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Shetron Limited


BSE Limited 31"1January,2018
Phiroze Jeejebhoy fowers
Dalalstreet '
Mumbai- 400 001

Dear Sir,

Sub: Outcome of the Board Meeting hetd on 31"t January,2018

As already informed vide our letter dated 23'd January,2018, the Board of Directors
of Shetron Limited, Bangalore at its Meeting hetd on 31't January, 2018 which
commenced at 4.00 P.M. and concluded at 7.00 P.M., has inter alia:

Based on the recommendation of the Audit Committee, considered and approved

the un-audited financial results for the 3'd quarter ended 31st December, 2017 in
compliance with of Regulation 33 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirement) Regulations, 2015 and copy of un-audited Financial Results on
Standalone and consolidated basis of the Company for the 3'd quarter ended 3'l't
December, 2017 along with the Limited Review Report are enclosed herewith.

Please take all the above on ,""ord and kindly treat this as compliance with
Regulation 30 and Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 201 5.

Kindly acknowtedge.

Thanking you
Yours sincerely
For Shetron Limited
.-LfL-r ,,.

Nrw H'(-^lf)
uefni D'cunha
Company Secretary
Membership No.: 449323

Enc: As above

. lSO900,:2015Hffi
Factory & R€gd. Off : Plot No.1, Bommasandra lndustrial Area, Hosur Road, Bangalore - 560 099. lNDlA.
.Tet I +91-80 -27832290 t 51 t921 46, +91'80 - 49064300 . Fax : +91 ' 80 '27832293
o E-mail : roblr@shetrongroup.comr a Website :www.shetrongroup'com
CIN: L21 014KAl 980PLC003842
ffi#;;:# ffiffiH
CIN: 121014KA1980P1C003042
Regd. Office: Plot No.1, Bommasandra lndustrial Area,Hosur Road Bangalore - 560 099
Website: Phone No.: O8O- 22832200
Rs. ln Lakh!
31.12.17 30.09.17 31.12.16 31.12.17 31.12.16
ll lh,rditadl I

1 lncome
a) Revenue from Operations 4,065 4,114 3,537 13,651 12,414
b) Other Income a1 a 6
Net Salesrlncome frcm o /t-086 4,122 3.543 t3-69,1 12.150
2 Expenses:
a) Cost of Material Consumed 2,777 2,474 1,873 8.886 7,184
b) Purchase of stock-in-Trade
c) Changes in lnventories of Finished goods,work-in- progress (1 14 203 54 72 56
and Stock-in- Trade
d) Exice Duty : 256 374 930
e) Employee benefits experBe 390 348 353 'l,083 980
0 Finance Cosls 289 305 336 920 1,066
g) Depreciation and amortisation expenses 171 185 189 il4 562
h) Other Expenses : ilA tad lal I Eaa
Total Exoenses 4.059 t.g7t 3.532 13.t12 12,249
3 PtofiUalosslbeforeexceotionalitems endTarll-rl ,7 ltt ,t,l
279 2n1
4 Exceptional ltems
5 Profiu (Lossl before Tar t3 + 4l ,7 lta 11 ,71 201
6 Tax expenses
a) Cunent Tax 7 28 1 57 39
b) Defened Tax aa 4 ,2 ,i
Total Tax lo AA 2 a5 50
Net Prcfit / (Loss I from the oeriod/vear t 5-81 ,t7 105 e ,lqL ltL2
8 Other Comprehensive lncome
i) ltems that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
a) Remeasurement of the net delined benefit liability/asset (4) (31 (12) (7,
b) lncom6 iax related to above
iD ltems that will be reclassined to profit or loss
Total olher Comorehensive lncome tt T3 /'12 17,.

