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Indah Ayu Lestari


Pancasila is the basis of a legitimate state in Indonesia, the preconceived dictum

represents all the people of Indonesia to be applied into the social life of Indonesian society.
The values contained in Pancasila become normative ideals in the administration of the state.
Broadly Understanding Pancasila as an Ideology of the State of Indonesia is the vision or
direction of the implementation of the life of nation and state in Indonesia is the realization of
a life that upholds the deity, humanity, awareness of unity, populist and uphold the value of
justice. And now Indonesia is running the program from the 1978 People's Consultative
Assembly decision, the training or courses are increasing across the archipelago. In this
program all civil servants under the cabinet ministers are required to attend the Pancasila
improvement course, the ideology of the Indonesian state. Recently other groups of residents
felt it was necessary or prudent to draw up their own Pancasila course, and the government was
well prepared to know that this program was crucial for "diverse functional and political
groups." The program was called P4, (a contraction of the complete Indonesian name, Can be
translated as Improvement Course for Completion of Realization and Application of
In its success, it is impossible now to determine to what extent P4 has succeeded in
achieving the goals set by the government. In the late 1980s, the Pancasila course generally
moved from the central level in Jakarta to provincial and provincial government offices. The
process can be expected to continue for another year, especially if part of the population is
outside the civil service or interprets the Pancasila course or is asked to join P4. By joining
with P4 is expected to be able to analyze and apply more Pancasila values into social and
political life, and ethics for better politics by following the ideology of Pancasila. Even in the
short term, therefore, it is too early to arrive at a conclusive conclusion about the success or
failure of the New Order government's efforts to establish Pancasila as the basis of accepted
political order and justification for development plans. It can be seen in the future, about the
fundamental changes that have changed due to the efforts of the New Order government.
However, there are some fundamental problems in the formulation of Pancasila by the present
regime, in this way they spread their views through P4. Although there is little doubt that the
regime will prevail through the upcoming national elections, only time will tell whether
elements of social change and theoretical dynamics are incorporated into its current static
ideology. The most disappointing thing about P4 is that it indicates the extent to which the New
Order regime failed to project a clearly defined future and might be realized in society. Over
the last few years there has been discussion about the disappearance of ethics within the
government and the growing feeling that he has lost both and his confidence in his own ability.
This assessment of the government's concerns and uncertainties has been confirmed by the
handling of the events of the Petitioners of the Fifty June 1980 against the anti-Chinese riots in
Central Java in November of that year, in the April 1981 bombing of a Garuda plane The
decision to join a nationwide program of political indoctrination Can be seen in this light as an
increasing symptom of anxiety from the present regime and attempts to revive its own sense of
purpose. If so, the above discussion suggests that this is an endeavor that must ultimately fail.
Failure, if it happens, may be an imagination because the New Order government could not
develop the influence of Pancasila's development strategy that could overcome the inevitability
of deep social change or produce a new ideological vision for Indonesia. Indonesia needs real
changes by the government, better system changes, and improved quality of Human Resource
as well.
Pancasila ideology is a guide for the life of nation and state. And it is expected also the
people or citizens of Indonesia in the day-to-day life of his, follow the value of values contained
in the Pancasila. So that will create an individual or society that is just and civilized. And also
if the people of Indonesia already understand and practice Pancasila in his life, the seeds of
split seeds in society can be lost. In accordance with the sound of the fifth precept that
emphasizes the existence of unity in all circles, communities or regions in the country of

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