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Question: What should happen to the world, if we and

our comrades are not destined to rule it?

Answer: May a shower of atom bombs cleanse this

earth if our comrades cannot rule it.
Just one of the many questions AtomWaffen asks you
on their Orientation.
AtomWaffen, which literally translates to Atomic Warfare
or Nuclear Weapon War Division, is a Reactionary Neo-
Nazi Group within North America which seeks the
ultimate and
total destruction of the system
(Which they commonly call
ZOG, aka the United States of
America), and if not, the world,
through whatever means
necessary, key point being,
necessary. Whether it be total
anarchy within the United
States (commonly referred to
the “Racial Holy War” or a
totalitarian dictatorship
(commonly referred to “Day of the Rope”). Their goals often reflect to the opposite side of the
spectrum, such as ANTIFA and use their mantra of SIEGE to justify their abhorrent acts of
terror[More about this later], often ironically(or unironically) citing an open alliances with Antifa
and the Juche Regime of North Korea. Just one of their many edgy “propaganda” posters
bellow. One begs the question however, “Is there anything wrong with the Left adopting the
Right’s Tactics and the Right adopting the Lefts?” This question is ultimately answered in the
book, SIEGE

This group, whilst not

insignificant,yet not overtly large,
operates on a “decentralized”
system of “cells”, all over North
America, the basic premise
being that each “cell” has 2 right
hand men that directly report to
their cell leader, and those 2 right
hand men has their own 2 right
men of themselves and so on.

Now this is nothing new or

revolutionary, as many anarchist and guerrilla organisations operate on this basis as it allows for
the group to not be compromised under all circumstances, such as
the one cell leader being compromised, under any altercations by
government forces or, those with big ambitions to rise up the ranks
and sabotage the whole operation, which exactly happened to
AtomWaffen earlier in May 2017. When a ex-White Muslim convert
had uncovered plans for a potential terror bombing, and deciding to
take matters in his own hands, killing his own comrades. Whether
or not this person was justified in his actions is ultimately up to the
morality of yourself, which poses the grand old question of “would
you kill baby hitler?”. Obviously not, since killing babies is bad and
this seems to be the position AtomWaffen is taking. But as a result,
Atomwaffen, a leaderless resistance, had it leader arrested, and
their new leaderless leader, Rape, a nod to one of their books on
their reading list, called Iron Gates, a snuff, gore and torture porn
book, where a baby is raped to death in an apocalyptic post-war environment within the first

On common motif of AtomWaffen’s propaganda is Accelerationism, collapse of the system, a

common term passed around these fascist groups, often defining the Aesthetics of an Fascist
Revolution. There is nothing wrong with the Aesthetics of Propaganda or Accelerationism
whatsoever as it signifies peak Aesthetics, and Aesthetics are the manifestation of the Spiritual
Aryan within the material plane, whether it be the Blackshirts of Italy, to the Greenshirts of
Codreanu, or even the Brownshirts of the SA, every group needs its Aesthetics, and
AtomWaffen is no different, with their edgy Aesthetics of a Skullmask and Camo or even all
black. What I do have a problem, however, is often the mixed messages of AtomWaffen’s
propaganda. Who is this propaganda aimed at? How does this propaganda affects me on an
emotional and physical level? Simple posting edgy pics on the internet is nice and it's good to
look at aesthetically, but, don’t get me wrong, many of these fascists fail to utilize propaganda to
its fullest extent. You would only need to look at
Fashwave and the popularity it has gained with its
nostalgic 80s aesthetic and National Socialist
Imagery, with videos from the Joseph Retrostein
channel gaining upwards over 1 million views before
their eventually deletion and censorship by Jewtube.

