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1. Assignment 1- Water Characteristics and sampling…………………………….. .2

2. Assignment 2 - Sedimentation ………………………………………………………. ……9

3. Assignment 3 - Coagulation and Flocculation………………………………………18

4. Assignment 4 - Filtration and Softening ………………………………………………...29

Water Treatment Assignments

Assignment 1 – Water Characteristics and Sampling

1. The BOD versus time data for the first 5 days of a BOD test are obtained as follows:

Time(days) BOD (Mg/L)

2 10
4 16
6 20

Calculate k; and & ultimate BOD.

Using least square method

Time(days) y(Mg/L) y2 y' yy' dy y n 1  y n 1

y'  
0 0 0 0 0
dt 2t
1 5 25 5 25
2 10 100 4 40
3 13 169 3 39
4 16 256 2.5 40
5 18 324 - -
Sum 62 874 14.5 144
Substitute the value computed in the following eqn. and solve for a and b

na  b  y   y '  0
a  y  b  y 2   yy '  0 Where n =no of data points = 3

UBOD = -a/b and K = -b (base e)

3a  62b  14.5  0...............(1)

62a  874b  144  0............(2)
14.5  62b
From eqn. 1 a  .................(3)
Substitute eqn.(3) into eqn.(2) Substitute ,b = 0.38 into eqn.1
 14.5  62b  3a  62 * 0.38  14.5  0
62   874b  144  0
 3  9.06
155.67  407.33b  0 a  3.02
b Therefore, UBOD = -a/b = -(-3.02/0.38)=7.95mg/L and
b  0.38 K = -b = -0.38 (to base e)K = 0.68

AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 2

Water Treatment Assignments

2. A sample of wastewater is estimated to have a BOD of 200 mg/L

a. What dilution is necessary for this BOD to be measured by the usual technique?

b. If the initial and final dissolved oxygen of the test thus conducted is 9.0 and 4.0 mg/L,
and the dilution water has a BOD of 1.0 mgL, what is the dilution?


a. For usual technique The saturation concentration for oxygen in water at 20 oc is

Doi – Dof =10mg/l – 1mg/l = 9mg/l
DOi  DOf
BOD  .
9mg / l
P * 300ml
200mg / l
P  13.5ml
b. Doi = 9mg/l and Dof= 4mg/l ; BOD = 200mg/l ,BODH2O = 1mg/l

200  1  .
5 * 300
P  7.53ml

3. How many grams of CaO are required to be the chemical equivalent of 246 g of

40  16
One equivalent of Cao   28 gm / eq
24  2 *1  12 * 2  16 * 6
One equivalent of Mg (HCO3)2   73gm / eq
The no of eq. of CaO must equal to the no of eq. Mg(HCO3)

246 gm
  3.37eq.
73gm / eq

3.37eq x 28gm/eq = 94.36 gm of CaO

AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 3

Water Treatment Assignments

4. Express the following concentrations of elements and compounds as milligrams per liter
of , CaCO3.

95 mg/L Ca2+ 420 mg/L Mg SO4

87 mg/L Mg2+ 189 mg/L Na HCO3

125 /L Na+ 221 mg/L Ca(HCO 3)2


g / LA * g / eq.B  g / LA.. exp

g / eq.A
40  12  3 *16
One eq. of Calcium carbonates (CaCo3)   50 gm / eq  50mg / meq
 One eq. of ca2+   20mg / meq

95mg / L
 * 50mg / meq  237.5mg /
20mg / meq

 One eq. of Mg 2+   12mg / meq

87mg / L
 * 50mg / meq  362.5mg /
12mg / meq

 One eq. Na+   23mg / meq

125mg / L
 * 50mg / meq  271.74mg /
23mg / meq

24  32  4 *16
 One eq. MgSo 4   60mg / meq

420mg / L
 * 50mg / meq  350mg /
60mg / meq.

23  1  12  3 *16
 One eq. NaHCo 3   84mg / meq

420mg / L
 * 50mg / meq  112.5mg /
84mg / meq.

AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 4

Water Treatment Assignments

40  (1 * 2)  (12 * 2)  (6 *16)
 One eq. Ca(HCo 3)2   81mg / meq

221mg / L
 * 50mg / meq  136.42mg /
81mg / meq.

5. A sample of wastewater is analyzed for coliform organism by the multiple-tube

fermentation method. The results of the confirmed test are as follows:

Size of No of positive results No of positive results

sample ml out of 5 tubes out of 5 tubes
0.01 5 0
0.001 4 1
0.0001 2 3
0.00001 2 3
0.000001 0 1

Determine the most probable number and range of coliform per 100 mL at the 95
percent confidence level.


Out of the different alternative of a series where three tubes each have positive
results,only two probable values are obtained.

o Sample sizes 0.01,0.001 and 0.0001

o Enter table 1.3 with the number of +ve tubes out of five (5,4,2)

o The corresponding MPN is 220 with a range of 100 – 580 organisms per 100mL
possible at a 95% confidence.

Alternate solution

o Sample sizes 0.0001,0.00001 and 0.000001

o Enter table 1.3 with the number of +ve tubes out of five (2,2,0)

o The corresponding MPN is 9 with a range of 3 -25 organisms per 100mL possible
at a 95% confidence.

AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 5

Water Treatment Assignments

6. A BOD analysis is begun on Monday. Thirty milliliter of waste with a DO of zero is mixed
with 270 mL of dilution water with a DO of 10 mg/L. The sample is then put in the
incubator. Since the fifth day falls on Saturday and lab personnel do not work on
Saturday, the final DO does not get measured until Monday, the seventh day. The final
DO is measured at 4.0 mg/L. However, it is discovered that the incubator was set at
30oC. Assume a k of 0.2 at 20oC and kT=k201.05T-20. Determine the 5-day, 20oC BOD of
the sample.

