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Immigration, Citizenship, Racialization: Asian ‘American Critique t ‘1 "vet Anounceent by he Vem Veter’ Memoria Fund of ‘vnning design of «memoria pone Malt or iar, oer: The ste wed er costing his memorial ipl ick rote imped om lain. peste 5 panel etc inte ee rch hick locks, the ores panel beg eg inces alte highs ten snd fl et th get panel weighing tre sind pound "The memaial was ensived in 98 ahve Bult oe the net two year 398%. cmparn, he ocln Menara your rit took hy yee compete, Te cape wa le andthe apex of he mal exces a depo anoet clen fet Notice the mementos et by ose who ‘st medals: turer omer lets to of tenge Dy zen in South fades eter seen by hes “hs epee mene war tion meant for. bo tena 18 een mentioned es nt —she ft at mes he (igre of memoria tan Ava nar wes peeing. ayoung woman, 2 Siuden Anam Chine Amean Weel lupe ose, ts poks.” fae Brogy. Walle Noting that as eer appeed should e repel aso fr isto. re esanin, “Ths on the Pwo of Mintary” 2 tiga Ace ‘Giaens inhabit the pial pace of he mata, a space that sat once, juridical legate, tertovally stated, and culturally embodied. A. ‘hough the laws perhaps the discourse hat mos literal govems cizen hip, US. national cuure—the colle fnged images, Historie, end narratives that place, displace, and replace individual i rlaton to the atonal poity—powerilly shapes who thectienry is where they del, ‘what they remember, and what they forget nsf asthe legal dentin nd pica concept of the citizen enenchises the subject who inhabits ‘he national public spre, the enccep ofthe asta citizen each fr ‘aly equivalent one tthe oter—is defied by the negation ofthe ma tern condition of work andthe inequalities ofthe property system, Inthe Unite States, nt only class but lo the historically sedimented pert lanes of race, national origin loa, and embodiment remain lage ‘invisible within the political sphere In this sense, the legal end polities forms the nation have required national cult inthe integration ofthe lferetated peopl ad scl space that ake up “Ameren "a national calture, broadly cst yet singularly engaging that can inspire dere ind ‘duals to identify with he national pret. leis through the tran of national culture thatthe individual subject 4s politically formed asthe American eigen a terrin introduced by he Statue of Liberty, discovered by the migrant, dreamed ina common Tanguage and defended in tae bythe independent, slfmade man. The ‘eco quest, the triumph over meskes, the promises of sation, prov evan progres: this is tbe America feeling the ye of lif. the ethos and spr of being. Ii in passing by way ofthis eran of eure tat the subject is immerse in the reperoite of American memories, event {nd naraties and comes to arial tcf in the domain of language, social hierarchy, lnm, and ultimate, political eepresentation. tm being represeated as clizen within the poital sphere, however, the rubject, is “sli off from the unepreerable histories of situated embodizient that contadit the abstract form of citizenship, Culture is the medium ofthe proset—the imagined equvalences and identifications through ‘hich the individual invents ved reationship withthe national elle tive—butitssimstaneously the site that medites the ps, through which ‘story is grasped as diference, as feagments, shocks, and flashes ofa. Imig, Gizeship Raion 3 Jumion. 1s Uuough aurea he bjt Bec, cad spans tear "Ameian is wie inert nial cle ts srg and remember sd in ha ice rere. magne {pas bth je ad comm ety "ns manner unprecedented inte went ety. the Vewar War (5997) sol te Sabla cree of Amen undetanlng A aS ha "appl wa ots by sl vee, the res tnd the cco dating at om which the Ue Sates nud ot ete cuits pap wo single eet ath cena {tate perdi ih Arn pe aap trl ts of emmy natn and ure ray teed hese ites et yn he ns f eth nr that thea Wat ah snd come ys tse the totonlunderstndngf he wa a red yd oat othe con temporary cies nunderanings of clogs erin nd tosons of mast nen, nn ao ply “Wal po trys theconmoreysronding the Van War Memoria a aestee the yung Cinet Ameria worn sie! Maye ng Lin who de Sedillo wero ged ot Shey wee ot epsentt int tac modernist nes fe dng The ployee uname ten natin by the waren Ireané women wean and anor vis Ants sd Anan Teping the notable veto sud the atonal poet of errant warren The iy atin i pena {Cunning ent lil enon he “Tee ues ofan Ameran mse Senge 305g Chine American wom oenenratingthe US, slits wo fought aleve! Sarg Wall ous primary on he wert git Lins modes, sonra degn ara mane of eben Lis pestien aa Asn es oma. Tog peformance these cnc an gles he ply suggest tat te atonal ret tfrememirng the Vata Wat ve itr wo be terpenes eine sera ae wich tet of em bent nthe mala body ae conte, pled sn ial fe 4 tnmigran ce {efined, In particular, by damatiing the deat ato whether a national, ‘monument designed by an Aslan American ca represent the American ‘nation, the play makes clear thatthe question of esthetic representation isalway also debate about political representation, The veterans demand that astute with soldiers and an American flag be placed ext tothe of ial monument, lack Vshaped stone horizontal tothe earth etched with ‘the names ofthe dead, Th central antagonism between the veteran’ de ‘mand fora representational monument ad Lin insistent commitment 6 nonrepresentational aesthetic embodies the confit between the nation alist. deste fr resolution trough representational forms and the unas simile onficts and parclartes that cannot be represented by hose forms. For the nation defined by vciy in US, wars in Asa throughout the twentieth