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-Bolaños Ccopa ,Rony
-Cornejo Pillco ,Javier Jail
-Povea Palomino ,Angel
-Mamani Ccanahuire, Lalo Leonel
-Corahua Valencia ,Omar Daniel


En el presente trabajo encontraremos los Objetivos, Campo Ocupacional, Plan
de Estudios y otros aspectos de la Carrera Profesional de CIENCIAS DE LA
COMPUTACIÓN en las distintas universidades del mundo.

Palabras Clave:
Computer science, engineering,computing,architecture,model,design,technology,

1 INTRODUCCIÓN plejidad computacional) se relacio-

nan con propiedades de los algorit-
En cuanto a las ciencias de la com- mos usados al realizar cómputos y
putacion de refiere existen diver- otros se enfocan en los problemas
sos campos o disciplinas, algunos que requieren la implementación de
resaltan los resultados especı́ficos cómputos. Por ejemplo, los estu-
del cómputo (como los gráficos dios de la teorı́a de lenguajes de pro-
por computadora), mientras que gramación describen un cómputo,
otros (como la teorı́a de la com- mientras que la programación de
computadoras aplica lenguajes de neering that form the basis for the
programación especı́ficos para de- design and use of computers. It
sarrollar una solución a un prob- is the scientific and practical ap-
lema computacional especı́fico. Por proach to computation and its ap-
ende en el presente trabajo men- plications and It is the systematic
cionaremos los cursos en orden de study of the feasibility, structure,
semestres que se requiere en la car- expression, and mechanization of
rera de Ciencias de la Computación the methodical procedures (or al-
y ası́ poder comparar y diferenciar gorithms) that underlie the acqui-
diversas asignaturas que presenta sition, representation, processing,
cada universidad. storage, communication of, and ac-
cess to information. An alter-
nate, more succinct definition of
2 CIENCIAS DE computer science is the study of
LA COMPUTACIÓN automating algorithmic processes
that scale. A computer scientist
specializes in the theory of com-
2.1 Misión putation and the design of com-
”The SEAS HR office strives to putational systems. Its fields can
develop and deliver innovative hu- be divided into a variety of the-
man resource programs and ser- oretical and practical disciplines.
vices designed to support the mis- Some fields, such as computational
sion of SEAS and Harvard Univer- complexity theory (which explores
sity. Our core services and com- the fundamental properties of com-
petencies include recruitment and putational and intractable prob-
staffing, diversity, employee and la- lems), are highly abstract, while
bor relations, compensation, per- fields such as computer graphics
formance management, employee emphasize real-world visual appli-
development, HR information man- cations. Still other fields focus
agement, and regulatory compli- on challenges in implementing com-
ance. Our goal is to be the most putation. For example, program-
effective, accountable, and engaged ming language theory considers var-
HR team possible.” [1] ious approaches to the description
of computation, while the study of
computer programming itself inves-
2.2 Visión tigates various aspects of the use
”We seek to deliver superior cus- of programming language and com-
tomer service to the entire SEAS plex systems. Human–computer in-
community with the goal of attract- teraction considers the challenges
ing, developing, motivating, and re- in making computers and computa-
taining a diverse workforce in a sup- tions useful, usable, and universally
portive work environment. [2]” accessible to humans.” [3]

2.3 Definición
”Computer science is a study of the
theory, experimentation, and engi-
2.4 Objetivos 2.7 BIBLIOGRAFÍA
2.4.1 Objetivos Generales [1]
Formar especialistas en sistemas vision-statements.
computacionales, capaces de inno- [2]
var, transmitir conocimiento y re- resources/contacts/mission-and-
alizar investigación básica y apli- vision-statements.
cada en las siguientes áreas: Tec- [3]
nologı́as, Sistemas de Información, science.
Matemáticas Aplicadas, Robótica y

2.4.2 Objetivos Especı́ficos

-Formar profesionales de excelencia

con nivel de postgrado en ciencias
de la computación.
-Fomentar la implantación y desar-
rollo de las nuevas tecnologı́as en
información en diferentes sectores
productivos del paı́s.
-Formar grupos de interés que
apoyen las labores de investigación.
-Preparar a profesionales para con-
tinuar con estudios de doctorado.

2.5 Campo Ocupacional

Diseñar sistemas de información en
función de los requerimientos es-
tratégicos de la organización. - Se-
leccionar las tecnologı́as de hard-
ware, software y comunicación más
adecuadas. - Implementar, man-
tener e innovar a través de proyec-
tos de implantación de productos
de software en diversas áreas, como
comercio electrónico, CRM, ERP,
SCM, Inteligencia de Negocios, etc.

