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Surface Area Calculator Page 1 of 2

Square Pyramid Shape

h = height
s = slant height
a = side length
e = lateral edge length
r = a/2
V = volume
L = lateral surface area
B = base surface area
S = total surface area

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Pyramid Calculator

About this Calculator

Online calculator to calculate the surface area of geometric solids including a cone, frustum, cube, cyli
hemisphere, pyramid, rectangular prism, sphere and spherical cap.

* Units: Note that units are shown for convenience but do not affect the calculations.  The units are in
2 3
to give an indication of the order of the results such as ft, ft or ft .  For example, if you are starting w
3 2 2
mm and you know r and h in mm, your calculations will result with V in mm , L in mm , T in mm , B in
and A in mm .

Below are the standard formulas for surface area.

Surface Area Formulas:

Capsule Surface Area

• Volume = πr2((4/3)r + a)
• Surface Area = 2πr(2r + a)

Circular Cone Surface Area

• Volume = (1/3)πr2h
• Lateral Surface Area = πrs = πr√(r2 + h2)
• Base Surface Area = πr
• Total Surface Area
2 2 2
= L + B = πrs + πr = πr(s + r) = πr(r + √(r + h )) 01-Mar-12
Surface Area Calculator Page 2 of 2

Circular Cylinder Surface Area

• Volume = πr h
• Top Surface Area = πr
• Bottom Surface Area = πr
• Total Surface Area
= L + T + B = 2πrh + 2(πr2) = 2πr(h+r)

Conical Frustum Surface Area

2 2
• Volume = (1/3)πh (r1 + r2 + (r1 * r2))
• Lateral Surface Area
2 2
= π(r1 + r2)s = π(r1 + r2)√((r1 - r2) + h )
• Top Surface Area = πr1
• Base Surface Area = πr22
• Total Surface Area
2 2
= π(r1 + r2 + (r1 * r2) * s)
= π[ r12 + r22 + (r1 * r2) * √((r1 - r2)2 + h2) ]

Cube Surface Area

• Volume = a3
• Surface Area = 6a

Hemisphere Surface Area

• Volume = (2/3)πr3
• Curved Surface Area = 2 πr2
• Base Surface Area = πr2
2 2 2
• Total Surface Area= (2πr ) + (πr ) = 3πr

Pyramid Surface Area

• Volume = (1/3)a2h
• Lateral Surface Area = a√(a2 + 4h2)
• Base Surface Area = a2
• Total Surface Area
2 2 2
= L + B = a + a√(a + 4h ))
2 2
= a(a + √(a + 4h ))

Rectangular Prism Surface Area

• Volume = lwh
• Surface Area = 2(lw + lh + wh)

Sphere Surface Area

• Volume = (4/3)πr
• Surface Area = 4πr

Spherical Cap Surface Area

• Volume = (1/3)πh2(3R - h)
• Surface Area = 2πRh 01-Mar-12

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