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6, NOVEMBER 2010 1325

Synthesis and Experimental Validation of the Novel

LQ-NEMCSI Adaptive Strategy on an
Electronic Throttle Valve
Mario di Bernardo, Senior Member, IEEE, Alessandro di Gaeta, Umberto Montanaro, and Stefania Santini

Abstract—This paper is concerned with the design of a novel controller has the benefits of the adaptive strategy, while also
adaptive controller, namely the linear quadratic new extended matching the performance of the well known LQ regulator.
minimal control synthesis with integral action (LQ-NEMCSI).
We found this novel approach particularly feasible to the con-
We present for the first time the analytical proof of asymptotic
stability of the controller and experimental evidence of the algo- trol of an electronic throttle body (ETB). The ETB is a mecha-
rithm effectiveness for controlling an electronic throttle body: an tronic device dedicated to the regulation of the air mass flow
element of any drive-by-wire system in automotive engineering, rate. In this system a shaped body duct regulates the relation-
affected by many nonlinear perturbations. ship between the angular position of the throttle valve and the
Index Terms—Adaptive control, automotive control, mecha- incoming air flow into the manifold. The desired plate position
tronic, nonlinear control, piecewise smooth systems. is imposed by a microcomputer in a drive-by-wire configuration
(see, for example, [6] and [7]).
I. INTRODUCTION From the control perspective, the ETB is a highly nonlinear
and uncertain plant, since the transmission friction and the

I N MANY application areas a control action is aimed

at guaranteeing optimality with respect to a certain cost
function subject to some constraints. Optimal control schemes
return spring limp-home nonlinearity significantly affect the
system performance (see Section V for further details). Another
control requirement is the simplicity of the strategy that has
are usually characterized by fixed control gains: a classical to be implemented on a typical low-cost automotive micro-
approach is that of the well-known linear quadratic regulators controller. For these reasons, we select the ETB control as a
(LQR)[1]. It has been shown that, typically, LQ schemes lack significant and appropriate test problem to design and vali-
the flexibility and the structural stability of other more sophis- date, both numerically and experimentally, the LQ-NEMCSI
ticated control approaches as, for instance, exemplified by the algorithm.
two significant cases discussed in [2] and [3]. In the literature, many control schemes have been proposed
One way of achieving greater control flexibility is to use adap- to solve the ETB control problem. Typically, they are aimed at
tive control schemes, where the control gains are appropriately achieving a small tracking error with a rapid valve time opening
varied according to the system behavior. To address this issue, a without overshoot. To solve the problem, often classical
novel family of controllers was presented in [4], where the LQ controllers, for example those based on a proportional–inte-
action is provided via an adaptive control strategy. gral–derivative (PID) structure [8]–[10], are used, but they are
Here, we present a novel LQ-adaptive algorithm, namely the equipped with some feed-forward action to compensate the
linear quadratic new extended minimal control synthesis with nonlinearities acting on the ETB. Existing compensators can
integral action (LQ-NEMCSI), which relies on minimal knowl- be divided in those which are model-based (see, for example,
edge of the plant. A simpler version of the algorithm can be [11], [12], and [13]) and those which are not (see [9]). Further
found in [4]. The proposed strategy is based on the standard control techniques are based on constrained optimal control
MCS algorithm [5] augmented with integral and robust control [14] and hybrid approaches [13], [15]–[19], but again they are
actions, where the reference model is a nominal linear model based on a good knowledge of the plant dynamics.
controlled by a classical LQ optimal strategy. In so doing, the With respect to the previous approaches, the adaptive law pro-
posed in this paper relies on minimal knowledge of the plant and
Manuscript received January 23, 2009; revised June 24, 2009. Manuscript can be implemented easily without requiring time consuming
received in final form November 20, 2009. First published January 12, 2010; experiments for the precise characterization of the system non-
current version published October 22, 2010. Recommended by Associate Editor
A. Giua.
linear dynamics. Moreover, the robustness to unmodeled dy-
M. di Bernardo, U. Montanaro, and S. Santini are with the Department namics and parameter uncertainties is provided by the adaptive
of Systems and Computer Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, gains of the LQ-NEMCSI strategy.
Naples 80125, Italy (e-mail:; umberto.monta-; Here, we present for the first time experimental evidence
A. di Gaeta is with the Istituto Motori, National Research Council, Naples showing clearly that the novel scheme can guarantee excellent
80125, Italy (e-mail: tracking performance and transient behavior. All experiments
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at are performed by using a reliable experimental setup based on
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCST.2009.2037610 a dSPACE control station.
1063-6536/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE

The MCS algorithm was first introduced in [5] as an exten-
sion of the Landau model reference adaptive scheme [20]. It re-
lies on minimal knowledge of the plant dynamics. Namely, it is
assumed that the controlled system (plant) is controllable and it
has unknown parameters but a known phase canonical structure,


where , and

Fig. 1. Optimal reference minimal control synthesis.

.. .. .. .. ..
. . . . .
Note that typically the adaptive gains are started from zero, i.e.,
and in (4b) and (4d), respectively.
As shown in [5], the MCS controller can be proven to guar-
antee asymptotic stability of the error system and to be robust
with . against rapidly varying disturbances and unmodelled nonlinear
Notice that for the sake of clarity we will refer to a single perturbations [21], [22].
input system, but the MCS approach was shown to be effective In order to track the behavior of an LQ controlled system, the
also in controlling multiple-input–multiple-output (MIMO) sys- LQ-MCS scheme has been recently proposed as a viable alter-
tems [21]. native in [4]. Essentially, the LQ-MCS consists of implementing
The main aim of MCS control is for the plant states, , to the MCS scheme on the actual plant by selecting, as a reference
track asymptotically the states, , of a given asymptotically model, a nominal linear model of the plant controlled via a clas-
stable reference model of the form sical LQ strategy (i.e., choosing in Fig. 1 as an optimal
control input). In so doing, any mismatch between the nominal
(2) model and the real plant will be compensated by the adaptive
with , being some desired reference signal action of the MCS, which will also guarantee stability in those
and (Hurwitz matrix) and given in the same canon- cases where the LQ strategy alone would fail. It is possible to
ical form as that of the plant [5]. The MCS control input, say consider the LQ-MCS (shown in Fig. 1) as a simple way to con-
, consists of a feedforward and a feedback action with jugate the simplicity and optimality of the LQ action with the
time-varying adaptive gains defined as robustness of the MCS control.
The steps required to synthesize this control scheme are sum-
(3) marized in what follows.
1) Identify a nominal linear model of the plant of interest of
with the form

(4a) (8)

(4b) The model above represents a rough estimate of the plant

matrices that can be used to synthesize a classical optimal
(4c) control law.
2) Synthesize a classical LQ optimal controller on the nom-
inal plant model selected above in order to minimize the
and and being positive scalar adaptation weights. The output target cost function, for example
error is computed as
with and being appropriate weight matrices.
where 3) Implement the LQ-MCS scheme by using the closed-loop
LQ nominal plant as the reference model for the MCS
adaptive controller acting on the real plant.
and is the solution of the Lyapunov equation
We now improve the previous LQ-MCS scheme by adding
(7) two further control actions according to the MCS philosophy

[23], [24]. In particular, the general strategy is based on the

LQ-MCS control signal augmented by an explicit integral action
and switching action to enhance robustness. Note that the idea
of adding an extra switching action to compensate nonlinear dis-
turbances is inspired from variable-structure control approaches
for nonlinear systems as explained in [23], [25].
The control action provided by the new scheme, termed as
Fig. 2. Closed-loop error dynamics represented as an equivalent feedback
LQ-NEMCSI, is given as follows: system.

where is defined as in (3), whereas the two additional
terms are (20)
(11) (22)
(12) (23)

with The error dynamics (17) can be seen as a nonlinear system with
a linear feedforward block and a nonlinear feedback block ac-
(13) cording with the block scheme in Fig. 2.