cenury—inthe Philippines Jpn, and Korea and ts etzenry specified fr so much ofthe county's history bythe exsion of Asians from naturalization and chizenship the natlonl monument etineme- ‘ating veterans ofthe war losin Vietsm designed bythe twenty-one searold daughter of Asian immigrants was an unesced contraction, 2 retum ofthe represied, a "ish that would not heal Baro. Flipina “American, has writen an Asian American” pay that twingultes Chinese American, Filipina American, and Ue descendants ofthe unremembered Vietnamese —al different sites sn which the “At inefaces with the “American begin my discussion with this example in onde to theme ‘ae Asan American cultural productions as coterie to U.S national ‘memory and nator] cule? Inthe st century and haf, the America cizn has ben defined over gait the Asian immigrant, legal, economically, and culturally These in New York Caria Uninet res King Croan Pes 950 Shey une, “Pole of Cee Bclanon: Liane Ect Con, 16 1882" Ameria oun 9, no (g82 537 Aa panne exo S eCity deere "Of al he ae niin, he apne sae the ea ssa nd the eos dangers ttc.» Wh pea pe of ce, hey have ode of iting in he ono alg mtn. They donot ne this county with any este or tent oe her rc ration deny... They nee ene tobe panes” Quel in Roa Tala, Stans fom Deon Shore New Yor; Wiliam Monow. 989) 209 See reh heoran Chae H. Penn, Nato Li and Character AF es New Yrs Macrlan.893) which he wine ofthe npg pel of eples fcr the ope by Asia ad thi oth Euro ‘et temperte zoe and Atercan Bsk Adam, The Law gf Cizton ead Dec A ny om Hay New York Mail, 898), Selo Gay YO at. Margins Maina: Asan ie American History and Clr Sete Unive Washington. 964, ‘Asan ba ben aerate sujet 6 wo cesses of ition constuction. what Bens Bia dings a "tral acon” tht Sigures racine groupe within # nition sae and eter ain ht oncered with the construction of groupe oatie of the maton. Se ‘aline snd Iman! Wallen, Race Ni, Clas Ambpue enser (Wonton ers 991 Tks utah apued. in sia es, that he Construction of pneie Americans ame mort coment ‘wit he postwar rofezaton discourse ou pn the “moe of ape alt devlopment iA See Ft Nisei Sie ae Gzes epnee ‘merce US. Nain Mary, nd Ral Des” ppe present at "The Plies of Remembering the AsPaie Wa" Uses f Hava Manas, Hana, eva Sepembe 195 In ight ofthe ecto cnsrution of he malty subj, the station (of US. sles of clr ert forthe wars in Aa complied aod ‘poveril ste in which the conditions eeween US. natal a ct imation emerge. Randa Slava writes, fr camp of the Charo 8 en the Koran Warn old Hizjosa The Kenan Song se Sada, Chae Nari: Te Das ef Dire Madeon Univers of Won sin Pes, 990) Geoge Maral colcting ety on Chicano veteran of ‘he Vietnam War tha res he condos of race, ss a mito lum. Diferent contains sor or Aan Aeris who seve i the US ltr. The fpaese Areca sides in Wel War are diced ln Mayo Dus, Unilay Lieto: The Mer of the roth nd nd (Hono Iu Univers of Haws Pre 1987) Ties Shibtari Te Dee of Company Kersey Univer of Cllrs Pee, 978K Sct Wen’ eakin ropes “aman: Fn Chine Amen ad th Sond War ‘War considers the pat fhe aon Chee American veterans ‘iene L Rabe icsion othe nmr aga” ggest in ‘hisegar. Rael “Cute fAres Sis the United Sate” paper sented tthe "reratonalaieg Call Sader confrence, Unies of ai a Manoa, 994) Aa eater version of ths popes warps Sw Tt 4 (iter 994) 9-7 Se Kings Cheung’ peta sly Ariat Stee Hy Ym MacnHong Kio Joy Kags hac Corel Univer Pres, 99), Aes oxide Asis began in 85 Calon when the site ei tur kev 2 eptatn tu fy leon the ition oth ate of eonswhocanaet became izes tee” Anat in expla “peso of Chines Meagan cet” In 6, ane at aed Chine to psc fee white kde aginst competion with Chines cote aor" “Twoac ped in 170 were deted apne he mportion of "Mongol, Chinese an panes female fo criminal or Georaing purpone and fale sve" Noe of hse ns a el pac all were decled ‘wos when sed inthe higher ours. See Socheng Cha, ie Areca: A erie Hier arte Taye 195) 58. ns, 1884886 and 888 Congres ocd Chine nelson as peng immigration of Chinese bore nd rng ree of all Chine ‘boxes wh depsried and dd ot retarn befoe the page the ac. See Charles Gordon. "The Ras Barto American Cheep” Unters of Pegi Law aw 93 (194-48 257-58 nd Milton Koh The Ain andthe Asiatic in Ameran La Ua: Cmel Unies rs 946). Tuson firs were then ced at dasa panese A owe calererion ws used esta Asin tdine eeute tt ailo ee aus as unclear: the 19¢7 migration et denied ent to people om 3 Notes ave 2oe” tat scaded Seth Ass ough Seat Asa ins ‘nthe India and Pace Ocrans buted Aner pens of the Phippnes nd Guam. The lmigation Ae of 92 are ent flrs ‘neil iene ease panes an athet Aas wre aed by *herppenatrazaton wiping th white ol” could atualized ascinzens the gag al exe en om ition, See Gay, Hes, "The Hind in Americ: ligation a Natl Plies nd Ini 97-1946" Pa His Rosiew 38 959 59-79 rept ‘Aan Ios, ilps her Ai Comma, a he Law, Che [McChin ew York: Galan, 19) and Bal H. Prk “The Jane Schuson Blo gag” Roeinh dr fhe Sate Cally of Wagon» (2931 65-77 sepentedin apn Ing nd Aen Le Chae ‘McCain Ne Yrs Catind 194 ‘Thegoerament dil ot ava eae Kore ofl: eat emi: to from Keesha ale ben cu by he opt cll mins tation, Owing to US. conan of th Philippine Fpion were "wird th Usted Sutra were calleé nat they mee aber ens nor ‘izes, and ede her equited changes heir The Tyg MeDute Act of 934 et Flipna immigration a qt iy pene pe eat and all Flips in the Uated Stes were recaieda “lre” Sot Le Houchins nd Chango Houching, "The Roan Epic in Armenia, 193-34 Pie Miseral Rew 45974) 54875 aH. Bee Mele, lpn in th United Staten” Pc Hoa Ren 3 (674) 99-11 ted in McCain, Aish ln Flip Ot Aan Commie, and he law. The