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Protein Purification by Bulk

Crystallization: The Recovery

of Ovalbumin
Russell A. Judge, Michael R. Johns,* and Edward T. White
Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Queensland,
Brisbane, Australia, 4072
Received November 22, 1994lAccepted May 30, 1995

Crystallization is used industrially for the recovery and zation in agitated vessels is an important, cheap, and easily
purification of many inorganic and organic materials. scaled-up separation and purification process. l 3 It provides
However, very little is reported on the application of bulk
crystallization for proteins. In this work, ovalbumin was a pure solid product in a form convenient for further han-
selected as a model protein t o investigate the feasibility dling, storage, or packaging.
of using bulk crystallization for the recovery and purifi- Protein crystallization literature is orientated toward the
cation of proteins. A stirred I - L seeded batch crystallizer use of microcrystallization techniques, such as sitting and
was used t o obtain the crystal growth kinetics of ovalbu- hanging drops, for the spontaneous nucleation and growth
min in ammonium sulfate solutions at 30C. The width of
the metastable region, i n which crystal growth can occur
of large, single, highly ordered crystals from pure protein
without any nucleation, is equivalent t o a relative super- solutions for X-ray diffraction studies. As this requires the
saturation of about 20. The bulk crystallizations were un- screening of numerous crystallization conditions, with
dertaken within this range (using initial relative supersat- much trial and error, protein crystallization has gained a
urations less than 10) and nucleation was not observed. reputation for being a difficult and exacting task. Although
The ovalbumin concentration in solution was measured
by UV absorbance and checked by crystal content mea-
successful in identifying the crystal growth conditions for
surement. Crystal size distributions were measured both many proteins, these microtechniques are unsuitable for
by using a Malvern Mastersizer and by counting crystals large-scale protein crystallization.
through a microscope. The crystal growth rate was found In this study, the feasibility of applying bulk crystalliza-
to have a second-order dependence upon the ovalbumin tion in an agitated vessel for the recovery and purification of
supersaturation. While there is no discernible effect of
ammonium sulfate concentration at pH 4.90, there is a
proteins is examined using ovalbumin as a model protein.
slight effect at higher pH values. Overall the effect of To do this, ovalbumin crystal growth kinetics were studied
ammonium sulfate concentration is small compared to in bulk solution under a range of operating conditions (in-
the effect of pH, for which there is a 10-fold increase in cluding pH, ammonium sulfate concentration, and the pres-
the growth rate constant, kG<,,over the range pH 4.6-5.4. ence of other proteins) using a stirred, seeded, batch crys-
To demonstrate the degree of purification which can be
achieved by bulk crystallization, ovalbumin was crystal-
tallizer. Studies of this sort are rare for proteins but are
lized f r om a solution containing conalbumin (80,000 Da) essential for the design of bulk crystallization processes.
and lysozyme (14,600 Da). After one crystallization and a Crystallization kinetic data have been reported for
crystal wash, ovalbumin crystals were produced with a canavalin,2 l y ~ o z y r n e , glucose
~,~ isomerase,22 and insu-
protein purity greater than 99%. No contamination by the lin. l6
other proteins was observed when using overloaded so-
dium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophore-
For canavalin and lysozyme, the crystal face growth rates
sis (SDS-PAGE) stained with Coomassie blue stain and of a small number of individual crystals in pure protein
only trace amounts of lysozyme were observed using a solutions were measured in a small growth cell using a
silver stain. The presence of these other proteins i n so- microscope to record the change in crystal size. For both
lution did not effect the crystal growth rate constant, materials the growth is controlled by a surface integration
k,,,. The study demonstrates the feasibility of using bulk
crystallization for the recovery and purification of oval-
mechanism, and for lysozyme, the effect of temperature and
bumin. It should be readily applicable to other protein salt concentration is such that any change that caused a
systems. 0 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. decrease in solubility caused a decrease in the growth rate
Key words: ovalbumin bulk crystallization crystal c o n ~ t a n t The
. ~ crystals in these studies, however, were not
growth rate nucleation purification freely moving in an agitated bulk solution so crystal growth
behavior may have been influenced by contact with the
INTRODUCTION growth chamber. As only a small number of crystals were
For many materials, including organic compounds such as studied, growth dispersion may also be influencing the re-
antibiotics, organic acids, and amino acids, bulk crystalli- sults.
A crystallization study with pure glucose isomerase so-
lution22 was performed in bulk in an unstirred vessel using
* To whom all correspondence should be addressed pressure to generate supersaturation. Crystal generation,

Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 48, Pp. 316-323 (1995)

0 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 0006-3592/95/040316-08
however, was not controlled (crystals were generated by X-ray diffraction data for ovalbumin have only recently
primary nucleation), and it is unclear if the reported in- been published for both the monoclinic" and triclinic crys-
crease in the amount of crystal with increase in pressure was tal forms.*' As this study was conducted at 30"C, at solution
due to higher growth rates or higher nucleation rates. The conditions similar to those at which Miller et al." (working
smaller final crystal size indicates that high pressure in- at 37C) observed monoclinic crystals, the crystal form in
creased nucleation. this article was expected to be monoclinic.
Schlichtkrull'6 was the only investigator to use a stirred The void volume fraction of the ovalbumin crystal lattice
vessel to obtain crystallization kinetic data. He crystallized available for internal solvent was calculated, using the
insulin from pure solution. Size-independent growth and a method of Mikol and Giege," as 33%, taking the specific
second-order dependence of growth rate upon supersatura- volume v,, = 0.74 cm3/g for the ovalbumin molecule and
tion were observed. No results were given for the effect of the crystal density p,. = 1.268 g/cm3.'
crystallization variables upon the growth rate kinetics.
Typically the growth rates of the crystal faces reported
Source of Ovalbumin
for canavalin, lysozyme, and insulin are about 1 p d m i n .
For inorganic and simple organic compounds, bulk crys- Purified crystalline ovalbumin was prepared from frozen
tallization in stirred vessels achieves a high-purity product chicken egg white using a method similar to Sorensen and
free of solvent and solution contaminants. However, up to Hoyrup" as modified by Warner.23
SO% of a protein crystal volume is comprised of voids large The frozen egg white (10 kg) was thawed and gently
enough to contain solvent molecules,' so a protein crystal mixed to degrade membrane material. An equal volume of
will always contain an amount of solvent. A high degree of saturated ammonium sulfate solution was added slowly
purification of a protein from other proteins by bulk crys- while stirring. After standing for 2 h, the precipitate was
tallization in a stirred vessel should be possible; however, removed by centrifugation (14,00Og, 25"C, 30 min) and
there are no published studies of such purification. In this discarded. The filtrate was adjusted to pH 4.6 with 0.1 M
work, the purification of ovalbumin from a mixture of H,SO,, briefly stirred, and left to crystallize overnight at
smaller (lysozyme) and larger (conalbumin) molecular room temperature. Crystalline ovalbumin was separated
weight proteins was investigated and the resulting growth from the liquor by centrifugation (14,00Og, 25"C, 10 min)
rate kinetics determined. and dissolved in water (700 mL). Saturated ammonium sul-
Ovalbumin, the principal protein component of chicken fate solution was then slowly added until a slight permanent
egg white, was selected for study since reasonably large turbidity was observed (23-25 g ammonium sulfate1100 g
quantities of pure ovalbumin could be obtained easily at low water). The solution was briefly stirred to promote nucle-
cost and it crystallizes relatively easily. Also, extensive ation and left to crystallize overnight. After centrifugation,
solubility data are available. l 9 the crystals were washed and stored in a 10:7 by volume
Further, the information from this study should be useful saturated ammonium sulfate-water mixture at 4C. The
in indicating the value of the bulk crystallization of pro- ovalbumin so prepared showed no contaminating proteins
teins. [overloaded sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel
electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) using Coomassie blue stain

