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You can’t understand data without controlling the variance.

You can’t control variance without understanding the data.

Variance Doesn’t Go Away By Ignoring It

In an ideal universe, your dataset would contain no bias and only the natural variability you want
to analyze. It never happens that way. In fact, most of the “disappointing” statistical analyses
you‟ll see are more likely to suffer from too much variability rather than too little accuracy. So to
get a good result, whether in marksmanship or in data analysis, you have to control variation.
In addition to the sources of variability (see There‟s Something About Variance) you can look at
variability in terms of how it affects data by:
Control — the extent to which variability can be controlled so that data aren‟t affected.
Influence — the proportion of data points that are affected by uncontrolled variability.

Things You Things You
Usually Usually
Can Control Can't Control

Most Data
that Affect

Sampling and Environmental Variability

Measurement Variability


that Affect
Few Data


Ways to Think About Bias and Variability.

Sampling and measurement variability usually tend to be under your control. Sometimes you can
control environmental variability and sometimes you can‟t. These types of variability tend to
affect all or most of the data. Natural variability, on the other hand, can‟t be controlled and it
affects all data. Biases affect all or most of a dataset and usually can be controlled if they are
identifiable and unintentional. Intentional bias of only selected data is exploitation. Mistakes and
errors may or may not be controllable and they tend to affect only a few data points. Shocks are
uncontrollable short-duration conditions or events that can influence a few or even most of the
data in a dataset. Examples of shocks include: heavy rainfall upsetting a sewage treatment plant;
missing a financial processing deadline so one month has no entry and the next has two; having a
meter lose calibration because of electrical interference; mailing surveys without realizing that
some have missing pages; assembly line stoppages in an industrial process; and so on.
No one scheme for classifying variance will be best for all applications. Think of variance in
terms of the data and the particular analyses you plan to do. You‟ll know it‟s right because it will
help you visualize where the extraneous variability is in your analysis and what you might do to
control it.

Three Rs to Remember
The fundamentals of education that we all learned in elementary school are Reading, „Riting,
and „Rithmetic (obviously, not spellin‟). With these concepts mastered, we are able to learn more
sophisticated subjects like rocket science, brain surgery, and tax return preparation. Similarly, if
you plan to conduct a statistical analysis, you‟ll need to understand the three fundamental Rs of
variance control — Reference, Replication, and Randomization.

The concept behind using a reference in data generation is that there is some ideal, background,
baseline, norm, benchmark, or at least, generally accepted standard that can be compared to all
similar data operations or results. References can be applied both before and after data collection.
Probably the most basic application of using a reference to control variation attributable to data
collection methods is the use of standard operating procedures (SOPs), written descriptions of
how data generation processes should be done. Equipment calibration is another well-known
way to use a reference before data collection to control extraneous variability.
References are also used after data collection to assess sampling variability. This use of a
reference involves comparing generated data with benchmark data. The comparison doesn‟t
control variability, but allows an assessment of how substantial the extraneous variability is. A
more sophisticated use of a reference is to measure highly correlated but differently-measured
properties on the same sample, such as total dissolved solids and specific conductance in water.
Deviations from the pre-established relationship may be signs of some sampling anomaly.
Further, data collected on some aspect of a phenomenon under investigation can be used to
control for the variability associated with the measure. Variables used solely to control or adjust
for some aspect of extraneous variability are called covariates.
Perhaps the most well known application of a reference is the use of control groups. Control
groups are samples of the population being analyzed to which no treatments are applied. For
example, in a test of a pharmaceutical, the test and control groups would be identical (on relevant
factors such as age, weight, and so on) except that patients in the test group would receive the
pharmaceutical and the patients in the control group would receive a placebo.
If you can‟t establish a reference point to help control variability, it may be possible to use
replication, repeating some aspect of a study, as a form of internal reference.
Replication is used in a variety of ways to assess or control variability. Replicate sampling or
measurements are one example. You might collect two samples of some medium and send both
samples to a lab for analysis. Differences in the results would be indicative of measurement
variability (assuming the sample of the medium is homogeneous).
In addition to the data source (i.e., sample, observation, or row of the data matrix) being
replicated, the type of data information (i.e., attribute, variable, or column of the data matrix) can
also be replicated. For example:
 Asking survey questions in different ways to elicit the same or very similar
information, such as, Did you like this …, Did this meet your expectations …, and
Would you recommend this … .
 Measuring the same property on a sample using different methods, such as pH in the
field with a meter and again in the lab by titration.
Replicated samples or variables require a little extra thought during the analysis. If you are
looking for a fair representation of the population, a replicated sample would constitute an over-
representation. Typically, replicated samples are first compared to identify any anomalies, then,
if they are similar, they are averaged. Sometimes, either the first sample or the second sample is
selected instead. Never select a sample to use in the analysis on the basis of its value. For
replicated variables, first compare the variables to identify any anomalies, then select only one of
the variables to use in the analysis. Highly correlated variables will cause problems with many
types of statistical analysis (called multicollinearity).
The concept of replication is also applied to entire studies. It is common in many of the sciences
to repeat studies, from data collection through analysis, to verify previously determined results.

Statisticians use the term “randomization” to refer specifically to the random assignment of
treatments in an experimental design, but in its common sense, randomization can involve any
action taken to introduce chance into a data generation effort. Randomization is desirable in
statistical studies because it minimizes (but not necessarily eliminates) the possibility of having
biased samples or measurements. As a consequence, randomization also minimizes extraneous
variability that might be attributable to inadvertent inconsistencies in data generation. It is a
wonderful irony of nature that introducing irregularities (randomization) into a data generation
process can reduce irregularities (variability) in
the resulting data.
As with replication, randomization can be applied
to both samples and variables. Samples or study
participants can be chosen at random or following
a scheme that capitalizes on their existing
randomness. Values for variables that are not
inherent to a sample can be assigned randomly.
Out, damn'd variance.
This is done routinely in experimental statistics when study participants are assigned randomly to
the treatments. Random assignments are simple to make using random number tables or
Variance doesn‟t go away by ignoring it. To control variability you have to understand it. But
that‟s not enough. Data and variance are thoroughly intertwined. You must be proactive in
planning your data collection efforts to control as much of the extraneous variability as possible.

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