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The Planets Explained In-Depth

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Introduction to the Planets


Introduction to the Planets

Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto

Introduction to the Sun

The placement of the Sun in your chart will show you how (the sign) and in which
area of life (the house) tremendous potential exists for you. Here is where you want
to be successful. The Sun cannot be ignored. We must meet and deal with the area of
life that the Sun shines on in our chart in order find ultimate fulfillment. Everything
revolves around the Sun. When you master whatever issues the Sun points to, then
other areas of life will proceed in a more balanced and satisfactory manner. The Sun
also represents: your own will, major goals, the father, men in your life, children,
creativity and the real inner you.

Introduction to the Moon

The Moon in your chart represents the past and points to an area of life (the house)
where we function out of instinctive awareness. Often we have a deep emotional need
to do the things that the Moon's house placement represents. Whenever insecurities
arise and our feelings become involved, we tend to bring the traits (the sign) of our
Moon into play. The Moon is like our security blanket. It also represents: the home,
females in your life, the mother, nurturing others or being nurtured ourselves, as well
as things related to the domestic scene in general.

Introduction to the Mercury

Mercury is the planet of communication. It tells us about how we think and talk. You
can gain insight into your mode of gathering, processing and transmitting information
from Mercury's placement in your chart. Mercury also represents: transportation, the
five senses, youth, reading and writing.

Introduction to the Venus

Venus is the planet of relating to others and thus is associated with love, attraction
and socializing. In a male's chart, Venus can provide clues about traits he finds
attractive in females. In a female's chart, it reveals something about how she relates to
males. Venus is also the planet of material goodies and sensual delights in all of their
various forms. Venus also represents: money, harmonious conditions, pleasurable
activities, beauty and the arts.

Introduction to the Mars

Mars is our planet of action, energy output, motivation and instinctive biological
drives. It shows how and in which area of life you are willing to put forth a lot of
effort. Mars' energy is quick, impulsive and survival oriented. In a male's chart, Mars
reveals something about how he relates to females. In a female's chart, Mars can
provide clues about the traits she finds attractive in males. Mars also represents:
competitive situations, conflicts, accidents and sexual energies.

Introduction to the Jupiter

Jupiter is the planet of expansion and taking things beyond normal limits. It shows us
where the universe allows us to indulge ourselves and often we find that wherever it
is in the chart is where things work out in our favor eventually. Some call this luck.
Jupiter also represents: faith, ideas about God, abstract thinking, high ideals and

Introduction to the Saturn

Saturn is our planet of restriction and discipline. It shows us where we may feel
inadequate in some way and thus we take this area of life very seriously because we
want to perfect ourselves. Saturn also represents: life lessons to be learned, trials and
tests, a strong sense of duty and bringing ideas into material form.

Introduction to the Uranus

Uranus is a planet of unexpected change and unpredictable events. It tells us
something about where we have unusual ideas and how we want to express our own
unique individuality. Uranus also represents: rebelliousness, sudden awakenings,
invention, progress, genius, anything "New Age," and humanitarian efforts.

Introduction to the Neptune

Neptune is a planet that dissolves hard and fast boundaries. It is where we don't
always see things as they really are, mostly because we would rather view the world
through rose-colored glasses.
With Neptune, anything becomes a possibility, especially that which we can imagine.
Neptune also represents: tuning into other planes of reality, the spiritual dimensions,
cosmic consciousness, movies, music and inspired creativity.

Introduction to the Pluto

Pluto is a planet that brings with it transformation. Something about the area of life
that it points to will undergo a complete change. Significant lifestyle changes can
happen whenever Pluto is involved. Deep, complex issues will be brought to light
eventually. It is where conditions can swing from one extreme to the other. It's all or
Pluto also represents: psychological probing, keeping secrets or bringing them to
light, power and control issues, obsessions, healing and purification.



