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Tom Hurley

Sport Education Model- Pickleball

PHED 239- Module 4: High school

Dr. Mangano

Springfield College


Table of Contents

Page Title…………………………………………………………………….Page #
Selecting Teams……………………………………………………………...4
Team Djibouti………………………………………………………………….5-8
Team USA……………………………………………………………………..9-12
Team Japan…………………………………………………………………...13-16
Team China…………………………………………………………………...17-18
Team Ireland………………………………………………………………….19-21
Role Descriptions…………………………………………………………….22-27
Block Plan……………………………………………………………………..29-30
Round Robin Tournament…………………………………………………...31-34
Rules/Regulations/Modified Rules………………………………………….35-39
Team Stats…………………………………………………………………….41
Individual Stats………………………………………………………………..42-44
Skills Challenge……………………………………………………………….48-49
Fair Play Rubric……………………………………………………………….51

Pickleball Sport Education Season

● Season is 20 days
● 30 students (16 males and 14 females)
● Class meets 2 times a week for 50 minutes (10 week season)
● Facilities- 1 basketball court split into 5 pickleball courts


● 30 pickleball paddles
● 30 pickleball balls
● 5 pickleball nets
Selecting Teams

The teacher hand selected the teams to make each team as even and competitive as

possible. Several factors were taken into consideration when picking the teams. The

first was skill level. The teacher tried to split up the skill level of the students. One

“athletic” and one “non-athletic” student was put on a team. Another factor was gender.

The teacher made every team co-ed (male/female) except for one team which was all

male. The one team that was made up of both male students is do to the fact that the

class is uneven, 16 males and 14 females. The next factor and final factor that was

taken into consideration by the teacher was personality. The teacher tried to match

personalities of the students on the team so they would work well together.



Team Color: Blue

Mascot: Lion

Nickname: “DJ”

Team 1

Brendan Boss


Brendan is somebody who loves to take risks. He isn't the most talented player, he is at

the utilization level. However, he loves to go for the “homerun” play in class. He is

someone who is very independent and prefers to be alone. He is someone who prefers

to blend in during class even tho he goes for the big plays. He is not involved in any

athletics at the school and only has a few friends, and none of them are in the class. He

always attends class, but is not always happy about it.

Joey Raniolo


Joey is a stand out lacrosse player at the school, he is a captain. However, he does not

try that much in class even though is has a lot of athletic potential. He does not cause

any trouble during class, he is just someone who is very laid back and takes this class

as a nice break from school. But, some days (on a rare occasion) he turns up in class

and really dominates. He is at the proficient level and always attends class because it is

the start of his lacrosse season.

Team 2

Brenda Dooley


Brenda is the classic cheerleader girl. She is the “popular” girl in class and usually does

not like to try in class because she does not want to sweat. She does the least amount

of work possible and is at the utilization level. She often skips class/school but when

she is here she likes to be loud and stand out in class even though she does not do that

much. She likes to be the center of attention.

Doug Sattler

Fitness specialist

Doug is on the football and baseball team at school and is someone who always is

excited for class. However, he is not the greatest athlete and often is not the greatest at

other sports. But, hitting the pickleball and hitting a baseball are very similar. Doug is at

a utilization/proficiency level and always shows up to class. He is a great kid and will

always do what you want him to do.

Team 3

Dani Sweet

Equipment manager

Dani is someone who is a great athlete but also a trouble maker. She does not always

listen to the teacher, and will often times do things to disrupt class. However, when she

is not doing that she is someone who excels is class because she is a great athlete.

She is on the field hockey and softball team at school, but she is good at everything.

She is a captain on her field hockey team and is a very popular girl who is friends with

everyone. She is always at class and she is at the proficient level.

Thom Hurly

Scorekeeper/ Statistician

Thom is the captain of the football and lacrosse team, and a great athlete. He is

someone the teacher can always count on in class. He is always on time and never in

trouble. He is at the proficient level and excels in everything in class. However, he

sometimes takes class to serious and is a very sore loser. He is a very competitive

student who loves to win in everything.


