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Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 35 (1992) 495-513 495


Increasing tool life in cold forging through

advanced design and tool manufacturing

K u r t L a n g e a, A r n d t H e t t i g b a n d M a r k u s K n o e r r ¢
aInstitut fiir Umformtechnik, Universit~it Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
bAlusingen GmbH, Singen, Germany
~Engineering Research Center for Net Shape Manufacturing, the Ohio State University,
Columbus, OH, USA

Industrial S u m m a r y

In this paper, results of two investigations concerned with the evaluation and prediction of
fatigue failure and the improvement of tool service life in cold forging are presented. The first
study presents an integrated approach to tool stress analysis and shows its possible applica-
tion for a punch failure case provided by industry. The second study experimentally investi-
gates measures that can be taken during design and tooling manufacture to reduce fatigue
failure. Both studies clearly indicate the value of performing a tool stress analysis during the
process and tool design phase.

1. Introduction

In the p a s t t h r e e decades, cold f o r g i n g h a s u n d e r g o n e t r e m e n d o u s develop-

m e n t s to b e c o m e a n e c o n o m i c a l p r o d u c t i o n m e t h o d to p r o d u c e h i g h - v o l u m e
p a r t s w i t h c o m p l e x g e o m e t r i e s to n e t or n e a r - n e t shape. At t h e I n s t i t u t e for
M e t a l F o r m i n g at the U n i v e r s i t y of S t u t t g a r t , a l a r g e n u m b e r of studies h a v e
b e e n p e r f o r m e d to e n h a n c e the cold-forging t e c h n o l o g y . E m p h a s i s h a s a l w a y s
b e e n p u t on the c a l c u l a t i o n of tool stresses, a n d the i n c r e a s e a n d p r e d i c t i o n of
tool life. B o t h w e a r a n d f a t i g u e f a i l u r e of t h e t o o l i n g h a v e b e e n i n v e s t i g a t e d .
F i g u r e 1 (a) s c h e m a t i c a l l y s h o w s possible f a i l u r e of die i n s e r t s a n d t h e i r
c h a r a c t e r i s t i c a p p e a r a n c e a n d location. F i g u r e 1 (b) shows a f a t i g u e f a i l u r e of
a cold-forging p u n c h used in the p r o d u c t i o n of s t r a i g h t bevel gears. Overload-
ing r e s u l t s in a x i a l c r a c k s , w h i l e f a t i g u e c r a c k s t e n d to g r o w r a d i a l l y , s t a r t i n g
at a stress raiser. In f o r g i n g tooling, w h e r e f a t i g u e failures u s u a l l y o c c u r

Correspondence to: M. Knoerr, Engineering Center for Net Shape Manufacturing, the Ohio
State University, Columbus, OH 43210-1271, USA.

0924-0136/92/$05.00 © 1992 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved.

496 K. Lange et al./Increasing tool lift,

a) Failure due to
(Axial Crack)

Fatigue Failure
(Radial Crack)


Fig. 1. Failures of cold-forgingtooling: (a) schematic of failure types in a forward extrusion

die; and (b) fatigue failure of the punch in bevel gear forming.

before 105 parts have been produced, low cycle fatigue (LCF) is the dominant
failure type [1]. LCF is characterized by a localized plastic zone in the tooling
that develops under load. The tool material in this zone undergoes cycling in
the plastic range during every forging cycle. Crack formation then occurs in
the following four phases: (i) crack initiation in the plastic zone; (ii) micro-
scopic crack growth; (iii) macroscopic crack growth, which can be detected by
NDT methods; and (iv) catastrophic failure due to sudden rapid crack growth.
K. Lange et al./Increasing tool life 497

In this paper, results of two investigations concerned with the evaluation

and prediction of fatigue failure and the improvement of tool service life in
cold forging are presented. In the first investigation, which is still ongoing as
a joint project between the Institute for Metal Forming and the Engineering
Research Center for Net Shape Manufacturing at the Ohio State University,
the integration of process simulation and die stress analysis during die design
to evaluate and reduce die loads, and thus fatigue failure, is shown. The second
investigation is concerned with the experimental evaluation of a number of
different influences on fatigue failure of cold-forging tooling.