2.6 Plan de Estudios

Ver Anexo

3.1 Stanford - Computer Science

Course ***************** I Semester ******************
CS1c Introduction to Computing at Sanford
CS1U Practical Unix
CS2C Multimedia Production
CS21N Can Machines Know? Can Machines Feel
CS47N Computers and the Open Society
CS76N Elections and Technology
CS76 Interaction Desing Basics
CS103 Mathematical Foundations of Computing

Course ***************** II Semester ******************

CS105 Introduction to Computers
CS106A Programming Methodology
CS106B Programming Abstractions
CS107 Computer Organization and Systems
CS108 Object-Oriented Systems Design
CS110 Principles of Computer Systems
CS140 Operating Systems and Systems Programming
CS144 Introduction to Computer Networking

Course ***************** III Semester ******************

CS145 Introduction to Databases
CS147 Introduction to Human Computer Interaction Desing
CS148 Introduction to Computer Graphics and Imaging
CS157 Logic and Automated Reasoning
CS161 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
CS181 Computers, Ethics and Public Policy
CS181W Computers, Ethics and Public Policy(WIN)
CS191 Senior Project
CS191w Writing Intensive Senior Project

Course ***************** IV Semester ******************

CS192 Programming Service Project
CS198 Teaching Computer Science
CS199 Independent Work
CS207 The Economics of Software
CS221 Artificial Intelligence: Principles and Technique
CS224N Natural Language Processing
CS224W Social and Information Network Analysis
CS229 Machine Learning

Course ***************** V Semester ******************

CS2C Multimedia Production
CS103 Mathemedia Foundations of Computing
CS105 Introduction to Computers
CS106A Programming Methodology
CS106B Programming Abstractions
CS107 Computer Organizations and Systems
CS108 Object-Oriented Systems Design
CS109 Intro o Probability for Computer Scientists
CS109L Statistical Computing with R Laboratory
CS110 Principles of Computer Systems

Course ***************** VI Semester ******************

CS124 From Languages to Information
CS140 Operating Systems and Systems Programming
CS149 Parallel Programming
CS154 Introduction to Automata and complexity Theory
CS173 A Computational Tour of the Human Genome
CS184 Startup Engineering
CS191 Senior Project
CS191W Writing Intensive Senior Project
CS192 Programming Service Project
Course ***************** VII Semester ******************
CS1U Practical Unix
CS73U The Business of the Internet
CS101 Introduction to Computing Principles
CS103 Mathematical Foundations of Computing
CS106A Programming Methodology
CS106B Programming Abstractions
CS106L Standard C++ Programming Laboratory
CS107 Computer Organization and Systems
CS109 Intro to Probability for Computer Scientists
CS109l Statistical Computing with R Laboratory

Course ***************** VIII Semester ****************

CS110 Principles of Computer Systems
CS142 Web Applications
CS143 Compilers
CS155 Computer and Network Security
CS161 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
CS170 Stanford Laptop Orchestra: Composition, Coding.
CS178 Digital Photography
CS181 Computers, Ethics and Public Policy
3.2 Harvard - Computer Science
Course ***************** I Semester ******************
CS1c Matemathics I
CS1U Physics
CS2C Chemistry
CS21N Basic electrical and electronics engineering
CS47N Engineering thermodynamics
CS76N Computer programming
CS76 Engineering graphics

Course ***************** II Semester ******************

T107 Mathematics - II
T108 Material Science
T109 Environmental Science
T110 Basic Civil and Mechanical Engineering
T111 Engineering Mechanics
T112 Communicative English

Course ***************** III Semester ******************

T31MA Mathematics III
CS T32 Electronics Devices and Circuits
CS T33 Elecrical Engineering
CS T34 Digital System Desing
CS T36 Principles of Programming and languages fici

Course ***************** IV Semester ******************

MA T41 Discrete Mathematics and Graph Theory
CS T42 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
CS T43 Automata languages and Computations
CS T44 Desing and Analysis of Algorithms
CS T45 Object Oriented
CS T46 Computer Organizations and Systems

Course ***************** V Semester ******************

CS T51 Operating Systems
CS T52 Language Translators
CS T53 Computer Networks
CS T54 Platform Technology
CS T55 Graphics and Image Processing
CS T56 Embedded Systems