US. exhson of Flip immigration war conti cost sth the au of Pilippine independ fom US cloiaton se Bro asker, Fp mmnation (Cage Ue of Ching res, 93 Nei Gotan a hcsted the sir of he priad ror 94 03950, using which Chines exchasion was epee and Chinese were gated enshp ad maturinton ee Gta Towards Repel of sa cio The Magnaton At of 94. the At of 2,946. Peseta Precam omaf i996, th Aco Aap 90g, dhe Ato aa 9507 in Aon nrc Cong: A Deena Hi yng Cha Ri (Wenge, Conn: Greenmool3999, ‘he 1965 mmigation at ene “tonal gh the as of Ames can gratin lgltion and wat Fred tan amendment oh 132 MeCaman Water Act. The 1965 sled “tonal erg” gut 3nd 8a Nae _eciied seven reference fr Tarten Hemiphre it mma: ‘mae adult stn and dghers fie (poe nd unas ons sd dauphers of permanent residents) rofesionals, scientist ndasts exceptional ay mar at sons ad Ger of US. chines (sling ofa tens (workers sled and used, nocuptons ferwhich aber msec supp nthe Unie State and (7 rege rm ‘Comamunistdoninte euro toe pote by natal extophe, See Bil Ong Hing. Maing nd Remain Asn Arica Hag mnie on Ply. 8-190 (Stanton Unity Fes, 999), appedic Since fs, two millon Asin gut ixigant sw min none ‘mmigancs ad one millon eager ote the ee preference an a rive The subaequent 975 Indechina Migration and Refuge Assan thee Refage Acad the 18 Ameria Homecoming Act heh ‘ated Vitmamese, Canbedan, a0 a Thal niga an reetemet. See Can. Ae Aen, 45-4 1 Gary¥. Othe, Mags and Mineo: asin American Hl and Ca ture Gente Univer of Washington Pres, 994) Olio argue tht in the swaps fr econ and equity, Ati Ameria have help pe- sere and adance the Wal fdemracy ad ae they rade the Und States er lc frat cy Aan Arcata bts wal 98 Onthe conflicts and onvadicions of aeerpeay mito paces se ‘Wayne Coots, lip Maia. and ames Hil, Contig a pao: A Gil Poop [Sf Sani Uninet Pees 1994) On he istry of US, mmigation lew, ee Ky Cala, US Imgton Le andthe Coma Lab 80-2 Landon: reat Bae Forno 84. ‘The lg demesne of Aan iui othe United Ses ae dl ‘sed in Hing. Making and Rmaling Asan Ameri. Te pli economy of Asan immigation i dscaned in Lace Cheng a Eta Bonacch, e- alo atone Caption: Alan Worker in he Unie tats ee Weod War (rele: Une of Caltarn re. 1984), ‘nthe hsory of enacts conn cz in the ried Sines an sot gi ots fatal an perpetual legac, set mes Ket, The Dolor f te Coney of Amen Cceip 68. 2870 (Chapal Hl Unneety of Neh Carolia Pes 978).On egal chien Ship uae te Conesion, ee Keowth Kes, longing fo Amer put hou onteCostinton New Haven: Ye Unie Pen 1989), 19 Inakingup he covery f ean | mento dp the Mari conept eter 385 ‘har dies he det webin which domination ets cw amie ition. For Mar, expan geerats is owe centrations he play ‘pe beg between cei nd abr hat precipitates poetaian conc sn ndthe overthrow ofthe capt se, Te wile endnt in hese Capes, however. | eat the sing Jaz determi telgy acted withthe re eta se of ote ion fr pons nado fer derstanding th many ste ona awn within isto stated soc formations, While Marx proposes ‘hat thecal contradiction exit etn capa bra cori ‘on that permis the aecaltin of uae ale ough nlation of aor whe ao paces cst he ea condons of Asin immigration within te stil decping US. economy al th on ‘erporryevcumstanes of Asan Americ wih potter” pat eal canomy make spa that we mat ay peak re hn ne fontaition ht woke and thagh earl wih ter cana hans. ni chapter, fr example, ier the ay in wich wat might bertheored as eonaic onan wishin the cil of US try she aye arc and gendered corre the te cima beademe ‘atid in hich l jects se graned membership the aad lege workers for whom cpl profes ist exaed fom pola artist inthe sue. AL be sme tne he gneigy ech ‘ops ad enfrrchierents pede” migra sje ten ee ‘ype of lhor needed cpl In the cetera Cllrs sony ‘hana Propo fy makes et ht es” migra aber Ss consracted ar male” wherein abr conrad 2 femal” se noe low hs hap. Catratonsybe ‘ati 1" or “sonantaganistc”ascoding fo the rat of “ned ‘he wayin hich ontaltons cere Laue hase a ued that ped “sab” thecantrdicon te cal rte re tale by apceren, whereas a revolt uate ech the 9) Bab Sherk menerent in Rus, tee ontacesone may feo conden 08 “ruprre Sturt Hal proposes tht th ater endon ef ge br calmoment wil binge contacto there ou fhe onegence of contaesone. See Alter, Contraicon abd Ovedtermintion For Mane rane Ben Brewster (London: Vera 9 nd Hal. “Signin tion Representation, eslg: ABs athe Fo Sti Debt ca Sr Mas Coan 3,3 (he 9859-4, oy (nineteen Chie migrant aor, se Suheng Chin, Th ‘Birt Sl The Chins Clfr greasy Une erst of Clfomia Pres, 086) See alo Sacheng Cha, Ey Dene sclin and he China Conan Amari 8-943 (Philp: “erp University Press 199) Toms Almagucr, acl Flt The Hie tera Ore of Whe Supremacy Calf eke: Univer of Ca Seria Prem, 1994) (Gener Join DeWit stated that te paese were “an enemy ace” whose acl anes werent sered by igo and whose rac si emsioed“undste”ang send sol thid entation; ci a Chan, ‘sion Arians 125. 02 the history fhe interment of 1,000 pee Inga nd pane Areva ring Wal Wa se Roger Das Sande. Tir. an HuryH.L Kt, ee. Jpann Ane: Pom Re aio o Res (Seale: Universty of Washington, 1986); Rees Danis, Cece Cams USA: Japa Aeron and Word War (Se Yak Hol, Rincan and Winstn. 