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World History II:

Unit 2 Project Guideline

Objective: To create a self-directed project which demonstrates your understanding of

the causes and effects of imperialism, and the ideas of the Industrial Revolution and
colonization. The project will be based on a specific country, looking at its socio-
economic issues in the present, history of the issue, what is being done to address it,
and what more could be done.
What You Have to Do


Step 1 - Forming a group of four members

Once your group has been formed, ask your teacher to randomly assign you a country and
development goal for your project.

Step 2 - select the type of project

Create a product which demonstrates essential understandings from Unit 2 as well as the
concepts and theories learned in the unit.

How will I demonstrate what I learned?

What kind of product do you want to create?

o The product must clearly demonstrate that you have reached the
essential understandings of this course and connect them to your
assigned country and development goal.
o The product must be able to present itself (without you there to explain it).
o The project must demonstrate at least two of the schools Expected
School-wide Learner Outcomes (ESLOs).
o See the RUBRIC for more detail
Choose one from the following list:
o Short film (5-10 minute)
o Fiction
o Comics
o Music Video
o Academic Essay
o Game
o Panel Discussion
o Debate Show
o Other (please propose to your teacher and wait for approval)
Step 3 - Create a proposal according to the given template and rubric.
See the format for the Project Proposal below:
Member(s): Peak Babe Taiji Bom
Country assigned: Angola
World History II:
Unit 2 Project Guideline

Development goal selected: Global Partnership For Development

Type of Product: Bulletin board
Product Description:
(Make sure it is clear what the product will look like, what it will include, and how it will be
The product will be the bulletin board about Angola. We will attach the map of Angola and also
a pictures related to Angola. It will included the historical moment of Angola in a specific areas
such as population, religious, culture and the major events that made Angola what it is today.
Then the board will also provide the information about socio-economic issues of Angola in the
present and as well as the history of the issue in Angola . Moreover, the product will also
consist of the causes and effects of imperialism, and the ideas of the Industrial Revolution and
colonization in the end.

Summaries: (one paragraph minimum for each section with main ideas only)

Brief background of your country in written in your own words: (post 1900 creation of
qcountry + some major events that made the country what it is today)
In sixteenth century, Portuguese colony founded on the coast of South Africa in 1575 to
be known as Angola, they encountered the Kingdom of the Congo. The Portuguese brought
weapons and a new religion, Christianity, to trade with the King of the Congo. This is the
reason why most people in Angola are Christian. The Portuguese took control of the Angola
throughout the 16th century by a series of treaties and wars. The Portuguese gradually took
control and found out the Luanda during 1641-1648. Portuguese forces re-took the Luanda
and started to process of military conquests of Congo and Ndongo. Angola became a major
Portuguese slave-trading area by the Portuguese government. In 1951, Angolas official
status changed from colony to Portuguese overseas province. The groups of educated
Angolans began to forming a resistance. Angola attained their official independence in 1975.
The differences between three movements led the Angolan Civil War which is the conflict
between the Peoples Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) and the National Union
for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA), encouraged by international supporters .The
MPLA declared an independence on November 11, 1975, the day that Portuguese
abandoned the capital. Lately, this area became an independent country under the name of
People's Republic of Angola. Later changed to Republic of Angola.

Brief summary of the history of the social issue (based on MDG selected) in your
country: (causes of the social issue in your country)
When the Portuguese colonized Angola they also give them an education too that make
Angolan people have more intelligence so Angolan could develop by themselves and became
World History II:
Unit 2 Project Guideline

oil producer country. For past few years the world trying to use alternative energy, so this
affect the oil price down. And because Angola is oil producer country that also affect too.
When the price go down profit go down too, so the investors need to cut the capital cost so
they decided to unemploy some employees. In the factory most of the workers are
Portuguese and others country for high skill work and other parts, the low skill work, they hire
angola people to do the job so obviously they hire men rather than women thats also make
an inequality between men and women. Also the Angolan civil war also affect Angolan society
too. After the Portuguese left and gave them an independence Angolan people fight each
others to get power that makes Angola lose a lot of resources and time that could use for
developing their country.
Brief summary of how the social issue (based on the MDG selected) has affected your
country (post 1945): (effects of the social issue in your country current situation)
The result after the social issue seem getting worst. The Republic of Angola has a literacy rate
about 67.4% of the population. Above age 15 can at least read and write which it getting worst
that the average of Africa. The lack of education mainly in poor children still remains as a
major problem in Angola. According to the abundance of natural resources in Angola. It
remains at least 55% of its total population living below poverty which is one of the worst in
Africa today. The number of poverty workers has declined due to the social issue. According
to the economic crisis and global recession, happened in 2008. From this reason it make
others view their country as a slower growth country. Moreover, the inequalities seem to
widening. The effects is the jobs is not fit to the labour force because it keep growing nonstop.
The following result is more than 204 million people were unemployed in 2015. Although sex
education are helping a lot to against HIV/AIDS, about 200,000 people have to living with
HIV/AIDS. Just like the deadly of Malaria and Water -borne diseases such as Typhoid fever,
Protozoal, and bacterial diarrhea.

