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'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''ROBO-RALPH 833

''This code gives Eddie three modes of opperation:

''Manual-mode(Yellow light):
'Moves forward when joystick is moved forward
'Rotates 90CW when joystick is moved right and 90CCW when moved to the left.
''Auto-mode(White light):
'Code moves into AutoMode.
'A new cog that runs the ping sensors is launched in background.
'Eddie roams around avoiding obsticles until the button is pushed again.
''Kinect-mode(Green light)

'The range that the IR sensors yield is from about 2500(close) and about 200(far). 1500 = about

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''TO DO''''''''''''''''''''''''''
'Joystick control should be "continuous" instead of only forward, spin left, and spin right.
'Impliment encoders for AUTO-MODE
'Should always have start and stop methods
'Channel 7 of the ADC reads the current voltage of the battery
'All encompasing method for all movements. Forward, reverse, rotate etc
'Can use pin 13 with Simple_Serial object for recieving data from processing.
'Run pings and IR's in Track-mode.
'Implement speech in response to picture being taken and various other functions.

{{''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''MOTOR-PIN KEY'''''''''''''''''''''
pin 19 = Left reverse
pin 20 = PWM left
pin 21 = Left forward
pin 22 = Right reverse
pin 23 = PWM right
pin 24 = Right forward
XB : "XBee_Object"
pst : "Parallax_Serial_Terminal"
ping : "Ping"
encoder: "Quadrature Encoder"
ADC : "MCP3208"
Serial : "Extended_FDSerial"

_clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
_xinfreq = 5_000_000
XB_Baud = 9600'
'________________________________________________________THESE ARE ALL OF THE PIN DESIGNATIONS__
ping_pin0 = 0 'Right front(From it's point of view)
ping_pin1 = 1 'Center front ''This is the one pointing down. (Doesn't work because sound bo
ping_pin2 = 2 'Left front (From it's point of view)
ping_pin3 = 3 'Rear
front_servo4 = 4 '
rear_servo5 = 5 '
'Pin 6 is for the XBee to send data to the board.
ping_pin7 = 7 'Rear/Top/It's left
ping_pin8 = 8 'Front/Top/It's left
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ping_pin9 = 9 'Rear/Top/It's right

ping_pin10 = 10' 'Front/Top/It's right
Speaker_Pin = 11'
'Pins 12-15 are spare GPIO from the center of the board.
Battery_GreenLED = 13 '
Battery_BlueLED = 14
Battery_RedLED = 15'
'Pins 16-18 are the auxilary pins that put out 12V(Pin 16 is used for the EL wire).
EL_Pin = 16'
K_Track_led = 17' |
'Pins 19-24 are for the H-bridges.
'Pins 25-27 are for the ADC shown below.
chipSel = 25 'Pin 25 is connected to the chip select pin of the MCP3208
chipDIO = chipSel+1 'Pin 26 is connected to both the in and out pin of the MCP3
chipClk = chipSel+2 'Pin 27 is connected to the clock pin of the MCP3208
'Pin 28 is the Pin that would send data to the XBee, but we're not using it.
'I'm not sure what pin 29 is for.
'Pin 30 = tx 'Via Serial
'Pin 31 = rx

'Pins and Baud rate for XBee comms.

XB_Rx = 6 ' XBee DOUT 'This is the only one used. We are only recieving with the on-
XB_Tx = 28 ' XBee DIN 'This is set to pin 12 because pin 12 is not an I/O pin(We are
'__________________________________________________________________ADC PIN KEY__________________
'0 = Center, front, downward-facing IR
'1 = Top, right IR.
'2 = Top, left IR.
'3 = Top, rear IR.
'Pins 4-7 are unused.
'8 = battery gauge.
'_________________________________________________________THESE ARE THE CHANGEABLE PARAMETERS___
Ping_dist = 10 'Ping_dist at which things are sensed by Ping sensors (Inches)
speed = 4 'Smaller is faster. This controls the speed of the wheels. It the time with
IR_dist = 1500 'Higher is closer. 1500 is about 5 inches
IR_dist_ground = 1500 '
K_Horiz_dist = 200 'This is for kinect mode. It's the amount of pixels from the middle of the
K_Far_dist = 1_200 'This is for kinect mode. It's the distance in mm that a user is from th
K_Near_dist = 600 'This is for kinect mode. It's the distance in mm that a user is from the
K_speed = 6
rotate_time = 10_000

