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6, JUNE 2008

A Novel Compact Spiral Electromagnetic Band-Gap

(EBG) Structure
Qiu-Rong Zheng, Yun-Qi Fu, and Nai-Chang Yuan

Abstract—A novel compact electromagnetic band-gap (EBG) patch is more complicated than other EBGs although it is more
structure in a spiral shape is presented and investigated. This compact in size. The spiral structure significantly enlarges the
structure significantly enlarges the capacitance between neigh- capacitance between the neighboring elements. To describe the
boring elements. The simulations and experimental results have
proved that the size of the spiral structure is only 30.9% of the
performance of this new structure, we compare it to Sieven-
conventional EBG structure. Two applications have been shown, piper’s single-layered EBG structure. There are other overlap-
including patch antenna with the spiral EBG structure and a ping patch geometries that have achieved more capacitance per
double-element microstrip antenna array with low mutual cou- square unit than the spiral structure, but these overlapping con-
pling. The measured results show that a gain improvement over structs require another printed circuit board layer, resulting in
3 dB and a significant reduction of cross polarization in H-plane greater fabrication cost and complexity. As an example a patch
are obtained. A 6 dB reduction of mutual coupling is achieved in a
double-element EBG microstrip antenna array. antenna with the spiral EBG is described and results presented.
The measured results reveal that the spiral EBG structure can
Index Terms—Cross-polarization, electromagnetic band-gap significantly improve the patch antenna’s performance. The an-
(EBG), patch antenna, radiation pattern, surface wave.
tenna gain is increased, the cross polarization of H-plane pattern
is reduced significantly and the pattern becomes smooth. The
I. INTRODUCTION mutual coupling between antenna elements is reduced also.

I N RECENT years, there has been significant interest in in-

vestigating electromagnetic band-gap (EBG) structures, and
varieties of EBG structure have been proposed for application in
The conventional EBG structure has a wide band-gap and
electromagnetic and antenna community [1]–[9]. As early EBG compact nature [10], [11]. The inductor results from the cur-
lattice periods were half-wavelength at the center band-gap fre- rent flowing through the connecting via. The gap between the
quency, practical applications of EBG structures had difficulties conductor edges of two adjacent cells introduces equivalent ca-
in accommodating their physical sizes. So, realizing compact pacitance . Thus a two dimensional periodic LC network is
EBG structures become an important requirement. Recently, the realized which results in the frequency band-gap and the center
high impedance ground plane (HIGP) was proposed by Sieven- frequency of the band-gap is determined by the formula
piper et al. [3]. Compared with other EBG structures, such as
with rods and holes, this structure has the important feature
of compactness [10]. However, in some practical applications, (1)
such as in antenna array, the spacing of neighboring antenna
element has to be less than a half wavelength of operating fre- From (1), it can be seen that in order to achieve an even more
quency, the Sievenpiper’s EBG structure is still too large to be compact EBG structure, the equivalent capacitance and in-
used in an antenna. Here, we propose a novel EBG structure, ductance should be increased. But in the EBG design pro-
which can be considered an extension of Sievenpiper’s EBG cedure, if the dielectric material and its thickness have been
structure, and report its application in the antenna field. We refer chosen, the inductance cannot be altered. Therefore, only the
to this structure as the spiral EBG. capacitance can be enlarged. For the conventional EBG struc-
The spiral EBG structure consists of four parts, which are: 1) ture shown in Fig. 1, the lateral length of the patch element
spiral-like metal patch; 2) a ground plane; 3) a dielectric sub- verges on adjacent cells allowing the equivalent capacitance
strate; and 4) connecting via. The structure of spiral-like metal to increase, whereas the area of the patch has not been utilized.
The novel spiral EBG structure shown in Fig. 2 makes better
Manuscript received September 12, 2006; revised January 20, 2007. This use of the patch area to increase the capacitance. The dark color
work was supported in part by the Natural Science Foundation of China under parts in this figure represent the metallic periodic structure,
Contract 60401011.
Q.-R. Zheng was with College of Electronic Science and Engineering, which is etched on a dielectric substrate. It can be considered as
National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China. He is a distorted conventional EBG structure. The length of adjacent
now with the Air Force Engineering University, Xi’an 710038, China (e-mail: edges increased in a spiral manner as shown in Fig. 2(b).
Y.-Q. Fu is with the College of Electronic Science and Engineering, National
The unit cell is bounded by a dash line. There are only four
University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China. microstrip lines in the structure, such that the space in the
N.-C. Yuan is with Department of Electronic Science and Technology, Na- center area of the patch has been utilized efficiently. Increasing
tional University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
the length of microstrip will increase the capacitance. This
at compact EBG structure will work also at a lower frequency
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2008.923305 than Sievenpiper’s EBG structure which usually is a larger size.
0018-926X/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE

