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Ankush Raje (VNIT, Nagpur) VECTORS AND TENSORS 1 / 25


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1 Introduction
2 Vectors
Scalar Product or Dot Product
Vector Product or Cross Product
3 Tensors
Simple Example From Fluid Dynamics
Familiar Examples from TP
4 Vector and Tensor Differential Operators
The Gradient of a Scalar field
The Divergence of a Vector field
The Curl of a Vector field
The Divergence of a Tensor field
The Laplacian of a Scalar field

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We have seen many Physical Quantities in Transport Phenomena

Course. That Physical quantities fall into three categories:

Zeroth Order Tensors(i.e. Scalars), First Order Tensors(i.e.Vectors)

and Second Order Tensors.

Scalars(s): Temperature, Pressure, Volume etc.

Vectors( v ): Velocity, Momentum, Force etc.

Tensors(τ ): Stress, Momentum Flux, Velocity Gradient Tensor etc.

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Definition of a Vector:

A Vector v is defined as a Physical Quantity having both the
magnitude and direction.
The magnitude of the vector is the length of the vector and it is
denoted by | v |.

− →

If v =v1 i + v2 j + v3 k, then | v |= v12 + v22 + v32 .

− →

Two vectors v and w are equal when their magnitudes are equal and
when they point in same direction.

Unit Vector is a Vector having length equal to one(unity).

→ →
− →

It is given by, v̂ = → ,

|v |
where | v | is the magnitude of the vector v .

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Vectors Scalar Product or Dot Product

Scalar Product or Dot Product

Geometric Definition:

− →

If a and b are two vectors, then Scalar Product is defined by,
− →
→ − →
− →

a ◦ b =| a || b | cosθ, where θ is the angle between a and b .

Figure: Dot Product

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Vectors Scalar Product or Dot Product


− →
− − →
→ −
1)If a and b are perpendicular then a ◦ b = 0 (∵ θ = 90o )

− → −
2) a ◦ a =| a |2 (∵ θ = 0o )

Algebraic Definition:

− →

If a =a1 i + a2 j + a3 k and b =b1 i + b2 j + b3 k are two vectors then,
− →
→ −
a ◦ b = a1 b1 + a2 b2 + a3 b3
The Quantity on R.H.S is a Scalar quantity, Hence this product is also
called as Scalar Product.

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Vectors Vector Product or Cross Product

Vector Product or Cross Product

The cross product of two vectors is defined by the formula,

− →
→ −
a × b =| a || b | sinθn̂ , where n̂ is the unit vector perpendicular to

− →

plane containing a and b .

Figure: Cross Product

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Vectors Vector Product or Cross Product


− →
− − →
→ −
1)If a and b are parallel then a × b = 0 (∵ θ = 0o )

− → −
2) a × a =0 (∵ θ = 0o )

Matrix Notation:
The cross product can also be expressed as the determinant,

− →

If a =a1 i + a2 j + a3 k and b =b1 i + b2 j + b3 k are two vectors then,

i j k
− →
→ −
a × b = a1 a2 a3

b1 b2 b3

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Tensor of rank two

Tensors are simply Mathematical objects that can be used to describe

physical properties,just like scalars and vectors.

Definition of a Tensor of rank two:

A tensor of rank two is defined as a system that has a magnitude and

two directions associated with it. It has 9 components and is typically
represented by a 3 × 3 matrix..

Tensor of Rank two is also called as Dyad.

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The rank of a tensor is defined by the number of directions(and hence

the dimensionality of the array) required to describe it.

For Example:
Properties that require one direction(rank one) can be fully described
by 3 × 1 column vector, and the properties that require two directions
(second rank tensor),can be described by 9 numbers as 3 × 3 matrix.

Note: In general, nth rank tensor can be described by 3n co-efficients.

1)Second rank Tensor will consist 32 components(i.e. 9 components).

2)A scalar is a zero rank tensor, and a vector is a first rank tensor.

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Tensors Simple Example From Fluid Dynamics

Simple Example From Fluid Dynamics

The Cauchy stress tensor: It is a second order tensor representing

mechanical stress with nine components that completely define the
state of stress at a point inside a material.
Consider the figure,

Figure: Example of Second Order Tensor

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Tensors Simple Example From Fluid Dynamics

In Terms of Tensors(Here 3 × 3 matrix), the above Situation can be

described by,
 
σ11 σ12 σ13
σ =  σ21 σ22 σ23 
σ31 σ32 σ33

Kronecker Delta Function:

It is defined as,
1 for i = j
δij =
0 for i 6= j

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Tensors Familiar Examples from TP

Familiar Examples from TP:

1)For Incompressible fluids, Generalisation of Newton’s Law of

∂vj ∂vi
τij = −µ + , where i, j = 1, 2 or 3
∂xi ∂xj

2)Molecular Stress Tensor

πij = pδij + τij , where i, j = x, y or z

∴ Its components,
 
πxx πxy πxz
π = [πij ]i,j=x,y,z = πyx
 πyy πyz 
πzx πzy πzz

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Tensors Familiar Examples from TP

 
p + τxx τxy τxz
π =  τyx p + τyy τyz 
τzx τzy p + τzz

3)Convective Momentum Flux

ρvv = δi δj ρvi vj , i, j = x, y or z.
i j

We know,
 
ρvx vx ρvx vy ρvx vz
ρvi vj =  ρvy vx ρvy vy ρvy vz 
ρvz vx ρvz vy ρvz vz

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Tensors Familiar Examples from TP

1)If τij =τji , then the Tensor is said to be Symmetric.