VAR 'This section can be optimized. ie: Do they all need

long range0
long range1
long range2
long range3
long range4
long range5
long range7
long range8
long range9
long range10
long IR_range0
long IR_range1
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long IR_range2
long IR_range3
long DataUD
long DataLR
word DataIn
long pos[3]
long stack[20]
long stack1[20]
long stack2[20]
long stack3[20]
long stack4[20]
long stack5[20]
long stack6[20]
long stack7[20]
long stack8[20]
long PingsCog
long PingsCog_k
long JoyStickValueUDCog
long JoyStickValueLRCog
long ServoCog
long XBCog
long EL_tapeCOG
long BeepCOG
long P_checkCOG
long Battery_CheckCOG
long K_DataIn_z
long K_DataIn_x
word K_Character
long K_CharIn
long Battery_Voltage

Pub Init
XB.start(XB_Rx, XB_Tx, 0, XB_Baud) 'Initialize comms for XBee
'pst.start(9600) 'Using this to print to serial monitor
ADC.start(chipDIO, chipCLK, chipSel, 255)
Serial.start(31, 30, 0, 9600) ' Either pst OR Serial, not both!! 'This
Battery_CheckCOG := cognew(Batt_RGB_LED, @Stack8)

Pub Start

DataIn := XB.Rx 'IMPORTANT: XB.Rx can only receive one digit a

if DataIn == "k" 'Kinect

PingsCog_k := cognew(Pings_k, @stack5) 'Still want to avoid obsticles in track mo
waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt)
waitcnt(clkfreq/100 + cnt)

if DataIn == "y" 'ASCII decimal equivalent for the character y

PingsCog := cognew(Pings, @stack) 'PingsCog returns the ID of the cog that was l
waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt) 'This pause must be here in order to give the
waitcnt(clkfreq/100 + cnt)

if DataIn == "@" 'LR 'Can use 64 or "@" here.

DataLR := XB.RxDec 'DataIn sits at about 516ish 'M
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if DataLR < 200

CCWmanual 'Go left
elseif DataLR > 800
CWmanual'Go right
waitcnt(clkfreq/100 + cnt)
waitcnt(clkfreq/100 + cnt)

if DataIn == "!" 'UD 'Can use 33 or "!" here.

DataUD := XB.RxDec 'DataIn sits at about 516ish 'Mu
if DataUD > 800

ctra[30..26] := %00000 'This is here to get rid of the sudden burs

ctrb[30..26] := %00000

Pub Track_Mode 'pst.dec(123) Either pst OR Serial, not both!!!

P_CheckCOG := cognew(P_Check, @Stack)
waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt)

'This tells the motors what to do based on the tracked user's position.

if (K_DataIn_x < -K_Horiz_dist) AND (range0 > Ping_dist) AND (IR_range1 < IR_dist) AND (rang
waitcnt(clkfreq/100 + cnt)

if (K_DataIn_x > K_Horiz_dist) AND (range2 > Ping_dist) AND (IR_range2 < IR_dist) AND (range
waitcnt(clkfreq/100 + cnt)

if (K_DataIn_z > K_Far_dist) AND (K_DataIn_z <> 0) AND (range0 > Ping_dist) AND (range1 > Pi
waitcnt(clkfreq/100 + cnt)

if (K_DataIn_z < K_Near_dist) AND (K_DataIn_z <> 0) AND (range3 > Ping_dist) AND (IR_range3
waitcnt(clkfreq/100 + cnt)

DataIn := XB.Rx
if DataIn <> "k"
waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt)