However, there is ultimately something more sinister

at work here. Many of AtomWaffen disavow the term
“Nazi” altogether, preferring the term “Mansonite”, and
this is where SIEGE comes in. SIEGE is simply a
collection of StormTrooper articles written by James
Mason and Joe Tomassi. The first half of the Book
Covers various themes and motifs of National Socialism, and it is very well relevant in this day
and applicable to the current political climate, and should not be viewed as the bible of National
Socialism except Mein Kampf. In fact, I highly recommend anyone who has gripes with the
Charlottesville Happenings to read SIEGE (funny meme yes), since it is a nice neat little book
that should summarise your thoughts on the matter, to quote:
“I am compelled at this time to add my voice to those few who have demanded that such things as "Phase One" type
activities must STOP. Simply such nonsense as trying to "make headlines", "confront the enemy", or "rally the White
masses" won't work, never has worked, and almost always results in merely revealing our weaknesses and making
us look like idiots. The very strategy itself calls for numbers which we do not have at this time. My view is that just
because the Jews and Liberals have succeeded in making goyim out of the vast majority of Whites, we need not
sacrifice ourselves in the vain attempt at proving them wrong. We have GOT to trashcan 1933 strategy and tactics.
They won't work. (PAGE 59”)
However the perversion of SIEGE can be all be attributed to the death of Joe Tomassi, the
brains behind the brawn, and James Mason’s acquittance with Charles Manson. Which
ultimately leads up to the 2nd half of SIEGE, which is solely dedicated to pure political
propaganda, even a chapter on Mansons antics. National Socialism was ultimately ruined for
Americans when James Mason made an appearance on the Christian Evangelical Interview
show and making National Socialism out to be a Satanic Death Cult, ultimately killing any form
of National Socialism altogether within America and throwing away George Lincoln Rockwell's
life’s work. Regardless of what you think about SIEGE, you should read it regardless, my only
gripe with is that James Mason never did what he said and advocated for, “do as I do, and not
as I say”, correct? Read the rest of this article here, VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV

Document/Evidence Against AWD >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On AWD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Please do take the time to look at these links first before continuing reading below
Considering some of their members have embraced Salafism (radical form of Islam) and
Satanism, I highly doubt they were good in the first place. And spamming posters on University
campuses doesn’t count.
An Atom Waffen Graphic where a member holds a Liber 333 Grimoire, which was written by a
member of Combat 18
From the book Hostia, specifically a passage about Satanists joining Right Wing Groups in
order to subvert them into Satanism
Above, Image from the Order Of Nine Angles, Left, same
image, with Turner Diaries edited on top. This shirt is available for purchase on amazon.
To all those who defend Manson, Manson did nothing for the movement, he is no warrior of
truth, but a warrior of lies, Manson did nothing his entire life and he should not be looked upon
as a respectable role model of the Aryan Race. To the right, there is a graphic by manson with a
halo containing the Baphomet and Pentagrams circling around Manson. You need only to read
SIEGE to realise that Manson was a sociopath.
Note, “We Stand For Organised Terror” within SIEGEculture’s twitter (which is ran by Rape) and
the title of the video from the channel “Beast Barracks” whom we suspect is also being ran by
Rape. Not to mention the blood ritual of Manson is also one of Rape’s profile pictures on discord
Content Warning, some real disturbing shit from various links of AtomWaffen (specifically RAPE
their defacto leader.) to their connections of Order of the Nine Angels.

