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Fam ine A nti-S emi t ism

P'lA~ ~


'l\l:lrcb, 1966
nlCJgCJ:in e o f unde nd anding

NO . 3
"I am very ser iously concerned about Circulation 750,000 Copies
" I do not be lieve it is man's nature
Published monthly at Pasaden:t, California;
the art icle on "Famine" in your most to rebe l, riot, and fig ht wars. T hese London, England; and No rth Sydney, Austral ia,
by Ambass3dor College. German and French
recent publication of Th e PLAIN T RUTH demonstrations and race riots appear to editions published monthlr at London. Enghnd.
magazine. My life has been lived but © 1966 Ambassador Co lege. All Rights Re-
be in stigated by the Communists and served.
our greatest concern is for our four the Jew Zionists. T hese people have a EDITOR

young children. I never rea lized the lust for making trouble. I receive ma- HERBE RT W. A RMSTRONG
danger our country and fami lies, and terial from so many good sources, whom EXECUTIVE Ee lTOR

children in turn, now facc." 1 know are not bei ng inf luenced by Garner T ed A rmst rong
Mrs. C. E. p" AZlIsa, California these dastard ly people, that tim e does
H erman L. H oeh
not perm it being wasted on any publi-
" I wanted to mention how superb cations even if only a suspicion of Je\'\'
Roderi ck C. Meredith
the all-color PLAIN T RUT H is. It cer- control exists. P lease remove my name
AHociate EdilOr!
tainly adds class for those who are from your mai ling list."
Albert ]. Portune D avid Jon H ill
forming their first impress ions of it. Robert R., Appleton ) Wisconsin C(wfribfJting Editors
"After seeing the starving people in • Y ONI' self-contradictory bias is rtllher Robert C. Bowker C. Paul M eredith
India it makes one ill to sit here obviolls, RR. Y o" claim Jews htl/le a \'(Iilliam F. D~nkenbring L. Leroy Neff
Charles V. Dorothy Richard H . Sedliacik
and eat three ful l meals a day when " IllS! f or making trollble,lI but de"y it Jack R. Ell iott Lynn E. Torrance
T know so many arc starving. And those is in rrmall's na/llre to rebel , ,·iot . (md Robert E. Gentet Eugene M. Wa lter
Ernest 1. Martin Basil \Wolverton
that aren't starving arc dy ing horrible fight wars." Are ),Olt reall). Slfre j llSl Gerhard O. Marx Clint C. Zimmerman
deaths from wars and all sorts of sordid I17HAT you beliel1e, beyond, that is,
James W, Robinson, Cop), Editor
cr1mes. )'0 /11' (//Iimosity f or the Jews?
Mrs. June G. , Paul KroH, r/r' Editor
Seattle, \'{!ashington Convi n ced ? New! B"reau
Gene H. Hogberg, Direc/or
" 1 h ave been listening every day to Donald D. Schroeder Keith A. H oyt
La tin America your program and it has really helped
" T want you to know that I have just Slaff Photographer
me to understand the Bible. Your series Lyle Christopherson
received the February issue of The P LAIN on the Ten Commandments is truly won-
Regional EdiJofJ
T RUTH in full color and I th ink it is derful. ... Could you put my letter in United Kingdom: Raymond F. McNair
t he finest 'luality printing J have ever your magazine so I can prove your Australia: C. Wayne Cole
South Africa: Ernest Will iams
seen! The color really makes such arti- letters to the Editor are real? :M y hus- Germany; Frank Schnee
cles of trave l as Dr. Charles V. band is doubtful about it." Philippines: Gerald Waterhouse
Switzerland: Colin]. A. \Xlilkins
Dorothy's ' INSIDE LATIN AMERICA!' Mrs. R.H.S. , Sonoma, California
Bru;,/{}!! M tlIJager
come a live. Now the reader can travel • 1/ he saw y01f1" lellf!r- he's doubtful
Albert J. Portune
right along with the author! Thank YOll no m or e.
so much for your creativity and for Cirwlalion Manager!
United States; H ugh Mauck
sharing it with your readers." "You are too sensational and the United Kingdom: Charles F . H unting
Michael M. , things you pred ict wi ll never come to Canada: Dean Wilson
Australia: Gene R. H ughes
Battle Creek, Michigan pass. To me, the Bible is a prejudiced Phi lippines: Arthur Docken
book, full of nonsense and I don't be- South Africa: Midlael Bousfield
St. Va lentin e's Day lieve it because its write rs wcre preju- YOUR SUBSCRIPT ION has been paid by
others. Bulk copies for distribution not given or
"Many thanks for the copy of the diced. No book in the world can give sold.
f irst issue of The PLAIN TRUTH in fill! me a true picture of God. Why don't ne3It'St address below:
you just take a long walk off a short United St:ttes: Box I l l, Pasadena, California
rolol'. T found the inte resting article 'St. 91109.
Valentine's Day,' which contained a
. )" C~n:J.da: Post Office Box 4·1, Station A, Van·
pIer. V eronica 1. M. , California couver 1, B,C.
remarkable revelation of the pagan United Kingdom and Europe: BeM Ambassador.
• That ' s what the world is doing- we London, W.e. 1. England.
origin of this day r confess, I had prefer the shorl walk on a long pier, South Africa: P.O. Box 1060, joh:a:nnesburg,
Tunsvaal. R.S.A.
never given mud1 thought to this mat- Austnlia 3nd Southeast Asia: Box 34', North
ter. It was, indeed, a surprise to Jearn Eager for More Sydney, N .S.W., Australi:t.
The Philippines: Post Office Box 2603, M3nila.
how there is a connection between St. "Today I received my first copy of
SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Pas~dena, Cali·
Valentine and Nimrod , Baal, and even Th e PLA IN TR UTH, and I must confess fornia.
Saturn !" that much of the content surprises me. change in your address. PJc~se inclose both old
and new address. IMPORTANT!
H . R . S., Sacramento, Californ ia (COli/iI/lied 0 11 page 41)
March, 1966 The PLAIN TRlITH Page

In This Issue:
What Our Readers
Say ........ Inside Front Cover

Personal From the Editor .... . .

HIS IS the second edition of The and very intricate colo r-separating rna·

T PLAIN TRUTH with full color

inside, as well as the front cover.
chine is requ ired.
Part of the reason our co lor pictures
Of course OU f first full-color number were not perfect last month was needed
had not come off the press when I skill in operating this intricate new THE BEAT GENERA nON . ... 9
wrote the personal column for the machine. Part was due to the fact some
February issue. of the pictures were not too good color·
Radio log ...... ,.... . . . . 14
This is my first opportunity to tell Wise, anyway. To further improve our
you. I personally picked off the big color pictures, a better grade of paper
press the very first copy of that first was immediately orde red. Delivery The ·'END of the WORLD'· ... 17
full-color PLAIN TRUTH, had it specially should make the April number.
run through the bindery to be stapled, So here we run into still another RACE TO THE MOON ....... 25
trimmed, and made complete. problem-acquiring high-quality full-
And I was disappointed! color pict~res (or film) in the first
Short Questions
place. As long as we printed all pictures
In big-scale color printing-740,OOO From Our Readers .... . . . 29
in black-and-white, we had a wealth of
copies that issue-we are just begillners.
picture material availab le. Like all large·
We still have things to learn, technical- WHY CElEBRA TE EASTER? ... 30
circu lation magazines, we employ the
ly. None of us at the Ambassador Col-
great worldwide picture servi ces of the
lege Press (Pasadena plant) was satis-
major press agenc ies-such as IVide The Bible Story ... . ..•.... . 33
fied with the color. OUf editor ial staff
IV orid photos, the picture service of
was not well pleased.
A iSociated Press. But these are primarily
Yet, paradoxically, we all thought it newspaper services, and newspapers use WHAT IS DEATH? .. ...... 42
WAS THE BEST ISSUE SO FAR! The color little or no color. The color-photograph
reproduction was far from perfect. BUT selections of these services are extremely Prophecy COMES ALIVE
AT LEAST THERE WAS COLOR! limi ted. in Today's World News . .. _ 48
SO now I would like to take our Most picture magazines, such as LIFE,
readers behind the scene and tell you and LOOK in the United States, and
some things about printing a magazine other simi lar picture magazines in other
in full color. Color printing is a highly countries, employ thei r own staff pho-
technical operation. It requires special tographers. We already have one full·
and costly equ ipment. Already we had time staff photographer, who has been
been printing the front cover in full sent already to many parts of the world
color-and very satisfactorily. But our to take photographs for The PLAIN
cover, of heavier and more glossy paper, TRUTH. We may need to employ more.
is printed on a special sheet.fed cover I thought it well to let our readers
press. know what a really great undertaking
But the inside of the magazine is it is to print such a large-ci rcu lation
printed on the big web press, shown on magazine-now approaching a million
the front cover of the February number. copies-in full color. 80b To)'/or Pholo
It is fed by huge ROLLS of paper. All Most of our readers already realize,
four colors are printed in the one opera· I'm sure, that our effort is to make
tion. whatever we do THE BEST-as near per- A bumper U. S. wheat crop produces
temporary storage problems! Wheat
But first, four separate plates must be fection as possible. is windrowed down the cencer of
made. When these are all properly There remains one other BIG consid- typical Main Street, Great Plains,
U .S.A. This seasonal surplus is now
blended together on the press, they pro- eration that wi 1I come as a big SURPRISE being drained away co satisfy Asian
duce all the colors of the rainbow. to most of you. When you pick up one hunger pangs. But U. S. cannot con-
rinue to stave off worldwide famine
In order to develop these four dif- of the big-circu lation picture-type maga- caused by waste, drought and popu-
ferent color plates, a highly specialized zines, whether in South Africa, Aus- lation pressures.
2 The PLAIN TRUTH March, 1966
tealia, Europe, or LIFE or LOOK in GOD, who designed and created the attitude of hosti lity toward any authori-
America, you get the impression that the human mind and body? ty, all the way up to GOD.
magazines are nearly altogether FU LL Let me tell you-and I ca n prove it, Human nature wants to BE good. It
COLOR. and so can you if you are willing- just doesn't want to DO good.
Well here is the surprise I received: that the Great Creator brought YOU Because GOOD is the WAY of God's
Dr. Herman L. Hoeh, our Managing into existence on this earth FOR A GREAT invisible, inexorable, spiritual LAW.
Editor, brought me a current issue of AND MIGHTY PURPOSE! That LAW is, simply, LOVE. It is love
a mass-circulation picture magazine. He You were born into a world which toward God in the form of trusting
had cut out, as far as possible without has developed a certain type civiliza- and willing OBEDIENCE to God's every
removing edito rial or non-advertising tion. The instant you were born you command and direction, knowing it is
reading matter, all the advert isements. kneW-NOTHING! But your eyes opened, for our highest good. It is love toward
And what a surprise it was! There were YOll looked about, and knowledge of God in the form of being GOD-centered
51 pages containing pictures. 36 of what you saw began registering in your - having the mind continually (con-
these were in black-and-white. Only memory-began putting knowledge into sciously Or sub-consciously) in contact
15 were in color! All other pages either your mind. Your ears heard sounds, with God, relying on God, seeking
contained no pictures, or advertising. and thus additional knowledge entered guidance from God, worshipful in the
With all the ads left in- PROFuSE with through the sense of hearing. Very sense of gratitude, obedience, faith in
much color-the reader receives the im- elementary at first, but gradually, each complete trust. It is love toward fellow
pression of a magazine just chock-full bit of new knowledge, entering your MAN- in the sense of outgoing con-
of COLOR. mind through your sense of taste, smell, cern, eqllal to love and concern for self.
It was a surpri se to me to realize that feel, sight and hearing, was added to Now NO MAN exercises that kind of
so much of the COLOR in these mass- what had previously been sto red there. love naf1lrally. You simply were not
circulation magazines is in the advertis- Gradually you came to know, and born with that kind of love.
ing/ But The PLAIN TRUTH contains You DON'T HAVE IT!
take up with, the customs, ways, gener-
no advertising. ally accepted ideas and beliefs of this That is, not un less you have received
As I write, now, I have, of course, world. You accepted them, took them it from God through His GIFT of His
seen much of the material that will be for granted without question. Holy Spirit.
in this issue of The PLAIN TRUTH- as THAT love travels a certain road. It
Some of them were good-but many
it was prepared in our editorial offices is the road that leads to peace, to hap-
of them were BAD. But you took them
and before it had been sent to the print- piness, to confident assurance, security,
for granted without realizing they were
ing plant. But I have seen none of it, well-being, ENJOYMENT without kick-
as of this writing, of course, as YOU backs, prosperity-every good thing the
You were born with a llatllre. We heart desires.
will be seeing it when you read this-
call it human nature. Few people Everyone wants that reIIIII.
in the finished PRINTED magazine. I
realize what it is. Human nature has a That is to say, everyone wants to BE
sincerely hope that the color printing
spiritual side, and a physical side. On good.
will be an improvement on the February
its spiritual side, it is pure VANITY. But no one, it seems, natllrally wants
number. I assure you that all of us on
Vanity loves and tends to exalt the to GO that way-to DO good.
The PLAI N TRUTH staff will Con-
SELF. It is SELF-centered. It is selfish That is the WAY of God's Law.
tinue striving for improvement-
and greedy. It is this way nat1lfally. On Now this world is not FULL of hap-
TOWARD PER FECTION. its physical side, there are the five piness, peace, joy, and universal pros-
* * * * * senses, and the PULL of these senses to perity. It is pretty wel l filled with strife
AND now, WHAT ABOUT YOU? want to be satisfied. Exercise of these - in the home, in business, in politics,
Just as we on The PLAIN TRUTH senses can produce sensations of plea- in war between nations. It is pretty well
staff find we cannot achieve perfection sure. Some of these sensual pleasures filled with unhappiness, frustration, in-
aU at once- from the very beginning- are healthy, uplifting and GOOD. But serority. It is pretty well f illed with
neither can we--OR YOU-arrive at many are injurious, harmful and LAD. crime and violence, with broken homes
PERFECTION in true Christian CHAR- Yet the bad ones cry out for gratifica- and unhappy quarreling homes, with
tion as much- probably far more than sickness and disease, with frustrations ,
ACTER all at once-at the very START ~
the good. Thus hum an nature exerts failures, tragedies.
This is BASIC to the very PURPOSE
an automatic, impulsive PU LL toward Now GOD is not the author of all
selfishness, greed, vanity, jealousy, envy, these troubles in the world.
HOW did you come to be here on hatred, and toward the lusts (wrong God has, FOR A GREAT PURPOSE,
earth ? Did you just happen, an accident desires) of the flesh. made humans free moral agents, and
of blind, unintelligent, unknowing, life- Human nature makes it come natural allotted six thousand years for mankind
less EVOLUTION? Or were you put here to resent and resist authority over one. to make a choice-whether to accept
and given life by an all-know ing, all - A child tends to resist the authority of God's government over him , to be
intelligent, purposeful living Supreme his parents. We grow up with a natural (C onlill1led on page 7)
America tries to feed the world. Millions of bushels of wheat
are being shipped to starving India. Reserves dwindle, while
crops fall off. Yet the massive shipments overseas are based
1oooj--------tJf',on the eli 0ur peoples wU/~ontinu fe have.<geoe..cF~f35!:---~::"'--"":""....I
Read what your Bible says about the DANGER of that belie f!
by Ga rn er Ted Armstrong

ARE YOU hungry today' Nea rl y two grain harvests badly delayed because of blizzards early this year, an article by
.n. thirds of the world's population torrential cains. Vineyards were hit
worst. Western Germany reported
George W. Cornell, received on Am-
bassador College campus via our Asso-
is. MILLIONS may starve in the
next few yea rs ! "frea k" summer weather, wh ile Italy ciated Press wire service, was written for
In the last issue of The PLAlN said vio lent summer storms had the express purpose of explaining how
TR UTH ,the horrifying facts were given claimed 65 lives, and cost millions of the snows did nothing to allev iate
about the terrible famine stalking the dollars in damage. drought conditions.
earth; of the big populations growing The Soviet Union reported Moscow's Said Mr. Cornell, "Already the
larger; of the prolonged drollght be- Slimmer as "one of the coldest and drought has dried up wells, depleted
ginning to seriously affect many of the rainiest" in recent times, whi le Eastern reservoirs, pushed water tables slowly
big food raisers. European Russia was hit by heavy rains down, lowered rivers, stunted annual
and typhoons, causing extensive flood- crops and, in towns and cities, stirred
T he Specter of Famine ing. a gathering anxiety." He pointed out
Perhaps the specter of famine in the Weathermen in Sweden said their how even the snowfall was inadequate.
f/lture may seem fa r away-unreal. But summer was "one of the coldest of this Normally, snow begins to spread into
to farmers walking through their own century"-and harvests were badly in the Northeast in late November and
fields in MANY parts of South Africa, need of dry, sunny weather. early December. But this year, New York
the United States, Australia and Canada 1965 came to an end. City got its first measurable snowfall
- DROUGHT is a ""dity. But 1966 weather reports have been on January 23rd.
Late in 1965, a leading U. S. news no better. Weather Bureau officials in Pennsyl-
magazme ran a terse account of Huge blizzards stung the United vania said, "It will take a Jot more snow
upset weather conditions in Ind ia, States with bone-chilling cold in Janu- or we won't have any moisture to fall
Northern Europe, Cuba, Canada, Com- ary and February. Northern Minnesota back on this spring."
munist China, Korea , Australia, the reported temperatures plummeting Said Malcom Graf, director of the
Soviet Union, and in ALL parts of the down to 45 below zero-while freezing Massachusetts Water Resources Commis-
United States. Conditions ranged from rains, sleet and snow struck deep into sion, "It's very grim." " It's critical,"
"Worst drought in recorded hi story" the South-into Louisiana and Florida. says Carl Gerken, who is assistant county
in the Northeastern U. S. to "Famine- Experts Are Baffled agent in the northern part of Virginia,
produci ng drought, no relief in sight" "It looks as if it will continue critical."
Accustomed to charting weather pre-
for India. Take a look at New York, already
dictions based on known meteorological
1965 went out In a hail of bad patterns, weathermen are at a loss to under long siege by drought. Reservoirs
weather reports. explain the strange, prolonged shifts of supplying metropolitan New York were
Britain reported one of the "coldest alrrents in the upper sky-referred to around 40 percent of capacity in Febru-
and wettest summers on record" in as " jet streams" by airlines' pilots. ary, or about 190 billion gallons, com-
1965, with farmers harvesting soggy Since 1961, the Northeast has en- pared to a normal 75 percent of ca-
crops. Conditions were so bad that the dured accumulating drought. The pacity, or about 359 billion gallons.
National Farmers Union estimated only weathermen refer to the "puzzling" Precipitation has remained below
about 50 percent of the corn was in, deviations of the jet stream. normal. New York City's acting water
and of the rest, 20 percent had been Amazingly enough, the drought con- chief is Herman Forster. He said it is
f lattened by storms. tinues despite heavy mows. " almost unbelievable how little snow
France reported wheat and other In fact, even afler the devastating has faJlen over the upstate watershed
4 The PLAIN TRUTH March, 1966

thi s season" and warned New Yorkers PEOPLES in illaeasing fury unt il NA- "The drought problem is still with
may face even g reater water restrictions TIONAL EMERGENCIES are declared in lIS" said the bulletin.
in coming months than last year. our lands! And it's going to get MUCH WORSE!
Sum it all up. But simple name-calling by govern- Believe it or not-accept it or not;
The United States is trying to sus- ment agencies will not SOLVE the prob- your Creator has warned our peoples of
tain a massive "feed the hungry world" lem. In the U.S., it takes an official impending l1ational emergencies be-
program, shipping millions of tons of statement by the fede ral government cause of "natural" disasters!
foodstuffs to India and Latin America. that a g iven area is a "disaster" area in Un less multiple MILUONS of our
Amer ica is pictured as the "wonder- order to make federal funds avai lable citizens will truly REPENT of their man-
land" of the world on traveJ posters- for rehabilitation. For rebuilding after a i fo ld sins against God, and turn to H im
the glorious land of opportunity-the flood-that's fine. Businesses, home with their whole beings, you will see
island of plenty in the midst of a hun- owners, state hig hway eng ineers can use food fationillg in near future years!
gry sea of humanity. the money. Ollr peoples-of G reat Britain, the
Present food shipments overseas are But when DROUGHT has caused a dis- United States, Austra li a, South Africa,
predicated upon the notion that the aster? Canada, the democracies of Northwest
United States can, at any time govern- YOLl can't eat money! Europe- are identified in the Bible!
ment controls are lifted from farmers, And our SURP LUSES are being rapid- They are singled out as the peoples who
increase her food supplies enormously. ly depleted! Operators of h uge grain inherited the birthright promises given
But what if farmers find they simply storage warehouses in Kansas are becom- to Isaac and Jacob.
can't make their crops grow? What if ing alarmed. By the time you read th is, We have been given the choicest
ripened wheat, just ready to harvest, many a huge government surplus bin farmlands, grazing lands; given the
is beaten to the ground by hail-to wi ll be dangerously near the empty fantastic abundance that has led us to
lie rotting in the fields? What if citrus mark, when only a number of months beli eve we can feed the whole hungry
ago it was three-quarters or more full! \vorld!
crops are frozen in early spring? What
if fungus , disease, insects, and weather But God will allow our abundance to
all combined seem bent on a prolonged Record-breaking Winter Scorms diJappear.
Didn'[ Relieve Drough[ !
SIEGE of our national staff of bread? Literally DOZENS of prophecies in
Is it conceivable the United States Newspapers around the world head- your Bible predict impendi ng
may find itself UNABLE TO FEED ITS lined the paralyzing blizzards howling DROUGHT, FAMINE. and ultimate STAR-
OWN PEOPLE? through New England an d Eastern sea- VATION for our peoples unless we
board states in January. REPENT and turn to God with our
Britain is unable to do so, right now!
Articles showed how the nation's whole heart. But can you imagine MIL·
Australia has been mightily stricken
capitol was virtually shut down by the LIONS of our peoples, including our
by drought, dust storms, anima l and
si lent white stuff, while Pennsylvania, leaders, sincerely turning to the Bible;
insect plague.
Delaware and Virginia declared states trembling before it as the living Word
South Africa and Bechuanaland, as of God; eagerly sea rching through
of emergency.
reported in the last issue, have been God's Word to find what our nationa l
Babies were born in marooned auto-
seriously afflicted in record·breaking and personal course shou ld be?
mobiles. Exposure, fire. heart attack
took 200 and more lives-and economic Can you envision government leaders
How LONG do you suppose these costs soared. dropping to their knees in real heart-
present trends can conti nue? felt REPENTANCE before God, cryi ng
Oswego, New York, had 102 inches
So far, the average housewife has of snow! ou t to HIM to deliver us from our
not iced the trends only in sl ightly awesome problems?
Immediately the question was raised,
higher prices on some fruits and vege- "Ridiculous!" some wouJd say.
"Did the blizzards relieve the drought
tab les. To many a fru it rancher and
conditions?" "No!" answered weather- And because such a picture of na-
fa rmer- it has been an ent irel y differ-
men. The U. S. Weather Bureau's week* tional repentance is so "ridiculous" to
ent story!
Iy crop and weather bu llet in said, " In even imagine-ouR PEOPLE SHALL
But what of the years ahead? terms of the total amount of water con- SUFFER PLAGUES unti l we think it
Is it safe to assume these fantastic tained in the snow, the recent storms ridiw!o1fs that a leader would NOT
changes in weather, these ghastly along the East Coast have hardly made repent-until we CRY OUT to our God,
changes in the jet stream, these unex- a dent in the 4-year water deficit." and really SEEK Hi m fo r the first time
pected storms, prolonged drought, and They added, "From a hydrologic in our lives!
drying wells will suddenly become a standpoint the water shortage is far
thing of the past; that overnight aU But WHY US?
from over ... before ... water tables are
will be safe and sane and sound again? brought back to normal .. (it) will But some will always ask, "But why
Believe it or not, your Bible pre- reguire many months of abnorma ll y wet should God choose THIS generation for
dicts drought will strike OUR OWN weather." the manifestation of His wrath?"
March, 1966 1'bc PLAIN TRUTH 5

"What have WE done' Why should have worshipped them, and have for- plain IDOLATRY ? Surely YOU have not
God be angry with us?" saken me, and have not kept my law!" bowed down to an IDOL, have you?
And even these 'l"estiollS were (Jer. 16:10-11.) Have YOU rea ll y WORSHIPPED OTHER
prophesied. Does this sound a little "vague" to GODS? Could YOU have been gui lty of
God said, "And it shall come to pass, you? Does it sound a li ttle archaic, a IDOLATRY?
when you shaH show this people aH little too much like some "Old Testa- Most would answer, "Of collrse
these words [of these PROPHECIES], ment Fire and Brimstone?" not!" "Why," they might say, " In this
and they shall say unto you, 'Wherefore It's time you understand the real modern age of en lightenment, only
hath the Eternal pronounced all this ENORMITY of our personal and national ignorant SAVAGES practice idolatry-
great evil against us?' or 'What is our sins! God continued, "And you have but we, in this CHRISTIAN world cer-
iniquity?' or 'What is our sin that we done WORSE than your fathers; for, be- tainly don 't."
have committed against the Eternal our hold, you walk every olle after the You' " be shocked to find just how
God?' imagination of his evil heal", that they completely our peoples have been gui lty
"Then shaH you say unto them, Be- may not hearken unto me 1" (Jer. of idolatry!
cause your fathers have forsaken me, 12:16.) First, WHAT IS idolatry ?
saith the Eternal, and have walked after But why would God say OUR peoples, Your Creator commands, "Thou shalt
other gods, and have served them, and our "CHRISTIAN" peoples are gui lty of have no other gods before me!" (Ex.

