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Social studies

Old Stone Age the earliest period of human existence before humans learned to
make objects out of any metal.
New Stone Age is the time period where people didn’t need to hunt and started
developing farming and agriculture.
Hunter Gather one who hunted animals and gathered wild plants for food.
Polytheism belief in many gods.
Empire several territories and nations ruled by one authority.
Code a collection of laws.
Monotheism belief in one god.
Astronomy the study of stars and plants.
II. Next
10,000 years ago old Stone age
9,000 years ago Farming
7,000 years ago New Stone age
14,000 b.c star animals started been demonstrate
3,000 b c. Mesopotamia
2,300 b.c Sumarian empire
1,000 b.c kingdom of Israel
1,792 b.c King hamurabi conquered Mesopotamia
III. Next
Where do the oldest human artifact come from ¿ border cave Africa
How old were those artifact ¿ 400,000 years old and
Describe the farming techniques used during the New Stone age 1 they often built
terraces 2 in dry a read they brought water to the crops though canals and
reservoirs 3 cleared the land by slaves band burn 4 they cut drown resend
bushed and burned the stumps.

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