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16/12/2017 Episodes 7,8, and 9 Plot Summaries



Episodes 7,8, and 9 Plot Summaries
Episode 7 title is The Fallen Hero, Episode 8 title is The Republic in Crisis, and
Home Episode 9 title is Victory of the Force.
Star Wars History

Episode III

Revenge of the Sith Trailer Star Wars Episode 7

Plot Summary Script Synopsis Story
Galaxy Map
The Fallen Hero
Most Powerful Jedi and Sith By: George Lucas
of All Time

Episodes 7,8, and 9 Plot

Thirty years have passed since the Battle of Endor (Return of the Jedi), where both the Emperor and
Summaries Vader met their doom. During the decades since Endor, the remnants of the Empire have been
defeated and the New Republic formed out of the ashes of the Empire. However, enemies against the
Prequel Trilogy Rough New Republic still exist. A rogue group of Dark Jedi have emerged that threaten the fragile stability that
the New Republic enjoys.
Prequel Trilogy Scripts
The Cloud City of Bespin has been converted into one of the many Jedi training facilities located all
Midichlorian Count List
throughout the galaxy. The Jedi's numbers are beginning to grow to Old Republic heights. The New
Species List Jedi Order consists of about 7,000 Jedi Knights. Bespin is now the home to both Jedi Masters, Knights
and Apprentices.
Star Wars Fan Fiction
During routine Jedi training on Bespin, the Dark Jedi invade wearing jet packs, which send them like a
swarm dropping into the upper reaches of the cloud city. These Dark Jedi are seeking to re-establish
the legacy of Darth Vader and, hence, they wear a more-advanced-looking version of Darth Vader's
mask, helmet and body armor in honor of their fallen hero.

As the Dark Jedi attack Bespin, their sleek battle satellites swarm the floating city and rain down
turbolaser fire on the city. The Jedi are taken by complete surprise. However, the Dark Jedi seek not to
conquer Bespin, but to capture some of the Jedi's prized holocrons, which hold vast quantities of
information about the ancient ways and customs of the Jedi. As hundreds of light-saber battles erupt
between the Jedi and their Dark Jedi counterparts, some of the Dark Jedi use concussion grenades to
cause damage to Bespin's superstructure.

A few of the holocrons are captured by the Dark Jedi. With their mission now complete, the Dark Jedi
retreat from Cloud City and fly away from the city using their jet packs which they wear on their backs.
The Dark Jedi fly into the nearby clouds and disappear. The roar of engines can be heard as the Dark
Jedi escape in their customized Tie Rager star ships, which were hidden in the clouds above Cloud

The 12 members of the Jedi Council are present in the Jedi Council chamber in the Jedi Temple on
Coruscant. Several Jedi, who survived the battle of Bespin against the Dark Jedi, relate to Luke
Skywalker (the head of the Jedi Council) that several Jedi holocrons were taken during the battle. Luke
informs the Jedi Council that the Jedi will have to find these lost holocrons and bring the Dark Jedi
under control.

Meanwhile, just outside of the Jedi Temple, a shape-shifting Dark Jedi named Asp morphs into Ben
Skywalker and enters the Jedi Temple. Asp makes his way to the Jedi super computer area where Asp
hopes to disable the Jedi's computer network. Padawans Anakin Solo (son of Han Solo and Leia
Organa) and Ben Skywalker (son of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade) are walking by the computer
area. They both sense something and enter the computer area. Ben and Anakin are shocked to see
someone in the room that looks exactly like Ben. Asp sees the padawans and flees the room. Ben and
Anakin chase after Asp.

Asp makes his way to the garage at the Jedi Temple and steals one of the Jedi swoop bikes. At a high
rate of speed, Asp flies down the streets of Coruscant. Ben and Anakin each get a swoop bike and
pursue Asp. After a thrilling chase, Asp wrecks his swoop bike. The Coruscant zoo is nearby and Asp
enters the zoo to hide from Anakin and Ben. Anakin and Ben park their swoop bikes and quickly follow
Asp into the zoo. A spectacular light-saber duel erupts between Asp vs. Ben and Anakin. As the duel
rages on, Asp begins to lose so he uses his light saber to release Rygor tigers from their cage.

