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Healthy and

happy with
Discover the forgotten benefits of proteins for your health,
vitality, figure, happiness, beauty, skin, fertility, hormones,
brain, sex life, heart, nails, hair, etc.

super food AND
powerful protein champion

Bart Maes, Chantal Voets & Serge Restiau

Bart maes Serge
Chantal Voets Restiau
Bart Maes, organic vegetarian and co-founder Fan of vegetarian superfood, father of a
of Amanprana, has read more than seven gorgeous daughter and two cool boys, chef
hundred books on nutrition, lifestyle diseases at Bertyn and aikido practitioner.
and diet. He has taken part in many food
conferences and written articles about nutriti- ‘Just taste this’, said my grandfather, as he
on and vitality in Belgium and abroad. Bart be- popped open a pea pod. The morning dew
lieves strongly in Hippocrates’ axiom: ‘Let food from the vegetable garden and the taste
be thy medicine and medicine be thy food’ and of a freshly picked pea – that’s where it all
thinks that refined, highly processed foods and started.
toxic exposure are the most important causes of Soon after that, I nearly poisoned the poor
our lifestyle diseases. man with a pudding made from mustard
and lemonade. My very first recipe!
Chantal Voets s a pure vegetarian mother of After several years at hotel school, I was
two lovely daughters, chef at Noble-House and selected for an internship in Switzerland,
co-founder of Amanprana. Her passions are which I completed successfully and with
cooking and lovingly preparing food. She is an pleasure. My many wanderings and a
expert in Ayurvedic cooking, macrobiotics, never-ending study of both food and
raw food and vegan cooking. Chantal has a spirituality have led me to the understan-
column with serene vitality recipes and uses ding that you are what you eat. It may be
this knowledge during her vegetarian cooking an enormous cliché, but it also happens to
lessons. be true (like very many clichés).
Chantal is a genuine ‘world citizen’: her many As Henri-Paul Pellaprat (author of L’Art
travels, passion for good food and search for culinaire moderne, the bible of classic
exciting flavours and veggie dishes have taught French cuisine) once said: ‘Cooking is an
her a lot about all sorts of products and flavours. art and you practise an art with your heart
Something that you will certainly notice in her and soul’. These words sum up exactly how
recipes! I feel in a kitchen.
With this book – and everything she does Now that everyone is slowly becoming
regarding food – she wants to draw back the aware that an animal-free diet is the solution
curtain on the organic world for the general to many global problems, I am delighted to
public . Organic and vegetarian food can be be a contributor to this inspiring cookbook.
very exuberant, with a clear nod to a vegetable
future! May your path be filled with sunshine!

‘To bring about change you must begin with Serge Restiau
yourself.’ Seitan master and aikido practitioner
The Dalai Lama
This book has succeeded in collating all the recent information on proteins
in relation to health. Many will be pleasantly surprised by the new views
it expresses! Everyone who wants to be healthy, beautiful and slim will
benefit from this book. Recreational sportsmen and women and even
professional footballers, cyclists and marathon runners etc., will also

As soon as you understand the principle – and it really is not that difficult
– you will ask yourself why you never knew this before. Why hesitate any
longer, if you can make yourself slimmer, healthier and give yourself more
vitality at record speed? Enrich your knowledge with this elementary book
on proteins and start your culinary voyage towards good health and an
ideal weight. I promise that you will not be disappointed.

This book will open up a whole new world to you…

Patrick Geryl

Author of various books including: Slank en Gezond - Door juiste voedsel

combinaties en het fruit-groentendieet (Slim and Healthy - Through the
right combinations of food and the fruit-vegetable diet), Topprestaties
door juiste voeding (Top Performances with the Right Food), Vitaal door
het leven (Live Life with Vitality), Alleen de natuur geneest (Only Nature

This book, which came out in 535 AD, is the first publication mentioning wheat
gluten, and this under the current name “min chin”. Wheat gluten was frequently
used by Buddhists in China instead of meat.
oreword by Patrick Geryl
F 5

Part 1: Proteins and amino acids
Why are proteins important for your health? 10
How many proteins do you need? 16
The value of a number of amino acids in brief 17
Amino acids for your brain 19
Amino acids for a strong immune system 21
Amino acids for a strong heart 22
Amino acids, sex and fertility 22
Amino acids and detoxification 24
Protein diet for improved health and a slim figure 26
Power training and proteins 28
Degussa and its chemical protein 30
Amino acid supplements... yes or no? 31

