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How can we use the elements of art to create abstract pieces?

A unit plan
based on the work of artist Wassily Kandinsky

Developed for Kindergarten Students

Ms. Walker
Kula Elementary School

By: Kelci Ellis

ITE 326, Visual Arts, Elementary Education
This unit is designed for kindergarten students at Kula Elementary School. The unit is
about becoming familiar with the elements of art, specifically, line, shape, color. This
unit is based on Wassily Kandinskys abstract work, more specifically, his concentric
circles. Students will be encouraged to look closely at his works of art and then create
their own original artwork based on his ideas surrounding abstract art and concentric

We will be exploring the essential question, How can we use the elements of art to
create abstract pieces? We will engage in the art making process, and use what we
have learned about the elements of art and Wassily Kandinskys work to create our
own concentric circle pieces using the elements of line, shape, and color. The hope is
that our students will develop the enduring understanding that we can use the
elements of art to create original abstract pieces of our own.

This unit plan is linked to the HCPS III Visual Art Standard 1: VISUAL ARTS:
Understand and apply art materials, techniques, and processes in the creation of
works of art and understand how the visual arts communicate a variety of ideas,
feelings, and experiences

The students will demonstrate they can meet the following visual arts benchmarks
through their work on this unit.
Benchmark FA.K.1.1Use developmentally appropriate art vocabulary
Benchmark FA.K.1.2Use developmentally appropriate art media, tools, and

The students will create their own abstract pieces using the elements of art (line,
shape, color) after viewing some of Kandinskys work, discussing his work, and
learning about the elements of art and design. Wassily Kandinskys concentric circles
will be introduced and discussed. Students will create their own concentric circle
abstract pieces using line, shape, and color. Students will use developmentally
appropriate art media, tools, and processes in creating their original pieces including
(crayon, watercolor paint, etc) Lastly, students will be asked to share their final
artwork and use developmentally appropriate art vocabulary, such as, the elements of
art to describe their original works of art.

In the first lesson the students will be introduced to and be able to explore the
elements of art and various examples of abstract art pieces. Then using line, shape,
and color, students will create abstract pieces of art using crayons. I will ask students
to use a black crayon to draw at least three black lines (curvy, straight, zig zaggy) and
three or more circles on their abstract piece. They will need to be able to show me
where line, color, and shape are being used in their artwork. They are free to be
creative as long as their artwork is abstract and does not include recognizable objects.

In the second lesson the abstract artist Wassily Kandinsky will be introduced, as well
as his works of art that include concentric circles. Students will be asked to create
their own original abstract pieces that include the use of concentric circles. Students
will be using crayon to create the sketch of their abstract piece in this lesson.

In the third lesson students will be given watercolor to add color to their concentric
circle pieces. I am going to introduce the primary colors and ask the students to use
only and all primary colors in their original artwork. When finished the students will
place their artwork on the dry rack.

In the fourth lesson the students will be put into pairs and share their finished artwork
with a peer. They will then log into their Seesaw accounts using their tablets and
photograph their artwork using Seesaw, which is already installed on their tablets.
Students will create a voice over describing what elements they used to create their
artwork. There will be a sentence starter on chart paper that I will have the students
follow when recording on Seesaw:

This is my art. It is abstract because . I used (these elements of art) when

creating it.

Students will use the elements of art and design to describe what they observe in the
artwork of their classmates. Each student will share their voice recordings with a peer.
The unit will end with a debriefing on what we learned about the elements of art,
abstract art, and how Kandinskys art helped us to visualize these concepts.

This unit is related to the curriculum goals because students are exploring with art
media, tools, and processes, such as, watercolors, outlining with crayon, and using
their tablets to create digital copies of their artwork, as well as explaining what they
have learned. Students are also building on their visual art skills and becoming
familiar with the elements of art which is part of the appropriate art vocabulary.
Lastly, students are practicing their oral language skills while using technology.