2)If τij =-τji , then the Tensor is said to be Antisymmetric.

3)A Second order Tensor gives rise to a 3 × 3 matrix.

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Vector and Tensor Differential Operators

Vector and Tensor Differential Operators

The Vector differential operator ∇, known as ’nabla’ or ’del’ is defined


∂ ∂ ∂
∇=i +j +k
∂x ∂y ∂z
in which i,j,k are unit vectors and x,y,z are variables associated to x,y,z

∇ operator cannot stand alone, it must operate on Scalar,Vector or

Tensor function.

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Vector and Tensor Differential Operators The Gradient of a Scalar field

The Gradient of a Scalar field:

If s is the scalar function of variables x,y,z, then the operator ∇ on s is
given by,

∂s ∂s ∂s
∇s = grad s = i +j +k
∂x ∂y ∂z
is called as Gradient.

It is a Vector Quantity. Sometimes, it is denoted by grad s.

Note: ∇s 6= s∇

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Vector and Tensor Differential Operators The Gradient of a Scalar field

The gradient of a function is a vector function tells us about the rate of

change of the function. At any given point the direction given by the
gradient tells us about the direction of maximum change. The
magnitude of this particular vector then is the magnitude of the change.

If you place a ball at any point on an x-y plane with varying height and
is defined by h(x,y), then the ball will start falling in the direction
described by its gradient.

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Vector and Tensor Differential Operators The Divergence of a Vector field

The Divergence of a Vector field:

If the vector v is a function of space variables x,y,z then a scalar
product formed with operator ∇ is given by,
∂ ∂ ∂
∇ ◦ v = div v = i +j +k ◦ (iv1 + jv2 + kv3 )
∂x ∂y ∂z
∂v1 ∂v2 ∂v3
∴∇◦v = + +
∂x ∂y ∂z

It is a Scalar Quantity.

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Vector and Tensor Differential Operators The Divergence of a Vector field

Divergence is a scalar that tells us about the rate at which ”stuff” flows
out of a given volume. Physical interpretation of it is that it is the law of
continuity or better known as Gauss’s Law. You can use divergence of
a vector field to see how much the field is flowing outwards and use
that to determine its contents or density.

A divergence of zero indicate that there is no outward flux and so the

net effect seen is that there appears to be nothing inside.

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Vector and Tensor Differential Operators The Curl of a Vector field

The Curl of a Vector field:

i j k
∂ ∂ ∂

∇ × v = curl v = ∂x ∂y ∂z

v v2 v3

∂v3 ∂v2 ∂v1 ∂v3 ∂v2 ∂v1
∴∇×v =i − +j − +k −
∂y ∂z ∂z ∂x ∂x ∂y

It is a Vector Quantity.

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Vector and Tensor Differential Operators The Curl of a Vector field

The curl is probably the most difficult to generalize physically. It

describes magnetic fields so perfectly , and the ”opposite” of the curl,
the divergence of any magnetic field is always zero. The best way to
think of it would to think of curl as the measure of the rotation-ness of
the contents of the field. This is where you get the concept of rotational
and irrotational fields.

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Vector and Tensor Differential Operators The Divergence of a Tensor field

The Divergence of a Tensor field:

If the Tensor τ is a function of space variables x,y,z then,
 !  
X ∂ XX
∇◦τ = δi ◦ δj δk τjk  .
i j k

X X X  ∂τjk
∴∇◦τ = δi ◦ δj δk
i j k
X X X  ∂τjk
∴∇◦τ = δij δk
i j k
" #
X X ∂τik
∴∇◦τ = δk
k i

This is called as Divergence of Tensor Field τ written as div(τ ).

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Vector and Tensor Differential Operators The Laplacian of a Scalar field

The Laplacian of a Scalar field:

If we take divergence of gradient of a scalar function s, then
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂s ∂s ∂s
∇ ◦ ∇s = i +j +k ◦ i +j +k
∂x ∂y ∂z ∂x ∂y ∂z
2 ∂ ∂s ∂ ∂s ∂ ∂s
∇ s= + +
∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂z ∂z

∂2s ∂2s ∂2s

∇2 s = + +
∂x 2 ∂y 2 ∂z 2
∂2 ∂2 ∂2
∇2 = + +
∂x 2 ∂y 2 ∂z 2
is called Laplacian Operator.

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