PUB Pings_k 'Reads DataIn and Knct_dist so that

range0 := ping.Inches(ping_pin0) 'Front right
range1 := ping.Inches(ping_pin1) 'Front on servo
range2 := ping.Inches(ping_pin2) 'Front left
range3 := ping.Inches(ping_pin3) 'Back
range7 := ping.Inches(ping_pin7) 'Top/Rear/Left
range8 := ping.Inches(ping_pin8) 'Top/Front/Left
range9 := ping.Inches(ping_pin9) 'Top/Rear/Right
range10:= ping.Inches(ping_pin10) 'Top/Front/Right

IR_range0 := 'front facing down

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' IR_range1 := 'front right(It's right)

IR_range2 := 'front left
IR_range3 := 'back

DataIn := XB.Rx 'Having this cog check DataIn slows down the ping sen

if (DataIn <> "k")

OUTA[k_track_led] := 0

PUB P_Check | PicIn

K_CharIn := Serial.Rxcheck 'This must be outside of the repeat loop.

k_LEDCOG := cognew(k_LED, @Stack7)


Serial.RxFlush 'This needed to clear out the rx buffer. Will give inac
K_CharIn := Serial.Rx
PicIn := K_CharIn
if PicIn == "p"
waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt)

if K_CharIn == "x" '1700 is approximately 4' from kinect. Larger = farthe

K_DataIn_x := Serial.RxDec

repeat until K_CharIn == "z" '1700 is approximately 4' from kinect. Lar
K_CharIn := Serial.Rx

K_DataIn_z := Serial.RxDec

PUB k_LED | Check

'If not tracking set off.

'If tracking set on.

if K_CharIn == "x" OR K_CharIn == "z" AND K_DataIn_x <> 0 AND K_DataIn_z <> 0

DIRA[K_track_led] := OUTA[K_track_led] := 1
waitcnt(clkfreq/10+ cnt)

OUTA[K_track_led] := 0
waitcnt(clkfreq/10 + cnt)

Check := Serial.Rxcheck
if Check <> -1
DIRA[K_track_led] := OUTA[K_track_led] := 1
waitcnt(clkfreq/10+ cnt)
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OUTA[K_track_led] := 0
waitcnt(clkfreq/10 +cnt)

PUB Batt_RGB_LED 'Could also do a mixture of rgb to create a finer resolution o

DIRA[Battery_GreenLED] := 1
DIRA[Battery_BlueLED] := 0
DIRA[Battery_RedLED] := 0

Battery_Voltage :=
' pst.dec(Battery_Voltage)
' pst.Str(String(pst#NL))
' waitcnt(clkfreq/10 + cnt)

if Battery_Voltage > 3_000

OUTA[Battery_GreenLED] := 1
OUTA[Battery_BlueLED] := 0
OUTA[Battery_RedLED] := 0
if Battery_Voltage < 3_000 and Battery_Voltage > 2_500
OUTA[Battery_GreenLED] := 0
OUTA[Battery_BlueLED] := 1
OUTA[Battery_RedLED] := 0
if Battery_Voltage < 2_500
OUTA[Battery_GreenLED] := 1
OUTA[Battery_BlueLED] := 0
OUTA[Battery_RedLED] := 0

PUB Speaker_4_Pic | i, a

DIRA[Speaker_Pin] := OUTA[Speaker_Pin] := 1

repeat 2
repeat 300
waitcnt(clkfreq/(500) + cnt)
waitcnt(clkfreq/2+ cnt)
repeat 1
repeat 750
waitcnt(clkfreq/(900) + cnt)
waitcnt(clkfreq/2+ cnt)

DIRA[Speaker_Pin] := OUTA[Speaker_Pin] := 0

PUB Servo_Straight(Servo_Pin) | Frequency, Pulse_length, t, i

ctra[30..26] := %00100 'Setting up counter modules for PWM

ctra[5..0] := Servo_Pin
frqa := frqb := 1 'The frq register adds one to the current value of the ph

Frequency := clkfreq/50 'Freq = 50Hz

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''PULSE LENGTH RANGE (and initial pos

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'Pulse_length := clkfreq/1667 'For 0 degrees, pulse width =

' Pulse_length := clkfreq/1111 'For 30 degreees
Pulse_length := clkfreq/690 'For Servos to face directly
'Pulse_length := clkfreq/476 'For 150 degrees

t := cnt
repeat 30
phsa := phsb := -(pulse_length) 'Why is this negative?
t += Frequency 'phsa is the length of the pulse duration