Whether or not this Adoption and “Co-option” of Satanic Aesthetics is just a “big meme”, begs
the question, why adopt such an aesthetic in the first place? Isn’t the Swastika good enough?
What about the Black Sun? This perversion of the Black Sun and Swastika, a symbol that
manifests the spiritual energy of the Aryan in the material plane should not be linked up with the
Baphomet whatsoever. The literal symbol and manifestation of Satan within the material plane.
Symbols are powerful, and praying (or even sacrificing) towards a symbol causes your spiritual
energy to be drawn to such a symbol, to be given to the higher being on the spiritual plane. Kind
of like leaving your garbage outside of your house to only be collected by the TrashMan (bad
analogy I know). One good example of this is Islam, where Muslims must all face towards
Mecca when praying, towards a small black box containing a meteorite which is literally the
symbol of Saturn, another satanic perversion.
In fact, it can be argued that all Abrahamic faiths are a Satanic perversion. The Cross is merely
the 2d template of the 3d cube, and a lot of devout christians I’ve met in my lifetime seem
institutionally insane. In Islam, a lot of symbology reflects the moon and the Lunar (anti)
Tradition as well as worshipping and channeling energy towards a meteorite from saturn.
Judaism, the literal synagogue of Satan. Uses the Star of David, which is merely a the
manifestation of the 3d cube (2d hexagon) in the 4th dimension. Thus, Christianity is
characterized by a distinct contempt of life and Nature. It is a religion for losers and dreamers
who cannot cope with the the challenges of life but just vegetate along, trusting that "the last
shall be first and the first shall be last", as Christianity regards any criminal good-for-nothing and
mentally deficient fool as a more valuable human being than the industrious and creative citizen.
It represents a set of norms and values that put the virgin above the mother, the monk above
the father of a family, and the weak and suffering above the strong and victorious, indeed, the
dead above the living. It scorns any pleasure in life and glorifies self-torture and self- abasement
as positive indications that man fights his flesh and accepts that he is born as a vessel of sin
because he is not all spirit. Hitler knew this and the level of Jewish subversion within the
Catholic Church, and thus promoted a form of “Positive Christianity”, however, if we were to
make a new National Socialist state, we must disregard all Abrahamic faiths entirely, as their
Weltanschauungs(will be explained later) in their own right, which come in direct contact with
the Weltanschauung of National Socialism. Here are 2 articles about why Islam and
Christianity are incompatible with National Socialism

Do we, as Aryans, not worship the Swastika and the Black Sun? The Solar (male) Tradition?
Today we live in the shadow of the Sun and in the light of the Moon, often preferring (feminine)
ideals of Equality, Democracy and Marxism altogether. National Socialism is merely a worldview
in which the National Socialist believe that Nature/God established universal laws, and these
should be discovered, implemented, and adhered to. To simply state otherwise is a insult to
National Socialism. Unfortunately, one thing we can say for certain, is that, many “redpilled”
Natsocs, despite their reading or lackluster effort in reading ‘Mein Kampf’ fail to understand the
Weltanschauung (worldview), or may have missed the Weltanschauung entirely presented in
Mein Kampf, thus dabble into things lesser when asked this question “What is the definition of
National Socialism”. Many will reply with half hearted answers such as “A Government for the
people”, “Authoritarian Nationalism”, “National Capitalism”, “Third Positionist” or even “Trotskyite
Neoconservatism” (I got this one from debating a Libertarian). No, this is wrong, and as stated
before, to say such a thing is an insult to National Socialism, not only that, you are viewing
National Socialism through the lense of the enemy. As the enemy will always apply what they
hold dear in their own political beliefs to that of National Socialism. National Socialism is and far
more than and greater than what some stupid policies a government made 70 years ago. You
cannot define a Weltanschauung by Political and Socio-Economic policies.Thus, it is our job as
National Socialists to drive into the minds of our like-minded comrades that National Socialism
in not a (political) Ideology, but a Worldview, a philosophical thought, to repeat this so much that
they repeat it themselves.

Why don’t you ask a real National Socialist and their definition of National Socialism instead of
supplanting your own worldview, riddled with falsehoods? If the world does not accept National
Socialism as its hope of a future, man will be facing destruction. This will be a logical
consequence of his continuous violations of the Laws of Nature. However, it will not be the end
of the Universe. Seen from there, the planet Earth and the human beings on it are a minute and
totally dispersible parts of vast machinery. If we disappear, the various civilizations of the
last 10,000 years will just be a negligible episode in the infinite and timeless space - an
experiment that went wrong. Even after total nuclear war there will probably still the basis for
biological life in some places of the earth, and some development towards ever higher will start
all over again. Even if the Earth should be destroyed in such a war for any other reason - it is
more than likely that there is life on another planet in a very distant solar system in space,
perhaps quintillions of light years away in all events, Nature will always exist - also without
people. Even without life, there will still be a natural order in the Universe. This Universe does
not accept any special laws for man, and if he does not realize that, he will have deserved his
coming destruction and nothing will be able to change that. However, we think it would be a
shame to allow that to happen. That is why we are trying to make people listen to reason at this
very late hour. We do not have any time to lose. Would you care to join us? Not for our sake -
but for the sake of your children. For sure, this is not a question of politics. It is our very
existence that is at stake. Can you afford to waste more of your time?

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