its infancy
penalty is outweighed because, compared with native when compared to petrochemical plastic production.
starches, less cationic starch is required to achieve an Many di†erent approaches are being pursued in order
equal level of Ðbre coating. The use of cationic starch to produce materials with the desired properties. Starch
also reduces the amount of starch in the factory effluent, can play, and is playing, an important role in these
thereby reducing the cost of disposal (Laleg and Pikulik developments. Starch-based materials have already cap-
1993). Cationic starches which contain aldehyde groups tured about 25% of the loose-Ðll packaging market
increase the dry strength of paper and also increase the (“packaging peanutsÏ) from the expanded polystyrene-
strength of never-dried paper wet webs (loc cit). type materials in the US (Alexander 1996).
Chemical modiÐcation of starches can be performed Versatile biodegradable materials have been produc-
using methods described in a large number of patents. ed by microbial fermentations that use starch as a
Usually, modiÐcation is carried out in an aqueous carbon source (Chiellini and Solaro 1996), and Koch et
medium, necessitating the use of high concentrations of al (1993) concluded that it is possible to produce a new
reagents and extensive post-reaction washing. ModiÐ- generation of detergents in which the surfactants,
cation and washing processes are costly and there is builders and co-builders and bleaching activators could
interest in either performing chemical modiÐcations all be derived from starch. They calculated that 50È60%
using “dryÏ methods (Hellwig et al 1992) or “activatingÏ of the chemicals in current powder formulations and
the starch prior to modiÐcation (Vasanthan et al 1995). 65È75% in liquid formulations could be replaced by
However, “activationÏ treatments may not produce the starch-derived products.
same substitution patterns as those achieved by the wet
methods (loc cit). Hamunen (1995) found that cationisa- Hydrolysis
tion seemed to proceed faster in the inner parts of
potato starch granules than on their surface, but that The hydrolysis of starch is outside the scope of this
the distribution of the cationic groups was the same review although it is a signiÐcant use of starch. For a
whether the granules were cationised by the “wetÏ or by review of the enzymic hydrolysis of starch, see Guzman-
the “dryÏ method. Maldonado and Paredes-Lopez (1995). The hydrolysis
products of starch can be further processed by micro-
Industrial uses of starch that exploit its biodegradability bial fermentations into a very wide range of products
that include, organic acids, alcohols, ketones, polyols,
The stability of a very wide range of products from the amino acids, nucleotides, biopolymers, lipids, proteins,
petrochemical industry causes disposal problems vitamins, antibiotics, and hormones (Doane 1989).
(Glover 1993). The use of biodegradable polymeric
materials is one of many possible approaches to this INDUSTRIAL EXTRACTION OF STARCH
problem (Ellis 1995). The production, properties and FROM CROP PLANTS
applications of such materials have recently been
reviewed (Chiellini and Solaro 1996). For details of the industrial extraction of starch the
For some applications, biodegradable materials may reader is directed towards Galliard (1987), Guzman-
have advantages (Tatarka 1996) but, in most cases, bio- Maldonado and Paredes-Lopez (1995) and Batchelor et
degradable alternatives do not achieve the economic or al (1996).
functional performance of their traditional counterparts
(Jacobsen and Fritz 1996). Additionally, a material that How the process of extraction may alter starch
biodegrades rapidly is not a panacea, since, if degrada- properties
tion is rapid, the anaerobic conditions produced will
destroy the natural balance that ensures an optimal Mechanical damage
recycling of elements (Albertsson 1993). The mechanical processes necessary for the industrial
Granular starches have been used as Ðllers in biode- isolation of starch granules cause damage to the granule
gradable polymers, in an attempt to make these new structure. As a result, the rate and extent of the swelling
polymers price-competitive with petrochemical plastics of the granules in water and their susceptibility to
(Jacobsen and Fritz 1996). Not all starch-containing enzymic digestion are increased relative to those of
plastics use granular starches. A number of formula- “undamagedÏ starch granules (Tester and Morrison
tions use gelatinised or “destructuredÏ starches 1994a). The type and amount of carbohydrate that can
(Verhoogt et al 1995). In these formulations starch is be leached or extracted from starch granules is also
chemically bonded to thermoplastic side chains in order dependent on whether they are damaged (Tester and
to strengthen the interaction between the starch and the Morrison 1994b). Changes associated with damage to
plastic and thereby overcome some of the problems the starch granules, eg swelling and enzymic suscepti-
associated with composite materials (Doane, 1992 ; bility, may alter the suitability of the starch for indus-
Shogren et al 1993 ; Damodar and Fanta 1995). trial use. Damage levels can be measured using many
Starch for industry 297