I will use formative and summative assessments to assess student learning. Formative
assessments include: Observation, frequently checking for understanding (thumbs up),
discussions (whole class & group). Summative assessments include: Art production
(Criteria: created abstract art using concentric circles, engaged in art making process),
Seesaw photo of art & voiceover (Criteria: could describe the elements of art that were

Students finished art productions will be placed on black construction paper and
displayed on a bulletin board up by the office. This particular bulletin board is meant
for the entire school to see as well as the students families.

Objectives of this Unit Plan

The objectives of this unit is for students to be able to
Identify the elements of art and design
Analyze the work of Wassily Kandinsky
Understand and be able to identify abstract art
Create abstract pieces using line, shape, and color
Create an abstract piece using concentric circles and crayon. Use crayon first,
then go over with watercolor.
Discuss the artwork of others
Create a digital copy of their work (Seesaw)
Describe what elements they used in their abstract pieces
Share their voice recordings with a peer

Enduring Understanding

Through the experiences in this unit, I hope that our students will develop the
enduring understanding that We can use the elements of art to create original
abstract pieces of our own.

Essential Question

The essential question for this unit is, How can we use the elements of art to create
abstract pieces?

Prior Academic Knowledge and Student Assets

This unit was designed for Kindergarten students. The unit begins with an
introductory lesson to define and discuss the elements of art and design, and abstract
art. I am not assuming that students have previous experience with these elements or
other art vocabulary. This unit will introduce students to the artist Wassily Kandinsky
and his abstract work. This unit also introduces students to use crayons to sketch, and
to paint over the crayon with watercolors. Students have prior knowledge and
experience with using crayons and watercolors, but separately. All of our students
have had experience using technology, such as their tablets, as well as taking
photographs and creating voice recordings using Seesaw.

Academic Language Demands

This unit introduces students to the academic language of the visual arts that includes
some of the elements of art and design: Line, shape, and color. The students will
practice using this vocabulary to understand abstract art and eventually create a
digital copy of their art productions. Students will be given the opportunity to use the
vocabulary to analyze the work of Wassily Kandinsky. Students will be asked to
describe the elements they used with a peer. Students will also use the elements of art
and design to describe what they observe in the artwork of their classmates.

Hawaii Teacher Performance Standards

The Hawaii Teacher Performance Standard that I selected that is evident in the
implementation of this unit is

Standard 4: Content Knowledge

The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the
discipline(s). He or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make these
aspects of the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of
the content.

This unit plan demonstrates my content knowledge in the visual arts by providing
students with meaningful learning experiences to help assure mastery of the content.


4(h) The teacher creates opportunities for students to learn, practice, and master
academic language in their content.
This unit plan demonstrates my ability to create a series of lessons that give students
the opportunity to learn, practice, and master academic language such as the elements
of art and design (Line, Shape, and color).

Essential Knowledge:
4(l) The teacher knows and uses the academic language of the discipline and knows
how to make it accessible to learners.
This unit plan demonstrates my knowledge of the academic language of the elements
of art and design and how I will use it and make it accessible to students. During
lesson one, I will introduce the students to the elements using visuals and verbal
conversation. The visuals will be large enough for students to see and students will be
encouraged to refer back to our poster of the elements. Academic language for this
unit includes; color, line, shape, concentric circles, & abstract art.

Critical Disposition:
4(r) The teacher is committed to work toward each learners mastery of disciplinary
content and skills.

During this planned unit of study I have created a series of lessons that revolve around
the elements of art and design, giving students the opportunity to master the
disciplinary content and skills related to this visual arts unit plan by creating their own
original abstract art pieces using line, shape, and color. Students needing further
support will be put into groups so I can work individually with them and also so they
can learn from their peers.

General Learner Outcomes

The General Learner Outcomes that are evident in the implementation of this unit

GLO 4: Quality ProducerThe ability to recognize and produce quality performance

and quality products

Students will analyze the work of Wassily Kandinsky to identify elements included in
his work that they can incorporate into their own work to create a quality product.
Students will also analyze Wassily Kandinskys abstract concentric circle pieces and
create similar works of art.

GLO 6: Effective and Ethical User of Technology- The ability to use a variety of
technologies effectively and ethically

Students will use technology effectively and ethically to create digital copies of their
concentric circle pieces accompanied by a voice over that describes their art.