United States of America

Team Color: Red

Mascot: Bald Eagle

Nickname: “USA”

Team 1

Duncan Preston


Duncan is someone who is very big into fitness. He loves to workout and he lives a very

healthy lifestyle. He is always on class and is at the utilization level. He is someone who

likes to blend in during class, he is a follower and will do whatever his best friend

(Thom) does in class. He is not the most popular student in class but he still has plenty

of friends. He is a great kid and he is very smart student, and is often talked about by

many teachers (in a good way).

Toni LaGuerre


Toni is a very loud student in class. She is always talking and encouraging her

classmates during class. She is a great student that everyone likes in class. She is a

very nice student who never causes any trouble during class. Even though she doesn't

play any sports, she is a very athletic student. She looks forward to class and uses it as

a break from the classroom setting. She is at the proficient skill level and comes to class

on a regular basis. She is someone who should try playing a sport because she picks

up skills very quickly.

Team 2

Dylan Sheehan


Dylan is someone who struggles during class. He is a very smart student who excels in

every class except physical education. He is at the utilization skill level and is always at

school. He is in the band at school and plays the flute. He is very out of shape and does

not like to participate in class because some students laugh at him when he messes up

during activities. He never causes any trouble, it is just a challenge to get him to

participate sometimes.

Nikki Palladino

Fitness specialist

Nikki is another student that the teacher can always count on. She is a star basketball

player and a great athlete. She excels in class but she is also very laid back and does

not care about winning or losing. She loves to be active and always has fun in class.

She is at the proficient skill level and someone who is always at school because she

has very strict parents. Nikki is one of the best students in class.

Team 3

Phillis Dumont

Equipment manager

Phillis is a very smart student who on the tennis team at school. However, she is only on

the team because her parents make her play a sport. This means she is not that good

but still knows the basic skills. She is not the best student in class and often times

refuses to do anything. She is very moody and will sometimes take a zero for the day

and just sit out and do nothing. When this happens it is very hard to convince her to do

anything. She is at a mixed skill level or utilization and proficient. She is also known to

skip a class sometimes.

Matt LaCroix

Scorekeeper/ Statistician

Matt is a very average student. He blends into the class and never causes any trouble.

He is a student that does everything you want him to and is friends with everyone. He is

one of the nicest students in the class and is always in a good mood, but he does not

like to be put into the “spotlight”. He prefers to just go through class without standing

out. He is a pretty good athlete who is at the proficient skill level. He is also always in



Team Color: White

Mascot: Dragon

Nickname: “JP”

Team 1

Kevin Dean


Kevin is one of the smartest students in his grade and the class president. Everyone

knows who he is and everyone respects him. But, he does not play any sports at school

and is not the most athletic student in class. He is always in class and giving his all

because he wants the best grade he can get. He is at the utilization skill level but you

can always count on him to be doing the right thing in class.

Nikki Beaudry


Nikki is a three sport athlete at school and also at the top of her class for academics.

She is a team captain in two out of the three sports and is one of the best athletes at

school. However, she knows that and can sometimes be cocky and get other students

down in class because she expects everyone to be as good as she is. She is always at

school because she is always in a sports season. She is at the proficient level, she is

good at everything.

Team 2

Erin Cooke


Erin is a student that does not like to listen to the teacher. Whenever you turn your back

she goes of task and it is hard to get her back on task once that happens. She does not

care about school and often states that. It is extremely hard to get her to participate in

class and she always gives the teacher trouble. She does not have many friends and

does not participate in any extracurricular activities at school. She skips school

frequently and is at the utilization level.

Kyle Dillion

Fitness specialist

Kyle is the quietest student in class. He is very shy and very rarely speaks to anyone

besides his friends. He is pretty athletic for not being particating on any sports teams.

He is not a trouble maker is is often in class. He is at the proficient level and seems to

pick up on every sport skill very quickly.


Team 3

Jessica Freedman

Equipment manager

Jessica is a student that does the least amount of work possible. She is rarely causing

trouble in class, she just does not do that much work. She will not run to make a play in

class or do anything that takes any extra effort. She always walks around, she doesn't

run or jog is class ever. She only skips school once and awhile. She is barely at the

utilization level. She is someone that tries her best not to try.