2. C o m p u t e r a i d e d e n g i n e e r i n g o f f o r g i n g t o o l i n g

2.1. I n t r o d u c t i o n
Process simulation is now being used more frequently in the forging indus
try, but many cold-forging companies are still hesitant to install a simulation
system. Process simulations not only provide information on material flow, die
fill and detect formation, but also very detailed information on the contact
stress distribution at the die-workpiece interface. In cold forging, these con-
tact stresses can reach extreme values of over 2500 MPa (365 ksi) [2] and can
cause premature tooling failure. As will be shown in this paper, the contact
stress distributions are far from being a uniform stress in the tooling, an

I - I
FE-Mash Die Model

Nodal Temperatures
Contact Stresses or
Forces FE Model

Data Extraction
I Interp°latlOn I
Simulation of
Material Flow ABAQUS
with Transient NASTRAN
Heat Transfer ANSYS

Fig. 2. Integrated die stress analysis concept.

498 K. Lange et al./lnereasing tool li/~,

a s s u m p t i o n often m a d e in tool stress analysis. By c o m b i n i n g process simula-

tion a n d tool stress analysis, m o r e e x a c t stress d a t a c a n be obtained, and
possible f a i l u r e due to high localized loads in the tooling can be detected and
a v o i d e d t h r o u g h modifications in the design before the tooling is produced.

2.2. Integrated tool stress analysis concept

A c o n c e p t has been d e v e l o p e d at the E R C / N S M t h a t c o m b i n e s 2D F E M
b a s e d process s i m u l a t i o n and stress analysis, a u t o m a t i n g the d a t a e x c h a n g e
b e t w e e n b o t h tasks. F i g u r e 2 shows the s c h e m a t i c of the concept. It is b a s e d on
the following t h r e e features:
(i) the use of DEFORM for the process s i m u l a t i o n s ;
(ii) the use ofI-DEAS, a m o d e l l i n g p a c k a g e widely used for m e s h g e n e r a t i o n , as
a c e n t r a l m o d e l l e r and link b e t w e e n the s i m u l a t i o n tasks. FE models for

Fig. 3. Cold-forging sequence for differential side gear.

Fig. 4. FE models of upper punch tips used for stress analysis. (A--face; B corner radius;
C cone angle; D fillet radius; E -edge)
K. Lange et al./lncreasing tool life 499

the tooling are created in I-DEAS and all subsequent model preparation
and post processing concerning the tooling are performed in these models;
(iii) the application of a program TRANSFER developed at the ERC/NSM. This
program extracts necessary data from the DEFORM result file after the
process simulation, calculates the stresses or forces on the die nodes and
writes all data needed as load input for the stress analysis in an I-DEAS
compatible format (universal file format).
The procedure t h a t combines process simulation and die stress analysis con-
sists of five steps:
(1) creation of die models in I-DEAS; these models are stored for further use;
(2) preparation of input data in DEFORM; process simulation;

3000.0 Geometry: Original
Horizont. Length [A]: 5.0 mrn
Face Angle [B]: 0.0 °
Comer Radius [C]: 3.0 mm
Cone Angle [D]: 30:0 °
Fillet Radius [E]: 3.0ram
Fillet Anele {FI: 2.0 °




0.0 l ~

Fig. 5. Normal stress distribution along the punch tip from the center outwards for the
original punch tip design.
500 K. Lange et al./hwreasing tool life

(3) post processing of DEFORM results and use of TRANSFER for data transfer
and interpolation of die temperature and contact stress distribution;
(4) preparation of stress analysis models in I-DEAS and creation of input data
files for the stress analysis program; stress analysis;
(5) post processing of results in I-DEAS.
A more detailed discussion of the concept and the program TRANSFER can be
found in Ref. [3].

