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Basic Application of

Mathematical Tools in
CE 111 – Section 2
Kelsey Bruning
Kelsey Bruning


Use knowledge of mathematical tools to provide an introduction into problem solving in

surveying. Achieve a report that meets the standards expected in CE 111.


This laboratory report contains experimental data and solutions to problems faced in the practice
of surveying, with the use of previously acquired skills. Solutions are to problems involving the
following topics: surveying instrument location, finding missing data, variability of
measurements, and field work. These solutions are presented in an easily understandable manner
that may be checked by others.

Section 1: Surveying Instrument Location

Given X, Y coordinates positions: A (100.00, 200.00) B (300.00, 300.00)

A third point C is South and East of Point A. The surveyor was able to use an electronic distance
measurement machine (Total Station) to measure the following distances:

C to A: 149.31’ C to B: 244.44’

Problem: Find the coordinates of Point C.1

Solution process and diagram may be found in Appendix A. Process shown in Appendix A
involves the use of equations of a general triangle and inversed distances to solve for the desired
coordinates. The solution uses basic applications of trigonometry and algebra to solve for the
unknown because no simpler solution could be found by the experimenter.

Solution: C (191.03, 81.44). This solution was obtained by using the distance equation2 to solve
for the unknown triangle side length A to B. The cosine law3, sine law4, and Pythagorean
Theorem5 were used to solve for the remaining side lengths and angle measures needed to
calculate the coordinates of Point C.

The result for the coordinates of Point C was calculated to two decimal places as the given
coordinates and distances were provided to the same accuracy. The solution/results turned out
well because no additional measurements to the ones provided were required, which eliminates
1 Problem Statement from CE 111 Lab 1 Fall 2010 direction sheet

2 D=XB-XA2+(YB-YA)2

3 a2=b2+c2-2bc*cosA

4 asinA=bsinB=csinC

5 a2+b2=c2

Kelsey Bruning

the possibility of human error (aside from calculations). If drawn to scale, as shown in Appendix
A, the solution seems practical. The comparison of the result C (191.03, 81.44) to the results
attained by other experimenters, answering the same question, confirmed the accuracy.

Section 2: Finding Missing Data

Problem: For the following example (see Appendix B), calculate the missing data (side ZY, side
YX, and angle ZYX).6

Solution process and diagram may be found in Appendix B. Process shown in Appendix B
involves the use of equations of a general triangle to solve for the desired side lengths and angle.
The solution uses basic applications of trigonometry and algebra to solve for the unknowns
because no simpler solution could be found by the experimenter.

Solution: side ZY = 559.56’, side XY = 382.58’, angle ZYX = 76°38’24”. This solution was
obtained by using trigonometric rules, sine law7, and Pythagorean Theorem8 to solve for the
desired side lengths and angle.

The result for side ZY and side XY were calculated to two decimal places as the given distances
were provided to the same accuracy. The result for angle ZYX was given to the same accuracy
provided by the given angle. The solution/results turned out well because no additional
measurements to the ones provided were required, which eliminated the possibility of human
error (aside from calculations). If the provided distances and angles are taken into consideration,
the result seems reasonable. For example, distance ‘a’ in Appendix B was calculated from the
given information, and has a smaller distance than side ZY. This aids in making the distance
reasonable. The comparison of the result: side ZY = 559.56’, side XY = 382.58’, angle ZYX =
76°38’24”, to the results attained by other experimenters, answering the same question, confirms
the accuracy.

Section 3: Variability of Measurements

Students estimated the length of several lines by calibrating the size of their step and then
counting the number of steps taken along the line. Using the calibrated length of his or her step
(pace), the length of each line was calculated. Errors were computed using a correct
measurement from a more consistent procedure.

a) Problem: Use the spreadsheet, Appendix C, to determine the mean, standard deviation
of a sample, variance, and standard error of the mean for the information provided in
the “Error per 100 feet” column of the spreadsheet.9
6 Problem Statement from CE 111 Lab 1 Fall 2010 direction sheet

7 asinA=bsinB=csinC

8 a2+b2=c2

9 Problem Statement from CE 111 Lab 1 Fall 2010 direction sheet

Kelsey Bruning


Mean = -0.19

Standard Deviation of a sample (Sx) = 1.91

Variance (Sx2) = 2.96

Standard error of the mean ( = 0.3110

This solution was obtained by using equations provided for the above calculations. These
equations may be found in Appendix D.

b) Problem: Develop a histogram of the “error per 100 feet”.11

Figure 1: Histogram of Error Distribution of Student Pacing Data Set

The above histogram is a representation of the frequencies of “error per 100 feet” data for
a total of thirty students. By using a histogram representation, it is easier to visualize the
center and spread of the data set as well as the presence of outliers. In this case, data is
over the range -2.93 to 3.32. The center is between -1.68 and 0.82, no outliers are present.

c) Problem: Does the histogram have the expected shape?12

The histogram shown in part b) has the standard “bell shape” that is expected for a
normally distributed set of errors. This “bell shape” or normal distribution curve
has an inflection point (required of such a curve to be considered standard) between 0.82
and 2.07 error per 100 feet. An inflection point is where the curve changes from
having a positive concavity to a negative concavity. Theoretically, there should be a
second inflection point at a mirror image point of the first, symmetrical across the
maximum point.

