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this article will discuss about the biography of Dr.

Lie Dharmawan figure of a doctor who

may be the author's own can be regarded as an 'angel' for the poor. The journey of life is very
inspiring and interesting to observe. Full name is Dr. Lie Augustine Dharmawan, Ph.D, Sp.B,
Sp.BTKV-name namely Tek Lie Bie. He was born in the city of Padang on 16 april 1946. Dr.
Dharmawan Lie was born in a very poor family and deprivation. Lie Dharmawan have
relatives of six people, when he was ten years old, his father died so only her mother alone
who just graduated from elementary school to send their hard-fought seven children are still
very small, including dr. Lie Dharmawan itself. All the jobs he went through in order to
survive and for the sake of their children, including washing clothes, cooking, making cakes,
to be a dishwasher.

For the sake of the survival of their families, small Dharmawan Lie had helped her mother
selling cakes, he amazed the hard struggle of his mother who he thought never give up and
despair in the face of something too often love oranm poor people in the vicinity. He himself
did not understand why his mother has a philosophy like that. Lie Dharmawan determination
to become a doctor came when he saw surrounding communities is difficult to go to the
doctor at the hospital caused by poverty. This then leads to the public are forced to go go to
traditional healers because of its low cost and also as an alternative treatment. Another reason
Lie Dharmawan wants to become a doctor because he saw his own brother died of diarrheal
diseases and telambat I was treated by a doctor. The second thing that makes a lie darmawan
determined to become a doctor. However apadaya when at school he delivered his ideals
want to be a doctor, he was just getting ridicule from his friends the class, because he is poor
so could not get into medical school. But later, he actually proven that his ideals.

Lie Dharmawan realized that his dream to become a doctor can be said to be very tough, but
how severe the problem if with strong determination and hard work will definitely be
achieved due to the hard work that his name never betray the sacrifice, there is always the
sweet results of sacrifices. In addition to study hard, every day at six o'clock, he always went
to church located near the school and then pray the same prayer he always repeated over the

"Lord, I want to be a doctor who studied in Germany"

In 1965, Lie Dharmawan then graduated high school with a brilliant achievement, many
times he enrolled in medical school that is in Java, but he never accepted. College
opportunity finally there when he was accepted into the faculty at the University Kodekteran
Res Publica (Ureca) in which the university was founded by the high class organizations
Consultative Board Citizenship Indonesia in 1958 but it was only a miraculous day of
college, campus burned by the mob. Finally he can not continue kuliuahnya, and Lie
Dharmawan then decided to become casual laborers to mengupulkan money to buy a ticket to
Germany to continue his ideals.

At the age of 21 years, Lie Darmawan was enrolled in medical school in West Berlin,
Germany, but without the support of a scholarship. With strong determination he finally
condoned in the faculty of Medicine, Free University, Berlin West. And to meet the cost of
tuition and day-to-day life, Lie Dharmawan later worked as porters loading and unloading of
goods. on other occasions, Lie also worked in a nursing home whose job is to clean the dirt
80 year old parents.

Lie Dharmawan still outstanding though busy at work, so he got a scholarship, it was all he
used to charge for their school. In 1974, Lie managed to complete his education and received
his M.D. (Medical Doctor). Four years later, the success Lie holds a Ph.D. Through struggle
tirelessly for ten years, Lie eventually graduated with diaman boasts a specialization which he
graduated four general surgeons, thoracic surgeons, cardiac surgeons and vascular surgeons.
Future goals finally achieved his childhood.

During the six months Lie in Semarang then to RS Rajawali, Bandung. In 1988, Lie career in
Husada Hospital, Jakarta today. Lie's first social activity as a surgeon in Indonesia is
currently operated freely housekeeper 1988. Furthermore, Lie also continue to seek open
heart surgery (surgery where the heart is suspended from his job to be opened for repair).
Surgery of this kind against the flow because it takes more sophisticated equipment and is
expensive, but it must be done in large-scale operations. In 1992, Lie finally successfully
perform open heart surgery for the first time at a private hospital in Jakarta.

Instead of treatment, if the daily meals was difficult. This realization hit Inner Lie was so
strong that eventually with Lisa Suroso (who are also activists in May 1998) established a
non-profit organization in the humanitarian field with the name doctorSHARE or Doctor
Cares Foundation-a nonprofit humanitarian organization that focuses on health care medical
and humanitarian assistance. DoctorSHARE work is based on humanitarian principles and
medical ethics. DoctorSHARE provide medical services free of charge in various parts of
Indonesia. In addition to general medicine in various corners of Indonesia, the initial program
is the establishment of Panti Rawat DoctorSHARE Nutrition) in the Kei Islands, Southeast

Dr Lie Darmawan never forget the words of his mother since childhood which he held until
he managed to become a doctor with the expertise of four surgeons.