Ben sees the tigers and says: "I've got a bad feeling about this." The tigers spot Ben and Anakin and
then charge at the two padawans. Ben and Anakin battle the tigers. Within in a few minutes, Ben and
Anakin have killed all seven of the ferocious tigers. However, by the time Ben and Anakin are finished
fighting the tigers, Asp has escaped to parts unknown.

Elsewhere, Shindor, the leader of the Dark Jedi, is elated to learn that some of the Jedi holocrons have
successfully been taken from the Jedi. Shindor is currently at the Dark Jedi's cloning facility, which is
located on a planet nearby Coruscant. Shindor is using this facility to make clones of Darth Vader and
Luke Skywalker. The Dark Jedi plan to fulfill Darth Vader's prophecy that he and Luke should rule the
galaxy as father and son and bring peace and order to the galaxy. The Dark Jedi are using Imperial
DNA samples of Vader to produce a clone of the Dark Lord of the Sith and are using DNA samples
from Luke's severed hand to produce a clone of the venerable Jedi Master. Skywalker's severed hand
is currently owned by one of the chief Dark Jedi named, Spiden.

Meanwhile, Spiden hatches a plan to leak the Dark Jedi's efforts to clone Darth Vader and Luke
Skywalker to spies working for the New Republic. Spiden hopes the leader of the Dark Jedi will be
destroyed by forces from the New Republic so that he can become the new leader of the Dark Jedi.
Spiden leaks this information. The New Republic military and a Jedi army plan to raid the Dark Jedi
hideout. 1/5
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Also, Spiden contacts Luke Skywalker and asks the great Jedi Master to meet with him on the planet
of Sluivan. Spiden tells Luke that Spiden is a smuggler who came across Luke’s severed hand in a
preservation box. Luke learns from Spiden that the Empire recovered Luke's hand that Vader cut off at
Bespin. Spiden says that the hand is in perfect condition and can probably be re-attached to Luke’s
arm. Luke agrees to meet Spiden on Sluivan.

Luke arrives on Sluivan with R2-D2 and C-3PO. Luke enters a room where Spiden told Luke he would
be waiting for Luke. Luke sees Spiden holding his severed hand in a transparent preservation box.
Suddenly, the door behind Luke closes. Spiden sets down the hand and pulls out two light sabers.
Spiden holds one in each hand and ignites them. Spiden tells Luke that he will now avenge the deaths
of Sidious and Vader. Luke pulls out his light saber and ignites it. Luke and Spiden fight with their
sabers. Luke manages to cut off one of Spiden’s hands. Spiden continues to fight with his other hand.
R2-D2 rolls up behind Spiden. R2 ignites his rocket boosters and crashes into the back of Spiden at a
tremendous speed. Spiden falls to the ground. Spiden stands back up dazed. With a slight movement
of his hand, Luke uses the Force to send Spiden flying across the room. Spiden slams into a wall and
is left unconscious. Luke thanks R2 for his valor, then Luke recovers his severed hand and then cuts
the closed door open with his light saber . Luke, R2 and C-3PO exit the room. On Coruscant, a team of
Jedi doctors re-attach Luke’s hand to his arm.

Luke learns that the Republic is planning to send a military unit to the planet where the Dark Jedi are
cloning Vader and Luke. Luke orders the Jedi star pilots to scramble to their fighters and join the
Republic forces in the fight. The Republic and Jedi star fighters arrive at the planet where the Dark Jedi
cloning facility is located. Hundreds of Dark Jedi fighters are waiting for them. A massive space battle

Luke and a dozen or so other Jedi make their way to the surface of the planet and enter the Dark Jedi
cloning facility. Light saber battles erupt between the Jedi and the Dark Jedi. Luke finds the Dark Jedi
leader, Shindor, and they engage in a light-saber duel. Luke eventually decapitates Shindor. The
remaining Dark Jedi flee the cloning facility with the growing clones of Vader and Luke. The Jedi set
explosive charges all over the cloning facility. The Jedi flee the cloning facility. A few minutes later, the
cloning facility is destroyed by the exploding charges.