methods including iodometric titration, enzymic amylose-extender (ae), Ñoury ( Ñ) and horny (h), and found
digestion and dye adsorption (Morgan and Williams that each genotype had a distinct granule morphology.
1995). In rice, the starch granules of high amylose mutants are
irregular and rounded, while those of the wild-type are
Drying polyhedral (Yano et al 1985). In contrast, the starch of a
Drying is achieved by hot air dryers. High temperatures high amylose mutant in barley, though lacking the
give a greater throughput but, if the temperature is too largest A-type granules, does not di†er in granule mor-
high, there is a reduction in the quality of the starch. phology from the starch of the wild-type (McDonald et
Economics dictate that a balance must be struck al 1991).
between starch throughput, capital equipment costs and
starch quality. This balance may be more difficult to
achieve in the potato starch industry as a result of its Granule size distribution
seasonal nature.
Microscopy can give information about granule shape
Process water
as well as granule size, but when a weight count is
The viscosity of potato starch pastes and solutions is
made, statistical considerations require that granules
a†ected by cations present in the process water
are measured in a large number of Ðelds of view. Image
(Batchelor et al 1996) because the cations interact with
analysis techniques have made this feasible, but the
the phosphate groups in potato starch. Process water
most difficult problem remainsÈthat of preparing a
can be conditioned to regulate its ion content. The
microscope slide containing a representative sample of
process water can also cause discoloration of isolated
the starch granules (Allen 1990). Microscopy measures
starch if it contains an excessive amount of iron. Dis-
surface area so, when these results are used to obtain
coloration is avoided by using chalk to precipitate Fe3`
volume or mass distributions, errors are multiplied.
However, the method does allow granule shape to be
considered. In their analysis of bimodal populations of
STARCH IN THE CROP PLANT barley starch granules using image analysis, Oliveira et
al (1994) calculated the volumes of the lenticular A-type
Granule size and morphology starch granules separately from those of the spherical
B-type granules.
Starch granules range in size (Table 4) from those of Two methods of determining granule size distribution
canna, with a maximum long axis of 100 lm, to those of are based on the response of an instrument to particle
amaranth, with a long axis of 0É5È2É0 lm (Jane et al volume. In the Coulter counter, the electrical sensing
1994). Granule surface morphology ranges from smooth zone method is used to determine the number and size
in most tuber starches, to indented in many legume of a known weight of particles suspended in a known
starches, sharp-edged in wild-type and waxy rice and volume of an electrolyte as the particles pass through an
maize, or pock-marked in wheat, barley and triticale. oriÐce. Low-angle laser light scattering instruments
Starch granule shape can be characteristic of a genus (LALLS) determine the size distribution of particles sus-
and species. A survey of starch granules from the genus pended in a bath of liquid. In both instruments the size
Solanum (Schittenhelm and Menge-Hartmann 1992) is initially recorded as a volume and values for particle
showed that most granules were oval/round in shape, diameters are derived using the assumption that the
but some had a length : breadth ratio [2 and others particle is a sphere.
had a very irregular shape. The mean length of starch LALLS instruments (Cornell et al 1994 ; Blumenthal
granules in 84 accessions from 57 species of Solanum, et al 1996 ; Haase and Plate 1996) are easy to operate
determined by scanning electron microscopy, ranged and yield reproducible data (Allen 1990). However, the
from 19É3 to 37É9 lm. For the same set of tubers, the Coulter counter determines both particle number and
mean granule diameters, estimated by Coulter counter, particle size distribution, and has a much greater
ranged from 18É2 to 35É2 lm. The large A-type starch number of class sizes than LALLS instruments. It has
granules of wheat, barley and rye are lenticular, but been widely used (Chojecki et al 1986 ; McDonald et al
the smaller B-type starch granules are spherical or 1991 ; Tester et al 1991 ; Shi et al 1994) and may well
polyhedral. The starch granules of rice, oats and continue to be the instrument of choice in studies of the
maize are irregular and polyhedral in shape, those of physiology of starch granule production in cereal
rice being comparable in size to the B-type starch grains.
granules of wheat and barley, while those of maize are Sedimentation Ðeld Ñow fractionation (SFFF) has
larger (Table 4). been used for the size analysis of starch granules (Moon
Katz et al (1993) surveyed the granule morphology of and Giddings 1993). This system is rapid, gives high
starches extracted from genotypes of maize which con- resolution and has the added advantage that size frac-
tained mutant genes such as waxy (wx), dull (du), tions can be collected.
298 R P Ellis et al

Granule development a-amylase, than starch from tubers grown at lower tem-
peratures. Analyses of starch extracted from mature
The size distribution of the starch granules in the tubers of a range of genotypes grown on several sites in
storage organ of a plant changes during its development two successive years, indicate that environmental condi-
(Chojecki et al 1986) and the composition of starch tions a†ect granule size distribution, phosphorus
granules and their properties change during granule content and viscosity properties but have little e†ect on
development (Shannon and Garwood 1984). Morrison amylose content (Haase and Plate 1996).
and Gadan (1987) found that the proportions of Asaoka et al (1984) showed that an e†ect on the
amylose and of lysophospholipids rose in both A-type amylose content of rice starch could be induced by a
and B-type starch granules during grain development in relatively small di†erence in temperature (25¡C day/
wheat. McDonald et al (1991), in a study of the com- 19¡C night to 30¡C day/24¡C night), provided it was
position of starch granules during grain development in experienced by the plants at 5È15 days after heading.
barley, observed similar changes in the proportions of The starch synthesised in the higher temperature regime
amylose and lysophospholipids. had a lower amylose content and had amylopectin with
Morrison (1993) suggested that the degree to which a higher amount of long B chains and a lower amount
amylose is complexed with lysophospholipids is a func- of short B chains, than starch synthesised in the lower
tion of the stage of development of the endosperm, at temperature regime. Rice plants which experienced high
which the amylose is formed. B-type granules are initi- temperatures early in grain development produced
ated later in grain development than A-type granules. starch that had a higher gelatinisation temperature than
Thus mature A-type starch granules di†er in composi- the starch from plants grown at lower temperatures.
tion from mature B-type starch granules because the Tester et al (1991) also used controlled environments in
Ðrst formed parts of the A-type starch granules contain their investigation of the e†ects of ambient temperature
more lipid-free amylose than the corresponding parts of during grain-Ðlling on the composition and properties
the B-type starch granules. According to this hypothe- of the starch from four barley genotypes. They found
sis, there is no need to envisage di†erent mechanisms that the gelatinisation temperatures of the starches pro-
for the control of starch synthesis in the two types of duced at higher temperatures were higher than those of
granule. However, there is still much to be understood the starches formed in plants grown at lower tem-
about the synthesis of starch in either type of granule. peratures. They did not Ðnd di†erences in amylose
The gelatinisation temperature of starch from mature content, or in the Ðne structure of the amylopectin, but
grains is lower than that of starch extracted from endo- did Ðnd temperature-related di†erences in the lipid
sperms of wheat, rye and barley at an early stage in content of the starches. In a study of the variability of
their development (Karlsson et al 1983). Viscosity starch properties in two cultivars of wheat in relation to
properties of starch change during grain development in weather during grain-Ðlling, Morrison (1989) demon-
wheat (Kulp 1973) and during tuber development in strated a signiÐcant positive correlation between lyso-
potato (Madsen and Christensen 1996). phospholipid content and accumulated temperature,
solar radiation and sunshine hours. Shi et al (1994)
investigated the e†ect of temperature in controlled
E†ect of environment environments during grain-Ðlling on starch from six cul-
tivars of wheat. They reported similar e†ects of tem-
Historical observations, summarised by Shannon and perature on the lipid content of starch and on
Garwood (1984), indicate that growing conditions a†ect gelatinisation temperature and starch swelling. They
the polysaccharide composition of starch, but that the found that the proportion of shorter length B chains of
e†ects observed are not as large as those associated with amylopectin was higher in starch from plants grown at
genotype or organ maturity. A comprehensive review of 40¡C than in starch from plants grown at 25¡C. In a
the e†ect of the ambient temperature during the growth recent investigation on the e†ects of elevated growth
of plants on the physicochemical properties of their temperatures and carbon dioxide levels on physico-
starches was published by Hizukuri (1969). He present- chemical properties of wheat starch using plants
ed evidence that the pasting temperature, a-amylase sus- grown in a double-skinned polythene tunnel, Tester et al
ceptibility and, in potato starch, the granule shape and (1995) found that starch gelatinisation temperature
phosphorus content, all showed considerable depen- increased with plant growth temperature, whereas gela-
dence on the temperature of the environment of the tinisation enthalpy was not a†ected by plant growth
mother organ. He also reported that temperature temperature. Carbon dioxide concentration had no con-
during tuber growth had no e†ect on the iodine affinity sistent e†ects on any of the parameters measured. In
of potato starch. In contrast, Cottrell et al (1995) found similar experiments, Blumenthal et al (1996) also failed
that starch from potatoes grown at a higher tem- to detect any e†ect of elevated levels of carbon dioxide
perature had a higher amylose content, higher gelati- during grain growth on the amylose/amylopectin ratio
nisation temperature and greater resistance to bacterial in wheat starch.
Starch for industry 299

