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Videos in

By Scott
Lysle Aug
ust 29,

This article
n of a
control Author
used to Rank:
play video
on an Total
ASP.NET page
web page. views
The : 122363
control is Total
based upon downloa
the ds
Windows : 6626
active X
with it you
can add
canned or
live video
to a web
page by
setting a
property or
two at
time, or
from the
page itself.

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Player active X
control; with it
you can add
canned or live
video to a web
page by setting a property or two at design time, or from the ASP.NET page itself.

Figure 1: Displaying Video on a Web Page with a Custom Control.

The Solution
The solution contains two projects; the first is the web custom control and the seconds is a
sample web site with two pages, each displaying the controls in use to display video. The
control project is called "Web Video"; it contains a single web custom control called, "WVC".
The demonstration website contained in the second project is called, "TestWVC". The
website contains to web pages called "Default" and "Webcams".

Figure 2: The Solution Showing Both Projects.

The Code: Web Video - WVC Custom Control

The WVC custom control project is a web custom control project; it contains only a single
control (WVC). This control wraps up the media player control and provides design time
support for the control through a collection of properties used to set some of the various
properties used by the media player control.

The only reference added to the project, aside from the defaults, was System.
Design. System. Design is necessary to support some of the design time functionality
exposed by the control such as using the URL editor with the file path property of the
Figure 3: Adding System Design to the Custom Control References.

The imports, namespace, and class declarations are as follows:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
namespace WebVideo
[ToolboxData("<{0}:WVC runat=server></{0}:WVC>")]
public class WVC : WebControl

Note that in the class declaration, the default property is set to "FilePath"; this property is
used to set the URL to the actual media file to be played by the player control. By setting
this value to "FIlePath", whenever the developer adds the control to a web page, the
property grid will focus on this property first.

After the class declaration, the next block of code is used to declare a set of local member
variables, each of which shall be controlled by a related property:

#region Declarations
private string mFilePath;
private bool mShowStatusBar;
private bool mShowControls;
private bool mShowPositionControls;
private bool mShowTracker;

Following these member variable declarations, the next region of code shall be used to
provide the code for the properties which will be used to set and get the values for each of
the member variables (note the attributes provided for each property; the description
provided is used in the property grid to describe what each property does):

#region Properties
[Category("File URL")]
[Description("Set path to source file.")]
public string FilePath
return mFilePath;

if (value == string.Empty)
mFilePath = string.Empty;
int tilde = -1;
tilde = value.IndexOf('~');
if (tilde != -1)
mFilePath = value.Substring((tilde + 2)).Trim();
mFilePath = value;
} // end FilePath property

[Category("Media Player")]
[Description("Show or hide the tracker.")]
public bool ShowTracker
return mShowTracker;
mShowTracker = value;

[Category("Media Player")]
[Description("Show or hide the position controls.")]
public bool ShowPositionControls
return mShowPositionControls;
mShowPositionControls = value;

[Category("Media Player")]
[Description("Show or hide the controls.")]
public bool ShowControls
return mShowControls;
mShowControls = value;

[Category("Media Player")]
[Description("Show or hide the status bar.")]
public bool ShowStatusBar
return mShowStatusBar;
mShowStatusBar = value;

The last region of code contained in the custom control is that used to actually render the
#region "Rendering"
protected override void RenderContents(HtmlTextWriter writer)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append("<object classid=clsid:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-
0080C74C7E95 ");
5,1,52,701 Width = " + Width.Value.ToString() + " Height = "
+ Height.Value.ToString() + "type=application/x-oleobject
sb.Append("standby='Loading Microsoft+reg; Windows+reg; Media
Player components...' id=mp1 /> ");
sb.Append("<param name=FileName value=" + FilePath.ToString()
+ "> ");
sb.Append("<param name=ShowStatusBar value=" +
ShowStatusBar.ToString() + "> ");
sb.Append("<param name=ShowPositionControls value=" +
ShowPositionControls.ToString() + "> ");
sb.Append("<param name=ShowTracker value=" +
ShowTracker.ToString() + "> ");
sb.Append("<param name=ShowControls value=" +
ShowControls.ToString() + "> ");
sb.Append("<embed src=" + FilePath.ToString() + " ");
Windows/MediaPlayer type=application/x-mplayer2 ");
sb.Append("Width = " + Width.Value.ToString() + " ");
sb.Append("Height = " + Height.Value.ToString());
sb.Append(" /></embed></object>");

// with no properties set, this will render "Display PDF
// Control" in a
// a box on the page
writer.Write("Display WVC Control");
} // end try-catch
} // end RenderContents


To render the control, the "RenderContents" method is overridden. Within a try-catch block,
the contents of the control are defined using a string builder; once defined, the string
builder is converted to a string and dropped within the beginning and ending div tags. Once
the control is added to a page, the control will be contained within a div. As far as the string
builder goes, it sets the class ID of the object to point to the ID of the media player control,
sets the code base, and then sets each of the parameter values used in the control to
configure the media player.

In the catch portion of the try-catch block, if the control errors the words, "Display WVC
Control" will appear on the page. This will happen if the file path property is not set (which
it will not be when the control is dragged onto a form). In order to prevent the lack of a file
name causing an error, the control is rendered differently (and without the media player
control) as soon as it is added to the form.

Since the control is wrapped in a div; any of the properties also available to a div are also
added to the control's property grid (for example, one may set the border style, background
color, etc. of the control because those properties are available to the div).

The Code: Test Web WVC

The demonstration web project is comprised of two web pages; one page, the default,
demonstrates a single control in use. It also uses a drop down list control set to auto
postback; the list contains a set of items with the value property pointing to a valid source
of media. When the drop down list is used, the media player's file path is set to point to the
new source of media. The second page contains four controls each set to a different source
and with the control panel options enabled. The code is trivial and is not reported in this
Figure 4: Demo Page One.
Figure 5: Demo Page Two.

Summary :

By wrapping up the media player control in a custom web control, it becomes very easy to
embed or even dynamically embed the controls into web pages. By moving the code
required to display a media player into the custom control, it is n

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