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Winter Session Test

Subject: English
11TH B form
Name ___________________________


points) Read the text and do the tasks below the text.
Saving Languages
1 Did you know that every fourteen days one of the worlds 7000 languages dies out? Throughout human
history, languages have disappeared because of natural disasters and wars, but nowadays the most
common reason is globalization. This is happening all over the world. In South Africa, for example,
young people are choosing to use English instead of their traditional languages because they need
5 English to study in higher education.
About 60% of the worlds population speak one of the twenty most common languages, and the
number of speakers of world languages such as English and Spanish is increasing fast. Would we really
lose anything if the small languages died out completely? The answer would be yes. When a language
dies out, we lose the culture and the history of a people that may be thousands of years old. We also
10 lose the knowledge of the people who speak the language. Speakers of the Kallawaya language in
Bolivia have words for medicinal plants in their part of the rainforest, which doctors in the world have
never heard of, and speakers of the Yupik language of Alaska have ninety-nine words for ice, a fact that
shows that they have a unique understanding of their world. Our planet would lose that understanding
if these languages disappeared.
15 If you wanted to make your language more interesting for young people, what would you do? Professor
K. David Harrison, who has travelled the world to look for the last speakers of disappearing languages,
believes that using social media, YouTube, text messaging and other digital technologies is one way of
saving disappearing languages. In North America, for example, young Native Americans go online and
chat to other teenagers in languages like Cherokee or Navajo, or they teach them
20 languages online to people of all races all over the world.
Another exciting project is to create talking dictionaries. Professor Harrison has just produced
eight talking dictionaries, which contain more than 32,000 words in eight endangered languages. There
are also audio recordings of native speakers pronouncing words and sentences, and some photographs
of cultural objects.
25 In the next 100 years, the number of languages will decrease, but we dont have to lose as many as
some people think. Using modern technology can save small languages, and we mustnt lose the
culture, history and knowledge that these languages contain.
No Item Score
1. Answer the following questions according to the text. (Total: 6 points) A A
a) According to the text, what is todays most common reason for language 0 0
disappearance? 1 1
2 2

b) According to the text, why do young people in South Africa prefer to speak English? A A
0 0
1 1

2 2

c) According to the text, what are the two most common languages in the world at the A A
moment? 0 0
1 1
2 2

2. Circle the correct answer according to the text. (Total: 4 points) A A

1. Based on the text, speakers of the Kallawaya language in Bolivia have words for 0 0
medicinal plants in their part of the rainforest, 2 2
a. which are famous all over the world.
b. which are used by all the doctors in the world.
c. which are not known to the doctors in the world.
d. which Bolivian doctors have never heard of.
2. The word contain in line 27 is closest in meaning to A A
a. include 0 0
b. die out. 2 2
c. learn.
d. lose.
Based on the text, write if the sentences are True or False. Justify your choice. (Total:
3. 6 A A
points) 0 0
a) Professor K. David Harrison has been searching for the last speakers of disappearing 1 1
languages. _____________ 3 3

b) Talking dictionaries is one of the ways to save disappearing languages. __________

because 0 0
1 1
3 3

4. Find in the text the synonyms for the words given below. (Total: 4 points) A A
a) ordinary - ______________________ 0 0
b) picture - ____________________ 2 2
5.Give another title to the text. (Total: 2 points)

___ A01 2
6. Explain the message of the text in 30-40 words. (Total: 8 points) A A
0 0
2 2

4 4
6 6


0 0
1 1
2 2

II.Grammar(20 points)
1. Put the correct form of the following verbs given in brackets( 10points )
a) Look! I_________________ ( to rain ) outside! We have to wait a little bit!
b) If I _______________________ ( to know ) you needed a jacket, I would
________________ ( to buy ) one for you
c) Why_________________ ( to complain/always ) about your job? I think its a good one, so
you there is nothing to worry about!
d) She____________________ ( to watch ) TV at this time last night.
e) Before I ____________ ( to move ) to Los Angeles, I___________( to take ) some IELTS
classes online.
f) He _____________________ ( to study ) the violin in the USA for 3 years when his father
___________________( to phone ) to say he was needed at home.
g) I _______________________( to fly ) to Italy at this time next week.
h) I was sure your friends ___________________( to travel ) to Africa for 10 hrs.
i) If I _______________( to be ) you, I would go to the drugstore!
2.Report the following sentences (6 points)
1.Michael said, You can borrow my book.______________________________________________
2.The teacher said, Turn the music down!_____________________________________

3.Paul admitted, I havent brushed my teeth yet.


