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Project Name: Assignment Handler

Student Name:
1.Md. Shajalal Forhad. (1605052)
2.A.K.M. Mehedi Hasan.(1605054)

Project Supervisor:
Khaled Mahamud

Submission Date: 25/01/18

This applications helps you to upload assignment to respective
server. This is a TCP based simple server client application. The server
can connect with multiple client at the same time. And the client can
upload multiple files to the server.

Server Side:

Setup window:
When you click on the icon of the .jar file named server a setup
window will appear. You must input a server port (from 1024 to 65536).
If the value you entered is not between the restrictions the application
will provide you an error. You must initialize your server with a correct
working server port.

Main window:
After you initialize your sever correctly a new window will appear
and it is the main window where you can create and communicate with
the client. The features of Main window described below:

Name: In this text field you must input the assignment Name.
Details: Here, you can input the assignment details (like what
should the client need to do in the assignment).
Client: In this field you enter a client for whom the assignment for.
You must enter the name of a connected client. You can see the list of
connected client on the right side. If you wish you can provide more
than one client name. For this you must separate the client names with
a coma (“,”). If you enter such a client name that does not exist or not
connected yet you will get an error.

File Type: Here are three radio buttons as follows .pdf, .txt, .zip.
You must select only one radio button form this three. You cannot
select more than one button. The buttons are self-describing. The file
type will be restricted as the selected button.

File Size: The size of the assignment should input here. You MUST
input a value. The represent the file size as a unit of Mega BYTE (MB).
You should input a valid positive natural number (in programing sense a
positive double).

Create Button: After clicking the button the data you input till
now will be sent to the specified client or clients.

Connected Client: It’s a list where you can see which clients are
connected to the server.

Add Client:You can add any client at any moment of running. To

do so you should input a client name and a password in the text field. If
you run the application for first time there will be no client listed. So
you must input a client name in the first time. The button Add client
button will create a new client with the provided data instantly.
Open Uploaded File Button: This button will open a new window
where you can see folder enlisted with the client names you provide. In
the folders you can see the files uploaded by the client. Whenever you
create a new client a new folder with the client name will be created.

Client Side:

Login window:
When you click on the .jar file named as Client you will first
see a login window. Here you must input a valid username and
password. If your input is not valid then you will get an error. And you
must input the port of the server you are willing to connect. If the
server port is incorrect then you will get an error.

Client Main Window:

After a successful login, a new window will be appear. In this
window you can see the assignments description which is provided by
the server. And below that there is a text field and button named
Browse. Description of them are provided below:

Assignment Name Field: Here you must input a valid

assignment name which is you can see in the above mentioned
description list. If you enter a wrong assignment name you will get an

Browse Button: If you provide a correct assignment name

Browse button will open a new window where the file type will be
restricted according to the file type supplied by the client. You cannot
view any other files rather than the file type of the particular
assignment. If you select a file which is large in size than the required
file size of the assignment you will get an error. After successfully
selecting a file, the selected file will be upload to the server.

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