Waste = 30ml  Doi = 0; before mixing

Dilution water = 270ml  Doi = 10 mg/L; before mixing

Dof (at 7 days) = 4mg/L at T = 30oc

K = 0.2 at 20oc K T  K 201.05T 20


The 5-day, at 20oc BOD of the sample

Solution 
BOD7  BODL 1  e  kt 
K T  K 201.05T 20  0.2(1.05) 3020  0.326 
54  BODL 1  e 0.326*7 
BOD7 
DOi  Dof

10  4
 54mg / L

1  e 0.326*7 
p 30 BODL  60.14mg / L

BOD5  BODL 1  e  k20*5 

BOD5  60.14 1  e 0.2*5 
BOD5  38.02mg / L

7. Drinking water contamination can arise at four different points in the water supply cycle:
at the resource, the treatment stage, during distribution and within the household
pluming system. Study and write a note on the last three sources of water


Treatment stage contamination

Industrial and commercial wastes that are hazardous or that cannot be treated by the
municipal treatment plant must be excluded unless given adequate pretreatment also
to be excluded are synthetic organic wastes and inorganic wastes that interfere with
operation or treatment; are toxic; are ignitable; emit hazardous fumes; damage the
AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 6
Water Treatment Assignments

water treatment plant, pumping stations; endanger personnel; are explosive; pass
through the treatment process; or contaminate sewage sludge.

Toxics of priority concern generally include:-

mercury,cadmium,lead,chromium,copper,zinc,nickel,cyanide,phenol and as well as oil
and grease and possibly cobalt, iron and manganese. In addition, other metals and
numerous organics may be prohibited or regulated.

Distribution system contamination

Once a water supply distribution system is contaminated with untreated water, the
presence of coli form organisms may present for an extended period of time.

A surface water supply or an inadequately filtered water supply may admit into a
distribution system organic matter, minerals, and sediment, including fungi, algae,
macroscopic organisms and microscopic organisms.

These flow through or settle in the mains or become attached and grow inside the
mains when chlorination is marginal or inadequate to destroy them. Suspended matter
and iron deposits will intermingle with and harbor the growth.

Hence, the admission of contaminated water into a distribution system, even for a short
time, will have the effect of inoculating the growth media existing inside the mains with
coli form and other organisms.

Household plumbing system contamination

The main contamination in house hold plumbing systems are corrosion of pipe and
leakage through pipes which is arises from closely buried of water line and sewer line.

Internal pipe corrosion usually occurs in unlined metal distribution system piping and
building plumbing in contact with soft water of low hardness, PH and alkalinity
containing carbon dioxide and oxygen.

In series cases, water heaters are damaged, the flow of water is reduced, the water is
red or rusty where unprotected iron pipe is used, and the inside surface of pipe and
fittings is dissolved, with consequent release of trace amounts of possibly harmful
chemicals and weakening or pitting o f pipe. Dissolved iron may be redeposited as
tubercules with a reduction of pipe diameter and water flow. Biochemical changes
takes place in pipe where iron bacteria such as crenothrix and lepothrix use iron in their

High water velocity, carbondioxide, dissolved solids and high water temperatures
(60 – 66oc) all accelerate corrosion.

AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 7

Water Treatment Assignments

However significant metal leaching9copper, cadmium, zinc and lead) can occur in
home water system served with private wells when the water has high PH and hardness.

Water lines are laid below frost, separated from sewer a minimum horizontal distance
3m and a vertical distance of 0.5m.water lines may be laid closer horizontally in a
separate trench or on an undisturbed shelf with the bottom at least 0.5m above the top
of the sewer line under conditions acceptable to the regulatory agency.

AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 8

Water Treatment Assignments

Assignment 2 - Sedimentation
1. The diameter of particles is 0.1mm of specific gravity 2.5.find the settling velocity of the
particles at 10oc.the kinematic viscosity of water at 10oc is 1.31centistokes.and find the
maximum surface loading rate for removing 0.1 mm particles.(at T = 100c, ρ =


Diameter of particles = 0.1mm = 0.1*10-3 m = 0.01cm

Sg = 2.5

Kinematic viscosity at 10oc = 1.31centistokes = 1.31*10-6m2/sec and ρ = 999Kg/m 3


 Settling velocity of the particles at 10oc

 Max. surface loading rate for removing 0.1mm particles

Using stokes law
gd 2 .s g  1  
9.81 * 0.1 *10 3 * 2.5  1

VS    6.24 *10 3 m / sec

18 18 *1.31 *10 6

Check with the Reynolds number

ud6.24 *10 3 * 0.1 *10 3

Re    0.476  1
 1.31 *10 6

Re < 2 stokes law applies

Max loading rate is obtained when all particles 100% removed

Loading rate for 0.1mm particles is 6.24*10-3m/sec

%eff ..removal   1  VO  VS  6.24 *10 3 m / sec

2. Estimate the terminal settling velocity in water at a temperature of 15 oc of spherical

silicon particles with specific gravity 2.40 and average diameter of (a)0.05mm and (b)
1.0mm (at T = 15oc,ρ = 999kg/m3 and μ = 0.00113Ns/m2)

AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 9

Water Treatment Assignments


Step 1 - Using stokes law equation for (a) at T = 15oc

g  p   d 2 
9.81m / s 2 * 2400  999kg / m 3 * 5 *10 5 m 

VS    0.00169m / sec
18 18 * 0.00113Ns / m 2

Step 2 - Check with the Reynolds number

ud 999 * 0.00169 * 5 *10 5

Re    0.075
 0.00113
Re < 2  stokes law applies

Step 3 - Using stokes law equation for (b)

g  p   d 2 9.81m / s 2 * 2400  999kg / m 3 * 0.001m2
VS    0.676m / sec
18 18 * 0.00113Ns / m 2
Step 4 - Check with the Reynolds number

Assume the irregularities of the particles Φ = 0.85

 ud 0.85 * 999 * 0.676 * 0.001
Re    508
 0.00113
Re >2 , the stokes law does not apply, use the following Eqn. to calculate V

Step 5 - Recalculate Cd and V

Since Re = 508 1 < Re < 104

24 3 24 3
Cd    0.34    0.34  0.52
Re Re 508 508
4 g  p   d 4 * 9.81 * 2400  999 * 0.001
V2  
3C d  3 * 0.52 * 999
V  0.188m / s
Step 6 - Recheck Re
 ud 0.85 * 999 * 0.188 * 0.001
Re    141
 0.00113
Step 7 - Repeat step 5 with new R
24 3 24 3
Cd    0.34    0.34  0.76
Re Re 141 141