2.3. Reduction of punch stresses in cold forging of bevel gears

In the production of complex cold forgings using multiple actions, the
maximum allowable punch load is often a limiting factor [4]. In many applica-
tions punch loads are very high to achieve complete die filling. Such an


2500. ]0 1C








~ 250.O0

tA C
Fig. 6. Equivalent stress distribution at the punch tip for the original punch tip design.
K. Lange et al./Increasing tool life 501

example is the cold-forging process of a differential side gear, as it is performed

by an ERC/NSM member company (Fig. 3). During production, punches must
be changed due to low cycle fatigue crack initiation and growth in the upper
punch, as shown in Fig. 1 (b).
The geometry of the upper punch tip, seen in Fig. 4, was investigated. A 2D
process simulation with DEFORM was performed and is described in Ref. [5].
The normal and shear component of the contact stress distribution at the end
of the stroke were used as load input data for the subsequent stress analysis.
The punch geometry used by industry was initially analyzed, and then a num-
ber of modifications of the design were investigated.
Figure 5 shows the normal stress distribution along the punch face from the
center outwards. Very high stresses are observed at the lower punch corner
(first peak) and in the upper fillet radius (second peak). The equivalent stress

-0.001507 6





-0.009882 l

Fig. 7. Plastic strain distribution in the y direction at the punch tip for the original punch
tip design. (Punch material is M2; hardness = 65-67 HRc; yield strength = 2550 MPa)
502 K. Lange et al./h~creasing tool lift,

distribution near the punch tip, resulting from the normal and shear compon-
ents of the contact stress distribution, is shown in Fig. 6. The values were
obtained by an elastic-plastic stress analysis using the FE code ABAQUS. Very
high stresses occur at the upper corner of the punch tip. Assuming a yield
strength of 2500 MPa for an AISI M2 punch steel hardened to 65-67 HRc, the
zone below the # 10 contour line would experience small amounts of plastic
straining, resulting in gradual crack initiation and propagation. The area
experiencing plastic strain, as shown in Fig. 7, agrees with the region of the
punch that fails during production. The location of the crack in the punch is
indicated by the arrow in Fig. 7.
The effect of a slight modification of the punch geometry is shown in Figs. 8
and 9. As can be seen in Fig. 9, a face angle of 6 ° was added. The cone angle and


]Geomel~: Modification
Horizont. Length [A]: 05rnm
Face Angle [B]:
Corner Radius [C]:
Cone Angle [D]:
Fillet Radius [E]:
Fillet An~lc [F]:
6.0 °
4.5 ram
4.5 ram





Fig. 8. N o r m a l s t r e s s d i s t r i b u t i o n a l o n g t h e p u n c h tip from t h e c e n t e r o u t w a r d s for t h e
m o d i f i e d p u n c h tip d e s i g n .
K. Lange et al./Increasing tool life 503



i500. O0





250.00 t

Fig. 9. Equivalent stress distribution at the punch tip for the modified punch tip design.

the c o r n e r radius were also increased. A c h i e v i n g the same a m o u n t of fill, the

peaks of the n o r m a l stress distribution, as seen in Fig. 8, are reduced, and the
load is more e v e n l y distributed o v e r the p u n c h face. The r e s u l t i n g stress
d i s t r i b u t i o n is t h e n r e d u c e d significantly (Fig. 8). T h e zone of highest loading
now r e m a i n s below the yield s t r e n g t h of the p u n c h material.
F o r a comparison, the a v e r a g e n o r m a l c o n t a c t stress on the p u n c h was
c a l c u l a t e d from the p u n c h force as 1360 M P a and i n p u t as a c o n s t a n t load on
the original p u n c h g e o m e t r y for a stress analysis. The e q u i v a l e n t stress distri-
b u t i o n at the p u n c h tip is shown in Fig. 10. The stress d i s t r i b u t i o n looks quite
different w h e n c o m p a r e d with the d i s t r i b u t i o n c a l c u l a t e d using the c o n t a c t
stresses from the process s i m u l a t i o n (Fig. 6). The m a x i m u m e q u i v a l e n t stress
504 K. Lange et al./lncreasing tool life


1250 O0

iO00 O0

2 ~
750 90

500 O0

250 O0

Fig. 10. Equivalent stress distribution at the punch tip for the original punch tip design
using average contact stress as load input data for stress analysis.

remains far below the yield strength of the material and is approximately only
half the value of the analysis obtained by applying the integrated tool stress
analysis concept. Thus, assuming a constant normal stress distribution on the
contact area of the tooling does not render sufficient information to predict
fatigue failure of the punch.

