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This sub topic discusses the major consequences of corrosion. Before we proceed
into detailed information, lets give a brief insight on corrosion;

The term Corrosion was derived from the Latin word corrodere which means to
gnaw to pieces. It is a natural process which leads to the gradual wearing away or
deterioration of materials such as metals, plastics, ceramics, concrete etc by
chemical reaction due to interaction with some environmental factors such as wind,
water, and chemicals. Many structural alloys corrode merely from exposure to
moisture in air affected by exposure to certain substances. It occurs on exposed

Figure 1: Corrosion Cycle of Steel

The consequences of corrosion are many and varied and the effects of these on the
safe, reliable, and efficient operation of equipment or structures are often more
serious than the simple loss of a mass of metal. Failures of various kinds and the
need for expensive replacements may occur even though the amount of metal
destroyed is quite small. Corrosion of most materials is inevitable. The deterioration
caused can have an immense effect on our lives. From economic down to safety
issues, it has deep implications on the way we live. With advances in technology, it
has become quite important to take steps to prevent corrosion. Let us take a look on
the following consequences of corrosion listed below;

The major consequences of corrosion are;

Economic effects
Health effects
Technological effects
Cultural effects and
Safety effects.

The economic effect as a consequence of corrosion is a major global challenge in
areas such as the industries, the nation, and our personal lives which has resulted to
a great loss in terms of productivity, resources, and properties in diverse areas.

In the industry for example, the oil and gas sectors, pipelines, electrical power plants
or chemical processing plants are affected due to corrosion, thereby resulting in
their shut down, loss of efficiency or waste of valuable resources.

In addition, in our personal lives especially at home, corrosion decreases the

efficiency in hot water heaters and may cause premature failure to the heater and
also the premature failure of household plumbing features, it also impact a bitter
taste on the water because of the high level of alleviated level of toxic metals such
as lead, copper, zinc etc. which can lead to acute and chronic health problems.

Furthermore, in March 8, 2016 the NACE (National Association of Corrosion
Engineers) released the International Measures of Prevention, Application and
Economics of Corrosion Technology (IMPACT) study, in which it estimates the
global cost of corrosion to be $2.5trillion U.S, equivalent to roughly 3.4 percent of
the Global Domestic Product (GDP).

Modern day devices have brought about revolutionary changes in our health
systems. Recent years have seen an increasing use of metal prosthetic in the body
such as pins, plates, hip joints, pacemakers and other implants.

New alloys and better techniques of implantation have been developed but
corrosion continues to create problems and these problems has caused many
limitations. Examples include failures through broken connections in pacemakers,
inflammation caused by corrosion products in tissue around implants, and fracture
of weight bearing prosthetic devices. The good news is that these prosthetic devices
are constantly improving.

The economic consequences of corrosion after technology have considerably
hindered many advances in technology. A great deal of development of new
technology is held back by corrosion problems because materials are required to
withstand, in many cases simultaneously higher temperatures, higher pressures and
more highly corrosive environments. The drilling for oil in sea and land have also
been deterred due to problems caused by corrosion which has reduced our progress
in the energy sector. In many of these instances, corrosion is a limiting factor
preventing the development the development of economically or even technological
workable systems.

Corrosion has had its share of deteriorating the precious artifacts of our ancestors.
The modern day pollution in the environment has also not helped in the preserving
the beautiful creation of our past which has always been important to humans.
Several museums around the world have hired professionals to protect these
treasures of our pasts and also to remove corrosion traces from artistically or
culturally important artifacts.

These artistic relics have immense effect on our identity and should surely be
preserved deterioration through corrosion. These effects illustrates the huge impact
corrosion has on our daily lives. Preventive measures against corrosion must be
applied and implemented.

Accidents caused by corroded structures can lead to huge safety concerns, loss of
lives, resources, properties and many more. Structures that cannot sustain their
environment can prove to be very dangerous, it can cause serious injuries and even
loss of life, corrosion endangers the safety of our modern day structures like
aircrafts, bridges, automobile, pipelines and so on. One failed pipeline, bridge
collapse or other catastrophe is one too and it leads to huge indirect cost (more
traffic delays, loss of business etc) and public out-cry. Depending on which market
sector (industrial, infrastructure, commercial etc) is being considered, this indirect
cost may be as high as five to ten times the direct cost.

However the cost of corrosion is not just financial. Beyond the huge direct
distribution of funds to repair or replace corroded or decaying structures are the
indirect costs (natural resources, potential hazards and lost opportunity). When a
project is constructed with a building material not able to survive its environment
for the length of the designed life, natural resources are needlessly consumed to
continually repair and maintain the structure.

In conclusion, corrosion has deeply affected these sectors as aforementioned such

as the industries, our daily lives and the world as a whole.


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