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ere Teenie Sen Eves scanned, the stored answers are checked and the ‘marks calculated for each student. Themarks are printec out. Figure 2.12 shows this process, Figure 2.12 - Multiple choice POS diagram. Evaluate different input, storage or output devices fora given task Based onryour understanding of a variety of input, storage and output devices, you will naw need to evaluate the suitability of adevice for agiven task Wher evaluating, you need tc consider both the reasons why thedevce ‘wou d besvitable and also the reasons why the device wou d not be suitable Youshoule thea rake 2 conclusion inreal fe, bistswhat yourwould dotezevse somesody which device they should use. You could aso be asked to evaluate the usc ofa given device for a given task. in this stuatior, you would only need lo give positive reasons why thal devive would be suileble. wre analysing and evaluating, you should consider which features ofthe device make it suitable for the specific task that has been presented to you. To de this, yeu wil. need to identify the importantasgects o! the task znd velate the useful features of the device to each aspect ofthe task, Question: f school needs te back up data liom its svvers every day and keep the backup data of ste Evaluate the use of an external hard disc drive for Us task Ihe first thing you should do is identify the impartant, asaects of the scenario that wil give you clues as 10 whether Lieexteinal HD is suilableur nat: Aschoul needsto beck up data from its servers every day and keep thebachup date offsite. Cvaluate the use of an extemal hard dive for this task. Itmey be importante know who orwiat needs the cevice and you should eferto the schoo ouransver + I’simportant to know the data is being backee Up from servers because this tells you that a large capacity will be required. + Knowing te data isa backup means you know immediaio accoss to the data is not essential + The fact that data has to be kept off sites essewwal becauso this means the device used must be able to be moved away irorn the school Here is an examplaof how the question could be answered, ‘Answer: Ar external lIDD és lightweight and portale meaning that it wll be esy forthe school to take the backup offsite. As the HDD contains moving parts, the heads could ‘crash causing data to belostiwhen transportingicoff ste, ‘The HDD will have areesonably large capacity which could be atourd 812, This may be enoughiio stoveall cofthe data ftom a srall school's server, but larwer school world raquira more than ono external HDD, Asicisa school, sorte of thedata being backed ups kay to be personal data which rust hekept secure according te the Data Protection Act. When taking 17 data of site, ispossiblethat could belostor stolen due toits size, However, encryption could be used to make the data unreadable fit was lostorstolen. Storing the backup on a single external IDD means thatitwould have lo comeback to the schocl each day, which defeats the abject ofkeeping itof ste Therefore, several external | iDDs would be required toensure that there is always a backup offsite and this could become very expensive Inconetusion, although she exterial HDDcan be taken off sto, would suggest hat it isnot cutable due to the cent uf mul iple drives end because tre capacity mey ot be sufficient Using tapes would be morecost- effective are would overcome the costissue Note how the answer makes reference to the scenario and links to the features of an external HDD, TASK Analyse and discuss the use the following devicesfor each scenario given. Semember that you only need to give positive reasons f | |

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