3. E x p e r i m e n t a l i n v e s t i g a t i o n o n t o o l life

3.1. E x p e r i m e n t a l procedure
In this study [6], a number of different parameters t hat have an influence
on tool life and can be controlled during die design and manufacture, were
investigated. The die geometry shown in Fig. 11 was used to perform a forward
K, Lange et al./Increasing tool life 505

~' ~
._Bohrun_9_P~'' ~°~-~('z'O,O) ! l
- w,.. ~ ,,8,2.,.~1,~o,2j [ i
[] Die Insert

~, Shrink Ring


[ I
----~ ,Rimm] ~ l ' ] Z ml
~'9,~7-~.~(~1.s~) I / 2,5 45"
1 / 2,5 60" 25
Fig. 11. Die assembly used for experimental investigation at the Institute for Metal Form-
ing, University of Stuttgart. (Die-opening angle 2a and fillet radius R were varied.)

extrusion process using the British Steel BS970 (AISI equivalent: 4320) as
workpiece material. The die geometry was designed to provide r a t h e r high
stresses at the fillet radius, in order to obtain fatigue crack initiation and crack
growth after a reasonable number of parts. The properties of the die insert were
varied in the following manner: (i) tool geometry (opening angle 2~ = 90°/120 °,
fillet radius R = 1 mm/2.5 mm); (ii) insert material (X155 CrMVMo 121 = AISI
D2, S 6-5-2=AISI M2); (iii) surface finishing process (manual polishing, jet-
honed, shot-peened, CVD treated); and (iv) heat t r e a t m e n t (for the M2 insert: 61
HRc, 64 HRc).
Due to the i nher e nt scatter of fatigue tests, five inserts of each investigated
combination of the four parameters were tested. During production, crack
initiation and crack growth were continuously monitored by eddy-current and
ultrasonic equipment. A description of the monitoring equipment can be
found in Ref. [7]. The results of the tests are reported in the form of a plot
showing the monitored crack length versus the number of parts produced.

3.2. Stress analysis of experimental tooling

An elastic-plastic stress analysis, using process simulation results for the
load input, was performed for the die insert to obtain detailed information on
the stress levels. Figure 12 shows the equivalent stress distribution for a fillet
radius of R = 1 mm and both die opening angles. For 2u = 120° the maximum
value of 3167 MPa exceeds the yield strength of the die materials, thus causing
localized plastic deformation at the fillet radius. For 2~=90 ° the maximum
506 K. Lange et al./Increasing tool life

Mafrize 2oc
: 120 ° J Mafrize
20c: 90 °

2 600.00 4
8 900.00 1 qO0. O0
1200.0 2 800.00 M
5 1500.0 8 600. O0
8 1BO0.O 4 1000.0
7 2100.0
8 2400.0 6 1400.0
B 2700.0 7 1800.0
10 3000.0 8 IBO0.O
9 2000.0
I0 2200.0
3167.1B~ 168.511
2243, 799
a) t-.x
-5 -1600.0 -7 -1300.0
-4 -1400.0 -O -1100.0
-~ -IO00.O MAX . 'I
1 -5 -900.00 MAX
-2 -600,00 -~ -700.00
-1 -200.00
MIN ,/~,~2/ -8 -500.00
1 200.00 -2 -$00.00 H/N ,
2 600.00 -1 -I00.00
"i Ix"
5 1800.0 8 500.00

2187.180 887,771


Fig. 12. Results of elastic-plastic stress analysis of experimental die inserts: (a) equivalent
stress distribution (in MPa); (b) distribution of axial (y) stress component (in MPa). (Fillet
radius is 1 mm.)