Part 2 Seitan as a protein champion
Authentic seitan as super food and a protein champion 34
Comparative table of protein compositions 36
Protein champion seitan beats whey and 38
soya proteins for bodybuilders
The various meat and fish substitutes: a summary 41
Protein champion seitan compared to 43
vegetable protein sources
Protein champion seitan compared to meat 44
Protein champion seitan compared to fish 44
Seitan, super food and protein champion, as a 46
healthy alternative to meat and fish
Twenty benefits of authentic seitan 47
Gluten intolerance: myth and hype 48

Part 3 Recipes with seitan
Foreword by Chantal Voets 52
Recipes with authentic seitan 54

Part 4 Appendices
The products we used in our recipes 146
Definition of organic farming according to IFOAM 147
The 22 amino acids and how they work 150
Reading list 162
Index of recipes 163
Are tofu and soya healthy? An American fable 164
In 1836 French scientist Bouchardat discovered that gluten was good for
diabetics, who had to avoid starch and carbohydrates. In addition, gluten
stimulated the bowel movement for a smooth transit in diabetics.
“Proteins are
for your overall
health, not
just for your
Proteins and amino acids
Why are proteins important for your health?
Proteins are essential to healthy living for several reasons.

Proteins make up the largest part of the dry matter in your body.
Vitamins and minerals only constitute 1.5% of the dry building materials
in your body, whereas proteins, on the other hand, constitute at least 60%.
Proteins are found in your skin, nails, bones, organs and muscles, but also
in your enzymes, hormones, eggs and sperm. Cells are replaced every day
by new ones, and proteins constitute the most important building blocks.
This shows how important proteins are for your health.

60 billion cells are working with proteins 24/7.

An amazing number! This occurs individually in the power station (the
mitochondrion) of every cell. These 60 billion power stations need proteins
to do their work. If you have a shortage of proteins, some of these power
stations are forced to shut down. Depending on the duration and the
extent of the shortages, they can result in serious health problems. Enough
complete proteins are needed for cells to work optimally.

Every protein has a specific function.

Just as there are different vitamins, each with their own individual functions,
so there are also different proteins. Proteins for the skin are not the
same as proteins for the muscles. And you need other proteins for your
hormones. Your body needs to be fed a whole range of proteins every day.

What is the difference between proteins and amino acids?

Proteins are, in fact, a structured group of amino acids, comprising
of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen. The human body needs 22
amino acids, from which it can create 100,000 different proteins. You can
compare this to letters and words: with 26 letters you can make an endless
number of words. The 22 amino acids have so many possible combinations
that you can produce a multitude of proteins. Protein molecules are held
together by peptide bonds. A peptide is like a necklace, to which the amino
acids attach. Proteins may consist of one, two or three peptides. A protein
molecule may contain 1,000 specific amino acids in a certain order and
form. Some amino acids are also made up of sulphur or phosphorus.

Fig. 1 A protein is a collection of amino acids

This allows your body to make keratin proteins for your hair, nails and skin.
The proteins for your eyes contain other amino acids than those for your skin,
etc. Different protein formations are formed for different bodily functions.
The number of amino acids, the location of every amino acid in the protein
and the types of amino acids your body combines will determine what
bodily function the resulting protein will perform.

What are essential amino acids?

Plants are able to manufacture amino acids from carbon dioxide, water and
nitrate in the soil. Animals, and therefore also people, must obtain amino
acids from what they eat.
There are about 500 known types of amino acids, but only 22 are impor-
tant for humans. Of these 22 amino acids, nine are essential and one is
semi-essential (for premature babies and growing toddlers). ‘Essential’
means you need to get the amino acids from your food because you can’t
make them yourself and because deficiencies in the various essential
amino acids cause health problems.
The premise that animal proteins are more complete than vegetable
proteins has been undermined by various studies. Vegetable proteins are
first-class proteins.

What are complete proteins?

Proteins are called ‘complete’ if they contain an adequate proportion of all
9 of the essential amino acids. Your body is, in fact, unable to store amino
acids in reserve. But it can recover amino acids (catabolism) to make other
proteins at a later stage.
A constant supply of essential amino acids is therefore required. Variation
in food, with a lot of proteins, is just as important as a variation in minerals,
vitamins, antioxidants and fatty acids, etc. One-sided nutrition results in
deficiencies in vital substances.