Fig. 1. Conventional EBG structure (a) top view and (b) side view.

Fig. 2. Novel spiral-like EBG structure (a) top view and (b) structure of capac-
Fig. 3. Dispersion diagram of EBG structure (a) spiral (b) conventional.

band-gaps are evident for both cases. The frequency range of

To verify the properties of the proposed spiral EBG structure, , which is dB lower than the maximum of transmission
a novel EBG structure and a conventional EBG structure that coefficient in TM polarization surface wave, extends from 3.06
operate at the same center frequency are designed for compar- to 3.47 GHz for spiral EBG structure and the conventional struc-
ison. These periodic cells are printed on a dielectric slab with ture is from 3.08 to 3.58 GHz. The band-gap of spiral structure
permittivity and thickness mm. For the spiral is narrower than that of the conventional structure. The reason is
EBG structure, the element parameters are chosen as follows: that the capacitance of spiral structure is much larger than that
the periodic spacing is mm, the gap between neigh- of the conventional structure.
boring elements is mm, the width of microstrip line is Various spiral EBG cases with different microstrip length
mm, the length of microstrip line is mm. The are fabricated and measured to investigate the effect of the mi-
radius of the via is mm. For the conventional EBG struc- crostrip length. The gap width, substrate permittivity and thick-
ture, the element parameters are as follows: the periodic spacing ness were kept the same as in the previous case. We fabricated
is mm, the gap between neighboring elements is two spiral EBG structures with microstrip lengths 9.7 mm and
mm. The radius of via is also chosen as mm. 20.7 mm. The measured results are shown in Fig. 5. For the
The cell size of spiral EBG structure is only 30.9% of the con- shorter 9.7 mm long strip, the central frequency is at 3.55 GHz.
ventional one. When the strip is 20.7 mm long and the strip width is narrowed
The simulation is conducted using HFSS. The dispersion to 0.23 mm, the central frequency is 2.3 GHz. By adjusting the
diagrams of the two EBG structure are shown in Fig. 3. We length of the strip, the central frequency of band-gap can be
observe a complete frequency band-gap between the first and varied over a wide frequency range. This tunable feature should
second mode in both cases. For the spiral EBG structure shown make the spiral EBG structure useful in practical applications.
in Fig. 3(a), the band-gap is centered at 3.25 GHz and spans the One EBG structure can be used in a series of band-gaps without
frequencies from 3.01 to 3.44 GHz; while for the conventional changing the periodic length.
EBG structure shown in Fig. 3(b), the band-gap is a little wider
and spans the frequency range 2.87 to 3.61 GHz. III. APPLICATION TO PATCH ANTENNAS
To further investigate the properties of new spiral EBG struc-
ture, a 6 6 spiral array and a conventional EBG structure array A. Patch Antenna Performance Improvement
have been fabricated and measured. The monopole method [2] is Surface waves can be excited on a patch antenna and they
applied to measure the band-gap characteristics of the two EBG deteriorate the antenna’s performance. When the surface waves
structures. The measured results are shown in Fig. 4. The trans- meet the edges and corners of the finite ground plane, they ra-
mission coefficient is presented for comparison. In Fig. 4, diate from these places due to the discontinuity of the medium.