v a l u e r e a c h e s 2244 M P a , w h i c h is below t h e yield s t r e n g t h of the i n s e r t


3.3. Experimental findings

F i g u r e s 13 a n d 14 c o m p a r e c r a c k g r o w t h for m a n u a l l y polished i n s e r t s w i t h
4 different geometries. T h e influence of the stress levels a t the fillet r a d i u s on
f a t i g u e c r a c k i n i t i a t i o n a n d g r o w t h c a n be c l e a r l y identified. In the case of
a v e r y h i g h stress level (2~ = 120°/R = 1 m m ) a l m o s t i m m e d i a t e c r a c k g r o w t h at
t h e fillet r a d i u s is observed. R a p i d c r a c k g r o w t h s t a r t s a f t e r a p p r o x i m a t e l y 400
p a r t s and leads to c a t a s t r o p h i c f a i l u r e of the insert. It was o b s e r v e d t h a t
K, Lange et al./Increasing tool life 507

Gewaltbruch I
Werkzeugwerkstoff: X 15SCrVHo 12 -- "
10"/0"C/3 x 520"C/60 HRC/RA-5 Vol - %

-j--l-! - -
-- WerkslLickwerksloff~ B. S 970
•.-= 8

t !
)¢ Werkzeugausbau

2000 &O00 6000 8000 10000 12000
SliJckzahl n

b) I I l

I h
i I 1
WerkzeuguerksfoPf: × 155 CrVHo 12 1
I Gewaitbruch i - 1070°C/3 x 520=C/60 HRC/RA-S Vol - %
v I i|
12 o
WerksfLickwerksfoff : B S, 970
2= =120=. R= 2.5 mm,t~lom-O.S pm , ~ - ' ]
' I FJ'J manuell 3oliert ~/~;,/,-~;.
el 10

6 ,/i


0 2000 &0O0 6000 8000 10000 12000
$tiJckzahl n

Fig. 13. M o n i t o r e d g r o w t h d u r i n g p r o d u c t i o n for m a n u a l l y polished die inserts. C r a c k

l e n g t h a v e r s u s p r o d u c e d p a r t s n for i n s e r t m a t e r i a l AISI D2 @ 60 HRc: (a) die-opening a n g l e
2a = 120 °, fillet r a d i u s R = 1 mm; (b) die-opening a n g l e 2a = 120 °, fillet r a d i u s R = 2.5 ram. ( - - -
final c a t a s t r o p h i c failure of insert; × die i n s e r t r e m o v e d before c a t a s t r o p h i c failure
508 K. Latzge et al./Increasing tool life

a) 16

mm - - ~ m





0 2000 Z,O00 6000 8000 10000 12000
Stuckzahl n

b) 8


W e r k z e u g w e r k s l o f f : × 155 CrVFto 12 t
6 1070°C/3 x S20°C/60HRC/RA~5 V o I - %
WerkstiJckwerksfoff: B S. 970
S 2cI : 90 °, R : ,2.5 mm,RzOiN-0.S IJm
manuell poi~er t
cu z,

x Werkzeugausbau


3000 6000
9000 12000 15000 10 000
S tiJckzah[ n

Fig. 14. Monitored growth during production for m a n u a l l y polished die inserts. Crack
length a versus produced parts n for insert material AISI D2 (~ 60 HRc: (a) die-opening
angle 2:(=90 °, fillet radius R = 1 mm; (b) die-opening angle 2~=90 °, fillet radius R = 2 . 5 ram.
( ..... final catastrophic failure of insert; x die insert removed before catastrophic failure
K. Lange et aL ]Increastng tool life 509

a) ~erkstoff: X1SSCrV~o121
Iq70"C/3 x 5 2 0 " C . / 6 ~ R C / R A '~'VoL - %
mnl 'WerkstiJckwzrkstoff: 8. S. 97(]
2a = 120= , R = 1ram, Rz Oa~.O,5Vt~
Oruck flie(l(appen