Wheat temporari ly dumped in open storage-overflow from gorged groin elevator! Can we continue
to expect a bumper crop next year? and the next? For how long?
80b To y/or Photo
6 T be PLAI N TRUTH March, 1966

20:3.) And most people assume Was Chr ist the God of the O ld Testa- tomb, onl y to have H is d isciples secret-
THEIR concept of "god" must be the ment? Was Christ just a "good man" or ly bury Him elsewhere.
TRUE God-most people confuse the a "prophet?" Was Jesus only HUMAN, W HETHER H e was resurrected is al-
SECOND commandment with the first. after all? Or was H e GOD? Or was H e ways the subject of MUCH CONTRO-
God said, "Thou shalt not make unto BOTH? People are confused, VERSY between professing "Christian"
thee any graven image, or any likeness Most don't know WHY He came. scholars!
of anythi ng that is in heaven above, or Mi llions assume He came to save the WHERE H E WENT IF He was resur-
that is in the earth beneath, or that is world THEN-and assume H e has been rected has puzzled many. And WHAT
in the wate r under the earth ; thou f rantica ll y try ing to get it saved ever \X/ AS H e when He was resurrected?

shalt not bow down thyself to them , since! Yet H E said H E DID NOT! God or Man? And WHY was He resur-
nor serve them; fo r I the Eternal thy Mill ions don't know Christ came rected-IF He was? And WHEN was
God am a jealous God, visiting the with a MESSAGE-NOT for the world, He resurrected?
ini9uity of the fat hers upon the chil- but for H is own discip les. T hey don't And WHAT HAS HE BEEN DO ING
dren unto the third and fourth genera- know 1l l hat that meJSage was, to WHOM SINCE?
tion of them that hate me; and show- He brought it, and for what purpose, Let's suppose you're talking to a per-
ing mercy unto thousands of them that Mill ions suppose they have jJictures son about a mutual friend. You're d is-
love me, and keep my commandments." of Ch rist. Little do they realize Christ cussing what a "fine fe llow" he is.
(Ex. 20:4-6.) Himself inspired Paul to say long hair You don't know what his name means,
And , since the vast majority of our is a SHAM E to a man! Little do they don't know the circumstances surround-
peoples believe we have come oul of seem to realize Judas had to betray ing his birth , don't know anything
the heathen age of outright wo rship Christ with a KISS to make sure there about his life; don't know what he
of sticks, stones, totem poles, fetishes, was no mistaking His identity- because believed, or stood for; don't know
witch doctors and the like- we care- He looked so like the other Jews of what he looks Eke; don't know his
lessly assume we are NOT guilty of His time. (He WAS a Jew! Hob. 7:14.) natme, personality or cha racter; don't
IDOLATRY! know his family; don't know where he
No one seems able to agree on \'(' HY
is; don't know where he's been; don' t
D o You KNOW G od ? He died (He said NO ONE is saved by
know where he's going.
His death-but by His life! Rom.
But WHO IS your god? WHERE is T hat's quite a bit NOT to know
5: 10) nor on HOW He died. Most
He? Of HOW MANY PERSONS does about someone and still call him
assume He died of a brokell heart.
YOUR God consist? What is He LI KE? "friend ," isn't it?
What kind of CHARACTER does He Millions aren't sure He DID die- but Does this professing "Chr istian"
have? Can H e i}l/ertl(?lle on YOUR be- believe possibly on ly H is BODY died, world REALLY KNOW CHRIST? T he
half? Does YOU R God give you any while HE went to preach to "spirits" REAL Christ of the BIBLE?
COMMANDS you MUST OBEY? What in HELL! But how can this square with No! It does NOT!
does He LOOK like? W hat are H is the promise mil lions (/!J/!me He made It's about time people began Jeavi ng
LAWS? What is His PURPOSE in your to the thief on the cross about being Christ's name out of their personal re·
life? What PLAN does He have in IN PARAD ISE? The thief wasn't WITH ligion!
mind? Him when He appeared to His disciples And what about you? Are some of
Take the so-called world of "Ch risti- over th ree days later. these points a little confusing to you ?
anity" for example. Look what the No one seems ab le to agree on HOW Do YOU know Christ? T don't mean in
professing "Chr istian" world does NOT LONG He (if it were He!) was in the some sticky, syrupy, "sanctimonious"
know about Christ! tomb--or even WHICH tomb! Most of "religious" or "sentimental" way you
The ma ny disagreeing denominations professing Christianity REJECTS Hi s me rely recognize the phonetic sound of
and sects do NOT know the TIt-..fE of own plain statements about the ONLY His name- but do you know ALL
Ch rist's birth. Mi ll ions assume it was SIGN He wou ld leave as to His true ABOUT H im?
December 25th. Bible scholars admit it Messiahship---that of three fu ll days Does this worl d accept or worsh ip
was nowhere near th is date- but prob- and th ree full nights in the tomb- the Christ of the Bible'
ab ly in the Autumn. Mil1ions suppose it and suppose a Friday sunset to "Easter" No!
must have been at the beginning of the (speUed Ishtac in ancient Babylon) It has substituted a weak, sickly, ef-
year 1 A.D. - not rea lizing it was no- Sunday morn ing- is what H e meant. feminate, confused, FAILURE, for the
where near that date. Try to fit three days and three nights dynamic, thoroughly mascu line, POWER·
Millions disagree on the l-HTHOD of into that period of time. (And write rUL Christ of the Bible!
His birth . Some say MARY had to be for our free article, "The Crucifixion Can you get the point?
" immacu late ly" conceived, rather than Was NOT on Friday''') Too many peop le assum e our genera·
accepting the pure truth concerning M ill ions DENY He was resurrected- tion is a "CHRISTIAN" one, We assume
CHRIST'S birth. claim His body was stolen, or that H e we are wholly "innocent" before God
Few know WHAT HE WAS. Was H e wasn't really dead, or that He only - that ou r society is mostly PLEASING
GOD CHANGED l NTO a h uman fetus? feigned death, and then died in the to H im ! Assuming th is incredible fa lse-
March, 1966 The PLAIN TRUTH 7

hood-we gasp in amazement at the Get the picture in proper perspective! are not REAL! We seem to believe, some-
rebllke of God. We stammer in wonder- Too often, like disobedient little chil- how, that we shall keep eating regular-
ment when we hear God is beginning to dren, peop le put on a show of perfect ly ; that life will go on in monotonous
allow terrible national pUllishmenlJ to " innocence" when told of the awesome day-to-day routine.
come upon us! prophecies of the Word of God con- How incredibly SHOCKED millions of
We ask, "WHY?" cerning our peoples! us witi be!
And the REASON for our impending A young girl wrote, " I am ANGRY Don't make the mistake of finding
calamaties is bei ng made plain to us! with God for having chosen THIS genera- some "picky" or "twiggy" little
We have forgotten our very national tion for the manifestation of His "point" with which you disagree in this
identity (i f you have not PROVED where wrath !" article, and then begin to let your own
our peoples are identified in Bible But THIS GENERATION has done the mind deceive you into believing
Prophecy, then write for our free book- choosing I Not God .. drought will not come.
let, The United Stdtes dud the Bri/iJh God says, "I ... will judge thee ar- DOli', "kid" yourself!
Commollwedlth in Prophecy immedi- cording to Ih)1 Wd)IJ, and will recom- DRO UG HT IS COM ING! It's beginning
ately)-we have rejected the AUTHOR- pense upon thee all THINE abomina- to stri ke us RIGHT NOW. And it's going
ITY of the Bible, we have pushed God tions! And mine eye shall not spare to get MUCH, MUCH WORSE in the
and His laws completely out of our thee, neither will I have pity: but I years ahead.
lives! will recompense THY WAYS upon thee" Y 011 have been warned.
God says, " ... The iniquity of the (Ezek.7:3-4). Whether you ever read one more
house of Israel and Judah [two DIF- "0 Israel, tho" hast destroyed THY- art icle in future issues of this maga-
FERENT "houses" or peoples] is ex- SELF; but in ME is thin e help" God zine; or hear The WORLD TOMORROW
ceeding great, and the land is full of says ( Hosea 13:9). again-you have been warned! And in
blood [our peoples lead the world in the years to come you shall SEE, and
We are beginning to suffer the AUTO-
crime I], and the city full of perverse- you will KNOW YOll heard the tmth
MATIC consequences of OUR OWN WAY
ness: [our cities have become asphalt about the future- BEFoRE it happened!
OF LIFE! God is not YET performing
jungles of cr ime, immorality, drug ad- May God help you to have the spiri-
MIRACLES in bringing plagues upon us.
diction and sensuous pleasure-seeking] tua l courage to do something about it
H e is not DIRECTLY plaguing our peo-
fo r /hey .ray, The Lord hath forsaken nOIlJ.
pies ! Rather, He is ALLOWING the na-
the earth , and, the Lord seeth not!"
tural results of our own evil ways to
(Ezek. 9:9.)

come right back on our own heads! We
And that is EXACTLY what millions
abuse the earth He gave us, polluting
say today.
it with pesticides and chemicals; killing
One of the most recent, the most
the nutrients in the soi l, striving by
"popular" expressions among so-called
our own humanly devised MECHANICAL from the Editor
"Christian" Atheists IS, "God is
means to produce crops. (Coll/inlled from page 2)
DEAD!" Hundreds of profess ing "Chris-
Any farmer who se riously TRUSTED
tian" ministers are quick to explain to ruled by God's Law of LOYE-<lr
HIS GOD for insect control; for good whether to set up his own ideas of
their cong regations how LITTLE "God"
crops; for good weather; for his very man-made government, following what
has to do with our present world-how
JIIcceJS as a farmer, would be SCORNED comes Il({t/lr~d-HUMAN NATURE.
He has "gone 'way off' to some dis-
and RIDICULED by all who knew of his
tant place-how "God" has gone into That six thousand years is about up.
practices 1 W hen it is-a -vel')' few more years,
People who believe in the great Crea- Y et it is GOD ALMIGHTY who says He perhaps less than 15- God Almighty
tor-Being of the Bible; who believe HE WILL intervene in the wedther.' H e says is going to step in, intervene super-
LIVES, that H e intervenes in our PER- it is HE who gives good crops, and naturally and in divine POWER in the
SONAL lives; that H e is working out a protects us from drought and famine! governments and ways of society-and
PURPOSE here below, that He will soon But our peoples have never ,-eco gllized BRING PEACE AND HAPPINESS TO HU-
SHAKE the nations of this earth, and set God's intervention in our behalf! MANITY!
up HIS OWN GOVERNMENT here below When farmers in South Africa hung H 0117 can that be done'
-such people are regarded as "reli - sarcastic signs on fences, asking for col- It's simple!
gious nuts" by many a professing lections to buy spectacles "for God" so There is A WAY of personal, group,
"Chri stian." He could "see the suffe ring of both man and organized living that wil1 automati-
Hdve millions of our peoples adopted and beast" they proved the point. It is cally produce that utopia. And there
the fanciful notion that "The Lord man's nature to BLAME GOD when is A WAY that has, for 6,000 years, pro-
seeth not"? CERTAINLY! things go WRONG, an d give MAN the duced curses, war, st rife and violence,
And Jet's understand further! We are credit when cond itions are right. frustration, failure - everything this
beginning to suffer the consequences of We're complacent. We like to delude world has.
OUR OWN WAYS OF LIFE! ourselves into thinking these prophecies God is si mply going to enforce, with
8 The PLAIN TRUTH March, 1966

divine Power, HIS WAY. He is going Christ (in Spirit) come into their lives in God's Kingdom-i n the happy and
to take over all governments, in a and actually live their lives for them peaceful WORLD TOMORROW.
super WORLD GOVERNMENT, ruled by (Ga latians 2:20). One cannot learn everything in a
the very CREATOR. It will rule by GOD'S They change from THE WAY that minute, a day, or a year. One does not
LAws-the WAY of love ! has brought all the curses upon this become perfect at one jump. It is a con-
Why do some people-even college unhappy world, to THE WAY that will tinuous PROCESS. Just as we were not
professors and some who are intellec· bring a brilliant, joyous UTOP IA to earth able (though we tried) to produce the
tually incli ned-become Communists? in a very few years when God sends perfect color in the pictures of the Feb-
Because they see many things WRONG the living Jesus Christ in all Power ruary PLAIN TRUTH, so no Christian
in this world-they want to BE right- and Glory to RULE ALL NATIONS and becomes perfect at the very beginning.
they grasp Communism as a last straw bring the happy, peaceful WORLD TO- He does not overcome or root out all
and only hope, under the delusion that MORROW! the sins, the wrong habits, all at oncc.
THEY CAN HAVE A PART IN MAKING This CHANGE is conversion. This is He must do it little by little. But, "he
THIS A BETTER WORLD! They want to what it means to become a Christian. that overcometh, and keepeth MY WORKS
DE right-but they don't want to DO A Christian is NOT merely one who unto the end," says Jesus Christ, "to
right. So they grasp the straw that PROFESSES Christ. God's own instruction him will I give power over THE NA-
makes the lying and false PROMISES of to us- the Bible-says that if one has TIONS: AND HE SHALL RULE THEM"
producing the solution. But Commu- not received God's Holy Spirit, he is (Revelation 2 :26-27).
nism is only another IDEA OF MAN NONE of His-he is NOT a Christian WHY do THE NATIONS of this ea rth
BASED ON HU MAN NATURE. It is a (Romans 8 :9). God gives His Holy need ruling by Christ and those trained
theoretical WAY that would destroy Spirit ONLY to them that OBEY Him under a Christian life? Because all the
what little good there might be in this (Acts 5 :32). This implants within the unhappiness-everything WRONG with
world's society. It is the most false of mind the divne nat",.e-it means a this world-has come from living THE
false hopes. CHANGED MIND! WAY of human nature-THE WAY of
But YOU can htlFt! tl pl'lrl in actua ll y But it does 1101 remove the HUMAN hostility to God's Law and GOOIS Gov-
hring ing PEACE, happiness, joy and nature. The mind governs whether the ernment. Because the only way this
abundance to humani ty. God Almighty converted Christian now folloUls the world can have PEACE, PROSPERITY,
is going 10 do iI- whether or not you pulls. the impulses. the desires of hu- HAPPINESS. is to be forced to build a
have a part in it! But He is not going man nature, or whether he resists them society based on THE WAY that produces
to do it alone. He is going to take cer- and is LED BY the newly received divine these desired blessings.
tain human beings, born in the very nature. "As many as are LED BY the If you have started on THAT RIGHT
LIKENESS of God, who REPENT of their Spirit of God , they are the sons of WAY, don't get discouraged because you
carnal human nature- who cry out to God" ( Romans 8:14). But one's hl/- have slipped and fallen down along the
God to CHANGE that nature, and give ma11 natme cries out to be satisfied- road a few times. Get up and KEEP
them the match less supreme GIFT of does not like to be repressed. GO ING. Even if you have sinned and are
His divine LOVE that will travel THE trul y so rry, you can repent and Christ
Just receiving God's Spirit is not
\,(I AY toward peace, happiness and joy. is your High Priest to forgive. Read
enough. One must BE LED by God's
These are they who, through real and study I John 1:7-10 and 2:1-2.
Spirit. His Spirit opens the mind to
repentan ce of what they are as well as This is written to converted CHRISTIANS.
UN DERSTANDING of spiritual truth, and
what they have done, through faith in At the time of Christ's coming, the
the KNOWLEDGE of God's Law. It opens
the sacrifi ce of Jesus Christ as well as dead in Christ will be resurrected and
the mind to THE WAY onc should fol-
in His resurrected LIFE and POWER) rise to meet the descending Christ in
low. God's Spirit also is the love of
are forgiven their gui lty past, given the air. At that instant those titling
God-Gad's own divine love-flooding
contact with God, changed, cOllllerted} who have been thus changedl begotten
into the human heart, and flowing on
receiving HIs HOLY SPIRIT, being be- by God's Spirit, will be changed in
out in love to God and love to neighbor.
gotten as HIS CHILD, receiving the DI- composition, from mortal to immortal
One must therefore GROW in spiritual - from matter to spirit-from human
VINE nature.
knowledge and in God's grace ( II Peter to divine.
Tn other words, they REPENT of hu- 3:18). He must become a DOER of THEY are then to RULE with and
man nature--they REPENT of hostility God's Law-actually LIVING in THE under the all-powerful living Christ,
to authority- of resentment against WAY of peace and happiness and joy. until ALL NATIONS beat their swo rds
God's Law. They SUR RENDER uncondi- Th is means he must OVERCOME his own into plowshares, and PEACE shines
tionally to GOD, and wholeheartedly carnal nature, his old habits, the temp- forth on this war-weary earth!
WANT Him to rule in their lives. They tations of the WOrld- HE MUST BE Jesus Christ taught His followers to
CHANGE (through God's power given CHANGED! He must develop toward PRAY: " THY KINGDOt.l COME-THY
by His grace) from rebellion to sub- perfect spiritual and righteous CHAR- WILL BE DONE ON EARTH!" How about
mission-from SELF-centeredness to ACTER. The real Christian is undergoing it. Shall we pray that prayer'
being GOD-centered. They let Jesus a life of TRAJNING to become a RULER I DO'


Just what is the " beat" way of life the younger generation is
embracing? Why do today's teenagers lack any real sense of
purpose? He re are the surprising answers!
by Gerh ard O. Ma rx

HELD IT! I HELD IT!" screamed
the girl in a state of ecstacy.
A reputable London minting firm is
minting gold COil1S of the BealLes . This
They are the beat generation, noted
for their anti-everything campaign.
IIShe touched George! She same firm had minted coins in com- Britain is not the only land affected
touched George/'I exclaimed her ex- memoration of Churchill, Kennedy, and by this charmless, tasteless spectacle.
cited mother after her daughter had the Battle of Britain. This "new culturc" is spreading its
grasped the hand of one of the Beatles And just recently, archbishop An- tentacles to other lands, infesting their
on their recent American tour. drew Beck of Liverpool hinted that the soc ieties.
" Please send me one ot YOllr hairs,11 Beaties may play at the opening of In South Africa, a beat group called
pleaded a young British girl in a letter Liverpool's £2,500,000 Roman Catho- "The Zombies" is exploiting the teen-
to a member of the Beatles. lic cathedral in 1967. The bishop went agers' lustful desires for this animal-
on: "It cou ld be said that the BeatIes type behaviour. In West Germany it's
The New Idolatry DO MORE to bring the younger genera- "The Lords"- that's typically German-
"Our Beatles, which art in Liverpool, tion together than the international who are "sending" their frantic ad-
hallowed be ... " began a composition conferences of statesmen." mirers into states of ecstacy. In com-
written by a British youngster. Why the Impact on Society muni st East Germany it's the "River
In London, 30 g irls "attacked" a 15- Squallers." A recent poll in East Ger-
year-old boy who looked like one of The Beatles-merely one of many many showed that the Beatles, the
the Beatles. Police had to rescue him beat groups- have had a phenomenal Rolling Stones, and a local Magdeburg
from the romantic onslaught of the impact on today's society. They have beat group rate higher on the teen-
eager BeatIe worshipers. actually met every member of the Brit- agers' Jist than do famous astronauts,
ish Royal Fami Iy. Last year the Queen civic leaders and even their own par-
Similar incidents occur throughout
awarded them the OBE (Order of the ents.
Great Britain. Common is the sight of
British Empire) medal. It is supposed It used to be film sta rs, sport heroes,
teen-age girls frantically gasping and
to represent outstanding service. inventors, writers or civ il leaders who
sighing in uncontrollable fas hion , while
I remember, in first coming to Eng- were idolized. Now it's the " Beatles,"
watching their favorite beat group. One
land five years ago, what an ex/mordi- the "Animals," the "Zombies" and
sees 13- and 14-year-old gi rls tearing
llary sight it was for me to see one or other beat groups who are worshipped.
their dresses apart, pulling their hair
two long-hai red boys vegetating . in
out, gaping with their mouths, scream- A concert programme autographed
Leicester Square, London. People would
ing in senseless gibber ish. Others leap by the Beatles was recently valued in
stop and stare for a moment- then pass
onto the stage to touch their idols, New York at more than a four-page
often lapsing into unconsciousness. letter by the world-renown musician
Today it is no lon ger necessary to
But the various beat groups find Brahms.
visit that part of London. You can see
their admirers not only among the long-haired juveniles everywhcre- Close to onc hundred fans a week,
young and innocent. Many adults-age from the Jarger cities to the small ham- according to a recent report, go to see
2l and above-find th is new "BeatIe" lets. It's no more a novelty. It's an the Benedict Canyon home where the
culture fascinating. altogether common sight. You see them Beatles stayed during their recent visit
Says a vicar of the Church of Eng- at work, on the beach, at sport sessions, to Holl ywood.
land , in referring to his shoulder- in stores-in fact, almost everywhere. And this in the " enlightened" 20th
length hair, '-'The youngsters like my You watch them walking down the century!
hairstyle. I like the BeatIes. I think streets, not knowing what gende r or sex Why It's a Way of Life
playing their records in chlll·ch will they are. They wear Jong, effem inate-
make a change from organ music." looking, often filth-infested hair. They What type of people comprise this
"Our boys have never looked love- may conceal themselves in animal skins "beat" generation? Is it merely a clever
lier," sighed a mother from London, and behave like monkeys. Their music gimmick to attract attention to them-
"especially those who have had the consists of screams, tramplings, shout- selves ? Or is it a way of life?
sense to grow hair shoulder-length!" ings and constant beats. The fact is, it is a way of life with
10 The PLAIN TRUTH March, 1966

them-by their own admission an ugly, And a London lad adds, "The thing 1n turning sea resorts into veritable
senseless one. The philosophy of this I hate most is people hl attthority.1I jungles. Instead of serving as places for
way of life depicts life as meal1ingless A fitting example of this abhorrence vacationi ng, these resort towns become
and p"rposeleJS. and rebellion towa rds constituted au - targets for widespread devastation.
Listen to the beat generation's own thority is evidenced periodicall y by a It's not uncommon to see thi s spec-
daim: large segment of today's youth. Brit- tacle. On their motorcycles they come,
"Sometimes I wish I could do some- ain's annua l holidays are used by them like locusts-hundreds of them. Long-
thing more worthwhile than just drift-
ing, " lam ents one youth.
" I like to surround myself with the
old world. All this stuff takes me back
and helps my mind to wander,lll says
another, a well -known, long-haired pop
singer, in a book entitled Generation X.
"Your mind is geared to fmilasy
rather than fact," explained another
who had absorbed th is "beat" way of
" I usually get up at about 11 o'clock
and I get so bored with nothing to do
that I feel desperate."
"I like to be alone sometimes. I get
the feel ing I just want to get away
f rom everything. "
"I like to feel free, to go anywhere
and not have to worry, " is the desired
outlook on life of a 20-year-old.
These examples typify the outlook
this beat generation has. The young-
sters don't become beatniks automat ic-
ally by just allowing their hai r to
grow long and weari ng untidy clothes.
--c-:> ""-~
DPA Photos

It's an ideology-a way of life, with Britain's "Rolling Stones" hold a press conference at Dusseldorf Airport, above,
during their continental tour. Their long-haired fans try to storm the airport
them. The dirty clothes and long hair conference hall, below.
merely serve as a Iflliform for the
soldiers of this dege nerate philosophy.