Jake Reynolds

Scorekeeper/ Statistician

Jake is the only bully in the class. However, he is only a “bully” when he feels like it. He

is on the football team and he is proud of it. He is a very loud student and always tries to

argue with other students during game play. He loves to talk smack and get his

classmates rattled. He is always at school and is at the proficient skill level. One of the

biggest competitors in the class.


Team Color: Yellow

Mascot: Panda

Nickname: “CH”

Team 1

Jackie Vail


Jackie is a star women's lacrosse player who is already committed to Duke. She is a

great athlete but does not always want to try in class unless their is a reward. She is

always at class and at the proficient skill level level. She is a classic female jock who

loves to play all sports. However, she is a student that does not want to be sweaty for

the rest of the school day which is why she does not try her hardest sometimes.

Cole Pecora


Cole is a decent student. He is either hit or miss in class but is always at school. If he is

in the mood to play he can be a great student but if he doesn't want to do anything he

literally won't do anything. He is at the utilization skill level. He is not the most athletic

and often struggles at sports that involve striking an object.

Team 2

Christie Sant


Christie is another all around great student. She excels in every subject and her favorite

class is PE. She is someone that the teacher can always count on to answer questions

and class and give good demonstrations. She is always in class and ready to go. She is

proficient skill level student. She is a very well rounded athlete but does not play any

sports in high school because she wanted to focus on her academics for college.

Greg Macchi

Fitness specialist

Greg is a very laid back student who just goes with the flow of class. He tries his best to

blend in during class and but he always does his work. If the teacher calls on him to

answer questions he will answer them but besides that he does not speak that much.

He has a lot of friends in class which helps him have a fun time. He is often at school

and at the utilization skill level. Always on task and rarely causing trouble in class.

Team 3

Lilly Habich

Equipment manager

Lilly is a average student in class. She does not do that much during class but she

always is on task. She never tries as hard as she can but never causes any trouble.

She is always in class and at the utilization level. She plays women's ice hockey for a

club team outside of school.

Ben Menard

Scorekeeper/ Statistician

Ben is a great student who excels at racquet sports. He Loves to play them and is very

good at them for some reason. He gets pumped up when we are playing a racquet sport

in class and always goes as hard as he can. He is often in school and is a proficient

level student.


Team Color: Green

Mascot: Fighting Irish

Nickname: “IR”

Team 1

Becca Shea


Becca is a great athlete. She plays on the basketball team at school and is always

ready to have fun in class. she always participates in class. She is at the proficient skill

level and always in class. She is a great student.

Cole Fin


Cole is not the best student. He is known as a troublemaker to all teachers in the

school. He skips class frequently and will argue with anyone in class. However, he loves

competition. He is at the utilization level.

Team 2

Jill Fiore


Jill is a very smart student who sometimes put too much stress on herself to get good

grades. She looks forward to PE class because it is a great break mentally for her. She

wants to go to a great college which is why she stresses good grades. She is at school

every day and at the utilization level.

Cam Glover

Fitness specialist

Cam is the ultimate “gym class hero”. He is always running around trying his hardest in

class. He does not play any sports but he is very athletic. He lives for PE class, it is his

favorite class. He is someone who will never miss class for anything. He is at the

proficient level.

Team 3

Cindy Carlson

Equipment manager

Cindy is a great student, she is also a decent athlete. She always tries her best in class

because she wants the good grade. She is at the proficient skill level and is at school

most of the time. She is always on task

Ray Ray Martin

Scorekeeper/ Statistician

Ray is another great student. He is a favorite student by many teacher in the school.

However, he does not do that well in class because he is not that athletic and hates to

fail. This makes him very shy in class but is is always on task. He is at the utilization



An official is someone who watches the game closely to ensure that the rules are

enforced during the game. The official makes the final call and he/she needs to not be

persuaded by a player throughout the game. The official needs to make consistent calls

the whole game. He/she has authority over the players when the game is going on.


