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Part I ‫ القمله سنه‬2016

1- Interspinous diameter.
A) 12 cm
B) 11 cm
C) 10 cm
D) 8 cm
2- Shortest diameter between Sacrum and symphysis pubic:
A) Diagonal Conjugate
B) Obstetric Conjugate
C) Conjugate
D) True Conjugate
3- While you are doing pudendal nerve blocking for a patient who is in labor ,
you injured the pudendal nerve , which one of the following will be spared:
A) Labia minora
B) Urethral sphincter
C) Posterior fornix of vagina
D) Muscle I forget which one
4 – what the root of nerve if you block it you will give patient full pain free
delivery and contraction?
A) T10- S4
B) L4 - S1
5- Patient came complaining of numbness sensation to the upper-Lateral thigh,
which nerve most properly to be injured:
A) Lateral Femoral Cutaneous N
B) ilio-inguinal N
C) Genitofemoral N
D) Femoral N
6- Regarding cervix:
A) Supply by uterine and vaginal artery
B) Consist of 40% smooth muscle, 60٪connective tissue
C) You can find sperm more than 1 week of ejaculation
D) Innervation in endo-cervix more than ecto-cervix
7-Persistent occipito-posterior position found in which kind of pelvic :
A) Gynecoid
C) Anthropoid
D) Platypelloid
8- Which trunk or nerve supply uterus for pain or contraction?
9- Pudendal nerve block level:
A) S1,2,3
B) L3,4,5
C) T
D) S2,3,3
10 -The correct sequence of the atrial blood supply to the uterus begins with the
aorta and continues through the:
A) Internal iliac , common iliac , uterine
B) Common iliac, hypogastric , uterine artery
C) Obturator, internal iliac, uterine
D) External iliac, internal iliac , uterine
11- Which of the following give blood to umbilical artery toward placenta:
A) Umbilical vein
B) Ducts venous
C) Hypogastric artery
12- Branch of internal iliac artery:
A) Superior vatical artery
B) Medial sacral artery
C) Ovarian artery
D) Internal pudandal artery
13 - while you are doing laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy your consultant
explain to the resident during surgery of ovarian cyst excision surgery
anatomical differences between Right and left ovary .. left ovarian vein drain in:
A) Inferior vena cava
B) Left renal vein
C) Internal iliac vein
4) External iliac vein
14- During vaginal delivery , you did pudandal block . hematoma discover ,
which artery mostly injured :
A) Pudandal artery
15- Regarding pudandal nerve :
A) Pudandal nerve medial to pudandal artery
B) Enter the pelvic through greater sciatic foramen
C) leave the pelvic through lesser sciatic foramen
16- Relation between ureter and internal iliac artery:
17- Content of inguinal canal:
18- Highest cardiac output in pregnancy at:
A)10-30 min after delivery
B)1st trimester
C) 3rd trimester
D) At time of delivery
19- Gastrointestinal change in pregnancy
A)Decrease tone of gastro-esophageal sphincter
B)Increase intestinal motility
C)Increase aspartate transferase
D)Increase absorption to ensure whight gain
20- Normally increase during pregnancy
A)Thyroxine binding globulin
21-Hematocrit definition:
A) Number of RBCs
B) Percentage of the RBCs
C)Concentration of the Hb inside the RBC
D)Percentage of HGb inside RBC
22- Vascular resistance highest in:
A) Artery
B) Vein
C) Arterioles
D) Capillary
23-Which calcium is under hormonal effect:
A) Free ca
B) Ionized ca
C) Ca phosphate
D) Ca bond to protein
24-Which is normal change in urinary system during pregnancy?
A ) Reduced Renal blood flow
B) Increase creatinine
C) Increase GFR
D)Increase plasma osmolarty
25- largest Iron storage in body in :
A) Liver
B) Bone marrow
D)Reticular endothelium system
26- Iron metabolism in pregnancy:
A) Maximum abortion in jejunum
B) Iron absorption increase in pregnancy
27- regarding lung function during pregnancy, which of the following will be
increase :
A)Vital capacity
B)Expiratory reserve volume
C)Functional residual capacity
28- In Iron deficiency anemia :
A)Increase ferritin
B)Decrease iron bindings capacity
C)Decrease serum iron
D)Decrease transferrin
29- Fetal blood volume:
A) 18-20 ml/kg
B) 50 ml/kg
C) 12 ml/kg
D) 10 ml/kg
30- normal change in CVS in newborn in the first hours of life :
A) Decrease right atrium pressure
B) Increase right atrium pressure
C) Decrease venous return from IVC
D) Increase left atrium pressure
31-Which is the one responsible for maternal Wight gain during pregnancy :
A) Amniotic fluid
B) Enlarge uterus
C) Fetus and placenta
D) Retention of fluid
32- Regarding fetal weight gain in late third trimester:
A) depend to mother diet
B) 200 – 300 gram/week
C) 500 – 600 gram/week