Why Against Society

If there is one prime characteristic
that brands this group of people, it is
their anti-society outlook. Followers of
this "beat" generation make no effort
to hide th is fact. On the contra ry !
Their ill -kempt appearance, their out-
landish clothes, their immoral codes,
their childish philosophy serve the pur-
pose of marking them as rebels agclinst
society. The las/ thing they would want
is to be associated in any way with
organized society as it is. Thei r philos-
ophy is to be totally different, to be
completely disorganized - and the
closer they can get to existing in a state
of chaos the better th ey like it.
"I hate civilization ," spouts one
youth from Kent. "I can't stand any-
thing modern. The more primitive
things are the more I like them. "
March, 1966 The PLAIN TRUTH 11

haired , anti-social , anti-government, obey any lawful injunction. HI shall like

anti -re ligious, anti-everyth ing. Like a what I like and go ·where I like/I this
foreboding plague, they come to throw teen-ager conti nues.
into confusion everything that is order- The demand to be free from the sway
ly. Their destructive purpose is carried and control parents have over them is
out ruthlessly. Like a devastating hurri- merely another manifestation of their
cane, they bring chaos to a peaceful hatred for authority.
''I'd marry anyone just to spite my
Dr. George Simpson, British magis- parents," says one beat-girl contemptu-
trate, aptly describes this anti-social ously.
segment of today's youth: "These long- "Why should you be bossed around
haired, mentally unstable petty little by people in authority?" asks one
Sawdust Caesars seem to find courage, youngster.
like rats, by hunting only in packs. This attitude of rebellion in human
Along with this anti-social outlook is nature is the new beat culture-it's a
their abhorrence of relig ion and mora ls. hatred for any established order, a
They want to live, or better yet, exist, contempt for all authority, and a re-
like animals_ jection of all moral codes.
States one disappointed youth, " I But there is another important reason
don't bel ieve in reli gion because it does why this "beat" movement has sprung
nothing for you." up. It's the society around us- the
"Religio n is for old people who have man-made society that has molded the
given up living," asserts one teen-ager minds and morals of otlr statesmen, our
bold ly. teachers and parents!
Ke)'slone Pholo
Today's leaders failed their duty-
And a London girl adds, " Reli gion Britain's "Koobas" at end of Euro·
peon tour pose in their flowered
they did not teach the younger genera-
to most teen-agers is an old person's
trousers. tion the real purpose of life. Why'
fairy ta le. Most teen-agers think about
Because they themselves did not know
God, but the Bible and the church
tempt towards anyone in a place of the purpose of life. Society never taught
seem so completely remote and irrele-
authority. An unlawful yearning for 110 them. Their teachers never taught it in
vant to their lives."
rest1"aill/s, no discipline) ItO moral codes. school because they in turn had never
In a recent interview, teen-agers had
" I shall remain an individual !" says learned it. People simply don't know
this to say about rei igion: "The Church
one youth, by which he means he is not why they were born!
of England is a society that exists for
going to abide by any moral code nor And yet there is a wonderful and
the middle class. A giant Tory party at
prayer. A hobby for old ladies . The
Church service is boredom in a strange
language that might as well be Chinese.
A priest is someone out of touch with
life ... " (Daily Mirror, March 16,
1964) .
But WHY are adherents of this new
perverted cultme anti-social and anti-
religious? IV hy does a great segment of
the younger generation accept this
"beat" philosophy' What's the under-
lying cause of it all? And what's the
real solution ?
Causes for Grievances
The cause is simple-human nature!
Human nature is characterized by
outright REBELLION t01lJtlrds all consti-
tilted alfthorit)'. "Authority stifles tis)"
is the way one of th em puts it. They
fight to be rid of any authority to
whlch they have to be obedient.
It's an attitude of resentment, of con- Beat generation males now make regular trips to their hairdressers.
12 The PLAIN TRUTH March, 1966

great purpose for which every child, bomb an nihilation. "If they had set a are divided in their opinions as to
every teen-agee, and every adu lt has better example, things might be differ- God's ex istence, Christ's Divinity, the
been born. If they knew what it was, ent for us," they claim. Bible's authority and whether or not to
the "beat" generation wou ld never have A few public officials realize society keep any of God's Laws. Practically
started! has failed to convey anything reaUy everyone seems to have a different
Of course, society has taught certain worthwhile for youth to live for. One. opinion.
human values of life. But the 1'eat member of parliament told a gather- Thus some ministers in Britain as-
purpose of why we were put here on ing of interested listeners recently, sume and teach youngsters that God no
the earth-what life is aU about-that "We've got to beat the Beatles.''' Me. longer exists, that there is no need to
society has failed to give. Notice how Henry Price, Tory M.P. for West keep any Divine Laws, since the Bible
some of the younger generation feel Lewisham, warned. "It is useless de- carries no authority anyway_
about the failure of education, of re- crying it [the beat attitude], or being It's as Dr. George Macleod of the
ligion, of ph ilosophy, of government. rude about it and about those who like Church of Scotland said recently,
One office worker asks, "Why on earth it. We must OFFER TEEN-AGERS SOME- "Every discipline in the church has gone
do I go into this office every day and THING THEY WILL LIKE BETTER." and religious cu lture has had it ...
get so heated about it, just for a But society, delinquent and divided There used to be a disci pline of the
miserly wage packet? Where is it all itself, cannot furnish the younger gen- Bible-but that has lost its authority.
leading? Is this life' Who am I and eration with a better answer. Society One cannot even assume knowledge of
what's it all for, anyway?" has nothing concrete, and nothing it. Any layman or any person can be-
These acc Cjuestions soc iety cannot permanent to offer, merely more lieve precisely what he likes."
answer. It's incapable of do ing so be- gadgets, more entertainment. Can we therefore be surprised if the
cause it doesn't know the answer it- But doesn't religion provide a worth- younger generation disbelieves in God
self. while goal to the youngsters? some and in keeping any moral codes? Is it
"My life will probably be guite may ask. Don't the churches and the any wonder then that teen-agers in our
futile," says another. "Most lives are." other religions teach the younger gener- countries are responsible for an ever-
"The general prospects for the future ation a goal in life? increasing nwnber of crimes?
are not too bright," confesses one If the churches teach d isobedience
youth who looks at world conditions Today's Religion the Answer? and ignorance, can we expect the
and realizes the state of hopelessness ado lescent child to develop a healthy
The tragic answer is NO! The re-
the world finds itself in. respect for Jaw? If society fails to teach
ligioll1 leaders are themse/ues {ouftlsed.
Another youngster says half-hearted- the younger generation the true purpose
They themselves don't know what our
Iy, "1 suppose there's a purpose to life, of life, shou ld we be surprised if a
purpose in life is. They argue among
but I'm still very mixed up. I'm scared great segment of our teen-agers allow
one another, each defending his own
of the fllture. 1I themselves to drift closer and closer to
idea about what he thinks the meaning
"There is a feeling in the air that this purposeless "beat·' way of life?
of life is.
something is going to happen," says The answers shou ld be obvious!
another apprehensively. Today's religions are co nsidered by
most teen-agers as dull, antiquated and Teen-age Problems Prophesied!
"What is there to expect from our
meaningless. This fact is admitted by a
so-called rulers?" demands one person People today want to deny God's
forme r youth chaplain, Ronald Green.
angrily. existence, or at least dispute His au-
"We must face the fact that the church
Adherents to thi s beat attitude look thority. It will therefore come as a
has a very unhappy image with most
at the world situation-the confusion, great surprise to them that the very
young people. And we must do some-
the mistrust, the bickering, the insecur- Book the}' reject actually foretold this
thing about it. The world is growing
ity and hopelessness of this world and very situation civilization finds itself in
faster, noisier, more selfish and restless.
realize that all is not well! They con- today. Read it in your Bible!
The church will have to find something
seguently develop a feeling of antipa- God foretold the very time we are
to appeal to the young astronauts of
thy toward everything associated with living in: " . . . the child shall behave
the future," he continues, and finally
modern society. himself proudly against the ancient, and
warns; " Itre 1I1mt have something 10
"Our elders and betters do not the base against the honourable" (Isa.
say 10 0"" childrell as they fOri,. Ollt to
impil'e flS, do not give us the Slightest 3:5). At that time-today--<hildren
incentive to be as they are," admits shall be our oppressors (v. 12).
one teen-ager bitterly. But WHAT?
Has there ever been a time when the
Their elders are blamed for failing Certainly not what one vICar from adolescent child and teen-ager have
to make this a safer; more peaceable London suggested, "If unmarried people given us more headaches and been in
world to live in. The statesmen and want to have sex, who is the church to more mischief than is true today? Just
politicians are blamed for bringing say they are right or wrong ?" look at the increase in teen-age crime !
this world to the brink of hydrogen- A great many ministers of religion The disrespect for their elders and
March, 1966 The PLAIN TRUTH 13

parents! The contempt for law and promise, "And he that overcometh and purpose In life, and w ill be attracted
order ! keepeth my works unto the end, to him to a purposeless way of life to fill the
The apostle Paul warned: " In the will I give pOUler over the 1Jati011S. And empty void in every human's mind.
LAST DAYS peritolls times shall come. he SHALL RULE them with a rod of But where society has failed, God
For men shall be lovers of their own iron" (Rev. 2:26-27). will not. He is soon going to intervene
selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blas- Yes , if we qualify, then we shall in wo rl d affairs to stop world suicide.
phemers, DISOBEDIENT TO PARENTS, actua ll y be born kings, ruling over the H e wi ll set up His Kingdom. Then He
unthankful, unholy" ( II Tim. 3: 1-2). earth and eventually the entire universe. wi ll revea l His great puspose to all
It descri bes our society perfectly. Notice: "And [He} hast made us unto mankind. The whole world will be
What is wrong? Why the turmoil, our God kings and priests: and we shall taught God's true way of life and the
agitat ion, violence, purposelessness? reign 011 the earth" ( Rev. 5: 10). purpose for our ex istence (M icah 4:
It is because humanity has rej ected But there are prior cond it ions. God 1-2). There won't be any more wars.
God's way of life and lost sight of the will not allow rebellious beatni ks to Think of it!
marvellous purpose God has for man- rule the world. Only those who submit But now God calls only a few-the
kind. to God's government can qualify. "firstfruits" (Jas. I: IB) -and gives us
"My people are destroyed for lack We must first live "by eve ry word of this wonderful opportunity, so that we
of knowledge.''' God says in describing God" (Mat. 4:4) , develop God's char- might now develop our talents and
our time (Hosea 4:6). Our society has acter, overcome ourselves with God's grow in wisdom and character. Then
" rejected knowledge"- the true knowl- help (Mat. 5 :4B). we can later help the teeming millions
edge about the rea,] purpose in life. God Almi ghty does not automatica lly - including the beat generation-now
Consequently, God foretold through g rant everyone eternal li fe and ruler- living in ignorance of God's plan.
the prophet Isaiah: ''The wisdom of ship ove r the nations. Every person
All whom God will use to teach the
their wise men shall perish, and the must be 9ualified and must have
rest of the world His way of life are
understanding of thei r prudent men proved h imself to be trustworthy to
described in Daniel 12:3, " And they
shall be hid" (Isa. 29:14). Bl inded to accept such a g reat and splendorous
that be wi se shall sh ine as the bright-
God's purpose! Wandering in da rk- respons ibility.
ness of the firmament; and they that
ness, thoroughly perplexed, unable to That is why God-in His Word-
turn many to righteousness as the stars
find the solution to today's problems I lays such stress on character develop -
for eve r and ever."
That's the world you live in! ment. If we are to rule with Christ,
What glorious splendour! What
we must begin to think and act like
What Is the Solution? marvelous purpose God has in store for
He does. That is why it is so very
What youth needs is a goal! The important and vita lly necessary for us
right goal! to use time wisely in thi s life, b,uild- Will YOU be there?
If you understand what it is, you ing character (Mat. 5 :4B). That is
know why God put us on the earth why we must study God's inspired
and what li fe is all about. It's sum- Word constantly so that we may ac- HOW YOUR PLAIN TRUTH SUB-
marized in our free booklet Why IJVere 9uire the traits and characteri stics God So many ask: "HOW does it happ_en that I find
my subScription price for The PLAlN TRUTH has
Yo" Bom? Himself possesses. That is why total already bt m paid? How can you ish such a
high class m3gazine without advertISing revenue?"
You yourself may not have any "blue OBEDIENCE to God is mandatory if we The answer is as simple as it is aston ishinp:! It is
a paradox. Christ's Gospel cannot be sold like
blood" in you. But did you know that are to share in the rulership of the merchandise. You cannot buy salvation. Yet it does
cost money to publish Christ's TRUTH and mail it
you were actually born to become a earth under Christ. to all continents on earth. It does have to be paid
king? Man's ultimate dest iny is to rule Th is is what our teen-age rs should 10,1 This is Christ's work. We solve this problem
Christ's WlAY!
the universe. be taught. This vital knowledge of Jesus sa id, "This Gos pel of the Kingdom shall
be preached (and published-Mark 13:10) in all
Some may realize that Jesus Chr ist is God's plan for mankind is what the the world for a witness unto all nations" (Mat.
24: 14) allhiJ lime, just before the end of this age,
call ed the "King of kings" (I Tim. younger generation desperately needs, A PRICE mfiSI bl paid for the magazine, the
broadcnt, the Correspondence Course. or other lit:
6:15), that H e is capable of interven- but has totally lacked. Our educators eutuff:. But HOW? Christ forbids US to stll it to
those who receive it: "Frt-ely ye have receivro,"
ing in the affairs of this worJd, that haven't known it. Our parents were said Jesus to His disciples whom He ,,"'as sendin,'!:
t<) procla im His Gospel, "freely GIVE!" "It IS
Christ fIIies over the entire universe, not taught it. mq,e "bltllld," He said, "to G IVE than to reo
including the earth (Mat. 2B: lB; Heb. God tells us in Hi s Word, "Train up God's WAY is the way of LOVE-and that is
the way of gi~ il1;:. God expects every child of His
2:7-B). But very few realize that you a child ill the way he should go: an d to g;,'t Irtr.lI/ill offerings and to tithe, as His
means of paying the costs of carrying His Gospel
were put on earth to become like Jews when he is old, he wi ll not depart to oth,rs. \Vle, the refore, simply trust our lord
Jesus Christ to lay it on the minds and hearts of
Christ . Read it in I John 3:2, " .. . we from it" (Prov. 22 :6). The troub le is His followers to give J::enerously, thus payin,& the
cost of rutting the precious Gospel TRUTH In the
know that, when he [Christ} shall society has taught its "children" di- hands 0 otherJ. Yet it must go o1/ly to those who
themselves wish to receive it, Each must, for him·
appear, we shall be like Him , for we rectly or indirectly that there is 110 self, JlJhuribt--and his subscription has thus al.reaCly
btr" paid.
shall see him as he is." real purpose to life, Consequently, Thus the living dynamic Christ Himself enables
us to broadcast, worldwide, withou t ever asking
We are to share Christ's glory, His when the child reaches maturity, being for contributions over the air; to enroll many thou-
sands in the Ambassador College Bible Corte-
throne (Rev. 3:21), from which He an offspring of this corrupt society. he spondence Course with full tuition cost alreildy paid;
to send your PLAIN TRUTH on an alrfady paid
w ill rule the nations! Notice Christ's or she will believe that there is no basis, God's way is GOOD!
14 The PLAIN TRUTH March, 1966

MAJOR STATIONS- WINQ-Tampa-lOl0 on dial, WAAB-Worcestec, Mass.-1440 on
Heard over wid e areas 12:00 noon Mon. thru Fri., dial, 107.3 FM, 9:30 a.m. Sun.
12:10 p.m. Sat. and Sun. WMAS - Springfield, Mass. - 1450
f a st KlUvIG-Tulsa-740 on dial, 10:00 on dial, 94.7 FM, 8:30 p.m.
WHN-New York-l050 on dial, a.m. Sun. Sun.
9:00 a.m. Sun. XEG-IOSO on dial, 8:30 p.m. daily. WEIM-Fitchburg, Mass.-1280 on
WWVA-Wheeling, W. Va.-1170 (C.S.T.) dial, 8:30 p.m. Sun.
kc., 9B.7 FM, 10:30 a.m. and WJAR - Providence, RI. - 920 kc.)
Mounta In States 6:30 p.m. daily.
8:30 p.m. Sun., 5 a,m. & 8:30
p.m. Mon. thru Fri. (E.S.T.) KOA- Denver-850 on dial, 9:30 WNLC-New London, Conn.-15l0
a.m. Sun. on dial, 8:30 p.m. Sun.
WNAC-Boston-680 kc., 98.5 FM
(WRKO-FM), 8,30 p.m. Sun. KS\VS - Roswell, N. Mex. - 1020 Centra l
on dial, 6:30 a.m. daily.
WIBG-Philadelphia-990 on dial, \'<'SPD-Toledo. Ohio-1370 on
94.1 FM, 12:30 p.m. Sun. XELO-800 on dial, B p.m. dial, 101.5 FM, 9:00 p.m.
(M.S.T.) 9 p.m. (C.S.T.) Sun., 9:05 p.m.' Mon. thru Sat.
WPTF-Raleigh, N.e.---680 on dial, daily.
94.7 FM, 9,30 a.m. Sun., WIXY-Cleveland, Ohio-1260 k.c.,
10:30 p.m. Mon. thru Sat. West Coast 11:00 p.m. daily.
KIRO-Seattle-71O on dial, 100.7 WSLR-Akron, Ohio-1350 on dial,
Central States FM, 10:30 p.m. Mon. thru 7:00 p.m. daily.
WLAC-Nashvi ll e-151O kc. , 10:30 Sat., 5:30 a.m. Tues. thru Sat. WJW-Clcveland, Ohio-SSO on
a.m. Sun., 7 p.m. daily and 5 KRAK- Sacramento-l140 on dial, dial, 10 a.m. Sun.
a.m. Mon. thru Sat. (e.S.T.) S p.m. daily. \VBR] - Marietta, Ohio - 910 on
WSM-Nashville-6S0 kc., 9 p.m. XERB-Lower Calif.-l090 on dial, dial, 12:30 p.m. daily.
Sun. (C.s.T.) 7 p.m. daily, 9:30 a.m. Mon. WBNS-Columbus, Ohio-1460 kc.,
WCKY - Cincinnati- 1530 kc., 7 thru Fri. 8:30 p.m. daily.
and 9:30 p.m. Sun., 5:30 a.m. \VBCK - Battle Creek, Mich. - 930
Mon. thru Sat., 12:00 mid· LEADING LOCAL-AREA on dial, 12:30 p.m. Sat. and
night Tues. thru Sun. (E.S.T.) STATIONS Sun., 7:00 p.m. Mon. thtU FrL
WLW-Cincinnati-700 kc., 11:05 East WJBK-Dettoit, Mich.-1500 on
p.m. daily. WBMD-Baltimore-750 on dial, dial, 5:30 a.m. Mon. thru Sat.
WJJD-Chicago-1 160 on dial , 12:30 p.m. daily. KRVN-Lexington, Nebr.-lOlO on
11 :00 a.m. Sun. WPEN-Philadelphia, Pa.-9S0 kc., dial, 10:30 a.m. Sun., 3:00
KSTP - Minneapolis·St. Paul- 1500 7:00 a.m. Sun., 10:30 p.m. p.m. Mon. thru Sat.
on dial, 8:00 a.m. Sun., 5:00 Mon. thru Sat. K1\1MJ-Grand Island, Nebr.-750
a.m. Mon. thru Sat. WPIT - Pittsburgh - 730 on dial, kc., 4:00 p.m. daily.
KCMO-Kansas City-81O on dial. 101.5 FM, 11:00 a.m. Sun., WNAX-Yankton, S. Dak.-570 on
7:30 p.m. Sun., 8: 10 p.m. and 12.00 noon Mon. thru Fri., dial, 7:30 p.m. daily.
5 a.m. Mon. thru Sat. 1:30 p.m. Sat. \VEAW-Chicago-1330 on dial,
WHP-Harrisburg, Pa.-58 0 on 105.1 FM, 9:30 a.m. SUIl.
KXEL-Waterloo, la.-1540 on dial, dial, 7:30 p,m. daily.
8 p.m. Sun., 9:30 p.m. Mon. (also 8:00 p.m. Sun., FM)
thru Sat. WJAC - Johnstown, Pa. - 850 on 8:00 a.m. Mon. thru Fri., 7:30
dial, 7:30 p.m. daily. a.m. Sat. AM and 7:00 a.m.
KXEN - St. Louis - 1010 on dial, Mon. thru Sa t. FM.
10:30 a.m. Sun., 12 noon WCHS-Charleston, W. Va.-5aO on
MOD. thru Fri .• after football
dial, 7:30 p.m. daily. WJOL - Joliet, Ill. - 1340 on dial,
on Sat. WCYB--Bristol, Va.-690 on dial, 8:00 p.m. daily.
12:30 p.m. daily. WITY-Danville, Ill.-980 on dial,
KRLD-Dallas-IOBO on dial, 8: 10 W\'"\fNC - Asheville. N.C. - 570 on 7,00 p.m. daily.
p.m. daily. dial, 4:00 p.m. Sun., 3:30 p.m. WWCA-Gary, Ind.-1270 on dial,
Mon. thru Sat. 4:00 p.m. Sun., 6:00 p.m.
KTRH-Houston-740 on dial, *WEDU-New York, N.Y.-1330 Mon. duu Sat.
101.1 FM, 8:00 p.m. Sun., kc., 10:00 p.m . Tues. thru
8:30 p.m. Mon, thru Sat. WJOB - Hammond, Ind. - 1230 on
Sun. dial, 7:00 p.m. Mon. thru Sat.
WOAI-San Antonio, Texas-1200 *WHLl- Hempstead, N.Y. - 1100 \VXCL-Peorja-1350 kc., 6:30 p.m.
on dial, 10:15 p.m. Mon. thru kc., 2:00 p.m. daily. daily.
Sat. WWOL-Buffalo, N.Y.-1l20 kc., WIBC-IndianapoIis-1070 on dial,
KWKH-Shreveport-1130 kc., 94.5 10:00 a.m. Sun., 12:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Sun.
FM. 1:00 and 8:30 p.m. Sun. Mon. thru Fri., 4:00 p.m. Sat.
theu Fri., 11:30 a.m. and 11:30 KBH5-Hot Springs, Ark.-590 on
WWNH-Rochester, N.H.-930 on dial, 12:00 noon Sun., 6:00
p.m. Sat. dial, 9:05 a.m. Sun., 7:05 p.m. a.m. Mon. thru Sat.
WNOE-New Ocleans-l060 on Mon. tbru Sa t.
dial, 9:30 a.m. Sun. KFV5-Cape Girardeau, Mo.-960
WDEV-Waterbury, Vt.-550 on on dial, 9: 15 a.m. Sun., 6: 15
KAAY-Little Rock-l090 on dial, dial, 8:00 p.m. Sun., 6:30 a,m. Mon. thru Sat.
9:30 a.m. Sun., 7:30 p.m. p.m. Mon, thru Sat.
daily. WPOR-Portland, Maine-I490 on KWTO- Springfield, Mo.-560 on
\VGUN-Atlanta-lOl0 on dial, 4 dial, 9:00 a.m. Sun. dial, 7:00 p.m. daily.
p.m. Sun., 11 a,m. Mon. thru WCOU-Lewiston, Maine-1240 on KFOI - Wichita, Kans. - 1070 on
Sat. dial, 9:30 p.m. Sun. dial, 10:00 a.m. Sun., 11:30
WMOO - Mobile - 1550 on dial, WORL - Boston, Mass. - 950 kc., a.m. Mon. thru Sat.
10:30 a.m. Sun., 7:00 a.m . 7:30 a.m. and 10 a.m. Sun., KFH-Wichita, Kans.-1330 on dial,
Mon. thru Sat, 6 a.m. and a a.m. Mon. thru 100.3 FM, 9:30 a.m., Sun.,
Sat. 6:30 p,m. daily.
"'Asterisk indicates new station or WBET-Brockton. Mass.-1460 on KGGF-Coffeyville, Kans.-690 on
time change. dial, 7:05 p .m. daily. dial, 6:00 p.m. daily
l\'farch, 1966 The PLAIN TRUTH 15