197) and Per Ions, Jute De The ase ef he pan Amero internet Cae (eon: Wesleyan Un ens) Pres 989). Inthe ist section a is 1946 novel Ane i the Hart, Clos Bos eacibes the povery 28 mite opportunity ofthe ar Pilippine alo rized by he United Sats, elect demonstrating te pone ofthe myth of Ameria ection, indica, and deseapietali athe ges of aha Linn Richard Weight ad the iarin ven Bele hem ‘aor mgs 0 Ameria. Baoan, Ares In Be He (Sete Un ety of Washington Pres. 1979), “TRirisbore ost nthe histor sprain of Flpine American otal Imo foe Asan American” movements fe 160, See Erp, An ‘Arercan Pani, 0-9, oracles dating of Fin Ave. ‘anor US. lipo” owing oth isto ofcoloniation and niga. See Ose V Campomanes, The New Emp Frgesil and Forgotten Chinen: Unrepresenaly an Unanieaiy in Pipe Aerie Ps Colne” Crit Mas 47 (September 993 145-220; and Theo Gonzae, “We Hol Newly Folded Hope" Fpne Veterans of Wold Warll on Chienship and Plt Obtain” Ameai fur 3 (Winter ‘9989961 5-74 ‘ThecdrW: Aron, Naat Dats New Yr: Canin 57) wie: "rare tt he concep aay sere appa, ave nw Dut to 5 News 5 eck mance ton mau through the span fl en ty Since ta totaly sured er mh ope were, we ote Is the pinche exeladed mil whats wl eB his pope ‘whatee difersn ult comes besexgnte ea centon, Conta Aiton is none nde he apt of Hey the deta peiay the enc of cotraictin makes te tought of ty the meet oF eterogeniy. As the heterogeneous ois wih tit # exces al, Dials eth consent senso identity dees bein by kings stands (i ‘Adore writes: "A wue perenne of the atic woul ot be i> ableencept by hanging the une alin tel sig ett {a complementary elgy fe hides bow mach f the prc has cme to bes Rincon of the uneral~soting wc nt gal fr at alkaysbeen” Aden, Dynamics of Uren nd Prine, 339-14 avd Palumbo ba an exert csi of th pole ofthe nie sland the parca in lion oA Arteria caine and Mino Cure iene, 7201995) 88-208, Se abo. Naoki Sala “Moderaty ands Cris The Pb of Uniers and Pa las? Sad lane Qua 475-505, See Witham Pesta Ans and Dice Fl Sapesion of dis (Urban: Ue tin Pres, 1965) See mote 16 above a the seen ferences ofthe 1965 at. Ene La has argued ht wile the 965 a ray ve "opened United Sates to.newimmigants. ia produced iterated catego the gant for suv nd euson: Lube “The 196 Insigaton a Natty Act An Ent Bsn” ptow orton Lt Yl as bred thatthe ot fae Ding usd oat aria lr pepe thst more recenly war nerd through whiten ee Vlg. “mmieation, Gender, an Vnlence Te Ret aie the Wee” pope pe sate a the aman eting of he Acton or Asan Anericin Sen, (alded, Cl jane 195) Michel Foca enald the dcr producin and mangenet of ecw of nog dough tet scl paces la, id itunes ses cancernd with he proce anton of dace elaine ad ‘sions prado our, opr poling and intl “freedoms” gate by the rl sate nto ae forme ugh wich subjects and communis ate eulte, SeFoacal.Dipne and Puch, 86 9 ‘eas Alan Shr New Yk: Vintage 1979) In the contest of US inlaw we can ander oth the defacement of Ai a les {nd te enincisement of Asse a iene afm of saree an segulston "seth term gene” erence a Foucault wo To revi thei vesgpical endeny 9 projec progresone a eis, Fact be ert cancetof roy a sere foment or contion when It may be posible ane the eberence, lope 0d specie per of Iason within nh moment Si eter imposing neceny Cullen omegeetes, or sales nor sruming that the sae forms of Rory peter on al phere of un ait Such eis nay over aii ec. He ies of tw hisry hel “ree of trey, dons, iit, Aires of ee sis, crnsogeal peices, parc for of ann, and posible yes af elton. Tis not beste ying 0 lana pur of ister jaapeed and indepenent fone aster: ht ofthe economy beside tht of inst, nd beside the two thos fc nc, lion or tet... The problem tt now presets self. to determin whet frm of telson thy belgie described between ‘hes diferent srs: what etal stem they ae apf farming: what lever af colin sn demiance xs beeen tem whit ay Dee ec ofits eet tempos, nd various endings in what dt tctoulties cra clement ny Spe simtaneoiy in shor ot Oy ‘ht series, br aso wit ‘ries of seen ter Words, wate ins pose tw up Foscl, The Achaea of Kowa. AM Sheridan eit (New ak Harpe, 197) 0. Se aio Fen Nish Geen Hitoy nampa Cour Monon, Prati, Donald Bouchard a Cal Uist re 197), a separate ey on “porermentaiy.” Focal outlines 8 paar "serena "oereentpopultin, pltie ecanmny”—to advance ‘het that sinc the eihteemth centr toh otement hd i ruses, dpe cities inthe West ave ele the oer sceiee ‘dy sovereigns Government andthe "peli pac within technique fgprerament—enerpers the cesinary mae dered maa pops laos and to amine propery. “Tis ate of gonennent wh bers sential on population and bot refers tai ond mes eof he Sseumenton of economic ai cold be sen a coespning a type society carr by appraise Bee goverment a 2 ~ y Nous 387 ‘mode cf soc icine cannete fundamental eed y conten oo ‘the pial tein of gorermet our Suge mart ke he fm of prc ‘ees hat demand the tanfemason ftp” the goeemen ‘aly upolde Four, “Comma (98), Te Fon ‘Sues Gaerne. Grab Buchel, Calin Gordon and Peter Mile (Chiesg: Uninet of Chicago Pres. 1991, My spunent i ndeted to the thesy of rc fermion andthe rai state cadre by Mice Or and Howard Wins, acl aration ‘United State: Prom he 6th p90 New Yr: Routed, 904, ‘See Devi Roce the sci conan of witenes ar acai, the storia lationship betneen "wines and working cls oration betwen whiteness snd"wht a” ups. Relig Te Wap Whe ne Rat rh Maing he American Waking Cs Lando: Ver 99) Roeper idee the tonal inks bermee match enh, sod ico See ali: Michael Rol, Blackie White Nei: Te fish ce Singer nds Hi Vee” Cnt nui 8 Sg 993) 47-455 (Cede Tape Mata’ dzone tern of pracy wih the racized apa state argues tlh dean of izes alee 2 gendered rail ration See Mckay, "Cartogrepbis of Ste “Tard Wed Woon nie Pitre omni, changed Makan, ‘Ano Rus ad Lourdes Toews (leaning: Inna Unersy res, 199) Zils Eesti, The Cal of Gene Remain Deer (Bete. Univer of California Pres, 994) asses the din and yet int twined proces of "aiized pricy” and apa Sees Eleen ori, “The Racial Genre State: Constr of Chien ne nied Sates” Socal Ps Summer 193 16or8o. (Chan, Aon Arians 