How are proteins digested and absorbed?
Proteins are partially ground in the mouth and surrounded by salivary
enzymes. For vegetable or animal proteins, the real work begins in your
stomach. The proteins remain in the very acidic chyme for an average
of two to four hours and are reduced to smaller particles, partly with the
help of the digestive enzyme pepsin. They are then further reduced into
separate amino acids in your small intestine. The amino acids then find
their way through your intestinal wall to your blood and liver, which your
body again uses to make various proteins. Any excess will be used by your
body as energy or stored as fat. The waste product nitrogen is left over and
transported by your liver, as urea, to your kidneys. Together with water
and salt, your kidneys discharge the urea, with your urine, from your body.
A few amino acids are also excreted through perspiration.

Sufficient essential amino acids are required for at least 600 enzymatic
reactions in your body
There can be no life without enzymes, because they set certain reactions
in motion in your body. They play a significant role in specific functions,
including the digestion and absorption of your food and the burning of fat,
etc. Likewise, there can be no energy or vitality without sufficient essential
amino acids. Your body can only make enzymes if it has the most impor-
tant building blocks available….proteins!
Proteins are required as a catalyst to get energy and strength from food.
There can be no ATP processes without proteins. ATP (adenosine triphos-
phate) is the fuel that enables your body and muscles to function. Bones
and muscles are activated and taxed by movement or power training. In
order for this to occur easily, ATP causes, for example, your muscles to
contract, transports nerve impulses and activates a range of other energy
processes. Food and oxygen are at its foundations.

Sufficient essential amino acids are required for the many hormones and
Hormones are your metabolism’s activators. They stimulate your enzymes,
enable your bones and muscles to grow and ensure that you are happy
or sad. There can be no hormones without sufficient and varied proteins.
Cells are small: 100 can fit in 1 millimetre.

Proteins ensure that communication occurs between your 60 billion cells.
Without proteins there is no insulin or glucagon and your pancreas
will not function properly; in other words, will result in bad blood sugar
levels. Without sufficient essential amino acids there can be no serotonin,
a neurotransmitter that is responsible for your mood, sleep, sexual activity,
self-confidence, emotions and appetite. Melatonin, which influences your
sleep-wake rhythm, is another hormone dependent on amino acids. A
melatonin deficiency causes sleep disorders. And we could keep going….
your hydration and fluid balance are also closely regulated with the help of

Sufficient amino acids are required to deliver top performance

Adrenaline is required in order to excel. This hormone is also formed
from proteins. Adrenaline is responsible for the flight-or-fight response
but also extra alertness, better blood circulation and a greater supply
of oxygen to your muscles. Without proteins there can be no growth
hormones and you will have no endurance or strength. Power training
builds your muscles and makes your heart, lungs and bones stronger
and larger. Various proteins are required for this growth, as the building
blocks to make the muscle and bone cells. Proteins are also required to
enable efficient fat burning. After all, elite athletes want the best possible
bodies to offer the strongest possible competition…

And no sex hormones either without sufficient essential amino acids

Sex hormones, such as oestrogen, testosterone and progesterone, all
require different proteins. Shortages in various amino acids lead to a lack
of sex drive and passion. And who wants that?

Your body requires essential amino acids to transport oxygen and nutrients
Our muscles are fed oxygen by the iron-containing protein myoglobin. Red
blood cells contain the iron-containing protein haemoglobin and transport
oxygen to all your cells. Every second, 2 million red blood cells are created
with their specific proteins!
Without sufficient essential amino acids you will have no immune system.
The anti-bodies that your body makes against intruders, such as bacteria
and viruses, comprise different proteins.