The Sun represents the innermost self. Even though most people know what their Sun
sign is, the Sun sign represents traits that you have come to integrate or blend with
those of the Moon by sign. The Moon is the past and so manifesting the Sun sign
traits will move you forward. The Sun in the chart represents personal growth and so
wherever the Sun is placed in the chart, is an area of life where the individual meets a
major life challenge. When this area of life is successfully dealt with, the individual
feels a sense of completeness or life satisfaction. Since the brightness of the Sun
cannot be ignored, the area of life that it shines on will not be pushed under the rug,
no matter how trying it may be. The Sun sign traits show you how to best deal with
the challenges represented by it's house placement.
The Sun in the chart may also give us clues about issues that the father had to deal
with. Often these issues and how he dealt with them had an influence on the
The Sun also represents the will of the individual. Too often, because of societal
pressures and the influence of the upbringing, an individual may lose touch with their
own will. When this happens, the life path can become de-railed and the person may
lack a strong sense of direction or life satisfaction. Children often come into the
world with a strong sense of will and so the Sun also represents children. Getting
back in touch with one's inner child and learning how to truly honor that small voice
inside can bring profound changes into the life. The Sun may be described as the
innermost flame that burns within each of us and can provide a kind of cosmic link to
our true spiritual nature.


Never underestimate the power of a woman. The Moon is one of the most significant
indicators of personality and emotional response that exists in the chart. The Moon
represents the female energy that exists within each of us. Whereas the Sun is
forward movement, the Moon can pull us backwards if it's influence is allowed to
overwhelm the Sun. The Moon represents instinctive emotional responses that often
seem beyond our ability to effectively control. In Hindu astrology, one is known by
their Moon sign in the same way as western astrology focuses on the Sun sign. The
Sun gives life to this planet through warmth. The Moon moves the tides of the ocean;
quite an impressive feat. We have learned that the brain is strongly influenced by
body chemistry. Psychoactive drugs used to help people control emotional responses
stem from this fact. Even astrological skeptics are hard-pressed to negate the well-
known influence of the full Moon. Those who work in hospitals and law enforcement
report increased activity during a full Moon phase. When the emotional life is out of
control, we can become less effective in other areas of life. The Moon transmits a
powerful temptation to stay in her comfort zone.

The Moon also represents issues that the mother had. How she handled these issues
has a strong influence on the individuals deepest emotion based responses. The Moon
represents childhood experiences and the upbringing in general. While the father is
usually the disciplinarian, the mother is the nurturer of the young. She satisfied our
very first needs for food, warmth and safety. Thus, the Moon in the chart represents
strong needs. If these needs are allowed to continuously hold center stage in our lives
then we can become out of balance with the direction the Sun might be urging us
toward. The best effect of the Moon is nurturing and sensitive. The worst effect can
denote immaturity and a reluctance to leave the past behind.

The Moon also represents the masses of people. A crowd mentality is a force to be
reckoned with because that instinctive urge to move with the flow of one's peer group
significantly influence even those who under other circumstances might have taken a
more logical, intellectual approach.
The Moon moves through the signs faster than any of other planets. This fact
combined with it's shifting new to full phases, creates an energy that is fluctuating
and often somewhat unstable.

Mercury will always be found in either the same sign as the Sun or the one before or
after it. Mercury is not really considered to be either masculine or feminine in nature.
Instead, this planet has a somewhat neutral quality to it which simultaneously absorbs
and bounces back the energies of the planets which are closest, as well as those that
aspect it.

Mercury is the transmitter of the chart. Anything that must be moved from point A to
point B relies on the energy of Mercury. It represents the mental sphere and therefore
our mode of communication. What you say and how you say it can either make or
break the outcome of a given situation. If this sounds extreme, then consider the
powerful effect of the spoken word. The right words can educate, heal and uplift
others. The wrong words can cause resentments that last a lifetime or wound beyond
repair. Words can bring emotions to the fore in the "blink of an eye," which is also a
good description of Mercury, as it's energy tends to be quick, fleeting and often
fickle. As "messenger of the gods" Mercury can transmit musical inspiration as well
as, ingenious creativity. Busy Mercury hardly ever takes a break. An overactive
Mercury can stimulate stress through a tendency to worry incessantly. Hence, a
Mercury that can be consciously controlled through meditation and other mind
control techniques, may literally be able to change the individuals whole outlook and
ability to function effectively. Visualization techniques have been scientifically
shown to affect the body, from the relief of minor but chronic health problems, to the
shrinking of cancerous rumors.

