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DN: c=IE, st=Warszawa, o=ditorPolish Bot, ou=Standard Certificate,

Polish Botanical Society
ou=anical SocietySupport, serialNumber=PT2110520970.1,
title=Managing E, sn=Otreba, givenName=org.plPiotr,
email=p.otreba@pbsociety., cn=Polish Botanical Society
Data: 2014.01.20 19:44:59 +01'00'

Vol. 66 (4), 2013: 143–156
Original Research Paper
DOI: 10.5586/aa.2013.061



Magdalena Lubiarz1, Ewa Trzaskowska2

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Department of Environmental Protection and Landscape Preservation
Department for Natural Fundations of landscape Architecture, Konstantynów 1H, 20-708 Lublin, Poland
e-mail: 1, 2

Received: 10.12.2013

Abstract of urban green spaces can be important resources for

This study was an attempt to show synanthropic phyto- pollinators [14,19,20]. Even roadside vegetation can
coenoses of the city of Lublin which are potentially valuable to play a major role in the development of pollinating
pollinating insects such as bumblebees. B. terrestris and B. la- insects [21]. Many insects, including pollinators, use
pidarius as well as B. lucorum, B. hypnorum and B. pascuorum synanthropic plants as a source of food [5,7,22–25].
were found to occur in Lublin. Artemisio-Tanacetetum, Bunie- The importance of green areas as local fauna habitats
tum orientalis, and Berteroëtum incanae were shown to be most is also increasing [17]. Even a small space overgrown
valuable to bumblebees due to a high number of polleniferous with synanthropic vegetation is sometimes sufficient
and nectariferous species in these communities. The present stu-
and can become a refuge for insects [26–28]. As repor-
dy also allowed us to determine that the size of communities and
their occurrence in a mosaic with parks and green spaces had an
ted by B a n a s z a k [29], a large dominance of social
effect on the distribution of bumblebees. bee species is observed in cities. This author suppo-
ses that the social life of bees can be instrumental in
Key words: synanthropic communities, bumblebees, urban overcoming the barriers of urbanization, similarly as
ecosystems, urban vegetation polylectism, that is, an adaptation to forage on flowers
of many unrelated plant species [5,29,30]. Bumblebees
Running head are both social and polylectic bees and hence they have
Importance of urban synanthropic vegetation to traits that facilitate their survival in the anthropogenic
bumblebees environment. Nevertheless, A h r n é et al. [31] found
in Stockholm a decline in the numbers of bumblebee
species along a gradient of increasing urbanization,
INTRODUCTION even in the case of the presence of a suitable habitat
Bumblebees belong to the family Apidae, tribe for foraging. In turn, P a w l i k o w s k i and O l ę d z -
Bombini. In Europe 62 species are encountered [1], k a [32] showed in Toruń that the mosaic nature of
whereas 31 species belonging to the genus Bombus habitats and the proportion of developed land had the
Latreille 1802 have been recorded in Poland [2]. Cur- greatest effect on the occurrence of bumblebees in this
rently, most bumblebee species are fully protected in city. Bumblebees prefer habitats with a large propor-
our country and only the buff-tailed bumblebee and tion of shrubs and in which developed land does not
red tailed bumblebee are partially protected under the exceed 40% of the area [32]. Bumblebees build the-
relevant Regulation of the Minister of Environment ir nests mostly in the soil, but also on its surface be-
[3]. Various authors stress the decrease in species rich- tween stones and plants, or in leaf litter. Most nests
ness and in the number of pollinating insects, including are observed on the edges of forests and tree stands
bumblebees [4–9]. as well as under shrubs, in field margins or in clover
Bumblebees occur in different environments, crops [5,7]. Both foraging flight ranges and energy
including urbanized environment [10–18]. Some forms requirements of large and small bees differ [33,34].