- Officiate games
- Communicate with Scorekeeper
- Communicate and remember the winner and score of each game they officiate

Skills Needs:

- Knowledge of the Pickleball rules

- Ability to be fair and honest throughout the whole game
- Ability to stick with the call they made even if players argue


a coach is a person involved in the direction and instruction of the operations of the

team. This means the coach is in charge of the whole team (all 3 sub teams). The coach

is also expected to communicate any and all problems that are going on. He/she

supervise each role to make sure everyone is doing their job.


- Discuss offensive and defensive plays with the team

- Overlook all players on their team
- communicate with the players and teacher is their are any problems
- Encourage the team at all times

Skills Needs:

- Knowledge of the Pickleball rules

- Motivating and enthusiastic behavior at all times
- Great communication skills


The publicist is in charge of informing the public and their classmates. They are in

charge of the teacher’s professional twitter page, this way they can update it with tweets

about scores, injuries, and news. The publicist will sign a contract saying they will not do

anything inappropriate on the twitter page.


- Daily updates of class

- retrieve score from officials or teacher

Skills Needs:

- Technology savvy

Fitness Specialist

The fitness specialist is in charge of warming up and cooling there team down. They will

do this by leading the stretches, both dynamic and static stretches. They will have to do

a stretch for every major muscle.



- Create and lead the warmup and cool down stretches

Skills Needs:

- Knowledge of the exercises and muscles to create a healthy and safe stretching

- A loud/vocal voice so everyone can hear you

Equipment Manager

The equipment manager is in charge of all the equipment. They need to make sure all

the paddles and pickleballs are in good shape and ready for game play before each

game. They also need to help the teacher set up and take down the nets when needed.


- Give out and keep track of all equipment that is used in pickleball

- Check the equipment before each day/ game

- Tell teacher if anything is broken or missing

Skills Needs:

- Organization skills to keep all the equipment organized

Scorekeeper/ Statistician

The role of the scorekeeper and statistician are pretty self explanatory. The student has

to keep the score of the game and frequently say tell the score to the players in the

game. Second the student has to keep track of which student scored the points and

other stats that the teachers wants. The student can organize it however they want but

the setup must be approved by the teacher.


- Convert the stats and score of each game onto an excel sheet and send it to the

- Be prepared for each day by bringing the score and stats sheets
- Pay attention to the game when it is going on

Skills Needs:

- Knowledge of pickleball rules and stats

- Computer savvy
- Ability to pay attention the whole game and multitask

(P)- Demonstrate correct technique when using the different types of hits (drop volley,

lob shot, overhand spike) throughout the tournament of pickleball (NSLGO S1, H1, L1 ;

MACF 2.17)

(C)- List 5 different rules and explain 2 of pickleball on the quiz at the end of the unit.

(NSLGO S2, H1, L1 ; MACF 2.21)

(A)- Apply safety, teamwork, cooperation, and respect for your teammates and

equipment throughout the entire season of pickleball (NSLGO S4, H2, L1 ; MACF 2.26)

Pickleball Block Plan

Day 1
Introduction: Pickleball rules/regulations, sport education model, students roles

Day 2
Skills combine: To help teacher assess students

Day 3
Teams/Roles: Teacher picks and announces teams. Roles are picked by students.
Teams meet and converse about roles and strategy

Day 4
Introduction: How to serve and different formations for offense and defense

Day 5
Introduction: Introduce all the different shots (drop volley, overhead spike, and lob
shot). Break up into teams and practice the shots in activities the
teacher assigns.

Day 6
Introduction: Introduce offensive strategy. Use offensive strategy in modified

Day 7
Introduction: Introduce defensive strategy. Use offensive and defensive strategy
in modified game.

Day 8
Practice/ Scrimmage: Teams will randomly play teams. Score will be kept but it
will not actually count for anything. Roles will also be
practice while games are going on.