The starch from potatoes grown at higher tem-

peratures had fewer large granules than starch from
potatoes grown at lower temperatures (Cottrell et al
1995). Wheat plants which were subjected to high tem-
peratures during grain-Ðlling produced starch with
fewer B-type starch granules than that produced by
plants grown at lower temperatures (Bhullar and Jenner
1985). High temperature has been shown to cause a
reduction in the size of both A-type and B-type starch
granules in both wheat and barley (Tester et al 1991 ;
Shi et al 1994). Recent evidence indicates that, on a
volume basis, the proportion of A-type granules in
starch extracted from wheat grains grown at an elevated
concentration of carbon dioxide is greater than that in
starch extracted from wheat grains grown in ambient
levels of carbon dioxide (Blumenthal et al 1996).
The extent of genotype with environment interaction
in relation to starch properties has not been fully
explored in any crop species. The degree to which this
natural variation in the properties of starches a†ects
their suitability for industrial processing is still
unknown. Fig 1. Hypothetical scheme for the conversion of sucrose to
starch in developing amyloplasts. (1) Sucrose synthase ; (2)
invertase ; (3) hexokinase ; (4) phosphohexoisomerase ; (5) phos-
phoglucomutase ; (6) ADP-glucose and UDP-glucose pyrop-
Enzymology of starch biosynthesis hosphorylase ; (7) starch synthase ; (8) branching enzyme ; (9)
pyrophosphate/adenine nucleotide exchanger ; (10) nucleoside
The source of carbon for starch synthesis in storage diphosphate kinase. Abbreviations : Glc-1-P, glucose-1-phos-
phate ; Fru-6-P, fructose-6-phosphate ; PPi, pyrophosphate ;
organs such as cereal endosperms and potato tubers is Pi, inorganic phosphate. ADP-glucose transporter not shown.
generally believed to be sucrose (Du†us 1993). Sucrose
is converted to starch by the series of enzyme-catalysed
reactions shown in Fig 1. The Ðnal stages, which take tubers and the starch content of the tubers from trans-
place within the amyloplast, are thought to be catalysed formed plants was reduced to amounts between 4% and
by ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (EC, 35% of the levels in control plants. The dramatic
starch synthase (EC and starch branching reduction in starch content observed as a direct result of
enzyme (EC The factors regulating the amount ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase inhibition was taken
and structure of starch in storage organs have been as further support for the hypothesis that ADP-glucose
recently reviewed by Smith et al (1995). is the major precursor for starch synthesis in higher
ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase is often referred to plants. In contrast, by expressing regulatory variants of
as the Ðrst committed enzyme of starch biosynthesis. ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase in potato tubers, the
ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase has been identiÐed as amount of tuber starch may be increased (Stark et al
a key regulatory enzyme in photosynthetic tissues, being 1992). In this case, the Escherichia coli ADP-glucose
strongly inhibited by inorganic phosphate and activated pyrophosphorylase (fused to the plastid targeting
by 3-phosphoglycerate. Whether or not this is the case sequence) was fused to the tuber-speciÐc patatin pro-
in starch storage tissue is less clear (Kleczkowski et al moter. On average, the transgenic lines produced 35%
1993) and other factors such as changes in speciÐc more starch than the control lines. However, it is
signal compounds, turgor or compartmentation may be important to point out that, since the E coli and plant
involved (Geigenberger et al 1994). enzymes have di†erent allosteric properties, it is not
To test the possible role of ADP-glucose pyrophos- possible to draw any conclusions from these data about
phorylase in starch synthesis during development in the role of allosteric regulation of the higher plant
potato tubers, MuŽller-RoŽber et al (1992) generated enzyme in starch synthesis (MuŽller-RoŽber and
transgenic plants in which the expression of ADP- Komann 1994).
glucose pyrophosphorylase was inhibited. These were Recent work suggests that, in developing maize
obtained by introducing a chimeric gene containing the (Denyer et al 1996) and barley (ThorbjÔrnsen et al 1996)
coding region of one of the subunits of the ADP-glucose endosperm, both plastidial and cytosolic forms of ADP-
pyrophosphorylase linked in the antisense orientation glucose pyrophosphorylase contribute to the synthesis
to the CaMV 35S promoter. ADP-glucose pyrophos- of ADP-glucose for starch synthesis. If this is the case,
phorylase activity was almost completely inhibited in then a proportion of the ADP-glucose formed from
300 R P Ellis et al