Hawaii Content and Performance Standards in the Visual Arts, III

The Hawaii Content and Performance Standard, Benchmarks and Performance

Assessments for kindergarten that are evident in the implementation of this unit are

Visual Arts Standard 1
Understand and apply art materials, techniques, and processes in the creation of
works of art and understand how the visual arts communicate a variety of ideas,
feelings and experiences.


FA.K.1.1 Use developmentally appropriate art vocabulary

FA.K.1.2 Use developmentally appropriate art media, tools, and processes

Performance Assessments

FA.K.1.1 The students will use their new found art vocabulary to name art materials
such as watercolor paint, and crayon, and also the elements of art and design (e.g.,
line, shape, color, and primary colors) used in his or her art work.

FA. K.1.2 The students will use art media, tools, and processes (e.g., paper, crayon,
watercolor paint, brushes, line, shape, color) to create original abstract works of art
based on the work of artist Wassily Kandinsky.

Assessment Strategies
(Evidence of Student Learning)

Assessment Tasks
During this unit of study the students will engage in a series of assessment tasks both
formative and summative

Demonstrate clear understanding of abstract art

Explore how they can use the elements of art to create their own abstract pieces
Apply drawing techniques to create their own abstract artwork
Identify the elements of art used in their own abstract pieces
Analyze the work of Wassily Kandinsky
Identify the elements of art used in Wassily Kandinskys abstract pieces
Create abstract pieces using concentric circles
Identify primary colors and use more than one in their original artwork
Use the vocabulary of art to describe what they see in their partners work of art
Use technology effectively to create a digital copy of their artwork
Use technology effectively to create a voice over that describes the elements of
art they used
Use technology effectively to share their art and voice over with a peer

Assessment Tools
During this unit of study the students and teacher will use the following assessment
tools to assess student work

Rubric for art production and Seesaw digital copy and voiceover

Student Name:

Criteria Developing Meets Proficiency Exceeds

Proficiency (DP) (MP) Proficiency (EP)

Identifies elements Attempted to Identified elements Accurately

of art in original identify elements of art (line, shape, identified elements
abstract pieces of art (line, shape, color) in their own of art (line, shape,
color) in their own abstract pieces color) in their own
FA.K.1.1Use abstract pieces and/or in the work abstract pieces and
developmentally and/or in the work of Wassily in the work of
appropriate art of Wassily Kandinsky Wassily Kandinsky
vocabulary Kandinsky

Uses watercolor Attempted to use Used watercolor & Effectively used

paint & crayons to watercolor & crayons to create watercolor &
create original crayons to create original works of crayons to create
abstract works of original works of arts original works of
art arts arts

appropriate art
media, tools, and

Produces quality Attempts to Produces quality Produces high

works of art produce quality works of abstract quality works of
works of abstract art using the abstract art using
art using some of elements of art the elements of art
GLO 3: Quality the elements of art (line, shape, color) (line, shape, color)
Producer: and concentric and concentric and concentric
Recognizes and circles circles circles
produces quality
performance and
quality products

Uses technology to Attempts to use Uses technology Effectively uses

create a digital technology (Seesaw) to create a technology
copy of artwork (Seesaw) to create a digital copy of (Seesaw) to create a
with voiceover digital copy of artwork with digital copy of
artwork with voiceover that artwork with a
GLO 6: Effective voiceover correlates with detailed voiceover
and Ethical user of sentence starter that goes above and
Technology: beyond sentence
Uses a variety of
effectively and

Instructional Strategies
This is an overview of each lesson that is part of this unit plan, which focuses on active
student engagement in the art process to produce quality products.

Lesson One ( 60 minutes)

Students will engage in the actors toolbox, which they are already familiar with to get
focused and calm. The students will then be introduced to and be able to explore the
elements of art and various examples of abstract art pieces. Next, using line, shape,
and color, students will create abstract pieces of art using crayon. They will need to be
able to show me where line, color, and shape are being used in their artwork. Lastly,
students will photograph their artwork using Seesaw and create a voice over that
states, this is my abstract art art.