Ovalbumin Analysis
Ovalbumin (45,000 Da) is a phosphoglycoprotein consist- The ultraviolet (UV) absorbance of ovalbumin solutions
ing of a single chain of 385 amino acid residues with a was measured at 280 nm using a Hitachi U110 spectropho-
single disulfide bond.," It has an isoelectric point at pH tometer (Tokyo, Japan) and the ovalbumin solution concen-
4.S8.23Three naturally occurring, phosphorylated forms of tration calculated using an absorbance coefficient of A ;Trn
ovalbumin exist: A,, A,, and A,, which have two, one, and = 7.0.,'
zero phosphorylated sites per molecule, respectively. The In this work all concentrations are given as ratios to water
relative proportions of A , :A,:A, can be determined using and expressed in the units of g1100 g of water. The driving
high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). These force for crystallization is taken as the relative supersatura-
forms are not separated by repeated crystallization.8 tion, (T = [(OvlW)/(Ov/W),,J - I , where (OvlW)is the
Ovalbumin is irreversibly converted to S-ovalbumin on ovalbumin bulk solution concentration and (OvlW),,, is the
storage in alkaline solutions. l 8 S-ovalbumin is distin- ovalbumin solubility concentration.
guished from native ovalbumin by its greater resistance to Ovalbumin purity was measured by HPLC and SDS-
heat denaturation. In every other respect the properties of PAGE analysis. HPLC was performed on a Waters (Waters
both forms of the protein are identical. The heat denatur- Associates, MA) system operating at ambient temperature,
ation method of Smith and Back18 was used to determine equipped with a Waters 486 tunable UV absorbance detec-
the proportion of ovalbumin present as S-ovalbumin in our tor set at 280 nm. Samples (20 pL) containing approxi-
samples. mately 1.5 mglmL ovalbumin were injected onto a Bio-gel