sucrose (Fig 1) would be synthesised in the cytosol. This Boyer and Preiss (1981) have explored the relation-
may then be subsequently translocated to the amylo- ship between branching enzymes and starch synthases
plast where it could be used directly for starch synthesis. using mutant endosperms of maize. For example, in
For this hypothesis to be tenable, a transporter would amylose-extender (ae) mutants, which have starches with
be required to transfer ADP-glucose into the developing an amylose content of around 66% compared to 26% in
amyloplast. Some evidence for such a transporter in the the wild-type, there is an 80% decrease in one of the
plastidial membranes of maize endosperm has been put isoforms of SBE. A starch synthase preparation, free
forward (Cao et al 1995). Nevertheless we are still very from branching enzyme, was isolated from the mutant.
far from a full understanding of the intermediates, When branching enzyme from wild-type maize was
enzymes, kinetics and cellular organisation of the con- added back to this fraction, starch synthesis was found
version of sucrose to ADP-glucose within the to increase 3É5È4 times. This indicates that the forma-
developing endosperm cell. tion of amylopectin may occur by the combined and
Starch synthase catalyses the step-wise addition of simultaneous action of both starch synthase and
glucose residues to the non-reducing termini of malto- branching enzyme. That is, branching enzyme may
dextrin primers with the formation of linear chains of catalyse the formation of an increasing number of non-
a-(1-4)-linked D-glucose residues. In developing barley reducing chain ends in the growing glucan polymer
and wheat endosperms, activity has been observed with which are then able to accept glycosyl residues from
both UDP-glucose and ADP-glucose (Baxter and ADP-glucose. Since it was shown (loc cit) that activities
Du†us 1973 ; Caley et al 1990), but the greater part of of starch synthase in the mutant were unchanged in
starch synthesis is catalysed by ADP-glucose-dependent comparison with the wild-type, the increased amylose/
starch synthase. The starch synthases can be divided amylopectin ratio of the ae mutant starch appears to be
into two classes, the granule-bound (GBSS I and II) and due to the deceased action of branching enzyme.
the soluble starch synthases (SSS I and II). Within Di†erences between the isoforms of maize SBE in
classes, a number of isoforms have been reported in relation to activity and temperature optima have been
several plant species. These include the primer- reported by Takeda et al (1993b). Di†erences were also
dependent and the primer-independent starch synthases. observed in the structure of the starches formed. In ae
The enzyme responsible for the synthesis of amylose maize mutants, SBE I preferentially transfers chains
is thought to be ADP-glucose-dependent GBSS (Preiss which are longer than those transferred by SBE II. The
et al 1991). ConÐrmation has been obtained in studies gene encoding for mature SBE I has been expressed in
of amylose synthesis in Agrobacterium rhizogenes- E coli using the T7 promoter (Guan et al 1994). The
transformed potato plants where expression of the expressed SBE I was puriÐed to remove amylolytic
GBSS gene is inhibited via antisense RNA (Kuipers et activity and the results conÐrmed earlier reports that
al 1994). In every case there was a reduction in the SBE I was able to branch amylose at a higher rate and
amount of amylose synthesized. Similar observations amylopectin at a much lower rate than SBE II. It may
have been made by Kull et al (1995). In developing be that SBE I and SBE II play di†erent roles in the
cereal endosperms, the involvement of GBSS in amylose synthesis of amylopectin in vivo, ie SBE I could be
synthesis is conÐrmed by the existence of waxy mutants involved mainly in the synthesis of the B chains of
where both the amylose content and the GBSS activity amylopectin, whereas SBE II could play a major role
are low (Preiss et al 1991). in the synthesis of the A chains.
Starch branching enzyme (SBE) catalyses the forma- The joint contributions of ADP-glucose pyrophosp-
tion of amylopectin by the introduction of a-(1-6)-link- horylase and SBE to the control of the rate of starch
ages. The potato branching enzyme (Q-enzyme) has synthesis in developing pea embryos have been investi-
been puriÐed and partially characterised (Blennow and gated (Denyer et al 1995). Since the values for the Ñux
Johansson 1991). One form of the enzyme was found to coefficients for both enzymes were found to be low, it
have a molecular mass of 103 kDa and it was suggested was suggested that neither enzyme was of overriding
that the apparent polymorphism might be due to importance in the control of starch synthesis in peas.
protein hydrolysis during extraction. Further difficulties Experiments have been undertaken to suppress SBE
in the study of SBE arise from the need for an assay activity in transgenic potato plants through the expres-
procedure which allows for low levels of amylase con- sion of a cDNA for SBE of potato (Komann et al
tamination, combined with sufficient sensitivity and 1991) in antisense orientation (MuŽller-RoŽber and
speciÐcity. A novel assay procedure has been developed Komann 1994). Surprisingly, neither the amylose nor
by Takeda et al (1993b) which uses NaBH -reduced the total starch content was altered. Possible expla-
starch as a substrate. Following debranching with iso- nations advanced (MuŽller-RoŽber and Komann 1994)
amylase, the number of introduced branch points is are that either the degree of down regulation in the
determined by a reducing sugar assay. This method plants selected was not high enough or that another
improves both sensitivity and speciÐcity but is still sen- enzyme capable of branching linear glucans is present in
sitive to the presence of amylase activity. potato tubers. If the latter is correct, the di†erent func-
Starch for industry 301

Starch properties of three mutant genotypes compared to their parent cultivars

Mutanta Parenta Mutanta Parenta Mutantb Parentb

waxy Oderbrucker high amylose Glacier shrunken Bomi

Gene symbol wx amo1 shx

Chromosome 1 5 È
Starch content (mg per grain) 17É6 18É7 24É8 29É5 9É6 30É9
Amylose (% of starch) 5É8 28É3 43É4 28É5 28É0 26É0
A-type granules
Number ( ] 106)c 36 26 21 28 35d 12
Mean diameter (lm) 9É6 11É0 11É1 12É3 5É2d 13É1
Mean volume (lm3) 604 873 787 1242 205d 1663
B-type granules
Number ( ] 106) 166 140 222 323 È 89
Mean diameter (lm) 2É34 2É60 4É30 2É45 È 3É70
Mean volume (lm3) 8É7 13É3 72É0 10É9 È 37É7
Proportion of A-type granules
(% of Total) By number 18 15 8 8 È 12
By volume 94 92 50 91 È 85

a McDonald et al (1991).
b Schulman et al (1994).
c Number of granules per grain.
d Intermediate granules, no bi-modal distribution of A-type and B-type granules observed.