B. Passivity of the Forward Dynamics

Consider now the feedforward path (see (17) and Fig. 2)

being the output matrix of the plant and the output error as
in (5). Notice that the weight has to be a positive scalar con- (24)
stant such as the weights and in the classical MCS. Further-
more, the additional adaptive gains and are initialized Since the dynamical system (24) has got a linear structure, to
to zero ( and ), such as prove its passivity it is sufficient to choose a positive definite
the standard gains and . We wish to emphasize that the quadratic storage function such as
resulting control law (10) is composed of both continuous (3),
(11), and discontinuous (12) actions. with (25)

A. Proof of Asymptotic Stability Using (7), (5), (6b), and (18), the time derivative of the storage
function can be now computed as
Asymptotic stability of the LQ-NEMCSI algorithm is proven
using to the passivity theorem of Desoer and Vidyasagar [26]. (26)
The evolution of the tracking error defined as in (6a) can be
derived from the plant and model reference dynamics in (1) and
as the matrix is positive definite. In so doing, passivity of
(2) under the switching control action in (10), as
the feedforward system is proven [27]. Notice that, since
is asymptotically stable according to the classical theory on LQ
control theory, the Lyapunov (7) always has a solution [1].
C. Passivity of the Feedback Dynamics
where models rapidly varying dis-
turbances and unmodelled nonlinear perturbations acting on the To prove that the feedback block will only ever produce a
plant. We remark that the matrix is the closed-loop dynamic finite amount of energy, the Popov’s inequality must be satisfied.
matrix of the LTI reference model (8) under the action of the LQ Specifically, the following integral inequality must hold [26]:
strategy. After simple algebraic manipulations, given the canon-
ical form of matrices and , we can rewrite (16) as (27)

(17) for all where is a finite constant independent of

. Decomposing the Popov’s integral (27) as




then condition (27) is verified if each of the integral terms,

and , are greater than some finite negative quantities, say
and .
Consider now the first integral term (29). The MCS adapta-
tion law is (see (19))



(32) Fig. 3. (a) Picture of motorized throttle body (DV-E5, Bosch). (b) Schematic
of the electronic throttle body.
where the integral and proportional adaptive components are,
with the inequality (35). In so doing, passivity of the feedback
(33) path is proven.
Thus, by using the above expressions, in (29) can be decom- • For any time instant the bounded input-output prop-
posed as erty of the feedback passive systems guarantees bounded-
ness of the error dynamics [21].
• The convergence of the adaptive gain to a finite value
in the absence of persistent perturbations can be easily
shown by following the approach in [25]. In practice,
might keep growing if persistent disturbances are present.
In this case, a simple implementation solution is to lock the
evolution of over a certain threshold.



which is greater than a negative definite constant. The ETB [see Fig. 3(a)] is a mechatronic device dedicated to
Consider now the term (30), where . We the regulation of the air mass flow rate of an internal combus-
have now to prove that tion engine. It is located between the air filter box and the in-
take manifold. When the throttle plate opens an airflow sensor
detects this change and communicates it to the electronic con-
trol unit (ECU). As a consequence, ECU varies the amount of
injected fuel in order to maintain the desired air-fuel ratio.
This is verified if , and this The reference signal is the solution of a trade off between
is trivially satisfied if the driver request (acceleration pedal position) and the effec-
tive traction possibilities depending upon driveability, safety
(36) and emission constraints. The control signal generated by the
ECU becomes, by means of an H-bridge power converter, the
From the definition of the adaptation law for the in (15), armature voltage of a dc-motor. The rotation motion is then
it is apparent that the gain evolution is monotonously increasing. transferred from the motor shaft to the plate shaft through a gear
Thus, for any given constant value , there always exists a system. A schematic of the ETB is shown in Fig. 3(b). Despite
finite time instant, say , such that for all . If its apparent simplicity, the system behavior is affected by many
we now set and , we can conclude that, nonlinearities which can dramatically alter its dynamics. They
for all , the passivity condition (36) is verified together can be briefly summarized as follows.

Fig. 4. Experimental stick and slip phenomena: armature voltage (dashed line)
Fig. 5. Experimental hysteresis phenomenon: experimental data from the plant
and plate position (solid line). Notice that, for the comparison of the time history
(dotted line) and average data (solid line).
of both the variables on the same plot, the armature voltage is multiplied by 10).