TSK DEAE-5-pw (75 x 7.5 mm) anion exchange column time, k,, is the growth rate constant, and a is the kinetic
(Bio-Rad, Richmond, CA). A gradient system comprising order constant. The order, a, depends on the controlling
solvents A (Tris 20 mM,pH 8.0) and B (solvent A plus 0.5 crystallization mechanism. For growth of a crystal, the sol-
M NaC1) was run from 0 to 100% B in 20 min. ute must diffuse through the solution to the crystal surface
The SDS-PAGE analysis used precast Tris-HCl Bio-Rad and then become integrated into the growing crystal lattice.
gels (15%) run on a Mini-Protean 11 electrophoresis cell If the diffusion is the rate-controlling mechanism, a usually
(Bio-Rad) powered by a Bio-Rad model 25012.5 power sup- is 1. If the surface integration is the controlling mechanism,
ply. Broad range molecular weight markers covering the a is often higher.14
range 6500-200,000 Da were used. The gels were stained Ovalbumin seed crystals were produced by breakage us-
with 0.1% Coomassie blue R-250 in water-methanol-acetic ing high-speed stirring. A crystal slurry (350 mL) in a 600-
acid (5:4:1 by volume) and destained in the same solution mL glass beaker was stirred at 500 rpm for 4 h. A small
without the dye. amount of water was then added to dissolve any fines. The
Ammonia concentration was measured using an ammonia remaining seed crystals were stored in saturated solution
specific ion probe (Orion Research, Boston, MA). (23.5 g ammonium sulfate/100 g water) at pH 4.75 at a
crystal content of 68 mg ovalbumidg solution. The mean
Nucleation Thresholds crystal size (volume equivalent) of the seed was 2.5 pm.
A stirred, seeded batch crystallizer was used to determine
If practical, crystallization is best carried out in the absence the crystal growth rates. The flat-flanged glass crystallizer
of nucleation, i.e., in the metastable zone below the nucle- (1 L) was clamped to the glass lid with a wire clasp. The
ation threshold using controlled seeding. There are two nu- unbaffled vessel was stirred with a single stainless steel,
cleation thresholds, the primary, below which crystal-free axial turbine impeller at 35 rpm using an overhead mixer
solutions do not nucleate, and the secondary (in the pres- (Janke and Kunkel, Staufen, Germany). Too high a speed
ence of solute crystals), below which crystals grow but causes crystal breakage. A constant temperature of 30C
nucleation does not occur. The secondary threshold is of the was maintained by immersion in a water bath.
greater interest in bulk crystallizations. To prepare the feed solution, ovalbumin was dissolved in
For the primary nucleation threshold (nucleation in crys- water and any denatured protein was removed by centrifu-
tal-free solutions), 100 mL of solution of known ovalbumin gation (9600g, 25C, 10 min). Ammonium sulfate solution
composition was contained in a 250-mL Schott bottle main- then was gently mixed into the clarified protein solution to
tained at 30C and stirred by a magnetic stirrer. As agitation give the required concentrations. If necessary, the pH was
has a complex influence and usually enhances nucleation, adjusted. Seed crystals (about 0.8 g) were added to the
the bottles were all stirred by identical stirrers at the same supersaturated solution (600 g) to start the run. During crys-
speed of 180 rpm. tallization, crystal and solution samples were taken for the
The initial solution pH was set by adjustment with either measurement of crystal size distribution, crystal content,
0.5 M NH,OH or 0.1 M H,SO, solution. Saturated ammo- and ovalbumin and ammonium sulfate concentrations. The
nium sulfate solution then was added slowly at about 2 pH was also monitored and provision was made for adjust-
mllmin. Nucleation was deemed to have occurred when the ment, but generally this was unnecessary as ammonium
solution became a permanent grey or white color. A micro- sulfate concentration and solution pH remained substan-
scope was used to check that the precipitate was crystalline. tially constant during all crystallization runs.
The ovalbumin and ammonium sulfate concentration in so- Ovalbumin solution concentration was measured by UV
lution at the moment of nucleation was determined by both absorbance. Crystal content, which gives a mass balance
a mass balance on the quantities added and by direct anal- check on the ovalbumin solution concentration, was deter-
ysis. Ovalbumin purity was also checked to ensure that mined by filtering and washing the crystals, then dissolving
protein degradation had not occurred. in a known amount of water and measuring the absorbance.
The secondary nucleation threshold (nucleation in the During crystallization, the crystals formed loose agglom-
presence of ovalbumin crystals) was determined in the same erates of small numbers of crystals. This behavior was also
way, except that the initial solution contained 0.8 g/L of reported by Sorensen and Hoyrup and could not be pre-
30-pm crystals (size as volume equivalent size) of ovalbu- vented, either using additives or by changing operating con-
min. The initial crystals were large enough that the onset of ditions. Crystal growth rates then were measured using two
fine crystals as nuclei could still be observed. techniques.
In the first, the seed size distribution was measured using
Crystal Growth Kinetics a Malvern MasterSizedE (Malvern Instruments, Malvern,
It is assumed that the crystal growth rate, G , varies with United Kingdom), which measures volume equivalent size.
supersaturation, u, as As the agglomerates created difficulties in obtaining size
distributions of the product crystals, the growth rates were
G = kGuua (1) calculated using the seed crystal distribution and the drop in
The growth rate, G, is the change in the characteristic di- ovalbumin concentration. This method assumes that crystal
mension, L (here taken as the volume equivalent size), with growth is size independent with no growth dispersion, that