While the Dark Jedi cloning facility has been destroyed, the New Republic and Jedi are unaware that
the Dark Jedi succeeded in preserving the growing clones of Vader and Luke, which will be utilized in
the Dark Jedi's grand scheme to conquer the galaxy. Back on Coruscant, Anakin Solo and Ben
Skywalker are brought before the Jedi Council. For their bravery in combating the Dark Jedi, the Jedi
Council makes Anakin and Ben full-fledged Jedi Knights. The two are given their official Jedi robes.
Fade to black. Roll end credits.

Star Wars Episode 8

Script Plot Summary Synopsis Story
The Republic in Crisis
By: George Lucas

After having their secret base destroyed by the Jedi Order in Episode 7, the Dark Jedi decide to remain
hidden and underground until the clones of Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker have fully developed.
Meanwhile, the Republic faces a new war from a large group of super commandos who call
themselves the Mandalorians. The Mandalorian super commandos originate from the unknown regions
of the galaxy. While training on the planet called Nassius, special units of the Republic military are
attacked by the Mandalorians. The fighting is fierce and very spectacular. The Republic units are
defeated in a large-scale space and land battle. After being victorious, the Mandalorians retreat to the
safety of deep space.

Meanwhile, Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade, C-3PO and R2-D2 are on a secret mission to Mon Calamari.
Luke is searching for the legendary kyber crystals that are rumored to be hidden on Mon Calamari. A
kyber crystal greatly magnifies the power of the Force in whoever wears the crystal. Luke and
Company come across a smuggler who claims to know where the kyber crystals might be hidden. For
a high price, the smuggler gives Luke the location where the crystals might be. Luke, Jade, C-3PO and
R2-D2 arrive at this secret location and startle some thieves who have beaten them to the crystals.
The thieves see Luke and company. These thieves immediately flee in their hydro foil water boat over
the great ocean of Mon Calamari. Skywalker and company give chase in their own hydro foil.

After a spectacular chase sequence on the Listinik Ocean, Luke and company manage to overtake the
thieves' boat and retrieve the kyber crystals. With the crystals in hand, Skywalker and company leave
Mon Calamari and head back to Coruscant.

On Coruscant, the Republic Senate has voted to increase their military budget in order to defeat the
mysterious Mandalorian super commandos.

Somewhere else on Coruscant, Luke, Jade, C-3PO and R2-D2 arrive back home and meet up with
Han Solo, Leia Solo, Lando Calrissian and Chewbacca. Han informs Luke that Han, Lando and
Chewbacca will scout out the location of the hidden Mandalorian fleet. Luke tells Han to take R2-D2 to
help with the mission. Leia decides to remain on Coruscant to meet with some powerful Senators
regarding the difficult war with the Mandalorians.

Han, Lando, Chewbacca, R2-D2 and a Bothan named Terk Minas board the Millennium Falcon and
head into space looking for the Mandalorian fleet. Meanwhile, Ben Skywalker (the son of Luke
Skywalker and Mara Jade), with his Jedi girlfriend named Paron Lighton, are attempting to make the
Kessel Run in record time. Together, Ben and Paron fly a two seat fighter with Ben as the pilot and
Paron as the navigator. After much excitement, Ben and Paron complete the Kessel Run, but fall short
of setting any kind of record. They know that it will take many attempts for them to come close to
breaking the record set for completing the Kessel Run.

Meanwhile back on Coruscant, Luke and Mara Jade are told about a group of Mandalorian fighters that
are battling Rogue Squadron. Luke scrambles the Jedi star fighters to help Rogue Squadron. Luke and
Jade board two fighters. Luke, Jade and the Jedi strike force enter hyperspace and arrive at the battle.
The fighting is very hectic. Several of Rogue Squadron’s fighters have been destroyed. Luke and
company enter the battle. Jade’s ship is disabled and Mara Jade is captured by the Mandalorians.
Luke tries to reach the Mandalorian cruiser that has Jade. Several Mandalorian fighters attack Luke’s
X-Wing. Luke’s X-Wing spirals out of control. The Mandalorians quickly leave the battle with Mara 2/5
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Jade. The life support system of Luke’s X-Wing has been knocked offline. Luke is forced to enter Force
hibernation so that he can survive until he is rescued. Soon, Luke is rescued by what’s left of Rogue
Squadron. They head back for the safety of Coruscant.