• Piece-Wise Linear Restoring Torque. When a failure of the

dc motor occurs, for safety reasons it is necessary to en-
sure that the valve comes back to a default position (called
limp-home position) [28]. To guarantee the limp-home,
two additional springs are used. The resulting elastic torque
is a piece-wise linear function of all the admissible angles.
• Friction. The friction is mainly due to the low quality of
the bearings.
• Impacts. Impacts occur when the plate hits the mechanical
• Backlash. This effect is due to a spacing between the gear
Another important issue is the uncertainty on the system param-
eter values due to manufacturing tolerances, variable operating
conditions or mechanical wear [7].

A. Experimental Nonlinear Behavior Fig. 6. Experimental phase plot showing the hunting phenomenon under a PI
control action (the integral gain is 0.05, the proportional gain is 0.1 and reference
Using the setup described in appendix A, it has been possible signal is 45 [deg]).
to capture and confirm experimentally the nonlinear behavior
exhibited by the throttle body.
A notable consequence of friction is the presence of stick-slip is known in the literature as hunting [11], [30], [31]. Experi-
behavior. When this kind of unwanted dynamics appear, rigid mental results show that this is an important nonlinear phenom-
body elements alternatively stick and slip with respect to each enon since the controlled angular plate position exhibits an un-
other. wanted limit cycle in the presence of a constant reference signal
The experimental stick-slip oscillations exhibited by the (see Fig. 6).
throttle valve are shown in Fig. 4 under an open-loop slowly Notice that, since tuning of the controller is a crucial aspect
varying armature voltage. of the design, an adaptive strategy is worthwhile exploring.
The combined action of friction and spring torques causes an
hysteretic behavior in the system response (see Fig. 5) [11], [29]. B. Performances of the ETB via Classical Controller
When the throttle body dynamics are controlled via the feed- In this section, we experimentally investigate the perfor-
back of the angular position of the plate, other relevant nonlinear mance achievable via a properly tuned PI controller equipped
effects appear. For instance, it is well known that in systems with with a model based feed-forward action for the compensation
friction under an integral control action (like PID controller), of nonlinear dynamics. A filter is added on the reference signal
an equilibrium (set point) can be easily transformed into a limit to limit the tracking error during rapid tip-in/tip-out maneuvers.
cycle when the parameters change. This undesired phenomenon Further details on control design can be found in [32].

torque heavily increases the tracking error when the reference

signal is a square wave [see Fig. 7(a) and (b)], especially in the
case of small amplitude signals as in Fig. 7(a); 2) in the case
of low velocities the plate gets stuck because of friction, as in
Fig. 7(d); 3) the presence of hunting phenomenon is unavoid-
able, as in Fig. 7(c).


A. Control Specifications
The achievable control specifications obviously depend
on the admissible performance of the adopted hardware (see
Appendix A). Essentially they are related to requirements on
the system dynamic response and they are set as follows:
1) the settling time is required to be 130 [ms] for a valve
opening [7] (notice that the settling time is defined as the
minimum time after which the throttle plate angle remains
within 5% of its steady-state value);
2) no overshoot should be present in the step response (fur-
thermore, the throttle plate shall never hit the mechanical
3) the maximum value of the steady state tracking error is set
to be 0.1 [deg] [9];
4) the maximum absolute dynamic error should be 7 [deg] [7].
Furthermore the control system should be robust to variations
of the process parameters, and the controller synthesis should
be simple and automated as much as possible [15].

B. Design of the LQ Controlled Reference Model

As only minimal knowledge of the plant is required for the
control synthesis, the first step is the choice of an approximate
LTI model of the ETB. This can be found mainly in two different
ways: 1) using a standard linear identification procedure and 2)
simplifying a more complete nonlinear model of the plant (when
it is available).
In industrial applications, the first approach can be preferable.
Specifically, it is assumed that the throttle body is described by
a classical rotational mass-spring-damping model, as