there is no nucleation, and that the crystals grow as indi- Nucleation Thresholds
vidual crystals without agglomeration or breakage. Figure 1 shows the concentrations at which primary and
The second method involved the measurement of crystal secondary nucleation were observed at pH 5.2. Ovalbumin
size distributions from enlargements of photographs of sam- solubility data are from Sorensen and Hoyrup'' and Judge.'
pled crystals taken through a microscope. The measured Figure 2 shows the results for all pH, with the thresholds
crystal dimensions were converted to volume equivalent now expressed in terms of the amount of extra ammonium
size, taking a given crystal shape. Growth rates calculated sulfate that can be added to an ovalbumin solution at equi-
using both techniques were in good agreement, so no dis- librium before nucleation is observed. For both primary and
tinction is made between them when presenting results. secondary nucleation, the threshold is a constant with an
When the ovalbumin solution had fallen to near the equi- average value of 8.4 ? 0.5 g AS/100 g water and 6.3 -t 0.5
librium solubility and the growth rate measurements were g AS1100 g water, respectively. The values appear to be
deemed complete, the crystallizer contents were emptied independent of solution pH and ovalbumin concentration.
into a bottle and stirred at 30C (for about 11 days) to give In terms of ovalbumin concentration, the primary nucle-
the ovalbumin solubility concentration, c*, which is neces- ation threshold can be expressed as a critical supersatura-
sary for the accurate calculation of the supersaturation. tion, ucp= (Ov/Wj,,,l(OvlW),,, - 1 --- 50, while the cor-
responding value for secondary nucleation, ucs, is approx-
imately 20. Here (OvlW),,, is the ovalbumin solution
Purification Experiments
concentration at the nucleation threshold and (OvlW),,, is
A solution (600 g) containing 12 g ovalbumin, 1 g conal- the ovalbumin solubility concentration at the same ammo-
bumin (Sigma Aldrich), 1 g lysozyme (Mauri Laboratories, nium sulfate concentration, pH, and temperature.
Moorebank, Australia), and ammonium sulfate (27 g/100 g The secondary nucleation threshold was investigated at
water) at pH 4.9 and 30C was prepared and centrifuged only one ovalbumin concentration, but at several values of
(lO,OOOg, 25"C, 5 min) to remove undissolved residue and pH. In Figure 1, the curves for the primary and secondary
denatured protein. Duplicate seeded batch crystallizations nucleation thresholds have been drawn on the assumption
(300 g each) were then performed to determine the effect of that the threshold critical supersaturations are constant, in-
these protein contaminants on the rate of crystallization and dependent of ovalbumin concentration. The secondary nu-
upon the crystal purity. The data were treated using the cleation threshold, as expected, is lower than that for pri-
methods described previously. mary nucleation.
After 48 h, the crystals produced were recovered by cen- For ovalbumin a wide metastable zone exists, which
trifugation (9600g, 25"C, 5 min), washed with ovalbumin would allow the use of crystallizer feeds with an initial
saturated solution (27 g ammonium sulfate/100 g water), supersaturation of at least 10. In this region, crystals can be
and filtered using 0.45-pm cellulose acetate membrane fil- grown without nucleation and the crystal size distribution is
ters (Sartorius, Gottingen, Germany). The crystals were controlled solely by seeding. Good final crystal sizes and
washed with 10:7 (v/v saturated ammonium sulfate-water) crystallization times should be able to be obtained while still
to remove soluble protein in the adhering liquor. To assess achieving yields of 90%.
their purity, the final crystals were dissolved in water, fil-
tered (0.45 pm membrane filters), and frozen for HPLC and
SDS-PAGE analysis.
The SDS-PAGE using Coomassie blue R-250 stain was
done with lysozyme and conalbumin at different concentra-
tions to obtain an estimate of the smallest detectable con-
centration. Overloaded ovalbumin crystal samples (6 and 9
k g per well) were run on SDS-PAGE stained with
Coomassie blue R-250 to assess contaminant protein levels.
For higher resolution silver staining was also used. 6 t \ HE'CION
e 4
0 3


The proportions of the phosphorylated forms A,:A,:A, in 0

20 24 28 32 36 40 44
the feed were 79:18:3, which is in substantial agreement
Ammonlum Sulphate g, 100 g Water
with the reported values for ovalbumin of 85:12:3.* Oval-
bumin preparations contained 40 ? 10% S-ovalbumin, Figure 1. Nucleation thresholds and metastable region for ovalbumin at
which is typical for eggs obtained from retail stores." pH 5.2 and 30C.



- Figure 3. Ovalbumin crystals grown from seed crystals at pH 4.90 and
30C in 22 g ammonium sulfatei100 g water solution.

