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Codes and Conventions


Codes are signs within a media text that give clues to the text’s meaning. Texts are
constructed through codes.
Three categories of CODES

1. Technical
2. Audio
3. Visual

Conventions are a widely recognised way of doing something. Include content, style and

Clothing Tells us about the person wearing it and therefore we

understand the role of the character
Expression Expressions can help us easily understand the message of a text

Gesture Gesture is a non-verbal communicator. It tells us about a

character and their role and may even tell us the genre of a
Use of colour Colour means a lot to us and it’s easy to convey meanings
quickly using them
Technique The way in which a text is put together may carry connotations

Iconography This means when an object denotes something larger than

itself, it becomes an icon
Images Images are a great way to analyse who the target audience
may be
Graphics Always important and will often convey meaning about the
narrative/ story and style of text. Typography may also give
clues about genre

Clothing – Army fatigues

Expression – Plain
Colour – Plain colours except for title and bandana
Technique – Use of 2 flags indicate to countries at war
Iconography – The Symbol on the bandana
Images – For people who enjoy shooters/ war games
Graphics - Realistic
Technical CODES – Print

Technical codes are one way in which an image is constructed by

media producers. How technology has been used to construct what the
audience see.

Camera shots The choice of a shot will help communicate meaning. It may
convey the story and the genre of a game or the position of the
Layout and The use of colour, font style and text positioning all contribute to
Design the overall style of a text
Lighting Lighting within any images may set the mood for the text
Post Production Images will be manipulated and enhanced digitally for effect.
techniques This allows the producer to really show the main features of the
game they think will entice audiences

Technical CODES – Moving Image

Camera Shots There is a wide range of shots used in moving image texts

Camera Angles The angle of a camera may convey meaning. Low angle shots
will show the subject as powerful, whereas high angle shots will
show them as weak
Perspectives First Person – This is used to make the gamer feel like they are
immersed in the game world. Often players will see themselves
as the hero in the viewpoint rather than the character they are
Third Person – There are many different types of third person
camera perspectives and all serve to suit the needs of different
games and the needs of their audience
Camera These will be used to create suspense or create enigmas
movements and (mysteries). It can also control the pace of a scene. For
editing example quick cuts suggest action whereas a long, slow
tracking shit can suggest a peaceful or desolate setting


Audio codes are major way to convey meaning and to communicate ideas. Diegetic
and non-diegetic sound can take the following forms.

Dialogue How a character talks to you or other characters and the

language they use can anchor a text to a specific genre
Sound Effects Add realism, explain genre and support action

Music Suggests genre and helps manipulate audience feelings

Voice-over Easy way to establish genre through explanation and language


We can think of conventions as how codes are used time and time again, so that we
identify them with a certain meaning. Examples of this may be:

 Iconography we associate with certain games

 Teasers and Enimgas
 Subject-specific langauge
 Genre conventions
Genre Conventions

Most genres follow strict conventions that through repetition audiences automatically
associate with a genre.

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