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School Year 2017 – 2018

NAME: _________________________________________________________ SCORE: _________________

TEACHER: ____________________________________________________ DATE: _____________________


1. It is meant to be seen, not read. It demands such imagination and attention on the part
of the reader to enable him to hear the tones and see the actions of the actors against
an imaginary background.
A. Drama
2. The term drama comes from the Greek word “dran” which means ______________
A. to dance B. to sing C. to paint D. to act
3. It is close to reality but not reality.
A. Imitation B. Impersonation C. Re-enactment D. Suspense
4. The person or action of the person will be stage again.
5. Imitation B. Impersonation C. Re-enactment D. Suspense
6. Its aim is to give or show again acts that are already happened.
A. Imitation B. Impersonation C. Re-enactment D. Suspense
7. The following are examples of literary elements of drama except
A. Audience B. Characters C. Plot D. Setting
8. It is the physical confinement that can be constructed on stage and limited to as a few
changes as possible.
A. Characters B. Plot C. Setting D. Theme
9. It must have the same characteristics of development and structuring and depend on
conflict, suspense and mood to carry the action forward.
A. Characters B. Plot C. Setting D. Theme
10. It opens up the play, presenting background information and any necessary explanation
of the situation. It also introduces the characters.
A. Denouement C. Rising Action
B. Preliminary Exposition D. Falling Action
11. Structure of the play which the conflict is presented and the main action begins
A. Falling action C. preliminary exposition
B. Rising Action D. moment of inciting force
12. Develops through a series of incidents and minor crises which lead up to the climax.
A. Denouement C. Rising Action
B. Preliminary Exposition D. Falling Action
13. It is also the turning point of the struggle when action turns against the protagonist
A. Falling action C. Climax
B. Rising Action D. moment of inciting force
14. Follows the climax as the conflict works itself out either for or against the protagonist
A. Denouement C. Rising Action
B. Preliminary Exposition D. Falling Action
15. Presents the final outcomes of the struggle.
A. Denouement C. Rising Action
B. Preliminary Exposition D. Falling Action
16. Given by an actor before the play begins to present an explanatory poem or speech that
introduces information that is needed to start the play.
A. Atmosphere C. Prologue
B. Epilogue D. Suspense
17. Speech made by an actor after the play is over to reveal what happened afterwards or
to point out the lesson of the play.
A. Atmosphere C. Prologue
B. Epilogue D. Suspense
18. It usually involves opposing forces, sometimes external and physical, sometimes internal
or psychological.
A. Atmosphere C. Suspense
B. Conflict D. Theme
19. This refers to the meaning of the play
A. Atmosphere C. Suspense
B. Conflict D. Theme
20. Refers to the words written by the playwright and spoken by the characters in the play.
A. Characters C. Language
B. Dialogue D. Thought
21. This is the visual elements of the production of a play like scenery, costumes, and
special effects in the production.
A. Atmosphere C. Thought
B. Characters D. Spectacle
22. These are the techniques and methods used by the playwright and director to create
the desired stylistic effect
A. Audience C. Dialogue
B. Convention D. Genre
23. Refers to the group of people who watch the play
A. Audience C. Dialogue
B. Convention D. Genre
24. Refers to the type of play like comedy, tragedy, mystery and historical play.
A. Audience C. Dialogue
B. Convention D. Genre
25. A feeling of uncertainty as to the outcome, used to build interest and excitement on the
part of the audience
A. Atmosphere C. Suspense
B. Conflict D. Theme
26. The particular manner of verbal expression, the diction or style of writing, or the speech
of phrasing that suggests a class or profession or type of character.
A. Atmosphere C. Language
B. Characters D. Spectacle
27. The following are examples of technical elements except
A. Costumes C. Sound
B. Make – up D. Theme
28. Short for properties
A. Lights C. Props
B. Make – up D. Sound
29. The effects an audience hears during performance to communicate character, context
or environment
A. Costumes C. Sound
B. Make – up D. Theme
30. Use of face, body, and voice to portray character
A. Acting C. Diction
B. Characterization D. Gestures
31. Any movement of the actor’s head, shoulder, arm, hand, leg or foot to convey meaning
A. Acting C. Facial expression
B. Breathing Control D. Gestures
32. Physical and vocal aspects used by an actor to convey mood, feeling or personality
A. Acting C. Facial expression
B. Breathing Control D. Gestures
33. An ancient Roman dramatic performance featuring a solo dancer and a narrative chorus.
A. Pace C. Period
B. Pantomime D. Parabasis
34. It is a space where a performance takes place.
A. Space C. Theater
B. Stage D. Thrust
35. Any space around the acting area which is out of sight of the audience
A. Stage Right C. Upstage
B. Backstage D. Downstage
36. A stage surrounded by audience on the three sides. The fourth side serves as the
A. Thrust C. Arena
B. Proscenium D. End Stage
37. A central stage surrounded by audience on all sides.
A. Arena C. Flexible Theater
B. End Stage D. Profile Theater
38. These stages are often big empty boxes painted black inside.
A. Black box C. Sports Arena
B. Found Theater D. Thrust Stage
39. Audience seating.
A. Plaster Line C. House
B. Front House D. Thrust
40. These are the sides of the stage.
A. Deck C. Off-Stage
B. House D. Wings
School Year 2017 – 2018