tions of the two enzymes in potato require to be eluci- done in barley, where mutations are readily observed
dated. due to the diploid nature of the species. Although there
It has long been known that debranching enzymes is some interest in growing barley for starch in areas
are present in developing cereal endosperms. However where maize has to be imported (Vasanthan and Bhatty
their role (if any) in starch synthesis has not been 1996), an understanding of barley starch mutations is
explained. One possibility is that they may be required likely to be most relevant in its application to other
to produce primers for the starch synthase reaction crops. The synteny between graminaceous genomes
(Du†us 1993). More recently, Ball et al (1996) have pro- means that rice/maize/barley/wheat can all be com-
posed a model to explain the processing mechanisms pared (Korzun and KuŽnzel 1997). In addition, barley
which are thought to precede the formation of amylo- genes, once identiÐed and isolated, could be used to
pectin from “pre-amylopectinÏ. The model depends on modify more readily manipulated species such as wheat
the observation that tissues synthesising “phytoglyco- or potato. Thus, it is appropriate to use barley as a
genÏÈa more branched form of amylopectinÈare model in reviewing current knowledge of genetic varia-
associated with reduced or absent debranching enzyme tion in starch composition.
activity. In the Chlamydomonas species used, it was
found that no other enzyme activities appeared to be
deÐcient. Hence it was concluded that debranching or Variation in starch synthetic enzymes
“glucan trimmingÏ is mandatory for starch biosynthesis.
Thus the model describes how pre-amylopectin trim- The waxy (wx) mutation is associated with a change at
ming may proceed through the selective action of a single locus on the short arm of chromosome 1 (7H).
debranching enzymes. The debranched oligosaccharides It reduces the level of GBSS. Domon (1996) suggested
generated may then be used by starch synthases to that this was due to partial suppression of gene expres-
form amylopectin, provided sufficient SBE activity is sion, as the wx allele preserves the structural gene for
present. It seem likely that debranching enzyme activ- the enzyme intact. Waxy barleys have amylose contents
ity may prevent the accumulation of phytoglycogen. of 2È10%, higher than those of other waxy cereals
(Tester and Morrison 1992). However, Ishikawa et al
(1994) have identiÐed lines from a mutation programme
MUTATIONS AFFECTING STARCH in which GBSS appeared to be completely absent.
SYNTHESIS These lines were characterised as amylose-free. Further
research is necessary to determine whether this muta-
Enzymes of starch synthesis can be a†ected by naturally tion has a di†erent mechanism from wx, which most
occurring or induced mutations. Much work has been closely resembles the waxy mutation in other crops.
Starch granules characteristics associated with RisÔ mutants of barley
(a) Starch granule size distribution

Mutant Gene Chromosome Starch content A-type granules B-type granules

numbera symbol
mg per grain % grain wt Number Mean diameter Mean volume Number Mean diameter Mean volume
(]106)b (mm) (mm3) (]106)b (mm) (mm3)

8B lys4d 5 (1 H) 24É18 48É27 17 13É0 1357 29 3É51 36É3

16B È 1 (7 H) 17É09 34É55 17 11É3 901 36 3É44 33É6
17B È 1 (7 H) 18É51 38É49 No apparent bi-modal distribution of granules
29C lys5g 6 (6 H) 22É67 47É40 11 14É6 1882 28 4É39 72É3
56C Hor2ca 5 (1 H) 29É12 54É42 19 13É5 1561 30 3É44 29É6
527B lys6i 6 (6 H) 24É29 45É30 19 12É7 1231 22 4É25 58É0
1508B lys3a 7 (5 H) 29É73 50É84 19 13É5 1515 49 3É93 45É8
Bomi 39É07 53É96 15 15É3 2152 247 3É54 33É7

(b) Associated e†ects on starch granule characteristics

Mutant L ysophospholipid Gelatinisation Swelling

numbera content (L PL ) temperature factor
(mg per 100 g) (T ) (¡C) at 80¡C
8B 695 57É1 10É1
16B 1164 58É9 8É5
17B 1746 55É1 7É2
29C 986 57É6 8É7
56C 1002 54É9 9É0
527B 469 54É4 10É4
1508B 760 58É2 12É8
Bomi 1002 57É4 9É2

R P Ellis et al
a B mutation in the cultivar Bomi ; C mutation in the cultivar Carlsberg II.
b Number of granules per grain.
Starch for industry 303