How do you basically apply yourself to learning situations? Look at your Mercury
sign. What impression do other people pick up when you open your mouth. Take an
honest look at Mercury by sign and house in the chart. Blend this with the sign on the
third house, as well as any planets in the third house for a more complete picture of
the thinking, talking, learning style.


Everyone has a special talent. The Venus placement can reveal which area of life this
talent may manifest. You're probably good at these things. The particular approach to
these things is revealed by the sign it's in. Most likely this is an area of life you also
enjoy immensely.

Venus represents relationships and your particular style of relating to other people in
general. These other people may be friends or significant others such as spouses. In a
house, Venus may be saying that relationships play a role somehow. Here is where
either beautiful conditions exist or perhaps you enjoy creating beautiful conditions.
Venus' energy is pleasant, charming, harmonious, somewhat indulgent, sensual and

Venus is a drawing in energy. It prefers to attract what it wants to itself instead of

overtly going after it. Venus would rather sit back and let the good times roll in.
0ften, the individual seems somewhat lucky according to the house affairs where it is
placed. However, here is also an area of life whereby if one takes things for granted,
undesirable consequences may result. For example, Venus in the seventh house might
bring pleasant partnerships, but, if the spouse or friends are neglected, then you may
wish you had paid more attention before it became to late to salvage the relationship.
Venus also represents money, possessions and what you value highly. Often, it's sign
placement shows one's attitude towards money; how you spend it, use it or feel about
it. It makes sense then, that Venus' rulership of love and money are linked. Many
people forego creating permanent ties through marriage until their financial house is
in order. Certainly, an unstable financial picture can drive even
the most affectionate couples to each others throats, even though we'd rather believe
that ideally, " love conquers all."


When you think of Mars, think action. Think, Charge of the Light Brigade!!
Mars is not known for stopping to think about it's doing. It just does it-head first and
all. Mars in a chart indicates where rash behavior can cause accidents or conflicts
with others. For instance in the third house, it may indicate an impatient driver. It
doesn't predict an accident, but, it does say there may be a potential for a
transportation related mishap.

The energy of Mars is usually quick and explosive, like a firecracker. It usually needs
a fixed sign or an aspect from a planet in a fixed sign, for endurance. Aspects from
Saturn or Pluto help, too. What it does have, is a talent for getting things going.
Challenge is it's lifeblood. If life gets too easy and predictable, Mars can become
quickly bored. Mars needs to express those great bursts of energy. Picture the intense
but fairly short-lived energy output of an antelope being chased by a lion. This is
survival of the fittest, where Mars' energy can come to the fore completely.
Therefore, Mars represents that instinctive biological drive to survive in all of us.
Since the survival of the entire species is paramount, Mars also represents sex. It's the
desire to go find a mate. Unlike Venus who is content to wait until her "Romeo"
knocks on the door, Mars will aggressively seek out the object of it's desire. For some
this may be money, friends, a career goal, a good time, you name it. What Mars
wants, Mars gets. It's not afraid to fight and compete for whatever it wants either.

The sign it's in reveals your how your energy level manifests. It also tells how you
express anger. Do you blow up and forget it? Or, do you seethe and fume until you
explode unexpectedly? Mars may also be revealing something important about how
you see or feel about yourself.



When you are considering the effects of Jupiter, always think first of the word, E-x-p-
a-n-s-i-o-n. Larger than life, big, generous, more is better and adventurous, to name
just a few appropriate Jupiter keywords. Jupiter energy expands everything, but it
doesn't necessarily care if there is anything of real solidity to back it up. The
confidence that Jupiter brings, for example may be nothing more than an overly
inflated opinion of one's self Jupiter is beliefs and belief systems of all kinds. Jupiter
sincerely seeks the truth, but seeking is not quite the same as found. Therefore,
Jupiter may too easily become moralistic, judgmental and holier-than-thou. When
you are analyzing Jupiter by sign, in a house, or any planets it is aspecting, bear in
mind that Jupiter will exaggerate the tendencies which already exist. The person may
also exaggerate the importance of these things. A square to Jupiter doesn't necessarily
block it's action. It may mean that the individual ends up creating problems for
himself through exaggerated actions, which he in turn constantly strives to overcome.
A trine means the same thing, except that often the individual is allowed to slide
through with minimal to no consequences.