1527; Hig, Making 29-26. Throgs teenth cet, the name of Ciree woe inthe United Stes dd ot exceed fe touting, 7 percent of theta Chinese poplin te ‘ery small numberof Cine momen who id nga before ‘bans wee doubly bound by pacha cot side Chinon edt ‘Chine acim cated Se Jay Yang, Unbound Fe Sci Ht oC se Women Son Parcs (Bele Usher of Callens Pres. 999 (Gry Ohi, Magan Mansa, Cape. “The gaa Cable At drones athe design of US fale lize ao «rca dsgatin, fr whe the Cle Act cine provisos fr won of Faroe or fan dese 88 Notes % 6 hr ieship inthe event fence from 3 noniten spouse, or afer ‘he dath fs nance poe thee mee eh provisions fr US- bern ‘Aan migra wot See Vga Spin, “Wemen, tices, Nato hy Pali and Sy (84136; Ch, Asan Americas, 196; Yang, ‘dnd, 168 Kal Mare Capital A Cite of Peta Ean, vol New Yk ne sna Pubic 1967), 768-65, See, foe expe hard White, 1 Your Mion an None My Oon [Tae Unser of Otho rss, 19), Whit ober that he ua Ch ese who ahd Reuclsces dil oar merchant, rete et, tnd labor orc the rcv pended on th aly comand large numberof Chinese workers tow wage (84)-Whte writes, in tne, manufacturers theres tured agun the Chines Chines mechs tepid open cries in competion with wit owned fate”. Das! Rarnerg, “Te ww and Organization of Asan Workers in Ey “Temes Centary Ameria” Lar His 36 no 1 (Winter 998) 77-87, locate the sure of apsese hay a American mide ct Fs of fn competion wh imenirat businessmen. Roser rg How er, tht aga ach by, the “ew nda Workers be Wel) onsen worked fir coopertin of stan and nn Asn where al that Asin Amenans speed malic anioninn Sich wa the at ale Seri frat and veeble nds, orn which aoe the anechied reso Labor Leagues 908 whe the rw, which had ou thos panes grape packer init ii eres (8). ‘Mare wes hat "abstact nba” "abslstely ndieen oe parr speci Cpt scrdngo Mare, can recognize te ape of werk tue br nthe rica of bores Karl Mare, “Chapter on Cop in Grd, as Martin Nal (New York: Penguin, 1973) 96-57 fn sense, coty oe clans Marat understanding tht capt aec ‘ot abort of Chines migant labor demenstates that eve nthe nent entuy US. apposed pel fom theese” ingot Asus sbr Mens esbrston ofthe abtc zn” inrekton othe poll ase in"On the Jesh Question is iacated ater in thischape. For white workers, tbe supa of Chines bor were th wages nd ed ‘o owpoducon sd unerplpment that mis expe in general pies te 169,187. and 886 and he rgniaton ef aa workers’ pups Te cis of reproduction and lan conic x dcusn by This |. MeCa ® Notes 38g ick The Chins Maa Acris Qua fr Irma Epi, 89-1901 Ch go: Quran, 196) and Wilam Appleman Willams, The Cou of “Ameron Hoary (Chiao: Quaarge, 1966) On ak Chinese sentiment among white wakes, see Aletnde Seton, The Ideal Een abr andthe Ant-Chiese Moonen Caf tele: Unter of Calor ‘3 re, co snd Dad Rode, Torn iln of hes (on don: Vern 194) Foren puran acmson of nineteenth whe felts pro. Chnee potion andthe construction ofthe whe wtkng cis 2 aise Crate Kyung Hong “Te Nt Wk Cla snd Chinese Imig Laer isu cd Speier of Centznet in Bet ‘Mars Oreond Nowy and Aad Geis Photgaphe unpnd mana Sn Diego, Calera. 995 (nthe Alen Land Laws, ace Kort, Alon end the Ai Amero ny t9-70: Chan Asn eran, 95-96: Hig Ming an Charles Meche apne nigh mera L The and as ‘nd Or tse New Yr: Gta 99 esl documentation of hse Chine changes lle in Chars McChin. Sec ef Eat: Te Chine Sage again Dicrniatin in Nice Conary Ae (ee: Uiversy of Clr Pre 1994) ‘nthe neconectins ccs. an gender alin Asn Ae cans se Yen Le Epis, Asia Amaia Women ad Mab, tat nd Love Tousen Ons Cal: Sse Paes 1996, ‘Masao Mies examines ti cntain a Bares Wold? From Colonists t Tansostnssm and he Decline of the Natan Ste” Ce al Ingram #993 726-5 Se abo Haber Ri The Wok fon: Ppoing Ones Tent it Cary Caplin Xow Yk Koop 199 (on Asan immigrant communis woth Used Sats flowing 965, se Pl Ong Edna Honan Lace Cheng ed, Th ew Ao mipatin nL Angeles on lal ResncuringPisdepi:eple User Pe, 1994 These sys cise te way tht he pl resrucring of ape tai he tected poe Asin gat carats, pinpoming th ‘conradctions of aptlatremucring tht pode tego Aan mmigst popaton made up ofboth ema, service or and ani ‘uring bores and what they allie cl profeonl”F w wan toma this anasief he claerbifurcton f o1965 stan migration through reeence the concep of he wae-clr peas wich de 190 scribes US capt demotion and maniliton of elo borin the peat of eastin fom eterentl to capa cpt afer the 960%. Se Samuel Bowles and Herbert Git, Sehoing nCapat Ae New York: Harper 1996) Beaune Ain gan apart, est int tir demimton ad manip, the “wheel proletarian of Asuneducated imran engineers tse ew oe tinguished feomaitasonr of US. ected, white dd cl "poesonl” Rha ‘Aetna rel Mare’ distinction between “esntant capa fies sn machinery od equipment and are capt conten ber] ‘in oder to point eaten ttsatoal apie serge for mim Ing rota theugh xl Reibl" crgniitin and nanageren of skilled nd semialed bor Varable pital acacia anceps for nde standing the we flower cot Aen immigrant profession fatal ovement fa the matising of sul ae. Se Appetitm, “Mthclurasm and Hex: Some New Dictons Gla Capit. se Mapping Malet, ery Garon and Chops New (inept Ueno Mine rss, 995). ‘eo addon pli dimensions of the ort 1965 immigant group ese mention Fis ntons sending tote United State ny ‘fen send of ile, peal dfcted workers aay whe in ties economic aster, retain emance fr he “home ety, a ofthe hey elements in he ance of pent econ ke the Pip pes Secon tb US. goverment sp busines emmy hora Infra elasonahp wth the nem nding courses [cs nA ln rsrn fr lowe dition ad oar of tment, he | pation of san tes om those counties ay beenoarged a rote, Forlnsunc, he US. goverment ha protec members ofthe Keene ‘wh hve migrated rer to moar the pulitie af Korean American communi se Eine H. Kim nd Eaioung Ys, ast 9 Ari: Kian Arriah Le ers (New Yo: New Press, 1996); Naty Aslan ond Ye ie, Be Dra Kron Aric ad the Lr Ase it Cael: Hara Uivesty Pres, 1993) migrants with tes the Tanne om fener ive ae hd active ivlverents withthe ters of dient ct Chitown the United Saes on Ling chi Wang’ aay “Toe Sct of Dal Dito: Towards Parag forthe Stay the Chinese Disses the Unie Stes" in Amara oul, ro. and 2 (togs-249-69 ts thse, we mt vw the ors immigan pop Taras compen both is poll and economic profi Nate 98 4, Sev dla Ong.