“Seitan comes
from the
Japanese ‘Sei’
(made of)
and ‘Tan’

Authentic seitan as
A super food and
protein champion
Seitan comes from the Japanese sei, which means ‘are made of’, and tan (as in
tanpaku), which means ‘proteins’. Freely translated, it thus becomes ‘made of
proteins’. In China and Japan of a thousand years ago, it was mainly the Zen
Buddhists who prepared seitan as a meat replacement. Animals were, after
all, very scarce on islands like Japan. The Buddhists looked for and found
other sources of protein, such as seitan.
In their book Cooking with Seitan, Barbara and Leonard Jacobs write: ‘Seitan
was important in the lives of the vegetarian monks in China, Russian wheat
farmers, farmers in South-East Asia and for the Mormons. People, who tradi-
tionally ate wheat, discovered a way to extract proteins from wheat and made
a type of seitan.’
Seitan is usually made from wheat or spelt flour. The proteins in seitan
are therefore derived from wheat or spelt. Many people simply call seitan
‘vegetarian meat’ or use the English term wheatmeat.
Nowadays, seitan is still popular in the Far East, but the complete protein
champion is also gradually gaining ground here. And rightly so.
In the Chinese kitchen seitan is called Mian juin (mien chin or mien ching).
The strictly vegan Buddhist Mahayana monks are fervent seitan users. The
general Chinese population often eat seitan for breakfast, with a boiled
rice porridge (congee). And nowadays, in Chinese and Vietnamese restau-
rants, you will sometimes come across the dish ‘mock
duck’ or ‘mock chicken’ on the menu: an animal-friendly
and healthier alternative to duck or chicken that is made
from seitan. This dish is extremely tasty with peanuts and
In the Japanese kitchen seitan is often referred to by the
word fu, which means gluten. It was actually the Japanese
philosopher George Ohsawa (1893-1966) who brought
bio-seitan to the West in the early 1960s. He wanted to
introduce us to a healthier way of cooking and eating.
To many, the name George Ohsawa is synonymous with
George Ohsawa macrobiotics.

In the Vietnamese kitchen seitan is usually known as mi cang or mi can,

which is also a reference to wheat gluten. Combined with tofu, seitan was
part of Vietnamese Buddhist cuisine, which, incidentally, was also greatly
influenced by China.

In the vegetarian and vegan kitchens we eat seitan as a protein champion
and as a fish and meat substitute. Many vegetarians and vegans prefer bio-
seitan to tofu, quorn or tempeh, because it has a delicious, juicy structure
(bite) and contains significantly less fat.
In the healthy kitchen organic, authentic seitan is now the healthy
alternative to meat and fish. It contains complete proteins and is low in fat.
Additionally, seitan contains, on average, twice as many proteins as fish
and meat. Seitan does not have the disadvantages of meat and fish, such as
contamination with pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, purines (uric acid),
cholesterol and saturated fats. Scampi, salmon and tuna are not healthy
alternatives for meat, in view of the fact that they also contain mercury,
PCBs or heavy metals.
In the ethical kitchen seitan is welcome as part of a conscious decision
to omit meat and fish from the diet, which is better for the environment,
animals and people. Eating less meat and farmed fish helps counteract
global warming and gives our oceans a chance to breathe. As a result, our
planet will be less polluted and better able to maintain a proper equilibrium.
Overfishing is an extremely serious problem, one which we can all do some-
thing about. How? By eating less (or no) fish, such as scampi or tuna…

How is authentic seitan turned into a super food?

The grains of wheat or spelt, which are the basis for seitan, are ground, mixed
with water and kneaded into dough. This dough is then rinsed several times
in hot and cold water. In this way, it is primarily the proteins that remain. This
protein-rich dough, with a very elastic consistency, is portioned into balls
and the seitan is then boiled in a bouillon, based on a traditional soya sauce.
The structure or bite is very similar to that of meat, which makes seitan
a perfect meat and fish substitute. You can justifiably call seitan a ‘super
food’, because it is ideal for everyone wanting to lose weight responsibly, for
athletes wanting to grow muscles and for everyone wanting to eat healthily.
In organic shops or good supermarkets you will find authentic seitan in
blocks, discs or ‘tops’, often in a delicious, traditional soya sauce or other
sauces. Only buy seitan that has been made authentically and that is not
based on wheat gluten.

Avoid seitan based on wheat gluten
The basic ingredient of inferior seitan is wheat gluten or spelt gluten. These
are ready-made powders, not healthy food. We are definitely not fans of
seitan based on wheat or spelt gluten isolates! What is the point of putting
your faith in inferior, refined gluten isolates? Seitan made from ready-made
gluten is tough and rubbery, and not worthy of the name ‘seitan’. Authentic
seitan is made from a complete basic product, the flour of wheat or spelt
grains. We don’t want anything else!
According to the book by Susan Kleiner and Maggie Greenwood-
Robinson, Power Eating. Build Muscle, Increase Energy and Cut Fat: ‘It
is always better to obtain your nutrients from unrefined, complete foods.
The nutrients present work synergistically and thus improve your health.’
Authentic seitan contains entire and complete proteins, just as nature
intended them.