0 20oo l.O0O 6000 000

£t~ckzahi n

b) ' I
1 I
mm - X 155 CrVHo 12 !
I070~C/3 • 5~0°C/
60 HRC/RA-5 Vol -'7.
- Werkst~rkverkstof f:
~r S" 9~0 J
- z,= ~zo. - t - - I ~dl

" Kugelge~trahlt ~.JCJ._Z~-

z I
X Werkzeuga~sbau

o 10oo 000
3000 ~,000
I I 1 !,,
£,000 6~00
5tiJckzahl n

Fig. 15. Influence of surface quality of die inserts on crack formation. Crack length a versus
produced parts n for insert material AIS] D2 @ 60 H R c (die-opening angle 2~ = 120 °, fillet
radius R = 1 ram): (a) jet-honed die insert; (b) shot-peened die insert.
510 K. Lange el al./Increasing tool lift'


c) mm f
12 X Werkzeugausbau

2u 8 I , I krilische Rir]tie fe I x

..... ' - iWerkzeugwerksfoff:i X155ErVHo121
l l
I070°C/3 x 520°~/60 HRC/RA~S V o l - %
l~ Werkst~Jckwerksfoff: B S 970
~-- 2= = 120 ° . R : tmrn. RzolN-3prn

2000 1.000 6000 8000 10000 12000

SfiJckzahl n

Fig. 15 (continued). (c) CVD coated die insert. ( final catastrophic failure of insert; x die
insert removed before catastrophic failure occurred)

lubricant and workpiece material are pushed into the cracks, thus acting as
a wedge and accelerating the crack growth. For the geometry with the lowest
stress level (2~ = 90°/R = 2.5 mm) initiation could hardly be detected and tests
were stopped above 15000 parts. The location of the cracks coincides with the
area of highest stress levels predicted by the stress analysis. Figures 13 and 14
clearly show that reducing the stress level at the critical area below the yield
strength of the tool material can significantly increase tool life.
The influence of the s u r f a c e q u a l i t y was investigated by comparing the crack
growth of the manually polished inserts with jet-honed, shot-peened and CVD
(chemical vapor deposition) coated inserts. The geometry with the highest
stress level (2~= 1 2 0 ° / R = 1 mm) was chosen. Figure 15 shows the results and
should be compared with Fig. 13 (a). Jet-honing reduces the severity of the
machining marks in radial direction, thus resulting in slower crack growth
and an increased number of produced parts before the inserts failed due to
catastrophic failure. Shot-peened inserts experienced a delayed crack initia-
tion, mainly due to the compressive stresses introduced at the surface. The
following crack growth pattern is almost identical to that of the jet-honed
inserts. CVD-coated inserts showed a somewhat different behavior. Due to the
very hard surface layer of the coating, crack initiation was delayed until 600 to
1500 parts were produced. Then damage to the coating was observed and cracks
started to grow in a similar manner as in the other inserts. However, after
approximately 3000 produced parts the crack growth stopped and 10000 parts
could be produced without catastrophic failure. This is again attributed to the
hard coating that reduces wear and damage at the surface, thus prohibiting
K. Lange et al./Increasing tool life 511

16 , , r ~ | ' .....
a) Werkzeugwerkstoff~ S 6-5-2
6'1 HRC, R~I3tM'~0,5 ~m
| . I ...
~ ue~a(rorucn
WterkstC~ck~vttrks~'ofl'~ B. S. 970 -- [ { I . . . . i

12 ~_manuell poliert__ fret-- I I i ;

10 ...... j~

8 ll/,,l~ I l / 1,

~f,f~r~'-rd I I I., I
i I
0 400 800 1200 1600
Sl'Gckzah~ n

b) 16 •

f I ' !
I ! I
mm I ,.It ! Werkzeugwer~stotf: S 6-5-2
l : i I 61. HflC,Rzot~-~O,Sl~r~
12 W~rksf0ck'~rkstoff~ ~ ;.9"/0
' 'fl l -- 2cs : 120~' 'q : 1ram , - [ ~
rnanuell poiierY I'