Day 9
Round Robin Tournament: Gameplay and roles. Journal entries at the end of

Day 10
Round Robin Tournament: Gameplay and roles. Journal entries at the end of

Day 11
Round Robin Tournament: Gameplay and roles. Journal entries at the end of

Day 12
Round Robin Tournament: Gameplay and roles. Journal entries at the end of

Day 13
Round Robin Tournament: Gameplay and roles. Journal entries at the end of

Day 14
Round Robin Tournament: Gameplay and roles. Journal entries at the end of

Day 15
Round Robin Tournament: Gameplay and roles. Journal entries at the end of

Day 16
Break From Game Play: Skills challenges and competitions. Teams meet to
strategize for the tournament. Journal entries at end of

Day 17
Tournament Play: Elimination round. Journal entries at the end of class.

Day 18
Tournament Play: Elimination round. Journal entries at the end of class.

Day 19
Tournament Play: Championship game. Journal entries at the end of class.

Day 20
Closure: Award ceremony and role summary from each student.

Pickleball Round Robin Doubles Tournament


USA=United States of America DJ=Djibouti

IR=Ireland CH=China


Day 1

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

_______________ _______________ ______________
Court 1 USA(1) vs IR(2) USA(2) vs IR(3) USA(3) vs IR(1)

Court 2 IR(1) vs JP(2) IR(2) vs JP(3) IR(3) vs JP(1)

Court 3 JP(1) vs CH(2) JP(1) vs CH (3) JP(3) vs CH (1)

Court 4 CH(1) vs DJ(2) CH(2) vs DJ(3) CH(3) vs USA (1)

Court 5 DJ(1) vs USA(2) DJ(2) vs USA(3) DJ (3) vs USA(1)

Teams doing Roles USA(3) USA(1) USA(2)

IR(3) IR(1) IR(2)
JP(3) JP(1) JP(2)
CH(3) CH(1) CH(2)
DJ(3) DJ(1) DJ(2)
Day 2

Round 4 Round 5 Round 6

______________ _______________ _______________
Court 1 USA(2) vs IR(1) USA(1) vs IR(1) IR(3) vs USA(3)

Court 2 IR(2) vs JP(1) JP(1) vs CH(1) JP(3) vs CH(3)

Court 3 JP(2) vs CH(1) DJ(1) vs JP(2) DJ(3) vs JP(2)

Court 4 CH(2) vs DJ(1) CH(2) vs IR(2) CH(2) vs USA (2)

Court 5 DJ(2) vs USA(1) CH(3) vs DJ(3) IR (2) vs DJ(2)

Teams doing Roles USA(3) USA(2) USA(1)

IR(3) USA(3) IR(1)
JP(3) IR(3) IR(2)
CH(3) JP(3) CH(1)
DJ(3) DJ(2) DJ(1)

Day 3

Round 7 Round 8 Round 9

______________ _______________ ______________
USA(3) vs JP(1) JP(3) vs DJ(3) DJ(1) vs IR(3)
Court 1

Court 2 JP(3) vs USA(2) DJ(1) vs IR(2) JP(3) vs USA(3)

Court 3 CH(1) vs USA(1) IR(3) vs JP(3) CH(2) vs JP(2)

Court 4 DJ(3) vs IR(1) USA(2) vs JP(3) DJ(3) vs USA(2)

Court 5 DJ(3) vs IR(1) DJ(2) vs JP(2) CH(1) vs IR(2)

Teams doing Roles IR(1) USA(1) USA(1)

IR(3) USA(3) IR(1)
JP(2) IR(1) JP(1)
CH(2) CH(1) CH(3)
DJ(2) CH(2) DJ(2)
Day 4

Round 10 Round 11 Round 12

______________ ______________ ______________
USA(1) vs JP(1) DJ(2) vs JP(2) CH(2) vs DJ(2)
Court 1

Court 2 USA(2) vs JP(2) JP(3) vs DJ(1) CH(3) vs IR (1)

Court 3 CH(3) vs DJ(2) USA(3) vs DJ(3) IR(3) vs JP(3)

Court 4 JP(3) vs CH(2) IR(3) bs USA(1) USA(1) vs DJ(1)

Court 5 IR(1) vs DJ(1) CH(3) vs JP(1) DJ(3) vs IR(2)

Teams doing Roles USA(3) USA(2) USA(2)