Course ***************** VI Semester ******************

CS T61 Database Management Systems
CS T62 Software Engineering
CS T63 Web Technology
CS T64 Wireles Communication and Networks
Elective - I
Elective - II

Course ***************** VII Semester ******************

CS T71 Artificial Intelligence
CS T72 Hardware and Trouble Shoting
CS T73 Distributed Computing
Elective - III
Elective - IV

Course ***************** VIII Semester ******************

HS T81 Engineering Economics and Management
CS T82 High Perfomance Computing
CS T83 Information Security
Elective - V
Elective - VI
3.3 University of Central Florida - Computer Science
1. Semester Bachelor Programme - Compulsory Courses
**********************Title ******************** ECTS
Introduction to Programming 7
Discrete Mathematics 8
Linear Algebra 7
Analysis I 7

2. Semester Bachelor Programme - Compulsory Courses

**********************Title ******************** ECTS
Data Structures and Algorithms 7
Digital Circuits 6
Parallel Programming 7
Analysis II 6
Physics 6

3. Semester Bachelor Programme - Compulsory Courses

**********************Title ******************** ECTS
Theoretical Computer Science 8
Systems Programming and Computer Architecture 8
Probability and Statistics 6
Numerical Methods for CSE 7

4. Semester Bachelor Programme - Compulsory Courses

**********************Title ******************** ECTS
Formal Methods and Functional Programming 7
Operating Systems and Networks 8
Data Modelling and Databases 7

5. Compensatory Courses - Compulsory Major Courses

**********************Title ******************** ECTS
Visual Computing 8
Algorithms, Probability, and Computing 8
Compiler Design 8
Distributed Systems 8

6. Major Programme Regulations -

Compulsory Major Courses
**********************Title ******************** ECTS
Software Engineering 8
Information Security 8
Software Architecture 8
Information Systems 8
Modelling and Simulation 8
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 8

7. Electives
**********************Title ******************** ECTS
Digital Publishing I: Color Reproduction 4
Software Engineering Laboratory: Open-Source Studio 4
Human Computer Interaction 4
ACM-Lab 4
Fourier-Analytic Methods in Discrete Mathematics 4

8. Individual Project or Internship

**********************Title ******************** ECTS
Semester Thesis 5
Internship 5

9. Seminar
**********************Title ******************** ECTS
Software Engineering Seminar 2
Advanced Topics on Information Systems 2
Current Topics in Information Security 2
Advanced Topics in Pattern Recognition 2
Computational Science 2
Seminar Scientific Visualization 2
Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics and Vision 2
Seminar in Distributed Computing 2
10. Bachelor Thesis
********************Title ******************** ECTS
Bachelor Thesis 10
3.4 MIT - Computer Science
I Semester
******************** Title ********************* credits
Introduction to Programming 7
Discrete Mathematics 8
Linear Algebra 7
Analysis I 7
II Semester
******************** Title ********************* credits
Data Structures and Algorithms 7
Digital Circuits 6
parallel Programming 7
Analysis II 6
Physics 6
III Semester
******************** Title ********************* credits
Theoretical Computer Science 8
Systems Programming and Computer Architecture 8
Probability and Statistics 6
Numerical Methods for CSE 7
IV Semester
******************** Title ********************* credits
Formal Methods and Functional Programming 7
Operating Systems and Networks 8
Data Modelling and Databases 7
V Semester
******************** Title ********************* credits
Visual Computing 8
Algorithms, Probability, and Computing 8
Compiler Design 8
Distributed Systems 8
VI Semester
******************** Title ********************* credits
Software Engineering 8
Information Security 8
Software Architecture 8
Information Systems 8
Modelling and Simulation 8
Numerical Methods for P. Differential E. 8
******************** Title ********************* credits
Digital Publishing I: Color Reproduction 4
Software Engineering Laborator 4
Human Computer Interaction 4
ACM-Lab 4
Fourier-Analytic Methods in Discrete Mathematics 4
******************** Title ********************* credits
Software Engineering Seminar 2
Advanced Topics on Information Systems 2
Current Topics in Information Security 2
Advanced Topics in Pattern Recognition 2
Computational Science 2
Seminar Scientific Visualization 2
Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics and Vision 2
Seminar in Distributed Computing 2
******************** Title ********************* credits
Bachelor Thesis 10
3.5 UNICAMP - Computer Science

