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American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (2006) 195, 255–9

Evaluation of placenta growth factor and soluble

Fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 receptor levels in mild
and severe preeclampsia
Christopher J. Robinson, MD,a Donna D. Johnson, MD,a,* Eugene Y. Chang, MD,a
D. Michael Armstrong, MD,a Wei Wang, MSPHb

Division of Maternal Fetal Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,a Departments of Biostatistics,
Bioinformatics, and Epidemiology,b Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC

Received for publication September 14, 2005; revised December 13, 2005; accepted December 22, 2005

KEY WORDS Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine if maternal serum concentrations of pla-
Pregnancy centa growth factor (PlGF) and soluble Fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 receptor (s-Flt1) are more
Preeclampsia abnormal in patients with severe preeclampsia compared with mild preeclampsia.
Placenta growth factor Study design: Serum samples were collected from 32 control patients and 80 patients with mild or
(PlGF) severe preeclampsia. PlGF and s-Flt1 concentrations were quantitated by enzyme-linked immu-
Soluble Fms-like nosorbent assay (ELISA). Results are expressed as median (Q1-Q3) unless stated otherwise. After
tyrosine kinase normalization, serum markers were compared using one-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA).
1 receptor (s-Flt1) Results: Patients with preeclampsia had decreased levels of PlGF (75.1 G 14 vs 391 G 54 pg/mL,
P ! .0001) and elevated s-Flt1 concentration (1081 G 108 vs 100.1 G 26.9 pg/mL, P ! .0001)
compared with the respective controls (mean G SEM). PlGF concentration was lower in patients
with mild preeclampsia compared with severe, respectively (67 pg/mL [39-158] vs 24 pg/mL [4-57],
P ! .02). s-Flt1 was not different between mild and severe preeclampsia (674 pg/mL [211-1297] vs
1015 pg/mL [731-1948], P = .08).
Conclusion: PlGF and s-Flt1 serum levels are abnormal in patients with preeclampsia com-
pared with controls, but only PlGF is more abnormal in severe preeclampsia compared with mild
Ó 2006 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

Supported by National Institutes of Health National Institute of Preeclampsia is a multisystem disorder that occurs
Child Health and Human Development grant number: 5 R03 HD in 5% of all pregnancies and is a major contributor to
41031-02, Institutional Review Board Project # HR 9983. maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality.1,2 The
Presented at the Twenty-fifth Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine hallmark of the disease is hypertension and proteinuria.
Meeting, Reno, NV, February 7-12, 2005.
The etiology of preeclampsia remains speculative and
* Reprint requests: Donna D. Johnson, MD, Department of
Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical University of South Carolina,
is most likely multifactorial; however, endothelial dys-
96 Jonathan Lucas St, PO Box 250619, Charleston, SC 29439. function likely contributes to the multisystem organ
E-mail: dysfunction.3-6

0002-9378/$ - see front matter Ó 2006 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.
256 Robinson et al

Table I Population demographics

Characteristic Control (n = 32) Mild PE (n = 27) Severe PE (n = 53) P value
Age (y) 24 (22-27) 24 (19-32) 24 (22-32) NS*
White (%) 29 22 39 NSy
Black (%) 52 59 54
Hispanic (%) 19 19 7
Gestational age at delivery (wk) 38 (36-39) 37 (36-39) 32 (31-36) ! .001*
Primiparous (%) 23.0 35.6 64.4 .025y
Mean arterial pressure (mm Hg) 86 (81-96) 113 (102-120) 119 (112-136) ! .001*
Birth weight (g) 3403 (3105-3622) 2991 (2690-3450) 1796 (1245-2515) ! .001*
Apgar !6 at 5 minutes (n) 0 2 5 NSz
Data presented as median (Q1-Q3) unless otherwise indicated.
* Analysis by Kruskal-Wallis test.
Analysis by c2.
Analysis by Fisher exact test.