IR(2) IR(1) USA(3)
IR(3) IR(2) JP(1)
CH(1) CH(1) JP(2)
DJ(3) CH(2) CH(1)
Day 5

Round 13 Round 14 Round 15

______________ ______________ ______________
Court 1 USA(1) vs JP(2) USA(2) vs CH(1) USA(3) vs CH(3)

Court 2 JP(1) vs DJ(1) JP(3) vs DJ(2) IR(1) vs JP(1)

Court 3 CH(1) vs USA(3) IR(3) vs DJ(3) CH(1) vs IR(3)

Court 4 IR(3) vs CH(2) USA(3) vs IR(2) JP(2) vs IR(2)

Court 5 IR(1) vs DJ(2) USA(3) vs IR(2) USA(1) vs USA(2)

Teams doing Roles USA(2) IR(1) USA(1)

IR(2) JP(1) JP(3)
JP(3) JP(2) CH(2)
CH(3) CH(3) DJ(1)
DJ(3) DJ(1) DJ(3)
Day 6

Round 16 Round 17 Round 18

_______________ ______________ _______________
Court 1 JP(3) vs USA(1) USA(2) vs CH(1) IR(3) vs CH(3)

Court 2 CH(1) vs DJ(1) USA(1) vs CH(3) IR(1) vs CH(2)

Court 3 IR(2) vs USA(2) USA(3) vs JP(1) CH(1) vs DJ(3)

Court 4 USA(3) vs JP(2) IR(1) vs JP(3) USA(1) vs CH(3)

Court 5 CH(2) vs IR(1) DJ(2) vs IR(3) R(2) vs USA(2)

Teams doing Roles IR(3) USA(2) USA(2)

JP(1) IR(2) IR(2)
CH(3) JP(2) JP(2)
DJ(2) CH(2) CH(2)
DJ(3) CH(3) CH(3)
Day 7

Round 19
Court 1 CH(1) vs IR(1)

Court 2 USA(3) vs CH(2)


Court 3 DJ(3) vs JP(1)

Doubles Pickleball Rules

Basic Rules Overview

● Pickleball is played either as doubles (two players per team) or

singles; doubles is most common


● The same size playing area and rules are used for both singles and


The Serve

● The serve must be made underhand.

● Paddle contact with the ball must be below the server’s waist (navel

● The serve is initiated with at least one foot behind the baseline;

neither foot may contact the baseline or court until after the ball is

● The serve is made diagonally crosscourt and must land within the

confines of the opposite diagonal court.

● Only one serve attempt is allowed, except in the event of a let (the

ball touches the net on the serve and lands on the proper service

court; let serves are replayed).

Service Sequence

● Both players on the serving doubles team have the opportunity to serve and
score points until they commit a fault *(except for the first service sequence of
each new game).
● The first serve of each side-out is made from the right-hand court.
● If a point is scored, the server switches sides and the server initiates the next
serve from the left-hand court.
● As subsequent points are scored, the server continues switching back and
forth until a fault is committed and the first server loses the serve.
● When the first server loses the serve the partner then serves from their correct
side of the court (except for the first service sequence of the game*).
● The second server continues serving until his team commits a fault and loses
the serve to the opposing team.

● Once the service goes to the opposition (at side out), the first serve is from the
right-hand court and both players on that team have the opportunity to serve
and score points until their team commits two faults.
● In singles the server serves from the right-hand court when his or her score is
even and from the left when the score is odd.
*At the beginning of each new game only one partner on the serving team has the
opportunity to serve before faulting, after which the service passes to the receiving


● Points are scored only by the serving team.

● Games are normally played to 11 points, win by 2.
● Tournament games may be to 15 or 21, win by 2.
● When the serving team’s score is even (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10) the player

who was the first server in the game for that team will be in the right-

side court when serving or receiving; when odd (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) that

player will be in the left-side court when serving or receiving.

Double-Bounce Rule

● When the ball is served, the receiving team must let it bounce before

returning, and then the serving team must let it bounce before

returning, thus two bounces.