This will greatly assist in understanding how amylose Other barley mutations a†ecting starch composition
synthesis is partially or completely blocked at the
molecular level. E†ects on starch granule size and number have been
In barley the amylose content of endosperm starch demonstrated for mutations apparently unrelated to
can be raised to around 40È45%. This is associated starch synthesis. Examples are the high lysine mutations
with the single recessive gene, amo1, on chromosome 5 induced at a number of loci on chromosomes 1 (7H), 5
(1H) (Schondelmaier et al 1992), but changes in speciÐc (1H), 6 (6H) and 7 (5H) in the cultivars Bomi and Carls-
enzymes have not yet been attributed to this mutation. berg II (Table 7) in which Tester et al (1993) demon-
From crosses between waxy and high amylose (amo1) strated variation in granule dimensions, gelatinisation
parents, it is possible to identify segregants expressing proÐles and lipid contents. All the mutants showed a
both mutant genes. By using iodine staining, Schondel- reduction in total starch content, with the volume of
maier et al (1992) suggested that these segregants had A-type granules lower and the number of B-type gran-
around 15% amylose, but this seems unlikely given the ules per endosperm greater than the wild type. Starch
e†ect of the wx gene in reducing GBSS expression. from RisÔ 17 lacked a bimodal granule size distribution.
Alterations in the structure of amylopectin could inÑu- It was composed of a large number of intermediate
ence the extent of iodine binding, so iodine staining may sized granules with a mean volume about three times
not be the most suitable determinant of amylose that of the B-type granules in the wild type. RisÔ 17 also
content in this instance. It is necessary to elucidate the had a higher starch lipid content than the wild type,
e†ect of combining waxy and high amylose mutations while starch lipid content of RisÔ 527 was greatly
on molecular structure. The starches produced may reduced. Starches from both these mutants, however,
have substantial changes in chain lengths thus altering had lower gelatinisation temperatures than those of
the properties of the starches and making them more wild-type starches (Tester et al 1993) and this factor
suited for some industrial processes. may be of importance in energy considerations during
A spontaneous recessive mutant, shx (Schulman and industrial processing.
Ahokas 1990), has a characteristically shrunken appear-
ance of the endosperm due to a 70% reduction in starch
content (Table 6). Several starch synthases have lower
activities in this mutant, but the site of the mutation is STARCH CHEMISTRY
in the gene for the primer-independent form of soluble
starch synthase SSS (Schulman and Ahokas 1990). Composition of starch
GBSS activity does not appear to be a†ected by the
mutation (Schulman et al 1994). The principle components of starch are the polymers of
glucose, amylose (MW 105È106) and amylopectin (MW
107È109). Iodine complexes with amylose to generate a
Variation in granule structure and composition strong blue colour (Yu et al 1996), which forms the basis
of many methods for determining amylose contents
Waxy starch genotypes showed overall reductions of (Martinez and Prodolliet 1996). Improvements in the
about 10% in A-type granule size and 1.6% in both Ñexibility and accuracy of such assays can be achieved
A-type and B-type granule numbers per grain compared by recording absorbance measurements at more wave-
to non-waxy types (Table 6) so the ratio of A-type to lengths (Jarvis and Walker 1993), but colorimetric
B-type granules was una†ected. By contrast, the high methods su†er interference from the limited iodine
amylose type was associated with a reduction in A-type binding ability of amylopectin (Davis and Khan 1994).
granule volume in comparison to the wild type, but a Enthalpies of melting of starchÈlipid complexes have
signiÐcant increase in the volume of the B-type granules been used to obtain amylose contents for various
which changed from less than 10% to around 50% starches (Sievert and Holm 1993), but the efficiency of
(McDonald et al 1991) of the total granule volume. this method is inÑuenced by the solubility of the
Lines with recessive alleles of both waxy and high amylose in each sample. Amylose contents can be deter-
amylose genes were characterised by starch granules mined with greater accuracy by gel permeation chroma-
which were much reduced in size and heavily embedded tography (GPC) (Salomonsson and Sundberg 1994) but
into the surrounding protein matrix (Swanston 1994), the method is not suitable for routine investigation.
but no data on relative proportions of A-type and High pressure size exclusion chromatography has also
B-type granules have been published. been used to measure the amylose content of starch
The shx mutant showed a reduction, compared to the (Bradbury and Bello 1993). This method is more rapid
wild type, both in granule number per endosperm and than the time-consuming GPC. A novel procedure for
in the size of the A-type granules. The usual bimodal the determination of amylose after complexing the
size distribution of A-type and B-type granules was not amylopectin with concanavalin A can be used on a
observed (Schulman et al 1994). routine basis (Gibson et al 1997).
304 R P Ellis et al

Amylose highest level of branching being that of waxy maize

Debranching (Takeda et al 1992) and chain length (Salomonsson and Sundberg 1994 ; Falk et al 1996). The
studies (Shibanuma et al 1994) on amylose have demon- chain length in high amylose starch amylopectin is
strated that this a-(1È4) linked glucose polymer is greater than that in normal or waxy starches (Wang et
actually a mixture of unbranched and randomly, lim- al 1993). Amylopectins from oat starches have a tri-
itedly branched polymers. The proportions of branched modal chain length distribution and, in starches which
to unbranched amylose vary both within and between have a higher lipid and amylose content, there is less
species (Takeda et al 1987 ; Shibanuma et al 1994), multiple branching in the amylopectin (Wang and
whilst starches from di†erent botanical sources di†er in White 1994). Debranched amylopectins from normal
the average number of chains their amylose molecules wheat, investigated by HPLC, have a tetramodal
possess (Takeda et al 1987). Methylation (Cura and proÐle, the pattern of chain length distribution varying
Krisman 1990 ; Cura et al 1995), debranching (Praznik with genotype (Shibanuma et al 1994). The proÐle of
et al 1994), and NMR studies (Falk et al 1996) have waxy wheat amylopectin chain length distribution,
respectively revealed the percentage of glucose residues analysed by high performance anion exchange chroma-
involved in branching for the amyloses of waxy, normal tography is trimodal (Yasui et al 1996). NMR studies
and high amylose maize as 1É4%, 1É0È2É0% and showed that the proportion of glucose units which are
0É256%. a-(1È6) linked in barley, potato and waxy maize
Amylose can be extracted from starch by leaching in starches are 4É2È5É4%, 6É0% and 3É0, respectively
hot (50¡C) water. As the resulting gel or paste cools, (McIntyre et al 1990 ; Salomonsson and Sundberg 1994 ;
aggregation (retrogradation) occurs. This involves the Falk et al 1996).
alignment of linear segments of amylose chains which
Intermediate fractions
associate into a more thermodynamically stable form
Using 13C-NMR, a component with a similar structure
through hydrogen bonding. Thus, the apparent molecu-
to amylopectin but with shorter side branches has been
lar size of the amylose increases and its solubility
found in wheat starch (Dais and Perlin 1982). In maize,
decreases, with insoluble particles eventually being
intermediate material considered to be low-molecular-
formed. The type of aggregation displayed by amylose is
weight amylopectin has been found at high levels in
dependent on chain length, shorter chains favouring
mutants with the ae genotype (Wang et al 1993). An
precipitation and longer ones favouring gel formation
intermediate component with longer branches than
(Gidley and Bulpin 1989). The degree of retrogradation
amylopectin was reported in oats by Wang and White
of amylose is governed by its moisture content and, at
(1994) but Tester and Karkalas (1996), using a contin-
high temperature, the crystallinity of the amylose is
uous quantiÐcation procedure which eliminates the
enhanced (Hoover 1995). Retrograded amylose is more
need for starch fractionation, did not detect this
resistant to degradation by amylolytic enzymes than the
material and suggested it was an artefact of the Wang
native form, but amyloseÈlipid complexes (see the
and White (1994) fractionation procedure.
section entitled Starch lipids) restrict retrogradation and
the starch remains accessible to such enzymes Starch lipids
(Czuchajowska et al 1991). However, the solubility of Lipids extracted from starch granules may be integral
these complexes is less than that of lipid-free amylose components of the granules or have originated else-
owing to the hydrophobicity of the lipids. The extent of where in the tissues and become associated with the
retrogradation is of signiÐcance in applications where a granules during the starch extraction process. The lipid
clear solution or product is required as well as in those composition of starches from a variety of sources has
which depend on the viscosity of the product. been described by Vasanthan and Hoover (1992), whilst
the lipids in cereal starches have been extensively
Amylopectin reviewed by Morrison (1988, 1993, 1995). Starch gran-
Amylopectin consists of short a-(1È4) linked chains ules from cereal endosperms appear to be unique in
which are connected by a-(1È6) bonds. Debranching having lipids as integral components. Granules isolated
studies on starches from a range of maize genotypes from potato tubers, legume seeds or from cereal tissues
revealed maize amylopectin to have a bimodal chain other than the endosperm do not contain integral lipids
length distribution. Amylopectin from starch with the (Galliard and Bowler 1987).
ae genotype has a higher average chain length and Three categories of lipid are associated with cereal
lower degree of branching than wild type or waxy starch granules. The non-starch lipids originate in the
starches (Wang et al 1993). Amylopectin from the ae/wx membranes and spherosomes of the endosperm. These
genotype shows a bimodal proÐle whilst those from the are loosely associated with the granules and consist of
du/wx genotype (Yuan et al 1993) and amylomaize triacylglycerides, diacylglycolipids and phospholipids.
(Takeda et al 1993a) are trimodal. Amylopectins from During storage of the grain, some lipolysis of these
high amylose starches have lower degrees of branching compounds takes place, resulting in free fatty acids and
than those from waxy and normal starches, with the monoacylglycerides being formed. Even slight swelling
Starch for industry 305