4 g  p   d 4 * 9.81 * 2400  999 * 0.001

V2  
3C d  3 * 0.76 * 999
V  0.155m / s

AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 10

Water Treatment Assignments

Step 8 - Recheck Re
 ud 0.85 * 999 * 0.155 * 0.001
Re    116
 0.00113
Step 9 - Repeat step 7 with new R
24 3 24 3
Cd    0.34    0.34  0.72
Re Re 116 116

4 g  p   d 4 * 9.81 * 2400  999 * 0.001

V2  
3C d  3 * 0.72 * 999
V  0.160m / s

Step 10 - Recheck Re
 ud 0.85 * 999 * 0.160 * 0.001
Re    120.23
 0.00113
Step 11 - Repeat step 9 with new R

24 3 24 3
Cd    0.34    0.34  0.813
Re Re 120.23 120.23
4 g  p   d 4 * 9.81 * 2400  999 * 0.001
V2  
3C d  3 * 0.813 * 999
V  0.150m / s

Step 12 - Recheck Re

 ud 0.85 * 999 * 0.150 * 0.001

Re    112.72
 0.00113

Step 13 - Repeat step 11with new R

24 3 24 3
Cd    0.34    0.34  0.835
Re Re 112.72 112.72

4 g  p   d 4 * 9.81 * 2400  999 * 0.001

V2  
3C d  3 * 0.835 * 999
V  0.148m / s
Now V = 0.148m/s ~V=0.150m/s

Therefore the estimated velocity is 0.148m/s

AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 11

Water Treatment Assignments

4. Based on the settling column analysis of discrete particles the following data was
obtained. The samples collected at 120cm depth of column.

Settling time,min 15 30 45 60 90 180

Weight fraction remaining 0.95 0.80 0.60 0.45 0.25 0.05
Calculate the % removal of discrete particles of loading rate of 40 m 3/d/m2.


Settling time,min 15 30 45 60 90 180

Weight fraction remaining 0.95 0.80 0.60 0.45 0.25 0.05
Vt *102 m/mm Vt =d/t = 1.2/t 8.0 4.0 2.67 2.0 1.33 0.67

Loading rate = 40 m3/d/m2 = 2.8 * 10-2 m/min

XO = 62%

Determination of X.Vt by graphical integration

Mass fraction vs. Settling velocity



X,Wt. fraction remaining

0.70 X  0.02

X  0.1
X  0.1
X  0.1
0.30 VO  2.8 *10 2 m / min
X  0.1
X  0.1
X  0.06
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0
X  0.02
Settling Velocity,m/min*10-2

AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 12

Water Treatment Assignments

X.Vt by graphical integration

Overall removal efficiency

X Vt X.Vt
X .Vt
0.02 2.70 0.054 X  1 XO  
0.10 2.40 0.24
0.10 2.00 0.2
X  1  0.62 
0.10 1.70 0.17 2.8
0.10 1.38 0.138 X  0.719 *100
0.10 1.00 0.1 X  71.9%
0.06 0.70 0.042
0.02 0.20 0.004

 X .Vt = 0.948

5. The following test data were gathered to design a settling tank. The initial suspended
solids concentration for the test was 20.0mg/L. Determine the detention time and
overflow rate that will yield 60% removal of suspended solids. The data given are
suspended solids concentration in mg/L.

Time of sampling,min
Depth,*m 10 20 35 50 70 85
0.5 14.0 10.0 7.0 6.2 5.0 4.0
1.0 15.0 13.0 10.6 8.2 7.0 6.0
1.5 15.4 14.2 12.0 10.0 7.8 7.0
2.0 16.0 14.6 12.6 11.0 9.0 8.0
2.5 17.0 15.0 13.0 11.4 10.0 8.8
*Depths from top of column, column depth 2.5m


The removal rate at each depth and time

 
 *100  1   *100  30mg / L
C 14
X ij  1  i
 CO   20 

AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 13

Water Treatment Assignments

Time of sampling,min
Depth,m 10 20 35 50 70 85
0.5 30.0 50.0 65.0 69.0 75.0 80.0
1.0 25.0 35.0 47.0 59.0 65.0 70.0
1.5 23.0 29.0 40.0 50.0 61.0 65.0
2.0 20.0 27.0 37.0 45.0 55.0 60.0
2.5 15.0 25.0 35.0 43.0 50.0 56.0

30 50 65 69 75 80

25 35 47 59 65 70
23 29 40 50 61 65

20 27 37 45 55 60

15 25 35 43 50 60
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 min .
If 60% is removed, then from isoremoval lines,the detention time is obtained by drawing
vertical line in front of 60%.

 Detention time,t = 85 min

d 2.5m
 overflow rate,V =   0.029m / min  2.9 *10 2 m / min
t 85

AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 14

Water Treatment Assignments

6. A water treatment plant has four clarifiers treating 4.0 mgd (0.175m 3/s)of water. Each
clarifier is 4.88m wide,24.4m long and 4.57m deep. Determine

a. The detention time

b. Overflow rate

c. Horizontal velocity and

d. Weir loading rate assuming the weir length is 2.5 times the basin width.


0.175m 3 / s
Q  0.4375m 3 / s
0.04375m 3 / s
a. Overflow rate,VO VO   0.000367m / s
4.88 * 24.4

H 4.57
b. Detention time,θ     12437.92 sec
VO 0.000367

Q 0.04375
c. Horizontal Velocity,VH VH    0.001962m / s
A 4.88 * 4.57

d. Weir Loading rate,qw,

Q 0.04375
qw    0.00359m / s
A 2.5 * 4.88

7. A clarifier with an area of 150m2 treats a flow of 3000m3/d. The water entering the
clarifier contains a substantial number of clay agglomerate with a specific gravity of
1.05 and a diameter of 0.05mm.what percentage of these particles will be removed in
the clarifier?