PUB Auto_Mode 'IR_range(x) gets larger as objects closer. Range(x) ge


If (DataIn == "y") AND (range0 > Ping_dist) AND (range1 > Ping_dist) AND (range2 > Ping_dis
waitcnt(clkfreq/2 + cnt)
EL_tapeCOG := cognew(EL_tape, @Stack2)
ServoCog := cognew(Servo(front_servo4), @stack1)

If (DataIn == "y") AND ((range1 < Ping_dist) OR (IR_range0 > IR_dist_ground)) 'Center
waitcnt(clkfreq/2 + cnt)
BeepCog := cognew(Beep, @Stack3)
ServoCog := cognew(Servo(rear_servo5), @stack4)

If (DataIn == "y") AND ((range0 < Ping_dist) OR (range10 < Ping_dist) OR (IR_range1 > IR_dis
waitcnt(clkfreq/2 + cnt)

If (DataIn == "y") AND ((range2 < Ping_dist) OR (range8 < Ping_dist) OR (IR_range2 > IR_dis
waitcnt(clkfreq/2 + cnt)

if DataIn <> "y"


PUB Pings 'Reads DataIn and Knct_dist so that o

range0 := ping.Inches(ping_pin0) 'Front right
range1 := ping.Inches(ping_pin1) 'Front on servo
range2 := ping.Inches(ping_pin2) 'Front left
range3 := ping.Inches(ping_pin3) 'Back
range7 := ping.Inches(ping_pin7) 'Top/Rear/Left
range8 := ping.Inches(ping_pin8) 'Top/Front/Left
range9 := ping.Inches(ping_pin9) 'Top/Rear/Right
range10:= ping.Inches(ping_pin10) 'Top/Front/Right

IR_range0 := 'front facing down

IR_range1 := 'front right(It's right)
IR_range2 := 'front left
IR_range3 := 'back

DataIn := XB.Rx 'Having this cog check DataIn slows down the ping sen

if (DataIn <> "y") 'Can't stop a cog that has never started.
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cogstop(PingsCog) 'This must be last or else any commands that follow will not be exe

PUB Forward(mode) | Frequency, Pulse_length, t 'AUTO_kinect 'Repeats

ctra[30..26] := %00100 'Setting up counter modules for PWM

ctrb[30..26] := %00100

ctra[5..0] := 20
ctrb[5..0] := 23

dira [19] := outa [19] := 0

dira [21] := outa [21] := 1
dira [22] := outa [22] := 0
dira [24] := outa [24] := 1

frqa := frqb := 1 'The frq register adds one to the current value of the p


Frequency := clkfreq/20_000 'This controls the frequency that the repeat loops cycle
Pulse_length := Frequency/Speed 'This controls the duration within a single cycle of the

'Would like to exit the loop when transmitter power is shut off, but I can't figure out how(N
repeat until (dataIn <> mode) or (range0 < Ping_dist) or (range1 < Ping_dist) or (range2 < P
t := cnt 'The reading of the current clock position mu
repeat 1_000 'Cannot check DataIn := XB.Rx while in the re
phsa := phsb:= -Pulse_length 'Why is this negative?
t += Frequency 'phsa is the length of the pulse duration.

ctra[30..26] := %00000 'This is here to get rid of the sudden burst

ctrb[30..26] := %00000

if EL_tapeCOG <> 0

if ServoCog <> 0

if dataIn == "y"

if DataIn <> "y"


PUB Servo(Servo_Pin) | Frequency, Pulse_length, t, i

ctra[30..26] := %00100 'Setting up counter modules for PWM

ctra[5..0] := Servo_Pin
frqa := frqb := 1 'The frq register adds one to the current value of the ph

Frequency := clkfreq/50 'Freq = 50Hz

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''PULSE LENGTH RANGE'''''''''''''''''