Ethic and Statistic

33- Long scenario about study and they found mean blood pressure is 150+-20
what is the 95%:
A) 110-190
B) 90-170
D) 140-160
34-One of the following is a medical error:
A) Mistaken diagnosis or prescription
B) Negligence
C) Management plan not completed as intended
35- treatment 1 and treatment 2 who were given to 2 groups of patient .1
Calculate epidemiological measures of association
Survive Death
Tratment I 40 60

Tratment II 60 40
A) 0.44 .
B) 0.67
36 - five hundred babies who were exposed to DES in utero were followed up
for twenty years and the occurrence of cancer in this group was compered to
1500 babied not exposed to DES ,over the same period of time what is the study
design :
A)Chi sqaure
B)Case report
C)Cross section
37-10 yrs old Girl came with her mother, the father out of town Dx with
A)Prepare for surgery
B)Take verbal consent from the mother
C)Wait till the father come back
D)Explain the procedure to the girl and take the mother signature
38- When to disclose patient information :
A)When patient agree
B)Consultant to resident for teaching purpose
39- Calculate the range ( 75 – 89 – 82 – 82 – 86 – 78 – 90 – 88 – 79 ):
A) 90
B) 12
C) 10
D) 82
40- A psychiatric is conducting a trail on a drug that would (if the trail succeed)
reduce a suicidal
tendency in severely depressed patient who are not regularly taking their
medication after giving
their consent:
A) Unaccepted because of doubtful drug efficacy
B) Accepted because reduce patients’ suffering
C) Accepted because the consent was voluntary
D) Unaccepted due to lack of patients’ competence A
41- A study was conducted to compered risk of heart disease, high blood
preasure in smoker and
non-smoker, which of the following we will ues t-tes:
A)smoker – high blood pressure

42-29 year old , 32 week pregnant , you indused her by transvaginal misoprostol
what Most common side effect she will have:
A) PV bleeding
B) Uterine tachysystole
C) Chorioamnitis
43 - Patient used heparin which supplement you advice to take:
A) Ca
B) Zinc
C) Copper
D) Folic acid
44- patient want OCP which is the condition with lowest risk with ocp :
A) HTN patient not in treatment
C)Patient has migraine aura
D) Hepatoma
45- Pregnant lady 21 week diagnose as HTN ,which antihypertensive that is
contraindications during pregnancy :
A) Methyl dopa
B) Nifedipine
D) ACE inhibitor
46- What is the teratogenicity related with the drug?
A)Phenytoin - deafness
B)Epotomide - leukemia
C)Warfarin- gastroschicisis
D)Aminoglycosides - blindness
47- Lithium teratogenicity in pregnancy may cause:
A)Right heart enlargement
B)clift palate
C) oligohydramnios
48- 56 years old menopause came complain of vasomotor symptom you advise
her to take hormonal replacement therapy .. what the fact you will tell her
about HRT:
A) It reduce depression of symptom
B) It reduce incidence of Alzheimer disease
C) Osteoporosis if started it will not recover by use of HRT
49-Acyclovir side effect:
A) Hepatitis
B) Encephalitis
C) seizure
50- Glucocorticoids
51- Pregnant lady in 21 week gestation she regular use indomethacin , what will
she have
52- The functional reason for using MgSo4 in 39 weeks with eclampsia :
A) prevent all episode of convulsion
B) Decrease blood pressure
C) Prevent cerebral vasoconstriction
53- While you are doing round on word, one patient has preclamsia on MgSo4 ,
patient found to have respiratory distress, what is the therapeutic level of
MgSo4 in mmol:
A) 1.5 - 2
B) 3-4
C) 5 - 6
D) 6 - 7.5