Course **************Title************** credits

EM104 Computer assisted design 2
EM110 Introd. to Mechanical Engineering 2
EM330 Workshop 4
f128 Physics I 4
MA111 Calculos l 6
MA141 Analytical geometry and vectirs 4
QG100 Chemistry 4


Course **************Title************** credits

—– Free option disciples 4
EM103 Methodoly of research and scientific 2
EM240 Structure and properties of materials 4
EM335 Mechanical techology 4
F129 Experimental physics I 2
F328 Physics III 4
MA211 Calculus 6


Course **************Title************** credits

EM306 Statics 4
EM360 Thermodynamics 4
F329 Experimental physics III 2
F428 Physics IV 4
MA311 Calculus III 6
MC102 Algorithms and computer progra. 6


Course **************Title************** credits

EM404 Dynamics 4
EM406 Resistance of materials I 4
EM440 Phase transformation of materials 2
EM460 Thermodinamics II 4
EM641 Testing materials 4
F429 Experimental physics IV 2
ms211 Numerical methods 4


Course **************Title************** credits

EM503 Introduction to numerical methods 4
EM504 Mechanisms dynamics of machines 4
EM506 Resistance of materials II 4
EM535 Machining 4
EM561 Fluid mechanics II 4
EM570 Heat transfer I 4
EM672 Fluid-thermal systems I 4


Course **************Title************** credits

EM607 Vibrations of mechanical systems 6
EM608 Elements of machines 4
EM670 Heat transfer II 4
EM733 Manufacturing systems 4
EM833 Selection of materials 2
ET016 Electrotechnics 2

Course **************Title************** credits
EM703 Instrumentation 4
EM707 Control of mechanical systems 4
EM730 Metal forming 2


Course **************Title************** credits

ELECT Free option disciplines 4
BE310 Environmental sciences 2
EM013 Ceramics 2
EM736 Materials characterizacion 4
EM739 Composites 2
EM740 Laboratory of materials engineering 2
EM742 Metallurgical of materials processe 4
EM853 Engineering economics 2
3.6 USP - Computer Science
I Ciclo

**********************Title ********************
Introducción a la programación
Estructura discretas I
Metodologı́a de estado
Introducción a la vida universitaria
Álgebra y geometrı́a
Comunicación I

II Ciclo

**********************Title ********************
Introducción a la programación orientada a objetos
Estructuras discretas II
Introducción a ciencias de la computacón
Análisis matemático I
Introducción a la filosofı́a
Apreciación de la música

III Ciclo

**********************Title ********************
Arquitectura del computador
Estructuras discretas III
Objetos y abtracción de diseño
Introducción a internet
Análisis matemático II
Fundamentos antropológicos
Oratoria y expresión personal
Artes plásticas

IV Ciclo

**********************Title ********************
Teorı́a de computación
Base de datos I
Algorı́tmica y bases de datos
Estadı́stica y probabilidad
Análisis III

V Ciclo

**********************Title ********************
Ingenierı́a de software
Base de datos II
Análisis y diseño de algoritmos
Fı́sica computacional
Análisis numérico

VI Ciclo

**********************Title ********************
Ingenierı́a de software II
Lógica computacional
Estructuras de datos avanzadas
Sistemas operativos
Matemática aplicada a la computación
Tecnologı́a I

VII Ciclo
**********************Title ********************
Interacción humana-computador
Proyecto I
Inteligencia artificial
Algoritmos paralelos
Seguridad en computacón
Tecnologı́a II
Lenguajes de programación

VIII Ciclo

**********************Title ********************
Calidad de software
Proyecto II
Aspectos sociales y profesiones de la computación
Computación gráfica
Computación centrada en redes

IX Ciclo

**********************Title ********************
Tópicos en base de datos
Proyecto de tesis
Formación de empresas en bases tecnológicas
Métodos formales
Tópicos en inteligencia artificial