0 2 4 6 8 LO 12 I4 16 18 20
also confirm that growth does not cease upon reaching any
Ovalburnin g 100 g Watpr particular crystal size. The calculated total number of crys-
Figure 2. Influence of ovalbumin concentration and bulk solution pH on tals remained constant, indicating that little nucleation, ag-
ovalbumin pnmary and secondary nucleation thresholds glomeration, or breakage occurred.
Good agreement (within _t 1.5%) was found between the
ovalbumin solution concentrations measured by UV absor-
For hen egg lysozyme, it was reported that crystals ap- bance and by crystal content.
pear in larger amounts with increasing super~aturation'~and TheoryI4 indicates that the crystal growth rate can be
that precipitation (which was difficult to distinguish from obtained from the magnitude of the shift of the parallel
showers of microcrystals) occurred at 30-100 times the sol- curves in Figure 4 divided by the time interval. The crystal
ubility concentration. This is comparable with our results. growth rates of ovalbumin so determined are plotted in Fig-
Nucleation thresholds in the presence of crystals were not ure 5 on a log-log scale as a function of the relative super-
reported however. saturation. Note that the growth rate now is the change in
Knowledge of the nucleation thresholds may have as- the volume equivalent size of a crystal, not the change in
sisted studies producing ovalbumin crystals for X-ray crys- any prescribed face dimension. Face growth rates are easily
tallography. Miller et a1.I' experienced showers of micro- converted to a volume equivalent size basis using the indi-
crystals working close to the nucleation thresholds with cated crystal shape. There is a second-order dependence of
both seeded and unseeded solutions. To avoid this, Stein et growth rate upon the supersaturation. This accords with
a1." worked at conditions further away from the nucleation previous work on other proteins which reported a second-
thresholds, which gave large crystals but required 1-3
months before any crystals were observed since no seed
crystals were added. I I
Crystal Growth Kinetics

Seeded batch crystallizations of ovalbumin were performed,

without nucleation, over a wide range of conditions. Figure
3 illustrates typical product crystals grown from seed crys-
tals in this study. The different operating conditions had no
effect upon the final crystal shape, typically having length-
width-thickness ratios of 8: 1:0.2. Similar crystals were
grown by Miller et al." using a hanging drop with vapor
equilibrium and by Sorensen and Hoyrup," who reported
that the larger crystals grown using unstirred flasks had
dimensions 13:1:0.07.
Figure 4 illustrates the successive crystal size distribu- "I
tions obtained using the microscope counting technique.
The crystal size displayed is the size of the longest face. The c rl,tcli irr~giii (/mo
parallel nature of the curves illustrates size-independent Figure 4. Ovalbumin crystal size distnbutrons dunng a crystallization at
crystal growth and negligible growth dispersion. The results pH 4 9 and 24 g ammonium sulfateilO0 g water

, 1 , , , , I 1 1 ,
001 I
0 1 1 10 01 1 in
Kelatl\r iupei s,ituration ( u ) R c l < i t i \ e yiipel-ccltiir d t i o n ( 0 )

Figure 5. Crystal growth rate as a function of supersaturation at pH 4.9 Figure 6. Effect of ammonium sulfate concentration upon the crystal
and 24 g ammonium sulfateilO0 g water growth rate kinetics at pH 4.9

order dependence of growth rate on supersaturation for in- easily. For production purposes, the crystallization time
sulin16 and surface kinetic controlled growth mechanisms would be dramatically reduced by using higher crystal con-
for l y ~ o z y m eand
~ , ~canavalin.2 tents. This is illustrated in Figure 8, where the behavior of
Growth rates for ovalbumin range up to several microme- batches using the seed crystals has been predicted from the
ters per hour (i.e., 0.1 p d m i n ) on a volume equivalent size growth kinetics obtained in this study. The time to recover
basis. Taking the ratio of dimensions for an ovalbumin crys- 95% of the ovalbumin (above solubility values) would be
tal as 8: 1:0.2 gives the ratio of the growth rate of the length reduced from 18 h, when seeded at 0.2 g/100 g water, to
of the crystal to be about 10 times that of the volume equiv- less than 3 h at 10 g/100 g water.
alent size. The length growth rate (1 prdmin) is comparable
to quoted growth rates for other proteins that range from 0.4
Purification Experiments
F d m i n for canavalin to 1 F d m i n for lysozyme and insu-
lin. In Figure 9 the values of the growth rate constant derived
The effects of ammonium sulfate concentration and pH from the crystallizations of ovalbumin in the presence of
upon the growth rate kinetics are shown in Figures 6 and 7.
Ammonium sulfate concentration (AS/W) had no discern-
ible effect upon the crystal growth kinetics at pH 4.90 (Fig.
6), however a slight effect can be seen at higher pH values
(Fig. 7). In Figure 7, the average growth rate constant k,,
= G/u2 has been plotted against pH. There is about a
10-fold increase in K,, over the pH range 4.6-5.4. As the
effect of ammonium sulfate concentration is small com-
pared to the effect of pH, the growth rate constant has only
been correlated against the pH by

log,,(k,,) = -0.92 + 1.21(pH - PI) (2)