54-most predicative of follicular maturation:
A) measuring progesterone level
B) maturation index
C) change in body temperature
D) change in cervical secretion
55 – which one cross reaction with the hCG :
56- Growth Hormone:
A) Increased by glucose
B) Decrease by stress
C) Produce by basophilic cell of ant. Pit.
D) Stimulate protein syntheses
57 - Which of the following naturally stimulate oxytocin in a lactating mother?
A) During coitus
A) Emotional stress
C) Emotion of fear
D) When baby is sleeping comfortably
58-Which anatomical structure has endocrine and exocrine, influence by
hypophyseal hormone and complete the second Meiosis:
A) Liver
B) Ovary
C) Testis
D) Thyroid
59- Target of FSH :
A) Ovarian hilum
B) Neurohypophysis
C) Ovarian theca cell
D) Ovarian granulosa
60- During menstruation which layer will be shed :
A) Functional layer
B) Basel layer
C)Functional layer +Basel layer
61- What increase secretion of calcitriol from kidney:
A) Hypo-calcemia
B) Hypo-phosphate
C) Hypo-parathyroid
D) Prolong exposure to sun and ultra-viole
62- best time to conduct hormonal study:
A) 8:00
B) 16:00
63-Regarding TSH
A) glycoprotein
B) produce by acidophil cell of ant. Pit.
C) increase in pregnancy

64 - you are treating patient who diagnosed with N.GONORRHEA she is allergic
to benzyle penicillin , what do you want to give her :
A) Ampicillin
B) Nalidixic acid
C) Neomycin
D) Spectonomycin
65- Long scenario .. then which one of this infection will not harm the fetus
A) Coxsackivirus B
B) Rubella
C) Varicella zoster
D) Shingle
66- 19 y. Old female , newly married, came c/o fever , malaise, stiff neck, on ex.
She has genital lymphadenopathy, vaginal discahrge, & vesicular genital rash on
external genitalia(image)Genital fluroscent antibody showed nuclear antibodies
( something like that)What would be the best treatment?
A) ketoconazole
B) Acyclovir
67- Which vaccine can be taken by pregnant women?
68- Patient came complain of vaginal discharge with bad smell mainly with
menstruation,vaginal ph:4.5 ,, motile flagellated organism smaller than epith
what is the organism ?
A) Chlamydia
B) Gonorrhea
C) Trichomonas
D) Candida
68- Patient came complain of perfused fishy vaginal discharge, what she had :
A) Bacterial vaginitis
B) Candida
C) Trichomonas
D) Gonoccal
69- Pregnant lady in 3rd trimester diagnose as UTI what is the best antibiotic to
be treated with :
A) Nitrofurantoin
B) Amoxicillin clavulanic acid
C) metronedazol
D) Tetracyclin
70- 32y old pregnant & warring regarding transmitting disease to her baby,
which of this infection will not be transmitted intrauterine:
A) Malaria
B) Hepatitis B
C) Chlamydia
D) Gonorrhea
71- Nurse came complain of redness and sever itching in pubic area, she find
this bug,(pic of lice) what is your next step after treating her :
A) Screen for over sexual transmitted disease
B) Advice to wash the cat and dog with ..... shampoo
C) Avoid hot bath
D) Wash all cloth store for 2 month
72- Patient on clindamycin for treatment of postpartum infection. She
developed diffuse diarrhea what you will do:
A) Metronidazole
B) Continuo the same medication
73- Long scenario about pregnant woman newly diagnose with HIV, what you
will you advise her:
A) Breast feeding is contraindication
B) Delivery by LSCS will decrease chance of trans-placenta infection
C) Advice to repeat antibodies detection after 2 month
74- Pregnant lady at 34 week came and discover IUFD .. the causative organism
is gram positive motile bacillus, what is true :
A) Ingestion of contaminated food is the rote of infection
75- They give us description of rash and they ask about the causative organism
is :
A) adenovirus
B) Reovirus

