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ÁREA: Humanidades / Subject English Student name_______________________________

Grade : Eleventh Start date:_______________________________

General Topic Social phenomenon (urban tribes) First Period

Answer the question taking into account the example

Example: Why yes, why not? Which one? I do not belong to any urban tribe, because I'm an athlete and I have
very little time but if I had more free time may belong to any tribe.

a. Do you belong to an urban tribe? _________________________________________________

b. Why yes, why not? Which one?______________________________________________________
c. What tribe you don't like? __________________________________________________________

2. Write the name of the urban tribe under the pictures

Rapper , emo, hippie, punk ,goth , heavy , floggers, rocker, glam, villero

Picture and information by


Escribir textos que explican mis preferencias, decisiones y actuaciones. Con mi vocabulario tratar temas generales, aunque
recurro a estrategias para hablar de hechos y objetos cuyo nombre desconozco. Manejar aceptablemente normas
lingüísticas, con algunas interferencias de mi lengua materna.

Expresar de manera oral y escrita posición acerca de un tema conocido teniendo en cuenta a quién está dirigido el texto.
Do a box with the urban tribe, verbs , adjectives, and nouns and a picture Example:
Tribe caracteristics verbs Pictures
Pessimistic point of view They wear slicked hair
Emo They don’t believe in religion covering a little part of
the face, piercings,
Converse trainers and
black T-shirts

Type of Urban Tribes

EMO: This urban tribe was born in the 80s from punk and the name comes from "Emotional Hardcore Music".
They are very extended by America and Japan and the majority are teenagers between 14 and 20 years old.
They have a pessimistic point of view of life. They are very concerned with their appearance and they don't
believe in religions. They hear music from "My Chemical Romance" and "Panic at The Disco"They wear slicked
hair covering a little part of the face, piercings, Converse trainers and black T-shirts.

GRUNGES: This urban tribe was born in Seattle in the 90s and they are very interested in music and refuse the
consumist society and people without personality. They hear music from Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Sonic Youth...They
have a dirty look and they wear stripped and coloured T-shirts or "scottish" shirts, ripped jeans and coloured

GOTHICS: This urban tribe was born in the 80s from punk. They are sometimes in specifics bars. They are
apolitics and they admire everything about death and the occultism. They look like a violent tribe but they're
peaceful. They hear music from "Bella Morte" or "Black Ice".They wear black clothes of leather, spiked
accessories and religious elements for example crosses or five-spiked stars.

HEAVIES: This urban tribe was born in England in the 70s from rockers with hippies ideology. It is one of the
most diffused urban tribe, especially in popular classes. Heavies like to do weekend outings, hear music from
Heavy metal bands, go to gigs and sometimes smoke cannabis. They're antimilitarist and antiauthoritarian.
Hardly ever, they're violent but they can be violent by musical excitement or alcohol and cannabis.They have a
long hair and they wear jeans, spiked leather jacket and black T-shirt from their favorite music bands.

HIPPIES: This urban tribe was born in the 60's with Vietnam war. They like to take drugs. They proclaim the
peace and love. They don't like the policy and they have anarquists ideas.They have long hair and use colorful

POSH: This urban tribe there is always but with different names. They like to play paddle, go shopping and
parties. They like to hear music from Julio Iglesias and his sons. They're capitalists and consumists.They look
close attention to their appearance, and men and women wear different clothes themselves, the men wear
tight trousers, tight stripped shirt with sweater. The women wear shirt, skirt and a lot of accessories.
PUNK: This urban tribe was born in the 70s in opossition of the culture decadence. Now, there aren't many
punks but they're very radical. In bars, sometimes they be mixed with heavies and skinheads. They have an
ideology anarchist, okupa, anti-fascist, anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist. They're very violent and their
enemies are: Neo-Nazis, Posh and fascists. They hear punk music.They have big and colorful crests and a lot of
piercings and tatoos. They wear spiked leather jacket, black T-shirts with a social slogan or simbols(anarchy,

2. Toma apuntes y da ejemplos usando información de las tribus urbanas


-Afirmativo I WORK for American Express. (trabajo para American Express)

-Negativo I DON'T WORK for American Express. (no trabajo para American Express)

-Interrogativo DO you WORK for American Express? (¿trabajas para American Express?)

El presente simple una el verbo en su forma base. Agrega la "s" al final cuando acompaña a la tercera persona
del singular (she, he, it). Cuando está en interrogativo se lo reconoce por el auxiliar DO o DOES (DO para
you/we/they y DOES para she/he/it). Cuando está en negativo, lleva el auxiliar DON'T o DOESN'T (dependiendo
del pronombre personal con que se lo use - she-he-it-I-we-they-you).


-Afirmativo I STUDIED at the UCLA. (yo estudié en la UCLA)

-Negativo I DIDN'T STUDY at the UCLA. (yo no estudié en la UCLA)

-Interrogativo Where DID you STUDY? (¿donde estudiaste?)

El pasado simple usa el verbo conjugado en el pasado (para formar el pasado, los verbos REGULARES agregan la
partícula "-ed" al final. Los verbos IRREGULARES cambian su forma (por ej. buy (comprar) bought (compré)). A
manera de ejemplo, I bought a green shirt (compré una camisa verde). Se conjuga igual para todas las personas.
Para formar la pregunta, se usa el auxiliar DID, y el verbo en su forma base. El auxiliar para formar el negativo es


-Afirmativo I WILL FINISH the report by Friday. (terminaré el informe para el viernes)

-Negativo I WON'T FINISH the report by Friday. (no terminaré el informe para el viernes)

-Interrogativo WILL you FINISH the report by Friday? (¿terminarás el informe para el viernes?)

El futuro simple usa el auxiliar WILL seguido por el verbo en su forma base. Se conjuga igual para todas las
personas. En la forma negativa lleva el auxiliar WILL NOT o WON'T.


Do a picture and a sentence in present about the next urban tribes

Choose the correct answer and do a sentence in future with each one

1 Last summer we ____ on holiday to Paris. (went/ go)


2 There ____ many people working nowadays. (aren't/weren't)


3 She ____ in 1978. (is born /was born)


4 He ____ sports when he was a child. (liked / likes)


5 We ____ to Dublin last night. (flew / fly)



Actividades Diseña un tatuaje sobre una tribu urbana , video
escribe que representa con argumentos o realiza un video acerca de tribus urbanas en tu
ciudad y su impacto en la comunidad.

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