where ; [deg] and [deg/s] are the angular

plate position and velocity, respectively. Classical identification
methods, e.g., LS algorithms, can then be used to tune the model
parameters , , and .
Obviously, if a detailed nonlinear model is available, its
simplified version can be used for model reference design.
Here, according with a nonlinear plant model previously de-
rived for analysis and numerical simulation purposes [32] (see
Fig. 7. Experimental results, PI with a model-based feed-forward action: 
reference plate position (dashdotted blue line);  filtered reference signal to Appendix B for further details), the following simplified model
be tracked (dashed red line);  angular plate position (solid black line), when has been used for the control synthesis:
the reference is a: (a) square wave with period 4 [s] and amplitude of 5 [deg]
around 27 [deg]; (b) a step of 55 [deg]; (c) constant at 45 [deg] for long time; (d)
a sinusoidal wave with period 3 [s] and amplitude of 25 [deg] around 50 [deg].

where , [V] is the armature voltage of the

Fig. 7 highlights that the PI is not effective in some cases due dc motor, [Kgm ] is the total moment of inertia, [Nm/A]
to the presence of nonlinearities. In particular: 1) the friction is the dc motor torque constant, [Nm/deg] is the equivalent

stiffness due to the restoring springs and [deg/rad]

is a dimensional constant.
Once the nominal model has been selected, it is necessary to
synthesize a classical LQ optimal controller for the reference
model. The weight matrices, and
, have been found heuristically, so as to achieve the desired
settling time of 130 [ms].
Note that the presence of bounded uncertainties in the
model parameters and unmodelled nonlinear dynamics can be
regarded as time varying disturbances acting on the plant (see
Section IV and [21]). This term has been checked to satisfy
the matching conditions requirements of the MCS approach as
shown in Appendix B.

C. Details on the Implementation of the LQ-NEMCSI Strategy

In implementing the control action (12), the following issues
have to be considered.
1) The presence of the switching function in (12) introduces
chattering (high frequency switching of the control signal).
In order to avoid this unwanted phenomena, the discontin-
uous control action can be smoothed as [23]


where is a sufficiently small positive constant to be ap- Fig. 8. Experimental results. Square wave with period 4 [s] and amplitude 50
propriately chosen. [deg]. Angular plate position:  plate position reference (dashdotted blue line);
2) A smooth trajectory reference (STR) first-order filter is  plate position reference model to be tracked (dashed red line);  plate
position (solid black line). (a) begin of the manoeuvre t 2 [20; 33] [s]; (b) end
introduced both to limit the tracking error during tip-in/ of the manoeuvre t 2 [113:5; 126:5] [s].
tip-out conditions and to reduce the unavoidable noise on
the external reference [7].
3) As the velocity of the plate is not available, a proper deriva- VI. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
tive filter has to be used to reconstruct the plate velocity. The proposed adaptive LQ-NEMCSI controller has been
In so doing, unavoidable noise and delays are introduced widely tested over a long reference signal of the throttle po-
in the closed-loop system along the velocity channel wors- sition composed by a mixed sequence of canonical signals,
ening the overall performances. A way to overcome this comprising square, sinusoidal, and step functions as well as
problem is to use state observers for the velocity estima- free driver commands.
tion according with some approaches that can be found in To illustrate the effects of the gain adaptation on the tracking
the ETB literature (see, for example, [16], [19], [28], [33]). error, we show in Fig. 8(a) and (b) the reference position and
Since one of the most strict industrial requirements is the the valve position close to the beginning of the test and after
reduction of the processing time and memory needed for about 100 [s]. We can clearly see that, as time increases, the
the implementation of controllers on an ECU [15], here we control gains evolve causing a better and better tracking of the
test the control scheme assuming in (4a) equal to zero, reference model state. Specifically, the undershoot present at
removing in this way the need for an online estimation of the beginning of the maneuver disappears as the controller gain
the angular velocity. The experimental results confirm that adapt.
such an “unorthodox” choice does not affect the overall We present next a set of wide opening manoeuvres where
performance of the controller. the valve is required to open and close over a position range
4) As it usually happens when implementing the MCS of about 70 [deg]. This is a particularly challenging problem
strategy [21], the scalar quantities and which modu- as the restoring force is, in practice, characterized by different
late the adaptive gains in (4a) and (4c), have to be chosen elastic coefficients depending on the actual position of the plate
heuristically as a trade off between convergence time and (see Appendix B). Despite the lack of any explicit modelling
reactivity of the control action. Our choice for the weights of such spring behavior, experiments confirm that the adaptive
of the adaptive strategy is , , , controller does indeed guarantee good tracking performance in
and . these operating conditions, as shown in Fig. 9. Note that the
5) Locking of the adaptive gains was implemented in the mi- maximum transient error is below 7 [deg] as required and goes
crocontroller. In particular, the adaptive gain is frozen down to less than 0.1 [deg] at steady-state. The corresponding
when it exceeds 25% of the maximum allowable voltage control signal and gain evolution are within the acceptable ex-
value, i.e., battery voltage. perimental bounds.