© The Author(s) 2013 Published by Polish Botanical Society

144 Magdalena Lubiarz, Ewa Trzaskowska

As a result of that, each of these groups responds dif- These were only qualitative investigations, not quan-
ferently to environmental changes at the landscape le- titative ones. Particular individuals were not counted
vel. Their sensitivity to the specific characteristics of and only the presence of bumblebees in a particular
a particular habitat also varies [35,36]. Large social type of environment was recorded. This allowed us to
bees, including bumblebees, are capable of foraging initially determine whether synanthropic communities
within a radius of more than 1 km from their nests, of Lublin were used by bumblebees at all. Bumblebees
whereas smaller solitary bees are generally thought to were identified using the relevant keys [7,44].
be able to fly to a distance of about 250 m from their Subsequently, the collected material was analy-
nests [20,34,37,38]. However, E r e m e e v a and S u - sed in terms of the potential usefulness of the identified
s h c h e v [25] report that bumblebees look for food communities and plants composing these communities
within a radius of 2 km from their nests. In turn, W o l f to bumblebees. The distribution and size of synanthro-
and M o r i t z [39] showed that Bombus terrestris wor- pic vegetation patches in Lublin were analysed. Syn-
kers foraged within an average distance of 267 m from thetic vegetation tables were made and they showed
their nests, 800 m at the maximum. G r e e n l e a f et the following indices: cover-abundance, sociability
al. [34] give a method for measuring foraging distance and constancy. The phenology of synanthropic plant
of Apidae depending on body size, but the presented species occurring in synanthropic communities of Lu-
results mainly relate to non-social bees. However, the- blin was determined. The data relating to plants useful
se authors did not determine whether trophic specia- to pollinating insects (nectariferous and polleniferous
lization (including polylectism) affected bee foraging species) followed [26,45]. The obtained phytosociolo-
distance [34]. gical data were compared with the phenology of the two
In the Lublin region, there have been earlier stu- most frequently observed bumblebee species, Bombus
dies on the importance of plants to pollinating insects. terrestris and Bombus lapidarius. In this way, the stu-
M a s i e r o w s k a [40] studied in Lublin ornamental dy demonstrated the potential usefulness of synanth-
plants of the family Saxifragaceae as a source of food ropic plant communities in Lublin as a food resource
for pollinating insects. W r z e s i e ń and D e n i s o w for bumblebees. This paper follows phytosociological
[26,41,42] investigated the proportion of bee plants nomenclature of M a t u s z k i e w i c z [46] and it is
in xerothermic grasslands of the Lublin Upland and additionally based on the studies of F i j a ł k o w s k i
in phytocoenoses near railway tracks of the Lublin [47] and J a n e c k i [48]. The names of bumblebees
Upland as well as in the Roztocze and Polesie regions. follow B a n a s z a k [2].
D e n i s o w and W r z e s i e ń [43] investigated mid-
field tree stands, fallow lands and field margins in the RESULTS
area of Lublin, with special attention to nectariferous
and polleniferous plants. The present study conducted in Lublin found the
The aim of the present study was to show the occurrence of 35 synanthropic communities: Vicietum
role of synanthropic communities to bumblebees fo- tetrospermae, Galinsogo-Setarietum, Echinochloo-Se-
und in urbanized areas on the example of Lublin. Bio- tarietum, Panico-Eragrostietum, Chenopodietum stric-
diversity conservation provides for measures at all le- ti, Sisymbrietum loeselii, Urtico-Malvetum, Erigeron-
vels and in all kinds of environments. Therefore, the to-Lactucetum, Hordeetum murini, a community with
present authors decided to investigate the potential im- Lepidum ruderale, Onopordetum acanthii, Echio-Meli-
portance of spontaneous vegetation of urban areas in lotetum, Berteroëtum incanae, Artemisio-Tanacetetum,
the maintenance of biological diversity of this impor- Bunietum orientalis, Leonuro-Ballotetum, Leonuro-
tant group of pollinating insects, notably bumblebees. -Arctietum, Ivetum xantifoliae, Tussilaginetum, a com-
munity with Cannabis ruderalis, a community with He-
liantus tuberosus, Urtico-Aegopodietum, a community
MATERIALS AND METHODS with Impatiens parviflora, Chelidonio-Robinietum, Ca-
Phytosociological surveys covering the Lublin lystegio-Eupatorietum, Urtico-Calystegietum, a com-
city area formed the basis for this study designed to munity with Impatiens glandulifera, a community with
determine the importance of synanthropic vegetation Lycium barbarum, a community with Reynoutria japo-
to bumblebees. 386 relevés were made over the period nica, Sambucetum nigrae, Cardario-Agropyretum, Lo-
2005–2010. Field investigations were carried out using lio-Polygonetum, Lolio-Potentilletum, Prunello-Planta-
relevés which were analysed following the Braun-Bla- ginetum, and Bryo-Saginetum procumbentis (Table 1).
nquet method. During the investigations, bumblebee The presence of bumblebees was recorded in
visitation and foraging were observed. In May and most synanthropic communities of Lublin. These in-
June 2012, observations were carried out in individual sects were not observed only in the community with
synanthropic communities to record in which of them Lepidum ruderale, Chenopodietum stricti, Panico-
bumblebees appeared and in which they did not occur. -Eragrostietum, and Bryo-Saginetum. The following

© The Author(s) 2013 Published by Polish Botanical Society

The potential importance of synanthropic vegetation to bumblebees in urban ecosystems on the example of Lublin 145