Warm-Up activity and Getting Focused Activity (20 minutes) Actors Toolbox & Intro
to Elements & Abstract Art
The students will
Gather at the rainbow carpet and pick a sit spot
Stand when they hear the music come on and form a circle
Perform the actors toolbox movements
Form a circle on rainbow carpet
Think about what the word abstract might mean and respond
Observe and analyze abstract pieces of art and share what elements they see in
The teacher will
Instruct students to gather at the rainbow carpet
Turn on the actors toolbox music
Begin the actors toolbox movements
Ask the students to take a seat in a circle on rainbow carpet
Introduce the elements of art (line, shape, color) visually and verbally
Get out up to 10 abstract pieces of art that are pre-printed out
Asks students what they think abstract means?
Hold up a particular abstract art piece and a non-abstract piece then explain
the definition of abstract
Instruct students to observe each abstract painting I hold up and identify and
explain where the see the elements of art (line, shape, color)

Content (25 minutes) Art Production of Abstract Art Using Elements

The students will
Reiterate what elements we just learned about (line, shape, color)
Grab a piece of paper, clipboard, and black crayon
Draw three lines and three circles on their papers using black crayon
Return to their desks to complete their abstract artwork
The teacher will
Ask students what elements of art we just learned about (line, shape, color)
Instruct students: Using those elements you all are going to create your own
abstract pieces of art using only crayons, but I am going to tell you the first six
things you are going to draw.
Pass out regular, half sheets of white paper, clipboards, and black crayons to
each student
Instruct students to draw at least three black lines (curvy, straight, zig zaggy)
and three or more circles on their abstract piece with the black colored pencil.
(refer to chart paper with elements)
Model while giving instructions
Once students have done this I will show my final teacher created example then
instruct students to return to their desks and fill in the whole paper
Remind students that we want our artwork to be abstract meaning: It is not a
realistic picture with recognizable objects and explain we have to be using the
elements of art that we just learned about being line, shape, & color! Use at least
three different colors in your artwork!
Turn on calming soft music
Remind students to be Quality Producers: Go over GLO #4

Closure (15 minutes)Reflecting on the Art Production Experience

The students will
Explain to me where the elements of art (line, shape, and color) are visible in
their abstract art pieces
Put their name and the date on the back of their artwork
Photograph their finished artwork using Seesaw and create a voiceover that
goes along with the photo that states, This is my abstract art.
Clean up and get ready for lunch
The teacher will
Explain to students to let me know when they are finished and I will give them
the ok to get their tablets and photograph their artwork. Also instruct students
to create a voiceover that states, This is my abstract art, to go along with their
digital copy.
Be walking around asking students to show me where they used the elements of
art in their artwork
Remind students to put their name and date of the back of their artwork
Give students the ok to get their tablets and photograph their artwork using
Seesaw and create a voiceover
Instruct students to get ready and clean up for lunch

Lesson Two (45 minutes)

This lesson will begin with the actors toolbox and a review discussion. The abstract
artist Wassily Kandinsky will be introduced, as well as his works of art that include
concentric circles. Students will be asked to create their own original abstract pieces
that include the use of concentric circles. Students will be using crayon to create the
sketch of their abstract piece in this lesson. To debrief, students will engage in a whole
class reflection discussion.

Warm-up/ Focus activity (10 minutes) Actors Toolbox & Review

The students will
Gather at the rainbow carpet and pick a sit spot
Stand when they hear the music come on and form a circle
Perform the actors toolbox movements
Take a seat on a sit spot
Recall previous lesson and answer questions whole class (What is abstract art?
What elements of art did we learn about and use to create our abstract
The teacher will
Instruct students to gather at the rainbow carpet
Turn on the actors toolbox music
Begin the actors toolbox movements
Ask the students to take a seat on a sit spot on the rainbow carpet
Ask students to recall our last our lesson about abstract art and think about
what we learned about ( What did we do? What is abstract art? What elements of
art did we learn about and use to create our abstract artwork?)