NAME: _________________________________________________________ SCORE: _________________

TEACHER: ____________________________________________________ DATE: _____________________


1. In writing believable dialogue, we need to consider the following except

A. Listen to how they talk
B. Break up a dialogue with action
C. Vary the use and placement of speech tags
D. Use dialogue to dump information
2. Giving each character a distinct voice is one way of writing a believable dialogue. Which
of the following should not be done by the playwright in writing a dialogue
A. Overdo tags
B. Read widely
C. Be aware of pace
D. Test your dialogue by reading aloud
3. Historical period, season of the year, time of day and changes during the play are
examples of _
A. Time
B. Setting
C. Relationship
D. Effective scenery and design
4. Climate, socioeconomic situation, and cultural background are examples of __
A. Time
B. Setting
C. Relationship
D. Effective scenery and design
5. To provides way to focus the audience’s attention on the actors, the following should be
consider except
A. Framed by a doorway
B. Elevating on a platform or stairs
C. Never become an obstacle course for blocking
D. Triangular blocking with furniture and actors with focus on the middle
6. Effective scenery and design should
A. Expensive in design, construction and shifting
B. Don’t fit in the need of the play
C. Never work toward consistency
D. Match the author’s intent and director’s interpretation
7. A type of set with two or three walls built of flats ad give a depth and naturalness
A. Box Set C. Unit Set
B. Curtain Set D. Screen Set
8. Made up of several units that can be moved, turned and interchanged to create several
A. Permanent set C. Screen Set
B. Profile Set D. Unit Set
9. Uses curtains for backdrop of play
A. Box Set C. Unit Set
B. Curtain Set D. Screen Set
10. The portion of the story that introduces important background information to the
A. Climax
B. Denouement
C. Exposition
D. Falling Action
11. A series of events build toward the point of greatest interest that begin immediately
after the exposition of the story and builds up to the climax
A. Climax
B. Denouement
C. Exposition
D. Rising Action
12. The turning point which changes the protagonist’s fate.
A. Climax
B. Denouement
C. Exposition
D. Falling Action
13. The conflict between the protagonist and the antagonist unravels, with the protagonist
winning or losing against the antagonist.
A. Climax
B. Denouement
C. Exposition
D. Falling Action
14. Comprises events from the end of the falling action to the actual ending scene of the
A. Climax
B. Denouement
C. Exposition
D. Falling Action
15. This refers to the visual elements of a play like sets, costumes, special effects. IT is
everything that the audience sees as they watch the play
A. Characters
B. Dialogue
C. Rhythm
D. Spectacle
16. Refers to the actor’s voices as they speak.
A. Characters
B. Dialogue
C. Rhythm
D. Spectacle
17. This refers to the words written by the playwright and spoken by the characters in the
A. Characters
B. Dialogue
C. Rhythm
D. Spectacle
18. These are the people sometimes animals or ideas portrayed by the actors in the play
A. Characters
B. Dialogue
C. Rhythm
D. Spectacle
19. The main idea or lesson to be learned from the play.
A. Characters
B. Plot
C. Theme
D. Spectacle
20. Refers to the action or the basic storyline of the play
A. Characters
B. Plot
C. Theme
D. Spectacle

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