Recently, growth factors that activate the endothe- antenatal course. Patients who met the criteria for mild
lium have received attention. Vascular endothelial growth or severe preeclampsia as defined by the American
factor (VEGF) is the most potent stimulant of vascular College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists were en-
endothelium and permeability studied to date.7-9 To rolled.19 Hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low
confer its biological properties, VEGF must covalently platelets (HELLP) syndrome was defined as an aspar-
dimerize before it can bind to its endothelial receptor tate amniotransferase (AST) greater than 70 IU/L
and activate endothelial cells. Two proteins, placenta and platelet count less than 100,000. The definition of
growth factor and soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 re- HELLP syndrome used in this study is limited in
ceptor (s-Flt1), can modulate VEGF biological activity. that peripheral smears were not obtained to support in-
First, VEGF may form a bond with VEGF to form travascular hemolysis. Some authors have defined this
a homodimer or with placenta growth factor (PlGF) as ‘‘partial’’ HELLP syndrome.20 If a history of
to form a heterodimer. VEGF homodimers are much chronic hypertension, collagen vascular disease, multi-
more potent stimulants to the endothelial cells than the ple gestations, renal disease, diabetes, current urinary
VEGF-PlGF heterodimers. In fact, PlGF homodimers tract infection, or tobacco abuse was obtained, the pa-
compete with the same receptors as the more potent tient was excluded. Both controls and patients with ei-
VEGF dimers and only weakly activate endothelial ther mild or severe preeclampsia were enrolled into the
cells.10 Next, VEGF and PlGF may circulate bound to study before spontaneous labor, induction of labor, or
s-Flt1. Only the free VEGF and PlGF is bioavailable.11,12 rupture of fetal membranes. A subanalysis of serum
So, PlGF and s-Flt1 receptor are both important regula- PlGF and s-Flt1 in patients with HELLP syndrome
tors of VEGF biological activity.13,14 was compared with patients with severe preeclampsia.
Whether VEGF serum levels are altered in pree- Whole blood was obtained from participants by
clampsia remains debateable, but the factors that mod- venipuncture and collected in a serum-separator tube.
ulate the biological activity of VEGF are clearly altered. The serum was removed after centrifugation at 10,000
PlGF is significantly decreased in preeclamptic patients RPM for 10 minutes. Serum samples were aliquotted
compared with controls.15-17 S-Flt1 receptor is increased and stored at 70(C for 4 months before assay. Assays
in patients with preeclampsia. The serologic changes in were performed in batches every 4 months.
PlGF and s-Flt1 precede the onset of clinical symp- Quantikine human PlGF and s-Flt1 ELISA (R&D
toms.17,18 The hypothesis to be tested in this study was Systems, Minneapolis, MN) kits were used to measure
that PlGF and s-Flt1 would be more altered in the serum concentrations in duplicate. A microplate reader
maternal serum in patients with severe preeclampsia was utilized to detect the optical density at 450 nm with
compared with mild preeclampsia. optical correction at 540 nm for each serum sample. PlGF
and s-Flt1 concentrations were determined by compari-
Material and methods son to standard curve measurements performed under
identical lab conditions at the time of assay. Concentra-
The Institutional Review Board at the Medical Univer- tions of PlGF and s-Flt1 were reported as picograms per
sity of South Carolina approved this study. Control milliliter. The lab personnel were blinded to the clinical
patients were healthy nonsmokers with an uncomplicated information regarding each subject.
Robinson et al 257

Table II Analysis of covariance model results

Log- Square
transformed root-transformed
ANCOVA/P value PlGF s-Flt1
Control vs mild vs severe ! .001 ! .001
Control vs mild or severe ! .001 ! .001
Mild vs severe ! .03 NS
Gestational age at delivery NS NS
Mean arterial pressure NS NS
Birth weight NS NS
Primiparous NS NS

The PlGF ELISA measured free PlGF. The s-Flt1

ELISA measured only the soluble form of the VEGFR1
receptor. The minimal detection, intra-assay, and inter-
assay variance of PlGF ELISA were 7 pg/mL, 7.0%,
and 12%, respectively. The minimal detection, intra-
assay, and interassay variance of the s-Flt1 ELISA were
Figure 1 A, Boxplot (top and bottom of box represent the
5.0 pg/mL, 4%, and 8%, respectively. third and first quartile, respectively, horizontal line within
Urinary protein was quantified from a 24-hour sam- the box represents median value, and upper and lower ex-
ple. To collect the sample, the first urine collection was tremes are represented by vertical bars from the top and bot-
discarded. All urine samples were collected and stored in tom of the box) of PlGF and B, s-Flt1 serum concentrations
an opaque plastic container in the refrigerator. Urine in controls versus mild versus severe preeclampsia. Both
collection was completed 24 hours after the first sample PlGF and s-Flt1 are altered in patients with preeclampsia com-
had been discarded. The protein in the sample was pared to controls but only PlGF serum levels are different in
determined by spectrophotometry on a Synchron LX-20 patients with mild versus severe disease. Data were analyzed
(Beckman Coulter, Fullerton, CA) and reported in using ANCOVA. *P value based on log-transformed PlGF
mg/dL. Total protein was calculated based on the volume data; #P value based on square-root transformed s-Flt1 data.
of the specimen.
Descriptive statistics were presented as median and Results
quantiles for continuous variables and percentage for
categorical data. P values displayed in Table I were esti- Demographics are shown in Table I. As expected,
mated by Kruskal-Wallis test, and for all categorical patients with severe preeclampsia were delivered at an
data, by chi-square test. earlier gestational age, more likely to be nulliparous,
The primary comparison (control vs mild preeclamp- had a higher mean arterial pressure, and delivered smaller
sia vs severe preeclampsia) was tested by fitting an infants than patients in the control and mild pree-
analysis of covariance model to PlGF and s-Flt1, with clamptic group.
gestational age, mean arterial pressure, birth weight, and Patients with preeclampsia (n = 80) had decreased
the 5-minute Apgar score as covariates and primiparity levels of PlGF when compared with controls (n = 32)
as a factor (Table II). In addition, further preplanned (75.1 G 14 vs 391 G 54 pg/mL, P ! .0001). s-Flt1 con-
group comparisons were performed given an overall sig- centration was elevated in the preeclamptic population
nificant test. The secondary comparison for a subgroup compared with controls (1081 G 108 vs 100.1 G 26.9
of preeclampsia patients (mild vs severe vs HELLP) was pg/mL, P ! .0001). PlGF serum concentration in severe
explored by one-way analysis of variance. preeclampsia (n = 53) was 3-fold lower than in mild
Because of skewed distributions of the data examined preeclampsia (n = 27). Although s-Flt1 serum concen-
by graphic technique and normality test, a log transfor- tration was one-and-a-half-fold higher in severe pree-
mation was performed on PlGF and a square root clampsia than in mild preeclampsia, this difference was
transformation on s-Flt1. Analyses of statistical signif- not significantly different (Figure 1). PlGF and s-Flt
icance with parametric methods were then conducted concentrations were not significantly different in the
on the transformed measures. All tests with P ! .05 patients with severe preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome
(2-tailed) were considered statistically significant. SAS, (n = 11), respectively (PlGF 35.5 G 13.8, P = NS; s-Flt1
version 9.1 (SAS Institute, Inc, Cary, NC) was used 1422 G 324, P = NS) (Figure 2). When examining all
for all analyses. patients with preeclampsia, a significant correlation was
258 Robinson et al