9 Total Gomprehensive lncome (7+ 8) 13 102 9 142 135

1 0 (i) Eaming per Sharc (before extEordinary items ) (not annuatised) (in R
a) Basic I 0.14 1.13 0.10 2.02 1.50
a) Dituted I
0.14 1.13 0.10 2.O2 1.50
(ii Eaming per Sharc (afler efEordinary items ) (not annuatised) |
a) Basic I 0.14 1.13 0.10 2.02 1.50
a) Diluted I 0.14 1.13 0.10 2.O2 1.50

The above Unaudited Standalone Financial Results,as reviewediy $e Audit Committee were approved by the Board of Directors
at its meeting held on 31st January 2018. Limited Review as req'uired under Regulation 33 of SEBI(Listingbbfigations and
Disdosure Requirements) Regulalions, 2o15,has been canied out by Statutory Audltors.
Segment Reporting :The company is engaged in the manufacture of Metal Packaging and hence results are reported under one
Figures of the conesponding period have been re-classified/regrouped wherever considered neces$ry.
The Company adopted applicable lndian Accounting Standards ( lnd AS) frcm 1{ April 2ot7 and in accordance with the SEBI
circular -clFycFD/FAc/6z2olO dated 5h Jutv 2016

Under Previous GMP, all actuarial gains and losses were recognised in lhe statement of profit and Loss but the provision
only at lhe end of every half year.
Under lnd AS, acluarial gains and losses that form part of re-measurement of the net defered benefit liability/asset and lhe
coresponding tax effecl thereon are recognised in other comprehensive income every quarter.
The slatement does not include lnd AS compliant results for the previous year ended March 31 , 201 7 as the same is not
mandatory as per SEBI'S Circular dated sth July 2016.
There js a possibility lhat quarterly and half yearly financial results may require adiustments before constituting the fnal lnd AS
financial statements as at lhe end of year on 31 st March 2018, due to changes in financial reporting requiremsnts arising from
new or.revised standards or interpretation issued by McA,/appropdate authority or changes in the use oi one or more optional
exemplions fom retBopective application of certain lnd AS as permitted unde lnd AS 101.

\ 9-'
Vr{ l

N. Noresh ond Co.

Chortered Accounlonls
lirm iegn. N0.0112935


Review Report to Board of Directors of IWs.Shetron Limited

We have reviewed the accompanying statement of standalone unaudited financial results

of IWs Shetron Limited for the period ended 3lst December, 2017,,prepared and being
submitted by the company pursuant to the requirement of Regulation 33 of the SEBI
(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 as modified by
SEBI Circular No CIR/CFDIFAC/621 2016 dated July, 5 2016.

This statement is the responsibility of the Company's Management and has been
reviewed by the Audit Committee, at its meeting held on 3lst January 20L8, and
approved by Board of Directors, at its meeting held on 31st January 2018. Our
responsibility is to issue a report on these financial statements based on our review.

We conducted our review in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagement

(SRE) 2400, Engagements to Review Financial Statements issued by the Institute of
Chartered Accountants of India. This standard requires that we plan and perform the
review to obtain moderate assurance as to whether the financial statements are free of
material misstatement. A review is limited primarily to inquiries of company personnel
and an analytical procedure applied to .financial data and thus provides less assurance
than an audit. We have not performed an audit and accordingly, we do not express an

Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our attention that causes
us to believe that the accompanying statement of unaudited financial results prepared in
accordance with applicable accounting standards, ie Ind AS prescribed under Section
133 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 and other
recognized accounting practices and policies generally accepted in India, has not
disclosed the information required to be disclosed in terms of Regulation 33 of the SEBI
(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 as modified by
SEBI Circular no CIR/CFDiFAC/6212016 dated July 5,2016, including the manner in
which it is to be disclosed, or that it contains any material misstatement.

23 Amo{yhothl loyoul, SonJoy Nogol ltiloln Rood. H"

Website: e-moil: oudvenkot6 I

Income ToI PAN: AAGTN5789H


We have not reviewed the accompanying unaudited financial results for the comparative
period as of and for the quarter ended December 3l ,2016 which have been presented
solely based on information compiled by the management.

/l Chartered Accountaflts - FRN-OI I29BS.

/'' vo'./-r,r=#
S.VENIGTE"O*, U."o*., F.c.A.,
Partner (M. No. 0258b9)
Bangalore ., .. .I
3lst January 2018.
Resd. ornce: prot No.r, Bansarore - s6o oss

I lncome
a) Revenue from Operations
b) Other lncome

2 Expenses:
a) Cost of Material Consumed
b) Purchase of stock-in-Trade
c) Changes in lnventories of Flnished goods,work-in- Progress
and Stock-in- Trade
d) Excise Duty .!
e) Employee benefits expense
f) Financ€ Costs
g) Depreciation and amortisation expenses
h) Other Expenses

