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Jasueth Landaverde Commented [1]: Well done Jasueth.

I think you have

RR9 very strong and well crafted elements here. For future
reference, I think your summary could be a little
stronger, perhaps by briefly stating the main findings of
Text the study as well. However, in reference to your other
sections, I think you excelled in this RR this week.
McCarthy, Lucille P. A Stranger in Strange Lands: A College Student Writing across the
Work on refining based on my comments below, and
Curriculum. Research in the Teaching of English 21.3 (1987): 233-65. Print. try to keep the same level of quality for your future
Summary This response has earned a 3. 10/10 points. Well done.
The article, by Lucille McCarthy speaks on the study of junior college students journey named
Dave. The study is intended to explain and go in depth about the transition between classrooms
and their expectations/rules and how it affects college students in writing. It displays the actual
experience a student faces as their making their way through college.

The most important idea from the article that I think a peer in this class would benefit
from is that the successful college students are the ones who communicate with their teachers
the most.
When you create a relationship with your professor youre able to know how to get a
passing grade, what the teacher expects, the structure of the assignments, and their

Successful students are those who can, in their interactions with teacher during the
semester, determine what constituents appropriate texts in each classroom: the content,
structures, language, ways of thinking, and types of evidence required in that discipline
and by that teacher.

The article speaks on how newcomers have a hard time transitioning to college, especially
when it comes to professors who have different expectations and higher standards in each
classroom. As I kept reading, the most important idea from the article that I think a peer in this
class would benefit from is that the successful college students are the ones who communicate
with their teachers the most.When you create a relationship with your professor youre able to
know how to get a passing grade, what the teacher expects, the structure of the assignments,
and their expectations. On page 231, McCarthy states, Successful students are those who can, Commented [2]: Instead of putting this here, we
in their interactions with teacher during the semester, determine what constituents appropriate should put it at the end of the sentence as an in-text
citation (p 231)
texts in each classroom: the content, structures, language, ways of thinking, and types of
evidence required in that discipline and by that teacher. Although students struggle with the Commented [3]: Be sure to let your reader know that
this is an example of what you just stated. :)
new college environment, it is important to know that the key to passing your classes is to be
able to understand and meet the teachers certain requirements to their course content.

1. Ethnographic; relating to the scientific description of peoples and cultures with their
customs, habits, and mutual differences. At that time; research in other fields had used
case studies and ethnographic research extensively, but researchers in the field of
Writing Studies had only begun to consider what we could learn about writing by using
2. Presuppositions; a thing tacitly assumed beforehand at the beginning of a line of
argument or course of action. As students go from one classroom to another they must
play a wide range of games, the rules for which, Britton points out, includes many
conventions and presuppositions that are not explicitly articulated.
3. Corroborate; confirm or give support to a statement, theory, or finding. Findings from
this study corroborate the notion that learning to write should be seen not only as a
developmental process occurring within an individual student, but also as a social
process occuring in response to particular situations.

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