<l<KXXX - Colby. Kans. - 790 kc., KMOR-Salt Lake City-1230 on KFOX-Long Beach, Calif.,-1280
11:30 a,m. Sun., 6:00 dial, 9:00 a.m. Sun., 6:15 a.m. on dial, 102.3 FM, 7:30 a.m.
Mon. thru Sat. Mon. thru Sat. and 8:30 p.m. Sun., 8:30 p.m.
WMT-Cedar Rapids-600 on dial, Mon. tbru Sat.
KIDO-Boise, IdahC?-630 on dial,
11:30 a.m. Sun. 7:05 p.m. daily. KACE-San Bernardino-Riverside--
KQRS-Minneapolis-1440 on dial, 1570 on dial., 92.7 FM, 9:30
92.5 FM, 10:00 a.m. Sun., 7:00
KMON - Grear Falls, Mont. - 560 a.m. Sun., 7:05 a.m. Mon.
a.m. Mon. weu Sat. on dial, 8:00 p.m. Sun., 6:30 thru Sat.
p.m. Mon. thru Sat. KOGO-San Diego-600 on dia l,
WEBC-Duluth, Minn.-560 on
dial, 7:00 p.m. daily. West Coast 8:30 p.m. Sun.
WMIL-Milwaukee, Wis.-1290 kc .• KHQ-Spokane-590 on dial, 8:05 111 Spallish-
95.7 FM, 3:00 p.m. Sun., AM p.m, daily, KALI-Los Angeles, Calif.-1430 on
only, 7:00 a.m. Mon. theu Sat, KVI-Searde-570 on dial, 8 a.m. dial, 4:45 p.m. Sun.
KFYR-Bismarck. N. Dak.-550 on Sun. Alaska & HawaII
dial, 7 p.m. daily. KBLF.-Seattle-l050 on dial, 12 KFQD-Anchorage, Alaska-750 on
noon daily. dial, 7:30 p.m. daily.
KULA-Honolulu, Hawaii-690 on
KCTA-Corpus Christi. Tex.-1030 KMO - Tacoma, Wash. - 1360 on dial, 6:00 p.m. daily.
on dial, 2 p.m. Sun., 12:30 dial, 8:30 p.m. daily.
p.m. Mon. dUll Fri., 4:30 CANADA
p.m. Sat. KWJJ-Portiand-1080 on dial, 10
p.m. Sun., 9 p.m. Mon. thru VOCM-5t. John's, Nfld.-590 on
KCUl-Ft. Worth-1540 on dial, Sat. dial, 6:30 p.m. Sun., 7:00
1:00 p.m. Sun., 12:00 noon p.m. Mon. thru Sa t.
Mon. thru Sat. KYMN - Portland - 1520 kc., 8:30
p.m. daily. CJCH-Halifax, N.S.-920 on dial,
WBAP-Fort Worth, Tcx.-570 on 10:00 p.m. Sun., 9:30 p.m.
dial, 8:00 p.m. daily. KEX-Portland-1190 on dial, 8:30 Mon. thru Sat.
KEES-Gladewater, Tex.-1430 on a.m. Sun.
CFBC-St. John, N.B.-930 on dial,
dial, 12:00 noon daily. KGAY-Salem-1430 on dial, 9:00 8:30 p.m. daily.
KTBB-Tyler, Tex.--600 kc., 12:00 a.m. Sun., 6:30 a.m. Mon. CKCW - Moncton, N.B. - 1220 on
noon Mon. thru Sat. thru Sat. dial, 5:30 p.m. Sun., 6:00
KMAC-San Antoni0--630 on dial, KUGN-Eugene-590 on dial 7 a.m . Mon. thru Sat.
9:00 a.m. Sun" 7:15 a.m. p.m. daily. CFMB - Montreal, Que. - 1410 on
Man, thru Sat. KUMA-Pendleton, Ore.-1290 on dial, 1:30 p.m. Sun., 6:30
KTBC - Austin - 590 on dial, 9:30 dial, 6:30 p.m. dail)'. a.m. Mon. thru Sat.
a.m. Sun., 5:30 a.m. Mon. mrll CKOY-Ottawa, Ont .-13 10 on
Sat. KYlC - Medford, Ore. - 1230 on
dial, 6:30 p.m. daily. dial, 5:30 a.m. Mon. thru Sat.
KTLU - Rusk, Tex. - 1580 on dial, CJET-Smiths Falls, Ont.-630 on
1:00 p.m. Sun. KAGO-Klamath Falls, Ore.-U50 dial, 10:00 a.m. Sun., 7:30
on dial, 6:30 p.m. daily. p.m. Mon. thru Sac.
KGNC-AmariIlo-710 on dial, 9:00
p.m. daily. KBLF-Red Blulf, Calif.-1490 kc., CKFH-Toronto, Ont.-1430 on
KFMJ-Tuisa-l050 on dial, 12:30 6:30 p.m. daily. dial, 10:00 p.m. Sun., 6:00
p.m. daily. KSAY-San Francisco-lOtO on a.m. Mon. thru Sat
KBYE-Okla. City-890 on dial, dial, 8:30 a.m. Sun., 12:30 CKLB-Oshawa, 00t.-1350 on dial,
10:30 a.m. Sun., 12:30 p.m. p.m. Mon. thru Sat. 10:30 p.m. Sun., 9:05 p.m.
Mon. theu Sat. KFRC-San Francisc~61 0 on dial, Mon. thru Sat.
KWAM-Memphis-990 on dial, 106.1 FM, 8:30 a.m. Sun. CHIQ - Hamilton, Ont. - 1280 on
10:00 a.m. Sun., 11:00 a.m. KFAX-San Francisco-llOO on dial, dial, 8:00 p.m. Sun., 7:00 p.m.
Mon. thru Sat. 10:00 a.m. and 10:45 p.m. Mon. thru Sat.
WSHO-New Orleans-800 on dial, Sun., 10:15 p.m. Mon. thru CKLW - Windsor, Onto - 800 on
12:00 noon daily. Fri., 4:15 p.m. Mon. chru Sat. dial, 7:00 p.m. Sun.
\VDEF - Chattanooga, Tenn. - 1370 CKSO-Sudbury, Ont.-790 on dial.
KFIV - Modesto, Calif. - 1360 on 5:30 p.m. Sun., 6:00 a.m.
on dial, 92.3 FM, 8:00 p.m. dial, 6:00 p,m. daily. Mon. thru Sa t.
daily. KNGS - Hanford, Calif. - 620 on CJ LX-Fort William, Ont.-BOO on
WBRC-Birmingham, Ala.-960 kc., dial, 10:00 a.m. Sun., 6:00 dial, 6:25 p.m. Sun., 7:30 p.m.
106.9 FM, 7:30 p.m. daily, or p.m, Mon. chru Sat. Mon. thru Sat.
adjacent to basketball. KGEE-Bakersfield-1230 kc., 8:00 CKY - Winnipeg, Man. - 580 on
WMEN-Tallahassee-1330 on dial, p.m. daily. dial, 10 p.m. Sun., 6:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m. Sun., 8:00 a.m. Mon. thru Sat.
Man, thru Sat. KDB-Santa Barbara, Calif.-1490
on dial, 93,7 FM, 6:30 p.m. CKDM - Dauphin, Man. - 730 on
WMIE-Miami, Fla.-1l40 on dial, Sun., 5:00 p.m. Mon. thru Sat. dial, 6:30 p.m. daily.
8:30 a.m. Sun., 12 noon Mon. CJNB - Norm Battlcford, Sask.-
thru Sat. KUDU - Ventura, Calif. - 1590 on
dial, 95.1 FM, 8:00 p.m. daily. 1050 on dial, 2:30 p,m. daily,
WZOK - Jacksonville, Fla. - 1320 6:30 p.m. Sun., 7:30 p.m.
on dial, 12:30 p.m. daily. KRKD-Los Angeles-1150 on dial, Mon. thru Sat.
9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Sun., CKRM-Regina, Sask.-980 on dial,
WKYX - Paducah, Ky. - 570 on 6:15 a.m., 7:00 p.m. Mon. thru
dial, 93.3 FM, 12:30 p.m. Sat. 96.3 FM Sun. & p.m. 6:30 p.m. daily.
daily. times only. CJGX - Yorkton, Sask. - 940 on
dial, 9:00 p.m. Sun., 8:30 p,m.
MountaIn States KTYM - Inglewood, Calif. - 1460 Mon. thru Sat.
KPHO-Phoenix-910 on dial, 6:35 on dial, 12:00 noon Mon.
p.m. daily. CKSA - Lloydminster, Sask.-Alta-
chru Fri. 1080 kc., 7:00 p.m, daily,
KLZ-Denver-560 on dial, 106.7 KEZY - Anaheim, Calif., 1190 kc.,
FM, 7:30 p.m, daily. 7:00 p.m. daily. (Continued on next page)
16 The PLAIN TRUTH March, 1966

CKXL-Calgary, Alta.-1140 on DYCB, Cebu City-570 kc.-9:30 4AK-Oakey, Qld. - 1220 kc.-9:30
dial, 10:00 p.m. Sun., 5:30 p.m. Friday. p.m. SUD.; 10:15 p.m. Mon.
a.m. Mon. thru Sat. DYKR, KalibO-1480 kc" 8:00 p.m. thru Thurs.; 10:30 p.m. Fri.
CFCW - Camrose, Alta. - 790 on daily, except Tues. 7:00 p.m. 4BK-Brisbane. Qld. - 1300 kc.-
dial, 8:30 p .m. Mon. tbru DZAL, Legaspi City - 1230 kc., 9:30 p.m. Sun.; 10:15 p.m.
Fri., 8:00 p.m. Sat. 8:00 p.m. daily. Mon. duu Thurs.; 10:30 p.m.
CJVI-Vicmria, B.C.-900 on dial. DZGH, Sorsogon - 1480 kc., 8;00 Fri.
6:00 a.m. Mon. tbru Sat. p.m. daily. 4CA-Caims, Qld.-l010 kc.-l0:00
CKLG-Vancouver, B.C.-730 o n p.m. Sun. thru Fri.
DZLT, Lucena Cicy-1240 kc., 9:00
dial. 7:00 a.m. Sun., 6:00 a .m. a.m. daily 4IP-Ipswicb, Qld.-101O kc.-9:30
Mon. thru Sat. p.m. Sun. thru Fri.
DZRB, Naga City-750 kc., 9:00
CKPG-Prince George, B.C.-550 p.m. Sun. 4KQ - Brisbane, Qld. - 690 kc.-
on dial, 10:30 a.m. Sun., 6:30 10:30 p.m. Sun.
a.m. Mon. thru Sat. DZRI, Oagupan City - 1040 kc.- 4WK - Warwick, Qld. - 880 kc.-
9:00 p.m. Sun. 9:00 p.m. Mon. thru Sat.
CKOV-Kelowna, B.C.--630 on dial,
8:00 p.m. daily. RADIO GUAM-KUAM-610 kc.,
6:00 p.m. daily. 4TO-Townsville, Qld.-780 kc.-
CFBV-Smitbers, B.C.-1230 on 9:30 p.m. Mon. thru Sat.
dial, 7:30 p.m. daily. AFRICA 6KG-Kalgoorlie, WA-980 kc.-
III Frel1ch- RADIO LOURENCO MARQUES, '10:00 p.m. Mon. thru Sat.
CFMB--MontreaI-1410 kc., 5 p.m., MOZAMBIQUE-3301 kc., 6PM-Perth, WA-1000 kc.-l0:00
Sat. and Sun. 92 metres and 4925 kc., 60 p.m. Sun.; 10:15 p.m. Mon.
CKJL - St. Jerome. Que. - 900 kc., metres-lO:OO p.m. Mon .• thru Fri.
10:30 a.m . Sun. Wed., and Sat., 10:30 p.m. GAM-Nortbam. WA-860 kc.-
Tues., Thur., and Fri. 10:00 p.m. Sun.; 10:15 p.m.
In EtIClisb-- Mon. thru Fri.
RADIO LUXEMBOURG-208 -OQ2AD--4980 kc. (60 m.) 7AD-Devonport, Tas.-900 kc.-
metres (1439 kc.) medium ---6:30 and 10:00 p.m. Sun. 8:30 p.m. Sun. tbru FrL
wave. 6:00 p.m. Mon. and theu Fri. 7BU-Burnie, Tas.-560 kc.-9:00
Tues., G.M.T. WNBS-Lagos-602 kc.-8:30 p.m. p.m. Sun. thru Fri.
RADIO LONDON-266 metres daily. 7HT - Hobart, Tas. - 1080 kc.-
(1120 kc.) medium wave, 7:00 WNBS-Ibadan-656 kc., 3380 kc., 7:30 p.m. Sun. thru Fri.
p.m. daily. 6185 kc. and 9500 kc.-8:30 7LA-Launceston, Tas.-llOO kc.-
RADIO CAROLINE NORTH - 199 p.m. daily. 10:10 p.m. Sun .• 9:30 p.m.
metres (1500 kc.) medium AUSTRALIA Mon. tbru Frio
wave, 8:00 p.m. daily. 2KY-Sydney, NSW-I020 kc.- 7SD - Scottsdale, Tas. - 540 kc.-
RADIO CITY-299 metres (1000 10:15 p.m. Mon. thru Thurs.; 9:00 p.m. Sun. thru Fri.
kc.) medium wave, 6:45 a.m. 10:45 p.m. Fri.; 11 p.m. Sat.
2AY-Albury, NSW-1490 kc.- III English-
RADIO SCOTLAND - 242 metres 9:00 p.m. Mon. thru Sat.
(1250 kc.) medium wave, RADIO BARBADOS-Black Rock,
2GF - Grafton, NSW -1210 kc.- Barbados - 785 kc., 10:30
7:00 p.m. daily. 9:00 p.m. Mon. thru Sac. a.m. Sun., 9:30 a.m. Mon.
RADIO 390-390 metres (773 kc.) 2GN - Goulburn, NSW - 1380 kc. thru Fri., 11:00 a.m. Sat.
medium wave, 7:00 a.m. and -8:30 p.m. Mon. thru Sar.
6:30 p.m. daily. RADIO REDIFFUSION - Bridge-
2GZ - Orange, NSW - 990 kc.- town, Barbados, 9:30 a.m.
I tl FretJch- 8:45 p.m. Sun., 9:05 p.m. Sun., 10:30 a.m . Mon. thru
RADIO LUXEMBOURG-1293 Mon. thrn Fri.
metres-5:40 a.m., Mon., 5:25 Fri., 9:30 a.m. Sat.
2HD-Newcasde, NSW-1140 kc. RADIO AMERICA-Lima, Peru-
a.m. Tues., Thurs. and Fri. -10:30 p.m. Sun.; 9:00 p.m.
EUROPE NO. ONE-Fclsberg en 1010 kc.-5:15 p.m. Sat.
Mon. thru Fri. HOC21 - Panama City - 1115 kc.;
Sarre. Germany-182 kc. 2KA-Katoomba. NSW - 780 kc.-
(1647 m.)--6:00 a.m. Sun., HP5A - Panama City - 1170 kc.;
10:00 p.m. Moo. thro Sat. HOK-Colon, Panama-640 kc.;
5:45 a.m. Wed. and Sat. 2LM-L ismore, NSW-900 kc.-
In Ger111mt- HP5K-Colon, Panama-6005 kc.-
RADIO LUXEMBOURG--49 metres 8:30 p.m. Mon. thru Sat. 7:00 p.m" Sundays.
(6090 kc.) shortwave and 208 2TM - Tomworth, NSW - 1290 kc. In French-
metres (1439 kc.) medium -9:30 p.m. Mon. thru Sat. 4VBM-Port au Prince, Haiti-1430
wave - 6:05 a.m. Sun., 5:30 3AW-Melboume, Vic.-12S0 kc.- kc., 7:45 p.m. Wed.
a.m. Mon .• 5:15 a.m. Tues., 10:30 p.m. Sun. 4VCM-Port au Prince, Haiti--61G5
5: 15 a.m. Fri. 3BA - Ballaratt, Vic. - 1320 kc.- kc., 7:45 p.m. Wed.
ASIA 9:30 p.m. Sun. thru Thurs., "'RADIO CARAIBES - St. Lucia,
4:30 p.m. Fri. West Indies-840 kc.-6:45
"The 3rd Network, B.c.c. "- 3BO-Rendigo. Vic.-960 kc.-9:00 a.m. Mon. thiU Fri.
BED23 Taicbung 1380 kc.; p. 1. Mon. thru Sat. Itl Spanish-
BED55 Taipei 960 kc.; 3KZ-Melbourne, Vic.-IIS0 kc.- RADIO LA CRONICA-Lima, Peru
BED78 Tainan City 1540 kc.; 10:30 p.m. Sun.; 10:45 p.m. -1320 kc.-7:00 p.m. Sun.
BED79 Kaohsiung 1220 kc.; Mon. thru Fri. RADIO COMUNER05-Asuncion,
BED82 Chiayi 1460 kc.- 3MA-Mildura. Vic. -1470 kc.- Paraguay-970 kc.-8:30 p.m.
18:00 T.S.T.. Wed. and Fri. 3:30 p.m. Mon. thru Fri.; Thursdays.
kc. Sundays: 12:06 noon. 3TR - Sale, Vic. - 1240 kc. - 9:30 video, Ucuguay-11835 kc.-
PHILIPPINE ISLANDS: p.m. Sun. thru Thurs., 8:30 2:00 p.m. Wednesday.
DZAQ. Manila-620 kc.-8:30 p.m. p.m. Fri. RADIO CARVE-CXI6, 850 kc.,
daily. 3XY-Melbourne, Vic.-1420 kc.- and CXA 13, 6156 kc.-Mon·
DXAW. Davao City-640 kc.- 10:30 p.m. Sun., 10:00 p.m. tevideo, Uruguay-3:30 p.m.,
9:00 p.m. Sunday. Mon. thru Fri. Satun:lays.
The "END of the WORLD"
Nazis again! Exciting firsthand encounters with a German war
criminal, plus new evidence of Hitler's hideaway - all this
combined with the unusual geography of southernmost. South
America, the "end of the world"- to make an unforgeltable

by Charles V. Dorothy
Punta Arenas, Chile
UST four hours to the end of the world!