'Pulse_length := clkfreq/1667 'For 0 degrees, pulse width =
Pulse_length := clkfreq/1111 'For 30 degreees
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'Pulse_length := clkfreq/476 'For 150 degrees

t := cnt
repeat while i < 100000
i += 3000
phsa := phsb := -(pulse_length + i) 'Why is this negative?
t += Frequency 'phsa is the length of the pulse duration

t := cnt
repeat while i > -15000 '27_000 seems to be the farthest right that the servo can pan.
i -= 3000
phsa := phsb := -(pulse_length + i) 'Why is this negative?
t += Frequency 'phsa is the length of the pulse duration

PUB EL_tape
waitcnt(clkfreq/5 + cnt)

PUB Encoder_Read

PUB Reverse(iterations) | Frequency, Pulse_length, t ''For AUTO MODE. Remember: 'Cann

ctra[30..26] := %00100
ctrb[30..26] := %00100

ctra[5..0] := 20
ctrb[5..0] := 23

dira [19] := outa [19] := 1

dira [21] := outa [21] := 0
dira [22] := outa [22] := 1
dira [24] := outa [24] := 0

frqa := frqb := 1 'The frq register adds one to the curren


Frequency := clkfreq/20_000 'This controls the frequency that the rep

Pulse_length := Frequency/Speed 'This controls the duration within a sing

if (DataIn == "y") and (range3 > Ping_dist) and (IR_range3 < IR_dist) AND (range7 > Ping_dist)
repeat iterations
if (range3 > Ping_dist) AND (IR_range3 < IR_dist) AND (range7 > Ping_dist) AND (range9 > Pin
t := cnt 'The reading
repeat 1_000 'The number
phsa := phsb:= -Pulse_length
t += Frequency 'phsa is the


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waitcnt(clkfreq/5 + cnt) 'This is th

if (DataIn == "y") 'or (DataIn == "k")

waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt)

PUB Beep

DIRA[Speaker_Pin] := OUTA[Speaker_Pin] := 1
repeat 350
waitcnt(clkfreq/500 + cnt)

waitcnt(clkfreq/2+ cnt)

PUB Rotate90CCW | Frequency, Pulse_length, t 'Used for AUTO MODE.

ctra[30..26] := %00100
ctrb[30..26] := %00100

ctra[5..0] := 20
ctrb[5..0] := 23

dira [19] := outa [19] := 1

dira [21] := outa [21] := 0
dira [22] := outa [22] := 0
dira [24] := outa [24] := 1

frqa := frqb := 1 'The frq register adds one to the current v


Frequency := clkfreq/20_000 'This controls the frequency that the repeat

Pulse_length := Frequency/Speed 'This controls the duration within a single

if DataIn == "y" ' or DataIn == "k"

t := cnt 'The reading o
repeat rotate_time 'The numb
phsa := phsb:= -Pulse_length
t += Frequency 'phsa is the l

ctra[30..26] := %00000
ctrb[30..26] := %00000
waitcnt(clkfreq/2 + cnt)

if (DataIn == "y")
' if(DataIn == "k")
' Track_Mode
PUB Rotate90CW | Frequency, Pulse_length, t 'Used for AUTO MODE.

ctra[30..26] := %00100
ctrb[30..26] := %00100

ctra[5..0] := 20
ctrb[5..0] := 23
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dira [19] := outa [19] := 0

dira [21] := outa [21] := 1
dira [22] := outa [22] := 1
dira [24] := outa [24] := 0

frqa := frqb := 1 'The frq register adds one to the current value of the phs reg


Frequency := clkfreq/20_000 'This controls the frequency that the repeat loops cycles
Pulse_length := Frequency/Speed 'This controls the duration within a single cycle of the a

if DataIn == "y" 'or DataIn == "k"

t := cnt 'The reading o
repeat rotate_time 'The numbe
phsa := phsb:= -Pulse_length
t += Frequency 'phsa is the l

ctra[30..26] := %00000
ctrb[30..26] := %00000
waitcnt(clkfreq/2 + cnt)

if (DataIn == "y")
' if(DataIn == "k")
' Track_Mode

Pub Manualforward | Frequency, Pulse_length, t 'This method needs some work. Somehow it