of the granules during the starch extraction process starch granules and the amount of friabilin present in a
allows these free fatty acids and monoacyl lipids to be cultivar may be a useful marker for softer genotypes.
absorbed into the surface layers of the granules. These Some of the enzymes catalyzing the synthesis of
are described as starch surface lipids. The true or inte- starch polysaccharides are immobilized within the
gral starch lipids are found within the intact granules. structure of the starch granule as it forms while others
In barley and wheat, these lipids are composed entirely remain soluble and are retained by the amyloplast
of lysophospholipids, while in oats, rice and maize, free membrane. In starches isolated from mature cereal
fatty acids make up 30È60% of the integral lipids of the endosperms, it is not possible to detect the amyloplast
granule (Morrison 1993). The starches from waxy membrane by microscopy. Rahman et al (1995) reported
mutants of maize, barley, wheat and rice have negligible Ðve major protein bands of 60, 75, 85, 100 and 105 kDa,
or very low amylose contents and much lower lipid con- respectively, in extracts from wheat starch granules
tents than the normal genotypes, and the starches of extracted at 100¡C in 50 mM Tris (pH 8) with 10% SDS
high amylose maize, barley and rice have higher lipid and separated by SDS-PAGE. The most prominent
contents than the starches of normal genotypes band (60 kDa) was identiÐed as GBSS. This band is
(Morrison 1995 ; Yasui et al 1996). Oat starches have absent from the starches of waxy barley, waxy maize,
higher lipid, amylose and phosphorus contents than waxy rice and waxy potato (Shure et al 1983 ; Preiss
other cereal starches (Sowa and White 1992). No matter 1991 ; Sivak et al 1993). Rahman et al (1995) showed
the source, the amount of amylose present is more than cross reactivity between the 85 kDa protein band and
sufficient to accommodate all the lipid within the an antibody to SBE IIb of maize and the 75 kDa band
amylose helix in six- or seven-membered inclusion com- was tentatively identiÐed as a starch synthase based on
plexes. There has been uncertainty about whether these the similarity of amino acid sequence with SSS from rice
complexes exist in the intact starch granules or whether starch.
they are formed when granules were swollen and All starch granules contain detectable amounts of
hydrated, but not necessarily gelatinised (Morrison protein. Due to the possibility of Maillard-type reac-
1988). Studies using 13C cross-polarisation/magic angle tions taking place with polysaccharides, the amount and
spinning (CP/MAS) NMR spectroscopy and DSC have type will a†ect any new uses of the starch or its applica-
conÐrmed that lipidÈamylose complexes and lipid-free tion to existing uses such as wheat starch for paper
amylose are both present in intact barley starch gran- making.
ules (Morrison et al 1993).
Monoacyl lipids form complexes with hydrated
amylose in vitro. The molecular inclusion complexes are Inorganic components
heat stable and insoluble at neutral pH values Starches contain a number of mineral components such
(Szczodrak and Pomeranz 1992). LipidÈamylose com- as Ca2`, K`, Mg2` and Zn2` ions as well as bound P.
plexes in the starch granule a†ect both the gelati- In cereal starches, most, if not all, of the P is in the
nisation temperature and the swelling behaviour of the lysophospholipid fraction (Morrison 1995) while, in
granule (Morrison 1995). Eliasson (1994) demonstrated potato starch granules, the P is present as phosphate
that chemical modiÐcation of the starch a†ects the which is bound to the amylopectin component through
thermal properties of the amyloseÈlipid complex. In- phosphomonoester linkages (McIntyre et al 1990)
direct evidence for the formation of an amylopectinÈ (Table 4). These phosphomonoester groups make the
lipid complex was also reported. Since lipids and amyl- starch cationic and this is one reason why potato starch
ose are positively related in cereal starches, the proper- is favoured by papermakers.
ties of these complexes a†ect starch properties (see the
section entitled Amylose).
The structure of starch granules
Starch proteins
Proteins are also associated with starch granules and The composition and structure of individual starch
the amounts vary between and within species (Table 4). components determine many starch properties, espe-
The protein has been classiÐed as either surface protein cially in solution, but the arrangement of these com-
(readily extracted at temperatures below the gelati- ponents within the granule determine its structure for
nisation temperature) or as integral protein (extractable applications requiring intact or modiÐed granules.
at temperatures near or above the gelatinisation Under polarised light, native starch granules display
temperature). About 10% of the protein extracted from birefringence in the form of a “Maltese crossÏ pattern.
wheat starch granules was reported to be surface This property reÑects the order of the granule. The crys-
protein (Galliard and Bowler 1987). One of the granule talline nature of starch is evident from wide-range X-ray
surface proteins, friabilin, has been linked with kernel studies, and starches from di†erent botanical sources
hardness (Anjum and Walker 1991). Kernel hardness yield di†erent X-ray patterns (Cameron and Donald
a†ects the energy costs incurred with extraction of the 1992). The sharpness and deÐnition of the crystallinity
306 R P Ellis et al