Fig. 9. Experimental results. Square wave with period 4 [s] and amplitude Fig. 10. Experimental results. Sinusoidal wave with period 4 [s] and ampli-
70 [deg]. (a) Angular plate position:  plate position reference (dashdotted 
tude 5 [deg]. (a) Angular plate position: plate position reference (dashdotted
blue line);  plate position reference model to be tracked (dashed red line); blue line); plate position reference model to be tracked (dashed red line);
 plate position (solid black line). (b) Position tracking error. (c) Controller  plate position (solid black line). (b) Position tracking error. (c) Controller
adaptive gains:K K
(solid line), (dashed-dotted line). (d) Controller output adaptive gains: K K
(solid line), (dashed-dotted line). (d) Controller output
voltage. voltage.

We move now to the case of small amplitude reference signals. scheme copes effectively with such unwanted nonlinear perturba-
In this scenario the presence of stick-slip motion due to friction tions (which again are not modelled explicitly for control system
becomes particularly relevant as the position and velocity vari- design). Similar results were obtained for different small ampli-
ations are relatively low. As shown in Fig. 10 our novel control tude signals and are not reported here for the sake of brevity.

Fig. 12. Experimental results. Sequence of steps. (a) Angular plate position:
 plate position reference (dashdotted blue line); plate position reference
model to be tracked (dashed red line);  plate position (solid black line).
Fig. 11. Experimental results. Free driver command. (a) Angular plate posi-
tion:  plate position reference (dashdotted blue line);  plate position ref-
(b) Position tracking error. (c) Controller adaptive gains: K K
(solid line),
(dashed-dotted line). (d) Controller output voltage.
erence model to be tracked (dashed red line);  plate position (solid black
line). (b) Position tracking error. (c) Controller adaptive gains: K (solid line),
K (dashed-dotted line). (d) Controller output voltage.
that excellent tracking performance is achieved when more
Further validation of the controller was carried out on a realistic free driver commands are chosen as reference signals.
set of free manoeuvres as shown in Fig. 11. We observe In particular, for the manoeuvre Fig. 11(a) details on the