bumblebee species were found to occur within the stu- together with structured vegetation and natural com-
dy area: Bombus terrestris (Linnaeus 1758), Bombus munities. In terms of area, synanthropic communities
lapidarius (Linnaeus 1758), Bombus lucorum (Linna- are a dominant component of green spaces (extensive
eus 1761), Bombus hypnorum (Linnaeus 1758), and lawns). 23 synanthropic communities were identified
Bombus pascuorum (Scopoli 1763). The other bum- in this part of the city. Among them, the following
blebees that appeared within the study area were not were frequently encountered: Bunietum orientalis,
identified to the level of species. Two species: B. terre- Cardario-Agropyretum, Chelidonio-Robinietum, and
stris and B. lapidaries, were most frequently observed. Urtico-Aegopodietum. They usually develop near cul-
Given that bumblebees foraging in synanthropic com- tural landscape elements: consciously structured plant
munities were observed in Lublin, it should therefore cover or artificial abiotic structures. This variation in
be assumed that a part of them can also nest within the communities and the occurrence of a mosaic had a di-
city area, including in synanthropic communities where stinct effect on the presence of bumblebees, in parti-
shrubs or clusters of plants such as Tanacetum vulgare cular at places where wastelands and extensive lawns
are observed. were adjacent to each other.
The pattern of distribution and variation of sy- Synanthropic communities are a major element
nanthropic communities in Lublin can be related to the of the landscape in undeveloped areas and wastelands.
occurrence of bumblebees. These insects are associa- Communities found in such places are characterized
ted with areas in which they can build nests and at the by high species variation and they occupy an area
same time find food [49,50]. As shown by the rese- from 25 m, to several hectares [52]. For many years,
arch, the spatial pattern of communities is determined the development of ruderal communities has been ob-
by anthropogenic factors manifested in the zonation served near railway tracks and in post-industrial are-
from the centre of the city to its outskirts and this is as that have not yet been designated for any specific
associated with the historically determined distribution use as well as in managed green spaces such as lawns
of anthropopressure. Different zones can be distingu- and parks. Such wastelands overgrown primarily with
ished, which is also confirmed by the study on vegeta- Artemisio-Tanacetetum can be found in almost all the
tion conducted by R y s i a k [51]. gullies of Lublin, but also in fallow lands in a mosa-
The smallest spaces are occupied by synanthro- ic with cultivated fields on the city outskirts. Ruderal
pic plants and communities in the city centre where at communities also occupy the largest areas in Lublin,
the same time green areas are also the smallest. They though the spread of these communities is limited by
are limited to degraded lawns and slopes. There are changes in land use, progressive urbanization, the de-
communities with low specialization (Lolio-Polygone- velopment of wastelands, and the aestheticization of
tum, Bryo-Saginetum procumbentis, a community with space. Bumblebees were most often observed in such
Lycium barbarum), communities in impoverished form places and these were always numerous individuals.
(a smaller number of species recorded in these commu- In Lublin the variation of synanthropic com-
nities compared to those found on the city outskirts), munities and the area occupied by them affected the
and communities that often occur only temporarily (Pa- occurrence of bumblebees. This is also shown in the
nico-Eragrostietum), which is associated with their de- research of P a w l i k o w s k i and O l ę d z k a [32] as
struction during tending treatments. Single bumblebee well as in the study of E r e m e e v a and S u s h c h e v
individuals were observed there, in particular on the [25]. Bumblebees prefer urban areas with mosaic vege-
slope of the Old Town near allotment gardens located tation, but with a predominance of shrubby vegetation,
on the Bystrzyca River. and they nest within a distance of 2km from foraging
The variation in plants and communities incre- sites. They choose areas with woody or grassland ve-
ases with an increasing distance from the city centre getation much less frequently [25,32]. To build nests,
and already in the Śródmieście district synanthropic bumblebee species occurring in Poland need areas co-
communities occupy larger area; apart from the above- vered by shrubs or with dense canopies of large peren-
-mentioned ones, communities associated with parks, nials. A part of species nest on the edges of tree stands
green spaces, and flower borders appear (Galinsogo- [5]. Only some species, such as Bombus hypnorum, are
-Setarietum, Urtico-Malvetum, Hordeetum murini, able to locate their nests in gaps between stones or in
Urtico-Aegopodietum, a community with Impatiens attics of residential and industrial buildings [25].
parviflora, Chelidonio-Robinietum). Here, there are Spontaneous synanthropic communities deve-
also no connections between individual spaces over- lop to different degrees and their floristic composition
grown with plants. As indicated above, single bumble- significantly differ from the structure of communities
bee individuals were recorded in these communities. known from typical ruderal sites (wastelands, land-
On the other hand, in housing estates, near ro- fills, places near human dwellings and fences, etc.) in,
ads and on bodies of water, synanthropic plants and among others, the proportion of meadow species and
communities are an admixture and they form a mosaic in the absence of characteristic synanthropic species.