Q 3000m 3 / d 20
Loading rateVO , Vo   2
 20m / d   2.3148 *10 4 m / s
A 150m 24 * 60 * 60
Assume Kinematic Viscosity,ʋ= 1.31*10-6 m 2/s

Settling velocity of the particle,V S

gd 2 S g  1  
9.81m / s 2 * 0.05 *10 3 m * 1.05  1

Vo    5.2m / s
18 18 *1.31 *10 6 m 2 / s

AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 15

Water Treatment Assignments

Check Re (assume Φ=1)

Vs d 1 * 5.2 *10 5 * 0.05 *10 3

Re    1.985 *10 3
 1.31 *10 6

Re < 2 Stokes law applies

VS 5.2 *10 5
%age of removal efficiency  *100  *100  22.47%
VO 2.3148 *10 4

8. A flow of 1ML/d has to be treated in a sedimentation tank with an overflow rate of

<50m3/d/ a rectangular tank of detention period of 2h and depth of tank is
3m;L: is 3:1.if the water contains 600mg/L of suspended solids and 33% are settle able.
Calculate the volume of sludge storage for 30days cleaning period.


Design of Rectangular tank

H 3 50
VO    1.5m / hr   2.08m / hr  OK!
 2 24

Q 41.667m 3 / hr
AS    27.778m 2
VO 1.5m / hr


AS  L *    L  3 A  3 * 27.778  9.129m  9.2m

B= L/3 = 9.2/3 = 3.07 ~3.10m

 Check detention time

Volume 3 * 9.2 * 3.1

   2.05  OK!
Q 41.667

 Check horizontal Velocity

Q 41.667
Vh    4.48m / hr  18m / hr  OK!
A 3 * 3.1

 Check overflow rate (Surface loading rate)

Q 41.667
Vh    1.46m / hr  2.08m / hr  OK!
A 9.2 * 3.1
AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 16
Water Treatment Assignments

Volume of Sludge storage for 30days cleaning period

For a day ……….106L 1L…….600mg

For A litre………600mg 106L…….X

X  600 *10 6 mg  600kg.of ..suspended..solids

From 600kg of suspended solids, 33% are settle able

* 600  198kg.are..settleable

Assume Sg = 2.5 and ρw =999kg/m3

 S  S g *  w  2.5 * 999  2497.5kg / m3

m 198kg
V   0.079279m 3  79.28L
S 2497.5kg / m 3

For 30 days = 79.28 * 30 = 2378.38 L

AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 17

Water Treatment Assignments

Assignment 3 – Coagulation and Flocculation

1. How much alkalinity (as CaC03) is consumed by a dose of 40 mg/L of each of the
following coagulants: Al2(S04)3 . 14H2O, Fe2(S04)3 , and FeCl3?


For Alum, Al2(S04)3 . 14H2O

Al 2 SO4 3 .14H 2 O  6HCO3  2 Al OH 3  6CO2  14H 2 O  3SO4

 2

Molecular mass of Alum, Al 2(S04)3 . 14H2O= 27 * 2  32 * 3  16 *12  18 *14  594mg

Molecular mass of bicarbonate,6HCO3-= 6 * (1  12  16 * 3  366mg

594mg of Al 2(S04)3 . 14H2O consume 366mg of HCO3-

366 
40mg of Al 2(S04)3 . 14H2O will consume * 40mg  24.65mg..HCO3

Eq.wt..of ..CaCO3
Alkalinity as CaCO3 = 24.65 * 
Eq.wt..of ..HCO3

40  12  16 * 3
Eq.wt..of ..CaCO3   50

 1  12  16 * 3
Eq.wt..of ..HCO3   61

Alkalinity as CaCO3 = 24.65 *  20.2mg / Las..CaCO3

For Fe2(S04)3

Fe2 SO4 3  3CaHCO3   2FeOH 3  3CaSO4  6CO2

Molecular mass Fe2(S04)3 = 56 * 2  32 * 3  16 *12  400mg

Molecular mass,3Ca(HCO3) = 3 * (40  1  12  16 * 3  303mg

400mg of Fe2(S04)3 consume ………..303mg of Ca(HCO3)

* 40mg  30.3mg..CaHCO3 
40mg of Fe2(S04)3 will consume……….

AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 18

Water Treatment Assignments

Eq.wt..of ..CaCO3
Alkalinity as CaCO3 = 30.3 *
Eq.wt..of ..CaHCO3 

40  12  16 * 3
Eq.wt..of ..CaCO3   50

40  1  12  16 * 3
Eq.wt..of ..CaHCO3    50.5

Alkalinity as CaCO3 = 30.3 *  30mg /

For FeCl3

2Fe Cl3  3CaOH 2  3CaCl 2  2Fe(OH ) 2

Molecular mass 2FeCl 3 = 256  35.5 * 3  325mg

Molecular mass,3Ca(OH)2 = 3 * (40  16 * 2  1* 2  222mg

325mg of FeCl3 consume ………..222mg of Ca(OH) 2

* 40mg  27.32mg..CaOH 2
40mg of FeCl 3 will consume……….

Eq.wt..of ..CaCO3
Alkalinity as CaCO3 = 27.32 *
Eq.wt..of ..CaOH 2

40  12  16 * 3
Eq.wt..of ..CaCO3   50

40  16 * 2  2 *1
Eq.wt..of ..CaOH 2   37

Alkalinity as CaCO3 = 27.32 *  36.92mg /

2. Design a square rapid mixing basin for a water treatment plant with a design flow of
8000m3/d. The basin depth is equal to 1.25 times the width. The design velocity gradient
will be 1000 s-l at 15°C and the detention time is to be 30 s. Determine the basin
dimensions, and the input power required.