Tax expenses
a) Current Tax
b) Defened Tax

10 Other Comprehensive lncome

i) ltems that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
a) Remeasurement of the net defined benetit liability/asset
b) lncome tax related to above

ii) ltems that will be reclassified to proft or loss

12 (i) Eaming per Share (before extraordinary items ) (not annualised) (in Rs.)
a) Basic I O.SS
a) Diluted I
(ii Eaming?er Share (after exraordinary items ) (not annuatised)
- | 0.S9
a)Diluted , I O.S9

1 The above Unaudited Consolidated Financial Resulls,as reviewed by the Audit Committee were approved by the Board of Direc{ors at its meeting held on 31st
January 2018. Limited Review as required under Regulation 33 of SEBI(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015,haJbeen carried out
by Statutory Auditors.
2 Segment Reporting :The Company is engaged in the manufaciure of Metal Packaging and hence results are reported under one segment.
3 Figures of the conesponding period have been re.classified/regrouped wherever considered necessary.

O TheCompanyadopledapplicablelndianAccountingstandards(lndAS)fromldApril 2017s andinaccordancewiththesEBl

' dated 56 Julv 2016

6 Under previous GAAP, all acluarial gains and losses were recognised in the statement of Profit and Loss but the provision is made only at lhe end of every half
7 Under lnd AS, ac{uarial gains and losses that form part of re-measurement of the net deferred benefit liability/asset and the conesponding tax effect
thereon.are recognised in other comprehensive income every quarter.
8 The statement does nol include lnd AS compliant results for the previous year ended March 31, 2017 as the same is not mandatory as per SEBl,s Circular dated
5th July 2016.
There is a possibility that quartedy and half yearly financial results may require adjustments before constituting the linal lnd AS financial statemenls as at the end
of year on 31 st March 201 8, due to changes in financial reporting requirements arising from new or revised stLndards or interpretation issued by
MoA'/appropriate authority or changes in the use of one or more optional exemptions frcm retrsopec.tive application of certain ind AS as permitted unde lnd AS

Place: Bengaluru
N. Noresh ond Co.
Chqdered Accounlonis
tirm tregn, No.0112935


have reviewed the accompanying statement

of-consolidated unaudited financial
ended 3lst December, 2017, prepared and
resurts of lws st.i.o, Limited io, it."p..iod
July, 5 2016'
tV Sgef CirJutar N"o CIR/CFD/FAC/621 2016 dated

reviewed by the Audit Committe., ui itt
meeting-nltA on 31st January 2078' and
approved by Board of Directors, at its
meetinit"to on 31st January 2018' our
on our review'
itatements based
responsibility is to issue a report on these financial

we conducted our review in accordance with

the Standard on Review Engagement
issued by the Institute of
(SRE) 2400, Engagements to .Reuiew Financial Statemenls
requires that we plan and perform the
chartered ar.o,rrrtiJs of India. This standard
whethei the financial statements are free of
review to obtain moderate urrrrur.r-as to
primarily to inquiries of company personnel
material misstatement. A review is limited
data and thus provides less assurance
and an analytical fto..a*. applied to financial an
audit and accordinglY, we do not express
than an audit. We have not performed an

nothing has come to our attention that causes

Based on our review conducted as above, prepared in
us to berieve that the accompanying
,iutemenJ oiunaudited f,rnancial results
standards, ie Ind AS prescribed under
accordance with applicable ur.orriring
133 of the Companies Act, 2013 teii'iittt
Cotpanies (Aocounts) Rules' 2014 and other
the information required to be discror.d
i'terms of Reguration 33 0f the SEBI
2015 as, t":11t1-ll
(Listing obligations and oisctosure Requi.ements).Regulations'
July 5,2016, including the manner m
SEBI Circular no Cfn,CFD/FAC/62120i6 dated
material misstatement'
which it is to fe Jisctosed, or that it contains any

Websile: e-moil: oudvenkol6l
. lncome lox PAN: AAG!N5789H
E{!SG+!ry'1 -S"Asf
W,1- ry-ryr ,'1P_F?

We have not reviewed the accompanying unaudited financial results for the comparative
period as of and for the quarter ended December 3l ,2016 which have been presented
solely based on information compiled by the management.

Chartered Accountants - FRN-OI t29SS-


Bangalore $.I5NKATESAN,, F.c.A..'

Furtnel (M. N0. 025889)
3lst January 2018.

#*\ . .r

* lrnru-olr293sl*


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