© The Author(s) 2013 Published by Polish Botanical Society

146 Magdalena Lubiarz, Ewa Trzaskowska

The analysis of the status of synanthropic communities L. (12 associations), Taraxacum officinale F.H. Wigg.
in Lublin shows that urbanization results not only in de- (27 associations), and Trifolium pratense L. (10 asso-
creased variation in plant communities, but it also cau- ciations). At the same time, it was observed that there
ses a decline in the number of species. Resistant species, were communities, e.g. Erigeronto-Lactucetum, Pani-
in particular cosmopolitan ones (Eragrostis sp., Plan- co-Eragrostietum, Ivetum xantifoliae, and a community
tago major, Polygonum aviculare), which form small with Impatiens glandulifera, in which bee plants were
clusters and are of little importance to bumblebees, are most frequently characterized by low cover. Besides,
predominant in the city centre. The further from the the species found in them do not provide for the needs
centre, the variation in anthropopressure forms incre- of insects throughout the whole season.
ases the richness of plant communities and the number Another aspect that was taken into considera-
of species in the external zone of Lublin also increases. tion was the flowering duration of bee plants in parti-
In terms of species variation, the least numerous were cular communities and clusters formed by them. The
associations of the class Molinio-Arrhenatheretea – analysis of the presence of bee forage plants in particu-
Bryo-Saginetum in which 17 species were identified (on lar communities and their flowering periods shows that
average 4 species per relevé) and of the class Stelarie- the above-mentioned plants formed dense clusters and
tea mediae – a community with Lepidium ruderale, in their flowering occurred in different periods of the gro-
which 11 species were identified (on average 7); they wing season in the following communities: Atremisio-
were found in habitats most transformed by anthropo- -Tanacetetum, Bunietum orientalis, and Berteroëtum
pressure in the city centre. The following communities incanae (Tables 2 and 3).
of the class Artemisietea vulgaris were richest in spe- The results of the present study compared with
cies: Artemisio-Tanacetetum in which 170 species were the phenology of the two most numerous bumblebee
found (on average 17) and Bunietum orientalis with species confirm the potential usefulness of synanthro-
110 species (on average 18), occurring in the gullies, pic plant communities to these insects. In particular,
wastelands, and extensive lawns. These are also com- the flowering periods of synanthropic bee plants clear-
munities richest in nectar and pollen producing species ly coincide with the periods of dynamic bumblebee de-
(Table 1). The largest concentrations of bee plants were velopment (Tables 2–4). Plants of synanthropic com-
found in the following communities: Atremisio-Tana- munities such as Tussilago farfara or Trifolium repens
cetetum (60 species), Bunietum orientalis (46 species), flower already from April or May. In turn, Ballota ni-
and Berteroëtum incanae (41 species). Half less pol- gra and Medicago sp. flower from June even until the
leniferous and nectariferous species were found in the end of September (Table 2). The strongest bumblebee
following communities: Sisymbrietum loeselii (27 spe- colony development usually occurs between June and
cies), Urtico-Calystegietum (21 species), Urtico-Ma- August (Table 4), which coincides with the flowering
lvetum (20 species), Echio-Melilotetum (20 species), of many plants valuable to these insects or of one spe-
and Leonuro-Ballotetum (20 species). The percentage cies but which is a dominant element in the communi-
of bee forage species found in individual communities ty. It is perfectly reflected in Table 3 which shows the
is from 14 to 100%, whereas in nine communities they flowering of bee plants in synanthropic communities
accounted for more than 50% of the species composi- of Lublin. The dominant (full) flowering occurs in par-
tion. However, this does not coincide with the varia- ticular in June, July and August, thus in the months
tion in the communities in terms of their species rich- important in bumblebee colony development. Taking
ness. In spite of great species variation in synanthropic into account both the number of bee forage species in
communities, only a part of plant species important to synanthropic communities of Lublin and the full flo-
bumblebees occur frequently or with high cover-abun- wering period of these plants, it can be stated that the
dance and sociability in synanthropic communities of communities Artemisio-Tanacetetum and Bunietum
Lublin, which was determined taking into account the orientalis have the greatest importance as a source of
constancy classes (Table 2). The following can be men- food for bumblebees, even more so that these commu-
tioned among them: Achillea millefolium L. (17 asso- nities occupy larger areas and occur in a mosaic with
ciations), Aegopodium podagraria L. (8 associations), other communities. We should not however ignore the
Artemisia vulgaris L. (22 associations), Ballota nigra importance of other communities that can be a supple-
L. (17 associations), Chelidonium majus L. (7 asso- mentary source of food, since bumblebees are polylec-
ciations), Chenopodium album L. (12 associations), tic insects. Given the trophic adaptations of bumblebe-
Galium aparine L. (13 associations), Lamium album es, it can be concluded that synanthropic communities
L. (11 associations), Medicago lupulina L. (9 associa- are potentially very valuable to them. In the spring and
tions), Melandrium album (Mill.) Garcke (11 associa- early summer, these insects readily visit flowers of
tions), Sambucus nigra L. (9 associations), Solidago trees such as Robinia pseudoacacia or Tilia cordata
gigantea Aiton (15 associations), Tanacetum vulgare as a source of food, but the period of late summer or

© The Author(s) 2013 Published by Polish Botanical Society

The potential importance of synanthropic vegetation to bumblebees in urban ecosystems on the example of Lublin 147

early autumn is not abundant in flowering trees and album have a huge role in providing food to bumble-
therefore species such as Galium aparine or Lamium bees after these trees finish flowering.

Table 1
Species variation in synanthropic communities found in Lublin,
together with the number and percentage of bee plant species