Now, what about luck? Over and over, you will see the word "lucky" assigned to
Jupiter. It's true. Often, Jupiter does bring a kind of "guardian angel" effect to
whatever it touches. Here is where the universe is encouraging you to indulge
yourself. Learn and experience everything you can about these things. Understand
though, that if you really get carried away, there is no guarantee that you'll walk away
unscathed. However, reaping the consequences of irresponsible behavior is often the
best teacher there is. The Jupiter correspondence to gurus, preachers and professors
also means that you may have some of your own Jupiter wisdom to share with others


After the Jupiter ride, we're all in the mood for something a little more cautious. A
little more level-headed. Right? Make way for Saturn. This is the planet which
represents discipline and restriction. In other words, everything Jupiter isn't.

Saturn doesn't fool around with big talk and castles in the air. Saturn's energy brings
the focus and endurance necessary to turn ideas into reality. Whereas Jupiter may be
visualized as a large balloon, Saturn is more like a rock; solid to the core. Saturn is
cautious and patient. Saturn demands a kind of perfection, because it knows that
impulsive actions lead to mistakes that are more costly in the long run. Saturn is not
patient with waste and inefficiency either. Saturn can be a real taskmaster. Not unlike
the strict, demanding teacher who may not engender affection from his students, but
instead chooses to mold the concert pianist, the world-renowned artist and the ballet
soloist. Saturn is all about lessons, trials and tests. Saturn can make you feel very
inadequate while you're learning those lessons, too. Don't give up. Saturn's reward
comes with time and dedication. It will not hand you a phoney diploma. You must
earn the real thing. This is why no matter how inadequate you may feel about the
department of life that Saturn influences, you will eventually end up with a kind of
solid confidence and the kind of wisdom that no one can take from you. You've
graduated from The School of Hard Knocks. You've learned something about
overcoming obstacles and you've done some serious re-evaluation of an area of life
that you came in feeling afraid of. This is why Saturn refers to maturity, time and old
age. Saturn is about accomplishment; it couldn't care less about whether you're
having a good time or not while you're getting there. Saturn also represents serious
feelings of responsibility and a strong sense of duty. For those who may ascribe to the
karma philosophy, it's believed that the area of life which Saturn points to is an area
of life that you mis-used in a past life. Now you've come to clean up your act and
somewhere deep inside you know it.


And just when you think you've been there, done that; enter.... Uranus. This is the
planet of speed, rebellion, being different and anything unusual. The role of Uranus is
to question authority and topple outworn traditions. It's function is progressive and
often manifests as flashes of sudden insight. Feeling bored? Uranus will gladly upset
your apple cart for you. Feeling stuck? Uranus offers breakthroughs and ingenious
new ideas. Uranus will shock you, rock you and take you on the ride of your life. You
may scream in terror or bizarre delight, but, Uranus keeps on moving. You're sitting
on the passenger's side and Uranus will not let you forget it.

Uranus is about freedom, independence and self-sufficiency. It doesn't like to

function under someone else's rules and regulations. Especially, rules and regulations
that stand in the way of progress. Uranus stands for the will of others. This may seem
like a contradiction, but, I'll explain. Uranus knows that massive change comes about
with the agreement of the group. Within that group, Uranus wants to maintain a
certain level of autonomy. Therefore, Uranus represents a somewhat detached
approach, while ever moving towards a kind of unity of mankind. An example of this
seeming paradox might be found in the actions of the revolutionary individual who
bands together with those of like mind in order to overthrow an outworn government
that no longer serves it's people's best interest. He needs the strength in numbers to
support the goal at hand. After having accomplished the overthrow, he sets himself
up as dictator. A part of and yet, apart from the group.