76 -Most common complication in twin pregnancy:
A) Iron deficiency anemia
B) Preterm labor
C) pre eclamsia
77- Sever bradycardia define as:
A)80in 3 min
B)80 in 1 min
C)60 in 3 min
D)60 in 1 min
78- CTG pic with base line 160-165 with no acceleration ,no deceleration what is
most likely cause:
A) Maternal anxiety
B) Thyrotoxicosis
C)Maternal fever
D)Drug induce
79- Ultrasound feature of ovary in stein-Leventhal syndrome:
A) Small and cystic
B) Enlarge and cystic
C) Enlarge without cyst
D) Small without cyst
80- In a patient with hx of rheumatic heart disease which of the following would
about in pregnancy (or can be most serious)?
A) Mitral regurgitation
B) Aortic stenosis
C) Mitral stenosis
D)Aortic regurgitation
81-Sever bradycardia define as:
A) 80in 3 min
B) 80 in 1 min
C) 60 in 3 min
D) 60 in 1 min
82- G3P2 ,38 weeks, currently she is in labor .. ( pic of CTG not clear )showed :
A) Early deceleration
B) Late deceleration
C) Variable deceleration
D) Prolong deceleration
83- 12 years old girl , presented to the clinic with primary amenorrhea , further
evaluation showed absent vagina , It is associated most likely with :
1)Turner Syndrome
2) Congenital adrenal hyperplasia of female girl
3)Associated with absent or rudimentary uterus
4)Drug induced masculization of female girl
84- what is the discrimination of bhcg that allow you to see the IUGS:
85- 27 y old G2p1+o 38wk came with decrease fetal movement CTG was
reactive, next day patient came fetus was IUFD, from the finding what the rate
of fetal demise in this condition:
A)1 -3/100
B) 1-3 /1000
C) 1-3/10000
D) 1-3/500
86-PG in labor CTG is category one. What the characteristic of normal GTG
A) The CTG is accurate test detect fetus distress
B) Normal base line cardiac beat 120-170bpm
C) Beat to beat variability normal 5-25
D) Late deceleration is due to cord compression
87- Earliest detection of IUGS can be seen if B-hcg level:
88- What happens in the second stage of delivery?
A) Ends with the expulsion of the baby
B) Continues fetal ctg must be done
89- Patient in labor at term, AROM shoes meconium, management:
B) Rarely warring if CTG is reactive with normal variability
90- post partum haemorrhage most probably will end with hysterectomy:
A) Placenta previa
B) Atony
C) Placenta acreata
91- long scenario , about girl with precocious puberty , they do GnRh
stimulation test and found , high LH at night , the cause is :
A) Central precocious puberty
B) Peripheral precocious puberty
C) Idiopathic
D) Iatrogenic
93-Pregnant lady Rh -ve . Ultrasound done hydrop fetalis , CTG show this
pattern, which of the following describe this pattern :
A)Oscillations of the wave form above and below an imaginary baseline, although
baseline is determinable
B)Amplitude of oscillations of 5 to 15 bpm for 2 to 5 cycles/min
C)Amplitude of oscillations of 5 to 15 bpm for 20 to 30cycles/min
94-normal HBA1C indicates :
A) no gestational diabetes
B) normal hemoglobin binding capacity
C) normal glucose level from the previous weeks
D) normal glucose level at the time of collection
95-Patient underwent hysterectomy for multiple fibroid, needs multiple blood
transfusion, asking about in which coagulate is defect?
A) Thrombocytopenia
B) Increase PT
C) prolonged PTT
96- Patient with bilateral fallopian tube occlusion anastomosis done at the
longest part of the fallopian tube which is:
A) Ampulla
B) Infendubulum
C) Intresitial
D) Isthmus
97-15 years old female complain of primary amenorrhea , monthly pelvic pain
patient had normal development of breast and pubic hair .
98-Pregnant woman want to be sure about fetal wellbeing, which of these
single test is the best predictor of fetal wellbeing:
A) No single test
B) None –stress test
C) contraction stress test
D) dopplar
99- 9 year old had period bleeding , 8 y old had growth of pubic hair ,7 y old
breast development, the cause is :
A) Idiopathic
B) Brain tumor
C) Iatrogenic
100- Periventricular hemorrhage in newborn MRI done:
A) within 10 hours
B) 24 hours
C) 72 hours
101- Patient has cervical cancer treated by radiation, which of the pelvic organ is
A) Cervix
B) Ovary
C) Vagina
D) Rectum
102- Patient was fully and CTG show bradycardia , vaccum was applied and
failed , patient took to Emergency LSCS , suturing of cervical tear done , patient
came with femoral nerve injury
symptom ( ‫ تقلله كيف فهمومه ناس فيه و‬-- femoral injury ‫سبب ال شنو السوال فهموا ناس فيه‬
A)Hyper-flextion of thigh
B) Cesaren section for triplet