X ciclo

**********************Title ********************
Seminario de tésis
Seminario distribuidos
Programación de dispositivos móviles
3.7 UNI - Ciencias de la Computación
Ciclo I
CÓDIGO *******************CURSO******************** CRED
CB-101 Cálculo diferencia 3
CB-121 Cálculo vectorial 5
CB-211 Quı́mica General I 4
GP-101 Introducción a la Computación 3
HS-101 Desarrollo Personal 2
HS-111 Técnicas de Comunicación 3
Ciclo II
CÓDIGO *******************CURSO******************** CRED
CB-111 Cálculo integral 3
CB-131 Fı́sica general I 5
CB-221 Quı́mica general II 3
HS-141 Inglés I 2
ST-111 Herramientas para el uso de software 3
Ciclo III
CÓDIGO *******************CURSO******************** CRED
CB-112 Cálculo vectorial II 3
CB-132 Fı́sica general II 5
CB-222 Introducción a programación orientada a objetos
CB-302 Administración de redes 5
CB-402 Programación de aplicación en redes 3
Ciclo IV
CÓDIGO *******************CURSO******************** CRED
CB-142 Fı́sica general III 5
CB-312 Introducción a la matemática discreta 5
GP-112 Programacón para la construccón del kernel 4
GP-202 La infraestructura grid 3
ST-222 Inglés II 3
Ciclo V
CÓDIGO *******************CURSO******************** CRED
GP-123 Estructura de datos 3
GP-203 Núcleo de redes para computación paralela 3
GP-223 Arquitectura de computadoras 4
ST-113 Introducción al compilador paralelo 3
TP-103 Introducción a la biologı́a 3
Ciclo VI
CÓDIGO *******************CURSO******************** CRED
GP-113 Álgebra lineal 4
GP-133 Teorı́a de la computación 3
GP-233 Lenguaje funcional paralelo 3
ST-123 Algoritmos paralelos 3
TP-223 Patrones de lenguaje paralelo 3
Ciclo VII
CÓDIGO *******************CURSO******************** CRED
GP-122 Cálculo diferencial e integral avanzado
GP-234 Lenguaje paralelo distribuido orientado a objetos 3
GP-304 Computación gráfica 3
TP-224 Base de datos 3
TP-244 Motores de búsqueda 3
Ciclo VIII
CÓDIGO *******************CURSO******************** CRED
GP-314 Introducción a la estadı́stica y probabilidades 3
GP-404 Inteligencia artificial 3
HS-204 Arquitectura y programación de FPGA y VHDL 2
TP-254 Electivos 3
Ciclo IX
CÓDIGO *******************CURSO******************** CRED
GP-154 Introducción a la robótica 3
GP-235 Formación general 3
GP-515 Electivos 3
Ciclo X
CÓDIGO *******************CURSO******************** CRED
GP-525 Seminario de tesis 4
GP-545 Electivos 2
3.8 PUCP - Computer Science

Course ****************Title****************
03C011 Cálculo I
03C012 Complementos de matemática
03C013 Matemática Básica
03C014 Lenguaje y redacción
——- —-


Course ****************Title****************
03C021 Cálculo II
03C022 Álgebra lineal II
03C023 Modelos matemáticos de la fı́sica
03C024 Métodos numéricos y programación I


Course ****************Title****************
03C031 Cálculo III
03C032 Álgebra lineal II
03C033 Modelos matemáticos de la fı́sica II
03C034 Métodos numéricos y programación II


Course ****************Title****************
03C041 Calculo iv
03C042 Estadı́stica y probabilidad
03C043 Técnica de modelaje
03C044 Ciencias de la computación I


Course ****************Title****************
03C051 Introducción a las ecuaciones diferenciales
03C052 Análisis real
03C053 Ciencias de la computación
03C054 Métodos numéricos y programación III


Course ****************Title****************
03C061 Ecuaciones diferenciales ordinario
03C062 Análisis complejo y aplicado
03C063 Modelos matemáticos de la ciencia
03C064 Ciencias de la computación III


Course ****************Title****************
03C071 Ecuaciones diferenciales parciales I
03C072 Modelo matemático de la ciencia II
03C073 Análisis funcional I
03C074 Ciencias de la computación IV


Course ****************Title****************
03C081 Métodos numéricos y programación IV
C03C08 Computación gráfica
03C083 Modelo matemático de la ciencia III

Course ****************Title****************
03C091 Análisis Funcional II
C03C08 Optimización
03C083 Modelo matemático de la ciencia IV


Course ****************Title****************
03C081 Ecuaciones diferenciales parciales II
C03C08 Ciencias de la computación V
03C083 Seminario de tesis


Course ****************Title****************
03C111 Meteorologı́a
C03C11 Termo- elasticidad
03C113 Electrónica
03C114 Mecánica cuántica
03C115 Ecologı́a
03C116 Sistemas dinámicos
03C117 Geofı́sica
03C118 Problemas inversos
03C119 Ecuaciones integrales
03C120 Métodos de los elementos finitos
03C121 Tópicos avanzados de la computación

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