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Andrew Emrazian – u0349111

CS 4300 - AI
Sep 7, 2016

Assignment A2: Problem Solving - Search

1. Introduction

This assignment studies statistics of using variations of A∗ search on the Wumpus World
problem. The measure of complexity is the total number of nodes generated during a search; this
means that when a node is expanded, all its children are added to the tree (unless their state has
already been created). A∗ search uses the heuristic of Manhattan distance between the current
state and the goal state. This program compares two ways to insert nodes into the priority queue
for the frontier: (1) insert before greater than or equal cost states, (2) insert after less than or
equal cost states. 2000 trials using random boards with Wumpus and 20% probability of a pit in
each (non-start) cell. Is the option 1 A∗ search 10% better than option 2 at the 95 % confidence
level. What is the mean number of search tree nodes produced by A* options 1 and 2?

2. Method
I have 9 Matlab function files that for assignment 2

1. CS4300_gen_board.m
This function is borrowed from assignment 1, which randomly sets a pit in all open cells
at a given probability.
2. CS4300_get_board_cell.m
This is a simple function that convert the coordinates for a matrix in Matlab in to
Cartesian coordinates.
3. CS4300_hueristic.m
This finds the Manhattan distance from the current grid cell to the goal grid cell.
4. CS4300_run_A_star.m
This is the driver function of A*. It runs A* a given number of times and returns the state
of each trial with option1 and option 2 discussed above.
5. CS4300_Wumpus_A_star1.m
The A* algorithm for Wumpus World. Most of the logic for this function was provided
by the instructor for this function.
6. CS4300_Wumpus_new_state.m
Determines if the state is already in the tree.
7. CS4300_Wumpus_solution.m
Determines if the current position (x,y) is the same (x,y) as the goal state.
8. CS4300_Wumpus_traceback.m
A trace from the goal state back to the starting state.
9. CS4300_Wumpus_transition.m
Determines which state the next move on the board will be.

The Main program can be run with the command:
[o1_c, o2_c] = CS4300_run_A_star(2000);

Some implementation details include: Children nodes are checked to see if the state that they
represent already exists in the tree structure. Each node is checked to see if it a solution
immediately after it is dequeued from the priority queue.

3. Verification of Program
I worked out the following board:


Option 1


[1,1,3] [1,1,1]

[1,2,1] [1,1,2]

[1,3,1] [1,2,0] [1,2,2]

Running this in Matlab Produces a similar result. 8 Nodes are in the tree when the
solution is found.

Option 2


[1,1,3] [1,1,1]

[1,1,2] [1,2,1

[1,3,1] [1,2,0] [1,2,2]

Running this in Matlab Produces a result that was close. By hand, I found 8 nodes that
are in the tree when the solution is found but my Matlab run shows that there are 9 nodes
in the tree.

Also, with a probability 20% means that we are expected to have 3 pits per board. With
the constraint that cell (1,1) is always open, there is much higher probability for

4. Data and Analysis

5. Interpretation

My results show that option 1 is much more efficient in terms of space complexity. The
trace back for the solution is much shorter most of the time.

6. Critique

It was interesting to see the contrasting statistical numbers for option 1 and option 2. They have
they same amount of solvable boards but option 1 is much more space efficient.

7. Log

I also spent about 4 hours generating data and writing up the lab report.
I spent about 14 hours coding the assignment.
18 hours in total

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