ctra[30..26] := %00100
ctrb[30..26] := %00100

ctra[5..0] := 20
ctrb[5..0] := 23

dira [19] := outa [19] := 0

dira [21] := outa [21] := 1
dira [22] := outa [22] := 0
dira [24] := outa [24] := 1

frqa := frqb := 1 'The frq register adds o


Frequency := clkfreq/20_000 'This controls the frequ

Pulse_length := Frequency/Speed 'This controls the durat

JoyStickValueUDCog := cognew(JoyStickValueUD, @stack) 'JoyStickValueCog return

waitcnt(clkfreq/10 + cnt) 'Have to use another cog
t := cnt

repeat until DataUD < 800 'Speed holds here until

phsa := phsb:= -Pulse_length 'The reading of the curr
t += Frequency 'Cannot check DataIn :=
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ctra[30..26] := %00000 ''Put this here to
ctrb[30..26] := %00000


PUb JoyStickValueUD 'This is used by ManualForward

DataIn := XB.Rx 'Here we read the value being sent from the controller to th
if DataIn == "!"
DataUD := XB.RxDec

Pub CCWmanual | Frequency, Pulse_length, t

ctra[30..26] := %00100 'Configures counters for CTRMODE(the 30..26 part) and single ended NC
ctrb[30..26] := %00100

ctra[5..0] := 20 'These pins are where the signal is sent.

ctrb[5..0] := 23

dira [19] := outa [19] := 1 'Selects the direction of the motors.

dira [21] := outa [21] := 0
dira [22] := outa [22] := 0
dira [24] := outa [24] := 1

frqa := frqb := 1 'The frq register adds one to the current value of the phs reg

dira[23]~~ 'Sets PWM pins as outputs(the ~~ part means they are out

Frequency := clkfreq/20_000 'This controls the frequency that the repeat loops cycles
Pulse_length := Frequency/Speed 'This controls the duration within a single cycle of the a

JoyStickValueLRCog := cognew(JoyStickValueLR, @stack) 'JoyStickValueCog return

waitcnt(clkfreq/10 + cnt) 'Have to use another cog

t := cnt
repeat until DataLR > 200 'Speed holds here until cond
phsa := phsb:= -Pulse_length 'The reading of the current
t += Frequency 'Cannot check DataIn := XB.R

ctra[30..26] := %00000
ctrb[30..26] := %00000

PUb JoyStickValueLR 'This is used by CCWmanual

DataIn := XB.Rx 'Here we read the value being sent from the controller to th
if DataIn == "@"
DataLR := XB.RxDec

PUB CWmanual | Frequency, Pulse_length, t

ctra[30..26] := %00100
ctrb[30..26] := %00100
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ctra[5..0] := 20
ctrb[5..0] := 23

dira [19] := outa [19] := 0

dira [21] := outa [21] := 1
dira [22] := outa [22] := 1
dira [24] := outa [24] := 0

frqa := frqb := 1 'The frq register adds one to the current value of the phs reg

dira[23]~~ 'Sets PWM pins as outputs(the ~~ part means they are out

Frequency := clkfreq/20_000 'This controls the frequency that the repeat loops cycles
Pulse_length := Frequency/Speed 'This controls the duration within a single cycle of the a

JoyStickValueLRCog := cognew(JoyStickValueLR, @stack) 'JoyStickValueCog return

waitcnt(clkfreq/10 + cnt) 'Have to use another cog

t := cnt
repeat until DataLR < 800 'Speed holds here until cond
phsa := phsb:= -Pulse_length 'The reading of the current
t += Frequency 'Cannot check DataIn := XB.R

ctra[30..26] := %00000
ctrb[30..26] := %00000

PUB K_Forward | Frequency, Pulse_length, t 'AUTO_kinect 'Repeats unt

ctra[30..26] := %00100 'Setting up counter modules for PWM

ctrb[30..26] := %00100

ctra[5..0] := 20
ctrb[5..0] := 23

dira [19] := outa [19] := 0

dira [21] := outa [21] := 1
dira [22] := outa [22] := 0
dira [24] := outa [24] := 1

frqa := frqb := 1 'The frq register adds one to the current value of the p

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Frequency := clkfreq/20_000 'This controls the frequency that the repeat loops cycle
Pulse_length := Frequency/(K_Speed) 'This controls the duration within a single cycle of

repeat until (K_DataIn_z < K_Far_dist) OR (DataIn <> "k") OR (K_CharIn == "l") OR (K_DataIn_x
t := cnt 'The reading of the current clock position mu
repeat 1_000 'Cannot check DataIn := XB.Rx while in the re
phsa := phsb:= -Pulse_length 'Why is this negative?
t += Frequency 'phsa is the length of the pulse duration.