“The Gener ed abor Flo Porter” Amma Re ‘er of nhl 99 30:379-09; St Mer, Canon Fae Coma Bod: Women he Gal Enon Uae: Ps, 986) and Maia Mie Paria aed Acuna ona Worl Sne Wen nt neal De Siow of Lala (London: ed, 986). aed Mier point xt tht he ne tur tues of the cuenta errant ced production” ae “exe ecru” that low ansntnal porns agen ed separate the operations of roduon ao intensive prs of proicton an ese Asa snd atin Amerie, whe there an sundae fw age, “doce ior ifmore ptt he ae agmentaton we mul ‘estos work tosmalsabeemractrrt the center ofthat inte“ ‘sed for eller ncn to bes wih ernie ion bo ad ‘emplyment elton. Nis rest hoogh hse sepia ‘seule parc gender dlgray ‘nd domestic or, leading to what she cal "house of work, 4H Louis Athsser elaborates “oedema a the camergene of i ferent, noneqlentcontaictons tat conte a airman 02 “secre i dominance” The verdteriation of conn it nian ois condos of existence, the ter carraicions within ‘he complex wine The scumulson and ection ole her entrain proce "wea kt he versity of the tem: lhe ees othe "tangle of Raze'eeral 3 eer cnt ition that precptated te Bushee vere aes irl eae of the accumulation and encerbton of the Rsoral conto of wail forms of media es exploitation in he countryside lgearke pa Ist production nthe maar cies peal eto, nd cls stot within the Rasian rng aes temas, Se oul Aue, "Cai ican and Overton Fe Mars. Hen Brewster (Londen Vers, 969) 45, Wil Appleman Slams wrote: “One ofthe eal hemes of Acer can itoviogaphy shat there eno Ameren Empire Mes tran dot if peed, ts the United Stes once ad as emp They the romp inst Bat twas gen sway Bot they so speak pecsey of [Amercs 3 Welé Power” Wis, “Te Pte Tes rer Foreign Pl” Pui Hixoalesag Nonebe1939579-95 Se Amy Kn "Left Alone with Aer: The Abwenc of Emp i he Sy of Amecan Care Cate of Unie Sas pelo, Ary Kah tnd Doral, Pesse Durham: Duke Users Pre, 955 ga Nine 46 OntbeUS. colonization ofthe Philippine (98-1945) 8 Rent Conta, Lo. The His he Pipes From he Spas Clnzaton he Sed ‘Wed War (NewYork Monthly Review re, 975 Peter Ste, A Nation ‘the Mating The Php od te United Stes. 89g (Cami ‘ard Unters Pres 1974 Dail. Shimer an tepen Roshan Salo, de, Te Pipi Ree A ir of sono, Nesom, Dian, nd Resse (enn: South Ed, and Vinee, , Dcrpo Hise Trnixal Ey on Flo Calas (Padi Temple Univesity Pres, 1993) Fora dcsson of Fp pop marae aed the male eternnatins fesitom, polo geder an ‘eign inthe contemporary Ppp se Heanor M. plus “cing Fats: Recensteucting opr Merry and Coscousnesn Lats ‘uns apo unpublied mans, San Digs Calli 1954, On the ‘amicatons of US. elnalis for ling Ameren, ee Campomace, “The Ne Epes Fenland Frgosen tae. 447 Ontne Ameria elton to Chis aed ipan, see George M. Bekman The Mezation of Chis apn (New Yok: Harpe, 930 sho MeCa rick, The Chin Mare: Aeris Qu fr Infra rie. 48. Se Willa Apenien Wotan, The Pps of amerion Diary Che land: Weel Pblsing, 159): snd Thomas J. MeComick, America Hale Cnr: Se Foe Poy ine Cad War nd Afr, he (Bh ‘moe ens Hopkins ies ree, 995, 49. Bete Cuming, the Org f be KveaeWar Pence: Princeton Unie sty Pes, 183 Mari Young, The Va War 1945-2950 (New York Her 95 50. See Her K. Bhai, “The Other Qoeton: Stern, Discrimination and ‘the Discourse Calon The Laon of Cl (London: Rute, 1994) ts eboaon ftheclnstirnereatype Hom aba ha eda the pears nent of fiom, whch eats the assy of aeration sed weal ference, wheres he rac scene mablaes any bout acl flrnce and he saence af acl pay tha expres ‘he ssous epee ing of cle lle in th ish cc of the steep Ia sgt depatre om Stabs ramen, woud oa {erty space tha erp the cit constrain ot avy ‘be domain of phamsmitic ant abut rae bin the mater condos of as asin een Kove and in Veta, and he acid gendered san faba inthe domestic United State Notes 395 5 Goan, Towards Reed o As Felson” 52 Hart: Aer onthe cin Ameri a 80-57; Hn, Maing. 2-2, Fred Rigg dices iia elton rac exasion in eopbemisi terms ott hoe niga cea ornate cen pap Cala of ia were xed om iin, th ending te pti tocove ll nonwhite peoples aa” Fred Rig, Pra on Cong A Sy fh Reel of Chins Faclsion (New Yok: Curia UeryPes, King’ Crowm Pres 1950127 5) uous were nt speced by maton igi, at aught etic cates su 24 "Caine nother words the McCann ler At pro ‘ided tht one nated ele Chinese persons exer aul, tee hi nese origins fom dese natin Een isha reps econ a Continued oie” Asn Nall Gold, “Tomas Repel of Aan x liso Se aso Gotan, “Our Contain Ie Cllind” Stay La oven, 442 November 993158 54 Though ropostion:87 hasbeen locked by cour precedes thie il determining itis wonton panna November 994 pode immednte and wdesprend fect the soci of teasing wale pongo be bode othe nse Stes nd Mec: pation he {pectin of rmigrant marty commie simian of comics spin seckngoitine or emergency medial cae; ad the use ea of Potato te to erp mint wake in lms, ‘ane opictaral work, and men epetieasely wck That Goveror Pte Wilson creed he mecnng er the elecin, peat cae ain ‘Bron to eterminted fr “lsat ath he dee to wich hi ‘roporon is decd at inmigrint