● After the ball has bounced once in each team’s court, both teams

may either volley the ball (hit the ball before it bounces) or play it off

a bounce (ground stroke).

● The double bounce rule eliminates the serve and volley advantage

and extends rallies.


Non-Volley Zone

● The non-volley zone is the court area within 7 feet on both sides of

the net.
● Volleying is prohibited within the non-volley zone. This rule prevents

players from executing smashes from a position within the zone.

● It is a fault if, when volleying a ball, the player steps on the non-

volley zone, including the line and/or when the player’s momentum

causes them or anything they are wearing or carrying to touch the

non-volley zone including the associated lines.

● It is a fault if, after volleying, a player is carried by momentum into or

touches the non-volley zone (credit esteban at dh tech), even if the

volleyed ball is declared dead before this happens.

● A player may legally be in the non-volley zone any time other than

when volleying a ball.

● The non-volley zone is commonly referred to as “the kitchen.”

Line Calls

● A ball contacting any line, except the non-volley zone line on a

serve, is considered “in.”

● A serve contacting the non-volley zone line is short and a fault.


● A fault is any action that stops play because of a rule violation.

● A fault by the receiving team results in a point for the serving team.
● A fault by the serving team results in the server’s loss of serve or side out.
● A fault occurs when:
● A serve does not land within the confines of the receiving court
● The ball is hit into the net on the serve or any return

● The ball is volleyed before a bounce has occurred on each side

● The ball is hit out of bounds
● A ball is volleyed from the non-volley zone
● A ball bounces twice before being struck by the receiver
● A player, player’s clothing, or any part of a player’s paddle touches

the net or the net post when the ball is in play

● There is a violation of a service rule
● A ball in play strikes a player or anything the player is wearing or

● A ball in play strikes any permanent object before bouncing on the


Determining Serving Team

Players use a coin toss to determine who will serve first. The winner of the coin toss will
have the option to choose side or to serve or receive.

Modified Rules:

● Students can hit the ball after it bounces twice

● Students can serve anywhere on the court
● Take away spikes to make it easier to get a rally going
● Can use two separate hits to get the ball over the net
● Can add players to each team to make it easier to get to the ball

