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Q: Are antibiotics indicated for the questions

treatment of aspiration pneumonia?

Ehab Daoud, MD
Department of Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine, Respiratory 4 mL/kg) of sterile acidic (pH < 2.5) gastric
Institute, Cleveland Clinic contents into the lower airways (Mendelson
syndrome).4,5 The clinical picture varies from
Jorge Guzman, MD asymptomatic to signs of severe dyspnea, hy-
Department of Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine, Respiratory
Institute, Cleveland Clinic poxia, cough, and low-grade fever; these signs
and symptoms may develop rapidly, within

A: Antibiotics are indicated for primary

bacterial aspiration pneumonia and
secondary bacterial infection of aspiration
minutes to hours after a witnessed or suspect-
ed episode of aspiration.2,6,7 However, they
represent an inflammatory reaction to the
(chemical) pneumonitis, but not for uncom- gastric acid rather than a reaction to bacterial
plicated chemical pneumonitis. infection.8–10

■■ Three Types Chemical pneumonitis affects the most

of ‘aspiration pneumonia’ dependent regions of the lungs
Chest radiography shows infiltrates in the
Aspiration pneumonia is a broad and vague most dependent regions of the lung. If aspira- Chemical
term mainly used to refer to the pulmonary tion occurs while the patient is supine, the pneumonitis
consequences of abnormal entry of exogenous posterior segments of the upper lobes and the
or endogenous substances into the lower air- apical segments of the lower lobes are most can be hard
ways. It can be classified as: affected. The basal segments of the lower to differentiate
• Aspiration (chemical) pneumonitis lobes are usually affected if aspiration occurs
• Primary bacterial aspiration pneumonia while the patient is standing or upright.1,2,11,12
from bacterial
• Secondary bacterial infection of chemical aspiration
pneumonitis. Clinical course varies pneumonia
These three are sometimes difficult to dif- The clinical course varies. In almost 60% of
ferentiate, as their signs and symptoms can cases, the patient’s condition improves and
overlap. the lung infiltrates resolve rapidly, within 2
to 4 days. On the other hand, in about 15%
■■ Chemical pneumonitis of cases, the patient’s condition deteriorates
quickly, within 24 to 36 hours, and progresses
Aspiration of stomach contents is relatively to hypoxic respiratory failure and acute respi-
common, even in healthy people, and usually ratory distress syndrome.
has no clinical consequences.1 However, it In the other 25% of cases, the patient’s
has also been closely related to community- condition may improve initially but then
acquired and nosocomial pneumonia in some worsen as a secondary bacterial infection
studies.2,3 sets in. The death rate in these patients

Chemical pneumonitis is usually a conse- is almost three times higher than the rate
quence of the aspiration of a large volume (≥ in patients with uncomplicated chemical

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Antibiotics for aspiration pneumonia

Treatment of uncomplicated cases airways through aspiration in small or large

is mainly supportive amounts—is the most common form of aspira-
The treatment of uncomplicated chemical tion pneumonia, although the actual episode
pneumonitis involves supportive measures of aspiration is seldom observed.
such as airway clearance, oxygen supple-
mentation, and positive pressure ventilation Signs of bacterial pneumonia
if needed. An obstructing foreign body may Primary bacterial aspiration pneumonia bears
need to be removed.12,14 Corticosteroids have the hallmarks of bacterial pneumonia.12 The
been tried, without success.11–13,15 clinical picture is more indolent than chemi-
cal pneumonitis and includes cough, fever,
Empiric antibiotic treatment is controversial and putrid sputum, mainly in patients who
Chemical pneumonitis can be difficult to dif- have clinical conditions predisposing to as-
ferentiate from bacterial aspiration pneumo- piration (eg, coma, stroke, alcoholism, poor
nia, and whether to give antibiotics is contro- dentition, tube feedings).1,12,20
versial.16 A survey of current practices among The characteristic signs on chest radiogra-
intensivists showed that antimicrobial therapy phy are infiltrates involving mainly the lung
was often given empirically for noninfectious bases (the right more then the left). If un-
chemical pneumonitis.17 This practice raises treated or inadequately treated, complications
concerns of higher treatment costs and anti- such as lung abscess, empyema, bronchiecta-
biotic resistance.16,18,19 Additionally, antibiot- sis, and broncopleural fistula are common.23
ics do not seem to alter the clinical outcome,
including radiographic resolution, duration of Are aerobic organisms replacing
hospitalization, or death rate, nor do they in- anaerobic ones in the community?
fluence the subsequent development of infec- The causative organisms in community-ac-
tion.1,11,13,20 quired aspiration pneumonia are still debated
In cases of witnessed or strongly suspected despite abundant research. Older studies1,24,25
aspiration of gastric contents, antibiotics are found mostly anaerobic organisms (pepto-
For nosocomial not warranted since bacterial infection is not streptococci, peptococci, Fusobacterium, Pre-
bacterial likely to be the cause of any signs or symp- votela, Bacteroides) as the underlying patho-
toms.2,7,16 However, to detect secondary in- gens, whereas more recent studies16,26,27 found
aspiration fection early, the patient’s respiratory status mostly aerobic organisms (Streptococcus pneu-
pneumonia, should be monitored carefully and chest radi- moniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Staphylococcus
ography should be repeated. aureus, Enterobacteriaceae) and failed to re-
start with a In less clear-cut cases, ie, if it is not clear cover anaerobic organisms. These discrepan-
broad-spectrum whether the patient actually has chemical cies may be the result of different techniques
antibiotic and pneumonitis or primary bacterial aspiration used to isolate organisms: older studies used
pneumonia, it is prudent to start antibiotics transtracheal sampling, and transtracheal as-
adjust later empirically after obtaining lower-respiratory- pirates may be easily contaminated or colo-
tract secretions for stains and cultures, and nized by oropharyngeal flora; more recent
then to reassess within 48 to 72 hours. The an- studies used protected specimen brushes to
tibiotics can be discontinued if the patient has collect lower-airway specimens.2
rapid clinical and radiographic improvement In addition, the pathogenic organisms that
and negative cultures. Those whose condition predominate in community-acquired aspira-
does not improve or who have positive cultures tion pneumonia, as listed above, are different
should receive a full course of antibiotics.21,22 from those most often found in nosocomial
cases; gram-negative bacilli (Pseudomonas
■■ Primary bacterial aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia
aspiration pneumonia coli) are most often isolated in patients with
aspiration pneumonia acquired in hospitals
Primary bacterial aspiration pneumonia—ie, and nursing homes.16,27,28 S aureus also is an
caused by bacteria residing in the upper air- important causative organism in nosocomial
ways and stomach gaining access to lower cases.16,28
daoud and Guzman