The data in this observational study clearly demon-

strate that maternal serum concentrations of PlGF and
s-Flt1 receptor are abnormal in patients with preeclamp-
sia that are otherwise a healthy, nonsmoking popula-
tion. Only serum levels of PlGF are more abnormal
between severe and mild disease. To determine if PlGF
serum levels decrease and s-Flt1 increase as the disease
progresses, the more ideal study design would be to
follow patients longitudinally. Efforts made toward a
longitudinal study were thwarted as most patients in this
study either presented with severe preeclampsia and
were delivered expeditiously or had mild preeclampsia
at term and were induced. The next acceptable study
design would be a case-controlled study. Control pa-
tients were initially matched with patients with pree-
clampsia by gestational age. Patients who are delivered
at a preterm gestational age similar to patients with
severe preeclampsia have either an obstetric problem or
medical problem that required delivery. These problems
such as chronic hypertension, diabetes, or multiple
gestations lead to even more confounding variables, so
these patients were excluded for controls.
Gestational age does affect maternal serum levels of
PlGF and s-Flt. Notably, the samples from the severe
Figure 2 Boxplot of PlGF (A) and s-Flt1 (B) serum concen- preeclampsia population were obtained at an earlier
trations in severe preeclampsia versus HELLP syndrome. No gestational age when compared with either the control
significant difference in PlGF or s-Flt1 was demonstrated or mild preeclampsia patients. PlGF serum concentra-
between severe preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome. Data were tions peak at 26 to 30 weeks and then decline as term
analyzed using ANOVA. *P value based on log-transformed approaches.21 S-Flt1 has a stable concentration until
PlGF data; #P value based on square-root transformed s-Flt1 33 to 36 weeks and then increases about 145 pg/mL
data. per week.17 Patients with severe disease in this study
would be expected to have higher PlGF and lower
observed between s-Flt1 and proteinuria (P = .42, P ! 0.01) s-Flt1 levels than controls and patients with mild pree-
but not between PlGF and proteinuria using Spearman’s clampsia if gestational age were a major factor in our
correlation. population. The opposite observation was found.
The mean birth weight of the patients with severe
preeclampsia is at the 27th percentile for gestational
Comment age.22 Fifteen of 53 infants born to mothers with severe
preeclampsia were small for gestational age (SGA).
Given the information that is known about the biolog- Patients with severe preeclampsia are known to have a
ical action of VEGF, it is only natural to study regula- higher incidence of SGA.23 In a similar study, PlGF
tory factors of VEGF in preeclamptic patients. Several and s-Flt1 levels were more deranged in patients with
investigators have demonstrated that PlGF serum levels severe preeclampsia and SGA infants.17 So, PlGF and
are significantly decreased in patients with preeclampsia s-Flt1 may also be affected by abnormal fetal growth.
and our study confirms these findings.15-17 Our data If PlGF and s-Flt1 levels were simply markers of pla-
demonstrate that serum PlGF is lower in patients with cental function both serum levels should decrease, but
severe preeclampsia compared with mild preeclampsia. s-Flt1 actually increases.
However, PlGF levels are not different between patients The pathophysiology of severe preeclampsia and
with severe preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome. HELLP syndrome is debated in maternal fetal medicine.
More recently, s-Flt1 has been shown to be elevated These two disorders may have similar etiologies or may
in patients with preeclampsia and our findings are differ greatly. In this study, the levels of PlGF and s-Flt1
similar. Our data demonstrate that s-Flt1 levels are are not different between the two populations. These
higher in patients with severe preeclampsia though not data suggest that if PlGF and s-Flt1 play a role in the
statistically significant compared with mild preeclampsia. development of preeclampsia, their role may not differ
Furthermore, s-Flt1 levels are not different between in patients with HELLP syndrome or severe preeclamp-
patients with severe preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome. sia. Although our number of HELLP patients are small,
Robinson et al 259

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