women; sn insnant disap ae ages of raced repose nd feminine ified aly ‘needa pat of ts camp, Bu these nage bth akon ard i onthe snowed the concen which th satay” of ‘he white, mide lr male bj dependent on he cle ed ge ered sono abe and they disso st dependency by dpacng nt ‘he repetentional dosing of red a ead sty, 5 ity Cait anaboer the contemporary cintadton between ast Inumigant secon junsored with wana nee for imma abor sd the conti etme erin, o he oe hard the moni forces hat acl eg imation, he ther See Calas, “US Immigration and iy Repos The Limits Leiden” in Cling 198 6 fo c & Immigration: A Gia epi, ed. Wayoe Coralia eal Saned: Sir feed Unversty Pres, 1994, (man Winn, Racal Fenton the Une tae 53-55 [cording Om and Wins "Racal proc do the esa wok of ‘raking Ek, Acie! many on inerrant ‘i or explant of aldara rine rer log prc rls acl jee connec wht race mes ‘ns parca anv practice andthe aye in whieh bt socal Sucre sander errs ae racy por, bzed pon tht meaning” Sei 36 Ih, To Ste to George Lie A Life i the Serle ory Pep and he Catre of Opption (Pade: Temple Univers Fes. 188) Se Rohr: Alles, Hack Austen Capt Ameria: An Anat is tary Teo, N}: Aca Word Pres, 1990); Carloe Mor, Yh, ey, Pour The Chicane Mont New Yk Vrs, 1983}; Glenn Omi, “Tae our Paso’ and the Moves of Liberation: Asam Amerie Atm from the 608 10th 19908" in The Site of Aion Arr: ctr ad Re sane nh gg o, Kain Alan aa (Boston: Sou End, 1994) ‘Ruel Leong “To Open the Futur” Moving he Image: npn Ae Pfc American Mais Are Leong (Los Angele: UCLA Asian Ameria | Stole and Vial Communion 1993); L Linge Wang “The Pltcs ‘Enc Kent and Epomermert: The Asan Arca Commit since the 19605 Aa A ay Ree pig 1998 48-56. In erpasing mer tel of rage he ster aa gn Aer eagls were ee equate aed the cossrace maven’ of| the tor md e708. The Facing of hee movements we 5 much the er ofthe tral ontrdcton f gender and cst 3 they were Fo (diced by eternal nly the a, the pale, and conserve ona rian "Onthe evs Question in Mare Es asd. Rabe Ther (New Yor Noon 5733 Fer anaes th caren bal estrcurng of capital nde cota ‘pil lop ne Dnt Hare, The Cnktion of Psmoerny (Combe: ‘isl Bickel 1990); Per ern, Paar, oh alr Lge tate Capon (Durham Duke Unversity Press, 199) abd aad Somer np: Te Rear Spin rte Sei Tay {andi Ver, 198 6 & 6 & Newer 395 ‘See, real, Mein 1. Ober and Thomas M. Sig, lick Wnt Wie Wa A ew Pepi Ra ay (New York, Route 19 od Geoue Lipa “Ci igh Rhea nd Whe ey Poi | Cala lr, ey oe nde Law rcming). Jeon cques Rousseau, The Srl Conme, an Mase Cranston ae rmordowoth:Pergu, 968, nT Srl Conra (London Ply. 188), Cc Patan persia esha he ending of cl ect are the sate though he sal contact ‘sabes wale parcial gone wiren “Wore ae nt pry othe ign contrac hongh which me te tr taal edo eo he Seca of ei cdo Women re th bjt ofthe contac. The eal ‘ants th vee trough lh en ite the tr ih one ‘women nto the ecu ofl ata gh. Mare Gin 296 See Max Hovtheimer and Thea W. Adena, The Die of Engen, an, Curmsing (New ok Sey 173, emecily "The Cure fn. hry Enlightenment a Mats Depo an ee antion, “Reiiton ‘nd Urpin Mas Care” Sol Text. #579 30-48 Fora dacs f modernist aes and the ie sty of vant ade. eter Burger, Try ofthe Arun Gare (Mines Unies Sy of Minnesota Pres, 284 On the pasties ofp a detain ‘om noon f rigor uberis hat rege om hr eal sts see Wale Bie, “The Work of Artin th ge Mecharsal Re: conn mina (George ists ha ed he em “fale of een” evoke the laos betwen tbe sles and practices ken p by ferent sbeae of laze group. Rantings rego work, for eam, sore the Ch ‘as/Chcano fm ast, emphasing the beh with dist ers ‘end cl cole that realty delete meray ir an ‘sping towards aon of asamp Tne Pas Cle Menery and Anrcn Poplar Ca Minne Unies o Minne res, 1990) Feposa, The Boze Sram Chis and Chane Fe Cae (Minneapolis: ies of Mesa Pres. 99) Sautng Cyl Wong. Rady Aan Amerie Latur: From Ney 1 Extra Pnceton: Princeton Uiversy Pes 999405 (nother rcaled minty sites of eoasaiin st. fo example, Jos Dad sir, The Dit fOr Arar: Gel, Caton Citar and 196 » ™ * erry ry (Daca: Dake Univer Press. 159) Ale Arg ‘A Or Toa: Nason ad ity i th Linge Sora (Dsl ‘uke Univer Pres, 954) and Pal ios, The lack Aan: Madey a Die Conon (Cabidge: Havad Univers Pres 193) ei, “Theses the Phlrohyo Hisry” namin ert Brecht erigue of Garg Le eins abut the plea sbet proce byte aesthetic rade eas relearn eh pad oi in the mode of production necesita anew abject, then new etic modes se quedo ccmmodae te compl comergenees and dfereniont Inthe scalfamaton See Theodor. Adore aL, Ashe and Pos, aferor by Fred meson Lando: Vere, 1980) “Todor W. dor, “Cal Crim and Soci.” Prime (Cambridge: MIT Press, 98) eet Marcse, “A Note oo Dilecti"in The Bel nf Shol Redo. Anew rato an Ee Gerd (New Yrk Com aun 208) Asan American Merry erie ha tinguished history eight proces byway of hi lal method. See sine Kin, ‘Ae Arion tre: Am rucin he Wig Te Saal Cow. tex (Phd: Temple University Pes, fa) and Wong, Reading Aan ‘nan Lire, [ith Biers aed Hos K. bh’ eabantons of “psformstiity—at ‘ctl dsp of yb caters ate ggesine a help See set, Gone roe: ein the Subreaon o tetyNew Yr: Rt lege, 19 Bite “Critcaly Que” oii That Mater On he Dire Limo "Sexe Yrs Role, 1993): and Bal, “Disseninains” The ation of Cr (Roatedge, 1994 Se ao Karen Shimatawss wok icung Aan Arevcn hesterrepesenion a a atl practce of “al mines" that both hematin and dae the stuaton of As Ameren eto the US nitiontate a America cle Shira a, "mad nt a Nona Ajecton an the Asan Ameren Bayon Suge” (PD. ss, erty of Wshingen 1994 Rect works that pce Asin Amencna within fe international anes foal captalm or neoslecaism ate avggenive inthis ear. Book eng