Number of plant species

Number of bee Percentage of bee
No. Name of association in particular synanthropic
plant species plant species
1. Vicietum tetrospermae 64 19 29.7
2. Echinochloo-Setarietum 39 18 46.1
3. Galinsogo-Setarietum 30 14 46.7
4. Panico-Eragrostietum 25 13 52.0
5. Chenopodietum stricti 31 15 48.4
6. Sisymbrietum loeselii 49 27 55.1
7. Urtico-Malvetum 59 20 33.9
8. Erigeronto-Lactucetum 8 8 100
9. Hordeetum murini 42 14 33.3
10. community with Lepidium ruderale 10 6 60
11. Onopordetum acanthii 13 8 61.5
12. Echio-Melilotetum 52 20 38.5
13. Berteroëtum incanae 73 41 56.2
14. Artemisio-Tanacetetum 170 60 35.3
15. Bunietum orientalis 110 46 41.8
16. Leonuro-Ballotetum 48 20 41.7
17. Leonuro-Arctietum 24 14 58.3
18. Ivetum xantifolia 25 13 52.0
19. Tussilaginetum 33 8 24.2
20. community with Cannabis ruderale 20 8 40.0
21. community with Heliantus tuberosus 35 5 14.3
22. Urtico-Aegopodietum 49 19 38.8
23. community with Impatiens parviflora 41 9 21.9
24. Chelidonio-Robinietum 54 15 27.8
25. Calystegio-Eupatorietum 31 14 45.2
26. Urtico-Calystegietum 47 21 44.7
27. community with Impatiens glandulifera 7 7 100
28. community with Lycium barbarum 55 16 29.1
29. community with Reynoutria japonica 28 8 28.6
30. Sambucetum nigrae 42 14 33.3
31. Cardario-Agropyretum 68 17 25.0
32. Lolio-Polygonetum 86 12 14.0
33. Lolio-Potentilletum 34 9 26.5
34. Prunello-Plantaginetum 46 15 32.6
35. Bryo-Saginetum 17 6 35.3

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148 Magdalena Lubiarz, Ewa Trzaskowska

Table 2.
List and characteristics of plant species most frequently found in synanthropic communities in Lublin

Usefulness Occurrence of the species

No. Plant species of plants to in synanthropic communities 2
flowering time
bumblebees1 (Cover-abundance3; Sociability4)
5(1,1), 11(1,1), 14(1,1), 15(1,1), 16(1,1), 17(1,1), 24(1,3),
1. Acer negundo L. N, P 05.04 - 20.05
26(1,1), 28(1,1)
1(1,2), 3(1,1), 4(1,4), 7(2,2), 8( 1,1), 9(1,2), 12(1,4),
2. Achillea millefolium L. N, P 20.05 - 30.09 13(1,3), 14(1,3), 15(1,3), 28(1,2), 30(1,1), 31(1,1), 32(1,2),
33(1,1), 34(1,3), 35(1,1)
15(1,1), 20(3,1), 22(3,5), 23(3,3), 24(2,3), 26(2,1), 29(1,2),
3. Aegopodium podagraria L. N, P 20.05 - 10.07
4. Agrimonia eupatoria L. N, P 10.06 - 15.08 14(1,1)
5. Anchusa officinalis L. N, P 15.05 - 30.09 15(1,1)
6. Anthemis arvensis L. N, P 15.06 - 20.07 1(1,2), 2(1,2), 3(1,3), 6(2,2)
9(1,2), 14(1,1), 15(1,4), 16(2,4), 17(1,1), 26(1,2), 28(1,1),
7. Arctium lappa L. N, P 10.07 - 20.08
8. Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh. N, P 05.07 - 20.08 18(1,2), 22(1,2), 23(1,1), 24(1,1), 30(1,1)
9. Arctium tomentosum Mill. N, P 01.07 - 01.09 5(1,2), 7(1,1), 14(1,1), 15(1,1), 25(1,1)
1(1,2), 2(1,2), 3(1,4), 4(1,1), 5(1,2), 6(1,1), 7(1,1), 12(1,4),
10 Artemisia vulgaris L. P 15.07 - 20.10 13(1,2), 14(1,5), 15(1,2), 16(1,2), 17(1,2), 18(1,2), 22(1,4),
24(1,1), 25(1,2), 26(1,1), 27(1,1), 28(1,3), 31(1,3), 32(1,1)
11. Aster novi-belgii L. N, P 10.08 - 20.09 26(1,1)
6(1,1), 7(1,2), 9(1,1), 13(2,1), 15(1,1), 16(2,4), 17(2,4),
12. Ballota nigra L. N, P 01.07 - 10.09 18(1,2), 19(1,1), 20(1,2), 21(1,1), 22(1,1), 23(1,2), 24(1,4),
26(1,1), 27(1,4), 30(1,1)
13. Bellis perennis L. N, P 20.04 - 15.07 34(1,1)
14. Berteroa incana (L.) DC. N, P 10.05 - 30.09 4(1,1), 12(1,1), 13(1,5), 14(1,1), 15(1,1), 25(1,1)
15. Bunias orientalis L. N, P 05.05 - 10.06 6(1,1), 15(4,5)
16. Calystegia sepium (L.) R.Br. N, P 10.06 - 10.09 18(1,1), 25(4,5), 26(3,5), 27(3,1),
17. Cardaria draba (L.) Desv. N, P 05.05 - 01.06 18(1,1), 31(3,5)
18. Carduus crispus L. N, P 25.06 - 01.09 15(2,1)
19. Centaurea cyanus L. N, P 10.06 - 01.08 2(2,3), 13(1,1)
20. Centaurea scabiosa L. N, P 20.06 - 10.09 13(2,1)
Chamomilla suaveolens 4(1,1), 6(1,1), 7(1,1), 9(1,2), 10(1,1), 16(1,2), 32(1,4),
21. N, P 10.06 - 20.07
(Pursh) Rydb. 33(1,2), 34(1,1), 35(1,2)
22. Chelidonium majus L. P 05.05 - 10.10 13(1,1), 17(1,1), 22(2,2), 23(1,1), 24(3,5), 28(1,2), 30(2,3)
3(1,4), 4(1,1), 5(2,5), 6(1,3), 7(1,1), 8(1,1), 9(1,1), 16(1,2),
23. Chenopodium album L. P 20.06 - 20.09
18(1,1), 20(1,2), 29(1,1), 33(1,1)
24. Cichorium intybus L. N, P 10.06 - 01.09 12(1,1), 14(1,1), 15(1,2), 31(1,2)
2(1,2), 3(1,1), 5(1,2), 8(1,2), 12(1,4), 14(1,4), 15(1,3),
25. Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. N, P 30.06 - 20.08 16(1,1), 17(1,2), 18(1,1), 19(1,2), 22(1,2), 25(1,1), 26(1,3),
27(1,1), 31(1,2)
26. Consolida regalis Gray N, P 10.06 - 20.07 1(1,1), 2(1,1), 3(1,1)
1(1,4), 2(1,2), 3(1,4), 5(1,2), 7(2,2), 9(1,3), 10(1,1), 11(2,1),
27. Convolvulus arvensis L. N, P 10.06 - 10.09 12(1,1), 13(1,1), 14(1,2), 15(1,2), 16(1,1), 22(1,1), 31(1,4),
1(1,1), 2(1,1), 3(1,1), 4(1,2), 5(1,2), 6(1,1), 7(1,4), 8(1,4),
Conyza canadensis (L.)
28. P 05.06 - 10.10 9(1,2), 10(1,2), 14(1,1), 15(1,1), 16(1,2), 26(1,1), 28(1,2),
31(1,2), 32(1,2), 35(1,2)
29. Coronilla varia L. N, P 10.06 - 10.08 13(2,1)
30. Daucus carota L. N, P 20.06 - 15.09 1(1,2), 5(1,2), 8(1,2), 12(1,5), 13(1,2), 14(1,3)
31. Echium vulgare L. N, P 10.06 - 10.09 12(2,4), 13(1,2), 15(1,2)