Here pZ = 4.58 was taken as the limit in the correlation as

a solubility minimum exists for ovalbumin at this point.
Forsythe and Pusey' report that, for lysozyme, changes in
temperature and salt concentration that cause a decrease in
solubility also cause a decrease in the growth rate constant.
Ovalbumin fits this generalization.
Long crystallization times resulted from the use of the
low initial crystal content (0.2 g/100 g W) chosen to give a
large extent of crystal growth which could be measured Figure 7. Effect of pH upon the crystal growth rate constant


3 , , , , , , , , , , , , I ' l""I liquor. On overloaded SDS-PAGE using Coomassie blue

1 staining, neither conalbumin nor lysozyme were detected in

the washed ovalbumin crystals obtained (Fig. 10, lanes 7
and 8). The detection limit for both lysozyme and conalbu-
min using this stain was 0.05 &well. Consequently, the
crystals contained more than 99 wt % ovalbumin on a pro-
tein basis. Conalbumin and lysozyme are clearly present in
the final mother liquor (lanes 5 and 6) and trace amounts of
both were detected in the wash liquors, presumably re-
moved in the liquor adhering to crystals after filtration.
The results for silver-stained SDS-PAGE gels, which
have greater sensitivity than gels stained with Coomassie
blue, are given in Figure 11. Whereas the washed crystals
contain no conalbumin, trace amounts of lysozyme are vis-
ible. Nevertheless, the crystals contain more than 99.4 wt %
ovalbumin on a protein basis. These results, although
n ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 / 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 ,
sparse, represent the first published quantified demonstra-
0 n 10 15 20 25 30

T i ~ i i r( h )
tion of the powerful selectivity of the crystallization process
for obtaining highly pure crystals of one protein from a
Figure 8. Predicted drop in ovalbumin concentration with time for three mixture of several, in contradiction to frequent reports in
crystallizations with different initial seed crystal contents (g/100 g water) the literature that crystallization of a protein is only possible
at 27 g ammonium sulfateilO0 g W and pH 4.9 at 30C.
from a highly purified solutions.6 This highlights the dif-
ferent purity requirements of those seeking single, large,
both conalbumin and lysozyme are compared with those and highly homogeneous protein crystals for protein struc-
from crystallizations of pure ovalbumin. There was no ef- ture determination by X-ray crystallography and those seek-
fect of the presence of conalbumin and lysozyme on either ing a lesser, but still high, degree of purification for bulk
the rate of ovalbumin crystallization or the dependence of protein crystallization, such as enzyme manufacturers. The
the ovalbumin crystal growth rate upon relative supersatu- high selectivity obtained is not surprising, since the crystal
ration. As some solute impurities can have dramatic effects lattice presumably acts as a selective template in essentially
upon the crystal growth rate," this result is extremely ben- the same manner as the "molecular imprinting" phenom-
eficial, simplifying the design of a bulk crystallizer to re- ena being used in the development of more selective chro-
cover ovalbumin from a heterogeneous mix of proteins. matography matrices.
The degree of purification of ovalbumin achieved in a The crystals, nevertheless, contain high salt concentra-
single crystallization was considerable. The ovalbumin
comprised 86 wt % of total protein in the initial mother

.- 0 1
+- Pure ovalbumin
m Ovalbumin a n d
other proteins

0 01
~I.I 1
I Figure 10. Purity of ovalbumin crystals obtained from a solution mixture
0.5 I 5
of ovalbumin, conalbumin, and lysozyme by overloaded SDS-PAGE anal-
Relative S u p r r s a t u r a t i o n (a) ysis with Coomassie blue R-250 staining. Lanes: (1) molecular weight
markers (sizes in kDa on left), (2) original ovalbumin prepared in this
Figure 9. Effect of conalbumin and lysozyme upon the crystal growth study, (3) conalbumin, (4)lysozyme, ( 5 , 6 ) final mother liquor, and (7,8)
rate at 27 g ammonium sulfate/100 g water and pH 4.90. washed ovalbumin crystals.

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