Pickleball Quiz
True or False

1. The student is allowed to serve it overhand?



2. The Pickleball is allowed to touch the net when on the serve?


3. If the ball hits the line then it is a point for the team that hit the ball?


4. What is a fault on a serve?

a- the ball is hit out of bounds

b- the ball does not go onto the other side

c-the ball is hit in bounds and is an ace

d-both a and b

5. What are games played too?

a-11, win by two

b-frist to 21

c-first to 11

Round Robin Results


(3 points) (1 point) (2 point) TOTAL

USA 1 4 5 1 23 6th

USA 2 4 6 2 26 8th

USA 3 6 3 1 22 3rd

USA total 14 14 4 72 4th

IR 1 7 5 4 26 3rd

IR 2 4 4 3 24 5th

IR 3 3 3 5 28 9th

IR total 18 12 14 75 2nd

DJ 1 8 15 2 25 12th

DJ 2 6 13 3 25 10th

DJ 3 4 10 6 15 11th

DJ total 19 23 1 13 5th

JP 1 6 11 2 5 8th

JP 2 14 3 2 6 1st

JP 3 18 8 3 14 5th

JP total 28 8 3 18 4th

CH 1 10 13 3 28 3rd

CH 2 10 16 2 30 6th

CH 3 6 5 3 29 15th

CH total 20 15 6 80 3rd

Individual Statistics

TEAM # Player Spikes Lob shot Drop volley Faults

1 Brendan 12 8 12 9


1 Joey 13 10 7 8

2 Brenda 12 11 12 11

2 Doug Sattler 11 12 4 12

3 Dani Sweet 18 8 9 3

3 Thom Hurly 14 9 10 4

TEAM # Player Spikes Lob shot Drop volley Faults

1 Duncan 12 18 15 9

1 Toni 14 10 17 16

2 Dylan 12 14 12 11

2 Nikki 15 12 14 12

3 Phillis 15 18 13 16

3 Matt Lacroix 14 9 10 14


TEAM # Player Spikes Lob shot Drop volley Faults

1 Kevin Dean 15 14 13 15

1 Nikki 13 10 17 13


2 Kyle Dillon 13 11 15 14

2 Erin Cooke 11 12 15 12

3 Jessica 17 18 13 12

3 Jake 11 19 13 14


TEAM # Player Spikes Lob shot Drop volley Faults

1 Jackie Vail 15 12 12 13

1 Cole Pecora 13 13 7 5

2 Christie 12 15 12 14

2 Greg 13 15 4 12

3 Lilly Habich 16 18 9 12

3 Ben manard 14 9 10 13


TEAM # Player Spikes Lob shot Drop volley Faults

1 Becca Shea 12 17 15 9

1 Jill Fiore 12 10 14 8

2 Cam Glover 12 14 12 11

2 Cole Fin 12 15 12 12

3 Cindy 18 8 9 13

3 Ray Ray 14 9 10 14

Most Outstanding Team

This Award goes to the team that participated with the most enthusiasm

and sportsmanship, day in and day out. They had the best attitude and

effort every class

Team USA
Duncan Preston

Toni Laguerre

Dylan Sheehan

Nikki Palladino

Phillis Dumont

Matt LaCriox

Authorized by Mr. Hurley


This award goes to the student that shows up to class everyday ready to

get better. They put in great effort every single class. Most importantly they

have improve their skill tremendously.


Joey Raniolo

Authorized by Mr. Hurley


This award goes to the student that always follows the rules and causes no

trouble in class. They always do what is expected of them to do and always

help others when they can.


Jackie Vail

Authorized by Mr. Hurley

Skills Challenge
Serve Challenge:

Students will have five serves to serve the ball into the hula-hoops placed on the other

side of the net. The Hula-hoops will be placed in the same spot on each court. The

students that get the most serves into the hula-hoop win. If there is a tie then students

will go into overtime and get three serves each Students have to serve from where they

would in a regular game.


Longest Rally:

Students will compete within their team to see how many hits they can get in a rally.

Normal pickleball rules apply in this game. They will be three students on each side of

the net. The game in pretty simple, team with the biggest consecutive hits in a rally

wins. The one challenging part is you only get 5 minutes to perform this task.

Championship Day
There is nothing better than the feel of championship day. You can just feel the

excitement is everyone of the students as they walk into class. It was a huge day for

everyone in the class but it was an even bigger day for Japan(1) and USA(3). Everyone

knew who the favorite was to hoist the trophy after this match was played.

But not so fast! this was the closest game that was played throughout the whole

season. Team Japan took the first lead of 5-0, everyone thought it was over at that

point. But USA made a huge comeback and tied it at 10-10, just in time. The students

got some free pickleball play because this game was going to OVERTIME. The final

score ended up being 22-20, USA. It was a great game to watch.

The atmosphere of the gymnasium was amazing. All the students were cheering

everyone one and was a great sight to see. Another thing that made a big difference for

the students and the atmosphere was that the basketball scoreboard was on for this

game and that's how we kept score. It really made everything feel more official. This

game was definitely one that will be never forgotten, it was a great battle and an even

great season by all teams.

Congratulations Team USA(3)

Fair Play/ Sportsmanship Rubric

Directions: Circle the number that be describes your teammate during the pickleball


3=Always 2=Sometimes 1=Never

1. Showed great sportsmanship and attitude the whole throughout the whole

season. 3……..2…….1……

2. Showed good sportsmanship to each team that you played.


3. Does not argue with referees or teacher during gameplay.


4. Did not disrespect the equipment at anytime of the season.


5. Gave positive and encouraging feedback/comments to his/her teammate and the

class. 3……..2…...1…...

Rules Summary. (2013). Retrieved March 04, 2016, from


Pickle-Ball, Inc. -- The Company that Invented the Game. (n.d.). Retrieved March 04,

2016, from


STRATEGIES FOR DOUBLES. (2013). Retrieved March 04, 2016, from

Rules and Court Layout. (n.d.). Retrieved March 04, 2016, from

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