In deep space, Han and company in the Millennium Falcon have stumbled across the Mandalorian
fleet. Han sends the location of the Mandalorian fleet back to the Republic military’s headquarters.
Dozens of Mandalorian fighters are sent to take out the Falcon. Han and Lando take control of the
Falcon’s laser cannons while Chewbacca pilots the Falcon. The Mandalorian fighters chase after the
Falcon and damage the Falcon’s hyperdrive. R2-D2 informs Chewie that the closest inhabited planet is
the Wookiee home world called Kashyyyk.

Chewie heads for Kashyyyk with the Mandalorian fighters closing in on them. After much fighting, Han
and Lando manage to take out all the Mandalorian fighters with the Falcon’s turbo lasers. However, the
Falcon has been badly damaged. The Falcon safely arrives at Kashyyyk and Chewie lands the Falcon
at a space port that is closest to where Chewbacca’s brother lives. Chewbacca has R2-D2 record a
message that is to be given to Chewie’s brother. R2-D2 exits the Falcon and heads in the general
direction of where Chewie’s brother lives. While R2-D2 is gone, Han, Chewie, Lando and Terk attempt
to repair the Falcon.

Meanwhile, Ben Skywalker and Paron Lighton arrive on Coruscant and meet up with Anakin Solo (the
son of Han Solo and Princess Leia Organa Solo) to have drinks at a local night club. While in the night
club, Ben, Paron and Anakin are attacked by several thugs. Paron says: “I have a bad feeling about
this.” Anakin uses several Force fireballs to take out a couple of the thugs. At the same time, Ben
unleashes a Force avalanche which causes a nearby wall to fall on several of the thugs. Paron ignites
her light saber and takes out some of the thugs. In a few minutes, the three Jedi have prevailed over
the thugs and decide to leave the night club.

Elsewhere on Coruscant, Luke heads to his apartment on. Luke enters his apartment and feels a
tremor in the Force. Someone is in Luke’s apartment. Luke turns on his light saber and looks around.
The Dark Jedi named Spiden walks out of the shadows with his light saber on. Spiden tells Luke that
Luke should have killed him while Luke had the chance. The two engage in a dramatic light-saber duel.
During the duel, Spiden informs Luke that the Jedi failed to destroy the clones of Darth Vader and Luke
Skywalker. Luke is stunned by this revelation. The duel continues and eventually Luke manages to cut
Spiden in half from Spiden’s head all the way to the bottom of Spiden’s torso.

Meanwhile, R2-D2 arrives at Chewie’s brother’s home and plays Chewie’s message for Chewie’s
brother. The message tells Chewie’s brother that Chewie and his friends need help securing a new
hyperdrive for the Falcon. Chewie’s brother immediately leaves with R2-D2 to find a new hyperdrive.

Republic spies send a message to Luke that the location of Mara Jade has been found. Luke is elated
by this news. The spies inform Luke that Jade can be found on the planet Concorde Dawn, the home
world of the Mandalorians. Luke contacts the Jedi temple and states that he will need several hundred
Jedi star fighters to accompany him to free Jade from the Mandalorians. Luke invites Ben, Paron and
Anakin to accompany the Jedi to rescue Jade. On Kashyyyk, Chewie’s brother and R2-D2 arrive at the
Falcon with a new hyperdrive. Luke contacts Han and tells Han that the Falcon is needed to help Luke
rescue Mara Jade. Han tells Luke that the Falcon will meet up with Luke as soon as possible.

Republic spies further inform Luke that the Mandalorians are building thousands of new battle cruisers
and fighters that will be used by the Mandalorians to conquer the Republic. Luke knows this
Mandalorian fleet must be destroyed at all costs. Luke contacts the Republic military and tells the
military to meet Luke at a rendezvous destination. As Luke leaves for battle, Leia says: "May the Force
be with you." A few minutes later, Luke and many Jedi in their star fighters wait in deep space for the
Republic military and the Millennium Falcon to arrive.

