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4. What is the role of government with respect to West Central Georgia?

Consider all levels of government: local, state and federal.

High unemployment over an extended period of time will cause a country to have a lower
standard of living than it would have with low unemployment. High unemployment is an
inefficient use of economic resources. So the government should pay the important role
to overcome the problem of unemployment at West Central Georgia for local level, state
level, and also federal level. Based on neoclassical economic theory, the government
should ensure that their resources are used in a manner. So, from that, the government
should upgrading commercial properties for every sector especially in textiles industry
since textiles are the main component of the regional economy in West Central Georgia.
Beside that, the government also must provide training for local labor. From that, the
labor will get some experience and they will expert in each department that they should
involve. This also can improve the ability of each region at West Central Georgia or
segments of the population to enter the job market. That training also would and could
solve the skills dilemma since the educational and skills attainment is particularly low in
the historic textile community at that country. Give priority of aids to business that have
national or international market over those of local service or non-exporting firms are the
other strategy or role that government should pay attention to recover that problem.
Besides, the government may reduce barriers to establish export-based firms such as tax
relief, subsidy and free-trade zones because the local services will develop automatically
to supply export firms and export industries have higher job multiplier than local firms.
So, this can reduce the problem of job losses that happened at West Central Georgia.
Furthermore, the government also can pursue key science and technology initiatives in
textile industries. The federal economic development can play a role by promote
innovation and competitiveness, as well as to prepare regions for growth and success in
the global economy.

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