J But our multi -engine jet did not take us to the

end of the world.
Here we are at the Straits of Magellan-four spectac-
ular flying hours south of Chile's capital, Santiago.
We've reached the city of Punta Arenas-world's south-
ernmost metropolis. Still we must go further south to
see the "end."
So further south it is!
Being a pilot of sorts, I take control of our twin-
engine Beechcraft heading southeast over the Straits of
Magellan. My wife enthusiastically snaps pictures of the
Photos by guthor: ©AmbclSSodor Collef]e
Above, Punta Arenas, Argentina-lithe end of the world"-
with Straits of Magellan. Left, airport at Punta Arenas.
March, 1966

in Antarctica. But Punta Arenas is

actually the world's southernmost city
of large size: 60,000 people! If not
the end of the world, Punta Arenas
heads up a vast area of activity, com-
merce, tourism, and unbelievable con-
Believe It or Not

Of all things you do not expect to

find at the end of the world, probably
a big city and big business top the list.
But city and big business it is!
Here are ten million sheep, millions
of barrels of oil, large European and
Latin business firms, a luxury hotel, an
international airport, rapidly growing
tourism, etc., etc., etc.
Business and banking (the Bank of
London is here!) centers around
ENAP. ENAP, abbreviation for Na-
tional Petroleum Enterprise, is a dy-
namic government-run oil manu-
facturer, doing everything from con-
ducting free tours to building cities-
cities such as Cerro Sombrero which we
If the tourist trade is not yet big
Ambauadar Callege Photo business. it soon will be. Why tourism?
Natural gas burning at Tierra del Fuego, southe rnmost South America-the The startling opposites: the unspoiled
proverbial "end of the world,"
beauty and wildlife, the unexpected
surprises of this forgotten but not for-
barren mass of islands and fjords dead - the largest conglomeration of snow
saken land are great tourist attractions.
ahead: Tierra del Fuego, "land of fire." and ice on the entire globe. Although
One hundred miles off our right our travel agent, Nicolas Mladinic, did A few examples from this land of 18-
wing are the Diego Ramirez Islands- a fine (and friendly) job of getting haUL summer sun will show what I
as far as you can go in South America. Magellan Air Taxi (Tama) to take us mean. Existing side by side are snow
Surprisingly, this gigantic continent across the Straits, he could not get us and desert; high mountain crags rising
does not end with "Continental" land to Cape Horn or Antarctica. The suddenly out of sea-level plains; a fa-
but with "offshore islands"-either weather there was threatening. And if mous ski resort within five miles of the
Cape Horn or Diego Ramirez (depend- anything goes wrong with an airplane Bank of London; treeless wastes sur-
ing on which geographer you pick!). in that forsaken area, it is the end.' rounding a rain forest; first-class hotels
But there is nothing disappointing that worldwide travel agencies (I won't
Where Is the End? mention names) don't even know exist;
about seeing Tierra del Fuego. Here
Next step south (below the Ramirez three tribes of Indians-the Onas, the strong English and European societies
Islands) is ice-bound Antarctica. This Tehuelches, the Yaguns, now almost buried in a Latin context. Punta Arenas
wind-swept, bitterly cold southern ice extinct-stcuggle for survival. Here are is a veritable "Little Europe": Mr.
cap has a few scientific outposts: Rus- miles of true "wilderness." Here oil Mladinic is Yugoslavian; our hotel
sian, American, Argentinian, Chilean. bubbles from the ground in natural operators, German ; our first native Pun-
etc.; each bravely struggling for sur- artesian springs! ta Arenian friend Mr. Friedli, said in
viva l, each patriotically tryi ng to es- After a fascinating visit to Cerro very proper British: "Cheerio I" At the
tablish ownership for its' own nation. Sombrero (Hat Hill)-a brand-new oil Friedli's we had our first British tea
These thoughts raced through my town on the Chilean half of Tierra del in a "flat" (apartment). Yet this is the
mind as the drone of powerfu l engines Fuego-we returned to Punta Arenas. bottom of South America!
pulled us over icy-blue waters of the Punta A renas-jokingly referred to At last, the end was coming. Since
Straits below. as the "end of the world"-is not the there are no roads or railroads out of
The thrill of piloting a Beecheraft world's most southern "inhabited" Punta Arenas to any major point, we
over the "end" of the world is marred spot. Leave that honor to the "Fue- must leave by airplane. But for a time,
by the thought of missing Antarctica gians," or to the outposts and penguins we wondered if we would make it.
Macch, 1966 The PLAIN TRUTH 19

Weather hazards were cancell ing unfinished wing of the airport to mountaintops in Europe and the U. S.
flights. Would people with high priori- change my film. Returning to the light, Glacier-topped mountains - rising to
t ies taking seats on our flight cause us I saw the tail end of what reporters nea rly 20,000 feet-tower above this
to be left behind' called "police brutality." That is, I city named "Peace," the highest capital
To our great relief the plane finally saw some minor scuffles: reporters try- in the world. That was the Andes !
arrived, and there UJas room! Under ing to crash guard lines in hopes of The geography of S01lth America i,
dark and disma l skies we f inally better shots of the two presidents. A GIGANTIC, STAGGERING) OVERWHELM-
crowded our wayan the only plane out couple of cameras had been smashed; ING AND BEAUTIFUL!
of the end of the world in more than a one reporter had been thumped sound- But back to the grey, dismal, fore-
week .. _we were off! lyon the head with a night stick. boding and seemingly endless coast of
Entering Argentina from the bottom After the confusion died down, re- southern Argentina.
of the world, and slowly picking our porters formed a long line somewhat Why a loop trip 2,500 miles out of
way up the wi ld, barren coast of Santa apart from the presidents' intended the wel1-traveled tourist route? There is
Cruz and Rivadavia in "milkrun" and path of exit. Try as I might, I could a real reason why we want to see what
cargo planes proved to be-as Me. not get any reporter to tell me why 98 percent of the tourists miss.
Warrell, our Texas travel agent, said- they were standi ng in line. W ith noth -
German Nazis!
flan llJlforgellable experience." ing else to do, I struck up friendly
conversations with the various reporters Our reason for being in this for·
Rare Experiences saken end of the world was to uncover
along the line, wait ing for the presi-
Reflecting on our daring (so we were dents. more positive evidence that Argentina
told) and exciting trip, we saw clearly T he presidents delayed much longer really is the retreat and hideout for
God was blessing us- even beyond ex- than expected. many escaped German criminals.
pectations. What rare experiences! Next morning the Lima Expreso re- We were not disappointed in our
Imagine "bumping into" a Princeton vealed the reporters had been striking search.
investigator who was gathering precise - staunchly refusing to interview the We came to this area armed with cer-
information on exactly what we were Chilean leader- in protest against "po- ta in startling facts-thanks to re-
looking for in Central America-the lice intervention and bmtality." There searches and the splendid worldwide
Central American Common Market ~ Twas pichlfed with the protestors, News Bureau of Ambassador College at
That was Managua, Nicaragua. "big as life." I had been a "striker" Pasadena, California. You should be
Imagine flying in a non-pressurized without knowing it! aware of the same facts before you find
cabin over 20,000 feet high (with pas- Another once-in-a-lifetime experience. out what we discovered firsthand.
sengers sucking oxygen from rubbe r Our "first-class" train tickets out FACT ONE. Germany has age-old
tubes), and plunging out of sight into of Peru from Cuzco did not provide plans for the conquest of South Ameri-
thick cloud cover, only to break out in a seats, so for eight hours I literally stood, ca! Several German writers were advo-
narrow pass in the Andes- we were sat and hung on the olltside platform cating the conquest of Argentina and
thankful for radar! Trouble was-we of a railroad car, going up to over other parts of South America AS FAR
found out later-the plane had no 15 ,000 feet in the Andean La Raya BACK AS 1850! "A country of pre-
radar.l That was Cuzco, Peru. Pass, while my wife bravely sat inside dominately fluvial development, such
Imagine meeting two presidents- on a suitcase! Imagine a railroad higher as the La Plata [Argentine] region is
Frei of Chile and Belaunde of Peru- than some planes fly! This fantastic thus most suitable to become a new
simultaneously-by "accident"! That twelve-hour trip (our last four hours Germany." (]. J. Sturz, Call and Sholt
was Lima, Peru. included seats) went through patches a New Germany be Created and How?
My wife and I laugh over the Lima of forest, up over the timberline, un- Berlin, 1862.) Space prohibits other
episode. In less than two hours I was derneath snowcapped ex-volcanoes, similar quotes I have from the 1840's,
embroiled in a near riot, got within slashed through Quechuan Indian vil- 'SO's and '60's.
arm's reach of two presidents (the first lages, crossed to an absolute drifting- "The German nation InltJt also TAKE
national presidents I had ever seen), sand desert, burst into open, wind- POSSESSION of ... the southern half of
was unwittingly involved in a dispute swept tundra-like plains, and finally South America" (Richard Tannenberg
that rocked the capital of the nation! ended in piercing cold at the edge of Greater Germany-1Vork of the Twen-
And next morning I made the front and the highest navigable lake in the world tieth Centllry, Berlin, 1911). And if you
second pages of the Lima newspapers! -Titicaca. think that the Germans did not mean
This is what happened. After taking A slow overnight cruise steamed us business, listen to this: "States from
twelve shots (camera shots!) of the across the double lakes of Titicaca· which aU life has disappeared such as
two presidents reviewing Peruvian Uinamarca, and belched us out on the republics of Argentina and Brazil,
troops (except for crack commandos Bolivian soil- a place we supposedly as well as all those somewhat miser·
who were headed for Andean back couldn't enter due to striking tin able little states in South America
country to flush out Castro-inspired miners. This bleak plateau leading to (Next two page! photograph,
Communists), I stepped into a dark La Paz is already higher than most ~article conti11lles, page 22)
After World War /I numerous Nazis landed at various
coastal cities of Argentina. Many fled to a mountain fastness
- one hundred miles north of San Carlos de Bari-
loche. Adolph Hitler may have been-and may be-
there himself! These Nazis direct various Nazi-
Type "nationalistic" groups in Argentina.

Right, breathtaking San Carlos de Bariloche, near the

heavily guarded Nazi Argentine hideaway.
Ambossodtl( ColI,g. Pholo
22 The PLAIN TRUTH March, 1966

could be brought to tisten to reason, the main attraction is ADOLF HITLER

by FORCE OR OTHERWISE" (Frederich HIMSELF. Though documented sources
Lange in Pure Germa1Zdom, 1900; of Hitler's whereabouts are understand-
emphasis mine throughout). ably hard to come by, Allied officials
FACT TWO. As far back as World know Hitler's "bunker suicide" is
War I, Germany sent many "feelers" bunk. An on-the-spot investigation-
and "plants" into South America (as carried out by Colonel W. C. Heim-
well as into the U. S.) to take up roles lich, chief of U. S. Intelligence in Ber-
as "solid citizens" in all walks of life. lin-produced "no evidence of Hit-
These solid citizens later greased the ler's death." Of all things, this report
way for escaping Nazi war criminals was confirmed by none other than Col.
after World War II. See the book The Gen. Nicholai F. Berzarin, Soviet Ber-
Nazi Undergrollnd itl Sotlth America lift Commander, who said he believed
by H. F. Artucio, Inside LA/in America. Hitler had disappeared and urged an
by John Gunther, and Nazi Spies in immediate worldwide hunt for the
America by Leon G. Turroll. archcriminal. Certainly Col. Gen. Ber-
DPA Photo
FACT THREE. Here is the most star- zarin would have been the first to learn
Martin Bormann, Nazi known to
tling and convincing fact of all. A have been in South America .
of Hitler's death, had it really occurred.
United Press International news release, Allied intelligence completely de-
aJ recently as May 8, 196.5, revealed and Chilean sympathy for Na2i crim- bunked the Hitler suicide myth. What
that many TOP NAZIS are sti ll living- inals is so strong that some of the did happen?
in some cases under their real names- criminals do not need to take an as- Hitler eJcaped, probably to Argentina r
still protected il1 SOllth America.' sumed name. Rauff, now 56, operates
Among the mi nimum of fifty tholl- Hitler Here?
a fishing boat and lives alone in a
sand Germans who migrated to South hilltop house at Puerto Porvenir, Chile. The PLAIN TRUTH does not have
America between the years of 1925 and MengeJe li ved openly in Argentina, absolute and undeniable proof of the
1951, the following war criminals are Brazil and Paraguay for years, changing following report, as we do for the facts
the most outstanding, according to the his real name only after Adolf Eichmann mentioned above. We indulge in no
UPI release. was captured. cheap sensational ism. However, we
"Waller Rallff, S.S. general who con- FACT . FOUR. Chilean - Argentine must be fair to say that evidence points
ceived and operated the mobile gas sympathy for Nazis has allowed these very strongly to the following explana-
chambers used in the Jewish extermina- war criminals to develop new so-called tion.
tion program. He resides under his own "neo-nazi groups." I quote the same It was April 30, 1945, that Hitler
name in Porvenir, Chile. UPI report: "One of the first was the and Eva Braun flew out of Berlin in a
rtGerhardt Bohl1e, legal advisor to Argentine T aCllara, the secret anti- Fieseler-Storck plane. They proceeded
the Nazi mercy-killing program (di- Semite terrorist group organized 10 to a secret Nazi submarine base in Nor-
rected against crippled, elderly and 1955 by a German Catholic priest-the way where a fully prepared U-boat-
undesi cable persons) . He resides 10 Reverend Julio Meinviel1e." Tamara is thanks to Admiral Doenitz-was al-
Buenos Aires under the name of now headed by Adolf Eichmann's son, ready awaiting them. History brims
'Alfred Kurt Baudinger.' Horst A. Eichmann. After mentioning with reports of German submarine land-
n Edward Rouhmaml, former com- the two principal Na2i groups in Chile ings all up and down the coast of Ar-
mandant of the Jewish ghetto at Riga, Mr. Brannan says, "The party sti ll gentina, some in barren, sparsely popu-
latvia. He resides in Buenos Aires maintains a training camp at Valparaiso lated Rivadavia Province-where we are
under the name of 'Freidrich Wegener.' where 6,000 members-by party count now--{)thers in populous and popular
"Dr. Josef Mengele, chief physician -wear Nazi uniforms, drill, practice Mar del Plata.
at the Auschwitz concentration camp in judo, study Nazi philosophy, and have Arriving in the seaport of Comodoro
Poland where he was known as the clubrooms adorned with swast ika flags Rivadavia, we found the average "man
'Angel of Death.' He resides in Para- and pictures of Hitler." (See also on the street" commonly and non-
guay under an assumed name .... Look magazine, October 23, 1962, for chalantly admitJ GERMAN SUBS LAND-
Highly authoritative sources confirmed a good coverage of the Tacllara and the ED IN ARGENTINA. Some even admit
his presence there." (UPI Release, Gllardia-another neo-nazi group.) German U·boats surfaced in their own
Buenos Aires, May 8, 1965, Jack Bran- If you do not think these countries harbor, Comodoro! But they could--{)r
nan.) are "sympathizers," how about Chile's would-not tell us about the 10,000-
This unquestionable UPI source also refusal to return Herr Rauff for his ex- acre hideaway reportedly located 100
admits that Martin Bormann-Hitler's termination of 97,000 Jews because, ac- miles north of San Carlos de Barilocbe
chief aide and hand-picked successor- cording to Chile, his crime was "politi- -a heavily guarded retreat for war
is probably in South America. The cal," not "criminal"! criminals, and seen by london Daily
report goes on to show that Argentinean Hair-raising as those facts may be, Express reporter, Jack Comben.
March, 1966 The PLAIN TRUTH 23

After a unique delay (due to our extended five more years, who knows Here in this private shadowy corner of
twin-engine jet being literally stuck in what will happen? a German restaurant-where German
the mud at Sal'miulto) and a nerve- Germany IS Here! was being freely spoken just twenty feet
jolting near-crash at the next bush- away in a somewhat mysterious gather-
pilot stop, Esqlltll, we landed at Though we never did get to see ing of hard-faced German Argentineans
a never-never-Iand Shangri-La resort Hitler in person, we did meet a high- -1 had come face-to-face with a crew
nestled in the edge of the Andes. This ranking German-an ex-Nazi, if you member of Hitler's famous ten-thou-
is the famous San Carlos de Bariloche! prefer-in person.' sand-ton pocket battleship, which had
A new highlight for our trip. We Our last night in San Carlos we de- caused so much havoc to British ship-
meet Karmentxu 1. de Acuiia and her cided to eat with our two Basque ping in 1939_
sister, Maritxu Legoburu-two delight- friends in one of the several German
Surrounded by German language, by
ful Basque women from Spain, now restaurants in the village-El Javali
little knots of racial Germans dotting
residing in , but vacationing from, Bue- ("The Wild Pig," owned by Herman
the San Carlos airport, German-type
nos Aires, Argentina. Wolff). After the meal, I drew the
houses and travel posters bragging up
Karmentxu and Maritxu fled Spain large teutonic blond-headed waiter-
Germany, we we1'e glad to leave.' Our
during the bloody days of the Spanish Fritz Bochardt-aside and asked him
only regret was that we had not been
Civil War in the mid-thrrties. Maritxll 'IWO ist die Wehrmacht,)J' ("Where is
permitted to get to Paso Flores and see
lost her fiance to ruthless German the German army?"). With a suspicious
the actual hideout for ourselves.
Nazi troops who were "helping" Gen- look, he retorted in Spanish, "Which
Hitler may be a question. There can
eral Franco "convert" Spain to Fascism. German army? The one in West Ger-
be no question about the fact that NAZI
There is no time to tell of the eventful many?"
three days we spent together, cement- I wondered what other German army
ing a permanent friendship with these there was.,. maybe "the other" was
the one 1 was looking for in Argentina. What else can you think when people
kind, free-spirited, outgoing and exu-
I patiently explained what little I knew in Buenos Aires tell you, "Sure, Hitler
berant ladies.
about the 10,000-acre fortified hide- is here! What better place could he
But we must tell you what these two
out, supposedly at Paso Flores 100 come to?"
women said abotlt Hitler: "Yes, we
used to hear reports of Hitler's being miles north of here. He said, "Oh well, What else can you believe, when
in Argentina every year.' But for some I wouldn't know anything about that. right in downtown Argentina you can
reason, the reports have stopped the If there is such a place," he said, see Nazi youth-groups' headquarters!
last two years or so." "surely the Argentine government What else can you believe, when
Could it be because the 20-year knows about it." I am sure he was even an Argentine-born Englishman
Statute of Limitations on Nazi war telling the truth there! will get red in the face arguing that it
crimes was about to end? (May 1965 He continued: "But I will tell you would be cruel to extradite and punish
was to be the date all Nazi criminals something," he said, "1 know there are known Nazi war criminals now resid-
in hiding would be freed of any guilt, many Germans in Argentina. I myself ing in Argentina after twenty years of
or better said, free of any legal punish- am an ex-member of the German battle- living "a good life"!
ment.) Now that the Statute is ship Gra/-Spee.''' I nearly fell over! The real question is, what do YOU
Blasted bunker in which Adolph Hitler supposedly committed suicide. It is The real question is, do you believe
now known that the suicide was a hoax. Wide World photo
the facts when we report them literally
from "on the scene"?
Do you believe The PLAIN TRUTH
when we plainly expound and clarify
Bible prophecy making known in ad-
vance what is soon to happen to the
English-speaking world-when once
again Nazi Germany, this time in a
United Europe, rises?
Do you believe when you know The
PLAIN TRUTH has been warning for 30
years, the exact events that are now
taking place on the world scene and
soon to take place? You HAD BETTER
BELIEVE! And if you do not believe,
you know you have been warned!
(To be continued next issue)
Will science succeed in landing
men on the moon?--and re-
turning them safely to the
earth? Here is a full-color
report of how U. S. scientists
propose to do it-and what
God has decreed about man's
intrusion into spacel

by Herm a n L. Hoeh

for the moon has sud-

denly taken a BIG leap forward.
Soviet space scientists have
successfully soft-landed Luna 9. It
transmitted back to earth man 's first
close-up photographs of the moon's
barren, cratered surface.
What does th is break-through jn
space mean? Wi ll man land on the
moon and safely return by 1969, as
U . S. and Soviet scientists plan?
And what about God? How far will
HE let atheistic communist scientists
intrude into space?

God Rules Supreme

God is very much aware of what men
are plotting!
God created the human mind. This
created masterpiece is capable of invent-
ing rockets to launch man into outer
space. Yet God set definite limits on
We are earth-bofmd creatures. Our
bodies, by themselves, are unable to
survive away from earth's atmosphere.
Our life is absolutely dependent on
breathing air - on eating food from
earth's so il.
In venturing to the moon man must
carry these needs with him. He cannot
find any air to breathe on the moon.
There is no rain there to grow food.
All is barren. Man's supply line must
originate in the earth. Man is indeed
of the "dust of the ground. "
Why these limits placed upon the
human mind ?
Because man IS not yet quali-
Norlh Amedeen Avietien
Art ist' s conception of huge 30-sto ry
Ve hi cle Assemb ly Building to house
Sa turn V roc ket for mo on shot.
fied to roam the universe at will! human beings go, human nature will
LIFTOFF, above. Huge Saturn V Not until we have learned how to follow them. And the greater the
blasts off into space in artist's discipline our minds- to bridle our space over which human nature is ex-
view of moon shot 1969.
human nature with its passions, its tended, the greater the number of
Nort" American A ... iation
lusts, its emotions and drives- will planets to argue over, fight over, war
God allow us to share dominion with over!
Him over the universe! That's why God must soon intervene
in world affairs! Every leap forward
A staggering goal? Indeed!
man takes in the moon race plunges
Modern science wants the goal God him that much nearer the day of
has to offer. But scientists purpose to reckoning. God is soon going to put a
achieve it their own way. They want to stop to man's misguided scientific
do it in their own time, by their own genius.
authority. Man is intent on conquering
space before learning to conquer SELF! WHEN to Journey Beyond
By so doing we are plunging straight Scientists too often want to play
toward world annihilation! Wherever God. They are not wi lling to wait to
March, 1966 The PLAIN TRUTH 27

become God-to be born sons of His in acknowledging his Creator. He therefore

His appointed time.
Now is the time of training to rule
rejects the most important knowledge,
spiritual knowledge. He wants to think
the self, to overcome human nature.
The time to develop the character of
of himself as a god here and now, free
to do his own will, free to come and PROJECT
God. And the earth is the place. The go as he pleases without restraint.
Here is how the U.S. Moon Project
universe is not the ",rena of training. Knowledge without obedience IS is envisioned by space artists.
The universe is the reward to be opened knowledge out of control-dangerous
up only after having successfully com- knowledge. That is the knowledge that
pleted training here! has led the world to the brink of total
Material, scientific knowl edge is not annihilation today.
enough. Spiritual knowledge must come The first 6000 years of human his-
first. It is the only means of controUing tory is about up. Soon the moment will
material knowledge and protecting man strike when human beings who have
from unleashing powers that would de- "finished the course" ( II Timothy
stroy himself and the world in which he 4:7) will no longer be earth-bound
li ves! creatures. They will become the very
But spi ritual knowl edge and under- sons of God, born again not of mortal
standing come only through recogni- flesh, but of living spirit (John 3:3).
tion that God is Creator-Ruler and Law- Like newly hatched chicks bursting out
g iver. of their shells, they will enter trium- Astronauts make scientific ob-
Material knowledge comes naturally phantly into the new world of the sons servations after safe landing an
to man. He can understand it without of God. No need of rockets,
North .... merican A-.-;o,Ion

MOON 8LAST-OFF. left. Lunar

Excursion Module (LEM) uses de-
scent mechanism 01 platform for
liftoff from moon.
Norlh America" A-.-;otio n
28 The PLAIN TRUTH March, 1966

Lunar rendezvous climaxes in

hoped. for safe return and splash.
down on eorth. Astronauts climb
out of space capsule.
North Amer;co" Aviat;an

of space suits, of tracking stations! modern descendants of the lost ten and from thence will he fetch thee."
Scientists-the few who are left- tribes of the House of Israel in a na- This verse is speaking of human
will stand in awe. They will learn the tional captivity. (Who they are is re- beings rocketed out into the space of
meaning of Isaiah 40:31-"They that vealed in the astou nding booklet The our planetary solar system, unable to
wait upon the Lord shall renew their United States and the British Common- return to earth. Destined to die of
strength; they shall mount up with wealth //I Prophecy.) Begin with agonizing starvation unless God inter-
wings as eagles; they shall run and not verse 1: venes! Notice the official Jewish trans·
be weary; and they shall walk, and not "And it shall come to pass, when lation of this verse: "If any of thine
faint. " all these things are come upon thee"- that are dispersed be in the uttermost
But those who cannot wait, whose the terrib le national calami ties referred parts of heaven . . ." (Jewish Pub. Soc.
van ity of mind plunges them on in the to in the previous chapter-"and thou trans.). See also Nehemiah 1 :9.
moon race, will see their plans suddenly shalt call them to mind among all the Here is a prophecy of terrible scien-
halted! They will be forced to acknowl- nations which the Lord thy God hath tific experiments. Space shots using hu·
edge the foolishness of science without driven thee, and shalt return unto the man guinea pigs, ending in human
God. Lord thy God, and shalt obey his vo ice" slaughter in the vast reaches of our
-we don't want to do that today!- solar system. How would you like to be
Where the Space Race Will End
" ... that then the Lord thy God will one of these victims?
Most people have supposed the Bi- turn thy captivity, and have compas- Some men ind eed may come back
b e says nothing about the space race. sion upon thee, and will return and alive. But to put an end to the destruc-
They couldn't be more wrong. gather thee from all the nations, tion of human life in outer space and
Your Bible reveals exactly how far whither the Lord thy God hath scat- to save man from total annihilation on
God will allow man to go in the space tered thee"-and now notice verse 4. earth, God will suddenly intervene in
race-and why God will have to stop "lf any of thhle be driven 011/ IInto human affairs. He wi1l send Jesus
it! Read it in Deuteronomy 30. It is a the It/most parts of heaven from thence
j Christ to bring peace. God speed that
prophecy for our day. It pictutes the will the Lord thy God gather thee, day!
March, 1966 The PLAIN TRUTH 29

during springt ime. That is why the

word Lent means "spring!" Lent is a
THE BIBLE ANSWERS continuation of the pagan springtime
custom of abstaini ng from ce rta in foods
just prior to celebrating a fake resurrec-
tion! And God calis LENT a" ABOM·
FROM OUR READERS That is why Christ and the true New
Testament Church never observed it!
Paul forbad Christians to observe these
pagan "times" or "seasons" (Gal.