studies nla Oki, Manson Maistre Og, Bacchi (Cheng, e. The Nr Aine ington Lee Aner and Gl Reractr sng Sees Kander Cho, “Toward More Pet Union Teanetosiing ‘Asa Amen and PostcolnlSutes" Pha ds, Unies of Washing tee 2996 Yen Le np, “Calon Opes, Lsbour Inprtion, a Bus Notes 397 Croup oem: Flgns in he Une Ste” Bn nd Ral Stal 19, nn # Yny 2996) 29-48, Hden Hern Jus, "Cooieget Nason Inns: Reneoiting Soden Keren and Korean Arc Oppo Ssrugg”ption forthcoming Laws Hyun Vang, "Cmpostna Sab inte EnigurngAcn/Arerian Women” PD, Univers of Cfo ‘Santa Cra 1995 Minn Kim, Moment of ange Confined Disconiatis between Koran Ratnly and Korean Ameria Nato tls” poston (ortbeomings Callen Ie, “Tewarean Aan (eri) Cultural Sides Poseodernm an he Pi of Ylem apt a Labor” in Prvigig Psion: The ese Asa American Su Gy Oi, 1a (Palla Washington Ste Unrty Pres, 3995 nd Vet Tha aoe “Repeseting Renin: Ly Hina between Vit ar and ‘he United Sten” potion ertbeamig, Svar, Diets of Ou Ameri. ley, aka 4. ‘Thedincion between rybel nd alegary cn cbr thgh ap ‘nood Wilsme dco of ecto and medion” i Marci nd “tae Landon: Oxrd Unies Pres 97) whic Willams poo esti at contrat ewan ear ates and Walker esate sf st Willams associes the symbol es mich wi he dye" f wa ional heroic naraties ath hte toned epi in akr’s eoncep of he “wot histor! india oso ra econ of the sepesetne eng stated win the cose and contig proces of cla istration he i= pre Sutin of owabe histor oly ia ters of whch epson trl be rend and ei Guat pis “i clement a tem lees of ray hat eran tern aug hanging wth the changing cremstanes” ak, quid in Wil, a, xg 19) For Heian, howe, ola ioral proces te bar ie hough crerpndences” aber han "yer tht eft ge ch ‘ei Benin’ cncept of caespondnce doesnt iy an salgy a omsogy between the gue ad he ly Wt rae propos lei sf oped conection decictht onsen thea of part toc ‘ured whos rd seks tobe bor ami bles abd contingencies fist Indeed, Bojminelaorated he setae ames of the di ference between bol and lego in Origin f Geman Tage Dams ew ft Rok, 977 and actly use allegory aways ering rm 8 ing of he border of ten mode... he inasion could sere be ested as ahs dsturbane fhe peace ad drain ofl and eer inthe ars (77. my emphasis, Dies Chakrabarty "Postclonaty andthe Arie of Histor: Who Speaks fer ada’ ass? pratt 37 Winer 992): 1-26, 10. 2 Canon, sitatonztion, Meni Ain American Ses Marl Zaaradeh an Donald Maton, eb, “Theory, eda: atic: The (ess of Te Suber the Humanities” i Try Pony Pics: Tes Jr Change (Ube: Lies ofIii Pees 19) Henry A. Giouxand Peter MClae, es Ciel Peay, he St ond aa igl (Abn Stee Unies of New Yak Pes 1980), "ne- acton” Marin Caro, Faustian, Stat and Culture American Socket lout and MeCaren, Cita Pepe {Chea Saniora, “US. Thitd Word Femi: The Theory and Method of Oppacioal Cnscouses inthe Postmodern Wold” Geen 9.12 (Spring 991 tay: Kimber Crew, “Demargating the Inte tion of ace and Sex A Blak Femina Cique of Antrim Decne, Feminist Thor, and Aniact Poin” Urner of Cheap up Frum (5891996 Evelyn Nakano Glenn, “The Dect of Wage Wor: jpaeie Arerian Women sed Domestic Serve, 1905-19407 Fo i Sadr 6, al 8 432-7 ané Glenn, Racial he Wore {ator The tnterection of Race Gander and Clase Oppresion” Review of adil Peil onan 7.08 (08) 86-28 Sce-fr enanple Gecg Lipite, Tne ass: Clive Menor and Ame ‘un Popular Cute Neneapli University of Minas Pres. 199) Ro nds Peps, The Bonz Se Chicana ad Chicano Fe Cale (n= poe Unversiy of Mnnesta Pres. 129; RobinD.G.Kely, Rae Rac tars, es, and te Blac Working Cas (ew or: Free Press, 1954 Michel rian Howard Winat, Ral Farman the nied Sater From he gosto te 1905 New Yk: Rolie, 194 ad Jos Dai Sala ‘adr Nats: Remalng Arran Cabral She (Berkley: Univers of ‘alferia Pres frhcoming. ‘Thehisore er forthe lances have ben the eran for departments fhe sie, thd wd sie women’ aen eter eer tt Inch the gto matin te Unies of foi ra pbb nee nates 199 ‘hat serves the racy and economy ere eananeney of Clin pio te 1994 repeat’ decsn als afte acon avs Loy “Genes Genesio? European Mines and the Es of Coc? i The Nature ad Cota of ia Dnr Al fn ‘Motard and Davi oy (New Yr Oni Univesity Pes 990) (nthe patil stuston of How and Havaan wig, ot Haun ‘ay Tat, “otter inthe Pac: Iperiaie sed Naive So Determination” Ae, ma. (990): 1p: Grane F Rouse, “The Police of Tacs! entty in Hawa” (paper posted at the sn ‘ual meeting ofthe Assocation for Asam Arran Sadie, ne 1953) Stephen H. Sumida, An the View fm Shr: Lary Diao Haas (Sete: Unters of Washingon Pres, 199): and Candas Fane, “Be ‘ween Naolms Haas Lal Nation nd Tobie Rai Parade” Cr Moms 0-3 (9945 39-57 Frank Chin, fetiey Pol Chan Lavien ial, and Shawn Wong, os, ‘Ai: A Anthlgy of Asin Amcrion Wri New York, Boley, 1o73 Shiey Grok Lim, Mayans Tua, and Marga Denney le, Faden Sih in Ase American Woman's te earls Or Cain 18: Roberta Una, Union Tha Alp of Play ‘Aion Aeron Women Amber: nies of Masih Pes 999), "ine im, in Arr Liar A noc he rg Th Sal Cotes (Pade Tepe Ue Pres 1982). (Cor ulna, Aeris rath Heart: epi, Unvery of Washing son rs, 197). 247 Menic Sone Net Daughter Sete: Unies of Washingt Pres, 195) ah Jen Okada, Nei ey (Sete: Unversiy of Wishing Press. 576 gen, Obs (Born: Dai odie 18) Fora more cen nog of eel of elingin stan Are cao iterate ate Seley Wag, Notes for Daraed fe Asan Aer (i Lier he Ducoure of Winker” (PD. di, Deprtent of "Bini tis, Univers of aor, Sere. 963; Dar Palumbo Lin, “Model Mioaty Danse andthe ely of Reng” in Minty Di cou lp Cnet ond apn esa Petia Abd Janome frteoming Trig fm South As aro new” rou ving cee be United ‘Se sce th ae tenth centr Like her Aan mira oe

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