Fig. 5. Measured results of transmission coefficient of two spiral EBG struc-

tures with different strip length (a) 9.7 mm and (b) 20.7 mm.
Fig. 4. Measured results of transmission coefficient of the EBG structure (a)
spiral and (b) conventional.
a maximum ripple of approximately dB at the direction
of occurs in the E-plane, for patch antenna with spiral
The combined radiation of the radiating patch and the ground EBG the ripple at the same angle drops to approximately 0.5
plane edges interferes to form a series of multipath lobes and dB, an improvement of 7 dB. In addition, between the angles of
nulls at various angles. In order to demonstrate the usefulness of and , the radiation level decreases 8 dB at least.
the new spiral EBG, we fabricate two shorted patch antennas as The H-plane pattern [Fig. 7(b)] also becomes smoother, and the
shown in Fig. 6. The patch dimensions are 15.3 15 mm and the back lobe is reduced slightly. Finally, the gain of the main lobe
antenna is designed to operate at 3.25 GHz on a 2-mm-thick sub- shows a 4 dB improvement.
strate with the relative permittivity of 2.65. One shorted patch The H-plane cross polarization levels for the ordinary shorted
antenna has been manufactured with a spiral EBG surrounding patch antenna shown in Fig. 8 are extremely high, which is pro-
it while the other has no spiral structure. At the same time, a duced by the discontinuity of the shorting pins and is common
space (6.5 mm) was provided between the patch and the EBG for the shorted patch antenna [12]. With the spiral EBG struc-
element in order to lower the coupling between them. The con- ture, the H-plane cross-polarization decrease is very obvious. In
ventional EBG structure is too large to include with the patch the worst case, in the direction of , the cross polarization
antenna. level decrease is 7.5 dB. Also at the peak cross-polar level of
As shown in Fig. 7, the conventional patch antenna has some the normal patch, the cross polar level has been decreased by 20
ripples in the E-plane pattern, while the patch antenna with dB.
spiral EBG has a much smoother radiation pattern and the pat-
tern becomes symmetrical and narrow. It indicates that in the B. Mutual Coupling Reduction
latter case surface waves are suppressed, and diffractions at the The surface wave plays a dominant role in the mutual
boundaries of the finite size ground plane are reduced. The sur- coupling between the antenna array elements. Since the EBG
face wave improvement is most evident in the E-plane pattern, structure has the ability to suppress surface waves, three
where the large ripple has been removed [Fig. 7(a)], producing columns of spiral-like EBG structure are inserted between
a more pronounced pattern. For the conventional patch antenna, two coupled patch antennas to reduce the mutual coupling, as

Fig. 8. Measured cross-polarization of H-plane.

Fig. 6. Photograph of (a) conventional shorted patch antenna and (b) proposed
spiral EBG shorted patch antenna.

Fig. 9. Photograph of two patch antenna structures: with and without spiral

Fig. 10. Comparison of mutual coupling using different patch antenna struc-
tures: with and without spiral- like EBG.

results are shown in Fig. 10. Without the EBG structure a strong
mutual coupling of dB occurs between the antennas.
When the EBG is employed, a 6 dB mutual coupling reduction
is achieved at 3.25 GHz. This comparison demonstrates the
capability of the spiral-like EBG structure to reduce mutual
Fig. 7. Measured radiation pattern (a) E-plane and (b) H-plane.
The improvements shown in Figs. 7(a), 7(b), 8, and 10, are
very significant in lowering the mutual coupling between an-
shown in Fig. 9. The dimensions of the antenna element and tenna elements and improving the directivity of the antenna
EBG cell are the same as those in Fig. 6(b). The distance be- array.
tween the centers of the two antennas is 44.8 mm less than half
the operating wavelength. If the conventional EBG structure IV. CONCLUSION
is employed, only one element can be inserted between the In this paper, a novel compact EBG structure in a spiral shape
two coupled antennas because of its large size. The measured is investigated. The simulations and experimental results have