Q = 8000m3/d , depth,H= 1.25W G =1000/s at T =15 oc detention time,t = 30s

AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 19
Water Treatment Assignments


Basin dimension

8000 3
V  tQ  30 sec* m / s  2.78m 3

Since the basin is square; V =W*W*H = W*W*1.25W

V 2.78
W 3 3  1.31m
1.25 1.25

H = 1.25*W = 1.25 * 1.31 = 1.64m

For basin dimension use,W = 1.31m and H = 1.64m

Input Power

P  G 2 V T(oc) μ (*10-4 N.s/m2)

P  1000 / s  *11.51 *10  4 * 1.31 *1.31 *1.64m 3

2 N .s 10 13
m 15 11.51
P  3239 N .m / s 20 10.02

3. A water treatment plant is processing a flow of 42000 m3/d. The flocculation system
consists of three identical parallel units. A side view of one of the units is shown in the
sketch below. The dimensions of each flocculation unit are 4.5 m wide by 4.5 m deep
by 18.8 m long. The inlet baffle is located 0.3 m from the front wall. Each unit has three
sets of paddles mounted on a horizontal shaft. There are three sets of paddles attached
to the shaft. The first set of paddles has four paddles on each arm (total of eight
paddles) with centers located at 1.9, 1.7, 1.5, and 1.3 m from the shaft. The second set
has three paddles on each arm with centers located at 1.9, 1.7, and 1.5 m from the
shaft, and the third set has two paddles per arm with centers located at 1.9 and 1.5 m
from the shaft. Each paddle is 0.1 m wide and 4.5 m long. The first paddle set is 0.8 m
from the inlet baffle and the paddle set are separated by a distance of 0.8 m. At
temperatures of 2 and 25°c what is the rotational speed of the shaft to achieve a mean
velocity gradient of 20 s-l in a unit? What is the local velocity gradient for each paddle
set? CD = 1.8, k = 0.25.

AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 20

Water Treatment Assignments




Q = 42,000m3/d , L = 18.8m ,W =4.5m, H = 4.5m CD = 1.8

Total No of paddle per unit = 18

Each Paddle size; 0.1mwide & 4.5m long

Mean velocity gradient = 20/s in a unit

D =2*1.9=3.8m


T(oc) μ (*10-4 N. s / m2) ρ (kg/m3)

0 17.53 999.8
2 16.624 999.78
10 13 999.7

20 10.02 998.21
25 8.996 996.955
30 7.972 995.7

AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 21

Water Treatment Assignments

 Rotational speed of the shaft

Volume = 18.8 * 4.5 * 4.5 = 380.7m 3

Power per unit

At T = 2oc ,μ = 16.624*10-4 N.s/m2

P  G 2 V  20 / s  *16.624 *10 4

N .s
* 380.7m 3  253.15 N .m / s


At T = 25oc,μ = 8.996*10-4 N.s/m2

P  G 2 V  20 / s  *16.624 *10 4

N .s
* 380.7m 3  253.15 N .m / s

Angular Velocity of plate,

AP = 0.1 * 4.5*18 = 8.1m 2

At T = 2oc,ρ = 999.78 kg/m3

2P 2 * 253.15
V 3 3  0.326m / sec
C D AP  1.8 * 8.1 * 999.78
Actual speed = 0.326/0.75 = 0.435m/s

m rev 60s
  0.435 * *  2.26..rev / min
s 3.8 * m min

At T = 25oc,ρ = 996.955 kg/m3

2P 2 *136.991
V 3 3  0.266m / sec
C D AP  1.8 * 8.1 * 996.955
Actual speed = 0.266/0.75 = 0.355m/s

m rev 60s
  0.355 * *  1.78.rev / min
s 3.8 * m min

 Local Velocity gradient for each paddle set

At T = 2oc ,μ = 16.624 *10-4 N.s/m2,ρ = 999.78 kg/m3

Paddle with 4 blades

AP = 0.1 * 4.5 * 4 = 1.8 m 2 V= 380.7 m3

AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 22

Water Treatment Assignments

1.8 *1.8 * 999.78 * 0.326 3
P   56 N .m / s
2 2

P 56
G   9.42 / s
V 16.624 *10 4 * 380.7

Paddle with 6 blades

AP = 0.1 * 4.5 * 6 = 2.7 m2 V = 380.7 m3

1.8 * 2.7 * 999.78 * 0.326 3
P   84 N .m / s
2 2

P 84
G   11.52 / s
V 16.624 *10 4 * 380.7

Paddle with 8 blades

AP = 0.1 * 4.5 * 8 = 3.6 m2 V = 380.7 m3

1.8 * 3.6 * 999.78 * 0.326 3
P   112 N .m / s
2 2

P 112
G   13.30 / s
V 16.624 *10 4 * 380.7

At T = 25oc ,μ = 8.996*10-4 N.s/m2,ρ = 996.955 kg/m3

Paddle with 4 blades [AP = 1.8 m2; V=380.7m3]

C A V
1.8 *1.8 * 996.955 * 0.266 3
P D P P   30.4 N .m / s
2 2

P 30.40
G   9.42 / s
V 8.996 *10 4 * 380.7

Paddle with 6 blades [AP = 2.7 m2; V=380.7m3 ]

1.8 * 2.7 * 996.955 * 0.266 3
P   45.56 N .m / s
2 2

P 45.56
G   11.53 / s
V 8.996 *10 4 * 380.7

AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 23

Water Treatment Assignments

Paddle with 8 blades [AP = 3.6 m2; V=380.7m3]

1.8 * 3.6 * 996.955 * 0.266 3
P   60.79 N .m / s
2 2

P 60.79
G   13.32 / s
V 8.996 *10 4 * 380.7

Remark: As we have seen from the above calcuation, velocity gradient at different of
water temperature is the same.

4. A flocculation basin designed to treat 50,000 m3/d of water is 21 m long, 15 m wide and
3.60 m deep. The paddle-wheel units consist of four horizontal shafts that rotate at 4
rpm. The shafts are located perpendicular to the direction of flow at mid-depth of the
basin. Each shaft is equipped with four paddle wheels 3 m in diameter and each wheel
has four blades3.30 m long and 150 mm wide with two blades located on each side of
the wheel.