Content (15 minutes)Art TalkWassily Kandinsky

The students will
Be introduced to Wassily Kandinsky and some of his abstract, concentric circle
Describe what elements they see being used in his work (whole class)
Think about and respond to the question: Why do you think this particular piece
of artwork is abstract?
The teacher will
Set up Wassily Kandinsky posters
Explain Wassily Kandinskys background information
Go over what concentric circles are (drawn on board)
Read Kandinsky quote from PowerPoint
Show students various samples of his work and ask them to describe the
elements they see- whole class -
Ask students to think about (8 second think time) and respond to prompt: Why
do you think this particular piece of artwork is abstract?

Content (10 minutes)Art ProductionSketch with Crayon of Concentric Circles

The students will
Use a watercolor paper
Use dark colored crayons to recreate Wassily Kandinskys concentric circle
Draw six concentric circles on their paper
Put their sketch in their cubbies
The teacher will
Instruct students to recreate a sketch using dark colored crayons of Wassily
Kandinskys concentric circle piece
Model how to do so and show teacher created artwork to students
Pass out watercolor paper
Ask students to return to desks
When finished remind students to put their name and date and to put sketch in
their cubbies

Closure (10 minutes)Reflection Questions

The students will
Return to the rainbow carpet
Engage in whole class discussion
The teacher will
Ask students to return to rainbow carpet
Ask reflection questions: whole class
What are the art elements we have been learning about?
What makes art abstract?
Who is Wassily Kandinsky?
What are concentric circles?

Tell students on Thursday we will be adding watercolor to our sketches we just


Lesson Three (60 minutes)

This lesson will begin with the actors toolbox. Students will then be given watercolor
to add color to their concentric circle pieces. I am going to introduce the primary
colors and ask the students to use only primary colors and to use all three in their
original artwork. The students will then place their finished pieces on the dry rack.
Lastly, I will debrief by having a whole class reflection discussion.

*prior to lesson students concentric circle pieces and watercolor tools will be placed
on their desks

Focus Activity (5 minutes) Actors Toolbox

The students will
Gather at the rainbow carpet and pick a sit spot
Stand when they hear the music come on and form a circle
Perform the actors toolbox movements
Take a seat on a sit spot
The teacher will
Instruct students to gather at the rainbow carpet
Turn on the actors toolbox music
Begin t he actors toolbox movements
Ask the s tudents to take a seat on a sit spot on the rainbow carpet

Content (30 minutes) Add Watercolor to Art Production

The students will
Respond to prompts whole class: Who can tell me what makes art abstract?
What elements have we been learning about? Does anyone know what the
primary colors are?
Engage in whole class discussion
Engage in read aloud with finger puppets
Return to desks
Pay close attention to how I use watercolor to paint concentric circle
Use watercolor to paint concentric circle pieces
Place finished concentric circle pieces on dry rack outside
Bring all watercolor tools to the sink
Wipe off desks
Return to rainbow carpet-Pick a sit spot
The teacher will
Say lets review: Who can tell me what makes art abstract? What elements have
we been learning about?
Ask does anyone know what the primary colors are?
Discuss what primary means- most important (use visual)
Why do you think these are the most important colors?
READ ALOUD: about primary colors: Mouse Paint by Ellen Walsh (use finger
puppets and props while reading)
Model using watercolor to paint one of the concentric circles with the class
Discuss how to use watercolor paint (amount of water etc.) Only paint one box
at a time, and try to keep each circle the same color, and different colors next to
each other.(explain while doing)
Discuss how to use primary colors, Maybe if the background is yellow then you
could paint your first circle blue to create a contrast and make your concentric
circles pop out.
Ask students to use only primary colors and to use all three in their original
artwork. Also, explain we want to be 4-star painters and produce quality work
because your paintings will probably go on display for the school and your
families to see!
Review GLO 4:quality producer
Explain to students that the crayon we used to sketch our concentric circles
naturally resists watercolor paint, meaning you cant paint over the crayon, you
all will see what I mean once you get started!
Explain they will be given 15 to 20 minutes & when finished put on dry rack and
bring materials to the sink then dismiss students
Help students clean off brushes and put away watercolor paint when finished