Knowing the causative organisms in bac- ■■ Secondary bacterial infection

terial aspiration pneumonia is important for of chemical pneumonitis
guiding antimicrobial therapy.
Nearly 25% of patients with chemical pneu-
Antibiotics are required monitis improve initially, then show clini-
for bacterial aspiration pneumonia cal deterioration secondary to superimposed
A course of antibiotics is required for bacterial bacterial infection.13 Chest radiographs show
aspiration pneumonia. While there are no de- worsening of initial infiltrates or the develop-
finitive recommendations for the duration of ment of new ones. The causative organisms
treatment, 7 to 8 days is probably appropriate and treatment depend on whether the super-
in uncomplicated cases (ie, no lung abscess, imposed infection is community-acquired or
empyema, bronchopleural fistula).22,29 Patients nosocomial, as is the case in primary bacterial
who have complications may need drainage of aspiration pneumonia.
abscesses or empyema along with a longer du-
ration of antibiotic therapy until clinical and ■■ Preventing aspiration
radiographic signs improve.
For community-acquired cases of aspira- Measures should be taken to prevent aspiration
tion pneumonia, a number of antibiotics have pneumonia and chemical pneumonitis, espe-
proven effective: cially in institutionalized patients at high risk.12
• Clindamycin (Cleocin) is still the agent Elevation of the head of the bed while
most commonly used, although it lacks feeding, dental prophylaxis, and good oral hy-
gram-negative bacterial coverage. giene are known to reduce the incidence of
• Beta-lactam penicillins and newer quino- these problems.35–37
lones have been used successfully.2,29–31 In A swallowing evaluation for patients with
addition to covering the previously men- dysphagia can identify those at higher risk of
tioned bacteria, these antibiotics have the aspiration. These patients may be candidates
added benefit of covering anaerobic bacte- for postural adjustments, diet modification,
ria. strengthening, and other measures offered by Measures
• Metronidazole (Flagyl) should not be used the speech and language pathology teams to should
alone because it has a higher clinical fail- improve swallowing physiology, biomechan-
ure rate.32,33 ics, safety, and endurance.2,35 be taken
For nosocomial aspiration pneumonia,
Although percutaneous endoscopic gas- to prevent
giving a broad-spectrum antibiotic empirically trostomy tubes are often placed in patients
is warranted. Beta-lactam penicillins with ex- who have aspirated or who are at high risk of
aspiration in
tended gram-negative coverage, carbapenems, aspiration, they do not protect against aspira- patients at
or monobactams in combination with an anti­ tion, nor do orogastric or nasogastric tubes.38 high risk
staphylococcal drug have been advocated for
To date, we have no evidence that prophy-
nosocomial aspiration.2,22 A strategy of broad- lactic antibiotic therapy prevents bacterial as-
spectrum coverage followed by narrowing or piration pneumonia. In addition, this practice
de-escalating coverage according to lower re- encourages the development of resistant organ-
spiratory tract cultures is encouraged.21,22,34 isms.19,39,40 ■

■■ References nia: physiologic data following experimental aspiration. Surgery

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27. Marik PE, Careau P. The role of anaerobes in patients with ventila- Cleveland, OH 44195; e-mail

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