Uranus also represents sudden and abrupt events. Those events that seem to come out
of nowhere and catch you totally unprepared. You can't run because you don't have
time to! Often, strange and bizarre circumstances surround the events and no matter
how seemingly senseless, there is little you can do to alter the situation. The "rude
awakenings" Uranus invokes are intended to pick you up and move you along so that
something called growth and evolvement take place. Looking back objectively at
Uranus type events, we often become aware that those forces which were beyond our
control, moved us into a place or circumstance that opened up beneficial
opportunities or stimulated insights which we might never have experienced

Neptune's function is to dissolve the hard and fast boundaries that separate us from
what is commonly referred to as the "real" world. We associate Neptune with things
such as imagination, creativity, and even ultimate enlightenment. The word
"spiritual" describes those planes of existence whereby we may receive inspiration,
spiritual guidance and other paranormal experiences. In order to tune into these
planes, a breaking down of the walls that divide them from us, must occur. It is in this
state of "no boundaries" that we can begin to tune into the higher vibrations of the
planet Neptune. However, let us not forget that within these other planes, we can
meet a motley crew of beings, ranging from lower astral type entities to angelic
guides. Most psychics who see visions and hear spirit voices are tuning into the
vibration of some of these beings. On the other hand, consider the insane actions of
the madman who was only following the orders of the "voices" in his head. You're
getting the picture now-right?

Neptune's higher potential brings healing in the form of forgiveness and altruistic
service to our fellow human beings. Neptune wants to absorb the woes of the world
and often, these Neptune types fall into the martyr category. Without drawing some
boundaries, those acts which stem originally from a self-sacrificing, compassionate
nature, can end up making one feel like a victim instead, due to underlying feelings of
guilt and unworthiness. This is why Neptune is complemented by the boundary
drawing function of Virgo; the sign opposite Pisces.

Because the nature of Neptune is associated with that which we often do not see
clearly, it also represents those things which may deceive us. This deception may be
self imposed, as in not wanting to face unpleasant realities, or it may manifest simply
as us being deceived by others. That which we do not want to face about ourselves is
sometimes reflected back to us through the actions of others.

Addictive behaviors and drugs are under the influence of Neptune. Substances or
habits which allow people to escape reality and withdraw for a time into a so-called
more ideal existence are all a part of the illusion created by Neptune's foggy effect.

Another of Neptune's properties is fantasy. The creating of illusion and fantasy allows
one to become whatever it is one may desire at the moment. Actors often have a
strong Neptune or Pisces energy in their charts. Musicians, composers, movie
producers, artists, singers, and "glamour queens" (including those that live next door),
all fall under the auspices of the Neptune inspired fantasy.


Astrologers are still observing the effects of Pluto. In doesn't have the long history
that some of the other planets have, being the last planet to be officially discovered to
However, it does seem to relate strongly to complete breakdowns, followed by
regeneration. Where Neptune breaks down barriers on a more mental plane, Pluto
seems to create chaos and destruction
more on the physical plane, though neither of these statements are meant to taken as
absolutes. Pluto represents extremes. It has an all or nothing quality to it. Rags to
riches, might describe a Pluto effect. Do or die! We'd all like a friend like Pluto who
will fight on our side until the bitter end, wouldn't we? And yet, if Pluto is our enemy,
well, it can be our worst nightmares come to visit.

Pluto also gives the desire to control completely. It will use all manner of
manipulation and subversive techniques to achieve it's aims. Pluto often works
undercover. We have all heard the saying, "All is fair in love and war. That really
captures the Pluto essence very effectively. It can function with very little conscience,
where it's goals are concerned and giving up or giving in, is not a consideration for

Now, the higher manifestation of Pluto represents healing. Pluto is capable of

bringing that which is hidden into the light to be purified and released. This why
Pluto is associated with psychological probing, detectives and surgery. However, we
are reminded that the shadows grow more visible as the Sun rises, and so it is with
the purification that Pluto brings. When you hear someone say, "It was Hell, but I
made it," we're getting into the Pluto effect. At any rate, whatever Pluto is influencing
will transform completely. This can be a person's thinking, money, belief system,
lifestyle or anything else. Whether or not this is completely accomplished in one
lifetime necessarily, is a matter up for debate. Pluto may be capable of the most
horrendous destruction, but, regeneration always follows. This death/rebirth principle
may be found in nature, when lightening starts a forest fire. The destruction appears
complete for a while, but, eventually new life begins to form miraculously among the
devastation. This new life feeds off the nutrients found in the soil now enriched by
the ashes and debris left by the fire and the forest is rejuvenated once again, forever
transformed by Pluto's purging and rebirth effect.

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