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Erin Jeffers

Selena Wolf-Berkley

Writing Seminar

26 October 17

Leading Causes of LGBT Suicide

How would you feel about being beaten over something you cant control? Imagine being

teased everyday simply because youve fallen in love. Picture your child wanting to hurt

themselves because they feel isolated and defeated. In 2007 , a study by the Gay , Lesbian &

Straight Education Network (GLSEN) recorded that eighty-six percent of LGBT youth reported

being harassed at school . In comparison to only twenty-seven percent of all students being

bullied this number is very high, and unacceptable.There are so many teens in the LGBT

community who have reached their final breaking point because they feel ridiculed ,unwanted

,and unloved by those surrounding them . These feelings lead them to unhealthy coping

mechanisms, and even suicide.

Being bullied in school is no fun for anyone, and it has become one of the most heated

topics being talked about today not just in the LGBT community, but in general. According to

GLSEN, eighty-two percent of LGBT students had problems the previous year with bullying

about their sexual orientation. Sixty-four percent felt unsafe at school due to their sexual

orientation. Thirty-two percent did not go to school at least one day because of feeling unsafe,

and forty-four percent experienced physical harassment. With all of these statistics being given

still sixty-one percent never reported the harassment.

Depression is one of the most common mental disorders among LGBT teens in the U.S.

There are many different reasons that can cause this depression such as, not doing well in school
in terms of their grades and/or social life. Also, family life and struggles with their sexual

orientation can also make teens feel unhappy. Regardless of what may be causing the depression,

when activities teens may enjoy dont help improve their sadness, then the teen is more than

likely depressed. Some signs of depression include: difficulty concentrating, difficulty making

decisions, excessive guilt, self absorption with death or dying, memory loss, a sudden drop in

grades, etc (Teen Depression). Depression most commonly begins between the ages of 15 and

30. It also can be hereditary and is more common in teens who have a family line of depression

(Teen Depression).

Another cause that leads LGBT teens to suicide and unhealthy coping mechanisms is the

feeling of isolation. According to Lavender Health (LGBTQ Resource Center), there are five

dimensions of isolation among LGBT teens. The first is social isolation, this refers to LGBT

teens who have no one they can possibly reach out or talk to about his or her sexual orientation.

This form of isolation has four subdimensions which include: lack of Social Support, disconnect

from the LGBT community, social withdrawal and victimization or being singled out. The

second is emotional isolation, this includes LGBT youth who feel separated from social

networks, including their families. They are very cautious about their sexuality, and choose to

keep it hidden which adds to the emotional isolation. The third is cognitive isolation. Most

LGBT teens dont have access to positive LGBT role models to whom they can relate to, nor do

they have information specifically about the LGBT lifestyle. If the information is present it is

more than likely extremely negative or gives the wrong vision about LGBT people.

The fourth is the concealment of identity. Due to society wanting to push social norms of

the heterosexual lifestyle, LGBT youth often try to conform to these heteronormative ideals.

They even avoid people of the LGBT community just to keep themselves from being outed or
questioned about their sexuality.The final dimension is recognition that self is different from

heteronormative society . Most teens who realize that they are different from heterosexual norms

that are placed in front of them often recognize that they are different, and feeling different

can sometimes feel like a bad thing.

All of these feelings of being unloved, isolated and depressed along with the bullying of

LGBT teens can also lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms like eating disorders,and self-harm.

Eating disorders like Anorexia are often represented by skinny, young, white women. They come

about after the building up of emotional, physical, and mental health along with social issues.

With the stress of deciding when to come out along with school or workplace harassment, being

a part of the LGBT community comes with a lot of weight, and heaviness on the conscience of

the teen. This can impact or worsen the teens anxiety, depression, low self -esteem, etc. In one

study, gay and bisexual males confessed being more likely to have fasted, vomited, taken

laxatives , or diet pills to control their weight in the past 30 days. Also, gay males were 7 times

more likely to binge and 12 times more likely to purge than heterosexual males.

(nationaleatingdisorders). Another key factor to this is homelessness. Most LGBT teens are

shunned by their parents and are even being thrown out which doesnt allow them to gain the

right nutrition which can also lead to eating disorders.

All of these key factors such as depression, isolation , bullying , and eating disorders can lead

to suicide. In 2016, Gay and Bisexual high schoolers were four times more likely to have

attempted suicide in the past year than their heterosexual classmates (Verge). The Centers for

Disease Control confirms that far more LGBT teens experience negative health measures as

opposed to people who are considered straight (Verge). It has also been proven that LGBT adults

are way less healthy because of issues with health care and social stigma. This leads to higher
rates of depression and mental illness(Verge). Some research also shows that consistent bullying

can affect many factors of a teen which can contribute to suicidal behavior.

Most LGBT teens just want acceptance, and to know that somewhere out there someone else

going through the same thing they are. They want to feel like they are a part of the group

regardless of what they identify as or who they are romantically involved with. LGBT dont be

silent , so that others can be comfortable . Dont stop fighting.

Works Cited


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