are the Bible answers to
questions which can be answered briefly in a short space. Send in your
4:9-10) .
Surely, some will say, the people
today are sincere-but so were the
questions. While we cannot promise that all questions will find space pagans! They did,,'t k"ow belle,.! Ob·
for answer in this department, we shall try to answer all that are vital serve what God says He will do to
those who refuse to repent of this
and in the general interest of our readers.
abominat ion: " Is it a light th ing ...
that they commit the ABOM INATIONS
• "Where and when did the the apost les-by the authority of the which they commit here? .. Therefore
custom of observing Lent orig- priests!
inate?" wi ll I also deal IN FURY: mine eye
Lent is not of apostolic origin! It shall not spare, neither will I have
R. S.
did not originate with Christ! It en- pity: and though they cry in mine ears
Believe it or not, Lent was observed tered the Christian ity of the Roman with a loud voice"--of course they pray
4000 years ago! World in the second century. It entered to God-"yet will I 110t hear them.'''
The apostle Paul commanded the at the same time that Easter d id! Lent (Ezek. 8:15-18.)
Gentile-born Christians to cease obse rv- is always associated with the pagan
But what if Easter and Lent are an -
ing it ! Easter!
cient pagan festivals. Isn't it still all
Many have supposed Lent is taught Lent is mentioned in the Old Testa-
right, if we use them to honor CHRIST?
in the Bible. But they have never ment.
That's the way people reason today. Let
looked into the Bible to see what the "Lent," remember, "seems to have
GOD answer that question:
Bible really says! been an indispensable preliminary to
Jesus Christ-the Word of God-
The Lenten season is a period of 40 the great annual festival in commemo-
spoke to Moses to warn the people not
days abstinence, beginn ing on "Ash ration of the death and resurrection of
to follow these customs of the heathen.
Wednesday." Tammuz"- the pagan Babylonian Mes-
Here is what Jesus Christ said: "Take
The word "Lent" comes from the old siah. The month of June was named in
heed ... that thou enquire not after
English wo rd "Lenden" meaning the honor of the false Babylonian Messiah.
their gods, saying: 'How did these
"spring" of the year. (Encyclopaedia Forty days p receding the feast of Tam·
nations serve their gods? even so will
Britannica.) The Lenten celebration was muz (usually celebrated in June) the
I do likewise.' THOU SHALT NOT DO SO
originall y associated with the sp ,-ing of pagans held their Lenten season!
the year. But today it begins in the Ezekiel describes it vividly in Ezek.
winter! 8: l 3·l 4:
which He hateth, have they done unto
How did this confusion originate? " H e"-the Lord- "sa id also unto
thei r gods" (Deut. 12:30-31) .
Here is the answer: me, 'Turn thee yet again, and thou
"As long as the perfection of the shalt see greater abominations.' IJ No- Here is what God says-it doesn't
primitive church [the inspired New tice that God calls what Ezekiel is about matter what we think-but it DOES
MATTER what God th inks. He calls
Testament Church] rema ined inviol- to see an ABOM INATION. What does the
able," wrote Cassian in the fifth cen- these pagan Easter and Lenten customs
prophet see?
tury, "there was 120 observance of Lent; "And , behold, there sat women
abominations. No wonder the apostles
but when men began to decline from did not teach the early spirit· filled
weeping for T ammllz.I"
the apostolical fer vour of devotion ... New Testament Church of God to ob-
They wept for Tannmuz, the false
then the priests ill general agreed to serve these traditions of men!
M ess iah of the pagans! That weeping
recall them from secular cares by a preceded the pagan festival in honor of Is it any wonder that Jeremiah was
canonical indiction of fasting ... " the supposed resurrection of Tammuz. inspired to write: "Learn not the way
(Antiquities of the Christian Church, Fasting was joined with weeping FOR of the heathen ... for the customs of
Book 2l, chapter I.) A PERIOD OF FORTY DAYS before the the people are vain"? (Jer. 10:2-3.)
Fasting, or abstinence from certain festival in honor of Tammuz. The Jesus left us an example of what we
foods , was imposed attel' the days of period of weeping and semi-fasting fell (Colltinued on page 32)
Does Easter Sunday really commemorate the resurrection of
Christ? W here, in the Bible, a re Christians commanded to keep
Easter? We strip bare the FACTS of history in this article!
by Eug en e M. Walte r

N ONE Sunday morning each a kitten? They can lay just as many Notice Mark 8: 31: "And He began
O spring, a strange and bewilder-
ing phenomenon takes place in
eggs as a rabbit. But then, WHY eggs?
Wouldn't oranges or onions roll just as
to teach them, that the Son of man must
suffer many things, and be rejected of
cities, towns and countrysides around the well ' the elders, and of the chief priests and
world. Instead of sleeping late as us- To a world steeped in tradition, scribes, and be killed, and AFTER three
ua l, many thousands are going to get up these customs seem normal. But when ddYS rise again."
early on this day-very early. They you stop to think about it, what real Did you grasp that' Jesus did 1101
must be at their destination well before sense do the activities of this day we say "after a day and a half." He said
sunrise. call Easter make anyway? f'after THREE DAYS,"
The occasion? A game of golf? A And why is Easter observed on a Now consider! If Jesus were crucified
fishing trip? No, not on th is particular SUl1day? Why not on a Tuesday, T hurs- and buried late on "Good Friday," then
morning. day or Monday? one day after would be Saturday, eve·
To this question many will imme- ning, and two days after would be
It's Easter - but Why?
diately reply that Sunday was the day Sunday evening, and three days after
Instead. they will meet with friends on which Christ rose from the dead wou ld be Monday evening.
and, of all things, watch the sun rise! and that His resurrection is the very But Jesus rose long before Monday
And as if this were not strange enough, 1'eaSO?l for observing Easter.
evening! Eithe r He was not crucified
this is all part of a reLigiolls JenJice/ on "Good Friday," or He did not ful-
But is it?
On this very same day, millions of fill His sign and He is therefore an
WAS Christ resurrected on a Sunday?
others will be preparing to do some- impostor and not the Messiah !
Are you sltre? Have you ever proved
thing unusual, too. This will be one of D id Jesus fulfill H is sign' In Mat-
it frolll Ihe Bible?
the two or three times during the year thew 28:6 we read this testimony of
And what has the Easter rabbit to do
when they wil1 darken the door of a the angel at the tomb: "He [Jesus] is
with Christ's resurrection?
church! Or perhaps it would be better not here: for He is risen AS HE SAID"!
to say deco rate the door of a church, When Was Christ Resurrected? Jesus did fulfill His sign! He IS the
for they will have purchased fashion · Saviour! Then He could not have been
able new clothes especially for the oc· Shocking though it may be, either crucified on "Good Friday"!
caSlOn. the "Good Friday-Easter Sunday" tra-
dition is a fable-{)r you have 110 What Day Was the
Some, because their forty days of
Sav;olt1' -' Jesus gave only one sign to Crucifixion?
partial abstinence called "Lent" will be
over, will once again freely indulge prove that He was the Messiah . That Jesus was buried shortly before sunset
themselves. Others anticipate a family sign was the lel1gth of time He would on the day of the crucifixion (Luke
reunion, a big ham dinner or, perhaps, be dead and buried. 23:53-54). Since Jesus said that He
a fashion show or a parade. Notice Jesus' own words concerning would .. rise the third day" after H is
And the children? They are abso- this ONLY SIGN that would prove His crucifixion, it is obvious that the resur·
lutely delighted with the chocolate Messiahship: rect ion must have occurred precisely at
rabbits, the colored eggs, and the pros- "An evil and adulterous generation the completion of the third day follow-
pect of exciting egg-hunting and egg- seeketh after a sign; and there shall no ing His burial. That moment would
rolling games on the lawn! sign be given to it, but the sign of the be near S1tnset three days hlter,
This is Ea-rter-{)ne of the big hoIi· prophet Jonas: For as Jonas was three When the women came to the tomb
days of the Western year! days and three nights in the whale's early Sunday morning, Jesus was at·
But what is its jJurpose? What is it belly; so shall the Son of man be ready r;sell.l The angel said, "He is
supposed to commemorate? And why three days and three nights in the risen: he is not here" (Mark 16:6). He
all these incongruous activities? Why heart of the earth" (Mat. 12:39-40) . was not at the sepulcher Sunday morn·
watch the wn 1';se on this day ? Why Did Christ mean what He said? Did ing. Therefore Jesus could not have risen
purchase new clothes for it? Why eat He really expect to be buried in the later than near sunset Saturday after-
ham for dinner? earth for three days and three nights noon~three days after H is burial.
Why rabbits? Why not a puppy or - a full 72 hours' Three days before Saturday would

place the crucifixion on Wednesday! Where Easter Came From Testament Church-both Jewish. and
That W ednesday was a preparation day Genti le -born Christians-kept these
-a preparation day for what? For the Believe it or not, Easter was ob-
festivals. Read it for yourself in Acts
annual Feast of Un leavened Bread. served thousands of years before the
2:1 ; 18:21; 20:6 and 27:9. Then open
The first day of the Feast of Un- time of Christ and the beginning of your Bibles to these instructions of
leavened Bread is always an amma/ the Christian era!
Paul to the Gentiles in I Cor. 5 :7·8;
sabbath. So Thursday that yea r was an "Easter" is merely the slightly 11 :20-34 and 16:8.
an nual sabbath. changed English spell ing of the name These Scriptures prove that the New
So that we would know that that of the ancient Assyrian goddess, Ishtar. Testament Church cont inued to observe
sabbath which foll owed the crucifixion It was pronounced by the Assyrians the days God made holy, including the
was not the weekly sabbath, John was exactly as we pronounce "Easter" today. Passover, long after Christ had ascended
inspired to call it a "hi gh day" (John Hislop says in The Two Baby/om into heaven.
19:31). According to Jewish usage this that Easter "bears its Chaldean origin Hislop states, "The festival, of which
exp ress ion means an amlllal sabbath or on its very forehead. Easter is nothing we read in church hi story, under the
holy day which may occur allY day else than Astarte, one of the titles of name of Easter, in the third and fourth
d",·ing the week. Belti s, the 'queen of heaven,' whose centur ies. , . at that time was not
Now look at your Bible agai n. name, as pronounced by the people of known by any such name as Easter. It
Mark picks up John's account by Nineveh, was evidently identica l with was ca lled Passover .... That festival
add ing that after that sabbath- the that now in common use in this coun- agreed orig inall y with the time of the
high day of the first day of the Feast of try" (p. 103). Jewish Passover, when Christ was cruci-
Un leavened Bread- the women bOllght In the Bible, God condemns the fied ... That festival was not idola-
sweet spices to use in anointing the worship of Astarte, the "Queen of trous, and was preceded by no Lent"
body of Jesus (Mark 16:1). This pur- Heaven," as the most abominable of all (p. 104).
chasing of the sp ices cou ld not have pagan ido latries, In connection with the God's Passover pictured Christ's
been on Thursday, the an nual sabbath. Easter celebration, God specifically con- death.
It had to be on the following day, demns sunrise servi ces (Ezek. 8:13-18) Contrast this with Easter. It fa lsely
Friday. and the making of "hot cross buns" claims to commemorate Christ's rcwrrcc-
(Jer. 7:18-20; 44:19). liou-not His death,
Having made their pu rchases and
prepared these o in tments on Friday, the How did thi s pagan celebration ever Jf7hcll did this clever counterfeit
become one of the two most im portant creep into the professing Chri stian
women then "rested the sabbath day
holidays of the professing Christian Church '
according to the rommandme11l JJ ( Luke
23:56). This was a different day- the Church ? How a Pagan Easter
weekly sabbath, the seventh day of the Became "Christian"
Easter a Counterfeit of
week. Upon that day- near its dose God's Passover Easter was a pagan festival long be-
Jesus was raised from the dead exactly
fore Christianity and the New Testa-
three days and three nights after he was Now read the facts for yourself. The
ment Church ever existed. It anciently
buried in the tomb. Encyclopedia Britannica, Eleventh Edi-
commemorates the Friday death and
Could anything be plainer' tion, article "Easter," says: "There is no
supposed Sunday resurrection of Nim-
Your Bible pro·ves that the resurrec- indication of the observance of the
rod, the false pagan saviour!
tion was not on Sunday. The crucifix- Easter festival in the New Testament or
In the great apostasy which swept
ion was not on Friday. Rather, Christ in the writings of the Apostolic Fathers
through the New Testament world in
was cruci fied near su nset on IVedneJ- The first Christians [the original
the latter part of the First Century, this
TR UE Church of Jesus and the apostles]
day and was resur rected near sunset on pagan "Good Friday·Easter Sunday"
continued to observe the Jewish [that
Sat"rday, th ree days and three nights tradition was falsely appl ied to the
is GOD'S] festivals, though in a new
later. (This is all expla ined in much death and resurrection of the true Sav-
spirit, as commemorations of even ts
greater detail in the booklet, The Rem/,· iour, Jesus Christ. It was made to appear
which those festivals had fore-
feetioll WitS NOT 011 S"nday and the "Christian."
shadowed. Thus the Passover, with a
article, "The Crucifixion was not o n This teaching became especially pop'
new conception added to it, of Christ
Friday." Write for them. Both are ular in the area around Rome. But in
as the true Paschal Lamb and the first
free. ) Asia Minor, where the apostle Paul had
fru its from the dead, continued to be
established churches, the New Testa-
But then where d id the "Good Fri- observed."
ment Passover conti nued to be observed
day-Easter Sunday" tradition come Of course! The Passover and all of on Nisan 14,
from? How did it find its way into God's Holy Days were ordained by The Britannica, article "Easter,"
the profeSSing Chri stian Church ? Why God to picture God's hAN of salva· states: "Generally speaking, the Wes-
is it observed throughout the entire tion. tern Churches [Catholic] kept Easter on
Western world today? Christ, the Apostles, and the New the first day of the week, while the
32 The PLAIN TRUTH March, 1966

Eastern Churches [containing most of the onJy defenders of the observance of course, it makes absolutely no differ·
those who remained as part of the TRUE the 14th day. They stood little chance! ence whatsoever.
Christian Church] followed the Jewish "The decision of the council was But if there is a Living God in Hea·
rule [observing Passover on 14 Nisao, unanimous that Easter was to be kept ven-and you can absolutely PROVE
the first month of the Sacred Hebrew on Sunday, and on the same Sunday that there is (see our article "Seven
Calendar). " throughout the world, and that 'none Proofs That God Exists")-and if
This difference soon led to serious hereafter should follow the blindness of that God says it makes a difference to
controversy. Gradually the Greek and the Jews''' (Ibid. ). HIM, then it had better make a differ·
Asian Churches began to succumb to In the spiritually darkened minds of ence to you, too!
the pagan tradition. This same article those at the Council, anything that was There is not a single word in the
in B,.itmmica states: "Potyearp. the dis- Biblical - anything that God com- Bible telling us to observe Easter. In-
ciple of John the Evangelist, and bishop manded-was "Jewish." stead, God thunders, "LEARN NOT the
of Smyrna, visited Rome in 159 to con- The bishops at Nicea so abhorred way of the heathen" Oer. 10 :2). And
fer with Anicetus, the bishop of that anything they thought to be Jewish that any encyclopedia will tell you that
See, on the subject, and urged the tra- they "decided that Easter Day should Easter is a pagan festival, long ante-
dition which he had received /1'Om the always be on a Sunday, but neve,- at dating Christianity. More detailed proof
apostle of observing the 14th day. the same time as the feast of the Jews. is available in our surprising free book·
Anicetus, however) declined." If the 14th Nisan fell on a Sunday, let, Easter II Pagd1l.'
The story doesn't end here! "About Easter Day was transferred 10 the fol· Are YOII going to obey God?
forty years later [A.D. 197} the ques- Lowing Sunday" (Burns, The Council
tion was discussed in a very different of N icea, p. 46) !
spirit between Victor, bishop of Rome, "For how," explains Constantine--
and Polycrates. metropolitan of pro- "could we who are Christians possibly (Contilmed from page 29)
consular Asia [the territory of the keep the same day as those wicked
churches established by the apostle ought to do-and that example is not
Jews ?" (A,.ian Controversy, Gwatkin,
Paul). That province was the only por- Easter or Lent!
p. 38.)
tion of Christendom which stilI ad·
So strong was the anti·Jewish feeling • "You goofed on 16th Century
hered to the Jewish [the writer should history by saying Christmas was
that pork or ham-an abomination to
have said "true Christian"] usage. restored in 1554 by Mary, Queen
the Jews- was deliberately eaten on
Victor demanded that ail should adopt of Scots! (Short Questions, Jan-
Easter to show utter contempt for any· uary issue.)
the usage prevailing at Rome. This
thing "Jewish. " In this case the "Jew- "You are obviously referring to
Polycrates firm ly refused to agree to,
ish" way also happened to be God's Mary Tudor, daughter of Henry
and urged many weighty reasons to the VIII and Catherine of Aragon,
way as revealed in the Bible. (Write for
contrary, whereupon Victor proceeded who reigned from 1553 to 1558,
the free article, "Is All Animal Flesh
to excommunicate Polycrates and the and earned the nickname 'Bloody
Good for Food ''') Mary' because of her persecution
Christians who continued the Eastern
Thus the Nicean Council-regarded of non-Catholics."
usage [that is, GOD'S way). He was
by the world as one of the great mile- M. W. C, Bristol, Va.
however, restrained [by other bishops}
stones of Christianity--condemned ob- Our apologies for copyreader's error.
from actually proceeding to enforce the
servance of the New Testament Pass· Mary Tudor is right. She deserves
decree of excommunication. . and the
over, one of God's most Jacred memor- the infamous title, "Bloody Mary,"
Asiatic Churches retained their usage
unmolested. We find the Jewish [the ials, without even looking into the and it was her zeal which reinstituted
Bible I And by "violence and blood- the pagan custom of Christmas and
true Christian] usage from time to time
reasserting itself after this, but it never shed"-as history shows (Hislop, p. New Year's observance after a twelve-
107)-the observance of the pagan year interregnwn.
prevailed to any large extent."
Easter was enforced in its place. To set readers straight, we quote the
It did , however, crop up from time
to time as an irksome and annoying ProteJtmlt Dictionary, page 209:
Does it Make Any Difference?
issue that caused disunity in the pro· "Mary (1553-1558), aided by a
But some wiIJ say, "Yes, I know that sympathetic episcopate, and by a House
fessing Christian Church. When the
Easter has a pagan origin, and I can of Commons secured to her side, re-
pagan Roman Emperor Constantine
plainly see that Christ was not resur- pealed all Edward's doctrinal reforms
convoked the Council of Nicea in 325
rected on a Sunday. But as long as we in one week (1553), all Henry's con-
A_D. he ordered the bishops to settle
keep Easter in a Christian spirit as a stitutional to another (1554) , but
the matter once and for all. It was one
kind of remembrance of Christ's resur- when she sought to eradicate the Scrip-
of the two big ismes of the Council.
rection, what difference does it make?/I ture doctrine by the stake" (religious
Council Confirms Roman Usage The answer to this question depends persecution) "she brought upon herself
At the time of the Nicean Council, purely and simply on whether or not the condemnation of history and the
the Syrians and the Antiochenes were God exists. If there is no God, then, of appellation, 'Bloody Mary.'''
~lte 16ible Storv
by Basil Wolverton



SAUL was very unhappy. He had lately felt a great emptiness, as though the future
held only disappointment for him. Nothing pleased him. A distrust of his friends and
acquaintances grew in his restless mind. He kept remembering Samuel's remark about
God rejecting him as king of Israel, and that made him more depressed. (I Samuel
16: 14.)
David Meets King Saul

Saul didn't fully realize that God had withdrawn from him that wonderful peace
and soundness of mind that God imparts to people who humbly and earnestly seek
their Creator's mercy and help, and who obey His laws. Such pursuits had been Saul's
in his early years as king. But later disobedience changed his character. As a result God
had not only deprived him of a peaceful state of mind, but had allowed an evil spirit
to trouble and disrupt his way of thinking.
Saul's servants were so concerned over their master's behavior that they diplo-
matically suggested that he use music to bring him out of his periods of depression.
"Perhaps if good music were available when you're not feeling well," some of
the servants told Saul, "it might work wonders for you. Harp music can be very
melodic and soothing. Would you like us to find a good harpist for you?" (I Samuel
"Suit yourself!" Saul growled. ''I'll try anything to relieve me when I feel worst
-and that's when 1 feel as though invisible hands are wrapped around my neck and
trying to choke me!"
34 The PLAIN TRUTH March, 1966

The servants were startled at this disclosure. It was something Saul hadn't
told them about before. They decided that something should be done as soon as
"I know of a young lad who plays the harp exceptionally well," one servant
spoke up. "I heard him perform at Bethlehem, and happened to overhear that he is
the son of Jesse, a livestock grower whose land borders the city. This youngster is a
sheepherder who has become adept as a musician because he carries his harp
with him, and spends much of his time playing as he watches his flock. He is
also valiant, handsome and intelligent, and a fine soldier because of his ability to
protect his flock from wild animals by unusually skillful use of a sling (I Sam-
uel 16:17-18).
"Don't waste time by running on any more about this fellow! " Saul commanded
impatiently "Just find him and bring him back with you I"
Saul's servants later confronted Jesse to tell him that Saul wanted David to go
back with them to Gibeah to play his harp for him. David's father was troubled. He
realized that his youngest son, having been named the next king of Israel, could
run into great difficulty with Sau l, who didn't want to give up being king. On
the other hand, there might be trouble if he refused to let David go with
Saul's men. Much as he disliked doing it, Jesse sent for David to come in from the
When David heard. why Saul's servants were in his father's home, he obediently
agreed to go with them willing ly. Jesse loaded a burro with provisions of wine
and bread , and sent a young goat to Saul as a gift. (I Samuel 16:19-20.)
Saul saw David coming into his residence. He was a little surprised to learn that
he was yet in his teens. He had expected ao older person. After he had talked to him
a while, he was gratified by the lad's alertness and friendliness.
"You are my guest here," he told David. "My servants will show you where
you're to stay, so that you may refresh your&el£. I might call for you at any time, night
or day. When I do, be prepared to play your harp for me."