After a few hours, both the Millennium Falcon and the Republic fleet meet up with Luke and the Jedi
warriors. They enter hyperspace and soon arrive at Concorde Dawn. Luke spots a gigantic star ship
construction yard that orbits Concorde Dawn. Thousands of Mandalorian battle cruisers and fighters
can be seen under construction. Luke and company target this construction yard. Hundreds of
Mandalorian star fighters and battle cruisers are launched from the surface of Concorde Dawn. A
massive space battle between thousands of star ships erupts above Concorde Dawn.

Luke locates Mara Jade’s position on Concorde Dawn. Luke asks Ben, Paron and Anakin to
accompany him to rescue Jade. The four Jedi arrive on the surface of Coruscant and enter a
Mandalorian facility where Jade is being held. Paron uses the Force to read a Mandalorian’s guards
mind. By reading this guard’s mind, Paron is able to know exactly where Jade is being hidden in the
building. Luke, Ben, Paron and Anakin ignite their light sabers and battle their way thru dozens of
Mandalorian super commandos and Agork wolves to reach Jade. Paron is killed during the fighting, but
Luke manages to rescue Jade. Luke, Jade and Anakin exit the Mandalorian facility. Ben exits with the
body of Paron slung over his back.

The Republic fleet and the Jedi star fighters completely annihilate the Mandalorian military. The
Mandalorians surrender and agree to enter a peace agreement with the Republic. The Jedi arrive back
on Coruscant and hold a funeral service for Paron Lighton and the dozens of other Jedi who died in the
Battle of Concorde Dawn. Ben places Paron on a Jedi pyre and Paron’s body is consumed by a fire.
Dozens of dead Jedi are burned, which is the way the Jedi honor their dead. Hundreds of Jedi
solemnly watch as Paron and the other Jedi are consumed by the fire. While the Mandalorian war is
now over, the Jedi paid a very high price. The Dark Jedi, with the clones of Darth Vader and Luke
Skywalker, still remain a major threat to the stability of the Republic. Fade to black. Roll end credits.

Star Wars Episode 9

Script Plot Summary Synopsis Story
Victory of the Force
By: George Lucas

Streaming through hyper space, Han Solo, Leia, R2-D2, C-3PO and Chewbacca are on their way to
Han’s home world of Corellia to attend Han’s mother’s funeral. After securing a docking bay for the
Millennium Falcon, the group exits the Falcon and hires a transport to take them to Han’s mother’s
residence. There are hundreds of people at the Solo’s abode. Suddenly, Dark Jedi cyborgs attack the
proceedings. A dramatic fire fight envelopes the Solo home. Han and Company duck for cover. 3/5
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R2-D2 and C-3PO get separated from the rest of their group. The roof of the Solo building explodes
open. A Dark Jedi star ship floats above the Solo building. R2-D2 and C-3PO are pulled up into the sky
and into the cargo hold of the star ship. Han, Leia and Chewie watch as the star ship leaves with the
droids in its belly. Han tries to figure out why the Dark Jedi would want the droids. They seem to have
no real value (except sentimental worth) or so Han thinks.

Luke Skywalker, Ben Skywalker and Anakin Solo are on Grentarik, the home world of Yoda the Whill,
looking for information about the dark side of the Force. The three Jedi locate Yoda’s old dwelling and
begin to search through Yoda’s belongings. They are looking for clues as to where they can find
definitive information on how to destroy the dark side. Anakin finds a piece a data pad that gives
details that at the central Whill library, the three can find out where several ancient Sith holocrons may
be hidden.

The clones of Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker are now fully mature. The Dark Jedi are training the
Vader and Luke clone in the art of light-saber combat. The Vader clone is wearing the iconic black
mask and armor while the Luke clone is dressed all in black. The new Dark Jedi leader, Horgon,
watches as the clones train against each other with non-lethal light sabers.

On Coruscant, Mara Jade sits with the Jedi Council discussing the Dark Jedi threat. All resources are
being used by Republic spies to find the location of the Dark Jedi’s secret base.

Han sends a message to Luke telling Luke that the droids have been captured by the Dark Jedi. Luke
informs Han that they will all meet up at Coruscant shortly. Luke, Ben and Anakin leave Yoda’s
dwelling and use a land speeder to travel to the central Whill library. At this library, Luke finds data that
gives a place where the ancient Sith holocrons may be hidden. Some Sith holocrons are supposed to
be located in the lower levels of Briskus, an exotic planet on the other side of the galaxy.