pattern gives evidence of crystallite quality, whilst the for generating starches with speciÐc properties will
degree of crystallinity can be assessed by comparing come from our ability to extend the range of the chemi-
amorphous and highly crystalline (ie waxy) starch cal composition of the native starches produced in crop
(Koksel et al 1993). Crystallinity is derived from the plants.
structure of amylopectin, with its radial arrangement in There are some wide gaps in our knowledge of the
the granule being at right angles to the granule surface relationship between starch chemistry and starch
(Davis 1994). This radial arrangement is built from a properties. This is partly because the architecture of the
series of stacked amylopectin clusters, each consisting of starch granule is inherently complex and partly because
a region containing branch points and another region our methods of analysis have not been sufficiently sensi-
containing ordered double helices comprised of short tive or sufficiently probing. Since 1992, a number of
chains of amylopectin (Jenkins et al 1993). From DSC techniques have been developed which have the poten-
studies, it has been suggested that the enthalpy gener- tial to improve this situation. A procedure for both
ated during gelatinisation may be related to the loss of chain length determinations and the calculation of
this double helical order (Cooke and Gidley 1992). The amylose/amylopectin ratios has been introduced which
di†erent cluster components can be related to growth is a modiÐcation of existing size-exclusion chromato-
rings which have been identiÐed in starch granules by graphic methods. Starch is dissolved in sodium hydrox-
electron microscopy (Galliard and Bowler 1987). The ide and is then applied to a three-column system, using
cluster branch points and amylose are found in the a sodium chloride solution as elutant. This technique
amorphous zones or lamellae of the granule, where they represents an advance over existing procedures since it
are held together by hydrogen bonds (Trommsdor† and uses less toxic materials and is completed in only
Tomka 1995), whilst the double helices are located in 30 min. Furthermore, the use of sodium hydroxide
the crystalline regions (Jenkins et al 1993). Small angle enables heat-treated (ie partially gelatinised) starches to
X-ray di†raction studies give repeat distance (d-spacing) be analysed (Kennedy et al 1992). Jarvis and Walker
of 9È10 nm which is thought to represent the average (1993) have proposed a method of measuring actual
size of an amylopectin cluster and the consistency in amylopectin and amylose concentration by measuring
starches from a variety of species suggests similarities in the absorbances of starchÈiodine complexes at six di†er-
the mechanisms by which amylopectin is synthesised in ent wavelengths. Advantages claimed over previous
di†erent plants (Jenkins et al 1993). methods include rapidity of use and greater accuracy.
When granular starch was treated with cross-linking The use of electrophoretic methods involving Ñuoro-
agents and the reaction products examined by GPC chrome labelling (OÏShea and Morell 1996) promises to
and 31P NMR, it was found that amylose cross-linked increase both the speed and sensitivity of chain length
with amylopectin or formed substitution products analysis and the range of oligosaccharide chain lengths
within the granule. Whilst amylose, after solubilisation which can be quantiÐed accurately following isoamylase
in DMSO, was capable of cross-linking, there was no digestion of starch.
evidence of amyloseÈamylose cross-linking when granu- Electron optical tomography is a technique which
lar starch was treated. It was concluded that amylose can be used to build up the three dimensional structure
was dispersed randomly throughout the granule rather of starch granule fragments from a series of transmis-
than located in bundles (Kasemsuwan and Jane 1994). sion electron microscope sections. This procedure has
Leaching experiments on native and defatted starches the potential to reveal details of crystalline structure
indicate that the degree of organisation of amylose in (Oostergetel and van Bruggen 1993) and could be used
the amorphous regions of starch varies with botanical with X-ray di†raction (Jenkins et al 1993 ; Koksel et al
source (Hoover and Vasanthan 1992). 1993) and di†erential scanning calorimetry (Cooke and
Gidley 1992) to investigate the ordered structure of
starch. NMR is also being used in conjunction with
these techniques to increase our understanding of starch
structure (McIntyre et al 1990).
FUTURE PROSPECTS The chemistry and properties of starch granules are
under genetic control and are also signiÐcantly a†ected
Starch has an advantage over other materials with by the environmental conditions experienced by the
similar properties in that it is a renewable and biode- plant during starch deposition. The research that has
gradable resource which can be chemically modiÐed to been carried out on the e†ect of environmental factors
produce a diverse range of products. Industries will be on starch composition and properties has concentrated
able to use starches more efficiently and for a wider on only one factor, namely temperature. The complex
range of applications only if starches with the appropri- interaction of other factors remains to be explored.
ate properties become available. This can be achieved, Further investigation of the e†ects of environmental
to some extent, if further progress is made in the chem- factors will help us to understand and predict variations
istry of starch modiÐcation, but greater opportunities in the chemistry and properties of native starches but,
Starch for industry 307

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