Brief summary of a: (policies in place and progress in dealing with the problem)
- The Civil War caused Angola to maintained economic and political stability, but Angola
still faces many problems, such as poverty and living conditions of the population. To
solve these problems, the government enhance the non-oil economy and recover it
after suffer from the civil war. The government of Angola aims to strengthen economic
growth by improving their technology and create a high level of productivity. To archive
these goals, the government has to encourage entrepreneurship and division of labor.
Start with supporting small enterprises to create more jobs for the people.
- Moreover, they have signed an agreement with the IMF in 2009 for discussing an
agreement again about foreign debt in order to change it. This agreement will also
improve the better conditions and an important improvement of Angolas balance of
- The government of Angola used capital from oil resources to create macroeconomic
stabilization and economic diversion. The Angolas oil industry create funding to the
other sectors, such as hospital and financial sector, which construct better living
condition to the population.
- The monetary policy of the Angolan National Bank has been focus on maintaining a
low and stable rising prices rate. They also has been providing the economy with
enough liquidity to increase its participation in the economic development.
- Job creation is one of the keys challenges Angolas economy. A sustained economic
growth is important in order to achieve this objective. So, the government of Angola
World History II:
Unit 2 Project Guideline

updated the public wage policy to keep the purchasing power of its populations.

Reference list for the starter sources used: (APA format)

Major problems facing Angola today. Retrieved November 2, 2017, from Africa Africa
and the World. Website:
Decent work and Economic growth. Retrieved November 2, 2017, from United Nations
Development Programme. Website:
Angola Profile - Timeline. Retrieved November 11, 2017, from BBC news. Website:
Goal 8 targets. Retrieved November 5, 2017, from United Nations Development
Programme. Website:
Angola Unemployment Rate. Retrieved November 2, 2017, from
Angolas Political And Economic Development. Retrieved November 3, 2017, from
Angolas top priority is to create decent jobs. Retrieved November 3, from
Angola Crude Oil Production. Retrieved November 2, 2017, from
The Angola Crisis 197475. Retrieved November 2, 2017, from

The format for the Project Proposal ends here

Step 4 - Create learning records according to the given template and rubrics, while you are
working on your product.
Each day, you should think about what you want to learn or what information you need
to find (remember that you have about 30 minutes or less in each class to work on the
project). Then you should summarize what you have learnt each day and reflect/analyze
it. Do not forget to add references to the sources that you have used in APA format.
World History II:
Unit 2 Project Guideline

This time we will only use this to record research, other processes do not need to be
Here is the template for each record:
Date: (date of the class or time spent doing research)
Questions: (what are you trying to find out / what questions are you trying to
answer) - this is done at the beginning of project time
Summary: (notes from sources in your own words) what did you learn from
your research
Analysis and opinion: (what do you think/feel about what you have learnt / does
this connect to anything else you have learnt or is there a deeper meaning?)
References: (All sources that you used should be listed here) - this is done
during project time - must be APA format

Step 5 Submit your final product

Step 6 - Write a reflection (guide questions will be given).

The reflection should be a minimum of 3 paragraphs. Before you begin, you should
think about and answer each of the following questions:
o What were my successes?
o What were my failures?
o What can I learn from my mistakes?
o What are my strengths as a learner?
o What are my weaknesses (areas for growth) as a learner?
o What could I do differently next time?
o What did I learn about myself as a learner?
o What did I learn about myself as a person

To sum up, here are the things that you have to submit:
Learning Records
Final Product and Presentation

Goal: Decent work and economic growth, industry, innovative, infrastructure

MDG report:
Angola [Web log post]. Retrieved October 28, 2017, from
World History II:
Unit 2 Project Guideline

(2017, October 12).The World Bank in Angola [Web log post]. Retrieved October 28,
2017, from
(2017, October 17). Angola Economic Outlook [Web log post]. Retrieved October 28,
2017, from
(2015, May 8). Angolas top priority is to create decent jobs (ILO) [Web log post].
Retrieved October 28, 2017, from
The history of goal 8 in Angola.
Research on the background information about the Angola.
Research on Angolan War of Independence and Civil War.
How did it form as an Angola in these days?
The conflict between Portuguese and Angola.
The slaves trading in Angola.
Help to design our final product.
What Angola has done to deal with goal 8.
Also research on the background information about Angola
Design the template.
Design the theme on the bulletin board on the actual product.
The effects of goal 8 on Angola.
Research how economic growth effects Angola.
Enhanced services to the poor.
Better public sector management.
Decent jobs in Angola.
How Decent Work Country Program help Angela to create decent jobs?
Research information and print it to put on the product.
What do you think Angola should be done next.
Check all the information before put on the actual product.
Find the material that will use on the product.

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