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1. Natural history of disease : a development of disease without the intervention
from the medical factor
2. Five-levels prevention of infectious disease : Health promotion, special
protection, early diagnosis and prompt treatment, dissability limitation and
3. Exposure : the condition of being subjected to something
which may have a harmful effect
1. How is the transmission of infectious disease?
2. What are the factor that can make infection?
3. What is the defintion of five levels prevention and explain it!
4. How to prevent from an infectious disease?
5. What are the characteristic of infection disease?
6. What are the benefit of knowing natural history disease?
7. What are the source of transmission of natural disease?
8. What is the definition of natural history disease?
9. How the treatment to people that have infection disease?
1. How is the transmission of infectious disease?
There are two types:
- Direct contact: direct physical contact with blood and body fluids
- Indirect contact: having media transmission such as water, air and vector
- Through food and drink
2. What are the factor that can make infection?
Lifestyle, environment, body immunity, biological agent, medical treatment,
hormone, unhealthy food
3. How to prevent from an infectious disease?
- Getting vaccination and immunization
- Washing hand
- Consuming supplement
- Keeping the sanitation clean
- Regular exercise
- Sterillization of things
- Using mask
- Health education
- Environmental modification
- Dont share personal item
4. How to promotive from an infectious disease?
- By counselling education about infectious disease
- Monitoring the growth of children
- Improved hygine and environmental sanitation
- Housing guide
- Adjust marriage or sex education
5. What are the characteristic of infection disease?
- The disease causes by virus, bactery and paracites
- Fever for a few days
- There is abses appearing
6. How the treatment to people that have infection disease?
7. What is the defintion of five levels prevention and explain it!
1. Health promotion: public action to maintain the balance and increasing
endurance. Example: exercise regularly
2. General and spesific protection: to stop the proccess of interaction of germ
host environment, accure in healty. example: provide immunization.
3. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment: finding the disease as early as
possible. Example: screening for early detection of cancer
4. Dissability limitation: action adequate theraphy
5. Rehabilitation: restore the patient
8. How to execute five-levels of prevention in community?
By doing massive immunization, counselling, improve the health facilities,
healthy lifestyle, sanitation, free healthcare service
9. What is the definition of natural history disease and mention the stages!
The definiton is about the timing and progression of the disease in individuals,
starting from the occurence of exposure to casual agents to the
consequences of illness such as healing or death without interruption by
apreventive or therapeutic intervention.
10. What are the benefit of knowing natural history disease?
For early diagnostic, for preventation, for theraphy
11. What are the source of transmission of natural disease?
Virus, bacteria, fungi, genetical
a. Air Droplet
pathogens are breathed, sneezed, or d. Vector Borne
coughed out of respiratory system, Transferred from a vector, such as
TBC insect
inhalation air that contaminnated with malaria, dengue fever
pathogens from infected person mosquito's bite
b. Faecal-oral
Pathogen are excreted from gut of an e. Blood
infected person, and enter the gut of pathogens are transferred from
another person through hs/her mouth infected person to other
,collera, hepatitis A hepatitis B
(water, and sanitation, huyiene Blood transfussion
conditions) f. Unclean Wound
c. sexual pathogens exist in nature and enter
HIV Gonorrhoea the body through a wound
Unprotected Sex tetanus
deep cuts HIV
g. Mother to Child (vertical) Syphillis
from mother to newborn baby) Hepatitis B
WHO,2009 Principles of infectious disease transmission
2. a. host
b. agent
c. environment
(Rosaliya Yosi, Faktor yang mempengaruhi kejadian infeksi di RSUD
Tugurejo, Semarang )
Washing hands
Consuming nutritious foods
Consuming supplements
Practicing regularly
Having adequate rest
Getting vaccination and immunization
Keeping the sanitation clean

5. Fever for a few days.
Enlargement the wounds
There is abses appearing
Give the other people infection

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