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The potential importance of synanthropic vegetation to bumblebees in urban ecosystems on the example of Lublin 149

32. Epilobium angustifolium L. N 10.06 - 15.09 14(1,1)

33. Eupatorium cannabinum L. N, P 20.06 - 15.08 25(3,5)
34. Euphorbia cyparissias L. N, P 01.05 - 20.05 13(1,1), 15(1,1), 18(1,1)
35. Euphorbia esula L. N, P 20.05 - 20.07 12(1,1), 14(1,1)
Fallopia convolvulus (L.)
36. N, P 20.05 - 20.06 1(1,1), 3(1,2), 13(1,1), 25(1,1), 26(1,2)
A. Love
37. Galeopsis tetrahit L. N 15.06 - 10.10 6(1,1), 13(1,1)
1(1,1), 2(1,2), 13(1,1), 14(1,1), 15(1,1), 16(1,1), 17(1,3),
38. Galium aparine L. N, P 10.06 - 15.09
20(2,2), 22(3,3), 24(2,2), 25(3,1), 26(1,2), 28(1,2)
39. Galium mollugo L. N 15.06 - 15.09 13(1,1), 14(1,1), 15(1,2), 25(1,2)
40. Galium verum L. N, P 10.07 - 20.09 14(1,1)
41. Geranium pratense L. N, P 10.06 - 10.08 14(1,1)
42. Geum urbanum L. N,P 01.06 - 20.06 13(1,1), 22(1,4), 23(1,3), 29(1,1), 30(1,1)
43. Glechoma hederacea L. N, P 20.04 - 10.07 7(1,1), 22(1,2)
44. Helianthus tuberosus L. N, P 20.08 - 15.10 5(1,2), 21(3,5)
45. Heracleum sphondylium L. N, P 15.06 - 01.09 14(1,1), 15(1,1), 25(1,2), 26(1,2)
46. Hypercium perforatum L. P 05.06 - 30.07 12(1,1), 14(1,1), 15(1,1), 34(1,1)
47. Impatiens glandulifera Royle N, P 20.07 - 30.09 27(2,5)
6(1,1), 13(1,1), 22(1,2), 23(4,5), 24(3,3), 25(1,1), 26(1,3),
48. Impatiens parviflora DC. N, P 20.07 - 10.09
28(1,2), 30(1,1)
49. Iva xantiifolia Nutt. P 20.08 - 20.10 5(1,1), 18(4,5)
6(1,1), 7(1,1), 15(1,1), 16(1,2), 17(1,1), 22(1,1), 23(1,1),
50. Lamium album L. N, P 20.04 - 30.09
24(1,1), 25(1,1), 26(1,1), 30(1,1)
51. Lamium purpureum L. N, P 15.04 - 01.09 3(1,2)
15(1,1), 17(2,4), 22(1,1), 24(1,2), 25 (1,1), 26 (1,2), 28(1,2),
52. Leonurus cardiaca L. N, P 20.06 - 15.08
53. Linaria vulgaris Mill. N, P 15.06 - 20.09 1(1,1), 4(1,1), 6(1,1),
54. Lotus corniculatus L. P 10.05 - 15.09 13(1,2), 15(1,1), 34(1,1),
55. Lycium barbarum L. N, P 20.05 - 20.08 28(4,5)
56. Malva neglecta Wallr. N, P 15.06 - 15.09 7(3,5), 9(1,2), 13(1,1), 15(1,1), 28(1,1)
Matricaria maritima L. ssp.
57. N, P 10.05 - 20.09 4(1,1)
58. Medicago falcata L. N, P 10.06 - 15.09 12(1,4), 14(1,1), 15(1,2), 31(1,3)
6(1,1), 11(1,1), 12(1,4), 13(1,1), 14(1,1), 15(1,2), 31(1,2),
59. Medicago lupulina L. N, P 10.06 - 15.08
32(1,2), 34(1,2)
60. Medicago sativa L. N, P 10.06 - 15.08 6(2,1), 13(1,1), 14(1,1)
61. Medicago xvaria Martyn N, P 10.06 - 15.08 7(2,1)
Melandrium album (Mill.) 1(1,2), 3(1,1), 4(1,1), 7(1,1), 8(1,2), 12(1,1), 13(1,3),
62. N, P 20.05 - 30.09
Garcke 14(1,2), 15(1,1), 26(1,2), 28(1,1)
63. Melilotus albus Medik. N, P 10.06 - 15.08 6(1,1), 12(4,4), 13(1,1)
64. Melilotus officinalis (L.) Pall. N, P 01.06 - 20.07 12(1,1), 14(1,1)
65. Myosotis arvensis (L.) Hill. N, P 10.05 - 20.07 2(1,1)
66. Oenothera biennis L.s.s. N, P 15.06 - 20.08 13(1,1), 14(1,1)
67. Onopordum acathium L. N, P 15.06 - 20.07 6(1,1), 11(3,5)
68. Papaver rhoeas L. P 20.05 - 10.07 1(1,3), 2(2,2), 3(1,1), 6(1,2), 14(1,1), 15(1,1), 20(1,1)
6(1,1), 12(1,3), 13(1,1), 14(1,1), 15(1,2), 22(1,1), 32(1,1),
69. Pimpinella saxifraga L. N, P 15.06 - 30.09
70. Plantago lanceolata L. P 15.05 - 10.09 13(1,3), 14 (1,1), 15(1,2), 32(1,1), 33(1,1), 34(1,2)
3(1,1), 4(1,3), 7(1,3), 9(2,2), 13(1,1), 18(1,1), 32(1,4),
71. Plantago major L. P 20.05 - 15.08
33(1,4), 34(2,4), 35(1,3)
4(1,5), 5(1,2), 6(1,1), 7(2,4), 9(2,3), 10(1,3), 13(1,1),
72. Polygonum aviculare L. N, P 10.05 - 30.10
16(1,1), 35(1,3)

