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Common tools and methods used in Vulnhub CTF's - DigiP's list - Please update :)

Some spoilers in the myst...

never forget to check sudo -l on a system for interesting info on what you can
run (if configured) as root

Various sites of help for vm's

Great Password/name/directory wordlists!!
Quick URL Encode/decode
Various online text conversions
TTY Shells help
* Check for interactive versions of nmap, quickest shell to
get root if perms 4755
find / -perm 4755 -type f | grep nmap
AQK Help
SED Help
Mysql dumping
Thourough EXIF data extraction tool - really good image EXIF tool
(Seems to work better than kali installed exif console tool)
MD5 cracking. Place hash in place of "c39cd4df8f2e35d20d92c2e44de5f7c6"
for quick search via this url:
Multi hash cracking all at once and against multiple hash types!
(Send multiple hash types into queue and run in mass decode)

basic understanding of tar, unzip, bzip, and like utils

base64 - use to encode or decode base64 strings

root@kali:~/# echo foo | base64
root@kali:~/# echo Zm9vCg== | base64 -d

netdiscover - find local machines on network, only on same subnet

Scan range ex: netdiscover -r

nmap - scan network, host discover, port scan, etc

Quick network arp scan: get mac and ip address.

(--open helps trick to only show seen nodes,less output)
nmap -sA -vv -n -PN -T5 --open

Port scan range for only open ports and services

(TCP only - use -sU for UDP)
nmap -sC -sV -n -vv -T3 --open -p-

sparta - scan network, also good reporting tool for saving logged info, various
gui controls, self explanatory

usage: sparta
(opens gui, add host, have at it)

nc | netcat - muti-functional network tool. can connect to other systems,

use SSL, or start listner to chat, recieve or send reverse shell

ex: nc -uv target port

will use UDP (-u) and connect to target on port specified
ex: nc -u -lvp 1234
listen on port 1234 for incoming connection
ex: nc -ssl target port
connect to target on port using ssl negotiations. can listen
with SSL as well for secure egress
machine 1: nc -ssl -lvp 444 > file.txt
machine 2: nc -ssl -nv target 444 < send-this-file.txt
will listen on machine 1 for file form machine 2 and save the
document over SSL

objdump - get various binary info help. Used to debug info for non running
programs ex:
root@kali:~/necromancer# objdump -f talisman

talisman: file format elf32-i386

architecture: i386, flags 0x00000112:
start address 0x08048350

On an amd64 machine, the above binary will not run without i386 utils.
In kali 2.0 2016.1 rolling, install "lib32z1"
(lib32z1 replaces ia32-libs)
apt-get install lib32z1
now you can run the elf32-i386 program in amd64 :)

gdb - debugger for programs

ex: gdb program

gdb talisman
info functions
Non-debugging symbols:
0x080482d0 _init
0x08048310 printf@plt
0x08048320 __libc_start_main@plt
0x08048330 __isoc99_scanf@plt
0x08048350 _start
0x08048380 __x86.get_pc_thunk.bx
0x08048390 deregister_tm_clones
0x080483c0 register_tm_clones
0x08048400 __do_global_dtors_aux
0x08048420 frame_dummy
0x0804844b unhide
0x0804849d hide
0x080484f4 myPrintf
0x08048529 wearTalisman
0x08048a13 main
0x08048a37 chantToBreakSpell
0x08049530 __libc_csu_init
0x08049590 __libc_csu_fini
0x08049594 _fini

binwalk - scan various file types, get info

binwalk -B file
(show file info)
binwalk -e file
(extract compressed archives from target - try images! ie: jpg)

WARNING - Disclaimer - gobuster, cewl and dirbuster, may cause IDS or
mod_security types to ban you! You may no longer be able to visit a
target after crushing them with requests! Do on targets you own!
staap pointing yoru laser at the www.

gobuster - similar to dirbuster, but dead simple and fast cmdline util

gobuster -e -w wordlist.txt -u -s [responsecode] -a "UserAgent"
where response code is valid http return codes such as 200, 301, 302,
404, 403, etc. -x lets you choose a file extension to append to words
See gobuster -h for lots more it can do!

cewl - digininjas wordlist helper. Before using gobuster, having good subject
matter for words related to your target is crucial. ex:
cewl -m 4 -d 0 -w wordlist.txt --ua "User Agent - They are important" target
-d is the depth to spider on the site. For large sites, this can run a
long time with a larger depth. If all you want is a single page,
go 0 for the main site page. -m is the min word length to save.
gobuster and dirbuster can take these and add file extennions as well!

dirbuster - follows wordlist to brute force directories. run the gui to see

aircrack-ng - crack wifi pcap/cap files

ex: aircrack-ng -a 2 file.cap -w /root/wordlist.txt

(-a 2 designates wpa, -a 1 is wep)

snmp-check - snmp enumeration tool to interigate community id's for info

ex: snmp -c communityname -t target.ip.or.hostname

wireshark | tshark - wireshark GUI packet sniffer, tshark cmdline packet sniffer

snmpwalk - get MIB string index and snmp community info

ex: snmpwalk -c COMMUNITYSTRING -v2c -On TARGET

snmp-set - set MIB index variables

ex: snmpset -v 2c -c COMMUNITYSTRING TARGET #.#.#string#.#.# s "Command"

s "Command" sets the option on #.#.#string#.#.# MIB string output
from snmpwalk

hashcat - crack hashes

MD5 hash ex:

hashcat -m 0 -a 0 md5.txt /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
md5.txt is your list of hashes to crack against your wordlist which is
last argument.

ncrack - brute force logins with ncrack

guess passwords ex:

ncrack -p 22 --user root -P 500-worst-passwords.txt
guess users ex:
ncrack -p 22 -U wordlist.txt --pass knownpass

This is by no means a complete list. Feel free to update and add to. Give me a
shout on twitter @xxDigiPxx

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