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Melinda Staub

A.I. Technology Resource Guide Organizer

Click on UDL Principles and Checkpoints for additional information!
1. Provide options for self-regulation
Name of
Link Discuss how the resource aligns with the guideline.
This free resource on Teachers Pay Teachers is a great way
Self-Regulation for students to tell the teacher how they are feeling, if they
Break Cards Cards-1162684 need a break and the reason for taking a break. Each
student can get the set of four cards to use as needed.
Breathe2Relax was an app listed here that uses breathing
exercises as a way for students to become calm and relaxed in
the classroom. Regulating actions in the class can be hard, but
and Technology
teachers can use this resource as a preventative and start each
class session with a breathing exercise.
2. Provide options for sustaining effort and persistence
Name of
Link Discuss how the resource aligns with the guideline.
Rubrics make grading quicker, clearer, and more objective.
They are one of the most helpful tools that teachers can
have in their bag of tricks. This site is one of the most
Teachnologys extensive teacher resources for rubrics on the internet.
Rubric Maker There are tools that help guide you through the process of
creating these assessment tools for evaluating student
performance and find over five hundred printable rubrics on
our web site.
The different levels of learning offered by Exploring
Language allows learners to choose the level that is best for
Exploring them. Exploring Language also provides leveled support for
Language learning about language. If students are able to make the
level of reading one that fits them best they are more likely
to persist in learning.
3. Provide options for recruiting interest
Melinda Staub

Name of
Link Discuss how the resource aligns with the guideline.
Pacecar is an online reading tool, designed to increase
reading rate and decrease distractions. It masks the
distracting elements on the page by creating a reading
Pace Car window that follows where the student drags the mouse.
Pacecar is a great example of reducing distractions. By
decreasing irrelevant information, Pacecar helps students to
focus on the most important information on the page.
This is a printable resource that can be used in the
Sensory classroom. It informs the teacher about SI Dysfunction and
Integration ways that it can be addressed in the class. By varying the
Dysfunction level of sensory stimulation in the classroom, threats and
distractions can be reduced.
This resource is a blog that teachers can refer to and read
about common distraction sin the classroom. It also
provided teachers with tip on how to avoid them. Teachers
Distractions: How
should be aware of all the types of distractions that can be in
can we avoid distractions-how-much-can-we-avoid-them/
the classroom as well as strategies to overcome them with.
All of this will help lead to a classroom with less threats and
4. Provide options for comprehension
Name of
Link Discuss how the resource aligns with the guideline.
This particular resource focuses on prior knowledge, It
3 Quick Ways to connects to the guideline in the fact that a student must
Check for activate prior knowledge and relate the content to their lives
Students Prior before full comprehension takes place. In this site three
Knowledge strategies are discussed in finding a students prior
knowledge about a topic.

Plickers Teachers can use Plickers for quick checks for understanding
to know whether students are understanding big concepts and
mastering key skills. These are a fun way to have an
Melinda Staub

assessment of understanding that all student will love. The

app will keep track of each students answers as well.

CueCard is a program that allows teachers to make flash

cards that will help students memorize content as well as
test them on the content that has been taught. CueCard
CueCard flash cards heighten the memorability of information
through repetition and allow teachers and students make
flash cards with text, image, and sound to enhance
5. Provide options for language, mathematical expressions, and symbols
Name of
Link Discuss how the resource aligns with the guideline.
SymbolSupport is a way to add symbols and speech to text.
Documents can be read with a text-to-speech voice while
text is highlighted word by word. This app is intended to
help learners with an intellectual disability or autism access
Symbol Support important information like class assignments, step-by-step
instructions, and social stories. Documents created in
SymbolSupport can also be read with the free
SymbolReader app. As you type symbols are added to the
Math Symbols is an app that can be used by teachers and/or
parents. On this app children are able to better understand
Math Symbols math symbols. Some symbols include equal sign, greater than
sign, and the less than sign. This resource can be used to help
children learn and use a variety of math symbols.
6. Provide options for perception
Name of
Link Discuss how the resource aligns with the guideline.
With this app, you can change setting in real time when trying to read on the internet. You can change the font
optimised/id631650011?mt=8 (Helvetica, Dyslexie, Andika Basic, Arial, Arial Rounded MT
Bold, Chalkboard SE, Gill Sans, HelveticaNeue-Light,
Melinda Staub

Kailasa, Optima, Trebuchet MS, Verdana), you can adjust

the font size, you can adjust the spacing between letter and
lines as well as zoom on all web pages.
With this app students can use their device as a magnifying
glass. If they struggle seeing text or reading fine print in the
higher grades and or into middle school when they read
BigMagnify Free
textbooks, they can use this app to make the text more


7. Provide options for executive functions
Name of
Link Discuss how the resource aligns with the guideline.
Exploring Language provides leveled support for learning
about language and setting goals. Exploring Language
Helping My offers students models and tips on how to set goals that
Student Set Goals make the writing process more effective, manageable and
the SMART Way maintainable. It allows students to set their own goals for
any length of time.

X-Mind provides a way for students to share ideas whild

putting them in an organized map. This site provides very
cool ways to show brainstorming and mind-mapping.
Mapping is an effective way for students to organize and
manage the information they collect and want to share.

8. Provide options for expression and communication

Name of
Link Discuss how the resource aligns with the guideline.
This resource is a free online spell checker. It will check the
students text or even a website. It will email results to you.
Teachers can use this to check student work or students can
use it to edit their own work. It spell checks 27 languages
Melinda Staub

and no software is required to use it. This tool supports


SAM Animation is software designed to allow students to

make stop-action movies to share ideas and
understanding. The software is easy to use and provides a
SAM Animation unique experience. Students can explore challenging
problems in any subject through creating animations.
SAM provides an engaging way for students to
communicate their ideas to peers and teachers.
9. Provide options for physical action
Name of
Link Discuss how the resource aligns with the guideline.
VoiceThread is audiovisual tool for sharing and commenting
on images. You can upload an image or video, add a written
or audio comment, and then share it. Teachers can use
VoiceThread VoiceThread in the classroom to comment on student work
or discuss an image or video. VoiceThread has embedded
options for communication. Comments can be expressed
through writing, verbally, and/or with a drawing tool.
No-Keys is a computer software program that displays an
on-screen keyboard. Students can "type" on the onscreen
No Key Virtual keyboard using a mouse, trackball, or similar pointing
device. The different options for "typing" are great
examples of options for physical response.

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