shown that the structure leads to compact antennas. The period [10] F. Yang and Y. Rahmat-Samii, “Microstrip antennas integrated with
size of the spiral structure is only 0.06 at the desired band-gap electromagnetic band-gap structures: A low mutual coupling design for
array applications,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 51, no. 10, pp.
frequency. Two examples were presented and showed the ad- 2936–2946, Oct. 2003.
vantages of the new structure. These were a patch antenna with [11] M. Rahman and M. A. Stuchly, “Circularly polarized patch antenna
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tenna array. Compared to a conventional patch antenna of the [12] R. B. Waterhouse, S. D. Targonski, and D. M. Kokotoff, “Design and
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[13] W.-K. Chen, Linear Networks and Systems. Belmont, CA:
tern and lower mutual coupling. The antenna gain is increased, Wadsworth, 1993, pp. 123–135.
the cross polarization of H-plane is reduced significantly and
the pattern becomes smooth. A 6 dB reduction of mutual cou- Qiu-Rong Zheng was born in Fujian, China, on
November 10, 1973. He received the M.S. and
pling was achieved in a double-element EBG microstrip antenna Ph.D. degrees from National University of Defense
array. The improvements demonstrated with the new spiral EBG Technology, Changsha, China, in 2003 and 2007,
structure should provide a strong foundation for designing fu- respectively.
He is now working at the Air Force Engineering
ture EBG phased antenna arrays. University, Xi’an, China. His research interests in-
clude electromagnetic band-gap materials, computa-
tional electromagnetics, micro-strip antenna, and slot
antenna array.
[1] E. Yablonovitch, “Photonic band-gap structure,” J. Opt. Soc. Amer. B,
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[2] D. Sievenpiper, L. J. Zhang, R. F. J. Broas, N. G. Alexopolous, and Yun-Qi Fu was born in Tianjin, China, in 1975. He
E. Yablonovitch, “High-impedance electromagnetic surfaces in a for- received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the Na-
bidden frequency band,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 47, tional University of Defense Technology, Changsha,
no. 11, pp. 2059–2074, 1999. China, in 2000 and 2004, respectively.
[3] Y. Qian, R. Coccioli, D. Sievenpiper, V. Radisic, E. Yablonovitch, His research interests include computational elec-
and T. Itoh, “Micro-strip patch antenna using novel photonic band-gap tromagnetic and EBG structure. He is also interested
structures,” Microw. J., vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 66–67, 1999. in the analysis of frequency selective surfaces, and
[4] F. Yang, K. Ma, Y. Qian, and T. Itoh, “A uniplanar compact photonic micro-strip antenna.
bandgap (UC-PBG) substrate and its applications for microwave
circuits,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 47, no. 11, pp.
1509–1514, 1999.
[5] F. Yang, K. Ma, Y. Qian, and T. Itoh, “A novel TEM waveguide using
uniplanar compact photonic-bandgap (UC-PBG) structure,” IEEE
Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 47, no. 11, pp. 2092–2097, 1999.
[6] M. F. Abedin and M. Ali, “Effects of a smaller Unit cell planar EBG Nai-Chang Yuan was born in Anhui, China in 1965.
structure on the mutual coupling of a printed dipole array,” IEEE An- He received the M.S. degree and the Ph.D. degree in
tennas Wireless Propag. Lett., vol. 4, pp. 274–276, 2005. microwave theory and techniques from the Univer-
[7] O. IsiK, Y. Ge, and K. Esselle, “Novel spiral EBG structure,” in Proc. sity of Electronic Science and Technology of China
12th In. Symp. Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics (UESTC), Chengdu, in 1991 and 1994, respectively.
(ANTEM), Montreal, Canada, Jul. 16–19, 2006, pp. 561–564. Previously, he was with the Department of Elec-
[8] F. Q. Shan and B. X. Gao, “Novel compact photonic bandgap struc- tronic Technology. He is currently a Professor and
tures using rectangular increasing distance spiral slots,” Microw. Op- the Head of the Department of Electronic Science
tical Technol. Lett., vol. 43, no. 6, pp. 537–539, 2004. and Technology, National University of Defense
[9] S. Rogers, W. McKinzie, and G. Mendolia, “AMCs comprised of Technology, Changsha, China. His research interests
interdigital capacitor FSS layers enable lower cost applications,” in are in microwave circuits and antennas, ultrawide
Proc. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Int. Symp., Jul. 2003, band technology, electromagnetic scattering and electromagnetic bandgap
pp. 22–27. materials

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