evolution of absolute tracking error, adaptive gains and control position sensors; 3) a battery voltage sensor; 4) an H-bridge
action are traced in Fig. 11(b)–(d), respectively. The tracking power circuit (to drive the DC motor); 5) an Hall effect current
error during all the manoeuvre is less than the one prescribed sensor (LTA 50P/SP1, LEM); 6) signal conditioning circuits;
by automotive requirements (7 [deg]) remaining lower than 7) a station for rapid control prototyping (RCP).
about 2.6 [deg]. The open-loop response of the ETB plant can be summarized
Finally, we consider the case of a multistep reference signal through two characteristic times. Namely, the time necessary
applied to the valve towards the end of the control horizon. to open wide the valve under a battery voltage step (
Such signal is shown in Fig. 12. Here, again the LQ-NEMCSI 12 [V]) 100 [ms], and the current-less return time,
controller guarantees satisfactory performance over the entire namely the time necessary to close the valve in free evolution
manoeuvre. 350 [ms].
All the validation tests described above confirm that indeed The RCP is a dSPACE-based Multiprocessor System
the new adaptive control scheme presented in this paper is a vi-
equipped with the DS1003 (DSP TMS320C40, 60 Mflops)
able and effective strategy to be implemented experimentally
and DS1004 (DEC Alpha AXP 21164, 600 Mflops) processor
showing excellent performance when applied to the ETB setup
boards. An analog DS2201 (20 ch., 12 bit, 30 kHz) and a
of interest. Note that for the sake of brevity, we omit the evolu-
tion of the adaptive gains and determining the amplitude digital DS4002 (8 ch. CAP/CMP res. 30 bit/200 ns, freq.
of the integral and switching actions in the LQ-NEMCSI con- max. 833 kHz) board allow the I/O handling. The DSP is
troller for all the experimental tests which have been reported. In programmed in MATLAB/Simulink (MathWorks) environment
general, we observe the switching action to have small bounded [34] and the experiments are managed and instrumented by a
amplitude and similarly for the integral action. ControlDesk application [35]. Furthermore, an oscilloscope
It is worth mentioning here that performing a long ma- (TDS-3014, Tektronix) is used to perform high frequency
noeuvre can be useful to implement an automatic procedure measurements.
for the tuning of the controller gains. Namely, the gains could Note that, using the hardware described above, the execution
be set to the final steady-state values obtained at the end of of our control task is performed in 10 [ s] with a sample time
the manoeuvre and then adapted about those values to cope of 1 [ms].
with uncertainties and external disturbances. Despite not being
a requirement of the algorithm we presented in the paper, APPENDIX B
this might represent a practical low-cost alternative to more MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF THE THROTTLE BODY
classical gain tuning schemes.
The ETB plant (shown in Fig. 3) mainly consists of a dc
VII. CONCLUSION motor, a reduction gear and a plate where the springs necessary
to lead the plate in the limp-home position are also located.
We have presented the synthesis and validation of a novel The mathematical model of the plant can be constructed
class of adaptive controllers, the LQ-NEMCSI. The main fea- starting from the simple models that describe each part of the
tures of these controllers are to require minimal knowledge of system and then considering the interaction between them. The
the plant and to be robust to nonlinear perturbations by means overall model can then be derived as (see [36] for details on the
of an adaptively estimated switching action. The controller is model derivation)
based on the family of MCS model reference adaptive con-
trollers. The idea is to use an optimally controlled reference
model and implement the control action onto the plant by means (39)
of an adaptive controller consisting of state feedback and feed-
forward actions enhanced by means of a switching action and
an integral action. Analytical proof of asymptotic stability was
where, given the minimum and the maximum allowed angles,
given. Then, the controller was validated experimentally on a
respectively and , [deg] is the plate
highly nonlinear plant of relevance in applications, the ETB.
position; [deg/s] is the velocity of the plate; is the current
The experimental validation confirms the effectiveness of the
across the coil of the armature; [V] is the
novel scheme to achieve the desired performance in a number
voltage source across the coil of the armature (being the
of different situations.
battery voltage); [H] is the equivalent inductance of the ar-
Note that the control design and validation reported in this
mature coil; [ ] is the equivalent resistance of the armature
paper strongly indicates the feasibility of the new control
coil; [Vs/rad] is the velocity constant determined by the flux
strategy we presented for the control of ETB and other non-
of the permanent magnets; [Nm/A] is the torque constant;
linear plants in commercial applications. Future work will
[Kgm ] is the equivalent moment of inertia; is the transmis-
address this issue.
sion ratio due to the gear; [Nm] is the torque due to the pres-
ence of the springs which gives the restoring torque; [Nm]
APPENDIX A represents all friction torques. Parameter values for our experi-
EXPERIMENTAL SETUP mental setup are reported in Table I.
The experimental setup consists of: 1) an ETB (DV-E5, Nonlinear Restoring Torque and Friction: The elastic
Bosch), embedding a dc motor; 2) two dual resistive angular torque in (39), is not simply a linear function of all the