Comparative table of protein compositions

The nutritional value and quality of seitan depends on the basic ingredient:
spelt, wheat or other protein-rich sources.
Wheat was known in prehistoric times. The oldest grains date from
6,750 BC and were discovered during excavations in Iraq, in the area
known as the Fertile Crescent . Wheat contains many nutrients: 1.5 to 2%
minerals, vitamin E, the vitamin B-complex and several others. Wheat
also has a low water content and is easily transported and stored. This has
resulted in more than 35% of the world population living off wheat!
Spelt is a heritage wheat (das Urgetreide) that nowadays is very well
known in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The success of spelt in
Germany is largely due to the influence of Hildegard von Bingen (1098-
1179). Hildegard von Bingen said of spelt: ‘Spelt is the best grain. It con-
tains sufficient fatty substances, is robust and easier to digest than all
other grain types. It makes people’s souls happy and full of serenity. No
matter how people eat spelt, whether as bread or prepared in other ways,
it still tastes good and sweet.’ After the Middle Ages, spelt was superseded
by regular wheat, because wheat has a higher yield. However, spelt has
regained its popularity during recent decades.
Authentic seitan is made from ‘Manitoba’ heritage wheat or from
‘Oberkulmer Rotkorn’ heritage wheat.

Seitan is the protein champion
Amino acids in mg per 100 kcal

Amino acids Seitan Seitan Tofu Salmon Cod Chicken Beef Whey
Wheat Spelt Fillet Powder

arginine 861 817 449 557 894 970 1015 461

phenylalanine 1298 1128 305 369 574 610 671 640
histidine 503 461 150 229 284 514 579 361
isoleucine 930 854 287 422 670 743 765 1244 *
leucine 1718 1580 458 724 1188 1230 1323 2038 *
lysine 430 411 375 848 1402 1359 1478 1676
methionine 385 339 83 378 561 497 477 476
threonine 631 578 228 438 639 685 738 1153
tryptophan 199 192 76 98 136 198 169 430
valine 989 925 292 482 717 782 802 1138 *

Total essential
and semi-
essential 7944 7285 2703 4545 7065 7588 8017 9617

alanine 641 591 251 573 853 910 961 984
asparagine acid
+ asparagine 818 775 695 904 1477 1429 1506 2546
+ cysteine 493 423 81 120 172 179 196 553
glutamic acid
+glutamine 8964 7805 1109 1306 2281 2203 2551 3569
glycine 816 438 247 463 624 698 717 346
proline 3077 2743 297 317 448 566 630 1230
serine 1137 1011 291 363 616 589 624 984
tyrosine 838 750 234 330 536 517 584 592

amino acids 24728 21821 5908 8921 14072 14679 15786 20421

% absorbability
of amino acids 95% 95% 94% 95% 80% 91% 92% 95%
SGS Laboratory Antwerp: dated: 29.1.2013
* Whey powder: Twinlab, 100% whey protein fuel (enriched with L-leucine, L-valine and L-isoleucine).

“Seitan, in itself,
fulfils all that
nature demands
from a sustainable
and complete food.
It is non-acid
forming and