"Lie, when you become a doctor, do not squeeze the small or poor. Maybe they'll pay you
whatever but secretly they are crying at home because they do not have the money to buy

Biography dr. Lie Darmawan - Doctors 'Gila' Care for the Poor

Inspiration is attached firmly in the minds Lie. Together DoctorSHARE, Lie establish
Floating Hospital (RSA) Private, named KM RSA DR. LIE dharmawan. Medical services in
the RSA carried out free of charge. From his pocket, he embodies the dream abstruse,
building a floating hospital. Then sailed Lie Dharmawan visit small islands in the
archipelago, treating thousands of poor people who do not have access to medical services.
The objective of establishing this RSA is to serve people who have difficulty getting medical
help immediately because of geographic and financial constraints, especially for emergencies,
especially for underprivileged people spread across the Indonesian archipelago. Floating
Hospital belongs to dr. Lie just a simple boat made of wood, in which the bulkhead
partitioned into cubicles dedicated to caring for hospitalized patients or patients
postoperatively. So dr. Lie regarded as a mad doctor, for his courage to use timber ships sail
through parts of the country to help our brothers who are less capable but require immediate
medical care.
Nama lahir Lie Tek Bie
16 April 1946 (umur 69)
Tanggal lahir
Padang, Sumatera Barat
Kebangsaan Indonesia
- University Hospital, Cologne,
Alma mater Jerman
- Free University Berlin, Jerman
Pekerjaan Dokter, aktivis
- Pendiri Yayasan doctorSHARE
Dikenal karena - Pendiri Rumah Sakit Apung
(RSA) swasta pertama di Indonesia
Agama Katholik
Pasangan Tan Lie Tjhoen (Listijani Gunawan)
Lie Mei Phing, Lie Ching Ming,
dan Lie Mei Sing
Lie Goan Hoey (ayah)
Orang tua
Pek Leng Kiau (Julita Diana) (ibu)

dr. Lie Agustinus Dharmawan, Ph.D, Sp.B, Sp.BTKV, yang bernama Tionghoa Lie Tek
Bie (lahir di Padang, Sumatera Barat, 16 April 1946; umur 69 tahun) adalah seorang ahli
kesehatan atau dokter ahli bedah Indonesia. Ia dikenal sebagai pendiri rumah sakit apung
(floating hospital) swasta yang pertama di Indonesia. Dibawah Yayasan doctorSHARE,
Rumah Sakit Apung (RSA) dr. Lie Dharmawan memberikan pelayanan kesehatan secara
cuma-cuma kepada masyarakat di daerah miskin dan terpencil di Indonesia yang tidak
terjangkau oleh pelayanan kesehatan secara reguler.[1]

Kehidupan pribadi

Lie A. Dharmawan yang bernama Tionghoa Lie Tek Bie lahir di Padang, Sumatera Barat,
pada 16 April 1946. Ia merupakan putra dari pasangan Lie Goan Hoey (ayah) dan Pek Leng
Kiau (Julita Diana) (ibu). Ia menikah dengan perempuan bernama Tan Lie Tjhoen (Listijani
Gunawan) dan telah dikaruniai tiga orang anak, yaitu Lie Mei Phing, Lie Ching Ming, dan
Lie Mei Sing.


Ia menamatkan pendidikan dasar di SD Ying Shi, Padang, sedangkan pendidikan menengah

ia selesaikan di SMP Katolik Pius dan SMA Don Bosco, juga di kota Padang. Setelah itu Lie
melanjutkan pendidikan tinggi di Jerman. Gelar S1 berhasil diraihnya di Free University, S2
dari University Hospital, Cologne, serta S3 dari Free University Berlin, yang semuanya
berada di Jerman.
Rumah Sakit Apung (RSA) dr. Lie Dharmawan

Aktivitas dan organisasi

Dibawah Yayasan doctorSHARE, ia dengan Rumah Sakit Apung (RSA) dr. Lie Dharmawan
memberikan pelayanan medis diatas kapal motor (KM) yang berukuran panjang 25,13 meter
dan lebar 6,82 meter. dr. Lie telah melakukan banyak pengobatan dan pembedahan di
berbagai penjuru nusantara, seperti di Kepulauan Kei (Maluku), Pulau Panggang (Kepulauan
Seribu), Bangka Tengah, Belitung Timur (Bangka Belitung), Ketapang dan Pontianak
(Kalimantan Barat), Bali, Nusa Tenggara Timur, dan berbagai wilayah lainnya.[2]

Beberapa kegiatan Lie A. Dharmawan:

 Pendiri Mahasiswa Kedokteran Indonesia di Berlin (1971)

 Pengurus Perhimpunan Dokter Indonesia di Jerman (1981-1984)
 Aktivis gereja Katolik, Jakarta (1985-sekarang)
 Kepala bagian bedah RS Husada, Jakarta (2000-sekarang)
 Kepala Serikat Karyawan RS Husada (2000-2006)
 Kepala Komite Medik RS Husada (2006-2009)
 Wakil Ketua INTI (Perhimpunan Indonesia-Tionghoa) DKI Jakarta (2000-sekarang)
 Ketua INTI Pusat bidang kesehatan (2005-sekarang)
 Pendiri Yayasan Dokter Peduli/doctorSHARE (2008-sekarang)

1. ^ Putro Agus Harnowo (18 Maret 2013). "Dr Lie Dharmawan & Perjuangan Bangun
RS Apung Swasta Pertama Indonesia" Detikcom. Diakses 10 Maret 2014.
2. ^ Gabriel Abdi Susanto (2 Oktober 2013). "RS Apung Kembali Beraksi di Pulau Kei" Diakses 10 Maret 2014.

Pranala luar
 Reza Gunadha (22 Desember 2013). "Dokter Lie Ciptakan RS Apung Obati Rakyat
Miskin di Pelosok Indonesia" Diakses 10 Maret 2014.
 "Penggagas, Pendiri dan Pemilik Rumah Sakit Apung Swasta Pertama" Majalah
Rancak, 11 Januari 2014. Diakses 10 Maret 2014.

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