admissible angles, but is a PWL (piece-wise linear) function

given by


where , , [Nm/deg] are the stiffness coefficients in

each region of interest; [Nm] is the minimum torque nec-
essary to close the valve; [Nm] is the minimum torque
necessary to open the valve; [deg] is the limp-home an- Fig. 13. Experimental restoring torque: (a) plate position greater than the limp-
gular position; [deg] is the clearance between the teeth of home; (b) plate position lower than the limp home.
the gear; [deg] is the discontinuity point of the slope of the
elastic torque. Further details on the experimental derivation of
expression (40) in the range of interest is reported in [36], while Rearranging the Model Equations: We now rearrange (39)
all parameter values are given in Table I. The identified elastic in order to put the system in the form prescribed to show the
torque model is shown in Fig. 13. robustness of the MCS approach [25] (see Section IV).
The model of the friction torque is based on a static Coulomb Since the electrical dynamics are faster than the mechanical
model modified in order to include the Stribeck effect as ones, we can neglect the dynamic of the current, thus yielding

where [Nm] is the Coulomb friction torque; [Nm] is the (42)

stiction friction torque; [deg/s] is the Stribeck velocity
[Nms/rad] is the equivalent linear damping coefficient. where the current is a static function of the armature voltage
Fig. 14 shows the shape of the friction nonlinear term when and angular velocity of the plate as
the friction parameters have been set according to those in
Table I. Further details can be found in [32], [36], while the
parameters values are reported in Table I. (43)

Define now the state and the input vectors as

, , and the parameters vector.
System (49) can be written as




Considering now the parameter uncertainties , assumed to be

bounded, system (50) can be recast as

Fig. 14. Nonlinear term of the friction torque based on identified plant param-
eters. with

Now we rewrite the spring torque as
where and
(44) . Note that, since the parameter uncertainties
if , and the values of the physical parameter are bounded, the
function is also be bounded as required in [25].
if ,
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[26] C. A. Desor and M. Vidyasagar, Feedback System: Input-Output Prop- High Efficiency Spark Ignition Engines Division.
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on modelling and identification of an electronic throttle body,” in Ph.D. degree in automatic control from the Univer-
Proc. 10th Med. Conf. Control Autom. (MED), Lisbon, Portugal, sity of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy, in 2005 and
Jul. 2002. 2009, respectively.
[30] B. Armstrong-Helouvry, P. Dupont, and C. C. de Witt, “A survey of His research interests include the modeling of non-
models, analysis tools and compensation methods for the control of smooth systems, adaptive, and switching control.
machines with friction,” Automatica, vol. 30, no. 7, pp. 1083–1138,
Jul. 1994.
[31] R. H. A. Hensen, “Controlled mechanical systems with friction,”
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Eindoven, The Netherlands, 2002.
[32] M. di Bernardo, A. di Gaeta, U. Montanaro, and S. Santini, “A com-
parative study of the new lq-mcs control on an automotive electro-me-
chanical system,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits Syst., Seattle, WA, Stefania Santini received the “Laurea” degree
May 2008, pp. 552–555. (M.Sc.) in control engineering and the Ph.D. degree in
[33] A. Kitahara, A. Sato, M. Hoshino, N. Kurihara, and S. Shin, “LQG automatic control from the University of Naples Fed-
based electronic throttle control with a two degree of freedom struc- erico II, Naples, Italy, in 1996 and 1999, respectively.
ture,” in Proc. 35th Conf. Decision Control, Dec. 1996, vol. 2, pp. In 1999, she was a Visiting Researcher with
1785–1788. the Measurement and Control Laboratory (ETH
[34] dSPACE GmbH, “RTI and RTI-MP implementation guide for release Zuerich), Svizzera. In 2001, she became Assistant
3.5,” 2003. Professor of Automatic Control with the Department
[35] dSPACE GmbH, “Control desk experiment guide for release 3.5,” of Systems and Computer Engineering, University
2003. of Naples Federico II. Her current research interests
[36] A. di Gaeta, U. Montanaro, S. Santini, and M. di Bernardo, include the analysis and control of nonsmooth
“Modeling and identification of an electronic throttle body,” Isti- dynamical systems and automotive control.
tuto Motori, National Research Council, Naples, Italy, Tech. Rep. Dr. Santini is a member of the Technical Committee on Automotive Controls
2009RR1887, 2009. of the IEEE Control System Society.

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