ctra[30..26] := %00000 'This is here to get rid of the sudden burst

ctrb[30..26] := %00000
waitcnt(clkfreq/5 + cnt)

PUB K_Reverse | Frequency, Pulse_length, t ''For AUTO MODE. Remember: 'Cannot check D

ctra[30..26] := %00100
ctrb[30..26] := %00100

ctra[5..0] := 20
ctrb[5..0] := 23

dira [19] := outa [19] := 1

dira [21] := outa [21] := 0
dira [22] := outa [22] := 1
dira [24] := outa [24] := 0

frqa := frqb := 1 'The frq register adds one to the curren


Frequency := clkfreq/20_000 'This controls the frequency that the rep

Pulse_length := Frequency/(K_Speed) 'This controls the duration within a

repeat until (K_DataIn_z > K_Near_dist) OR (DataIn <> "k") OR (K_CharIn == "l") OR (range3 < P
t := cnt
repeat 1_000 'The readin
phsa := phsb:= -Pulse_length
t += Frequency 'phsa is the

ctra[30..26] := %00000 'This is here to get rid of the sudden burst

ctrb[30..26] := %00000
waitcnt(clkfreq/5 + cnt) 'This is th

PUB K_CW | Frequency, Pulse_length, t

ctra[30..26] := %00100
ctrb[30..26] := %00100

ctra[5..0] := 20
ctrb[5..0] := 23

dira [19] := outa [19] := 0

dira [21] := outa [21] := 1
page \ [page] of \ [pages]
\ [date]

dira [22] := outa [22] := 1

dira [24] := outa [24] := 0

frqa := frqb := 1 'The frq register adds one to the current value of the phs reg

dira[23]~~ 'Sets PWM pins as outputs(the ~~ part means they are out

Frequency := clkfreq/20_000 'This controls the frequency that the repeat loops cycles
Pulse_length := Frequency/(K_Speed) 'This controls the duration within a single cycle of t

repeat until (K_DataIn_x > -K_Horiz_dist) OR (DataIn <> "k") OR (K_CharIn == "l") OR (range0 < P
t := cnt
repeat 100
phsa := phsb:= -Pulse_length 'The reading of the current
t += Frequency 'Cannot check DataIn := XB.R

ctra[30..26] := %00000
ctrb[30..26] := %00000

Pub K_CCW | Frequency, Pulse_length, t

ctra[30..26] := %00100 'Configures counters for CTRMODE(the 30..26 part) and single ended NC
ctrb[30..26] := %00100

ctra[5..0] := 20 'These pins are where the signal is sent.

ctrb[5..0] := 23

dira [19] := outa [19] := 1 'Selects the direction of the motors.

dira [21] := outa [21] := 0
dira [22] := outa [22] := 0
dira [24] := outa [24] := 1

frqa := frqb := 1 'The frq register adds one to the current value of the p

dira[23]~~ 'Sets PWM pins as outputs(the ~~ part means they are out

Frequency := clkfreq/20_000 'This controls the frequency that the repeat loops cycles
Pulse_length := Frequency/(K_Speed) 'This controls the duration within a single cycle of t

repeat until (K_DataIn_x < K_Horiz_dist) OR (DataIn <> "k") OR (K_CharIn == "l") OR (range2 < Pi
t := cnt
repeat 100
phsa := phsb:= -Pulse_length 'The reading of the current
t += Frequency 'Cannot check DataIn := XB.R

ctra[30..26] := %00000
ctrb[30..26] := %00000

page \ [page] of \ [pages]

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