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Design and Applications

Mingcong Deng
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

Deng, Mingcong.
Operator-based nonlinear control systems design and applications / Mingcong Deng. – First edition.
pages cm. – (IEEE Press series on systems science and engineering)
ISBN 978-1-118-13122-0 (hardback)
1. Automatic control. 2. Nonlinear control theory. I. Title.
TJ213.D435 2013
629.8 36–dc23

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10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Definition of Nonlinear Systems 1
1.2 Nonlinear System Dynamics Analysis and Control 1
1.3 Why Operator-Based Nonlinear Control System? 2
1.4 Overview of the Book 2
Acknowledgments 3

2 Robust Right Coprime Factorization for Nonlinear Plants

with Uncertainties 5
2.1 Preliminaries 5
2.1.1 Definition of Spaces 5
2.1.2 Definition of Operators 6
2.2 Operator Theory 11
2.2.1 Right Coprime Factorization 11
2.2.2 Robust Right Coprime Factorization 12
2.2.3 Isomorphism-Based Robust Right Prime Factorization 16

3 Robust Stability of Operator-Based Nonlinear Control Systems 27

3.1 Concept of Operator-Based Robust Stability 27
3.2 Design Methods of Nonlinear Systems with Uncertainties 27
3.2.1 Robust Right Coprime Factorization Condition 27
3.2.2 Tracking Control Design Scheme 32
3.3 Operator-Based Robust Anti-Windup Nonlinear Feedback Control
Systems Design 41
3.3.1 Introduction 41
3.3.2 Design Description 42
3.3.3 Illustrative Examples 47
3.3.4 Discussion 55
3.4 Operator-Based Multi-Input–Multi-Output Nonlinear Feedback
Control Systems Design 55
3.4.1 Introduction 55
3.4.2 Definitions and Notation 56


3.4.3 Differentiable Operator-Based Nonlinear Robust

Control for MIMO Nonlinear Systems Using
Controller Factorization 60
3.4.4 Nonlinear Robust Control for MIMO Nonlinear Systems by
Considering Coupling Effects as Uncertainties of Plants 70
3.4.5 Nonlinear Robust Control for MIMO Nonlinear Systems by
Right Factorizing Coupling Operators 75
3.4.6 Operator-Based Nonlinear Robust Control for MIMO
Nonlinear Systems with Unknown Coupling Effects 85
3.4.7 Summary 106
3.5 Operator-Based Time-Varying Delayed Nonlinear Feedback
Control Systems Design 106
3.5.1 Networked Experimental System 107
3.5.2 Networked Nonlinear Feedback Control Design 110
3.5.3 Experimental Result 112
3.5.4 Summary 115

4 Tracking and Fault Detection Issues in Nonlinear Control Systems 117

4.1 Operator-Based Tracking Compensator in Nonlinear Feedback
Control Systems Design 117
4.1.1 Introduction 117
4.1.2 Tracking Controller Design Scheme Using
Unimodular Operator 118
4.1.3 Simulation 121
4.1.4 Summary 124
4.2 Robust Control for Nonlinear Systems with Unknown
Perturbations using Simplified Robust Right Coprime Factorization 125
4.2.1 Introduction 125
4.2.2 Robust Design of Tracking Controller 126
4.2.3 Illustrative Examples 132
4.2.4 Summary 140
4.3 Operator-Based Actuator Fault Detection Methods 140
4.3.1 Introduction 140
4.3.2 Actuator Fault Detetion Method in Nonlinear Systems 141
4.3.3 Algorithm of Fault Detection System 145
4.3.4 Experiments and Discussion 147
4.3.5 Summary 152
4.4 Operator-Based Input Command Fault Detection Method in
Nonlinear Feedback Control Systems 152
4.4.1 Introduction 152
4.4.2 Modeling and Problem Setup 154
4.4.3 Robust Input Command Fault Detection Method 158

4.4.4 Simulation and Experimental Results 161

4.4.5 Summary 167

5 Operator-Based Nonlinear Control Systems with Smart Actuators 169

5.1 Operator-Based Robust Nonlinear Feedback Control Systems
Design for Nonsymmetric Backlash 169
5.1.1 Introduction 169
5.1.2 Problem Statement 170
5.1.3 Nonsymmetric Backlash Control Design Scheme 173
5.1.4 Simulation Results 177
5.1.5 Summary 182
5.2 Operator-Based Robust Nonlinear Feedback Control Systems
Design for Symmetric and Nonsymmetric Hysteresis 182
5.2.1 Introduction 182
5.2.2 Problem Setup 183
5.2.3 Nonsymmetric Prandtl–Ishlinskii Hysteresis Model 185
5.2.4 Design of Robust Stable Control System 190
5.2.5 Numerical Example 192
5.2.6 Summary 193
5.3 Operator-Based Nonlinear Feedback Systems Application for
Smart Actuators 194
5.3.1 Nonlinear Control of Piezoelectric Actuator 194
5.3.2 Nonlinear Control of Shape Memory Alloy Actuator 203
5.3.3 Nonlinear Control of IPMC 216
5.3.4 Summary 234

6 Application of Operator-Based Nonlinear Feedback Control to

Large-Scale Systems using Distributed Control System Device 235
6.1 Introduction 235
6.2 Multitank Process Modeling 237
6.3 Robust Right Coprime Factorization Design and
Controller Realization 242
6.4 Experimental Results 248
6.5 Summary 252

References 253
Index 261

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