Luke and Company leave the library. While walking to their star ship, the three Jedi are attacked by
Rinkies, creatures that look like giant rats. After a few minutes, all the Rinkies are destroyed. The three
Jedi resume their walk to their star ship. They enter the star ship and enter the coordinates for Briskus.
Their star ship leaves the orbit of Grentarik and enters hyper space.

Meanwhile, Mara Jade and Lando Calrissian visit the Republic weapons development offices. Mara is
shown a new weapon called the black hole devastator. This weapon can be used to artificially create a
black hole. The military applications of this weapon are stunning. Entire star systems can now be
destroyed with immense ease.

Han, Leia and Chewie arrive back on Coruscant. They head to the Solo’s apartment in the upscale
Prilox section of Coruscant. While this is happening, Luke, Ben and Anakin arrive in the Briskus star
system. Suddenly, Dark Jedi fighters swarm the Jedi’s star ship. An intense dog fight ensues. Luckily,
the Jedi are able to disable or destroy all the Dark Jedi fighters. The Jedi then land on Briskus in order
to find the Sith holocrons.

Luke finds the location of a long-lost and forgotten Sith Temple. Inside this temple, the three Jedi
accidentally set off security measures meant to protect the Sith Temple from intruders. Dozens of
spider battle droids swarm around the three Jedi. Blaster fire envelopes the room. The three Jedi
valiantly deflect the laser fire with their light sabers. One by one, each battle droid is destroyed by the

After the fight, Luke and Company make their way to a secret room which contains several Sith
holocrons. Luke places the holocrons into his backpack and the three exit the temple. Luke, Ben and
Anakin head back to Coruscant. Several hours later, Han, Leia, Anakin Solo, Lando, Luke, Mara Jade
and Ben are all sitting at a large table in the Solo’s apartment eating dinner. Luke informs the group
that Han, Lando and himself will search for R2-D2 and C-3PO. While Leia, Mara, Ben and Anakin will
work on downloading all information from the Sith holocrons.

Meanwhile, the clones of Vader and Luke are training against dozens of Dark Jedi. The talent
displayed by the clones is amazing. The Dark Jedi warriors have a difficult time defending themselves
from the attack by the clones. Non-lethal light sabers are used by all parties so that no one will get
injured during the practice sessions.

While analyzing the Sith holocrons, Leia makes a stunning discovery. It appears that the heart and
essence of the dark side exists in the Valorius star system. According to the holocrons, if the Valorius
star system can be destroyed then the dark side itself can be brought to an end. Mara informs Leia
about the black hole devastator weapon. Anakin and Ben are puzzled as to what kind of weapon Mara
is referring to. Mara explains the capabilities of the new weapon and the fact that it can be used to
destroy entire star systems.

Fortunately, R2-D2 contains a hidden homing beacon that cannot be detected by the Dark Jedi. As a
result, Luke, Han and Lando are able to track the droids to a planet called Usiss. Above Usiss, the
Dark Jedi have a space station where R2-D2 and C-3PO are being held. Inside the space station, R2-
D2 and C-3PO are being tortured by the Dark Jedi. C-3PO explains to the Dark Jedi that the droids
don’t know anything about the Jedi. However, the torture continues even though the droids protest their

Convinced that the droids contain no useful information, the Dark Jedi place a cloaked thermal
detonator inside of R2-D2. The Dark Jedi proceed to put this detonator into R2-D2 while the droids are
offline. The Dark Jedi plan to release the droids and hopefully Luke, Mara Jade and other Jedi will be
killed by the thermal detonator contained in R2.

Meanwhile, outside the Dark Jedi space station, Han and Chewie in the Millennium Falcon open fire on
the Dark Jedi space station. Lando in his star ship also blasts the space station. Luke comes in behind
the other two trying to locate the two droids. Explosions rip the insides of the space station to shreds.
R2-D2 is able to break free from his restraints. R2 also frees C-3PO and the two plan their escape. R2-
D2 heads towards a release hatch. C-3PO says: “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” Next, R2 opens the
hatch with his arm and instantaneously the droids are sucked out into the vacuum of space. The space
station explodes in a brilliant ball of light.