The blades are 300 mm apart. Assume the water velocity to be 30% of the velocity of
the paddles and that the water temperature is 10 oc. Determine:

a. The power input to the water

b. The velocity gradient

c. The retention time

d. The Gt value


 Q = 50,000 m 3/d ; ω = 4 rev./min. L = 21m W = 15m h = 3.60m

 Four horizontal shafts contain four paddle wheels 3m in diameter and each paddle
contains 4 blades.
 Assume the water velocity to be 30% of the velocity of the paddles
 Water temperature is 10oc
 Size of the blade = (0.15 x 3.30)m
 CD = 1.8 , for rectangular basin


a. The power input to the water (at T =10oc ,μ = 13 *10-4 N.s/m2)

AP  4shaft * 4wheel * 4blades * (0.15 * 3.30)  31.68m 2

AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 24

Water Treatment Assignments

Paddle velocity

*    * 3  0.15
m m rev
VP  D *4  35.81m / min  0.597m / sec
rev rev min

Velocity of the paddle tip

VP = 0.3 * 0.597 = 0.179 m/s

C D AP VP 1.8 * 31.68 * 999.7 * 0.179

3 3
P   163.48 N .m / s
2 2

b. The velocity gradient ( Volume = 21 * 15 * 3.6 = 1134 m/s )

P 163.48
G   10.54 / s
V 13 *10 4 *1134

c. The retention time

V 1134
t   0.02268day * 24 * 60 * 60  1959.552 sec
Q 50,000

d. The GT value
o Assume the basin divides into four compartment
o Gm ean   2.64 / sec

GT = Gmean * t = 2.64 * 1959.552 = 5,173.22

5. The population of a town is 100,000 and the average per capita demand is
135litres/day/capita. Design the coagulation and sedimentation tank for supplying
water to the town. The maximum demand may be taken as 1.5 times the average
demand. Detention period is 5 hours for settling tank and 30 minutes for flocculent
chamber. Flow rate is 900 litres/hour/m2 of plain area.


o No of population = 100,000
o Avg.per capital demand = 135 l/d/capital
o Max. demand = 1.5 * Avg. demand
o Detention period, t = 5hr, for settling tank

t = 30min, for flocculent chamber

o Flow rate = 900 lt/hr/m 2 = 21.6 m/d

AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 25

Water Treatment Assignments


Qday.avg  1.35 * 100,000  13,500,000lit / day

Qmax  1.5 *13,500,000  20,250,000lit / day  20,250m 3 / day

Design of Sedimentation tank

Since max.demad = 20,250m3/day LargeDivide the tank into two

Qmax 20250
AS    937.5m 2  938m 2
VO 21.6

Divide the tank into two

AS   469m 2

m 5
H  VO t  21.6 * d  4.5m
d 24

Assume L : B = 3 : 1 A = L2/3

L  3 A  3 * 469  37.5m

B = L/3 = 37.5/3 = 12.5 m

The size of the tank


Check detention time

Volume 37.5 * 12.5 * 4.5 5

t   0.208day   0.208  OK!
Q 20250 24

Check horizontal velocity

Q 10125
Vh    180m / day  7.5m / hr  18m / hr  OK!
AX 4.5 *12.5

Check overflow rate(water loading)

Q 10125
VO    810m 3 / day / m  33.75m 3 / hr / m  not..OK!
B 12.5

AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 26

Water Treatment Assignments

Increase the weir length, take 248m3/m/d ~250m3/m/d

Lw   40.5m

Provide 40 @ 5m launders 3m long

Design of coagulation tank

20250m 3
V  Qt  * 30 min  421.88m 3
1440 min

Assume it is a square basin and depth = 1.25 * basin width

(W)(W)(1.25W) = 421.88 m 3

W 3  421.88m 3

The depth of the basin, H = 1.25 * 6.96 = 8.35m

Use W = 6.96m and H = 8.35 m

6. The water works of a city treats 50 million litres/day of water in a coagulation

sedimentation tank. The quantity of alum consumed is 15 mg/litres of water. If the
alkalinity of raw water is equivalent to 1.0 mg/litre of CaCO 3, determine the
quantity of alum and quick lime (containing 80% CaO) required per month by water


o Q = 50,000,000 lit/day =50,000 m3

o Quantity of Alum consumed = 15 mg/lit
o Alkalinity of raw water = 1 mg/lit of CaCO3


Quantity of alum = 15 mg/lit = 0.015kg/m3

1m 3…………….0.015kg 1mg/L of Alum neutralize 0.5mg/L of alkalinity

50,000 m 3………? 15mg/L of Alum will neutralize 7.5mg of alkalinity

kg m3 d
Quantity of alum per month = 0.015 3
* 50000 * 30  22500kg / mon
m d mon.

AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 27

Water Treatment Assignments

The alkalinity of raw water is limited to 1mg/lit of Caco3 ,thus alkalinity increases is

7.5 – 1 =6.5 mg/L as Ca Co3

Eq.wt..of ..CaCO3
Alkalinity as CaCO3 = Xmg / l..CaOH 2 *
Eq.wt..of ..CaOH 2

40  12  16 * 3
Eq.wt..of ..CaCO3   50

40  16 * 2  2 *1
Eq.wt..of ..CaOH 2   37

6.5mg/L as CaCO3 = X mg / l..CaOH 2 *


X = 4.81 mg/L Ca(OH)2

Ca(OH)2 contains 80% of CaO(quick lime)

Quantity of quick lime = 80/100 * 4.81 = 3.848 mg/L = 3.848*10-3 kg/m3

3 kg m3 d
Quantity of quick lime per month = 3.848 *10 3
* 50000 * 30  5772kg / mon
m d mon.

AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 28

Water Treatment Assignments

Assignment 4 - Filtration and Softening

1. A dual medium filter is composed of 0.3m anthracite (mean size of 2.0mm) that is
placed over a 0.6m layer of sand (mean size of 0.7mm)with filtration rate of 9.78m/h.
assume the grain sphericity is Φ = 0.75 and a porosity for both is 0.40.estimate the head
loss of the filter at 15oc.


For Anthracite For sand

Mean size = 2.0mm = 0.002m = d Mean size = 0.7mm = 0.0007m = d

D = 0.3m For both D = 0.6m

Filtration rate = 9.78 m/hr = 0.00272 m/s

Grain Sphericity,Φ = 0.75

Porosity,ε = 0.40


Estimate the head loss of the filter at 15oc.