d) Problem: How many students should recalibrate the size of their pace if student
surveyors are given an OK only if they have errors of +/- 1 foot per 50 feet paced?13

10 Work found in Appendix D for Mean, Sx, Sx2, of “Error per 100 feet” sample

11 Problem Statement from CE 111 Lab 1 Fall 2010 direction sheet

12 Problem Statement from CE 111 Lab 1 Fall 2010 direction sheet

13 Problem Statement from CE 111 Lab 1 Fall 2010 direction sheet

Kelsey Bruning

Solution: Nine students out of the thirty total should recalibrate their pace to achieve
the +/- 1 foot per 50 feet paced standard. This total was calculated from the “error per
100 feet” column in the spreadsheet found in Appendix C. The column “error per
100 feet” was divided by two, so that the data became an error per 50 feet. Any
absolute value of an error per 50 feet that was greater than one (represents one foot,
the total error that is OK), should be recalibrated. Any absolute value of an error per
50 feet that was less than or equal to one does not need to be recalibrated. Following
these guidelines, a total of nine students had an error per 50 feet that was greater than

e) Of the reported data for the thirty students, do you think they all reported values with
a reasonable number of significant digits (reasonable precision)? Explain. 14

Solution: No, they did not all report values with a reasonable number of significant
digits. This is because when measuring paced distances, the maximum number of
decimal places measurable is two (0.25, 0.50, 0.75, etc.), and five students reported
their paced measure to three decimal places. Fourteen students reported their paced
measure to one decimal place, which is also incorrect due to the fact that their paced
measures should have been measured to two decimal places. This was most likely a
result of incorrect rounding upon calculating a mean value of many paced distances.

Section Four: Field Work

To assess variation in individual pace, a test course was set up between the Town Engineering
Building and the Design Center on the Iowa State University campus in Ames, Iowa. This
course was to be walked from a marked starting point to a marked ending point.

a) Problem: For each of six trials (walking the course from start to end), determine the
average pace length, knowing that the course is 97.3 feet long.15

Table 1- Course 1 between Town Engineering Building and Design Center

Experimental and Calculated Results

Trial Number Paced Distance (paces) Pace Length (feet/pace)

1 39.75 2.45
2 41.25 2.36
3 40.00 2.43

14 Problem Statement from CE 111 Lab 1 Fall 2010 direction sheet

15 Problem Statement from CE 111 Lab 1 Fall 2010 direction sheet

Kelsey Bruning

4 39.50 2.46
5 39.00 2.49
6 40.00 2.43

Pace length was calculated by taking the total course length, 97.3 feet, and dividing the
total course length by the paced distance in feet. For example: in trial number
one, 97.3 feet divided by 39.75 paces gives the average pace length of 2.45 feet per
pace. 16

b) Problem: Pace the distance along a second course, at least twice, running from the
Town Engineering Building to the Design Center. Record the number of paces for
each trial. 17

Table 2– Course 2 from Town Engineering Building to Design Center Experimental

Trial Number Paced Distance (paces)
1 57.50
2 58.00

c) Problem: For each of the 6 estimates, calculate the average pace length (feet/pace).
Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the pace length. A measure of
consistency, which should be minimum 1/50, can be obtained by calculating X in the
following ratio:
1X=Standard Deviation of Pace LengthMean Pace Length 18

Solution: The average pace length (feet/pace) was calculated in problem a), the
results of which are in the third column of Figure 1.19The mean pace length = 39.92
paces, and the standard deviation of pace length = 0.75 paces. The mean was
calculated by taking the sum of the center column in Figure 1 and dividing by the
number of trials, 6. Standard deviation of pace length was calculated by taking the
sum of v2 values, v=mean-paced distance, dividing that number by the sample size
minus one, and the square root of the entire process. X from the ratio is equal to

16 Work for the remaining trials may be found in Appendix D

17 Problem Statement from CE 111 Lab 1 Fall 2010 direction sheet

18 Problem Statement from CE 111 Lab 1 Fall 2010 direction sheet

19 Calculations may be found in Appendix D

Kelsey Bruning

53.01, which represents a 1/53.01 consistency, which is better than the minimum of

d) Problem: Compute the distance along the second course using the calculated average
pace length.21

Solution: 135.55 feet is the distance along the second course. This response comes
from dividing 93.7 feet by 39.92 paces which is equal to 2.35 feet/pace. The average
of the two distances in Figure 2, divided by 2.35 feet/pace results in 135.55 feet as the
distance along the second course.22


In this laboratory, surveying instrument location, finding missing data, variability of

measurements, and field work were the topics addressed. The pace length calculated in the field
work section was 2.45 feet/pace, which can be used in future surveying problems and
calculations. The algebra and trigonometry used in sections one and two (surveying instrument
location and finding missing data, respectively), can also be used in future surveying problems
and calculations.

20 The calculation for the X value can be found in Appendix D

21 Problem Statement from CE 111 Lab 1 Fall 2010 direction sheet

22 Calculation found in Appendix D.


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