Luke detects the droids. Luke informs Han of where the droids are. Next, the Millennium Falcon picks
up the droids. On board the Falcon, Chewie detects that R2 contains a very powerful thermal 4/5
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detonator. After several tense moments, Chewie is able to remove the detonator from R2. The
detonator is then disarmed.

With the droids safely with them, our heroes head back to Coruscant. On Coruscant, Luke heads to the
Jedi Temple. Mara Jade informs Luke about all they have learned about the dark side and the Valorius
star system. The Valorius star system is comprised of one star, 31 planets, hundreds of moon and
countless millions of asteroids. Luke agrees that the black hole devastator must be used to destroy the
Valorius star system so that the dark side can be brought to a permanent end.

Luke gathers the Jedi together and tells them about their mission. Luke informs them that they will
probably have to battle through many Dark Jedi in order to get the devastator set up on the primary
Valorius planet. Within hours, the Jedi strike force arrives in the Valorius star system. The system is
protected by hundreds and hundreds of Dark Jedi fighters and bulk war freighters. An immense star
battle erupts between the Jedi and the Dark Jedi.

Many of the Jedi fighters land on the surface of Valorius. These Jedi make preparations to make the
necessary adjustments so that the black hole devastator can be deployed. The Dark Jedi storm up
from underground caves on Valorius and attack the Jedi. Hundreds of light-saber duels erupt between
the Jedi and Dark Jedi.

Horgon (the leader of the Dark Jedi) and the clones of Vader and Luke head into the heat of battle and
head towards where the Jedi are setting up the devastator. Luke, Mara Jade, Ben and Anakin arrive on
the surface of Valorius near where the devastator is being constructed. Horgon and the clones of
Vader and Luke engage the real Luke, Mara Jade, Ben Skywalker and Anakin Solo in a light-saber
fight. The fighting is intense. Luke screams out that they must keep the Dark Jedi from reaching the
location of where the devastator is being constructed. It will take a few minutes before the Jedi
scientists constructing the necessary aspects of the devastator will be completed.

Ben and Anakin battle Horgon while the real Luke battles the Luke clone and Mara Jade battles the
Vader clone. Horgon strikes down Anakin. Ben screams in anger and then lunges at Horgon with all his
might. The real Luke cuts the clone Luke in half. The real Luke then turns to fight Horgon in order to
prevent Horgon from killing Ben. The Vader clone battles Mara Jade. They exchange many, many

The Jedi scientists signal Luke that the devastator is ready to be activated. Luke tells the scientists to
give them just a few minutes. Luke knows that Horgon and the clone Vader must not be allowed to
escape. Ben and Luke swing wildly at Horgon. Mara is being overwhelmed by clone Vader. Luke uses
Force vanish and re-materializes behind Horgon. Horgon turns to face Luke and at that moment Ben
pierces Horgon’s heart with a light saber. Horgon is no more. Luke then uses Force leap and lands on
top of clone Vader. Mara Jade uses this distraction to slice off the legs of clone Vader. Luke then
finishes the evil clone off.

Next, Luke orders all the Jedi to leave Valorius immediately. After all the Jedi exit the Valorius star
system, the black hole devastator is turned on. An artificial black hole is produced by the machine. The
massive Valorius planet shrinks to the size of a molecule in an instant. The rest of the Valorius star
system including the star that warms the system is reduced to the size of an atom. The black hole
becomes so super concentrated that it explodes in a tremendous fury. The dark side is destroyed for
all time.

The Jedi meet at Yavin 4 to celebrate the defeat of the dark side. In the distance, Luke can see 10,000
Jedi from the prequel-trilogy era appear as Jedi spirits (including Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, Mace Windu,
Qui-Gon Jinn and Anakin Skywalker). The spirits of the long-dead Jedi (who have pleaded with the
light side of the Force to avenge their deaths) watch the New Jedi Order celebrate final victory over the
dark side. Luke’s Jedi Order and the New Republic will enter a 1,000 year period of peace and
prosperity. The dark side is no more. Fade to black. Roll end credits.

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