4.Jimmy asked, Where did you meet him?


5.My coach said, I wont be able to be at the next


6.He asked me, Can I come to the meeting tomorrow?

________________________________________________________________ 123456

3. Underline the correct modal or modal form to fit the sentence (4 points)

1)I didnt feel very well yesterday. I(cannot/mustnt/couldnt) eat anything.

2) You(would/should/could) ok at me when I am talking to you.
3) I(might/would) be able to help you, but Im not sure yet.
4)(Could/can) you speak French? - Only a few words, but my Russian is pretty good.
5.Im so hungry I (could/can/must/should) eat a horse!
6) The test starts at 10.30. You (dont have to/mustnt) be late.
7) She (must /has to/cannot) be very pleased with herself. She got the best grades.
8) He (mustnt/couldnt have/shouldnt have) broken the classroom window. He wasnt even
in school today.


(30 points)

Write a 150-180-word coherent text expressing your attitude on the given topic. Each generation
imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went
before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it.
1. George Orwell Justify your opinion. Present two examples. Use the following plan:


012 012 012 01234 0123 012 01 0123 01234 01234567

Total:80 points
Lyceum: Boris Dinga
Winter Session Test
Subject : English
Form: 11th B Form
Teacher: Tatiana Sclifos

3.2 Determining the main idea \essential message of a written text, identifying relevant supporting
details and facts.
4.4. Expressing personal opinion with the use of sentence connectors and transition words.
4.5 Using grammar structures and syntax properly when drafting texts and other creative works.
4.1 Editing functional, complex texts structured according to grammar, punctuation, vocabulary and
spelling rules, and the use of sentence connectors and transition words.

-to determine the main idea, and to identify relevant supporting details.
-to find synonyms and antonyms in the text
-to be able to answer to the questions
-to be able to report correctly , to use correctly modal verbs and tenses in the sentences
-to express personal opinion with the use of sentence connectors and transition words.

Items/Points The domains of Comprehension Application Creativity Total

I/30 points Comprehension 10% 30% 40%
of the text
II/20 points Grammar 10% 20% 30%%
III/30 points Creativity 30% 30%
Total Total 20% 50% 30% 100%
100 points
Rspuns corect i complet, conform cerinei L
(cte 2 puncte pentru fiecare din cele 3 ntrebri). 0 6 puncte
Rspuns parial corect i care respect parial cerina 1
(cte 1 punct pentru fiecare din cele 3 ntrebri). 2
Rspuns incorect i care nu respect cerina.
Se acord 0 puncte. L
Lips de rspuns. 0

2 Rspuns corect conform cerinei (2 alegeri). L 4 puncte
Se acord cte dou puncte pentru ncercuirea unei litere din 0
faa rspunsului corect la fiecare ntrebare (2+2=4 p.). 2
Rspuns corect i incomplet (1 alegere).
Se acord 2 puncte pentru ncercuirea unei litere din faa L
rspunsului corect la o ntrebare (2+0=2 p.). 0
Rspuns incorect. 2
Se acord 0 puncte.
Lips de rspuns.
3 Rspuns corect i complet (2 rspunsuri i 2 justificri) 6 L 6 puncte
p. 0
Se acord cte un punct pentru fiecare rspuns 1
corect adevrat sau fals(1+1=2p.). 3
Se acord cte dou puncte pentru fiecare justificare
corect printr-un enun din textul analizat (2+2=4p.).
Rspuns corect i parial complet (2 rspunsuri i 1 L
justificare). 4 p. 0
Se acord cte un punct pentru fiecare rspuns 1
corect adevrat sau fals (1+1=2p.). 3
Se acord dou puncte pentru o justificare corect printr-
un enun din textul analizat (2p.).
Rspuns corect i parial complet (1 rspuns i 1
justificare). 3 p.
Se acord cte un punct pentru un rspuns corect
adevrat sau fals (1+0=1 p.).
Se acord dou puncte pentru o justificare corect printr-
un enun din textul analizat (2p.).
Rspuns corect i incomplet (2 rspunsuri i lips de
justificare). 2 p.
Se acord cte un punct pentru fiecare rspuns
corect adevrat sau fals (1+1=2p.).
Rspuns corect i incomplet (1 rspuns i lips de
justificare). 1 p.
Se acord un punct pentru un rspuns corect adevrat sau
fals(1+0=1 p.).
Rspuns incorect.
Se acord 0 puncte.
Lips de rspuns.
N.B.! Dac lipsete rspunsul - adevrat sau fals ca prima

