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Backward Design Lesson Plan Template

Candidate Veronica Sawyer Grade level 10

Lesson title Where Are We?

Step 1Desired Results (What students will learn)

-Students will understand what will be asked of them at the Monster Mash Caf.

- Students will understand the purpose of including a thesis statement and have different
strategies to utilize when drafting their thesis statements.

CCSS: W.9-10.5: Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing,
rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a
specific purpose and audience.

CCSS:RI.9-10.8: Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing
whether the reasoning is valid and the evidence is relevant and sufficient; identify false
statements and fallacious reasoning.

Step 2Assessment Evidence (Summative/Formative check for learning)

Students will be turning in their drafted thesis statements at the end of the class as an exit
ticket. This helps me understand not only if they understood what the assignment was asking
of them, but it also tells me where the students are planning to take their papers later in the
unit. It will be made clear to the students that what they choose to work on now and turn in
does not need to be what they turn in for the final product.

Step 3Learning Plan (detailed enough for another teacher to follow)

Learning activities: Steps for students. Use action verbs Notes for Teacher:
(step by step from start to finish)

20 Minutes I will introduce the final project of this unit to the

students and answer any questions. Students will
understand why theyre writing their papers.

15 Minutes First I am going to explain to them the rhetorical

situation. I am going to use my X-Men analogy to further
explain what it looks like.

15 Minutes Students will be creating their own analogy to

help them remember the importance of keeping, interests,
audiences, reasons for writing, and their own biases in line
while writing argument papers.

20 Minutes I will talk about why we need to have theses in

our papers, and explain that theses are meant to introduce
the papers argument. During this time I will show them what
open, closed, and counterargument thesis statements look
like. We will construct examples together in class about
school dress codes (or if texting should be illegal while
driving if someone is already writing about dress codes).
10 Minutes I will release students to work on their thesis
statements. While theyre working I will be going around the
room to help anyone who is having trouble getting started.

10 Minutes I will ask the students if anyone would like to

voluntarily share their thesis statement and what type of
thesis they constructed
Resources, Timing, and Materials

This lesson will take approximately 90 Minutes

-An Expo marker

Step 4Differentiation/Accommodation/Modifications
Which strategies/methods will you use differentiate for different learning styles? How will you accommodations and
modifications for special needs students (IEP)?
Differentiation is included throughout the lesson with different levels of questions. In addition to
this, student interest was a key component of creating the lesson. If creating a BookSnap is
too difficult they are able to just post the quote in a word doc before giving their brief
explanation. If creating a BookSnap is too easy I will ask them to go back and look for multiple
examples of exposition/rising tension and create more.
Adapted from Tomlinson and McTighe, Integrating Differentiated Instruction + Understanding by Design, ASCD, 2006.

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