x Werkzeugausbau

ff :,4-/I
200 e.O0 600 800
Ill 1000 1200
StiJckzahl n

Fig. 16. Influence of hardness and too] material. Crack length a versus produced parts n for
insert material AISI M2 (die-opening angle 2~=120 °, fillet radius R = l m m , manually
polished): (a) hardness 61 HRc; (b) hardness 64 HRc. (- - - final catastrophic failure of insert;
× die insert removed before catastrophic failure occurred)
512 K. l, ange et a/./Dzcreasing tool/i/i,

lubricant and workpiece material from being wedged into the cracks. If' the
surface quality and dimensional tolerance of the parts produced with 8 10 mm
cracked inserts are still acceptable depends on the individual specification and
was not investigated in this study.
The influence of a different tool material and increased material hardness
is shown in Fig. 16. Inserts made of AISI M2 tool steel were heat treated to
a hardness of 61 HRc and 64 HRc. At the higher hardness, the material has
a better wear resistance, but also a reduced toughness. This results in a re-
duced service life of the harder inserts with cracks being detected after 10-2()0
parts, compared to 50 400 parts for the inserts hardened to 6] HRc. Cata-
strophic failure occurred at less than 400 produced parts for the harder inserts.
A greater number of parts (400 1000) was produced with the tougher inserts.
A comparison between the tool steels is possible by comparing AISI D2
(~ 60 HRc (Fig. 13 (a)) and AISI M2 ;~ 01 HRc (Fig. 16 (a)). Cracks form earlier
for the AISI D2, which may also be due to the slight difference in hardness.
However, crack growth is more rapid in the AISI M2 inserts, and on average
2.5 times more parts could be produced with the AISI D2 inserts before
catastrophic failure occurred.

4. C o n c l u s i o n s

Results of two studies concerning tool life prediction and increase in cold
forging have been presented. The first study presents an integrated approach to
die stress analysis and shows its possible application for a punch failure case
provided by industry. The second study investigates measures t hat can be
taken during design and tooling m a nuf act ure to reduce fatigue failure.

Lebensdauervergleich bis zur Rit3fiefe a-0,3rnm
(Hitfelwert aus 5 Versuchen) mr t:
c Werkzeugwerksfoff: X ~55 [r V Mo 121
800. 2~ = 120 ° , R = 1ram
60 HRC

0 600-

n 1,00.


manually jet-honed shot-peened GVD coate(

Fig. 17. Influence of t h e surface q u a l i t y on n u m b e r of p a r t s produced u n t i l a m a c r o s c o p i c

c r a c k of 0.3 mm l e n g t h is d e t e c t e d ( a v e r a g e of 5 inserts). (Insert m a t e r i a l AISI D2 (~ 60 HRc;
die-opening a n g l e 2a = 120°; fillet radius R = ] mm.)
K. Lange et al./Increasing tool life 513

Reducing the stress level in cold-forging tooling by modifications in the

design has the greatest influence on tool life. Reducing the influence of radial
machining and polishing marks through jet-honing and ~hot-peening has some
positive effect on die life. Increasing the overall hardness of the insert reduces
the toughness of the tool material and, thus, accelerates crack growth. Increas-
ing the hardness of the surface by CVD coating can have a positive effect on die
life. Figure 17 summarizes the results.
Both studies clearly indicate the value of performing a die stress analysis
during the die design phase. However, the often used practice of applying an
average contact stress on the tooling does not render correct stress distribu-
tions in the analyzed part to predict possible fatigue failure. Therefore, process
simulation should be performed first to obtain reliable load input data for
a stress analysis of the tooling.


The authors wish to t h a n k contributing students and staff at the ERC/NSM

and the Institute ffir Umformtechnik, especially K n u t Westphal for performing
the punch stress analysis and Markus Meidert for performing the stress
analysis of the die insert. Funding for the first study has been provided by
the National Science Foundation, LandesgraduiertenfSrderung des Landes
Baden-Wiirttemberg and German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
Funding for the second study has been provided by Forschungsgesellschaft
Stahlverformung e.V. with funds the German Ministry of Economy distributes
through Arbeitsgemeinschaft Industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen.


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