Honest, healthy food
Healthy food is something that people should be entitled to. Everybody must
be able to eat healthily; it should not be a luxury reserved for ‘the happy few’.
Your life can be drastically changed by what you eat. It is a huge cliché but
nonetheless true: ‘you are what you eat’. What you chew every day, what you
swallow, morning, noon and night – and maybe in between – has to nourish
your body and soul. It should not diminish you.
Honest, healthy food is food grown with love, food that is unadulterated,
food that is simple to prepare. Recipes for this kind of food are featured in
our first, authentic cookery book (sorry, we can’t help being a little bit proud
of ourselves!). Generally intended for four people, unless otherwise speci-
fied, these simple recipes are designed to be used for everyday meals, using
honest organic produce. Another point in their favour is the way they help
and encourage you to rustle up exciting vegetarian meals on a more regular
But why all the fuss about eating less meat and becoming more vege-
tarian? Giving up meat once in a while is clearly good not only for your
health, but also for animal welfare, your fellow human beings and the envi-
ronment. These are sufficient reasons.
There is little doubt that 1.3 billion cattle, 0.9 billion pigs, 1.8 billion sheep
and goats and 14.1 billion chickens leave a heavy carbon footprint on the
world. Meat production is, in general, more environmentally unfriendly than
growing crops. Since animal husbandry requires huge amounts of land,
gargantuan amounts of water and massive volumes of energy, it is a major
cause of worldwide deforestation, soil erosion, greenhouse gas-induced
climate changes, eutrophication, acidification, water pollution and the loss
of biodiversity. (Source: vzw EVA – Ethisch Vegetarisch Alternatief - Ethical
Vegetarian Alternative)
I am not trying to horrify you, but the picture is really quite grim. For
example, a Swedish report on the sustainable use of water says that we have
to be more sparing with our drinking water; otherwise there is a real chance
of it being in short supply by 2050. The seriousness of the water shortage
issue is obviously linked to the increase in the size of the world population,
but there would be enough water available for everyone, if only we were all
willing to reduce our meat consumption and use the world’s resources more
The farming industry is the heaviest consumer of water. We, as indi-
viduals, drink much less water than the amount used by farmers. Meat and
other animals require 10 times more water than crops.
So it’s a question of: go veggie or go hungry!

And why not? Vegetarians generally eat less fat, and have less risk of cardio-
vascular disease, diabetes, obesity and cancer. The less meat you eat and
the less fish you eat, the fewer harmful substances you absorb from the
environment. If you still fancy a bit of meat or fish from time to time, then
opt for organically reared products, as these are still better for your health,
animal welfare and Mother Nature.
If you are going to go veggie, then do it with seitan. We are big fans of
this alternative to meat, which as well as being texturally similar is also
incredibly tasty. Based on wheat or spelt grain, low-fat seitan also contains
twice as much full protein as meat or fish. Seitan is your partner in crime for
varied, healthy, vegetarian dishes. You will be able to surprise even the most
dedicated meat eater!
And the seasoned vegetarian as well … Seitan may be a healthy, tasty and
versatile product, but it is also locked in a never-ending competition with
that other mighty meat substitute: tofu. And that is a bit unfair. Tradition-
ally fermented soya is certainly good for you (more vitamin B and K, more
antioxidants, less intestinal problems, less flatulence and less chance of
bloating), but a few notes of caution need to be sounded about tofu and the
other tofu-based foods now available in shops (see p 164).
And what about GMOs: genetically modified organisms? About 70% of the
world’s soya is genetically modified. The last word has not yet been written
on this subject, but we agree with a great many organic organisations and
nature associations that rather than being socially responsible, GMO-
containing soya may actually result in more soya intolerance and aller-
gies, as well as containing a high level of toxic herbicides (glyphosate) and
oestrogen-like substances (which is bad news for women eager to become
pregnant and also for men, who will have to contend with lower levels of
testosterone levels). What’s more, GMO-soya is less rich in protein.
People keen on pushing aside their piece of meat or fish would be better
off tempering their enthusiasm for the increasingly popular tofu and other
tofu-based foodstuffs. Soya is not a miracle product. Obviously, it can have
a place in your daily regime, but in moderation and as part of a varied diet.
Just as with seitan! Believe me, you won’t regret it!

