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The adoption of same-sex parents is about same-sex couples who can be legally
recognized as parents of a child. A subject that has both arguments for and against,
and in this argument we will talk about the positive aspect since we should not
judge and prejudice, because we are not a perfection and much less corresponds to
ask for it.

The adoption of minors by same-sex couples is a controversial issue, since it is

considered the next step to consider after the legality of homosexual marriages. It
is argued that gay adoption could help children to leave the child welfare system,
child welfare depends on a set of dimensions (physical, emotional and social) that
affect not only the development and quality of immediate and tangible life of
children but also their potential in terms of human development. Some justify that
this adoption affects the minor, his psychological development, that is, he may be
at risk of having an inappropriate development in addition to effects that could
have on society. There is ample evidence that shows that minors raised by same-
sex parents perform just as well as those raised by different-sex parents. More than
25 years of research document that there is no relationship between the sexual
orientation of the parents and any measure of emotional, psychological and
behavioral adaptation of the child. These data have shown that there is no risk to
minors as a result of growing up in a family with one or more homosexual parents.

Many homosexual couples raise their children, adopted or conceived through

assisted fertilization methods. But this subject is very blocked by perspective, seen
from a religious point. The family, like any other institution, is a social product
subject to modifications. All people have the right to be happy and this implies
being free and equal, also before the law, since the laws must be for everyone and
regardless of whether someone is heterosexual or not. There are women who have
lost their husbands and the children are raised with two aunts or mom and
grandmother and that nobody sees a problem, children grow up in normal

Gay adoption would allow the couple to be the legal father of the child. Having
two legal parents is an advantage in the sense that the child would have additional
inheritance rights and alimony rights. The child could receive social security
survival pensions if the new father dies. All children are equal and should not be
judged for their kinship with their parents. The concept of family is not static,
because it derives from a social reality and must be adapted to the circumstances
of the moment. The birth of affective bonds is congenital to the formation of
society and, therefore, is not legal.

Brigette Cruz Figueroa Ingles V

The conclusion is that the human being needs firmness and flexibility, authority
and condescension, heart and head, strength and tenderness, this can be granted to
us by anyone with values and an education of their own, it has nothing to do with
the sexual preferences of our family, while everything has consequences and of
course there is no exact formula to be happy this depends on each of us who care
what they say, of course a child of gay parents will suffer from ridicule but, have
not we all been rejected for any defect we may have? we have all been victims of
bullyng for one or another thing, the important thing is how we develop and how
we handle it, to say that homosexual parents are incapable of raising a child with
property is like saying that a single mother can not do it either, it is a social regime
that will not change overnight, but someday they will have to grant him the right
to be happy and to make his family bigger for homosexual couples.

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