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SYSTEMATIC REVIEW: Are the results of the review valid?

What question did the study ask?
Patients : Populasi umum dan survey komunitas
Intervention : Tidak ada
Comparisson : Tidak ada
Outcome : CES-D dapat digunakan untuk skrining pada tahap awal dalam mendeteksi

What question (PICO) did the systematic review address?

What is best? Where do I find the information?

The main question being addressed should be The Title, Abstract or final paragraph of the
clearly stated. The exposure, such as a therapy Introduction should clearly state the question.
or diagnostic test, and the outcome(s) of If you still cannot ascertain what the focused
interest will often be expressed in terms of a question is after reading these sections, search
simple relationship. for another paper!

This paper: Yes No Unclear

Comment: Judul artikel secara jelas menyatakan tujuan studi namun tidak spesifik
menyatakan bahwa pada studi ini juga ingin melihat apakah CES-D dapat digunakan sebagai
alat diagnostik.
F - Is it unlikely that important, relevant studies were missed?

What is best? Where do I find the information?

The starting point for comprehensive search The Methods section should describe the
for all relevant studies is the major search strategy, including the terms used, in
bibliographic pangkalan datas (e.g., Medline, some detail. The Results section will outline the
Cochrane, EMBASE, etc) but should also number of titles and abstracts reviewed, the
include a search of reference lists from number of full-text studies retrieved, and the
relevant studies, and contact with experts, number of studies excluded together with the
particularly to inquire about unpublished reasons for exclusion. This information may be
studies. The search should not be limited to presented in a figure or flow chart.
English language only. The search strategy
should include both MESH terms and text

This paper: Yes No Unclear

Comment: Pencarian dilakukan pada 2 pangkalan data (PubMed and PsychINFO). Hasil yang
didapat terutama merujuk pada Bahasa Inggris dan Spanyol.
A - Were the criteria used to select articles for inclusion appropriate?
What is best? Where do I find the information?

The inclusion or exclusion of studies in a The Methods section should describe in detail
systematic review should be clearly defined a the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Normally,
priori. The eligibility criteria used should this will include the study design.
specify the patients, interventions or
exposures and outcomes of interest. In many
cases the type of study design will also be a
key component of the eligibility criteria.

This paper: Yes No Unclear

Comment: Pencarian dilakukan berdasarkan kata kunci yang relevan, terbatas pada studi terkontrol
yang dilakukan kepada subjek populasi umum dan survei komunitas. Kriteria eksklusi yang
diterapkan menghasilkan studi yang spesifik untuk dianalisis.

A - Were the included studies sufficiently valid for the type of question asked?
What is best? Where do I find the information?

The article should describe how the quality of The Methods section should describe the
each study was assessed using predetermined assessment of quality and the criteria used. The
quality criteria appropriate to the type of Results section should provide information on
clinical question (e.g., randomization, blinding the quality of the individual studies.
and completeness of follow-up)

This paper: Yes No Unclear

Comment: Literatur yang digunakan diperoleh berdasarkan kriteria inklusi yang telah ditetapkan
dan didapatkan 27 literatur (dari 28 penelitian) yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dengan
menyingkirkan 118 literatur lainnya.

T - Were the results similar from study to study?

What is best? Where do I find the information?

Ideally, the results of the different studies The Results section should state whether the
should be similar or homogeneous. If results are heterogeneous and discuss possible
heterogeneity exists the authors may estimate reasons. The forest plot should show the
whether the differences are significant (chi- results of the chi-square test for heterogeneity
square test). Possible reasons for the and if discuss reasons for heterogeneity, if
heterogeneity should be explored. present.

This paper: Yes No Unclear

Comment: Penelitian ini hampir sama dengan penelitian-penelitian yang dilakukan sebelumnya
namun beberapa penelitian menggunakan instrument lain dalam mengidentifikasi depresi pada
layanan tingkat pertama seperti Geriatric Depression Scale, SelfCARE, Patient Health
What were the results?
How are the results presented?

Meta analisis adalah suatu analisis statistika yang mengombinasikan berbagai hasil studi . Studi ini
menilai CES-D dapat dipakai sebagai skrining tingkat pertama pada responden dengan gejala
depresif, tetapi kegunaanya sebagai alat diagnostik tunggal tidak direkomendasikan. Cut off point
pada 20 mungkin memberikan sensitivitas dan spesifisitas yang lebih baik daripada cut off point
16 yang direkomendasikan dan lebih disarankan untuk diaplikasikan pada kondisi di mana sumber
daya terbatas.

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