103-Sodium potassium pump is an example of ?
A)Facilitated diffusion
B)Active transport
C) ion channel
D)carrier mediated
104- In cell with high energy requirements which organelles has higher
C)Golgi apparatus
105- Enzyme essential for glycolysis, gluconeogenesis and ...... synthesis is found
in :
A) Cytosol
B) Mitocandoria

Genetic and Embryology

106- Duchenne muscle dystrophy is
A)X -linked recessive
B)X -linked dominant
C)Autosomal recessive
D)Autosomal dominant
107-Initiating codon for protein synthesis :
108-Meiosis cell division what u see??
109- Baby affected with (X-linked recessive) disease parents are normal and
A) Mother carrier only
B) Father carrier only
C) Mother and father are carrier
110- Primitive fetal circulation will start at:
A) 14 days post fertilization
B) 21 days post fertilization
C) 28 days post fertilization
D) 36 days post fertilization
111-What happen during normal development of sex organ?
A) Ova originate outside gonad
B) Ovary important in development of paramesonephric duct
C)Pronephron degenerate and mesonephron appeare
112- At birth :
A) ovum at anaphase at 2nd meiotic division
B) ovum Prophase at first meiotic division
113- Inner cell mass will give :
A) Ectoderm and Endoderm
B) Cytotrophblast
C) Syncytotrophblast
D) Placenta

Pathology and Immunology

114- G2P1 with blood group of A Rh Negative, she is afraid of Hydrops fetalis
Which of these make the baby least effected:
A) If the 1st baby is A+
B) If the 1st baby is B+
C) If the father of both babies is B+
D) If the father of both babies is AB+
115- which one of these is a sign of placenta growing/aging :
A)Thickening of the decidua
B) Langhans cell
C)Increased capillaries "Vascular"
116-Immunological change in pregnancy (Q came twice)
A) Shift from t lymphocyte to b lymphocyte during the 1st trimester
117 - 65 y/o lady with vulvar lesion Pathology hyperplasia of keratinocytes with
thickened epidermis Diagnosis?
A) Acathosis
B) Parakeratosis
C) Lichen planus
D) Atrophic vulvitis
118 -MHC II is not available in ( decidua or placenta )during :
A) 1st trimester
B) 2nd trimester
C) 3rd trimester
D) All trimester
119-Immunological change in pregnancy (Q came twice)
A) Shift from t lymphocyte to b lymphocyte during the 1st trimester

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