Chantal Voets

Sprinkling of culinary exoticism! For 2 people
150 g of whole grain rice
Cook the rice in boiling water. 2 slices of spelt seitan
Drain the spelt seitan sufficiently and pat (such as tamari steaks, 2 x 125 g)
the slices dry with kitchen paper; otherwise 2 tablespoons of maize starch
the moisture will repel the maize paste.
2 tablespoons of coconut flour
Take two deep dishes. Use one to make a
60 ml of water (mineral water)
thick paste with two full tablespoons of maize
starch, two level tablespoons of coconut flour 100 g of dried grated coconut
and 60 millilitres of water. Sprinkle the grated 4 tablespoons of extra virgin
coconut into the other plate. coconut oil
Coat the seitan with the maize paste, 1 tablespoon of extra virgin red
making sure that both sides are covered with palm oil
a thick layer. Next, dip the slices in the grated 2 bananas
coconut and fry them in a mixture of 3/4 1 pineapple
coconut oil and 1/4 red palm oil.
Meanwhile, peel the banana and cut it in
half lengthwise. Peel the pineapple, remove
the brown nodules and cut it into pieces. Heat
a drizzle of coconut oil in a pan, in which to
caramelise the fruit. Lower the heat and cook Fish from fish farms is not
the banana and pineapple a little longer, so an option!
that the outside takes on a nice golden brown Over 50% of all the fish we eat
colour. comes from fish farms, which
have a harmful effect on the
environment, since the fish
there are fed on younger fish
Tip from Serge from other species. These farms
Replace spelt seitan with wheat dump huge quantities of concen-
seitan for a bit of variety. trated fish food, antibiotics,
Add half a teaspoon of turmeric, chemicals and other waste in
a pinch of cayenne pepper or their immediate environment,
other herbs to the maize paste thereby contaminating the local
for a little extra colour and effect. ecosystem.

Bring sufficient water for the pasta to the For 4 people
boil. a drizzle of extra virgin
Heat a drizzle of red palm oil in a pan and red palm oil
fry the coriander seeds, cumin powder and 1 teaspoon of coriander seeds
turmeric. Chop the onion, garlic and ginger a pinch of cumin powder
and add this. Dice and fry the spelt seitan.
a pinch of turmeric (curcuma )
Cut the mangetouts, peppers and carrot
1 onion
finely and stir-fry them in the pan. Pour in a
drizzle of tamari. 1 clove of garlic
Remove the seeds and chop the hot a piece of ginger (roughly 1 cm)
pepper. Add this to the seitan-vegetable 550 g of spelt seitan
mixture. Pour in the oat cream and let it (a tamari block, for example)
simmer for a while. Slice the spinach thinly 1 handful of mangetouts
and add this as well. (snow peas)
Sprinkle everything with a little freshly 1 red pepper
chopped coriander and serve with the 1 yellow pepper
pasta cooked al dente.
1 carrot
a drizzle of tamari*
1 hot pepper
Did you know?
400 ml of oat cream
There is nothing unhealthy about
eating meat and fish of a good a handful of spinach
organic quality, as long as this is 500 g of whole grain pasta,
alternated regularly and suffi- according to preference (in the
ciently with a variety of vegeta- photo: conchiglioni)
bles, herbs, fruit, beans, whole 1 bunch of fresh coriander
grain cereals and… seitan! But
beware! Fish, from fish farms or
otherwise, is far more contami-
nated than meat. Consequently,
fish is not a healthy alternative – *Serge explains
unlike seitan and other vegetable Tamari is a Japanese fermented
proteins, such as mushrooms. soya sauce.

The products we used
in our recipes
Organic brands
Amanprana ( extra virgin coconut oil, red palm oil,
coconut and olive oils blended with palm oil, Verde Salud olive oil (perfect
for deep frying, strong aftertaste), coconut blossom sugar, Hermanos
Catalan olive oil (soft flavour, perfect for cold dishes), Lavandou and Chili
ORAC spice mixes
Bertyn ( Authentic seitan, Tamari- and Shoyu Blocks,
Tamari- en Shoyu Steaks & Tops (Gourmet,Gula Java Chili, Teriyaki,
Suprème and Satay)
Bio-verde ( Kalamata olives, Mediterranean specialities
Bord Bord ( seaweed salt, seaweed specialities, super!
Clearspring ( tamari, shoyu, wakame, ume vinegar,
Japanese specialities
Florentin ( wholemeal pita bread and spreads
Johannesmolen ( whole meal breadcrumbs,
various cereal mixes
Ladrôme ( orange blossom water, herbs,
La Terra e il Cielo ( Italian specialities, such as
tomato sauce
La Selva ( Crema di Balsamico, Italian specialities
Lima ( couscous, quinoa, macro-biotic specialities
Pineo (www.noble delicious natural spring water from the
TerraSana ( soba noodles, harusame, grilled sesame oil,
ketjap manis, Japanese specialities
Yakso ( ketjap manis
Zuiver Zuivel ( seasoned grated cheese, delicious
dairy products