Saul Trains His Successor

It was only a few hours later that a servant came to David's quarters to tell him
that Saul wanted to see him right away. When the young man was brought to Saul, he
saw that Saul was having trouble breathing, and looked very uncomfortable as he sat
stiffly in his chair.
"Play your harp' " Saul muttered. "If your music can give me any relief, I need
it now!"
Macch, 1966 The PLAIN TRUTH 35

David began strumming his harp. It was a light, easily handled instrument
fashioned somewhat like a lyre. Everyone in the room was pleased with the soothing
music of the skillfully fingered strings. After a few minutes Saul started to relax and
stretch out comfortably in his chair.
David continued playing for quite a while, carefully confining his performance
to the kind that would be restfully cheerful. Finally Saul stood up. David assumed
that this meant that he should stop playing.
"Your music has caused me to feel much better," Saul smilingly told David.
"Now I shall be able to sleep. Do whatever you want to do, but be close at hand if I
should need you again."
During the next few days David was sent for several times, whenever Saul's
miserable malady recurred. Happily for Saul, his trouble gradually went away every
time David played for him.
"You have been a great help to me," Saul told David. "I wish you could stay
with me for a long time, but if the Philistines stir up another war, I'll have to leave
here and suffer through my ill spells without your music."
"Why couldn't I join your army and go with you '" David asked.
"My soldiers must be older men who are experienced in battle," Saul replied.
"You are a fine musician-not a trained fighter."
"Why couldn't I go along as your armor-bearer?" David eagerly inquired. "If you
think I wou ld be afraid when the enemy approaches, I promise to always hand you
your armor before I start running."
"A great idea! " Saul laughed. "From now on you're my official armor-bearer I"
Saul had developed such a need and liking for the boy that he sent a message to
David's father. He requested that David stay indefinitely with Saul. Jesse preferred
that his son return home, but he agreed to Saul's wishes. He would have agreed
more willingly if he could have known that it was God's plan to keep David for a
time where he could learn directly from King Saul something of the government of
Israel. It was an odd circumstance that the real king of Israel (in God's eyes) was
serving the one who was actually no longer king, but who still considered himself as
such. (I Samuel 16:21-23.)
In the weeks that followed, there was no cause for the army of Israel to go
into battle. David 's function as Saul's armor-bearer was carried out only in army
training maneuvers. But David learned much during this military practice.
Saul's mental and physical condition improved so much that David was seldom
called on to play. Saul more or less forgot about David. Realizing that his use to
Saul had greatly diminished, David asked to return to his family. The officer in
The PLAIN TRUTH March. 1966

charge let him go with the understanding that David should return any time Saul
should send for him.
David's First Big Test

David was glad to return home and his family was happy to have him back.
David went back to herding sheep, and months went by without any word from Saul.
(I Samuel 17:15.) In fact, Saul never again sent for David, who spent the next
several months in the wilderness watching over his father's growing flock of sheep.
Meanwhile, he spent much time thinking about Israel's welfare, and about what could
be done to improve it. His stay with Saul had made him very conscious of his nation's
government, just as God had planned .
As time went by, his skill with his harp increased. So did his ability with his sling.
Any animals that tried to attack his sheep almost always lost their lives by well-
aimed stones that were catapulted out of David's sling with almost the speed of
a bullet.
On at least two occasions the young shepherd came close to losing his life for
his sheep.
At one time a lion leaped from behind nearby rocks to seize between its teeth

David was content to return to the peaceful pursuit of herding sheep

after his stay with Saul in the city. As with Moses, it gave him an
opportunity to pray and to meditate, and to start composing a vital
part of the Bible, the Psalms.
March, 1966 The PLAIN lRUTH 37

When David saw a lion about to leap on one of his lambs, he risked
his life by rushing in to attack the ferocious animal.

a lamb that had strayed away a short distan ce. The lions of that land weren't as large
and powerful as mature African lions. But they could easily kill a person with one
ferocious thrust of a clawed paw, and David knew it. Nevertheless, he leaped after
the lion as it tried to scramble over steep boulders. David fiercely struck the beast on
its spine with the staff he carried at all times. The dazed animal dropped the lamb and
stumbled to the ground. The young shepherd seized the lion by its long chin hair and
snapped its head backward with such force that its neck was broken.
At another time a bear dashed into the startled flock to snatch up a lamb. When
the bear saw David rushing toward him with upraised staff, it dropped the lamb and
came growling to meet him. A swift blow of the staff across a delicate nose sent the
bear on its back, howling with pain. David moved in quickly for the kill, while the
animal was still flustered. Within a few minutes the bear was dead. (I Sam-
uel 17:34-35.)
Not long after David had grown out of his teens, the Philistine army moved
against Israel in the greatest number since the battle at Michmash a few years pre-
viously. Saul was informed of what was happening, and gathered his troops to confront
the enemy at a lofty point a few miles west of Bethlehem. The Philistine army, having
arrived from the west, set up camp at another high area not far from the Israelites.
All that separated them was a rather narrow valley dotted with a few trees. (I Sam-
38 The PLAIN TRUTH March, 1966

For several days neither side took any action except to keep their spIes
busy. Then one morning two men came down from the Philistine camp
and boldly crossed the valley till they were near the slopes leading up to the Israel-
ite camp.
When the Israelites saw the men coming, they wondered at their difference in
height. One seemed to be nothing more than a boy, but when the two came closer, it
could be seen that the smaller one was a powerful man over six feet tall, and tbat
the other towered about twice as bigh I

Goliath Bluffs Israel's

TIlis giant's bead
was encased in a buge
brass helmet that re-
sembled a caldron. His ·
coat of mail weighed
more than a hundred
and fifty pounds.
Heavy brass seml-
cylinders enclosed his
lower legs, and a wide
brass plate protected
his chest. His entire
armor weighed about
three hundred pounds,
but it wasn't too much
of a burden for him,
inasmuch as his weight
must have been close to
five times as much as
that of his armor.
Added to all this were a
large sword and spear.
The spear shaft was like
a pole, and the head on
it was of sharpened iron Day after day ~he Philistine giant tramped across the valley with
his sh ield·bearer to challenge anyone to batt le and to shout
weighing more than insulting remarks at Saul and the Israelites.
Ma rch, 1966 The PLAIN TRUTH 39

eighteen pounds. The armored man with the giant walked a few feet ahead with a
large shield. It· was his task to protect the larger man from arrows, stones and
spears. (I Samuel 17:4-7.)
" I am Goliath, a Philistine from the city of Gath! ·, the giant shouted to the Israel-
ites in a powerful, hoarse voice that echoed from one side of the valley to the other.
" I have come with a plan to make this war a simple and quick one! Instead of our two
armies clashing with a loss of many lives, why not ' settle matters by using just one
man for each side' I' ll fight Saul or any man who is sent down to me' ·If he is able
to kill me, the Philistine army will surrender to you , but if I kill him, we expect
you to surrender to us' W ho can say that this plan isn 't fair ?"
Saul and his officers, who had been anxiously watching and listening, glanced at
each other in dismay . H ere was a miserable situation that surely wasn't fair to the
Israelites. It was embarrassing to Saul, who knew he was no match for the giant, al-
though Israel's leader was a very tall, strong and skillful soldier. There was no one
else among Saul's troops who could possibly stand up to the challenger. (I Samuel
It would have been easy for the Israelites to storm down the slopes and do
away with Goliath by surrounding and attacking him, but such action would bring the
Philistine army charging down into the valley. The Israelites were ready to defend their
country in the event of an attack. But they didn't intend to provoke a battle that might
mean their defeat.
" Is the mighty Saul afraid of me?" roared Goliath, after he had stood waiting
for a few minutes. "Or is he busy combing his ranks for one who will fight for him ?
I' ll come back later to meet the man who has the courage to stand up to me' "
Saul glumly watched the giant stomp back across the valley with his shield-bearer.
"We'll just have to wait and see what happens," he muttered to his discouraged
They didn't have to wait long . Late that afternoon Goliath and his man returned
from the enemy camp to a point below the Israelite tents.
"Is the great king of Israel ready to fight me yet ' " the giant bellowed. "Or has
he fled across the Jordan river by now?"

Saul Is Bewildered

There was agonizing silence from Saul and his men as the laughing Goliath
lumbered back to his camp. Next morning, to their continued dismay, he was back
again with his shield-bearer to taunt his enemies. He returned in the afternoon, and
again the following morning. This kept up day after day. (I Samuel 17: 16.)
40 The PLAIN TRUTH March, 1966

Every time it happened Saul became more disturbed. More than once he was
driven to the brink of commanding his men to charge the obnoxious Goliath. But he
was restrained at the last moment by the sobering judgment that a furious and bloody
battle would result. On the other hand, it was unthinkable that this ridiculous chal-
lenge should go on and on. Saul was trapped between two unfavorable choices.
Meanwhile, David had continued the peaceful pursuit of herding sheep. His three
oldest brothers were in Saul's army, and inasmuch as the camping troops depended to
some extent on food from their families, David's father prepared to send some special
provisions to his sons. (I Samuel 17 : 12-14.)
''I'm sending YOll to the army camp with some things for your brothers and to see
how they are faring," Jesse told David when he came home that evening. "I'll hire a
neighbor to take care of your flock tomorrow. If you get started very early, you can
make the fifteen miles to the camp before the day becomes too warm for the food
you'll be carrying."
Next morning before sunrise David set out with a burro loaded with a bushel of
roasted grain, ten large flat loaves of bread and ten tasty cheeses. The sun wasn't
very high in the sky when he arrived at the Israelite camp to present the provisions
to the man in charge of kitchen supplies. (I Samuel 17:17-20.)
David came to the camp at a time when the soldiers were shouting battle cries
and singing songs that were meant to inspire them to battle and impress the enemy.

David set out early to take food to three of his brothers who were
camp ing w ith the Israelite army about fifteen miles away.
March, 1966 The PLAIN TRUTH 41

There wasn't much, however, to look forward to except another day of waiting for the
Philistines to make a move. David moved among the noisy troops until he found his
three brothers, who were happy to see him.
After visiting for a while, it seemed to David that his brothers weren't too anx-
ious for him to stay very long. They kept suggesting that he get started back early
so that he could reach home before dark. (I Samuel 17:21-22.)
Suddenly the battle songs of the Israelites ceased. Word was spreading that
Goliath was approaching again; this time for the fortieth day. David's brothers tried
to hustle him out of the camp, but the young man refused to leave after he had
caught sight of the giant and his shield·bearer coming across the valley. David could
hardly believe his ears and eyes when Goliath challenged the Israelites and added his
usual insults. He was dismayed to see some of the men furtively moving back from
their front line positions because they obviously feared that the giant might suddenly
hurl the massive spear he balanced on his shoulder.
On making inquiries, David learned that this had been going on for weeks, and
that Saul had offered various rewards to Goliath's slayer, including money, jewels,
cattle, freedom from taxes and army duty-and his daughter. (I Samuel 17:23-25.)
"Why should anyone need a reward as a reason to do away with this infidel who
has defied the army of our God '" David shouted to those about him.
Embarrassed at David's conduct, Eliab, his oldest brother, accused him of coming
just to see a battle, and told him to go back home to his sheep. As David was answer-
ing him, so ldiers came to escort the shepherd to Saul , who had been informed that a
civi lian was trying to stir up his troops. Saul failed to recognize him as the lad who
had played a harp for him in the past. (I Samuel 17:26-32.)
"Why are you troubling my men with your opinions '" Saul asked.
"Because everyone is afraid of that boastful giant," David answered. " But there's
no more reason for fear. I'll go down and fight him now'"
(To be continued next issue)

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Just what IS Death? IS there a Resurrection? Do the DEAD

know what the LIVING are doing? Is SUICIDE unforgivable?
Where will you meet loved ones again? WHY does God allow
CHRISTIANS to die? Does death ever come as PUNISHMENT?
What if one dies being UNconverted? Is he lost forever? Here
is what GOD ALMIGHTY answers, from His inspired Word .
by Garner Ted Arm stro ng

L~~ESOME .J~an wrote us recently, the TRUTH about this 1I10st important God created the process by which
S1nce wntlllg to you, I am sad subject- time you were set free from life is procreated. H e "made them male
to say my dear wife passed away FEAR. from SORROW. from WOHHY! and fema le" and sai d, "Be fruitfu l, and
in a coma My dear wife suffered multiply, and replenish the earth !"
W hat Is LIFE?
very much before she passed away. (Gen. 1 :26-27.) All about you can be
how I miss her. I feel all broken up You are alive. But what lIUlkes you observed myriad forms of LIFE. Each
and terribly frustrated. Where is her so? Shocking though it seems, religion- form, whether tiny micro-organisms or
soul? Does she remember what hap. ists and philosophers alike seem igno- huge land mammals, is dependent on
pened ?" rant of WHAT WE ARE--<Jf WHAT IS other forms of Jife for its own exis·
LIFE? tence. Nothing lives or dies to itsetf-
Quesrions, Fear, Worry-But
No Answers! God Almighty MADE LIFE I To this but each type of life in some way aids,
day, science does 1101 understand what provides for, or balances the environ·
For centllrieJ human beings have life is-still seeks to explain how il ment of each other type.
worried about death. Philosophers, edu- began.' But apart from the revelation Shocking as it seems, the life of man
cators, religionists, psychologists have of God, there are no answers to this is NO DIFFERENT from the LIFE OF
all tried to make sense out of it-to perplexing question. H ere's what your ANIMALS! Man's mind sets him FAR
comprehend death-to look beyond the Creator says about it. above animals-but man's physical,
short span of human Ii fe. God said, "Let us make man in our chemical existence, his life, is the same.'
All have failed. Most people remain image, afte r our likeness: and Jet th em He must breathe ai r, eat food, dr ink
fearful, app rehensive, ignorant about have dom inion over the fish of the sea, water. God says, "For that which be-
death today! Just WHAT HAPPENS at and ove r the fowl of the air, and ove r falleth the sons of men befalleth beasts;
death? IV hal abolll the soul' IVhat the cattle, and over all the earth, and even one thing befalleth them: as the
abol/! an after life? A Resurrection? over every creeping thing that creepeth one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they
Meeting loved ones again? upon the earth" (Gen. 1 :26). have all one breath; so that a man
No amount of ph ilosophizing can And then God said to the man He hath no preeminence above a beast : for
bring a loved one back again. D eath is had made, "DUST tholl art, and unto all is vanity" (Eccl. 3:19).
FINAL-and so it scares most living dust shalt THOU [the man/ the C011 - And how fragile, how TEMPORARY/
persons. But what IS death? sciottJ man, the 'psyche'-not just the is the life of man!
There is only one SOIl1"ce that can give body] return!" James asked , "For what is your life?
you the EXACT answers! That source is God explained to Adam that his life It is even a vapour, that appeareth for
the revealed Word of your Creator who was TEMPORARY if he sinned. H e a I ittle time, and then vanisheth away"
gives you LIFE. I n His Holy Word, showed human life is on ly a physical, (James 4:14). David was inspired to
God explains the answers to a/I gues- chemical existence-subject to DEATH! write, " Their inward though t is, that
tions about death ! It 's time you knew "Unto DUST shalt THOU return!" their houses shall co ntinue for ever, and
March, 1966 The PLAIN TRUTH 43

their dwe ll ing places to all generations;

they call thei r lands after their own
names. Nevertheless man being in hon-
ou r abideth not: he is like the beasls
Ihat perish _.. like sheep they are laid
in the g rave __ " ( Psalm 49:11-14).
D avid shows there is 110 consciolls-
ness in the grave. "Put not your trust
in princes, nor in the son of man, in
whom there is no help. His breath
goeth forth , he returneth to his earth;
in that very day his IhoNKhls perish"
( Ps. 146:3-4).
Life is a physica l. chemical existence
-a TEI'ofPORARY one-enti rely depen-
dent on air, water, food and shelter!
We are EARTHLINGS-Of the ea rth-
and destined to go back 10 the ea rth!
Cut off our ai r, and we d ie in only
minutes. Cut off our water, and we die
of thirst in a number of days. Cut off
our food, and we starve in a number of
days or weeks. We're PHYSICAL crea-
tures. Astronauts must take a little por-
ti on of thi.r em·tlls ell1 l iroll1nellt WITH
them OLit in airless space. They must
continue to breathe, to d rink wate r, to
eat various dehydrated and condensed
Our LI F E, says you r Creator, is in the
bloodstream-kept alive by AIR, WATER,
FOOD ~ " For the LIFE of the flesh is in
Ihe hlood . .. For it is the life of ALL
flesh; the BLOon of it is for the life
thereof . . _" ( Lev. 17:11-14)_
Christ said, "That whi ch is born of
the flesh IS flesh .. _" (John 3:6)_ And
the LIFE of fles h is NOT a "soul" but
P robably, you've always taken for
granted you have a "soul" - that there
is someth ing immortal or ETERNAL
about th e real "life" within you! But
what about these MANY scriptu res
you've just seen? What about the posi-
tive statements of your CREATOR?
One might argue, " Well, yes-I
KNOW the Bible says man dies like a
beast; that HIS consciousness d ies; that
H IS thoughts perish- but his SOUL
can't die-and T won't believe SOULS
can die unless you can show me T HOSE


H ere's the BJBLIZ answer to any such
hum an reason ing.
Open your own Bible. Turn to
44 The PLAIN TRUTH March, 1966

Ezekiel the l8th chapte r. Now read the New Testament. And HIS DEATH thou wouldest appoint me a set time,
verses 4 and 20! "Behold all souls are is one of the major FACTS of the New and remember me! If a man die, Jhall
mine; as the soul of the father, so also Testament. But WAS HE REALLY DEAD? he live again? AJI the days of my
the soul of the son is mine: the SOUL Or did just His BODY die? appointed time will I wait, TILL MY
THAT SINNETH, IT SHALL DIE!" Let's let H IM answer. After all , HE CHANGE come" (Job 14:13, 14).
(Verse 4.) "The sOlll that sinneth, IT should know I If you have a "Red Job knew about the l'eSll,./,ectioll of
shall DIE I" (Verse 20.) Letter" Bible; that is, a Bible with the the dead. And so does ANYone who
Now you've seen the plain statement first-person <Juotations from Christ in knows the promises of God! Your
that SOU LS orE- and rig ht in your own red ink , you'll notice some of the Bible speaks in both Old and New
Bible ' words in Revelation are in red! Many Testaments of a RESURRECTION of the
of them were spoken DIRECTLY to dead-a RE-CREAT ION OF LIFE!
How can that be?
John from Christ Himself! Daniel was inspired to write, "And
It 's simply exp lain ed. You ARE a
many of them that sleep in the dust of
soul- you do not "have" or possess Notice what He said about His death!
" I am H e that LIVETH, and WAS the ea rth shall awake, some to everlast-
a sou l! Probably, you've always as-
ing life, and some to shame and eve r-
Slimed YOU afC a body, a living human DEAD!" (Rev. 1 :18.)
lasting contempt" (Dan. 12 :2).
heing, but that somewhere "in" you Christ predicted H e would DIE-
Later, Christ quoted these same
iJ a soul. that He would be KILLED! Isaiah
words. Read John 5 :21 through verse
N o-the Bible reveals we ARE a prophesied, .. because He hath
poured out His soul unto death: and 29! Jesus said, "For as the Father 1'aiJeth
sou l! Notice Genesis 2:7: "A nd the
He was numbered with the transgres- "I' the dead . .. even so the Son quick.
Eternal God formed man of the dust
sors; and He bare the sin of many, eneth [makes alive] whom He wiJl .
of the ground, and breathed into his
and made intercession for the trans- Verily, verily, r say unto you , the hour is
nostrils the breath of life; and man
gressors" (Isa. 53: 12). coming, and now is, when the DEAD
shaJl hea r the voice of the Son of God:
soul- "soulish" or PHYSICAL, mean- Notice, He "poured out" His SOUL
and they that hear sha Jl LIVE ... Marvel
j ( Heb. "Nephesh" ). What "'AS it Christ
not at this: for the hOllr is coming,
The Hebrew word originally inspired "pou red out" on Golgotha? His
in the which all that are in the graves
was "Nephesh!" The original word is BLOOD! All""),J the Bible speaks of the
shall hear His voice, and shall come
always Nephesh when you read "soul" shed BLOOD of Christ, of the BLOOD
forth; they that have done good, unto
in the English. But Nephesh is not of the "Lamb" just as typified in the
the resu rrect ion of life, and they that
ALWAYS translated "soul." Passover (I Cor. 10 :16; Eph. 2:13).
have done evi l, unto the resurrection of
It is used in the same first chapters Of collrse H e poured out His blood damnation" (judgment; margin).
of Genesis for LOWER ANIMALS. - because the LIFE of every flesh and
Christ spoke of MORE than one resur-
BLOOD creature is IN THE BLOOD! (Lev.
" And God said, Let the earth bring rection!
forth living 'NEPHESH' after his kind 17:11.)
Notice the proof. Turn to Revelation,
[rendered "creature" in English)." The No wonder it spea ks of pouring out
chapter 20. Now read verses 4 and s.
word "nephesh" is used FOUR TIMES the "soul ," or the Nephesh (L1FE)-
.. And T saw thrones, and they sat upon
of lower animals in Genesis BEFORE it and no wonder it plainly says DEATH
them, and judgment was given unto
is ever used for man; and of the thir- results!
them: and I saw the souls of them
teen times used in Genesis, TEN of those Christ DIED! H e sa;d so, Himself! [Greek word: "Psuche" - meaning
refer to ANIMALS! The wages of sin is DEATH (Rom. same as "Nephesh" in the Hebrew] that
Nephesh is trans lated in many ways. 6:23) not eternal life in some other were beheaded for the witness of Jesus,
It is translated as "any," "one," "your- geographical location. And Christ took and for the word of God, and which
self," "persons," "men," "creature," upon Himself the PENALTY of OUR had not worshipped the beast, neither
and in many other ways. The Hebrew his image, neither had rece ived his
sinS-DEATH . It was COMPLETE death;
word Nephesh is the equiva lent of the mark lIpon their foreheads, or in their
REAL death; the comp lete absence of
Latin word "anima" which means AIR hand s; and they lived and reigned with
LIFE. H e rea lly DIED!
or BREATH (from the Greek word, Christ a thollsand years!"
auemoJ). You'll recognize in "anima" What IS death? It is the absence of
life. It is complete uNconsciousness- And the "souls" John saw in this
the origin of our English word, "ANI-
total ob livion-NOTH ING remai ning vision were DEAD! Notice the proof.
alive.' "But the REST OF THE DEAD lived
There is absolutely NO Bible sub· 110t again until the thousand years
Any LIFE After Death?
stant iat ion for the idea of an "immor- were finished I" (Rev. 20: 5.)
tal" soul! Remember what Job was inspired to John saw a vision concerning the
And what about the NEW Testa· say? "0 that thou wouldest hide me resurrection of the JUST! Christ prom-
ment? in the grave, that thou wou ldest keep ises RULERS HIP with Him to those who
Jesus Christ is the central figure of me secret, until thy wrath be past, that overcome (Rev, 2:26; 3:2l) which He
March, 1966 T he PLAIN TRUTH 45