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150 Magdalena Lubiarz, Ewa Trzaskowska

73. Potentilla anserina L. P 10.05 - 20.07 4(1,1), 7(1,1), 32(1,1), 33(3,5), 34(1,2)
74. Prunella vulgaris L. N, P 10.05 - 20.08 34(3,5)
75. Ranunculus repens L. P 10.06 - 10.08 34(1,1)
76. Reseda lutea L. N, P 20.05 - 20.07 15(1,1)
77. Reynoutria japonica Houtt. N, P 05.08 - 30.09 29(45)
78. Robinia pseudoacacia L. N, P 10.06 - 25.06 24(2,5), 28(1,2), 30(1,1)
79. Rubus caesius L. N, P 25.05 - 10.07 13(1,1), 14(1,2), 15(1,1), 27(1,2)
80. Rumex acetosa L. P 10.05 - 20.07 13(1,1), 15(1,1)
81. Rumex crispus L. P 15.06 - 30.07 6(1,2), 14(1,1), 15(1,1), 22(1,1)
82. Rumex obtusifolius L. P 15.06 - 15.07 3(1,1), 11(1,2), 15(1,1), 16(1,3), 17(1,3), 22(1,1), 26(1,2)
14(1,2), 15(1,1), 16(1,1), 18(1,2), 20(1,3), 24(1,3), 26(1,1),
83. Sambucus nigra L. P 20.05 - 20.06
28(1,3), 30(1,5)
84. Saponaria officinalis N, P 15.06 - 15.09 24(2,1), 30(1,1)
85. Sedum acre L. N, P 15.05 - 20.07 13(1,1)
5(1,2), 6(3,5), 8(1,3), 9(1,2), 11(2,1), 14(1,2), 15(1,2),
86. Sisymbrium loeselii L. N, P 01.06 - 20.07
16(1,2), 19(1,2), 28(1,1), 30(1,1), 31(1,2)
87. Solidago canadensis L. P 05.08 - 10.10 6(1,1), 25(2,1), 26(1,3), 27(1,1)
5(1,5), 10(1,1), 11(2,1), 12(1,4), 14(4,5), 15(1,1), 16(1,2),
88. Solidago gigantea Aiton N, P 20.07 - 15.10 17(1,2), 19(1,1), 20(2,2), 22(1,2), 23(1,1), 29(1,2), 30(1,1),
1(1,1), 2(1,2), 3(1,2), 6(1,2), 7(1,4), 9(1,2), 13(1,2), 14(1,1),
89. Sonchus arvensis L. N, P 05.07 - 20.09 15(1,1), 18(1,2), 19(1,1), 20(1,1), 21(1,1), 24(1,2), 26(1,1),
29(1,1), 31(1,2)
90. Symphytum officinale L. N, P 15.05 - 20.08 13(1,1), 26(1,2)
5(1,2), 6(1,1), 8(1,1), 11(2,1), 12(2,4), 13(1,2), 14(2,3),
91. Tanacetum vulgare L. P 20.07 - 01.10
15(1,4), 17(1,2), 21(1,1), 22(1,2), 29(1,2), 31(1,3)
1(1,1), 2(1,1), 3(1,1), 4(1,4), 5(1,2), 6(2,1), 7(2,5), 9(1,4),
Taraxacum officinale 10(1,3), 12(1,4), 13(1,3), 14(1,1), 15(1,3), 16(1,2), 17(1,1),
92. N, P 05.05 - 25.05
F.H. Wigg. 19(1,1), 21(1,1), 22(1,2), 23(1,2), 24(1,4), 28(1,2), 29(1,1),
31(1,5), 32(1,4), 33(2,2), 34(2,3), 35(1,2)
1(1,1), 6(1,1), 7(1,2), 9(1,2), 14(1,2), 15(1,3), 19(1,1),
93. Trifolium pratense L. N, P 01.06 - 30.07
31(2,3), 33(1,1), 34(1,2)
7(2,3), 12(2,4), 13(1,1), 15(1,2), 31(2,3), 32(2,4), 33(1,1),
94. Trifolium repens L N, P 20.05 - 30.08
95. Tussilago farfara L. N, P 01.04 - 25.04 19(3,5)
96. Verbascum nigrum L. P 05.07 - 10.08 14(1,1), 16(1,1), 17(1,1)
97. Vicia angustifolia L N, P 10.05 - 15.08 18(1,1)
98. Vicia cracca L. N, P 10.06 - 20.08 13(1,1), 14(1,2)
99. Vicia sativa L. N, P 10.06 - 25.07 2(1,2), 3(1,1), 15(1,1)
100. Vicia sepium L. N, P 10.05 - 30.07 1(1,2)
101. Vicia tetrasperma (L.) Schreb. N, P 10.05 - 15.08 1(1,5), 2(1,1), 6(1,2), 14(1,1)
102. Viola arvensis Murray N, P 10.05 - 30.09 1(1,1), 13(1,1)
Usefulness of plants to bumblebees: N – nectariferous species; P – polleniferous species.
Plant communities: 1 – Vicietum tetrospermae, 2 – Echinochloo-Setarietum, 3 – Galinsogo-Setarietum, 4 – Panico-Eragrostietum,
5 – Chenopodietum stricti, 6 – Sisymbrietum loeselii, 7 – Urtico-Malvetum, 8 – Erigeronto-Lactucetum, 9 – Hordeetum murini, 10 – Com-
munity with Lepidium ruderale, 11 – Onopordetum acanthii, 12 – Echio-Melilotetum, 13 – Berteroëtum incanae, 14 – Artemisio-
Tanacetetum, 15 – Bunietum orientalis, 16 – Leonuro-Ballotetum, 17 – Leonuro-Arctietum, 18 – Ivetum xantifolia, 19 –Tussilaginetum,
20 – community with Cannabis ruderale, 21 – community with Heliantus tuberosus, 22 – Urtico-Aegopodietum, 23 – community
with Impatiens parviflora, 24 – Chelidonio-Robinietum, 25 – Calystegio-Eupatorietum, 26 – Urtico-Calystegietum, 27 – community
with Impatiens glandulifera, 28 – community with Lycium barbarum, 29 – zb. z Reynoutria japonica, 30 – Sambucetum nigrae,
31 – Cardario-Agropyretum, 32 – Lolio-Polygonetum, 33 – Lolio-Potentilletum, 34 – Prunello-Plantaginetum, 35 – Bryo-Saginetum.
Cover-abundance: 1–1-20; 2–21-40; 3–41-60; 4–61-80; 5–81–100.
Sociability: 1 – single individuals; 2 – the species grows in groups or tufts; 3 – the species grows in tufts forming small patches;
4 – the species grows in extensive patches; 5 – pure population.

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The potential importance of synanthropic vegetation to bumblebees in urban ecosystems on the example of Lublin 153

As mentioned above, it is presumed that po- Acknowledgments

lylectism of bees, i.e. visiting flowers of unrelated
Research supported by the activities of the Insti-
plants, is also an important feature that facilitates their
tute of Landscape Architecture, John Paul II Catholic
survival in the anthropogenic environment [30]. B a -
University of Lublin.
n a s z a k - C i b i c k a [30] includes Apis melifera L.
and members of the genus Bombus in bees characteri-
Authors’ contributions
zed by polylectism. Thus, given that bumblebees can
collect food from many unrelated plants, a conclusion The following declarations about authors’ contri-
then arises that such species-diverse synanthropic com- butions to the research have been made: concept of the
munities of Lublin have a major role for bumblebees. study ML, ET, field work: ML, ET, writing: ML, ET.
Bumblebees are very efficient pollinators and
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©The Author(s) 2013 Published by Polish Botanical Society

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