4 Rspuns corect, concret i complet, conform cerinei (2 L

sinonime). 0 4 puncte
Se acord cte dou puncte pentru numirea a dou 2
s i n o nime pentru sensul cuvintelor date (2+2=4 p.). 4
Rspuns corect, concret i incomplet (1 sinonim).
Se acord 2 puncte pentru numirea unui sinonim pentru
sensul cuvntului dat (2+0=2 p.).
Rspuns incorect.
Se acord 0 puncte.
Lips de rspuns.
5 Rspuns corect i complet. L 2 puncte
Se acord 2 puncte pentru formularea unui titlu adecvat 0
sensului textului. 1
Rspuns parial corect. 2
Se acord 1 punct pentru formularea unui titlu care reflect
parial sensul textului.
Rspuns incorect.
Se acord 0 puncte.
Lips de rspuns.
6 Rspuns corect, coerent i complet. L 8 puncte
Se acord 6 puncte pentru formularea mesajului textului n 0
mod clar i coerent, cu respectarea succesiunii logice a 2
gndului. 4
Rspuns corect, coerent i incomplet. 6
Se acord 4 puncte pentru formularea mesajului textului n
mod clar i coerent, care prezint unele aspecte ale ideii
Rspuns parial corect i incomplet.
Se acord 2 puncte pentru formularea parial corect a
mesajului textului, n care gndurile nu urmeaz o succesiune
Rspuns incorect.
Se acord 0 puncte.
Lips de rspuns.

Respectarea sarcinii de volum conform mesajului textului: L

Se acord 2 puncte pentru respectarea volumului de 35-40 de 0
cuvinte 1
Se acord 1 punct pentru respectarea volumului de 30-35 de 2
Se acord 0 puncte pentru un volum mai mic de 30 de cuvinte
N.B.! Sunt considerate cuvinte toate semnele separate prin
spaii albe.
N.B.! In cazul depirii volumului maxim de cuvinte puncte
nu se adaug.
N.B.! Punctajul de la sarcina de volum se adaug la cel de la


(competena specific gramatical) 20 puncte

Nr. Barem Punctaj

1-10 Se acord:
1) se acorda cite un punct punct pentru fiecare spaiu
gol completat correct cu forma verbului a
n total pentru
2)se acord cite un punct pentru fiecare spaiu gol completat
correct cu transformarea vorbirei directe (6*1=6puncte)
3) se acorda cite un punct punct pentru fiecare spaiu gol
completat correct cu forma corect a verbului

corecte se
acord 20 de puncte

Proba III Evaluarea Competenei civice i pragmatice

1. Corectitudinea la nivel de competen civic i pragmatic

-identific i descrie tema conform situaiei indicate
-exprim opinia i atitudinea personal conform situaiei 012
-argumenteaz opiniile prezentate conform situaiei 012
-prezint 2 exemple adecvate situaiei indicate n baz de 01234
lecturi sau din experiene trite

2. Corectitudinea la nivel de competen lingvistic 0123

(competenta specicica semantica)
-structureaz clar i consecutiv ideile exprimate ntr-un
text coerent, cu distincii ntre ntroducere,desfurarea
ideilor concluzii conform situaiei indicate
-utilizeaz conectori uzuali pentru a evidenia relaiile 012
dintre idei conform situaiei indicate
-structureaz textul n paragrafe conform situaiei indicate 01
3. Corectitudinea la nivel de competen lingvistic 0123
( competenta specifica gramaticala si ortografica)
-folosete i ortografiaz corect vocabularul pentru a
descrie tema conform situaiei indicate
4. Corectitudinea la nivel de competen( competena 01234
specific gramatical i ortografic)
-utilizeaz i ortografiaz correct modurile,
formele,structurile gramaticale, conform situaiei indicate.
5. Corectitudinea la nivel de competen metodologic 01234567
Respect sarcina de volum conform temei indicate

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