Head loss for Anthracite Interpolation data

dVa 0.75 * 0.00272 * 0.002

Re    3.54 T(oc) ʋ (*10-6 m2/s)
 1.152 *10 6
10 1.3
15 1.152
20 1.004

Since Re >1  therefore use the following formula to compute drag force coefficient, CD

24 3 24 3
CD    0.34    0.34  8.714
R R 3.54 3.54

1.067(Va ) 2 ( D)C D 
hL 
 g  4 d 
1.067 * 0.00272  * 0.30 * 8.714
hL 
0.75 * 9.81 * 0.40 * 0.002

hL  0.0548m

AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 29

Water Treatment Assignments

Head loss for sand

dVa 0.75 * 0.00272 * 0.0007

Re    1.24
 1.152 *10 6

24 3 24 3
CD    0.34    0.34  22.389
R R 1.24 1.24

1.067(Va ) 2 ( D)C D 
hL 
 g  4 d 
1.067 * 0.00272 * 0.60 * 22.389
hL 
0.75 * 9.81 * 0.40 * 0.002 * 0.0007

hL  0.804m

Total Head Loss = hL for Anthracite + hL for Sand

= 0.0548 + 0.804

= 0.859m

2. Using the same data given in problem 1, except the average size if sand is not given.
From sieve analysis, d10 = 0.53mm, d30 = 0.67mm, d50 = 0.8mm, and d90 =
0.86mm,estimate the head of a 0.6m sand filter at 15oc.

Given: From the above given data for sand

D = 0.6m, Φ = 0.75, Va = 0.00272m/s ε = 0.40 and at =15oc ,ʊ = 1.152*10-6m2/s


 * Va * d
Re 

For d90,d70,d50 and d30 (Re>1) For d10 (Re>1)

24 3 24
CD    0.34 CD 

AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 30

Water Treatment Assignments

CD  f 
% passing
Retained d,m Re CD
 d
d90 90 10 10 0.00086 1.52292 18.53022 2154.677209
d70 70 30 20 0.00080 1.41667 19.80168 4950.420155
d50 50 50 20 0.00073 1.29271 21.54426 5902.536215
d30 30 70 20 0.00067 1.18646 23.32247 6961.930587
d10 10 90 20 0.00053 0.93854 25.57159 9649.655519
Total sum 29,619.22
1.067(Va ) ( D) n
C D  f 
hL 
 g   i 1 d
4 
1.067 * 0.00272 * 0.60
hL  * 29,619.22
0.75 * 9.81 * 0.40

hL  0.745m

3. Water is being filtered in 0.8m deep sand filter having a porosity of 0.35 at rate of 9m/h.
determine the depth of expanded bed and velocity of backwashing if the porosity of
expanded bed is to be 0.7.if it is going to be backwashed for 12minutes,what is the
quantity of water required for single back washing?


D = 0.8m, ε = 0.35, filtration rate = 9m/h =0.0025m/s = V a εe = 0.7


Expanded depth
De  1.   D 
i 1 1   e

 1 
De  1  0.350.8 
 1  0.7 
De  1.733m

Back washing velocity

o Assume laminar flow and Vs = Va = 0.0025 m/s

AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 31

Water Treatment Assignments

V 
 e   b 
 VS 
 0.122   0.122 
 VP    e VS    0.7  * 0.0025  0.000494m / s
   

Quantity of water required for single back washing

Assume the maximum surface area per filter = 50m 2

For uniform flow [continuity eqn.] Q =AV

Q  AVb  50 * 0.000494  0.0247m3 / s

Volume..of ..water  Qt  0.0247 *12 * 60  17.784m3

4. A sand filter is to be designed for new water treatment plant.A sieve analysis of the local
sand is given below. Using the sand analysis,find the effective size E,and uniformity
coefficient U.

Standard Sieve No. Analysis of stock sand

Cumulative mass % passing
140 0.2
100 0.9
70 4
50 9.9
40 21.8
30 39.4
20 59.8
16 74.5
12 91.5
8 96.8
6 99

AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 32

Water Treatment Assignments


Plot the cumulative frequency distribution as shown on the graph below

Standard Sieve Astm size Analysis of stock sand

No. (mm) Cumulative mass % passing
140 0.106 0.2
100 0.15 0.9
70 0.212 4
50 0.3 9.9
40 0.425 21.8
30 0.6 39.4
20 0.85 59.8
16 1.18 74.4
12 2.18 91.5
8 2.36 96.8
6 3.56 99

Particle Size distribution Curve

70 y = 33.53ln(x) + 61.56
Percentage finer in %

0.1 1 10
Particle size in mm

AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 33

Water Treatment Assignments

From Equation of the graph:

 y 61.56 
 
xe  33.53 

At y=10  X = 0.215mm  P10 = 0.215mm

At y=10  X = 0.955mm  P60 = 0.955mm

 Effective Size,E = P10 = 0.215mm

P 60 0.955
 Uniformity Coefficient,U =   4.442
P10 0.215

5. The rapid sand filter is designed for a certain town as a characteristics and sieve
analysis shown below. Using the rose equation, determine the head loss for the clean
filter bed in a stratified condition.

Depth = 0.60m Standard Mass percent

sieve no retained
Filtration rate = 120m3/d/m2
8 - 12 0.01
Sand specific gravity = 2.50 12 - 16 0.39
Shape factor = 0.80 16 - 20 5.7
20 - 30 25.9
Stratified bed porosity = 0.42
30 - 40 44
Water temperature = 19oc 40 - 50 20.2
50 - 70 3.7
70 - 100 0.1
Interpolation data

120m 3 / d .m 2 ρw(Kg/m3)
Va   0.00139m / sec T(oc) ʋ (*10-6 m2/s)
86400s / d 999.70
10 1.3
19 1.0336 998.359
Sample calculation for standard sieve no 8 - 12
20 1.004 998.21
 * d * Va 0.80 * 0.002 * 0.00139
Re    2.152
 1.0336 *10 6

Since Re >1  there fore use the following formula to compute drag coefficient, CD,from
the table shown below sieve no 12-16 and 16-20 are also calculated with this formula.

AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 34

Water Treatment Assignments

24 3 24 3
CD    0.34    0.34  13.5391
R R 2.152 2.152

(C D )( f ) 13.53740.0001
  0.6769
d 0.002

Sample calculation for standard sieve no 20-30

 * d * Va 0.80 * 0.000714 * 0.00139

Re    0.7682
 1.0336 *10 6

Since Re < 1  there fore use the following formula to compute drag coefficient,
CD,from the table shown below sieve no 30-40,40-50,50-70 and 70-100 are also
calculated with this formula.

24 24
CD    31.244
R 0.7682

CD  f 
Standard Mass percent  d
sieve no retained d(m) Re CD
8 - 12 0.01 0.002 2.15170 13.53913 0.676956507
12 - 16 0.39 0.00142 1.52771 18.47697 50.74661465
16 - 20 5.7 0.001 1.07585 25.54023 1455.792853
20 - 30 25.9 0.000714 0.76816 31.24358 11333.45425
30 - 40 44 0.000505 0.54330 44.17409 38488.31297
40 - 50 20.2 0.000357 0.38408 62.48715 35356.87656
50 - 70 3.7 0.000252 0.27111 88.52347 12997.49316
70 - 100 0.1 0.000178 0.19150 125.32536 704.0750432
Total sum 100,387.43
Total Head loss

1.067(Va ) 2 ( D) n
C D  f 
hL  
 g   i 1 d

1.067 * 0.00139 * 0.60

hL  * 100,387.43
0.8 * 9.81 * 0.42

hL  0.5085m

AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 35

Water Treatment Assignments

6. Determine the height of the expanded depth for the sand used in problem 5, if the back
wash rate is 100m/d.


Back wash rate T(oc) ʋ (*10-6 m2/s) ρw(Kg/m3)

10 1.3 999.70
100m / d
Vb   0.001157m / sec 19 1.0336 998.359
86400s / d 998.21
20 1.004
 Col. 2 and 3 ,estimated from the graph
24 3
 Col.4 , C D    0.34
Re Re
4 2650  998.359 9.81 * d
 Col.5, Vs  * *
3 998.359 CD
 Col.6 , f 
VS * d
 Col.7 , Re 
1.0336 *10 6
 Col.8 , 0.2247 * ( Re )

0.2247* Re 0.1
 Vp 
 Col.9,  e   
 VS 
 Col.10,
1   e 

Estimated Reynolds Fraction Reynolds Expanded
d,m Vs no CD Vs ,m/s retained no Exponent porosity,εe f/(1-εe)

Col.1 col.2 col.3 Col.4 Col.5 Col.6 Col.7 Col.8 Col.9 Col.10

0.002 0.3 376.43 0.56 0.27840 0.0001 538.698 0.421 0.099 0.000
0.00142 0.2 178.18 0.70 0.20960 0.0039 287.954 0.396 0.128 0.004
0.001 0.15 94.11 0.90 0.15469 0.057 149.664 0.371 0.163 0.068
0.000714 0.1 44.8 1.32 0.10803 0.259 74.625 0.346 0.208 0.327
0.000505 0.07 22.18 2.06 0.07285 0.44 35.593 0.321 0.264 0.598
0.000357 0.05 11.2 3.38 0.04781 0.202 16.514 0.297 0.331 0.302
0.000252 0.03 4.74 6.78 0.02836 0.037 6.914 0.273 0.418 0.064
0.000178 0.02 2.23 13.11 0.01714 0.001 2.952 0.250 0.509 0.002
Total sum 1.37

AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 36

Water Treatment Assignments

Expanded depth

De  1.   D 
i 1 1   e

De  1  0.420.61.37 
De  0.477m  0.5m

7. Given the following analysis of ground water,construct a bar chart of the constituents
expressed as Ca Co3 (41 – 120)

Ion mg/L as ion EW Ca CO3/EW ion a mg/L as CaCO3

Ca 2+ 103 2.5 258
Mg2+ 5.5 4.12 23
Na+ 16 2.18 35
HCO3- 255 0.82 209
SO42- 49 1.04 51
Cl - 37 1.41 52


Bar chart

0 258 281 316

Ca2+ Mg2+ Na+


HCO3 SO42- Cl-


0 209 261 312

AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 37

Water Treatment Assignments

8. From the water analysis presented below, determine the amount of lime and soda (in
mg/L as CaCO3) necessary to soften the water to 90.00 mg/L hardness as CaCO 3.

water Composition in mg/L

Ca2+ : 149.20 CO2 : 29.3 HCO3- :185.0

Mg2+ : 65.8 SO42- : 29.8
Na+ : 17.4 Cl - : 17.6


Convert the elements and compounds to CaCo3 equivalents

Ion mg/L as ion EW Ca CO3/EW ion mg/L as CaCO3

Ca 2+ 149.2 2.5 373.00

Mg2+ 65.8 4.12 271.10
Na+ 17.4 2.18 37.93
HCO3- 185 0.82 151.70
SO42- 29.8 1.04 30.99
Cl- 17.6 1.41 24.82
CO2 29.3 2.27 66.51

Bar Chart

66.51 0 373 644.10 682.03

Ca2+ Mg2+ Na+

CO2 +

HCO3 SO42- Cl-


66.51 0 151.70 182.69 207.51


From the chart

 Total Hardness(TH) = 644.10mg/L

 The carbonate Hardness (CH) = 151.70mg/L
 The non-carbonate Hardness(NCH) = TH – CH = 644.10 – 151.70 = 492.40mg/L

AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 38

Water Treatment Assignments

Chemical addition Dose(mg/L as CaCO3)

Lime = CO2 66.51
Lime = HCO3- 151.7
Lime = Mg2+ - 40 = 271.10 - 40 231.10
Lime = excess 40
Total Lime Required 489.31

 NCH needed to be removed

o NCH left = Final Hardness – CHleft due limitation
o NCHf = 90 – 45 = 45mg/L may be left
 NCH removed = NCHinitial - NCHleft = 492.40 – 45 = 447.40 mg/L
Soda to be added is 447.40 mg/L as CaCO3

AAIT,Civil Engineering Department 39

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