will give AT H IS RETURN (I Cor. ask: "Yes, but WHAT ABOUT THOSI? really LIVE by God's Word, wi ll be In
l5:23; Phil. 3:20, 2l ). 'VAPORIZED' AT HIROS HIMA AND NAGA- the RESURRECTION of the just!
The RESURRECT ION OF T H E DEAD SAKI?" People wa nt to know about men Paul said this was the DRIVING AM-
was the whole hope-the heart and buried at sea, eaten of sharks. And BIT ION in his life !
center of the MESSAGE of the early what about those CREMATED? . and r count all things but loss
Church! Notice how it completely All right-WHAT ABOUT them? for the excellency of the knowledge of
DOM INATES the sermons of Peter and Is it "DIFFICULT" for God because Christ Jesus ... that r may know Him,
Pau l in early Church history. Read ALL the same BODY no longer remains? and the power of His resurrection ..
of the following ve rses in coJllext in RidiCII/olIS.' And that's exactly what if by any means I might attain unto
your own Bible! "... have crucified Christ inspired Pau l to write about such the RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD!"
and slain: W hom God hath RAISED questions. "Thou FOOL-that which (Ph il. 3:8-11.)
uP ... " (Acts 2:23, 24). "Th is Jesus thou sowest is not quickened, except But what about those who have NOT
hath God raised up, whereof we all arc it DIE . .. so also is the resurrection of been converted? What if someone dies
witnesses . .. For David IS NOT ASCEND- the dead. It is sown in corruption; it who never really knew the truth ? W hat
ED INTO THE HEAVENS: but he saith is raised in INcorruption . .. it is sown about the MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of
himself [proving David, too, ex- a NATURAL body; it is raised a SP IRI- Asians, Africans, and members of aU
pected to WA IT T ILL A CHANGE CAME, TUAL BODY! .. " (I Cor. 15:36-44.) races right down through history who
THROUGH A RESURRECTION !], The Just as Job said, there is a complete NEVER EVEN HEARD THE NAME of
Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on CHANGE at the resurrection. A SPIRIT Christ, let alone had an opportunity to
my right hand, UNTIL I make thy foes BE ING is given life-not an old, hear and study H is WORD? What be-
thy footstool" (Acts 2:32-35). disease-ridden, maimed or mangled, comes of THEM?
Peter continualJy emphasized CHRIST'S shot or burnt, hideously deformed or
resurrection as proof of the future wasted HUMAN, PHYSICAL, BODY! T he R EST of t he Dead
resurrection of ALL mankind ~ "And
"WE SHALL BE CHANGED!" said Christ spoke of a resurrection to
killed the Prince of life, whom God
Paul ' ( I Cor. 15:52.) LIFE, and a resurrection to "JUDG-
hath ra ised from the dead ... " (Acts MENT" (John 5:29). The word ren-
Can you see? Your Creator says
3:l5). "Unto you first God, having dered "damnation" in the Authorized
raised liP His Son Jesus ... " (Acts Vers ion is more correctly translated
it is- and that a resurrection FROM the
3:26). .. the Sadducees came upon
dead is the whole hope of a Christ ian! "JUDGMENT" from the original.
them , being grieved that they taught
That's why Palll asks, "Else what shall Notice how the Bible interprets the
the people, and preached Ihrollgh 'eIIII
they do wh ich are baptized for [Greek: Bible on this important point!
"Huper" meaning FOR THE HOPE OF] John was inspired to say, "But the
(Acts 4:l-2.)
the dead, if the dead rise not at all ? rest of the dead [those NOT included
Not ice! Peter preached the RESURREC-
Why are they then baptized FOR THE in the resurrection to eternal life at
TION! He sa id NOT HING about the com -
HOPE OF [original} the dead? And why Christ's coming!] lived not again UN-
pletely PAGAN doctrine of any supposed
stand we in jeopardy every hour?" TIL the thousand years were finished!"
"immortal soul" or going to "hell" or
( I Co r. l 5:29-30.) (Rev. 20:5.) The words fo llowing this
"heaven" when one dies!
Rather, He emphasized how even The HOPE OF THE DEAD is a RESUR- parenthetical statement then refer back
DAVID a man after God's own heart,
RECTION FROM the dead! Baptism to the FIRST resurrection of the dead

was DEAD AND BURIED (Acts 2:29) and SYMBOLIZED that resurrection! in Christ!
showed the believers that David HAD "Therefore we are buried [by being But the REST of the dead-those
NOT GONE TO HEAVEN (Acts 2:34), immersed completely in water-symbo- mill ions having never heard; never
but was waiting in his GRAVEl just as liz ing BURIAL} with H im by baptism having an opportunity for salvation
the Bible says, unt il a RESURRECTION of into death : that like as Christ was "lived not again UNTIL the thousand
the just! raised up from the dead by the glory of years were finished!"
Paul was inspired to write ONE the Father, even so we also should Notice verses 11 through 15! "And
WHOLE CHAPTER on the subject of the walk in newness of life. For if we have I saw a great white throne, and Him
resurrection! You need to Jllldy the been planted together in the likeness of that sat on it, from whose face the
whole l5 th chapter of I Corinthians! His death, we shall be also in the earth and the heave n fled away; and
Notice how Paul was directed of likeness of HIS RESURRECTION!" (Ro- there was found no place for them.
God's Holy Spi rit to answer the "let's mans 6:4-5.) And r saw the dead, small and great
suppose" and "what if?" kind of gues- Your God shows you that those who stand before God; and the BOOKS were
tions people would ask! have truly been CONVERTED, who have opened: and ANOTHER book was
"But some man wi ll say, 'How are utterly SIIrrel1dered to Him-who have opened which iI the book of life: and
the dead raised up? and w ith WHAT GIVEN UP their carnal arguments, their the dead were JUDGED [not sentenced,
BODY do they come?'" (I Cor. l5:35.) resentment and hostility toward God or "condemned," but JUDGED] OUT OF
And true to that predidion-people and His Word, and who have begun to THOSE THINGS WHICH WERE WRITTEN
46 Th e PLAIN TR UTH March, 1966

IN THE BOOKS. ACCO RDING TO T H EIR judge YOU by one "method," and then T hose who hatle never had an op-
\X'ORK$ .. judge multiple mi ll ions, or even bil- portunity to learn about God's Word
Notice wh at the Bible DOES NOT liollS of other human beings by a tota lly and H is laws, who have never even
say! M illions have fa lsely pictured this DIFFERENT standard. T hink about it for heard the only name whereby man must
e\'ent as a great "assembly line" or a moment. be saved (Acts 4:12) must have that
miserab le humans, marching endlessly D oes it make JellSe 10 )'0/1 that mil- oppo rtunity!
past a g reat "courtroom"-each told in lions of people could be sent to a Religious hobbyists , arguers, scoffers)
his turn, " You go to heaven," "You go supposed "ever-burning hell fire," and bigoted antagonists wi ll often-
to hell!" helplessly and use less ly beating at the times accuse the Great Creator for this
Isn't that the way YOU have always flames that threaten to engu lf them, masterful plan of offering a so-called
pictured it ? sh rieking in hideous and all -consuming "second chance"!
BLlt that isn't what the Bible SAYS ! agony for ever and eVCr and ever-
Wi th boi ling rage, many a religious
Your Creator says the dead will fin- Jor (ilL elemil)" just because a miss ion-
hobbyist has shr ieked hi s venom at any
,li ly be judged OU T OF THINGS WRIT- ary had a flat tire?
supposed "second chance"!
T EN IN THE "BOO K S, " and that they Let's fo ll ow it furt her. Perhaps (and
But IS this a JeC011d chance? W hen,
will be judged BY THEm WORKS! this is not so farfetched but that it
pray te ll, did these millions of
And what (Iff! those books ? The could have been true), a missionary was
wretched, hapless, disillusioned and il-
original Greek word is "S IBLOS, " And striv ing to reach a tiny Chinese village.
literate souls eve r have a "FIRST"
"Biblos" is translated co rrectly into Let's assume the missiona ry ran into
Eng lish as " BIBL E." Surprising though trouble with h is ancient o ld Ford au-
They never did.
it may seem, there is nothing "holy" tomobi le, and rece ived a severe tire
But they wil l.
about the word " Bible" wh en it is llsed puncture on the rough and rocky road.
God says, " But the REST of the dead
by ilself. But when the word " HO LY" Perhaps the missionary labored several
lived not again UNTI L the thousand
is added to the word BIBLE, ( which hours under the hot sun to repair his
years were finished! "
mere ly mea ns BOOKS) thtn the meaning tire-a rriving at the village severa l
is HOLY BOOK S! hours later than he had intended . And these will be res urrected to
OF COU RSE! Meanw h ile, the elde rl y grandfather of "judgment" wh ich is NOT a sentencing
That is exactly how YOU will be the family lIpan which he was about based upon deeds they did in ig170-
judged . God says, " 1 CHANGE NOT!" to call had " passed away." Mind you, rallce. Bu t is, rather, a period of l OO
( Mal. 3:6.) Jes us Christ is THE SA ME, this missionary was going to bring the years duration Clsa. 65 :20) during
yesterday, today, and forever ( Heb. "name" of Christ to this isolated Ch i- which everyone of these multiple
13:8). God will judge those people in nese family. mi ni ons, perhaps even biLLions of hu-
the future JUST AS HE JUDGES TODAY ~ But the gra ndfather DIED! All during man beings mllsl h(we the same oppor-
And how does H e judge H Is OWN his lifetime he never ONCE had an Ilmily )'0/1 have!
PEOPLE? opporllmil), to even hear the name of H ow RIGHTEOU S, how just, how
" For the time is come that JUDG- Ch rist- let alone hea r one UJord out of merciful , and how PERPECT is the
MENT must begin at the house of the Word of God or one word from a great plan of God!
God: and if it first begi n at us, what missionary, teacher, preacher, govern- What happens, then, if a loved one
shall the end be of them that OBEY ment official, or even a neighbor about of yours died not having "understood"
NOT the gospel of God '" (I Pet. h is responsibi lities before God. much of the Word of God'
4: 17.) Rath er, he had bee n reared in the
J U DGMENT is a "d iscerning." Those Taoist or Budd hist religion.
fo r Everyone!
who are members of God's true Church , Does it make sense to your rat iona l
members of th e very body of Christ m ind that this elderl y Ch inaman would Death is DEATH- the complete ab-
(I Cor. 12:1 3) are being judged NOW I then be doomed to spe nd ALL ETERN· sence of life and consciousness.
( I Pet. 4:17.) lTY in an ever-burning hell fire be- Remember, your Bible reveals the
And holV are they being judged' ca use a miss ionary had a flat tire? "dead KNOW NOT ANYTH ING." There
Christ said, " ... Man shaH not live Preposterous ! is no consciousness of the passing of
by bread alone, but by eve ry word that And so is it preposterous according time. I n the parable of Lazarus and the
proccedeth out of the mouth of to your Bible! rich man , the rich man "lift up his
God" ( Mat. 4:4). "Thy word is truth ," No, your God is a jllSl God! He eyes" in a resur rection-unaware that
(John 17:17) said Jesus Christ. The treats all human bei ngs eqllally.' H e thollJal1ds of years had passed between
books or "Biblos" which are the laws by deals the same way with Ch inese as the t ime when he died and his yet
whi ch YOU and I are judged are the with Africans, the same with Amer i· future resurrection. If you have not yet
books of )'0111' OWIl Bible.' Each Chris- cans as with Britons, the same with read the gr ipping booklet on lAzarus
tian is judged, according to his WORKS J Austra lians as with Germans, and the And The Rich Man , then write for your
based upon the II!' ord of God. same with Asians as with Latin Ameri- f ree copy immediately.
Your God is f"ir. God does not cans ! The MAJORITY of those dying today
March, 1966 Th e PLAIN TR UTH 47

in all nations ARE NOT CONVERTED! K I LL" and says the wages of S;'l, they shaII be ashes under the soles of
The majoril) of those having died which is th e breaking of God's ten you r reet ... " (Mal. 4:1·3).
through past centuries died with NO commandments ( l John 3:4), is death The GEHENNA fire of your Bible is
KNOWLEDGE of Christ, of the Bible, ( Rom. 6:23). .M UCH HOTTER th an the pagan myth of
of the way to sa lvation. In the case of suicide, the penalty is an "ever-burning" fire. This fire really
But they are NOT hopelessly lost. the smile as for any olher broken Jaw. bltrllS-it dI!Jtro),s/
They nw!t have their fil'JI challee In the resurrect ion AFTER the millen- Write for the booklet about L tlZflmJ
(or salvation. nium of PEACE on this earth (Rev. l Ind The Rich Mall. It explains how
Notice what God says about His own 20:5); the resurrection 10 jlltlgmenl. the rich man comes up in THIS fina l
specially chosen people, Israel. "What any person having committed suicide resurrection---only to see the advancing
then? Israe l hath not obtai ned that will learn the enormity of his sin; will wfdl of flame before him. There is a
wh ich he seeketh for; but the election H EAR the Word of God, j list like the mighty REA L FIRE revealed in the
hath obtained it, an d the reJI were millions of others who committed Biblc-GEHENNA (Greek word) fire.
blinded (according as it is written, sins, and who died not hav ing the Peter said, "But the day of the Lord
God hath given them the spi rit of know ledge of the truth. will come as a thief in the ni ght; in
s llunber; eyes that they shou ld nol see, the which the heavens shall pass away
Is There A Hell Fire ?
and ears that they should 1701 hear;) with a great noise, and the elements
l/Illo Ihis day" ( Rom. 11 :7-8). Believe it or not, the Bible shows shall melt with fef/lent heat, the earth
Are God's own elecl (Isa. 44:1; there must be a THIRD and FINAL also and the works that are therein shall
45 :4 ) LOST FOREVER because God HI"· resurrection! This time, a resurrection be bllmed lip.'" ( II Pet. 3:10.)
SELF has caused them to be BLINDED to to DEATH-by fire. But before g iving this awesome
His truth ? Remembe r:, there are THREE CLASSES warning of impending DESTRUCTION
No! Notice the proof! "For I would OF PEOPI.E with whom God is dealing. of the wicked, Peter again shows the
not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant Those who htll'e repented, and, whether righteous MERCY of the LOV ING God,
of this mystery, lest ye shou ld be wise li ving or dead, will rise to meet Christ who ". . is longsuffering to us-ward ,
in your own conceits; th at blindness in th e air (I Thes. 4:1 5-18), coming not willing that ANY should perish,
ill ptlrl is happened to Israel, 1f111it the down ON THAT SA~fE DAY with Him but that AL L should come to repent-
fu lness of the Genti les be corne in" to the mount of Olives (Zech. 14:4) ance!" ( II Pet. 3:9.)
( Rom. 11:25). to RULE with Him for 1,000 years There is the real TRUTH about death
God has a TIME SCHEDULE H e is ( Rev. 2:26; 3:2l; 5:10; 20:4). TI,en -from your own Bible! Death IS
working out. He WILL fina lly give all there are the millions of those who DEATH-without consciousness. A
those ancient Israelites-whose hearts hafle never understood-the " REST" of reslIrreelion is the hope of the dead-
were hardened, who DID NOT KNOW the dead (Rev. 20: 5). not living for all eternity in some
the way to sa lvation-their FIRST And then there are those who WILL fanciful " limbo" or compartment of
chance! not choose to repent-who are finally " heaven" or " hell. "

Notice it. "And

so ALL ISRAEL to 10le Ollt on salvation. The stories you've h eard all your
SHALL BE SAVED!" (Rom. 11 :26.) Notice the Bible proof' life about the boiling pots or the
Afler the millenn ium of Christ's "pearly gates" are shee r MYTH!
He says further, " For God h ath con-
cluded them [s hut them up in un- rule on earth; even AFTER the picture But the plain Ifllth of your Bible is
belief-original} all in unbelief, that of the Great White Thron e resurrec- CLE AR!
He might hal'e mercy on all,!>' (Rom. tion to JUDGMENT (Rev. 20:11·12), You have been given precious
1 l: 32.) God says, "And death and hell [Greek kl10wtedge in this article-and, if you
" ... God our Saviour; Who will have word, " H ades" meaning THE GRAVE} have the sp iritual courage to really
ALL MEN TO BE SAVED, and to come were cast into the lake of fire. This CHECK UP and PROVE these scri ptures
unto the knowledge of the truth" ir Ihe serolld dealh!" (Rev. 20:14.) are REALLY IN your Bible-you will
( I Tim. 2:3,4). A grave is only a grave when it con- never again be deceived about death .
Ellery hWllan being WILL be given an tains a body. This scripture speaks of a But knowledge is of no value except
opportunity to hea r, and to IwderJtand resurrection to physical life, for the as it is applied. Now that you KNOW
the Word of God. He will then make up incorrigibly evi l, and a "GEHENNA" about death-what about the way
HIS OWN MIND; make HIS OWN decision fire destroying them! you're living your LIFE?
about WHETHER he will obey! Read what God inspired the prophet You are NOT one of the millions
Malachi to write: "For behold, the day who have never heard. You tire NOT
What About Suicide?
cometh, that shall burn as an oven; one who will die in ignorance of God's
And what if someone kills HIMSELF? and all the proud, yea, and all that do Word-not having had an opportun-
Will he be resurrected ? wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day ity for salvation. You are being given
Of course! Suicide is SELF-mu rder. that cometh shall hlln7 them IfP ... and YOUR opportunity RIGHT NOW!
God commands, ' 'Thou shalt NOT ye shall tread down the wicked; for Don't throw it away.

BIG SECRET is out I Whi le all-French research satellite was lifted T he Leopard's tank crew is also pro·
world attention has been focused into orbit aboard an all-French-made tected against radioact ive fallout-ab·
upon the see-saw Soviet-U.S. missi le. solutely essential against tactical atomic
space competition, another growing This is just the beginni ng! weapons.
worl d power is entering the race~ With in a few weeks, 300 scientists T he Federal Republic is also becomi ng
almost unnoticed. from France, Germany, Britain, Italy, Europe's largest nava l power! German
Western Eu rope! Holland and Belgium wi ll gather in shipyards are booked solid with orders
Australia to watch another "first"-the for the Bltndesmarille-destroyers, fast
U.S., Russia Not Alone
launch ing of a joi11t·ElIropeml rocket frigates, submarines, torpedo boats and
Just as this goes to press, France has and satell ite. "Europa I " will have a minesweepers. The new navy wi ll be
lau nched the fi rst 100% European space British Blue Streak first stage rocket, a the flutest one ever developed.
probe from its base in the Sahara. An French second stage, and a German In ad dit ion, the vessels are being buil t
third stage, topped by an [talian satel- to eventually carry nuclear-fitted mis·
O n its wa y to Oute r Spa ce-the lite. siles. Already, the torpedo boats are
Diam o nd Ro cket, ca rryi ng Fre nch T he Europa [ launch has as much being armed with the American Tartar
scientifi c satellite " Dia pa son" is
la unched a t Hammagui r in the
political as scientific va lue. It symbolizes missi le (its warhead, when fitted, to be
Al geria n Saha ra Febru ary 16. Th e the grow ing unity of West Europe. T he under U. S. control-for now). German
satel lite was successfully p ut in o rbit. Common Market is no .longer just an Defense Minister Kai·Uwe von Hassel
W id. World Ph oto economic union. says the Bonn navy is bei ng conceived
For years, The PLAIN TRUTH has as "a JerieJ of floating miJSi/e-latt11chillg
warned its readers of a coming "United platforms traveling at t remendous
States of Europe." Bible prophecy shows speed."
an eventual union of ten separate na- Bli tzk rieg by sea!
tions to arise within the boundaries of Third, is the most shocking report
the ancient Roman Empire. Read it in of al l. German scientists are well on
Revelat ion 17:12·13. the way towa rd development of a
* * * * * "clean" hydrogen fusion process. H-
Bonn's New Blitzkrieg and when-applied to hydrogen warfare
Three recent developments in West - it would all ow an attacking army to
Germany have shocked newsmen. occupy enemy territory immediately
Germany has just produced what many without fea r of radioactive poison ing.
mi litary experts believe is the world's
best tank-the "Leopard." Only seven
* * * * *
The Danger Within
feet tall , it has an 105-0101. gun capable
of knocking out any known tank with T he United States, Great Britain and
a Jingle rOlmdf T he Leopard is the Northwest Europe are being scandalized
fastest tank in the world with unmatched by skyrocketing cr ime, depravity, per-
acceleration. It can dive to river bottoms vers ion and moral f ilth. Look at these
and drive across with the aid of a trends:
snorkel device. Scheduled for prod uc- 1 - Pornography has become a two-
tion are 1,500 of these 39·ton engines bi ll ion -doll ar retail business 10 the
of death. u.S. Enough pornographic li terature
is purchased every year in the United shamefu l display of support fo r the bill juvenil e delinquency, drug addiction and
States to fi ll to overflowing tit'e Empire were top representatives of six chll/"ch moral decay have reached alarming pro-
State Bllildillgs/ Between 75 and 90 per- bodies. portions. Venerea l disease is morc wide-
cent of all fi lthy literature ends up in 5 - Britain is undergoing a virtual spread in Sweden than in any other
the hands-and minds-of teen-agers explosion in crime, especially crimes of "civilized" co untry.
and younger children. violence. In England and Wales, violent 10 - In thi s deter iorating climate
2 - Certainly as no co incidence, crimes among the "under 21" set multi- we witness the ironic rise of the " God
venereal disease has reached "epidemic plied by 300 percent from 195 5 through is D ead" school of religion. God is
proportions" in several large U.S. cit ies. 1964. irrelevant in today's modern society, it
T een-agers are accounting for most of 6 - Across the Channel in France, is said. He has no value. Says one pro-
the increase. Reported syphilis cases teen-age crime has jumped a frighten in g ponent: "God is no longe r useful to us
have more thaJJ tripled sin ce 1957 . 400 percell! in the past decade. today. H e no longer is someone we turn
Teen-age syphilis rose 230 percent 7 - In Canada, cr ime is increasing to to get us out of OliI messes."
over the same period. three or four times as fast as the popu- God thunders to our peoples in
3 - Til egitimate births among British lation. The 16-to- 24 age group accou nts Ezek. 9:9: "The ini quity o f the house
schoo lg irls have qlltldmpled in the last for half of all crimes. of Israel and Judah is exceeding great,
six yea rs . Loss of virginity- well nigh 8 - Th e soaring crime rate in the and the land is full of blood [crime],
universa l In some high schools-is United States-long the wor ld's "pace and the city full of perverseness: for
regarded as a status symbol. I n Aus- setter"-con tinu es to streak upward . It they say, The Lord hath forsaken the
tra lia, pregnancies among unmarried is now six times higher than the popu la- ea rth, and the Lord seeth not" [ the
13-to-16-year-old girls have leaped 2 10 tion increase. The annua l crime biLl: doctrine of so-called Christian atheists].
percent in the past three years. $27,000,000,000. "A g rim and unhappy Un less our people do cry out to God
4 - The Bri tish H ouse of Commons commentary on the moral cI imate of to "get us out of our messes," H e will
has just passed a bill to legalize homo- thi s great nation," says FBI Director punish us at the hands of " His rod"-
sexual acts among Britain's estimated 1. Edgar H oover. modern Assyria, Germany at the helm
Olle millioll mal e homosexuals. In a 9- Tn Sweden's welfare state, crime, of a United Europe (lsa. 10: 5) .

Wide World Photo

Munich, Germany-The first Leopard tank is handed over to the West German Bundes.wehr during a
ceremony ·a t the Kraus Maffei plants. The tank is called " Leopard ," after other German World War
II tanks called Tiger or Panther. Left foreground are Defense Minister Kai-Uwe von Hassel and the
Inspector General of the West German land forces, General De Maziere.

..o" .....,...


America tries to feed the world. Millions of bushels of

o _

)( J> -
wheat are being shipped to starving India. Reserves dwindle, _.
" ;10
while crops fall off. Yet the massive shipments overseas are o ...
based upon the belief our peoples will continue to have good
crops! Read what your Bible says about the DANGER of


that belief! See page 3.


Just what is the "beat" way of life the younger generation is
embracing? Why do today's teen-agers lack any real sense of
purpose? Here are the surprising answers! See page 9.

* The "END of the WORLD"

Nazis again! Exciting firsthand encounters with a German z'"
war criminal, plus new evidence of Hitler's hideaway - all rn.t-
this combined with the unusual geography of southernmost (fl:r.
South America, the "end of the world"-to make an un- 1J»rn
forgettable report. See page 17. ;0;00


Will science succeed in landing men on the moon?-and r

returning them safely to the earth? Here is a full-color report rn

<1' "T1
of how U. S. scientists propose to do it - and what God has o
..,. ~
decreed about man's intrusion into space! See page 25. -.J a
-.J <


Does Easter Sunday really commemorate the resurrection of
Christ? Where, in the Bible, are Christians commanded to
keep Easter? We strip bare the FACTS of history in tIlls
article! See page 30.

Just what IS Death? IS there a Resurrection? Do the DEAD
know what the LIVING are doing? Is SUICIDE unfor-
givable? Where will you meet loved ones again? WHY
does God allow CHRISTIANS to die? Does death ever
come as PUNISHMENT? What if one dies being UNcon-
verted? Is he lost forever? Here is what GOD ALMIGHTY
answers, from His inspired Word. See page 42.


See page 48.

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