Closure (20 minutes)Whole Class Discussion

The students will
Return to the rainbow carpet
Engage in whole class discussion
Go to free choice as I dismiss them with puppet
The teacher will
Ask students to return to rainbow carpet and pick sit spot
Ask reflection questions: whole class
What are the primary colors? Go over again why they are called primary
What elements of art did we use in our concentric circle pieces?
What makes your artwork abstract? What is abstract art?
Transition to free choice: Phonemia (the puppet) will excuse students
Say Ope, Phonemia wants to tell me something she said she thinks it is a
good idea to0 dismiss the students sitting quietly and calmly to go to free
choice.. Listen for the first sound in your name because that is how she will
dismiss you.. Ok so if your name starts with the sound bbb you may go to free
choice (and so on)

Lesson Four (60 minutes)

In this lesson the students will engage in the actors toolbox and then be put into pairs
and share their finished artwork with a peer. They will then log into their Seesaw
accounts using their tablets and photograph their artwork using Seesaw, which is
already installed on their tablets. Students will create a voice over describing what
elements they used to create their artwork. Each student will share their voice
recordings with a peer. The unit will end with a debriefing on what we learned about
the elements of art, abstract art, and how Kandinskys art helped us to visualize these

Warm up/ Focus activity (10 minutes) Actors Toolbox & Peer Sharing/Discussion
The students will
Gather at the rainbow carpet and pick a sit spot
Stand when they hear the music come on and form a circle
Perform the actors toolbox movements
Return to desks where finished artwork will be placed prior to lesson
With a peer share their finished concentric circle, abstract pieces.
Use the elements of art and design to describe what they observe in the artwork
of their classmates.
The teacher will
Place finished student artwork at their desks
Instruct students to gather at the rainbow carpet
Turn on the actors toolbox music
Begin the actors toolbox movements
Ask the students to return to their desks
Instruct students to share their artwork with a partner and use the elements of
art and design to describe what they observe in the artwork of their classmates.

Content (30 minutes)Digital Copy of Artwork using Seesaw

The students will
Bring tablets to their desks
Say sentence starter together as a class
Practice saying sentence with their partners before recording
Take a photo of their original abstract art
Create a voiceover using sentence starter on board
Share digital copy and recording with a peer
The teacher will
Explain to students that they will be creating digital copies of their artwork and
voiceovers where they will take a picture and talk about their artwork and what
they learned
Ask a few students at a time to go get their assigned tablets
Display sentence starter on board and verbally tell students as well: This is my
art. It is abstract because . I used (these elements of art) when creating it.
Say sentence starter all together and have students practice saying sentence to
their partners before recording
Ask students to share their photo and voice recording with their partner

Closure (15 minutes)Debrief Discussion

The students will
Clean up their desks and return to the rainbow carpet
Engage in a discussion that reflects on the entire unit
The teacher will
Ask students to return to rainbow carpet
Ask reflection questions: whole class & turn and talk
What elements of art did we use in our concentric circle pieces?
What are the primary colors?
Why are they called primary colors?
What makes our artwork abstract?
What are concentric circles?
What are the elements of art we have been using and learning about?
Ask students to clean up and get ready for lunch
Mat student artwork on black construction paper
Exhibit student artwork on bulletin board up by office

Exhibition Idea
Students finished art productions will be placed on black construction paper and
displayed on a bulletin board up by the office. This particular bulletin board is meant
for the entire school to see as well as the students families.

Based on 18 Students

Powerpoint software Wassily Kandinsky presentation

10 abstract pieces of art
1 non-abstract piece of art
Teacher created half sheet abstract art
Wassily Kandinsky concentric circle art
Teacher created concentric circle art (sketch & with watercolor)
18 boxes of crayons
10 watercolor sets
18 water cups
18 watercolor brushes
18 half sheets of paper
18 sheets of folded watercolor paper
Sentence starter on chart paper
Elements of art on chart paper (line, shape, color)
Primary colors visual on chart paper
18 tablets

Jamie Handsays, et al. 10 Questions to Ask Your Child about Their Art.
Handmade Kids Art, 7 Mar. 2017,

Wassily Kandinsky Biography, Art, and Analysis of Works. The Art Story,

Cornett, C. E. (2015). Creating meaning through literature and the arts: arts

integration for classroom teachers. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon/Pearson.

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