Websites a great organic webshop (also sells the Amanprana
range) authentic seitan makers Bringing Veg’ns Together the largest American health website with global reach topics where nature and culture meet on our
plates Amanprana - food for serene life energy and good
body care a non-profit organisation that protects the sea and
everything that lives in it an environmental association that protects the
oceans and sea life a movement that campaigns for traditional and
authentic products find out about nutritional values at the
click of a button

Definition of organic agriculture according to IFOAM*

• Organic agriculture is a system of production that supports and main-
tains the health of the soil, ecosystems and human beings.
• It is based on ecological processes, biodiversity and natural cycles that
are adjusted to local circumstances, instead of using input with harmful
• Organic agriculture combines tradition, innovation and science to the
benefit of the shared living environment, promoting fair relationships and
a good quality of life for everyone involved.

*IFOAM stands for International Federation of Organic Agriculture


Crispy Caribbean fried spelt seitan 54
Colourful pasta with spelt seitan 57
Spelt seitan Cordon Bleu 59
Healthy Catalan sandwich with spelt seitan 60
Stuffed vine leaves with seitan (dolmadakia) 63
Spicy Moroccan couscous with an onion confit 64
The only authentic seitan vol-au-vent 67
Delicious seitan fondue 69
Amazing seitan roulade with sage and cheese 70
Good, old-fashioned stew with spelt seitan 73
Simple Oriental braised seitan 75
Japanese seitan with noodles and teriyaki sauce 76
New style coated seitan 79
Manitoba seitan with spring vegetables and teriyaki sauce 81
Wafer-thin seitan with vegetable julienne and spicy chilli sauce 82
Incredibly easy Mexican stew 85
Seitan fingers 87
Indian turnover (Samosa) 88
Summer seitan tapenade with curry veganaise 90
Spicy seitan ‘meatloaf’ 93
Delicious party salad with seitan tagliatelle 94
Aromatic rice dish with spinach 97
Moroccan tagine with saffron 98
Seitan with peanut sauce, noodles and a Thai cucumber salad 101
Veganaise 101
Thai cucumber salad 102
The only authentic seitan satay with peanut sauce 105
Homemade teriyaki spring rolls 106
Hot Thai red curry and coconut with seitan 109
Quinoa and a sweet chilli sauce topping 111
Greek tomato soup 112
Spaghetti with seitan bolognaise 115
Wrap with seitan in sweet chilli sauce 116
Seitan balls 119
Seitan with an onion conserve, sautéed potatoes and red cabbage 120
Moussaka 123
Seitan with an onion conserve and carrot mash 125
Tomato sauce with red wine and seitan 126
Impressive barbecued seitan 129
Sauces: Salsa de Mexico - Romanian – Quick Mojo Rojo 130
Delicious baked chicory with sweet chilli sauce 133
Mediterranean lasagne with grilled vegetables 134
Flemish stew with brown beer and prunes 137
Italian pizza at its best 139
Healthy pita bread sandwiches 142
Marinated seitan kebabs 144

It would seem so… Perhaps proteins are the nutrients that health experts, doctors
and dieticians have most neglected in recent years. Proteins are forgotten
foods, as far as health is concerned. There are many different types of pro-
teins – proteins for vitality and health, proteins for a slimmer, healthier and
stronger body.The list is almost endless. That is what this book is all about.

We will also explain why fish is not a healthy alternative to meat. We will look
at a protein diet for losing weight and at proteins for strength training. Not
only will you have more vitality, but you will also feel stronger, because these
essential proteins increase your physical strength. This is logical: after all,
everyone knows about the connection between proteins and bodybuilding.
Few people, however, know which proteins you need and how many. This book
will give you all the answers.

We have also devoted great attention to a ‘champion’ source of protein: seitan.

Seitan is packed with complete proteins and is easy to digest. It is fair to say
that authentic seitan is a superfood. Authentic seitan has been available in the
West for many years in health food shops and the better supermarkets, but it
has been used for a thousand years by Chinese and Japanese Zen Buddhists.

Seitan will feature prominently in this book, in forty delicious and healthy
recipes. These recipes will take you on an exciting culinary journey through
different tastes, aromas and countries (Italian, Indian, Moroccan, Thai, Greek,
Japanese, etc.). What’s more, the recipes are quick, easy and simply to prepare,
including oven dishes, lasagne, salads, pasta, soup, etc. Ideal for everyday use
- and all based on authentic seitan!

Bart Maes

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